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- local old = {}
- local cPos = {}
- local glass = "minecraft:glass"
- local officialRelease = true
- local activateTheExamples = true -- You won't be able to use it as an API if you activate this but you will have access to cool examples when you launch it
- dangerousAmountOfQueries = 850 -- blocks
- restingTime = 0.1 -- seconds
- xa,ya,za = commands.getBlockPosition() -- xa,ya and za are used everywhere so...
- cPos.x = xa
- cPos.y = ya
- cPos.z = za
- -- computer's position is stored there
- buildingColors = {
- "gray",
- "lightGray",
- "brown",
- "white"
- }
- buildingTypes = {
- "squareBuilding",
- "squareBuilding",
- "spikyBuilding"
- }
- typesOfLastFloors = {
- "penthouse",
- "terrace"
- }
- wallBlocks = {}
- wallBlocks["gray"] = {
- "chisel:cobblestone:1",
- "chisel:cobblestone:2",
- "chisel:cobblestone:3",
- "chisel:cobblestone:4",
- "chisel:cobblestone:7",
- "chisel:cobblestone:15"
- }
- wallBlocks["lightGray"] = {
- "chisel:andesite:2",
- "chisel:andesite:1",
- "chisel:andesite:3",
- "chisel:andesite:4",
- "chisel:cobblestone:10"
- }
- wallBlocks["brown"] = {
- "chisel:concrete:1",
- "chisel:concrete:2",
- "chisel:concrete:5",
- "chisel:concrete:7",
- "chisel:concrete:3",
- "chisel:factoryblock:1"
- }
- wallBlocks["white"] = {
- "chisel:holystone:4",
- "chisel:holystone:6",
- "chisel:holystone:13",
- "chisel:diorite:1",
- "chisel:diorite:2",
- "chisel:diorite:3",
- "chisel:diorite:6"
- }
- floorBlocks = {}
- floorBlocks["gray"] = {
- "chisel:cobblestone:1",
- "chisel:cobblestone:2",
- "chisel:cobblestone:3",
- "chisel:cobblestone:4",
- "chisel:cobblestone:7",
- "chisel:cobblestone:15"
- }
- floorBlocks["lightGray"] = {
- "chisel:andesite:1",
- "chisel:andesite:3",
- "chisel:cobblestone:10"
- }
- floorBlocks["brown"] = {
- "chisel:concrete:1",
- "chisel:concrete:2",
- "chisel:concrete:5",
- "chisel:concrete:7",
- "chisel:concrete:3",
- "chisel:concrete:9",
- "chisel:concrete:8",
- "chisel:factoryblock:1"
- }
- floorBlocks["white"] = {
- "chisel:holystone:4",
- "chisel:holystone:6",
- "chisel:holystone:12",
- "chisel:diorite:1",
- "chisel:diorite:3",
- "chisel:diorite:6"
- }
- complementBlocks = {}
- complementBlocks["gray"] = {
- "chisel:cobblestone:1",
- "chisel:cobblestone:2",
- "chisel:cobblestone:3",
- "chisel:cobblestone:4",
- "chisel:cobblestone:7",
- "chisel:cobblestone:15"
- }
- complementBlocks["lightGray"] = {
- "chisel:andesite:1",
- "chisel:andesite:3",
- "chisel:cobblestone:10"
- }
- complementBlocks["brown"] = {
- "chisel:concrete:1",
- "chisel:concrete:2",
- "chisel:concrete:5",
- "chisel:concrete:7",
- "chisel:concrete:3",
- "chisel:concrete:9",
- "chisel:concrete:8",
- "chisel:factoryblock:1"
- }
- complementBlocks["white"] = {
- "chisel:holystone:4",
- "chisel:holystone:6",
- "chisel:holystone:12",
- "chisel:diorite:1",
- "chisel:diorite:3",
- "chisel:diorite:6"
- }
- glassBlocks = {
- "minecraft:glass",
- "TConstruct:GlassBlock",
- "TConstruct:GlassBlock.StainedClear",
- "TConstruct:GlassBlock.StainedClear:7",
- "TConstruct:GlassBlock.StainedClear:15",
- "chisel:stained_glass_white",
- "chisel:stained_glass_white:1",
- "chisel:stained_glass_white:2"
- }
- air = "minecraft:air"
- if not officialRelease then
- strtp ="startup", "w")
- strtp.write('"dl", "citybuilder")"citybuilder")')
- strtp.close()
- end
- plan = {core = {},width = 120, length = 120}
- function plan:at(i,j)
- return self.core[i+self.width*j]
- end
- function plan:set(i,j,v)
- self.core[i+self.width*j] = v
- end
- local function deltaT(timerID)
- if type(lastCallFromTheID) ~= "table" then
- lastCallFromTheID = {}
- end
- if lastCallFromTheID[timerID] == nil then
- lastCallFromTheID[timerID] = os.clock()
- end
- temp = os.clock()-lastCallFromTheID[timerID]
- lastCallFromTheID[timerID] = os.clock()
- return temp
- end
- old.execAsync = commands.execAsync -- Editing the default execAsync command to include a safeguard
- local function execAsync(str) -- Too many queries in a single blast will cause problems.
