- or go back to the newest paste.
1 | false | |
2 | { | |
3 | [ "/c" ] = { | |
4 | "", | |
5 | "", | |
6 | "", | |
7 | "", | |
8 | "", | |
9 | "", | |
10 | "", | |
11 | "", | |
12 | "", | |
13 | "", | |
14 | "", | |
15 | "", | |
16 | "", | |
17 | "", | |
18 | "", | |
19 | "", | |
20 | "", | |
21 | " ddddd55555 ", | |
22 | " 5555ddddd555555 ", | |
23 | " 55555555dddd555555 ", | |
24 | " 55555555555dddd55555 ", | |
25 | "5555555 ddd55555", | |
26 | "55555 dd5555", | |
27 | "d555 555 ", | |
28 | "5ddd ", | |
29 | "d555 ", | |
30 | "dddd ", | |
31 | "ddddd ", | |
32 | " ddddd 5555 ", | |
33 | " ddddddd ddd555", | |
34 | " dddddddddddd55555ddd", | |
35 | " dddddddddddddddd55 ", | |
36 | " dddddddddddddd ", | |
37 | " dddddd ", | |
38 | "", | |
39 | }, | |
40 | [ "/test" ] = { | |
41 | "local mon = peripheral.find(\"monitor\")", | |
42 | "term.redirect(mon)", | |
43 | "os.loadAPI(\"pain\")", | |
44 | "\"render\")", | |
45 | "term.setBackgroundColor(", | |
46 | "term.clear()", | |
47 | "local space = 2", | |
48 | "local dif = 1", | |
49 | "function ion(txt)", | |
50 | " term.native().setCursorPos(1,2)", | |
51 | " term.native().write(txt..\" \")", | |
52 | "end", | |
53 | "pain.renderPAINFS(\"BETA\",2,35)", | |
54 | "while true do", | |
55 | " render(1,space)", | |
56 | " if (space >= 5) or (space <= 1) then", | |
57 | " dif = dif*-1", | |
58 | " end", | |
59 | " space = space + dif", | |
60 | " ion(space..\"/\"..dif)", | |
61 | " sleep(0.2)", | |
62 | "end", | |
63 | "", | |
64 | }, | |
65 | [ "/r" ] = { | |
66 | "", | |
67 | "", | |
68 | "", | |
69 | "", | |
70 | "", | |
71 | "", | |
72 | "", | |
73 | "", | |
74 | "", | |
75 | "", | |
76 | "", | |
77 | "", | |
78 | "", | |
79 | "", | |
80 | "", | |
81 | "", | |
82 | "", | |
83 | " 55555555d 5555555 ", | |
84 | " 55555555 d555555555 ", | |
85 | " 555555555ddd55555555 ", | |
86 | " 5555555555dddd5555555 ", | |
87 | " 555555555555dddd555555", | |
88 | " 5555555555555dddd55555", | |
89 | " 5555555555 d55555", | |
90 | " ddd5555 55555", | |
91 | " 555d555 5555", | |
92 | " ddd5dd5 ", | |
93 | " dddd55d ", | |
94 | " ddddddd5 ", | |
95 | " dddddddd ", | |
96 | " dddddddd ", | |
97 | " ddddddd ", | |
98 | "dddddddd ", | |
99 | "ddddddd ", | |
100 | "", | |
101 | }, | |
102 | [ "/P" ] = { | |
103 | " 5555d55555555555 ", | |
104 | " 5555555dd5555555555555 ", | |
105 | " 55555555d555555555555555 ", | |
106 | " 55555555dd5555555555555555 ", | |
107 | " 55555555dd5555555555555555 ", | |
108 | " 555555555dd 55555555555", | |
109 | " 5555555555d 55555555", | |
110 | " 55555555555 55555", | |
111 | " 55555555555 55555", | |
112 | " 5555555555 5555", | |
113 | " 555555555 5555", | |
114 | " 5555555555 55555", | |
115 | " d55555555555555 5555555", | |
116 | " d55555555555555555ddd555555", | |
117 | " 5d55555555555555555ddd555 ", | |
118 | " d5d55555555555555555ddd5 ", | |
119 | " ddd5d555555555555555 ", | |
120 | " dddd5d55555 ", | |
121 | " dddd5d55555 ", | |
122 | " ddddd5d5555 ", | |
123 | " dddddd5d5555 ", | |
124 | " ddddddd5d55 ", | |
125 | " dddddddd5dd ", | |
126 | " ddddddddd55 ", | |
127 | " ddddddddddd ", | |
128 | " dddddddddddd ", | |
129 | " ddddddddddd ", | |
130 | " ddddddddddd ", | |
131 | " ddddddddddd ", | |
132 | "ddddddddddd ", | |
133 | "dddddddddd ", | |
134 | "ddddddddd ", | |
135 | "dddddddd ", | |
136 | " ddddd ", | |
137 | "", | |
138 | }, | |
139 | [ "/j" ] = { | |
140 | "", | |
141 | "", | |
142 | "", | |
143 | "", | |
144 | "", | |
145 | "", | |
146 | "", | |
147 | "", | |
148 | "", | |
149 | "", | |
150 | " 5555 ", | |
151 | " 555555", | |
152 | " d5555 ", | |
153 | " dd55 ", | |
154 | " dddd ", | |
155 | "", | |
156 | "", | |
157 | " 55dd ", | |
158 | " 5555dd ", | |
159 | " 55555dd ", | |
160 | " 555555d ", | |
161 | " 555555d", | |
162 | " 5555555", | |
163 | " 55 5555555", | |
164 | " ddd 555555", | |
165 | "5555d 555555", | |
166 | "dddd55 ddd555", | |
167 | "dddddd 555ddd", | |
168 | "dddddd dddd555", | |
169 | "ddddddd dddddddd ", | |
170 | "dddddddddddddddddd ", | |
171 | " dddddddddddddddd ", | |
172 | " ddddddddddddd ", | |
173 | " dddddddddd ", | |
174 | "", | |
175 | }, | |
176 | [ "/e" ] = { | |
177 | "", | |
178 | "", | |
179 | "", | |
180 | "", | |
181 | "", | |
182 | "", | |
183 | "", | |
184 | "", | |
185 | "", | |
186 | "", | |
187 | "", | |
188 | "", | |
189 | "", | |
190 | "", | |
191 | "", | |
192 | "", | |
193 | "", | |
194 | " ddddd5555555 ", | |
195 | " 55dddddd5555555 ", | |
196 | " 55555dddddd5555555 ", | |
197 | " 555555 55555 ", | |
198 | "555555 dd55 ", | |
199 | "555555 dddd", | |
200 | "dd5555 555d", | |
201 | "55ddddd 55555", | |
202 | "dd5555555ddddddd555555", | |
203 | "ddddddddd5555555ddddd ", | |
204 | "ddddddd ", | |
205 | " dddddd ", | |
206 | " dddddddd ", | |
207 | " ddddddddd dddddd", | |
208 | " ddddddddddddddddddd", | |
209 | " ddddddddddddddddd ", | |
210 | " ddddddddddddd ", | |
211 | "", | |
212 | }, | |
213 | [ "/o" ] = { | |
214 | "", | |
215 | "", | |
216 | "", | |
217 | "", | |
218 | "", | |
219 | "", | |
220 | "", | |
221 | "", | |
222 | "", | |
223 | "", | |
224 | "", | |
225 | "", | |
226 | "", | |
227 | "", | |
228 | "", | |
229 | "", | |
230 | "", | |
231 | " d5555 ", | |
232 | " 55ddd55555 ", | |
233 | " 55555ddd55555 ", | |
234 | " 555555dddd5555 ", | |
235 | " 55555555dddddddd ", | |
236 | "555555 dddddd", | |
237 | "dd555 ddddd", | |
238 | "55dd 555", | |
239 | "dd55 555", | |
240 | "dddd 555", | |
241 | "ddddd 5ddd", | |
242 | "dddddd dd55 ", | |
243 | " dddddddddddddddd ", | |
244 | " ddddddddddddddd ", | |
245 | " ddddddddddddd ", | |
246 | " dddddddddd ", | |
247 | " dddddd ", | |
248 | "", | |
249 | }, | |
250 | [ "/pain" ] = { | |
251 | "--[[\r", | |
252 | " PAIN picture editor for ComputerCraft\r", | |
253 | " Get it with\r", | |
254 | " pastebin get wJQ7jav0 pain\r", | |
255 | " std pb wJQ7jav0 pain\r", | |
256 | " std ld pain pain\r", | |
257 | " \r", | |
258 | " This is a stable release. You fool!\r", | |
259 | "--]]\r", | |
260 | "\r", | |
261 | "local displayHelp = function()\r", | |
262 | " local progname = fs.getName(shell.getRunningProgram())\r", | |
263 | " print(progname..\" <filename>\")\r", | |
264 | " print(\"Press F1 in program for more.\")\r", | |
265 | "end\r", | |
266 | "\r", | |
267 | "local pMode = 0\r", | |
268 | "\r", | |
269 | "local tArg = {...}\r", | |
270 | "if (not tArg[1]) and shell then\r", | |
271 | " return displayHelp()\r", | |
272 | "end\r", | |
273 | "\r", | |
274 | "if tArg[2] == \"view\" then\r", | |
275 | " pMode = 1\r", | |
276 | "elseif tArg[2] == \"moo\" then\r", | |
277 | " return print(\"This PAIN does not have Super Cow Powers.\")\r", | |
278 | "end\r", | |
279 | "\r", | |
280 | "local fileName\r", | |
281 | "if not term.isColor() then\r", | |
