- or go back to the newest paste.
1 | #include <iostream> | |
2 | #include <ctime> | |
3 | #include <stdio.h> | |
4 | #include <windows.h> | |
5 | #include <stdlib.h> | |
6 | #include <conio.h> | |
7 | #define N 200 | |
8 | using namespace std; | |
9 | void gotoxy(int x, int y) | |
10 | { | |
11 | COORD coord; | |
12 | coord.X = x; | |
13 | coord.Y = y; | |
14 | SetConsoleCursorPosition(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), coord); | |
15 | } | |
16 | void SetColor(short Color) | |
17 | { | |
18 | HANDLE hCon = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); // oppure system("COLOR E9"); | |
19 | SetConsoleTextAttribute(hCon,Color); | |
20 | } | |
21 | ||
22 | void sfondo(){ | |
23 | system("color 70"); | |
24 | }//sfondo | |
25 | ||
26 | ||
27 | /*Funzioni di controllo*/ | |
28 | //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | |
29 | bool uscito(int a[], int b){ | |
30 | for(int i=1;i<=90;i++) | |
31 | if(a[i]==b) | |
32 | return true; | |
33 | return false; | |
34 | }//uscito | |
35 | ||
36 | bool isNeg(int a[]){ | |
37 | for(int i=1;i<=90;i++) | |
38 | if(a<0) | |
39 | return true; | |
40 | return false; | |
41 | }//isNeg | |
42 | ||
43 | //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | |
44 | - | h2=rand()%((h-10))+1; |
44 | + | |
45 | //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | |
46 | void cartella(int y[]){ | |
47 | srand(time(NULL)); | |
48 | int h,h2; | |
49 | for(int i=1;i<=10;i++){ | |
50 | h=rand()%(90)+1; | |
51 | h2=rand()%((h-7))+1; | |
52 | if(!(uscito(y,h2))&&!(isNeg(y))) | |
53 | y[i]=h2; | |
54 | else | |
55 | i--; | |
56 | }//for | |
57 | - | c2=rand()%((c-5))+1; |
57 | + | |
58 | ||
59 | void cartella1(int z[]){ | |
60 | srand(time(NULL)); | |
61 | int c,c2; | |
62 | for(int i=1;i<=10;i++){ | |
63 | c=rand()%(90)+1; | |
64 | c2=rand()%((c-3))+1; | |
65 | if(!(uscito(z,c2))&&!(isNeg(z))) | |
66 | z[i]=c2; | |
67 | else | |
68 | i--; | |
69 | }//for | |
70 | }//cartella1 | |
71 | ||
72 | void tombola(int a[]){ | |
73 | srand(time(NULL)); | |
74 | int b; | |
75 | for(int i=1;i<=90;i++){ | |
76 | b=rand()%(90-1+1)+1; | |
77 | if(!(uscito(a,b))) | |
78 | a[i]=b; | |
79 | else | |
80 | i--; | |
81 | }//for | |
82 | }//tombola | |
83 | //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | |
84 | /*Stampa cartelle e tombola*/ | |
85 | //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | |
86 | void stcart(int y[]){ | |
87 | cout<<"\n\nLa tua cartella e`:\n\n"; | |
88 | for(int i=1;i<=10;i++) | |
89 | cout<<y[i]<<"\t"; | |
90 | }//stcart | |
91 | ||
92 | void stcart1(int z[]){ | |
93 | cout<<"\n\nLa cartella del computer e`:\n\n"; | |
94 | for(int i=1;i<=10;i++) | |
95 | cout<<z[i]<<"\t"; | |
96 | }//stcart | |
97 | ||
98 | ||
99 | int estraz(int a[], int y[], int z[]/*, int *ambo, int *terno, int *cinq*/){ | |
100 | int c=0; | |
101 | int t=0; | |
102 | - | if(t==10) |
102 | + | |
103 | for(int i=1;i<=90;i++){ | |
104 | Sleep(80); | |
105 | cout<<a[i]<<"\t"; | |
106 | for(int j=1;j<=10;j++){ | |
107 | if(a[i]==y[j]){ | |
108 | t++; | |
109 | if(t==13) | |
110 | return t; | |
111 | }//if | |
112 | if(a[i]==z[j]){ | |
113 | c--; | |
114 | if(c==-10) | |
115 | - | if(win==10) |
115 | + | |
116 | - | cout<<"\n\nHai vinto!!!"; |
116 | + | |
117 | if(t==2){ | |
118 | - | cout<<"\n\nHa vinto il computer :("; |
118 | + | cout<<"\nhai fatto ambo! "; |
119 | getchar(); | |
120 | t++; | |
121 | }//if | |
122 | if(t==4){ | |
123 | cout<<"\nhai fatto terno! "; | |
124 | getchar(); | |
125 | t++; | |
126 | }//if | |
127 | if(t==6){ | |
128 | cout<<"\nhai fatto cinquina! "; | |
129 | getchar(); | |
130 | t++; | |
131 | }//if | |
132 | }//for-j | |
133 | }//for-i | |
134 | }//stampa | |
135 | ||
136 | void vinto(int win){ | |
137 | if(win==13) | |
138 | cout<<"\n\n\t\t\tHai vinto :D"; | |
139 | else | |
140 | cout<<"\n\n\t\t\tHa vinto il computer :("; | |
141 | }//vinto | |
142 | //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | |
143 | ||
144 | ||
145 | int main(){ | |
146 | int a[N],y[N],z[N]; | |
147 | sfondo(); | |
148 | cartella(y); | |
149 | stcart(y); | |
150 | cartella1(z); | |
151 | stcart1(z); | |
152 | tombola(a); | |
153 | vinto(estraz(a,y,z)); | |
154 | fflush(stdin); | |
155 | getchar(); | |
156 | return 0; | |
157 | }//main |