- if execAsyncQueries == nil then
- execAsyncQueries = 0
- end
- timeDiff2 = deltaT("execAsync")
- -- I'll measure how long I waited between each queries
- -- As CC time units don't go after the 2d decimal i'll wait 0.1s every 850 queries
- -- I call a row of queries a "blast"
- -- (8500 q/s at best)
- if timeDiff2 > restingTime then
- execAsyncQueries = 0 --Blast of queries was cut off. I consider this one finished
- else
- execAsyncQueries = execAsyncQueries+1
- end
- -- console(execAsyncQueries, 7)
- if execAsyncQueries > dangerousAmountOfQueries then
- sleep(restingTime)
- execAsyncQueries = 0 --just to be sure, manually consider the blast as finished
- end
- return old.execAsync(str)
- end
- commands.execAsync = execAsync
- local function isTrue(number)
- if number == 0 then
- return false
- else
- return true
- end
- end
- local function pickRandom(t)
- return t[math.random(1,#t)]
- end
- table.pickRandom = pickRandom
- local function round(num, idp)
- local mult = 10^(idp or 0)
- return math.floor(num * mult + 0.5) / mult
- end
- math.round = round
- local function console(txt,line)
- if monitor == nil then
- monitor = term
- end
- if not officialRelease then
- if line == nil then
- line = 1
- end
- monitor.setCursorPos(1,line)
- monitor.clearLine(line)
- monitor.write(txt)
- monitor.setCursorPos(1,line+1)
- end
- end
- local function forEachColumnOfAWallDoMyFunc(yourFunc, xa, ya, za, width, length)
- startXPos = xa -- This is all complicated isn't it ? Why not do
- startYPos = ya -- for i=xa, xa+width ?
- column = 1 -- Well, because it doesn't work. I tried and tried and tried. It should work, but it doesn't, and I can't see why, so I gave up and made this instead.
- for i=1,#validColumns.front do
- yourFunc(xa, ya, za, column, "south")
- yourFunc(xa, ya+length-1, za, column, "north")
- column = column+1
- xa = xa+1
- end
- xa = startXPos
- column = 1
- for i=1, #validColumns.side do
- yourFunc(xa, ya, za, column, "west")
- yourFunc(xa+width-1, ya, za, column, "east")
- column = column+1
- ya = ya+1
- end
- end
- function setBlock(block,xa,ya,za,oldBlockHandling)
- local dataValue = ""
- ya = (-1)*ya -- NORTH IS NOT FUCKING -y FUCK THIS
- if type(oldBlockHandling) ~= "string" then
- oldBlockHandling = ""
- end
- if string.find(block, ":") ~= nil then -- if blockname divided in parts separated by ":"s
- i=0
- local words = {}
- for part in string.gmatch(block, "[^:]+") do -- get each part
- i=i+1
- words[i] = part
- end
- if string.match(words[#words], "%d") then -- if last part of blockname is a number
- dataValue = words[#words] -- it's a dataValue
- table.remove(words, #words) -- i like to enter block names the old school way.