282 | " error(\"Only for Advanced computers\")\r", | |
283 | "end\r", | |
284 | "local barmsg = \"Press F1 for help.\"\r", | |
285 | "local tse = textutils.serialise\r", | |
286 | "local tun = textutils.unserialise\r", | |
287 | "local paintEncoded\r", | |
288 | "local lastPaintEncoded\r", | |
289 | "local frame = 1\r", | |
290 | "local doRender = false\r", | |
291 | "local metaHistory = {}\r", | |
292 | "local bepimode = false --this is a family-friendly program! now stand still while I murder you\r", | |
293 | "local evenDrawGrid = true --will you evenDraw(the)Grid ?\r", | |
294 | "local renderBlittle = false --whether or not to render all in blittle\r", | |
295 | "local firstTerm, blittleTerm = term.current()\r", | |
296 | "local firstBG = term.getBackgroundColor()\r", | |
297 | "local firstTX = term.getTextColor()\r", | |
298 | "\r", | |
299 | "local grid\r", | |
300 | "\r", | |
301 | "local yield = function()\r", | |
302 | " os.queueEvent(\"yield\")\r", | |
303 | " os.pullEvent(\"yield\")\r", | |
304 | "end\r", | |
305 | "\r", | |
306 | "local paint = {\r", | |
307 | " scrollX = 0,\r", | |
308 | " scrollY = 0,\r", | |
309 | " t = colors.gray,\r", | |
310 | " b = colors.white,\r", | |
311 | " m = 1, --in case you want to use PAIN as a level editor or something\r", | |
312 | " c = \" \",\r", | |
313 | " doGray = false,\r", | |
314 | "}\r", | |
315 | "\r", | |
316 | "local scr_x, scr_y = term.getSize()\r", | |
317 | "local scrollX, scrollY = 0, 0\r", | |
318 | "\r", | |
319 | "local keysDown = {}\r", | |
320 | "local miceDown = {}\r", | |
321 | "\r", | |
322 | "local doRenderBar = 1 -- 1 and 0. Not true or false\r", | |
323 | "\r", | |
324 | "local fixstr = function(str)\r", | |
325 | " return str:gsub(\"\\\\(%d%d%d)\",string.char)\r", | |
326 | "end\r", | |
327 | "\r", | |
328 | "local choice = function(input,breakkeys)\r", | |
329 | " repeat\r", | |
330 | " event, key = os.pullEvent(\"key\")\r", | |
331 | " if type(key) == \"number\" then key = keys.getName(key) end\r", | |
332 | " if key == nil then key = \" \" end\r", | |
333 | " if type(breakkeys) == \"table\" then\r", | |
334 | " for a = 1, #breakkeys do\r", | |
335 | " if key == breakkeys[a] then\r", | |
336 | " return \"\"\r", | |
337 | " end\r", | |
338 | " end\r", | |
339 | " end\r", | |
340 | " until string.find(input, key)\r", | |
341 | " return key\r", | |
342 | "end\r", | |
343 | "local explode = function(div,str)\r", | |
344 | " if (div=='') then return false end\r", | |
345 | " local pos,arr = 0,{}\r", | |
346 | " for st,sp in function() return string.find(str,div,pos,true) end do\r", | |
347 | " table.insert(arr,str:sub(pos,st-1))\r", | |
348 | " pos = sp + 1\r", | |
349 | " end\r", | |
350 | " table.insert(arr,str:sub(pos))\r", | |
351 | " return arr\r", | |
352 | "end\r", | |
353 | "\r", | |
354 | "local function cutString(max_line_length, str) --from stack overflow\r", | |
355 | " local lines = {}\r", | |
356 | " local line\r", | |
357 | " str:gsub('(%s*)(%S+)', \r", | |
358 | " function(spc, word) \r", | |
359 | " if not line or #line + #spc + #word > max_line_length then\r", | |
360 | " table.insert(lines, line)\r", | |
361 | " line = word\r", | |
362 | " else\r", | |
363 | " line = line..spc..word\r", | |
364 | " end\r", | |
365 | " end\r", | |
366 | " )\r", | |
367 | " table.insert(lines, line)\r", | |
368 | " return lines\r", | |
369 | "end\r", | |
370 | "\r", | |
371 | "local cutUp = function(len,tbl)\r", | |
372 | " local output = {}\r", | |
373 | " local e = 0\r", | |
374 | " local s\r", | |
375 | " for a = 1, #tbl do\r", | |
376 | " if #(tbl[a]:gsub(\" \",\"\")) == 0 then\r", | |
377 | " s = {\"\"}\r", | |
378 | " else\r", | |
379 | " s = cutString(len,tbl[a])\r", | |
380 | " end\r", | |
381 | " for b = 1, #s do\r", | |
382 | " table.insert(output,s[b])\r", | |
383 | " end\r", | |
384 | " end\r", | |
385 | " return output\r", | |
386 | "end\r", | |
387 | "\r", | |
388 | "local getEvents = function(...)\r", | |
389 | " local output\r", | |
390 | " while true do\r", | |
391 | " output = {os.pullEvent()}\r", | |
392 | " for a = 1, #arg do\r", | |
393 | " if type(arg[a]) == \"boolean\" then\r", | |
394 | " if doRender == arg[a] then\r", | |
395 | " return {}\r", | |
396 | " end\r", | |
397 | " elseif output[1] == arg[a] then\r", | |
398 | " return unpack(output)\r", | |
399 | " end\r", | |
400 | " end\r", | |
401 | " end\r", | |
402 | "end\r", | |
403 | "\r", | |
404 | "local sanitize = function(sani,tize)\r", | |
405 | " local _,x = string.find(sani,tize)\r", | |
406 | " if x then\r", | |
407 | " return sani:sub(x+1)\r", | |
408 | " else\r", | |
409 | " return sani\r", | |
410 | " end\r", | |
411 | "end\r", | |
412 | "local ro = function(input, max)\r", | |
413 | " return math.floor(input % max)\r", | |
414 | "end\r", | |
415 | "\r", | |
416 | "local guiHelp = function()\r", | |
417 | " term.redirect(firstTerm)\r", | |
418 | " scr_x, scr_y = term.current().getSize()\r", | |
419 | " local _helpText = [[\r", | |
420 | "\r", | |
421 | " 'PAIN' Help Page\r", | |
422 | "Programmed by LDDestroier/EldidiStroyrr\r", | |
423 | "\r", | |
424 | "(use UP/DOWN or scrollwheel, exit with Q)\r", | |
425 | "If you want to use PAIN to its full capacity, then READ EVERYTHING HERE! It's not TOO long, and it's completely worth it!\r", | |
426 | "\r", | |
427 | "Syntax:\r", | |
428 | ">pain <filename> [view]\r", | |
429 | "\r", | |
430 | "[view]: disable all writing capability to view a file\r", | |
431 | "\r", | |
432 | "You can see what colors are selected based on the word \"PAIN\" on the hotbar.\r", | |
433 | "\r", | |
434 | "Hotkeys:\r", | |
435 | " left/right ctrl: toggle the menu\r", | |
436 | "\r", | |
437 | " left click:\r", | |
438 | " +shift = drag and let go to make a line\r", | |
439 | " -alone = place pixel\r", | |
440 | "\r", | |
441 | " right click: delete pixel\r", | |
442 | "\r", | |
443 | " middle click OR \"t\": place text down with current colors\r", | |
444 | "\r", | |
445 | " \"[\" or mouse scroll down:\r", | |
446 | " +shift = change to previous text color\r", | |
447 | " -alone = change to previous background color\r", | |
448 | "\r", | |
449 | " \"]\" or mouse scroll up:\r", | |
450 | " +shift = change to next text color\r", | |
451 | " -alone = change to next background color\r", | |
452 | "\r", | |
453 | " spacebar:\r", | |
454 | " +shift = toggle grid\r", | |
455 | " -alone = toggle bar visibility\r", | |
456 | "\r", | |
457 | " arrowkeys:\r", | |
458 | " +shift = move entire picture\r", | |
459 | " +tab = move one pixel at a time\r", | |
460 | " -alone = looks around the canvas smoothly\r", | |
461 | "\r", | |
462 | " \"+\" (or equals):\r", | |
463 | " +left alt = swap the current frame with the next frame\r", | |
464 | " -alone = change to next frame\r", | |
