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- use Tk;
- use strict;
- use warnings;
- use utf8;
- my $mw = MainWindow->new;
- my $main_menu = $mw->Menu();
- $mw->bind(
- '<Tab>',
- sub {
- $mw->after( 1, sub { $mw->focus } );
- }
- );
- $mw->configure( -menu => $main_menu );
- my $btn = $main_menu->Menubutton(
- -text => "File",
- -underline => 0,
- -tearoff => 0
- );
- $btn->command(
- -label => "New Game",
- -activebackground => "orange",
- -foreground => "green",
- -command => [ \&start ]
- );
- $btn->command(
- -label => "Away",
- -activebackground => "red",
- -activeforeground => "black",
- -background => "blue",
- -foreground => "white",
- -command => sub { $mw->messageBox( -message => "Ups" ) }
- );
- $btn->command( -label => "Exit", -command => sub { exit } );
- my $help = $main_menu->Menubutton(
- -text => "Help",
- -underline => 0,
- -tearoff => 0
- );
- $help->command(
- -label => "How to play",
- -activebackground => "red",
- -foreground => "black",
- -command => \&help
- );
- $help->command(
- -label => "About author",
- -activebackground => "orange",
- -activeforeground => "black",
- -background => "yellow",
- -foreground => "blue",
- -command => \&myself
- );
- $mw->title('Reversi');
- $mw->geometry("545x402");
- $mw->resizable( 0, 0 );
- my $canvas = $mw->Canvas(
- -width => 380,
- -height => 380,
- -background => "black",
- -relief => "groove",
- )->pack( -side => "left" );
- my $frame = $mw->Frame(
- -width => 112,
- -height => 400
- )->pack( -side => "right" );
- my $icon = $mw->Photo( -file => '1.bmp' );
- $mw->iconimage($icon);
- my @pole;
- my @right = ();
- my $u = 1;
- my $semafor = 0;
- my $task;
- my $x = 12;
- my $y = 12;
- for ( $x = 12 ; ( $x + 40 ) < 400 ; $x += 45 ) {
- for ( $y = 12 ; ( $y + 40 ) < 400 ; $y += 45 ) {
- my $rec = $canvas->createRectangle(
- $x, $y, $x + 40, $y + 40,
- -fill => "red",
- -outline => "orange",
- -width => 2.0
- );
- my $oval = $canvas->createOval(
- $x + 2, $y + 2, $x + 38, $y + 38,
- -fill => "red",
- -outline => "red"
- );
- $canvas->bind( $oval, '<ButtonPress>' => [ \&callBack, $oval ] );
- }
- $y = 10;
- }
- my $start = $frame->Button(
- -text => 'Start',
- -width => 18,
- -command => [ \&start ],
- )->grid( -row => 0, -column => 0, -pady => 10, -padx => 20 );
- $canvas->pack;
- my $type_game = $frame->Button(
- -text => "Choose type of game",
- -width => 18,
- -command => \&button1_sub
- )->grid( -row => 1, -column => 0, -padx => 20 );
- my $result = $frame->Label()->grid( -row => 2, -column => 0 );
- my $currentHod = $frame->Label()->grid( -row => 3, -column => 0 );
- my $typeGame = 0;
- sub myself {
- my $i = $mw->Toplevel;
- $i->geometry("200x150");
- $i->resizable( 0, 0 );
- $i->title("How to play");
- $i->Label( -text => "Was made by Ksenia Panina. All rights reserved" )
- ->pack();
- my $exit = $i->Button(
- -text => "Exit",
- -command => [ $i => 'destroy' ]
- )->pack();
- }
- sub help {
- my $text;
- open( FILE, "htp.txt" ) or die;
- close(FILE);
- my $help = $mw->Toplevel;
- $help->geometry("330x430");
- $help->resizable( 0, 0 );
- $help->title("How to play");
- $help->Label( -text => $text )->pack();
- my $exit = $help->Button(
- -text => "Exit",
- -command => [ $help => 'destroy' ]
- )->pack();
- }
- #0- User vs AI
- #1- User vs User
- #2 AI vs AI
- sub button1_sub {
- my $game = $mw->Toplevel;
- $game->geometry("300x150");
- $game->title("Choosing type");
- my $radio_frame = $game->Frame()->pack();
- $radio_frame->Label( -text => "Type of game:" )->pack();
- my $radio_us_ai = $radio_frame->Radiobutton(
- -text => "User vs Computer",
- -value => "0",
- -variable => \$typeGame
- )->pack( -side => "top" );
- my $radio_us_us = $radio_frame->Radiobutton(
- -text => "User vs User",
- -value => "1",
- -variable => \$typeGame
- )->pack( -side => "top" );
- my $radio_ai_ai = $radio_frame->Radiobutton(
- -text => "Computer vs Computer",
- -value => "2",
- -variable => \$typeGame
- )->pack( -side => "top" );
- my $game_ex = $game->Button(
- -text => "OK",
- -command => [ $game => 'destroy' ]
- )->pack();
- }
- MainLoop();
- sub start {
- $canvas->afterCancel($task);
- setUp();
