
and shark is a fag

Dec 29th, 2014
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  1. why shark?
  2. [8:24:12 AM] Justin | Shark: do it for the yolo
  3. [8:24:14 AM] Sabotage | ThePJ120:
  4. [8:24:17 AM | Edited 8:24:20 AM] Justin | Shark: lel
  5. [8:24:36 AM] Sabotage | ThePJ120: not nice
  6. [8:24:43 AM] Sabotage | ThePJ120: at least doesn't decompile
  7. [8:24:48 AM] Justin | Shark: it does
  8. [8:24:50 AM] Justin | Shark: just I removed it
  9. [8:25:03 AM] Sabotage | ThePJ120: and doesn't work either way
  10. [8:25:07 AM] Sabotage | ThePJ120: did you test it?
  11. [8:25:13 AM] Justin | Shark: yea the php is outdated
  12. [8:25:16 AM] Justin | Shark: so it doesn't support the jenkins hash
  13. [8:25:23 AM] Justin | Shark: and gives an error when compiling
  14. [8:25:29 AM] Sabotage | ThePJ120: yup
  15. [8:25:32 AM] Justin | Shark: works fine localhost though
  16. [8:25:34 AM] Sabotage | ThePJ120: you need the new source
  17. [8:25:41 AM] Justin | Shark: no
  18. [8:25:46 AM] Justin | Shark: I need updated php for the webhost
  19. [8:25:47 AM] Justin | Shark: ;p
  20. [8:25:51 AM] Justin | Shark: I have the new source
  21. [8:25:59 AM] Justin | Shark: the one with the gay car background
  22. [8:26:24 AM] Sabotage | ThePJ120: that is the old one
  23. [8:26:26 AM] Sabotage | ThePJ120:
  24. [8:26:29 AM] Sabotage | ThePJ120: new one
  25. [8:26:44 AM] Justin | Shark: yes thats the one I have
  26. [8:26:47 AM] Justin | Shark: you just change the background
  27. [8:26:48 AM] Justin | Shark: its ez
  28. [8:26:55 AM] Justin | Shark: the one I have looks identical to that
  29. [8:27:05 AM] Sabotage | ThePJ120: the background is there
  30. [8:27:13 AM] Sabotage | ThePJ120: didn't change anything
  31. [8:27:25 AM] Sabotage | ThePJ120: when Hairy send me the editor
  32. [8:27:42 AM] Justin | Shark: hes lucky I didn't upload the source
  33. [8:27:47 AM] Sabotage | ThePJ120: he send me one that when I compiled it would free the ps3
  34. [8:27:47 AM] Justin | Shark: was thinking about it
  35. [8:27:52 AM] Sabotage | ThePJ120: freeze
  36. [8:28:10 AM] Sabotage | ThePJ120: well, you would look like a leecher and a skid
  37. [8:28:16 AM] Justin | Shark: I care because?
  38. [8:28:21 AM] Justin | Shark: selling a program for $150
  39. [8:28:24 AM] Justin | Shark: is fucking ridiculous
  40. [8:28:32 AM] Justin | Shark: I quit modding months ago
  41. [8:28:35 AM] Justin | Shark: I couldn't care less
  42. [8:28:37 AM] Sabotage | ThePJ120: have you bought it?
  43. [8:28:40 AM] Justin | Shark: lmao no
  44. [8:28:41 AM] Justin | Shark: ofc not
  45. [8:28:48 AM] Sabotage | ThePJ120: so you care because?
  46. [8:28:48 AM] Justin | Shark: I ain't wasting $150 on that shit
  47. [8:28:55 AM] Justin | Shark: I don't care for my reputation
  48. [8:29:02 AM] Justin | Shark: call me a skid or whatever idc
  49. [8:29:22 AM] Sabotage | ThePJ120: people are buying drugs on the streets, I don't see you given them out for free
  50. [8:29:43 AM] Justin | Shark: that is the worst reference I've ever heard in my life
  51. [8:29:52 AM] Sabotage | ThePJ120: still makes sense
  52. [8:29:58 AM] Sabotage | ThePJ120: same logic
  53. [8:30:04 AM] Justin | Shark: mmmk
  54. [8:30:05 AM] Sabotage | ThePJ120: which is crap
  55. [8:30:10 AM] Justin | Shark: I guess I'll throw the source on ngu then
  56. [8:30:12 AM] Justin | Shark: brb
  57. [8:30:16 AM] Sabotage | ThePJ120: ok
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