465 | "\r", | |
466 | " \"-\":\r", | |
467 | " +left alt = swap the current frame with the previous frame\r", | |
468 | " -alone = change to previous frame\r", | |
469 | "\r", | |
470 | " \"a\": set the coordinates to 0,0\r", | |
471 | "\r", | |
472 | " \"b\": toggle redirect to blittle, to preview in teletext characters\r", | |
473 | "\r", | |
474 | " \"c\": input coordinates to move the canvas to\r", | |
475 | "\r", | |
476 | " \"g\": toggle grayscale mode. everything is in shades of gray. if you Save, it saves in grayscale.\r", | |
477 | "\r", | |
478 | " \"f\":\r", | |
479 | " +shift = fill all empty pixels with background color\r", | |
480 | " -alone = absolutely nothing\r", | |
481 | "\r", | |
482 | " \"m\": set metadata for pixels (for game makers, otherwise safe to ignore)\r", | |
483 | "\r", | |
484 | "\r", | |
485 | " Le Menu (access with CTRL):\r", | |
486 | "\r", | |
487 | " -left click on a menu item to select it.\r", | |
488 | " -if you click on the menubar, let go on an option to select it.\r", | |
489 | "\r", | |
490 | " \"Save\"\r", | |
491 | " Saves all frames to a specially formatted PAIN paint file. The format PAIN uses is very inefficient despite my best efforts, so Export if you don't use text or multiple frame.\r", | |
492 | "\r", | |
493 | " \"Export\"\r", | |
494 | " Exports current frame to the basic paint format, which doesn't save text, but is WAY more space-efficient. Specify a path, too.\r", | |
495 | "\r", | |
496 | " \"Del. Frame\"\r", | |
497 | " Deletes the current frame. Tells you off if you try to delete the only frame.\r", | |
498 | "\r", | |
499 | " \"Clear\"\r", | |
500 | " Deletes all pixels on the current frame.\r", | |
501 | "\r", | |
502 | " \"Exit\"\r", | |
503 | " Durr I dunno, I think it exits.\r", | |
504 | "\r", | |
505 | "\r", | |
506 | "I hope my PAIN causes you joy.\r", | |
507 | "]]\r", | |
508 | " _helpText = explode(\"\\n\",_helpText)\r", | |
509 | " helpText = cutUp(scr_x,_helpText)\r", | |
510 | " local helpscroll = 0\r", | |
511 | " term.setBackgroundColor(colors.gray)\r", | |
512 | " term.setTextColor(colors.white)\r", | |
513 | " term.clear()\r", | |
514 | " local evt, key\r", | |
515 | " while true do\r", | |
516 | " term.clear()\r", | |
517 | " for a = 1, scr_y do\r", | |
518 | " term.setCursorPos(1,a)\r", | |
519 | " term.clearLine()\r", | |
520 | " term.write(helpText[a-helpscroll] or \"\")\r", | |
521 | " end\r", | |
522 | " repeat\r", | |
523 | " evt,key = os.pullEvent()\r", | |
524 | " until evt == \"key\" or evt == \"mouse_scroll\"\r", | |
525 | " if evt == \"key\" then\r", | |
526 | " if key == keys.up then\r", | |
527 | " helpscroll = helpscroll + 1\r", | |
528 | " elseif key == keys.down then\r", | |
529 | " helpscroll = helpscroll - 1\r", | |
530 | " elseif key == keys.pageUp then\r", | |
531 | " helpscroll = helpscroll + scr_y\r", | |
532 | " elseif key == keys.pageDown then\r", | |
533 | " helpscroll = helpscroll - scr_y\r", | |
534 | " elseif (key == keys.q) or (key == then\r", | |
535 | " doRender = true\r", | |
536 | " if renderBlittle then term.redirect(blittleTerm) end\r", | |
537 | " scr_x, scr_y = term.current().getSize()\r", | |
538 | " return\r", | |
539 | " end\r", | |
540 | " elseif evt == \"mouse_scroll\" then\r", | |
541 | " helpscroll = helpscroll - key\r", | |
542 | " end\r", | |
543 | " if helpscroll > 0 then\r", | |
544 | " helpscroll = 0\r", | |
545 | " elseif helpscroll < -(#helpText-(scr_y-3)) then\r", | |
546 | " helpscroll = -(#helpText-(scr_y-3))\r", | |
547 | " end\r", | |
548 | " end\r", | |
549 | "end\r", | |
550 | "\r", | |
551 | "local tableRemfind = function(tbl, str)\r", | |
552 | " local out = tbl\r", | |
553 | " for a = 1, #tbl do\r", | |
554 | " if tbl[a] == str then\r", | |
555 | " table.remove(out,a)\r", | |
556 | " return out,a\r", | |
557 | " end\r", | |
558 | " end\r", | |
559 | " return {}\r", | |
560 | "end\r", | |
561 | "\r", | |
562 | "local stringShift = function(str,amt)\r", | |
563 | " return str:sub(ro(amt-1,#str)+1)..str:sub(1,ro(amt-1,#str))\r", | |
564 | "end\r", | |
565 | "\r", | |
566 | "local deepCopy\r", | |
567 | "deepCopy = function(obj)\r", | |
568 | " if type(obj) ~= 'table' then return obj end\r", | |
569 | " local res = {}\r", | |
570 | " for k, v in pairs(obj) do res[deepCopy(k)] = deepCopy(v) end\r", | |
571 | " return res\r", | |
572 | "end\r", | |
573 | "\r", | |
574 | "local renderBottomBar = function(txt)\r", | |
575 | " term.setCursorPos(1,scr_y)\r", | |
576 | " term.setBackgroundColor(colors.lightGray)\r", | |
577 | " term.setTextColor(\r", | |
578 | " term.clearLine()\r", | |
579 | " term.write(txt)\r", | |
580 | "end\r", | |
581 | "\r", | |
582 | "local bottomPrompt = function(txt,history,cho,breakkeys)\r", | |
583 | " renderBottomBar(txt)\r", | |
584 | " local out\r", | |
585 | " sleep(0)\r", | |
586 | " if cho then\r", | |
587 | " out = choice(cho,breakkeys)\r", | |
588 | " else\r", | |
589 | " out = read(_,history)\r", | |
590 | " end\r", | |
591 | " return out\r", | |
592 | "end\r", | |
593 | "\r", | |
594 | "local getDotsInLine = function( startX, startY, endX, endY ) --stolen from the paintutils API...hehehe\r", | |
595 | " local out = {}\r", | |
596 | " \r", | |
597 | " startX = math.floor(startX)\r", | |
598 | " startY = math.floor(startY)\r", | |
599 | " endX = math.floor(endX)\r", | |
600 | " endY = math.floor(endY)\r", | |
601 | "\r", | |
602 | " if startX == endX and startY == endY then\r", | |
603 | " out = {{x=startX,y=startY}}\r", | |
604 | " return out\r", | |
605 | " end\r", | |
606 | " \r", | |
607 | " local minX = math.min( startX, endX )\r", | |
608 | " if minX == startX then\r", | |
609 | " minY = startY\r", | |
610 | " maxX = endX\r", | |
611 | " maxY = endY\r", | |
612 | " else\r", | |
613 | " minY = endY\r", | |
614 | " maxX = startX\r", | |
615 | " maxY = startY\r", | |
616 | " end\r", | |
617 | " \r", | |
618 | " local xDiff = maxX - minX\r", | |
619 | " local yDiff = maxY - minY\r", | |
620 | " \r", | |
621 | " if xDiff > math.abs(yDiff) then\r", | |
622 | " local y = minY\r", | |
623 | " local dy = yDiff / xDiff\r", | |
624 | " for x=minX,maxX do\r", | |
625 | " table.insert(out,{x=x,y=math.floor(y+0.5)})\r", | |
626 | " y = y + dy\r", | |
627 | " end\r", | |
628 | " else\r", | |
629 | " local x = minX\r", | |
630 | " local dx = xDiff / yDiff\r", | |
631 | " if maxY >= minY then\r", | |
632 | " for y=minY,maxY do\r", | |
633 | " table.insert(out,{x=math.floor(x+0.5),y=y})\r", | |
634 | " x = x + dx\r", | |
635 | " end\r", | |
636 | " else\r", | |
637 | " for y=minY,maxY,-1 do\r", | |
638 | " table.insert(out,{x=math.floor(x+0.5),y=y})\r", | |
639 | " x = x - dx\r", | |
640 | " end\r", | |
641 | " end\r", | |
642 | " end\r", | |
643 | " return out\r", | |
644 | "end\r", | |