- # $type_game->configure(-state => "disabled" );
- # $canvas->itemconfigure( $type_game, - => "black" );
- nextUser(1);
- }
- sub setUp {
- for ( my $i = 0 ; $i < 8 ; $i++ ) {
- for ( my $j = 0 ; $j < 8 ; $j++ ) {
- $pole[$i][$j] = 0;
- }
- }
- for ( my $i = 2 ; $i <= 8 * 8 * 2 ; $i += 2 ) {
- $canvas->itemconfigure( $i, -fill => "red" );
- }
- $pole[3][3] = 1;
- $pole[4][4] = 1;
- $pole[3][4] = 2;
- $pole[4][3] = 2;
- $u = 2;
- push @right, 3, 4, 4, 3;
- draw();
- $u = 1;
- push @right, 3, 3, 4, 4;
- draw();
- $result->configure( -text => "Black: 0 White: 0 Free: 64" );
- }
- sub nextUser {
- my $nextUser = $_[0]; #Кому надо будет передать ход
- $currentHod->configure(
- -text => "Current: " . ( ( $nextUser == 1 ) ? "Black" : "White" ) );
- if ( $typeGame == 0 || $typeGame == 2 ) { # если юзер мы АИ
- if ( $nextUser == 2 || $typeGame == 2 ) { #если ход бота
- $semafor = 0; #выключаем ходы пользователю
- $task = $canvas->after( 500, \&callAI ); #вызываем бота
- }
- else { #если ход юзера
- $semafor =
- 1; #включаем ему возможность ходить
- }
- }
- elsif ( $typeGame == 1 ) {
- $semafor = 1;
- }
- }
- sub callBack {
- my $c;
- my $d;
- $b = $_[1];
- $c = int( ( $b - 2 ) / 16 );
- $d = ( ( $b - 2 ) % 16 ) / 2;
- if ($semafor) {
- if ( hod( $c, $d ) ) {
- nextUser($u);
- }
- }
- }
- sub f {
- my $x = shift; #координаты
- my $y = shift;
- my $sdvig_x = shift; # и на сколько мы их сдвигаем
- my $sdvig_y = shift;
- my @ther = ();
- $x += $sdvig_x;
- $y += $sdvig_y;
- while ( $x < 8 && $x >= 0 && $y < 8 && $y >= 0 )
- { #цикл начался
- if ( $pole[$x][$y] == 0 ) { #если 0 то выходим
- last;
- }
- if (
- $pole[$x][$y] ==
- ( $u == 1 ? 2 : 1 )
- ) #если 1 кладём 2 иначе 1
- { # если вражеские то кладём
- push @ther, $x, $y;
- #print $x, $y, $pole[$x][$y];
- $x += $sdvig_x;
- $y += $sdvig_y;
- }
- else {
- if ( $pole[$x][$y] == $u ) {
- push @right, @ther;
- last;
- }
- }
- }
- #конец цикла
- }
- #каждый элимент поля 1 - чёрный,2 - белый,0 - пустой
- #функция которая говорит сделан ли ход
- sub hod {
- #берем координаты хода
- my $a = $_[0];
- my $b = $_[1];
- #берем флаг count
- my $countFlag = $_[2];
- if ( $pole[$a][$b] == 0 ) {
- #проверка в поисках фишки того же юзера
- #проверка по строкам
- f( $a, $b, +1, 0 );
- f( $a, $b, -1, 0 );
- #проверка по столбцам
- f( $a, $b, 0, -1 );
- f( $a, $b, 0, 1 );
- #диагональки
- f( $a, $b, -1, -1 );
- f( $a, $b, +1, +1 );
- f( $a, $b, +1, -1 );
- f( $a, $b, -1, +1 );
- if ( scalar @right == 0 ) {
- return 0;
- }
- else {
- my $rightLen = scalar @right;
- if ( !$countFlag ) {
- push @right, $a, $b;
- #print $a, $b;
- for ( my $i = 0 ; $i < ( scalar @right ) ; $i += 2 ) {
- $pole[ $right[$i] ][ $right[ $i + 1 ] ] = $u;
- } #меняем состояние нужной клетки
- draw();
- my @res = getResult();
- $result->configure(
- -text => "Black: $res[1] White: $res[2] Free: $res[0]" );
- $u = $u == 1 ? 2 : 1; #переход хода
- my @hod = getHod($u);
- if ( !$hod[2] ) {
- @hod = getHod( $u == 1 ? 2 : 1 );
- if ( !$hod[2] ) {
- $semafor = 0;
- $currentHod->configure( -text => "Game over" );
- return 0;
- }
- $u = $u == 1 ? 2 : 1;
- return 1;
- }
- }
- @right = ();
- return $rightLen;
- }
- }
- }
- sub getHod {
- my $buf_u = $u;
- $u = $_[0];
- my $lenHod = 0;
- my $a = 0;
- my $b = 0;
- for ( $x = 0 ; $x < 8 ; $x++ ) {
- for ( $y = 0 ; $y < 8 ; $y++ ) {
- if ( hod( $x, $y, 1 ) > $lenHod ) {
- $lenHod = hod( $x, $y, 1 );
- $a = $x;
- $b = $y;
- }
- }
- }
- $u = $buf_u;
- return ( $a, $b, $lenHod );
- }
- sub draw {
- for ( my $i = 0 ; $i < ( scalar @right ) ; $i += 2 ) {
- my $id = $right[$i] * 16 + $right[ $i + 1 ] * 2 + 2;
- if ( $u == 1 ) {
- $canvas->itemconfigure( $id, -fill => "black" );
- }
- else {
- $canvas->itemconfigure( $id, -fill => "white" );
- }
- }
- @right = ();
- }
- sub getResult {
- my @result = ( 0, 0, 0 );
- for ( $x = 0 ; $x < 8 ; $x++ ) {
- for ( $y = 0 ; $y < 8 ; $y++ ) {
- $result[ $pole[$x][$y] ]++;
- }
- }
- print "user: ", $result[1], "; AI: ", $result[2], "\n";
- return @result;
- }
- #AI section
- sub callAI {
- my @hod = getHod($u);
- if ( hod( $hod[0], $hod[1] ) ) {
- nextUser($u);
- }
- }
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