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- #!/bin/bash
- # Take input for username and password
- read -p "Transmission username: " uname
- read -p "$uname's Password: " passw
- # Update system and install required packages
- yum -y update
- yum -y install gcc gcc-c++ m4 make automake curl-devel intltool libtool gettext openssl-devel perl-Time-HiRes wget
- #Create UNIX user and directories for transmission
- encrypt_pass=$(perl -e 'print crypt($ARGV[0], "password")' $passw)
- useradd -m -p $encrypt_pass $uname
- mkdir -p /home/$uname/Downloads/
- chown -R $uname.$uname /home/$uname/Downloads/
- chmod g+w /home/$uname/Downloads/
- # Install the firewall (CSF)
- #cd /usr/local/src
- #wget
- #tar xzf csf.tgz
- #cd csf
- #./
- #cd /etc/csf
- #sed -i 's/^TESTING =.*/TESTING = "0"/' csf.conf
- #sed -i 's/^TCP_IN =.*/TCP_IN = "22,80,1232,9091,9999,10000,51413"/' csf.conf
- #sed -i 's/^TCP_OUT =.*/TCP_OUT = "1:65535"/' csf.conf
- #sed -i 's/^UDP_IN =.*/UDP_IN = "51413"/' csf.conf
- #sed -i 's/^UDP_OUT =.*/UDP_OUT = "1:65535"/' csf.conf
- #service csf restart
- # Install libevent
- cd /usr/local/src
- wget
- tar xzf libevent-2.0.21-stable.tar.gz
- cd libevent-2.0.21-stable
- ./configure --prefix=/usr
- make
- make install
- # Where are those libevent libraries?
- echo /usr/lib > /etc/
- echo /usr/lib > /etc/
- ldconfig
- export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/lib/pkgconfig
- # Install transmission
- cd /usr/local/src
- wget
- tar xjf transmission-2.82.tar.bz2
- cd transmission-2.82
- ./configure --prefix=/usr
- make
- make install
- # Set up init script for transmission-daemon
- cd /etc/init.d
- wget -O transmissiond
- sed -i "s%TRANSMISSION_HOME=/home/transmission%TRANSMISSION_HOME=/home/$uname%" transmissiond
- sed -i 's%DAEMON_USER="transmission"%DAEMON_USER="placeholder123"%' transmissiond
- sed -i "s%placeholder123%$uname%" transmissiond
- chmod 755 /etc/init.d/transmissiond
- chkconfig --add transmissiond
- chkconfig --level 345 transmissiond on
- # Edit the transmission configuration
- service transmissiond start
- service transmissiond stop
- sleep 3
- cd /home/$uname/.config/transmission
- sed -i 's/^.*rpc-whitelist-enabled.*/"rpc-whitelist-enabled": false,/' settings.json
- sed -i 's/^.*rpc-authentication-required.*/"rpc-authentication-required": true,/' settings.json
- sed -i 's/^.*rpc-username.*/"rpc-username": "placeholder123",/' settings.json
- sed -i 's/^.*rpc-password.*/"rpc-password": "placeholder321",/' settings.json
- sed -i "s/placeholder123/$uname/" settings.json
- sed -i "s/placeholder321/$passw/" settings.json
- # Yay!!!
- service transmissiond start
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