645 | "\r", | |
646 | "local movePaintEncoded = function(pe,xdiff,ydiff)\r", | |
647 | " local outpootis = deepCopy(pe)\r", | |
648 | " for a = 1, #outpootis do\r", | |
649 | " outpootis[a].x = outpootis[a].x+xdiff\r", | |
650 | " outpootis[a].y = outpootis[a].y+ydiff\r", | |
651 | " end\r", | |
652 | " return outpootis\r", | |
653 | "end\r", | |
654 | "\r", | |
655 | "local clearRedundant = function(dots)\r", | |
656 | " local input = {}\r", | |
657 | " local pheight = 0\r", | |
658 | " local pwidth = 0\r", | |
659 | " for a = 1, #dots do\r", | |
660 | " if dots[a].y > pheight then\r", | |
661 | " pheight = dots[a].y\r", | |
662 | " end\r", | |
663 | " if dots[a].x > pwidth then\r", | |
664 | " pwidth = dots[a].x\r", | |
665 | " end\r", | |
666 | " end\r", | |
667 | " for a = 1, #dots do\r", | |
668 | " if not input[dots[a].y] then input[dots[a].y] = {} end\r", | |
669 | " input[dots[a].y][dots[a].x] = dots[a]\r", | |
670 | " end\r", | |
671 | " local output = {}\r", | |
672 | " local frame = 0\r", | |
673 | " for y = 1, pheight do\r", | |
674 | " for x = 1, pwidth do\r", | |
675 | " if input[y] then\r", | |
676 | " if input[y][x] then\r", | |
677 | " table.insert(output,input[y][x])\r", | |
678 | " end\r", | |
679 | " end\r", | |
680 | " if frame >= 50 then\r", | |
681 | " --yield()\r", | |
682 | " frame = 0\r", | |
683 | " end\r", | |
684 | " end\r", | |
685 | " end\r", | |
686 | " return output\r", | |
687 | "end\r", | |
688 | "\r", | |
689 | "local grayOut = function(color)\r", | |
690 | " local c = deepCopy(_G.colors)\r", | |
691 | " local grays = {\r", | |
692 | " [c.white] = c.white,\r", | |
693 | " [] = c.lightGray,\r", | |
694 | " [c.magenta] = c.lightGray,\r", | |
695 | " [c.lightBlue] = c.lightGray,\r", | |
696 | " [c.yellow] = c.white,\r", | |
697 | " [c.lime] = c.lightGray,\r", | |
698 | " [] = c.lightGray,\r", | |
699 | " [c.gray] = c.gray,\r", | |
700 | " [c.lightGray] = c.lightGray,\r", | |
701 | " [c.cyan] = c.lightGray,\r", | |
702 | " [c.purple] = c.gray,\r", | |
703 | " [] = c.gray,\r", | |
704 | " [c.brown] = c.gray,\r", | |
705 | " [] = c.lightGray,\r", | |
706 | " [] = c.gray,\r", | |
707 | " [] =,\r", | |
708 | " }\r", | |
709 | " local newColor = grays[color] or 1\r", | |
710 | " return newColor\r", | |
711 | "end\r", | |
712 | "\r", | |
713 | "local getOnscreenCoords = function(tbl,_x,_y)\r", | |
714 | " local screenTbl = {}\r", | |
715 | " for a = 1, #tbl do\r", | |
716 | " if tbl[a].x+paint.scrollX > 0 and tbl[a].x+paint.scrollX <= scr_x then\r", | |
717 | " if tbl[a].y+paint.scrollY > 0 and tbl[a].y+paint.scrollY <= scr_y then\r", | |
718 | " table.insert(screenTbl,{tbl[a].x+paint.scrollX,tbl[a].y+paint.scrollY})\r", | |
719 | " end\r", | |
720 | " end\r", | |
721 | " end\r", | |
722 | " if not _x and _y then\r", | |
723 | " return screenTbl\r", | |
724 | " else\r", | |
725 | " for a = 1, #screenTbl do\r", | |
726 | " if screenTbl[a][1] == _x and screenTbl[a][2] == _y then\r", | |
727 | " return true\r", | |
728 | " end\r", | |
729 | " end\r", | |
730 | " return false\r", | |
731 | " end\r", | |
732 | "end\r", | |
733 | "\r", | |
734 | "local fillTool = function(info,cx,cy,color,layer) --takes a frame, not the whole paintEncoded\r", | |
735 | " local x,y\r", | |
736 | " local output = {}\r", | |
737 | " for a = 1, #info do\r", | |
738 | " if (info[a].x == cx) and (info[a].y == cy) then\r", | |
739 | " x = cx\r", | |
740 | " y = cy\r", | |
741 | " replaceColor = info[a].b\r", | |
742 | " break\r", | |
743 | " end\r", | |
744 | " end\r", | |
745 | " if not x and y then\r", | |
746 | " return\r", | |
747 | " end\r", | |
748 | " if color == replaceColor then\r", | |
749 | " return\r", | |
750 | " end\r", | |
751 | " table.insert(output,{\r", | |
752 | " [\"x\"] = x,\r", | |
753 | " [\"y\"] = y,\r", | |
754 | " [\"b\"] = color,\r", | |
755 | " [\"t\"] = color,\r", | |
756 | " [\"c\"] = \" \",\r", | |
757 | " [\"m\"] = paint.m\r", | |
758 | " })\r", | |
759 | " local loops = 0\r", | |
760 | " local tAffectedPoints = {\r", | |
761 | " [1] = {\r", | |
762 | " x = x+tTerm.scroll.x,\r", | |
763 | " z = z+tTerm.scroll.z\r", | |
764 | " }\r", | |
765 | " }\r", | |
766 | " while #tAffectedPoints > 0 do\r", | |
767 | " if loops%200 == 0 then\r", | |
768 | " sleep(0.05)\r", | |
769 | " end\r", | |
770 | " for i=-1,1,2 do\r", | |
771 | " local x = tAffectedPoints[1][\"x\"]+i\r", | |
772 | " local z = tAffectedPoints[1][\"z\"]\r", | |
773 | " if tBlueprint[layer][x][z] == replaceColor and x >= tTerm.viewable.sX and x <= tTerm.viewable.eX and z >= tTerm.viewable.sZ and z <= tTerm.viewable.eZ then\r", | |
774 | " drawPoint(x,z,color,layer,true,true)\r", | |
775 | " table.insert(tAffectedPoints,{[\"x\"] = x,[\"z\"] = z})\r", | |
776 | " end\r", | |
777 | " x = tAffectedPoints[1][\"x\"]\r", | |
778 | " z = tAffectedPoints[1][\"z\"]+i\r", | |
779 | " if tBlueprint[layer][x][z] == replaceColor and x >= tTerm.viewable.sX and x <= tTerm.viewable.eX and z >= tTerm.viewable.sZ and z <= tTerm.viewable.eZ then\r", | |
780 | " drawPoint(x,z,color,layer,true,true)\r", | |
781 | " table.insert(tAffectedPoints,{[\"x\"] = x,[\"z\"] = z})\r", | |
782 | " end\r", | |
783 | " end\r", | |
784 | " table.remove(tAffectedPoints,1)\r", | |
785 | " loops = loops+1\r", | |
786 | " end\r", | |
787 | "end\r", | |
788 | "\r", | |
789 | "local saveFile = function(path,info)\r", | |
790 | " local output = {}\r", | |
791 | " for a = 1, #info do\r", | |
792 | " output[a] = clearRedundant(info[a])\r", | |
793 | " if a % 8 == 0 then yield() end\r", | |
794 | " end\r", | |
795 | " local fileout = textutils.serialize(output):gsub(\" \",\"\"):gsub(\"\\n\",\"\"):gsub(\" = \",\"=\"):gsub(\",}\",\"}\")\r", | |
796 | " if #fileout >= fs.getFreeSpace(fs.getDir(path)) then\r", | |
797 | " barmsg = \"Not enough space.\"\r", | |
798 | " return\r", | |
799 | " end\r", | |
800 | " local file =,\"w\")\r", | |
801 | " file.write(fileout)\r", | |
802 | " file.close()\r", | |
803 | "end\r", | |
804 | "local renderBar = function(msg,dontSetVisible)\r", | |
805 | " local tsv = term.current().setVisible\r", | |
806 | " if (doRenderBar == 0) or renderBlittle then return end\r", | |
807 | " if tsv and (not dontSetVisible) then tsv(false) end\r", | |
808 | " term.setCursorPos(1,scr_y)\r", | |
809 | " term.setBackgroundColor(colors.lightGray)\r", | |
810 | " term.setTextColor(\r", | |
811 | " term.clearLine()\r", | |
812 | " term.setBackgroundColor(paint.b)\r", | |
813 | " term.setTextColor(paint.t)\r", | |
814 | " term.setCursorPos(2,scr_y)\r", | |
815 | " term.write(\"PAIN\")\r", | |
816 | " term.setBackgroundColor(colors.lightGray)\r", | |
817 | " term.setTextColor(\r", | |
818 | " term.setCursorPos(7,scr_y)\r", | |
819 | " term.write(msg..\" Frame: \"..frame..\"/\"..#paintEncoded)\r", | |