- -- mod:block:metadata
- block = table.concat(words, ":")
- end
- end
- -- print("setblock ~" .. tostring(xa) .. " ~" .. tostring(za) .. " ~".. tostring(ya) .. " " .. tostring(block) .. " " .. tostring(dataValue) .. " " .. tostring(oldBlockHandling))
- commands.execAsync("setblock ~" .. tostring(xa) .. " ~" .. tostring(za) .. " ~".. tostring(ya) .. " " .. tostring(block) .. " " .. tostring(dataValue) .. " " .. tostring(oldBlockHandling))
- end
- function fill(block, xa, ya, za, width, length, height)
- queries = 0
- if width <= 0 then width=1 end
- if length <= 0 then length=1 end
- if height <= 0 then height=1 end
- -- fill(air,-7,1,-1,7,21,0)
- for i=xa,xa+width-1 do
- for j=ya,ya+length-1 do
- for k=za,za+height-1 do
- setBlock(block, i, j, k)
- queries = queries+1
- end
- end
- end
- return queries
- end
- function fillInside(blockInside, blockOutside, xa, ya, za, width, length, height)
- queries = fill(blockOutside, xa, ya, za, width, length, height)
- queries = queries + fill(blockInside, xa+1, ya+1, za, width-2, length-2, height)
- return queries
- end
- function floor(blockInside, blockOutside, xa, ya, za, width, length)
- return fillInside(blockInside, blockOutside, xa, ya, za, width, length, 1)
- end
- function walls(block, xa, ya, za, width, length, height)
- queries = fill(block, xa, ya, za, width, length, height)
- queries = queries + fill(air, xa+1, ya+1, za, width-2, length-2, height)
- return queries
- end
- function room(blockFloor, blockWalls, blockComplement, xa, ya, za, width, length, height)
- queries = fill(air, xa, ya, za, width, length, height)
- queries = floor(blockFloor, blockComplement, xa, ya, za, width, length) + queries
- queries = walls(blockWalls, xa, ya, za+1, width, length, height-2) + queries
- queries = floor(blockFloor, blockComplement, xa, ya, za+height-1, width, length) + queries
- return queries
- end
- function getValidWindowsPostions(xa, ya, za, width, length, height, numberOfWindowsFront, numberOfWindowsSide)
- local numberOfWindowsFront, numberOfWindowsSide
- if numberOfWindowsFront == nil then
- numberOfWindowsFront = math.floor(math.sqrt(width))
- end
- if numberOfWindowsSide == nil then
- numberOfWindowsSide = math.floor(math.sqrt(length))
- end
- local frontWindowsLength = math.floor((width-numberOfWindowsFront-1)/numberOfWindowsFront)
- local frontMiddleWindowLength = width-(numberOfWindowsFront+1)-((numberOfWindowsFront-1)*frontWindowsLength)
- local frontMiddleWindow = math.ceil(numberOfWindowsFront/2)
- local frontMiddleWindowPosition = frontMiddleWindow + (frontMiddleWindow-1)*frontWindowsLength
- local sideWindowsLength = math.floor((length-numberOfWindowsSide-1)/numberOfWindowsSide)
- local sideMiddleWindowLength = length-(numberOfWindowsSide+1)-((numberOfWindowsSide-1)*sideWindowsLength)
- local sideMiddleWindow = math.ceil(numberOfWindowsSide/2)
- local sideMiddleWindowPosition = sideMiddleWindow + (sideMiddleWindow-1)*sideWindowsLength
- -- Maintenant on a les dimensions des fenêtres. Longueurs. Positions. Tout.
- -- L'idée est de parcourir le contour du mur et de dessiner les fenêtres.
