
A Baby's Nest - 10

Jan 11th, 2020
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(DISCLAIMER: App Translations so not everything is accurate)

젖동냥 --- Publisher Link --- By Kongbiji "콩비지"

~ A Baby's Nest / Milk Match ~

Notable Characters:

Name / Nickname Situation Relationship
Wang Gu (MC) Super Dad Single Father
Woo Hee (FMC) Chairwoman (?) Minhyeok's Wife
[N/A] (TA) Assistant Teacher [N/A]
Minhyeok (Hubby) Team Leader Woo Hee's Husband
Kim Hyejeong (Bitch) Full-time Slut MC's Ex-Girlfriend
Ye Ji (Twin) Cute Daughter MC's Daughter
Ye Euhn (Twin) Cute Daughter MC's Daughter
Seongjya (Blonde) [N/A] Hubby's Bitch
[N/A] (Sec) FMC's Secretary [N/A]

Chapter - 10


Flashback: Last Night - Heaven Nursery School MC x TA x Twins x Nurse

MC ran all the way to the nursery from FMC's residence. He's all sweaty and pants heavily, once arrived her directly asked what happened and if his daughters are okay.
He's greeted by TA holding his babies in both arms, telling him how he's finally here.. She says how the babies have a little bruise but nothing much, Ye Euhn is seen with a band-aid over her cheek, they both react to their father's presence and asks to be carried by him.

TA finally notices MC's figure and is surprised by his look.. She wonders if the father of these two cuties is really this man looking like a gangster.
MC asks her if she's the new teacher assistant and what she means by saying his daughters were hurt, TA tells him how it's almost nothing but his daughters went into an argument with another baby.
She explains him how the twins wanted to play with the toy of another kid, but since the other didn't want to give it to them they ganged him up.. They pulled his hair, hit his nose, back, head and belly.. She says how they only received few scratches from the fight and she called him to explain him the situation.

MC hugs his treasures and says how he was so worried and he's glad his daughters can fight back (they were the aggressor lmao). He bursts into laughter while playing and hugging his kids.. TA looks at him and asks where he was tonight because he's late.
TA remembers what the nurse told him earlier and how MC is really concerned about the well-being of his daughters because he's raising her alone so she must be extra careful with them. She's greatly surprised to learn that the father of the twins his raising them alone..

TA is staring at MC kissing his twins and thinks how she's almost sure MC was playing inside a PC Bang or some other shitty place.. She calls him a son of a bitch because he's having his fun when his two daughters are being taken care inside the nursery.. How he isn't qualified to be a dad.

She keeps imagining shit and says to herself how she's sure she'll see MC and the cuties at the news pretty soon in a TV reports about child abuse.. How it'll be like the documentary she watched back then..
TA doesn't stop her and her imagination is running wild.. She thinks how MC shouldn't raise those kids if he's unable to do it well.

MC glances at TA for a moment and thinks how she's making him feel uncomfortable and how crazy she's looking.
The kids are hungry and wants their mother.. They asks for FMC and MC can't help but put them in front of his own nipples.. The babies starts to suck on it thinking he's FMC..

TA is startled to see this action and calls (in her mind) MC a degenerate to have his daughters pleasing him that way.. (She has a lot of dirty ideas lmao)
MC tells to the twins how they're leaving and will have a meal at home, he slightly bows towards the two teachers and thanks them for their help.
TA is worried about the safety of the babies and wonders if he's really intend to carry them back home like this without having a pushchair.. She asks him if he wants to borrow their 'Baby Carry Bag'..

MC leaves with a bag, carrying his babies home.. TA stares at his departing back and asks all worried to the Nurse in chef if she has the contact info of MC. She's surprised by this sudden question and answers how she has them but wonder why TA wants them too.
TA tells her she just wants to take the bag back later.. She keeps staring at MC thinking how she needs to keep an eye on him frequently and stay in touch with a man like him to avoid any possible disaster.

Streets MC

MC is running back home while carrying his two babies while thinking about FMC.. He wonders why he's feeling so many complicated sentiment for FMC selling her breast milk to other men than him and why he's feeling kind of jealous about this.
He recalls the first time he saw her breasts and how he's feeling for her since that moment.. He shakes his head thinking how he shouldn't pay so much attention to her because he has a more important goal to accomplish. How he should just forget about FMC, quit the job and focus on his previous daily routine.

FMC's Company MC x Blonde

MC is wearing his delivery man outfit and thinks how it's not a good idea for him to just send her a text to thanks her about everything she did for him and how it'll be better to explain her his situation and the reason why he's quitting his work as Hubby's chauffeur face to face.
He looks at the huge building where FMC's office is located and thinks how he's been working a bit less recently but earned way more money and how it's all thanks to his new part-time job.

Blonde is sending few texts to Hubby..

I did a hair extension! Should we have a picnic together today? If it's good for you, text me back.
Oppa? Are you busy?
My mother made me a feast last night, I kept few dishes for you, I'll bring them to you right now so we'll have our lunch together!

Blonde is walking towards Hubby's office while singing.. She thinks how it's her first time coming to Hubby's workplace and hopes she'll be pounded by him inside his office..

Both MC and Blonde are waiting the elevator.. She looks at the man on her left and wonders where she saw this face.. She remembers what happened the other night, when he was carrying FMC on his back and wonders why this gangster is here.
Another woman with a wild imagination.. She think about the reason of his presence here and if he followed her since last night because he caught her peeping at him.

Her whole body is trembling thinking she messed up with the wrong man and thinks about what MC could do as revenge for her butting in his business.. She keeps looking at MC and wonders if she isn't thinking too much.. and how it might be the case since MC didn't pay any attention to her.
The elevator is finally here, they go in.. A maintenance guy comes and fixes a paper saying 'Under Maintenance' on the doors of the elevator.

Parking - 4th Basement Sec x FMC x Hubby

*FMC's secretary is walking inside the parking lot, complaining a bit about FMC being so clumsy sometimes.. She's holding FMC's tablet-PC thinking about the reason why Hubby asked FMC to come with him in such a way and how they didn't even have the time to finish what they needed to do..
She notices FMC's car and wonders why she's parked in such secluded spot.. She comes closer and is surprised by the movement of the car.. She looks through the window and notices FMC riding Hubby's dick.
Sec is feeling a bit hot and dizzy while looking at FMC's ahegao expression..

To be continued..
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