820 | " term.write(\" (X:\"..paint.scrollX..\" Y:\"..paint.scrollY..\")\")\r", | |
821 | " if tsv and (not dontSetVisible) then tsv(true) end\r", | |
822 | "end\r", | |
823 | "\r", | |
824 | "local rendback = {\r", | |
825 | " b =,\r", | |
826 | " t = colors.gray,\r", | |
827 | "}\r", | |
828 | "\r", | |
829 | "local getTablePaint = function(pe)\r", | |
830 | " local output = {}\r", | |
831 | " for a = 1, #pe do\r", | |
832 | " if not output[pe[a].y] then output[pe[a].y] = {} end\r", | |
833 | " output[pe[a].y][pe[a].x] = pe[a]\r", | |
834 | " end\r", | |
835 | " return output\r", | |
836 | "end\r", | |
837 | "\r", | |
838 | "local renderPainyThings = function(xscroll,yscroll,doGrid)\r", | |
839 | " if bepimode then\r", | |
840 | " grid = {\r", | |
841 | " \"Bepis\",\r", | |
842 | " \"episB\",\r", | |
843 | " \"pisBe\",\r", | |
844 | " \"isBep\",\r", | |
845 | " \"sBepi\",\r", | |
846 | " }\r", | |
847 | " else\r", | |
848 | " grid = {\r", | |
849 | " \"%%..\",\r", | |
850 | " \"%%..\",\r", | |
851 | " \"%%..\",\r", | |
852 | " \"..%%\",\r", | |
853 | " \"..%%\",\r", | |
854 | " \"..%%\",\r", | |
855 | " }\r", | |
856 | " end\r", | |
857 | " term.setBackgroundColor(rendback.b)\r", | |
858 | " term.setTextColor(rendback.t)\r", | |
859 | " local badchar = \"/\"\r", | |
860 | " local blittlelabel = \"blittle max\"\r", | |
861 | " local screenlabel = \"screen max\"\r", | |
862 | " if doGrid then\r", | |
863 | " for y = 1, scr_y-(renderBlittle and 0 or doRenderBar) do\r", | |
864 | " term.setCursorPos(1,y)\r", | |
865 | " --the single most convoluted line I've ever written that works, and I love it\r", | |
866 | " term.write(stringShift(grid[ro(y+(yscroll+2),#grid)+1],xscroll+1):rep(math.ceil(scr_x/#grid[ro(y+(yscroll+2),#grid)+1])):sub(1,scr_x))\r", | |
867 | " term.setCursorPos(1,y)\r", | |
868 | " if ((scr_y+1)-yscroll) == y then --regular limit\r", | |
869 | " term.write( (string.rep(\"@\", ( (scr_x) ) - (#screenlabel+2) ) ..screenlabel:gsub(\" \",\"@\"):upper()..\"@@\"):sub(xscroll>0 and xscroll or 0) )\r", | |
870 | " elseif (((scr_y*3)+1)-yscroll) == y then --blittle limit\r", | |
871 | " term.write( (string.rep(\"@\", ( ((scr_x*2)) ) - (#blittlelabel+2) )..blittlelabel:gsub(\" \",\"@\"):upper()..\"@@\"):sub(xscroll>0 and xscroll or 0) )\r", | |
872 | " end\r", | |
873 | " --Stupid easter eggs, ho!--\r", | |
874 | " if 1000-yscroll == y then\r", | |
875 | " term.setCursorPos(1000-xscroll,y)\r", | |
876 | " term.write(\" What ARE you doing? Stop messing around! \")\r", | |
877 | " end\r", | |
878 | " if 2016-yscroll == y then\r", | |
879 | " term.setCursorPos(200-xscroll,y)\r", | |
880 | " term.write(\" MOTHER 3 is the best RPG ever. \")\r", | |
881 | " end\r", | |
882 | " if 2017-yscroll == y then\r", | |
883 | " term.setCursorPos(200-xscroll,y)\r", | |
884 | " term.write(\" Wouldn't you agree? \")\r", | |
885 | " end\r", | |
886 | " if 800-yscroll == y then\r", | |
887 | " term.setCursorPos(1700-xscroll,y)\r", | |
888 | " term.write(\" Which would you say is better? \")\r", | |
889 | " end\r", | |
890 | " if 801-yscroll == y then\r", | |
891 | " term.setCursorPos(1700-xscroll,y)\r", | |
892 | " term.write(\" Cave Story or Braid? \")\r", | |
893 | " end\r", | |
894 | " if 802-yscroll == y then\r", | |
895 | " term.setCursorPos(1700-xscroll,y)\r", | |
896 | " term.write(\" It depends what you're looking for. \")\r", | |
897 | " end\r", | |
898 | " --Is this the end?--\r", | |
899 | " if (xscroll > scr_x) and (xscroll < (scr_x*2)+1) then --blittle limit\r", | |
900 | " for y = 1, scr_y do\r", | |
901 | " if y+yscroll <= (scr_y*3) then\r", | |
902 | " if not (y == scr_y and doRenderBar == 1) then\r", | |
903 | " term.setCursorPos((scr_x+1)-(xscroll-scr_x),y)\r", | |
904 | " term.write(\"@\")\r", | |
905 | " end\r", | |
906 | " end\r", | |
907 | " end\r", | |
908 | " elseif (xscroll > 0) then --regular limit\r", | |
909 | " for y = 1, scr_y do\r", | |
910 | " if y+yscroll <= scr_y then\r", | |
911 | " if not (y == scr_y and doRenderBar == 1) then\r", | |
912 | " term.setCursorPos((scr_x+1)-xscroll,y)\r", | |
913 | " term.write(\"@\")\r", | |
914 | " end\r", | |
915 | " end\r", | |
916 | " end\r", | |
917 | " end\r", | |
918 | " end\r", | |
919 | " --render areas that won't save\r", | |
920 | " if xscroll < 0 then\r", | |
921 | " for y = 1, scr_y do\r", | |
922 | " if not (y == scr_y and doRenderBar == 1) then\r", | |
923 | " term.setCursorPos(1,y)\r", | |
924 | " term.write(badchar:rep(-xscroll))\r", | |
925 | " end\r", | |
926 | " end\r", | |
927 | " end\r", | |
928 | " if yscroll < 0 then\r", | |
929 | " for y = 1, -yscroll do\r", | |
930 | " if not (y == scr_y and doRenderBar == 1) then\r", | |
931 | " term.setCursorPos(1,y)\r", | |
932 | " term.write(badchar:rep(scr_x))\r", | |
933 | " end\r", | |
934 | " end\r", | |
935 | " end\r", | |
936 | " else\r", | |
937 | " term.clear()\r", | |
938 | " end\r", | |
939 | "end\r", | |
940 | "\r", | |
941 | "renderPAIN = function(dots,xscroll,yscroll,doPain)\r", | |
942 | " local tsv = term.current().setVisible\r", | |
943 | " if tsv then tsv(false) end\r", | |
944 | " local beforeTX,beforeBG = term.getTextColor(), term.getBackgroundColor()\r", | |
945 | " local cx,cy = term.getCursorPos()\r", | |
946 | " local FUCK, SHIT = pcall(function()\r", | |
947 | " if doPain then\r", | |
948 | " renderPainyThings(xscroll,yscroll,evenDrawGrid)\r", | |
949 | " renderBar(barmsg,true)\r", | |
950 | " end\r", | |
951 | " for a = 1, #dots do\r", | |
952 | " local d = dots[a]\r", | |
953 | " if doPain then\r", | |
954 | " if not ((d.y-yscroll >= 1 and d.y-yscroll <= scr_y-(renderBlittle and 0 or (doRenderBar or 0))) and (d.x-xscroll >= 1 and d.x-xscroll <= scr_x)) then\r", | |
955 | " d = nil\r", | |
956 | " end\r", | |
957 | " end\r", | |
958 | " if d then\r", | |
959 | " term.setCursorPos(d.x-(xscroll or 0),d.y-(yscroll or 0))\r", | |
960 | " term.setTextColor((paint.doGray and grayOut(d.t)) or d.t)\r", | |
961 | " term.setBackgroundColor((paint.doGray and grayOut(d.b)) or d.b)\r", | |
962 | " term.write(d.c)\r", | |
963 | " end\r", | |
964 | " end\r", | |
965 | " end)\r", | |
966 | " term.setBackgroundColor(beforeBG)\r", | |
967 | " term.setTextColor(beforeTX)\r", | |
968 | " term.setCursorPos(cx,cy)\r", | |
969 | " if tsv then tsv(true) end\r", | |
970 | " if not FUCK then error(SHIT) end --GODDAMN IT\r", | |
971 | "end\r", | |
972 | "\r", | |
973 | "renderPAINFS = function(filename,xscroll,yscroll,frameNo,doPain)\r", | |
974 | " local tun, tse = textutils.unserialize, textutils.serialize\r", | |
975 | " local file =,\"r\")\r", | |
976 | " local contents = file.readAll()\r", | |
977 | " local amntFrames\r", | |
978 | " file.close()\r", | |
979 | " local tcontents = tun(contents)\r", | |