- validColumns = {}
- validColumns.front = {}
- validColumns.side = {}
- -- Murs de face et arrière
- for i=1,width do --tout en verre
- validColumns.front[i] = true
- end
- validColumns.front[1] = false --sauf le début
- validColumns.front[width] = false --et la fin
- i=1
- while i < width/2 do --puis on fait vitre après vitre de gauche à droite jusqu'au milieu
- validColumns.front[i] = false
- i=i+frontWindowsLength+1
- end
- i=width
- while i > width/2 do --puis de droite à gauche jusqu'au milieu (pour faire une symétrie)
- validColumns.front[i] = false
- i=i-frontWindowsLength-1
- end
- for i=frontMiddleWindowPosition+1,frontMiddleWindowPosition+frontMiddleWindowLength do
- validColumns.front[i] = true
- end
- -- Murs des côtés
- for i=1,length do --tout en verre
- validColumns.side[i] = true
- end
- validColumns.side[1] = false --sauf le début
- validColumns.side[length] = false --et la fin
- i=1
- while i < length/2 do --puis on fait vitre après vitre depuis le début jusqu'au milieu
- validColumns.side[i] = false
- i=i+sideWindowsLength+1
- end
- i=length
- while i > length/2 do --puis de la fin jusqu'au milieu
- validColumns.side[i] = false
- i=i-sideWindowsLength-1
- end
- local center = (length/2)
- local otherCenter = math.ceil(sideMiddleWindowPosition+(sideMiddleWindowLength/2))
- -- those are currently useless
- return validColumns
- end
- function roomWithWindows(blockFloor, blockWalls, blockComplement, glassBlock, xa, ya, za, width, length, height, numberOfWindowsFront, numberOfWindowsSide)
- room(blockFloor, blockWalls, blockComplement, xa, ya, za, width, length, height)
- if tonumber(length) < 3 or tonumber(width) < 3 or tonumber(height) < 3 then
- return false
- end
- validColumns = getValidWindowsPostions(xa, ya, za, width, length, height, numberOfWindowsFront, numberOfWindowsSide)
- -- L'idée est de parcourir le contour du mur et de dessiner les fenêtres.
- function myFuncToPlaceOrnaments(xa,ya,za,column,wallSide)
- if wallSide == "north" then
- if validColumns.front[column] == true then
- fill(glassBlock, xa, ya, za+1, 1, 1, height-2) --glassify column
- elseif validColumns.front[column] == false then
- fill(blockWalls, xa, ya+1, za, 1, 1, height) --make a pillar
- end
- elseif wallSide == "south" then
- if validColumns.front[column] == true then
- txt = " glass: "..xa..","..ya..","..tostring(za+1)
- fill(glassBlock, xa, ya, za+1, 1, 1, height-2) --glassify column
- elseif validColumns.front[column] == false then
- txt = " pilla: "..xa..","..tostring(ya-1)..","
- fill(blockWalls, xa, ya-1, za, 1, 1, height) --make a pillar
- end
- elseif wallSide == "east" then
- if validColumns.side[column] == true then
- fill(glassBlock, xa, ya, za+1, 1, 1, height-2) --glassify column
- elseif validColumns.side[column] == false then
- fill(blockWalls, xa+1, ya, za, 1, 1, height) --make a pillar
- end
- elseif wallSide == "west" then
- if validColumns.side[column] == true then
- fill(glassBlock, xa, ya, za+1, 1, 1, height-2) --glassify column
- elseif validColumns.side[column] == false then
- fill(blockWalls, xa-1, ya, za, 1, 1, height) --make a pillar
- end
- end
- end
- forEachColumnOfAWallDoMyFunc(myFuncToPlaceOrnaments, xa, ya, za, width, length)
- return true
- end
- function squareBuilding(numberOfFloors, blockFloor, blockWalls, blockComplement, glassBlock, xa, ya, za, width, length, ceilingHeight, numberOfWindowsFront, numberOfWindowsSide)
- ----[[
- local width = width-2 -- foreseeing the width/length gain of the pillars around it
- local length = length-2
- local xa = xa+1
- local ya = ya+1
- --]]
- zPositionStart = za
- for i=1, numberOfFloors-1 do
- roomWithWindows(blockFloor, blockWalls, blockComplement, glassBlock, xa, ya, za, width, length, ceilingHeight, numberOfWindowsFront, numberOfWindowsSide)
- za = za+ceilingHeight-1
- end
- lastFloor("random", blockFloor, blockWalls, blockComplement, glassBlock, xa, ya, za, width, length, ceilingHeight, numberOfWindowsFront, numberOfWindowsSide)
- end
- function spikyBuilding(numberOfFloors, blockFloor, blockWalls, blockComplement, glassBlock, xa, ya, za, width, length, ceilingHeight, numberOfWindowsFront, numberOfWindowsSide)
- --[[local width = width-2 -- foreseeing the width/length gain of the pillars around it
- local length = length-2
- local xa = xa+1
- local ya = ya+1--]]
- if numberOfFloors < 3 then
- return false
- end
- zPositionStart = za
- shrink = math.random(2,numberOfFloors-1)
- shrinkage = 0
- for i=0, numberOfFloors do
- if i%shrink == 0 then
- if length < 5 or width < 5 then
- -- can't shrink anymore
- return true
- else
- shrinkage = shrinkage+1
- -- width = width-2
- -- length = length-2
- -- xa = xa+1
- -- ya = ya+1
- end
- end
- roomWithWindows(blockFloor, blockWalls, blockComplement, glassBlock, xa+shrinkage, ya+shrinkage, za, width-2*shrinkage, length-2*shrinkage, ceilingHeight, numberOfWindowsFront, numberOfWindowsSide)
- za = za+ceilingHeight-1
- end
- return true
- end
- function lastFloor(typeOfLastFloor, blockFloor, blockWalls, blockComplement, glassBlock, xa, ya, za, width, length, ceilingHeight, numberOfWindowsFront, numberOfWindowsSide)
- if typeOfLastFloor == "random" or typeOfLastFloor == nil then
- typeOfLastFloor = table.pickRandom(typesOfLastFloors)
- end
- if typeOfLastFloor == "terrace" then
- roomWithWindows(blockFloor, blockWalls, blockComplement, glassBlock, xa, ya, za, width, length, ceilingHeight, numberOfWindowsFront, numberOfWindowsSide)
- za = za+ceilingHeight
- fillInside(air, "minecraft:fence", xa, ya, za, width, length, 1)
- elseif typeOfLastFloor == "normal" then
- roomWithWindows(blockFloor, blockWalls, blockComplement, glassBlock, xa, ya, za, width, length, ceilingHeight, numberOfWindowsFront, numberOfWindowsSide)
- elseif typeOfLastFloor == "penthouse" then
- roomWithWindows(blockFloor, blockWalls, blockComplement, glassBlock, xa, ya, za, width, length, ceilingHeight*2+1, numberOfWindowsFront, numberOfWindowsSide)
- fill(blockFloor, xa+1, ya+1, za+ceilingHeight, math.round(0.75*width), math.round(0.5*length), 1)
- fill("minecraft:fence", xa+1, ya+math.round(0.5*length), za+ceilingHeight+1, math.round(0.75*width), 1, 1)
- fill("minecraft:fence", xa+math.round(0.75*width), ya+1, za+ceilingHeight+1, 1, math.round(0.5*length), 1)
- end
- end
- function randomBuilding(buildingColor, xa, ya, za, numberOfFloors, length, width)
- glassBlock = table.pickRandom(glassBlocks)
- floorBlock = table.pickRandom(floorBlocks[buildingColor])