980 | " if type(tcontents) ~= \"table\" then\r", | |
981 | " tcontents = importFromNFP(contents)\r", | |
982 | " else\r", | |
983 | " amntFrames = #tcontents\r", | |
984 | " tcontents = tcontents[frameNo or 1]\r", | |
985 | " end\r", | |
986 | " renderPAIN(tcontents,xscroll,yscroll,doPain)\r", | |
987 | " return amntFrames\r", | |
988 | "end\r", | |
989 | "\r", | |
990 | "local getBlittle = function()\r", | |
991 | " if not blittle then\r", | |
992 | " local geet = http.get(\"\")\r", | |
993 | " if not geet then\r", | |
994 | " return false\r", | |
995 | " else\r", | |
996 | " geet = geet.readAll()\r", | |
997 | " local file =\"/.templittle/blittle\",\"w\")\r", | |
998 | " file.write(geet)\r", | |
999 | " file.close()\r", | |
1000 | " os.loadAPI(\"/.templittle/blittle\")\r", | |
1001 | " fs.delete(\"/.templittle/\")\r", | |
1002 | " if not blittleTerm then\r", | |
1003 | " blittleTerm = blittle.createWindow()\r", | |
1004 | " end\r", | |
1005 | " return blittleTerm, firstTerm\r", | |
1006 | " end\r", | |
1007 | " else\r", | |
1008 | " if not blittleTerm then\r", | |
1009 | " blittleTerm = blittle.createWindow()\r", | |
1010 | " end\r", | |
1011 | " return blittleTerm, firstTerm\r", | |
1012 | " end\r", | |
1013 | "end\r", | |
1014 | "\r", | |
1015 | "local putDownText = function(x,y)\r", | |
1016 | " term.setCursorPos(x,y)\r", | |
1017 | " term.setTextColor((paint.doGray and grayOut(paint.t)) or paint.t)\r", | |
1018 | " term.setBackgroundColor((paint.doGray and grayOut(paint.b)) or paint.b)\r", | |
1019 | " local msg = read()\r", | |
1020 | " if #msg > 0 then\r", | |
1021 | " for a = 1, #msg do\r", | |
1022 | " table.insert(paintEncoded[frame],{x=a+(x+paint.scrollX)-1,y=y+paint.scrollY,t=paint.t,b=paint.b,c=msg:sub(a,a),m=paint.m})\r", | |
1023 | " end\r", | |
1024 | " end\r", | |
1025 | "end\r", | |
1026 | "\r", | |
1027 | "local deleteDot = function(x,y)\r", | |
1028 | " local good = false\r", | |
1029 | " for a = #paintEncoded[frame],1,-1 do\r", | |
1030 | " local b = paintEncoded[frame][a]\r", | |
1031 | " if (x == b.x) and (y == b.y) then\r", | |
1032 | " table.remove(paintEncoded[frame],a)\r", | |
1033 | " good = true\r", | |
1034 | " end\r", | |
1035 | " end\r", | |
1036 | " return good\r", | |
1037 | "end\r", | |
1038 | "\r", | |
1039 | "CTB = function(_color) --Color To Blit\r", | |
1040 | " local blitcolors = {\r", | |
1041 | " [colors.white] = \"0\",\r", | |
1042 | " [] = \"1\",\r", | |
1043 | " [colors.magenta] = \"2\",\r", | |
1044 | " [colors.lightBlue] = \"3\",\r", | |
1045 | " [colors.yellow] = \"4\",\r", | |
1046 | " [colors.lime] = \"5\",\r", | |
1047 | " [] = \"6\",\r", | |
1048 | " [colors.gray] = \"7\",\r", | |
1049 | " [colors.lightGray] = \"8\",\r", | |
1050 | " [colors.cyan] = \"9\",\r", | |
1051 | " [colors.purple] = \"a\",\r", | |
1052 | " [] = \"b\",\r", | |
1053 | " [colors.brown] = \"c\",\r", | |
1054 | " [] = \"d\",\r", | |
1055 | " [] = \"e\",\r", | |
1056 | " [] = \"f\",\r", | |
1057 | " }\r", | |
1058 | " return blitcolors[_color] or \"f\"\r", | |
1059 | "end\r", | |
1060 | "\r", | |
1061 | "BTC = function(_color) --Blit To Color\r", | |
1062 | " local blitcolors = {\r", | |
1063 | " [\"0\"] = colors.white,\r", | |
1064 | " [\"1\"] =,\r", | |
1065 | " [\"2\"] = colors.magenta,\r", | |
1066 | " [\"3\"] = colors.lightBlue,\r", | |
1067 | " [\"4\"] = colors.yellow,\r", | |
1068 | " [\"5\"] = colors.lime,\r", | |
1069 | " [\"6\"] =,\r", | |
1070 | " [\"7\"] = colors.gray,\r", | |
1071 | " [\"8\"] = colors.lightGray,\r", | |
1072 | " [\"9\"] = colors.cyan,\r", | |
1073 | " [\"a\"] = colors.purple,\r", | |
1074 | " [\"b\"] =,\r", | |
1075 | " [\"c\"] = colors.brown,\r", | |
1076 | " [\"d\"] =,\r", | |
1077 | " [\"e\"] =,\r", | |
1078 | " [\"f\"] =,\r", | |
1079 | " }\r", | |
1080 | " return blitcolors[_color]\r", | |
1081 | "end\r", | |
1082 | "\r", | |
1083 | "exportToNFP = function(input)\r", | |
1084 | " local doop = {}\r", | |
1085 | " local p = input\r", | |
1086 | " local pheight = 0\r", | |
1087 | " local pwidth = 0\r", | |
1088 | " for a = 1, #p do\r", | |
1089 | " if p[a].y > pheight then\r", | |
1090 | " pheight = p[a].y\r", | |
1091 | " end\r", | |
1092 | " if p[a].x > pwidth then\r", | |
1093 | " pwidth = p[a].x\r", | |
1094 | " end\r", | |
1095 | " end\r", | |
1096 | " for k,v in pairs(p) do\r", | |
1097 | " if not doop[v.y] then doop[v.y] = {} end\r", | |
1098 | " doop[v.y][v.x] = CTB(v.b)\r", | |
1099 | " end\r", | |
1100 | " for y = 1, pheight do\r", | |
1101 | " if doop[y] then\r", | |
1102 | " for x = 1, pwidth do\r", | |
1103 | " if doop[y][x] then\r", | |
1104 | " nfpoutput = nfpoutput..doop[y][x]\r", | |
1105 | " else\r", | |
1106 | " nfpoutput = nfpoutput..\" \"\r", | |
1107 | " end\r", | |
1108 | " end\r", | |
1109 | " end\r", | |
1110 | " nfpoutput = nfpoutput..\"\\n\"\r", | |
1111 | " end\r", | |
1112 | " return nfpoutput\r", | |
1113 | "end\r", | |
1114 | "\r", | |
1115 | "importFromNFP = function(theInput)\r", | |
1116 | " local output = {}\r", | |
1117 | " local input = explode(\"\\n\",theInput)\r", | |
1118 | " for a = 1, #input do\r", | |
1119 | " line = input[a]\r", | |
1120 | " for b = 1, #line do\r", | |
1121 | " if (line:sub(b,b) ~= \" \") and BTC(line:sub(b,b)) then\r", | |
1122 | " table.insert(output,{\r", | |
1123 | " x = b,\r", | |
1124 | " y = a,\r", | |
1125 | " t = colors.white,\r", | |
1126 | " b = BTC(line:sub(b,b)) or,\r", | |
1127 | " c = \" \",\r", | |
1128 | " })\r", | |
1129 | " end\r", | |
1130 | " end\r", | |
1131 | " end\r", | |
1132 | " return output\r", | |
1133 | "end\r", | |
1134 | "\r", | |
1135 | "local getTheDoots = function(pe)\r", | |
1136 | " local hasBadDots = false\r", | |
1137 | " local baddestX,baddestY = 1,1\r", | |
1138 | " barmsg = \"Checking...\"\r", | |
1139 | " for b = 1, #pe do\r", | |
1140 | " local doot = pe[b]\r", | |
1141 | " if doot.x <= 0 or doot.y <= 0 then\r", | |
1142 | " hasBadDots = true\r", | |
1143 | " if doot.x < baddestX then\r", | |
1144 | " baddestX = doot.x\r", | |
1145 | " end\r", | |
1146 | " if doot.y < baddestY then\r", | |
1147 | " baddestY = doot.y\r", | |
1148 | " end\r", | |
1149 | " end\r", | |
1150 | " if b % 64 == 0 then yield() end\r", | |
1151 | " end\r", | |
1152 | " return baddestX, baddestY\r", | |
1153 | "end\r", | |
1154 | "\r", | |
1155 | "local function deepcompare(t1,t2,ignore_mt)\r", | |
1156 | " local ty1 = type(t1)\r", | |
1157 | " local ty2 = type(t2)\r", | |
1158 | " if ty1 ~= ty2 then return false end\r", | |
1159 | " -- non-table types can be directly compared\r", | |
1160 | " if ty1 ~= 'table' and ty2 ~= 'table' then return t1 == t2 end\r", | |
1161 | " -- as well as tables which have the metamethod __eq\r", | |
1162 | " local mt = getmetatable(t1)\r", | |