- wallBlock = table.pickRandom(wallBlocks[buildingColor])
- complementBlock = table.pickRandom(complementBlocks[buildingColor])
- buildingType = table.pickRandom(buildingTypes)
- if numberOfFloors == nil then
- numberOfFloors = math.random(2,6)
- end
- if width == nil then
- width = math.random(8,20)
- end
- if length == nil then
- length = math.random(8,20)
- end
- console("Building a " .. width .. " by " .. length .. " " .. buildingColor .. " " .. buildingType .. " of "..numberOfFloors.." floors.", 1)
- if buildingType == "squareBuilding" then
- success = squareBuilding(numberOfFloors, floorBlock, wallBlock, complementBlock, glassBlock, xa,ya,za, width, length,5)
- elseif buildingType == "spikyBuilding" then
- success = spikyBuilding(numberOfFloors, floorBlock, wallBlock, complementBlock, glassBlock, xa,ya,za, width, length,5)
- end
- console("Built a " .. width .. " by " .. length .. " " .. buildingColor .. " " .. buildingType .. " of "..numberOfFloors.." floors.", 1)
- return success
- end
- function getBlockInfo(xa,ya,za)
- xa = xa+cPos.x
- ya = ya+cPos.y
- za = za+cPos.z
- return commands.getBlockInfo(xa,za,ya)
- end
- function road(xa,ya,za,direction,length)
- slab = "chisel:marble_slab"
- asphalt = "chisel:antiBlock"
- paint = "chisel:marble"
- if direction == "north" then -- north: y+
- for i=ya,ya+length-1 do
- setBlock(slab, xa+6, i, za)
- setBlock(slab, xa+5, i, za)
- setBlock(slab, xa+4, i, za)
- setBlock(asphalt, xa+3, i, za-1)
- setBlock(asphalt, xa+2, i, za-1)
- setBlock(asphalt, xa+1, i, za-1)
- if (i%7) > 3 then -- 0,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,1,1,1
- setBlock(paint,xa,i,za-1)
- else
- setBlock(asphalt, xa, i, za-1)
- end
- setBlock(asphalt, xa-1, i, za-1)
- setBlock(asphalt, xa-2, i, za-1)
- setBlock(asphalt, xa-3, i, za-1)
- setBlock(slab, xa-4, i, za)
- setBlock(slab, xa-5, i, za)
- setBlock(slab, xa-6, i, za)
- end
- elseif direction == "south" then -- south: y-
- for i=ya,ya-length+1,-1 do
- setBlock(slab, xa+6, i, za)
- setBlock(slab, xa+5, i, za)
- setBlock(slab, xa+4, i, za)
- setBlock(asphalt, xa+3, i, za-1)
- setBlock(asphalt, xa+2, i, za-1)
- setBlock(asphalt, xa+1, i, za-1)
- if (i%7) > 3 then -- 0,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,1,1,1
- setBlock(paint,xa,i,za-1)
- else
- setBlock(asphalt, xa, i, za-1)
- end
- setBlock(asphalt, xa-1, i, za-1)
- setBlock(asphalt, xa-2, i, za-1)
- setBlock(asphalt, xa-3, i, za-1)
- setBlock(slab, xa-4, i, za)
- setBlock(slab, xa-5, i, za)
- setBlock(slab, xa-6, i, za)
- end
- elseif direction == "east" then -- east: x+
- for i=xa,xa+length-1 do
- setBlock(slab, i, ya+6, za)
- setBlock(slab, i, ya+5, za)
- setBlock(slab, i, ya+4, za)
- setBlock(asphalt, i, ya+3, za-1)
- setBlock(asphalt, i, ya+2, za-1)
- setBlock(asphalt, i, ya+1, za-1)
- if (i%7) > 3 then -- 0,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,1,1,1
- setBlock(paint,i,ya,za-1)
- else
- setBlock(asphalt, i, ya, za-1)
- end
- setBlock(asphalt, i, ya-1, za-1)
- setBlock(asphalt, i, ya-2, za-1)
- setBlock(asphalt, i, ya-3, za-1)
- setBlock(slab, i, ya-4, za)
- setBlock(slab, i, ya-5, za)
- setBlock(slab, i, ya-6, za)
- end
- elseif direction == "west" then -- west: x-
- for i=xa,xa-length+1,-1 do
- setBlock(slab, i, ya+6, za)
- setBlock(slab, i, ya+5, za)
- setBlock(slab, i, ya+4, za)
- setBlock(asphalt, i, ya+3, za-1)
- setBlock(asphalt, i, ya+2, za-1)
- setBlock(asphalt, i, ya+1, za-1)
- if (i%7) > 3 then -- 0,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,1,1,1
- setBlock(paint,i,ya,za-1)
- else
- setBlock(asphalt, i, ya, za-1)
- end
- setBlock(asphalt, i, ya-1, za-1)
- setBlock(asphalt, i, ya-2, za-1)
- setBlock(asphalt, i, ya-3, za-1)
- setBlock(slab, i, ya-4, za)
- setBlock(slab, i, ya-5, za)
- setBlock(slab, i, ya-6, za)
- end
- end
- end
- function roadIntersection(xa,ya,za, openDirections)
- slab = "chisel:marble_slab"
- asphalt = "chisel:antiBlock"
- paint = "chisel:marble"
- fill(slab, xa-6, ya-6, za, 13, 13, 1) -- trottoirs
- -- fill(air, xa-6, ya-3, za, 13, 7, 1) --plus de trottoirs axe est ouest
- -- fill(air, xa-3, ya-6, za, 7, 13, 1) --plus de trottoirs axe nord sud
- fill(air, xa-3, ya-3, za, 7, 7, 1) -- carré de vide au milieu
- fill(asphalt, xa-6, ya-6, za-1, 13, 13, 1) -- gros asphalt sous le sol
- fill(paint, xa-6, ya-2, za-1, 13, 1, 1) -- passages piétons
- fill(paint, xa-6, ya, za-1, 13, 1, 1)
- fill(paint, xa-6, ya+2, za-1, 13, 1, 1)
- fill(paint, xa-2, ya-6, za-1, 1, 13, 1)
- fill(paint, xa, ya-6, za-1, 1, 13, 1)
- fill(paint, xa+2, ya-6, za-1, 1, 13, 1)
- fill(asphalt, xa-3, ya-3, za-1, 7, 7, 1) -- carré d'asphalt au milieu
- if type(openDirections) == "string" then
- for i in string.gmatch(openDirections, "%a+") do
- if i=="north" then
- fill(air, xa-3, ya+4, za, 7, 3, 1)
- elseif i=="south" then
- fill(air, xa-3, ya-6, za, 7, 3, 1)
- elseif i=="east" then
- fill(air, xa+4, ya-3, za, 3, 7, 1)
- elseif i=="west" then
- fill(air, xa-6, ya-3, za, 3, 7, 1)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- function clearTerrain(size, height)
- if height == nil then height = 2 end
- fill(air, (-0.5)*size,(-0.5)*size,-2,size,size,2)
- if height > 2 then
- fill(air, (-0.5)*size,(-0.5)*size,1,size,size,height-3)
- end
- fill("minecraft:sandstone", (-0.5)*size,(-0.5)*size,-2,size,size,1)
- end
- function oppositeDirectionOf(direction)
- if direction == "north" then
- return "south"
- elseif direction == "south" then
- return "north"
- elseif direction == "east" then
- return "west"
- elseif direction == "west" then
- return "east"
- else
- return ""
- end
- end
- function roadPathExample(iterations)
- clearTerrain(80, 10)
- theFourDirections = {"north", "south", "east", "west"}
- roads = {}
- for i=1,iterations do
- if i>1 then
- lastRoad = roads[i-1]
- else
- lastRoad = {}
- lastRoad.direction = "north"
- lastRoad.x = 0
- lastRoad.y = 0
- lastRoad.z = -1
- end
- thisRoad = {}
- thisRoad.direction = pickRandom(theFourDirections)
- while thisRoad.direction == oppositeDirectionOf(lastRoad.direction) do
- thisRoad.direction = pickRandom(theFourDirections)
- end
- thisRoad.length = math.random(18,30)
- road(lastRoad.x,lastRoad.y,lastRoad.z,thisRoad.direction,thisRoad.length)
- thisRoad.x = lastRoad.x
- thisRoad.y = lastRoad.y
- thisRoad.z = lastRoad.z
- if thisRoad.direction == "north" then -- north: y+
- thisRoad.y = lastRoad.y + thisRoad.length - 7
- elseif thisRoad.direction == "south" then -- south: y-