1163 | " if not ignore_mt and mt and mt.__eq then return t1 == t2 end\r", | |
1164 | " for k1,v1 in pairs(t1) do\r", | |
1165 | " local v2 = t2[k1]\r", | |
1166 | " if v2 == nil or not deepcompare(v1,v2) then return false end\r", | |
1167 | " end\r", | |
1168 | " for k2,v2 in pairs(t2) do\r", | |
1169 | " local v1 = t1[k2]\r", | |
1170 | " if v1 == nil or not deepcompare(v1,v2) then return false end\r", | |
1171 | " end\r", | |
1172 | " return true\r", | |
1173 | "end\r", | |
1174 | "\r", | |
1175 | "local displayMenu = function()\r", | |
1176 | " menuOptions = {\"Save\",\"Export\",\"Del.frame\",\"Clear\",\"Exit\"}\r", | |
1177 | " local diss = \" \"..table.concat(menuOptions,\" \")\r", | |
1178 | " local cleary = scr_y-math.floor(#diss/scr_x)\r", | |
1179 | " for a = cleary,scr_y do\r", | |
1180 | " term.setCursorPos(1,a)\r", | |
1181 | " term.setBackgroundColor(colors.lightGray)\r", | |
1182 | " term.clearLine()\r", | |
1183 | " end\r", | |
1184 | " local menuPoses = {}\r", | |
1185 | " local menuFunctions = {\r", | |
1186 | " [1] = function() --Save\r", | |
1187 | " local hasBadDots = false\r", | |
1188 | " for a = 1, #paintEncoded do\r", | |
1189 | " local radx,rady = getTheDoots(paintEncoded[a])\r", | |
1190 | " if radx ~= 1 or rady ~= 1 then\r", | |
1191 | " hasBadDots = true\r", | |
1192 | " end\r", | |
1193 | " end\r", | |
1194 | " if hasBadDots then\r", | |
1195 | " local ting = bottomPrompt(\"Dot(s) are OoB! Save or fix? (Y/N/F)\",_,\"ynf\",{keys.leftCtrl,keys.rightCtrl})\r", | |
1196 | " if ting == \"f\" then\r", | |
1197 | " for a = 1, #paintEncoded do\r", | |
1198 | " local baddestX, baddestY = getTheDoots(paintEncoded[a])\r", | |
1199 | " paintEncoded[a] = movePaintEncoded(paintEncoded[a],-(baddestX-1),-(baddestY-1))\r", | |
1200 | " end\r", | |
1201 | " elseif ting ~= \"y\" then\r", | |
1202 | " barmsg = \"\"\r", | |
1203 | " return false\r", | |
1204 | " end\r", | |
1205 | " end\r", | |
1206 | " local output = deepCopy(paintEncoded)\r", | |
1207 | " if paint.doGray then\r", | |
1208 | " for a = 1, #paintEncoded do\r", | |
1209 | " for b = 1, #paintEncoded[a] do\r", | |
1210 | " output[a][b].b = grayOut(paintEncoded[a][b].b)\r", | |
1211 | " output[a][b].t = grayOut(paintEncoded[a][b].t)\r", | |
1212 | " if not output[a][b].m then output[a][b].m = 1 end\r", | |
1213 | " end\r", | |
1214 | " if a % 2 == 0 then yield() end\r", | |
1215 | " end\r", | |
1216 | " end\r", | |
1217 | " saveFile(fileName,output)\r", | |
1218 | " lastPaintEncoded = deepCopy(paintEncoded)\r", | |
1219 | " term.setCursorPos(9,scr_y)\r", | |
1220 | " barmsg = \"Saved as '\"..fileName..\"'\"\r", | |
1221 | " doRender = true\r", | |
1222 | " end,\r", | |
1223 | " [2] = function() --Export\r", | |
1224 | " nfpoutput = \"\"\r", | |
1225 | " local exportName = bottomPrompt(\"Export to: /\")\r", | |
1226 | " if fs.combine(\"\",exportName) == \"\" then return end\r", | |
1227 | " if fs.isReadOnly(exportName) then\r", | |
1228 | " barmsg = \"That's read-only.\"\r", | |
1229 | " doRender = true\r", | |
1230 | " return\r", | |
1231 | " end\r", | |
1232 | " if fs.exists(exportName) then\r", | |
1233 | " if bottomPrompt(\"Overwrite? (Y/N)\",_,\"yn\",{keys.leftCtrl,keys.rightCtrl}) ~= \"y\" then return end\r", | |
1234 | " end\r", | |
1235 | " local output = exportToNFP(paintEncoded[frame])\r", | |
1236 | " local file =,\"w\")\r", | |
1237 | " file.write(output)\r", | |
1238 | " file.close()\r", | |
1239 | " doRender = true\r", | |
1240 | " barmsg = \"Exported as '\"..exportName..\"'\"\r", | |
1241 | " return\r", | |
1242 | " end,\r", | |
1243 | " [3] = function() --Del.Frame\r", | |
1244 | " local outcum = bottomPrompt(\"Thou art sure? (Y/N)\",_,\"yn\",{keys.leftCtrl,keys.rightCtrl})\r", | |
1245 | " if outcum == \"y\" then\r", | |
1246 | " if #paintEncoded == 1 then\r", | |
1247 | " barmsg = \"Ha! You can't do that.\"\r", | |
1248 | " return\r", | |
1249 | " end\r", | |
1250 | " table.remove(paintEncoded,frame)\r", | |
1251 | " barmsg = \"Deleted frame \"..frame..\".\"\r", | |
1252 | " if paintEncoded[frame-1] then\r", | |
1253 | " frame = frame - 1\r", | |
1254 | " else\r", | |
1255 | " frame = frame + 1\r", | |
1256 | " end\r", | |
1257 | " if #paintEncoded < frame then\r", | |
1258 | " repeat\r", | |
1259 | " frame = frame - 1\r", | |
1260 | " until #paintEncoded >= frame\r", | |
1261 | " end\r", | |
1262 | " --renderPAIN(paintEncoded[frame],paint.scrollX,paint.scrollY,true)\r", | |
1263 | " end\r", | |
1264 | " doRender = true\r", | |
1265 | " end,\r", | |
1266 | " [4] = function() --Clear\r", | |
1267 | " local outcum = bottomPrompt(\"Clear the frame? (Y/N)\",_,\"yn\",{keys.leftCtrl,keys.rightCtrl})\r", | |
1268 | " if outcum == \"y\" then\r", | |
1269 | " paintEncoded[frame] = {}\r", | |
1270 | " barmsg = \"Cleared frame \"..frame..\".\"\r", | |
1271 | " --renderPAIN(paintEncoded[frame],paint.scrollX,paint.scrollY,true)\r", | |
1272 | " end\r", | |
1273 | " doRender = true\r", | |
1274 | " end,\r", | |
1275 | " [5] = function() --Exit\r", | |
1276 | " if not deepcompare(lastPaintEncoded,paintEncoded) then\r", | |
1277 | " local outcum = bottomPrompt(\"Abandon unsaved work? (Y/N)\",_,\"yn\",{keys.leftCtrl,keys.rightCtrl})\r", | |
1278 | " sleep(0)\r", | |
1279 | " if outcum == \"y\" then\r", | |
1280 | " return \"exit\"\r", | |
1281 | " else\r", | |
1282 | " doRender = true\r", | |
1283 | " return nil\r", | |
1284 | " end\r", | |
1285 | " else\r", | |
1286 | " return \"exit\"\r", | |
1287 | " end\r", | |
1288 | " end,\r", | |
1289 | " }\r", | |
1290 | " local cursor = 1\r", | |
1291 | " local redrawmenu = true\r", | |
1292 | " local initial = os.time()\r", | |
1293 | " local clickdelay = 0.003\r", | |
1294 | " while true do\r", | |
1295 | " if redrawmenu then\r", | |
1296 | " term.setCursorPos(2,cleary)\r", | |
1297 | " term.clearLine()\r", | |
1298 | " for a = 1, #menuOptions do\r", | |
1299 | " if a == cursor then\r", | |
1300 | " term.setTextColor(\r", | |
1301 | " term.setBackgroundColor(colors.white)\r", | |
1302 | " else\r", | |
1303 | " term.setTextColor(\r", | |
1304 | " term.setBackgroundColor(colors.lightGray)\r", | |
1305 | " end\r", | |
1306 | " menuPoses[a] = {term.getCursorPos()}\r", | |
1307 | " write(menuOptions[a])\r", | |
1308 | " term.setBackgroundColor(colors.lightGray)\r", | |
1309 | " if a ~= #menuOptions then\r", | |
1310 | " write(\" \")\r", | |
1311 | " end\r", | |
1312 | " end\r", | |
1313 | " redrawmenu = false\r", | |
1314 | " end\r", | |
1315 | " local event,key,x,y = getEvents(\"key\",\"char\",\"mouse_click\",\"mouse_up\",\"mouse_drag\")\r", | |
1316 | " if event == \"key\" then\r", | |
1317 | " if key == keys.left then\r", | |
1318 | " redrawmenu = true\r", | |
1319 | " cursor = cursor - 1\r", | |
1320 | " elseif key == keys.right then\r", | |