- thisRoad.y = lastRoad.y - thisRoad.length + 7
- elseif thisRoad.direction == "east" then -- east: x+
- thisRoad.x = lastRoad.x + thisRoad.length - 7
- elseif thisRoad.direction == "west" then -- west: x-
- thisRoad.x = lastRoad.x - thisRoad.length + 7
- end
- roadIntersection(lastRoad.x, lastRoad.y, lastRoad.z, oppositeDirectionOf(lastRoad.direction)..","..thisRoad.direction)
- -- print(table.concat(thisRoad, ","))
- fill("minecraft:stone", thisRoad.x, thisRoad.y, thisRoad.z,0,0,0)
- roads[i] = thisRoad
- sleep(2)
- end
- end
- function neighborhood(buildingColor, xa,ya,za,size)
- clearTerrain(size, 10)
- theFourDirections = {"north", "south", "east", "west"}
- southMost = math.round(xa-(size/2))
- northMost = math.round(xa+(size/2))
- westMost = math.round(ya-(size/2))
- eastMost = math.round(ya+(size/2))
- buildings = {}
- numberOfBuildings = math.ceil(size/25) -- assuming average building size is 25x25
- end
- function generateCityPlan(size)
- if(size < 120) then
- return
- end
- size = math.floor(size/12)
- plan.size = size
- x = 0
- y = 0
- done = false
- while not done do
- --generates house blocks until we fill the plan
- width = math.random(2,6)
- length = math.random(2,6)
- value = table.pickRandom(buildingColors)
- for i=x,x+width do
- for j=y,y+length do
- plan:set(i,j,value)
- if j == y+length then
- plan:set(i,j+1,"road")
- end
- if i == x+width then
- plan:set(i+1,j,"road")
- end
- end
- end
- x = x+width+2
- if size-x < 6 then
- x = 0
- end
- y = size
- while plan:at(x,y) == nil do
- y = y-1
- if y == -1 then
- break
- end
- end
- y = y+1
- if size - y < 6 then
- done = true
- end
- end
- end
- function debugPlanBuild()
- if not plan.size then
- return
- end
- fill(air,1,1,0,plan.size,plan.size,1)
- for i=0,plan.size do
- for j=0,plan.size do
- if plan:at(i,j) == "road" then
- setBlock("minecraft:obsidian",i+1,j+1,0)
- elseif plan:at(i,j) ~= nil then
- setBlock("minecraft:stone",i+1,j+1,0)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if activateTheExamples then
- commands.execAsync("gamerule commandBlockOutput false")
- term.clear()
- term.setCursorPos(1,1)
- print("What test shall I perform ? Pick a number")
- input = tonumber(
- if input==1 then
- floor("minecraft:wool:5", "minecraft:wool:14", 0,0,-1,22,22)
- while true do
- buildingColor = table.pickRandom(buildingColors)
- fill(air,1,1,0,40,20,40)
- term.clear()
- while randomBuilding(buildingColor, 1,1,0,math.random(4,7)) == false do
- end
- sleep(4)
- end
- elseif input == 2 then
- while true do
- sleep(2)
- clearTerrain(12)
- theFourDirections = {"north", "south", "east", "west"}
- direction = {}
- numberOfWays = math.random(2,3)
- for i=1, numberOfWays do
- direction[i] = pickRandom(theFourDirections)
- end
- print(table.concat(direction, ","))
- for i=1,#direction do
- road(0,0,-1,direction[i],15)
- end
- roadIntersection(0,0,-1, table.concat(direction, ","))
- end
- elseif input == 3 then
- roadPathExample(10)
- elseif input == 4 then
- while true do
- fill(air, 1,1,0,100,100,3)
- generateCityPlan(500)
- debugPlanBuild()
- sleep(4)
- end
- elseif input == 5 then
- -- suite ici
- else
- print("Nah, I didn't get it")
- end
- end
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