1321 | " redrawmenu = true\r", | |
1322 | " cursor = cursor + 1\r", | |
1323 | " elseif key == keys.enter then\r", | |
1324 | " local res = menuFunctions[cursor]()\r", | |
1325 | " if res == \"exit\" then\r", | |
1326 | " return \"exit\"\r", | |
1327 | " else\r", | |
1328 | " return\r", | |
1329 | " end\r", | |
1330 | " elseif key == keys.leftCtrl or key == keys.rightCtrl then\r", | |
1331 | " doRender = true\r", | |
1332 | " return\r", | |
1333 | " end\r", | |
1334 | " elseif event == \"char\" then\r", | |
1335 | " for a = 1, #menuOptions do\r", | |
1336 | " if key:lower() == menuOptions[a]:sub(1,1):lower() and a ~= cursor then\r", | |
1337 | " cursor = a\r", | |
1338 | " redrawmenu = true\r", | |
1339 | " break\r", | |
1340 | " end\r", | |
1341 | " end\r", | |
1342 | " elseif event == \"mouse_click\" or event == \"mouse_up\" then\r", | |
1343 | " if y < cleary then\r", | |
1344 | " return\r", | |
1345 | " elseif key == 1 and initial+clickdelay < os.time() then --key? more like button\r", | |
1346 | " for a = 1, #menuPoses do\r", | |
1347 | " if y == menuPoses[a][2] then\r", | |
1348 | " if x >= menuPoses[a][1] and x <= menuPoses[a][1]+#menuOptions[a] then\r", | |
1349 | " local res = menuFunctions[a]()\r", | |
1350 | " if res == \"exit\" then\r", | |
1351 | " return \"exit\"\r", | |
1352 | " else\r", | |
1353 | " return\r", | |
1354 | " end\r", | |
1355 | " end\r", | |
1356 | " end\r", | |
1357 | " end\r", | |
1358 | " end\r", | |
1359 | " --elseif event == \"mouse_drag\" then\r", | |
1360 | " end\r", | |
1361 | " if (initial+clickdelay < os.time()) and string.find(event,\"mouse\") then\r", | |
1362 | " if key == 1 then --key? key? what key? all I see is button!\r", | |
1363 | " for a = 1, #menuPoses do\r", | |
1364 | " if y == menuPoses[a][2] then\r", | |
1365 | " if x >= menuPoses[a][1] and x <= menuPoses[a][1]+#menuOptions[a] then\r", | |
1366 | " cursor = a\r", | |
1367 | " redrawmenu = true\r", | |
1368 | " break\r", | |
1369 | " end\r", | |
1370 | " end\r", | |
1371 | " end\r", | |
1372 | " end\r", | |
1373 | " end\r", | |
1374 | " if cursor < 1 then\r", | |
1375 | " cursor = #menuOptions\r", | |
1376 | " elseif cursor > #menuOptions then\r", | |
1377 | " cursor = 1\r", | |
1378 | " end\r", | |
1379 | " end\r", | |
1380 | "end\r", | |
1381 | "\r", | |
1382 | "local lastMX,lastMY\r", | |
1383 | "\r", | |
1384 | "local doNonEventDrivenMovement = function() --what a STUPID function name, man\r", | |
1385 | " local didMove\r", | |
1386 | " while true do\r", | |
1387 | " didMove = false\r", | |
1388 | " if (not keysDown[keys.leftShift]) and (not isDragging) and (not keysDown[]) then\r", | |
1389 | " if keysDown[keys.right] then\r", | |
1390 | " paint.scrollX = paint.scrollX + 1\r", | |
1391 | " didMove = true\r", | |
1392 | " elseif keysDown[keys.left] then\r", | |
1393 | " paint.scrollX = paint.scrollX - 1\r", | |
1394 | " didMove = true\r", | |
1395 | " end\r", | |
1396 | " if keysDown[keys.down] then\r", | |
1397 | " paint.scrollY = paint.scrollY + 1\r", | |
1398 | " didMove = true\r", | |
1399 | " elseif keysDown[keys.up] then\r", | |
1400 | " paint.scrollY = paint.scrollY - 1\r", | |
1401 | " didMove = true\r", | |
1402 | " end\r", | |
1403 | " if didMove then\r", | |
1404 | " if lastMX and lastMY then\r", | |
1405 | " if miceDown[1] then\r", | |
1406 | " os.queueEvent(\"mouse_click\",1,lastMX,lastMY)\r", | |
1407 | " end\r", | |
1408 | " if miceDown[2] then\r", | |
1409 | " os.queueEvent(\"mouse_click\",2,lastMX,lastMY)\r", | |
1410 | " end\r", | |
1411 | " end\r", | |
1412 | " doRender = true\r", | |
1413 | " end\r", | |
1414 | " end\r", | |
1415 | " sleep(0)\r", | |
1416 | " end\r", | |
1417 | "end\r", | |
1418 | "\r", | |
1419 | "local linePoses = {}\r", | |
1420 | "local dragPoses = {}\r", | |
1421 | "\r", | |
1422 | "local getInput = function() --gotta catch them all\r", | |
1423 | " local button, x, y, oldmx, oldmy, origx, origy\r", | |
1424 | " local isDragging = false\r", | |
1425 | " local proceed = false\r", | |
1426 | " renderBar(barmsg)\r", | |
1427 | " while true do\r", | |
1428 | " doRender = false\r", | |
1429 | " local oldx,oldy = paint.scrollX,paint.scrollY\r", | |
1430 | " local evt = {getEvents(\"mouse_scroll\",\"mouse_click\", \"mouse_drag\",\"mouse_up\",\"key\",\"key_up\",true)}\r", | |
1431 | " if (evt[1] == \"mouse_scroll\") and (not viewing) then\r", | |
1432 | " local dir = evt[2]\r", | |
1433 | " if dir == 1 then\r", | |
1434 | " if keysDown[keys.leftShift] or keysDown[keys.rightShift] then\r", | |
1435 | " paint.t = paint.t * 2\r", | |
1436 | " if paint.t > 32768 then\r", | |
1437 | " paint.t = 32768\r", | |
1438 | " end\r", | |
1439 | " else\r", | |
1440 | " paint.b = paint.b * 2\r", | |
1441 | " if paint.b > 32768 then\r", | |
1442 | " paint.b = 32768\r", | |
1443 | " end\r", | |
1444 | " end\r", | |
1445 | " else\r", | |
1446 | " if keysDown[keys.leftShift] or keysDown[keys.rightShift] then\r", | |
1447 | " paint.t = math.ceil(paint.t / 2)\r", | |
1448 | " if paint.t < 1 then\r", | |
1449 | " paint.t = 1\r", | |
1450 | " end\r", | |
1451 | " else\r", | |
1452 | " paint.b = math.ceil(paint.b / 2)\r", | |
1453 | " if paint.b < 1 then\r", | |
1454 | " paint.b = 1\r", | |
1455 | " end\r", | |
1456 | " end\r", | |
1457 | " end\r", | |
1458 | " renderBar(barmsg)\r", | |
1459 | " elseif ((evt[1] == \"mouse_click\") or (evt[1] == \"mouse_drag\")) and (not viewing) then\r", | |
1460 | " if evt[1] == \"mouse_click\" then\r", | |
1461 | " origx, origy = evt[3], evt[4]\r", | |
1462 | " end\r", | |
1463 | " oldmx,oldmy = x or evt[3], y or evt[4]\r", | |
1464 | " lastMX,lastMY = evt[3],evt[4]\r", | |
1465 | " button,x,y = evt[2],evt[3],evt[4]\r", | |
1466 | " if renderBlittle then\r", | |
1467 | " x = 2*x\r", | |
1468 | " y = 3*y\r", | |
1469 | " lastMX = 2*lastMX\r", | |
1470 | " lastMY = 3*lastMY\r", | |
1471 | " end\r", | |
1472 | " linePoses = {{x=oldmx,y=oldmy},{x=x,y=y}}\r", | |
1473 | " miceDown[button] = true\r", | |
1474 | " doRender = true\r", | |
1475 | " if y <= scr_y-(renderBlittle and 0 or doRenderBar) then\r", | |
1476 | " if (button == 3) then\r", | |
1477 | " putDownText(x,y)\r", | |
1478 | " miceDown = {}\r", | |
1479 | " keysDown = {}\r", | |
1480 | " elseif button == 1 then\r", | |
1481 | " if keysDown[keys.leftShift] and evt[1] == \"mouse_click\" then\r", | |
1482 | " isDragging = true\r", | |
1483 | " end\r", | |
1484 | " if isDragging then\r", | |
1485 | " if evt[1] == \"mouse_click\" then\r", | |
1486 | " dragPoses[1] = {x=x,y=y}\r", | |
1487 | " end\r", | |
1488 | " dragPoses[2] = {x=x,y=y}\r", | |
1489 | " else\r", | |
1490 | " if evt[1] == \"mouse_drag\" then\r", | |
1491 | " local points = getDotsInLine(linePoses[1].x,linePoses[1].y,linePoses[2].x,linePoses[2].y)\r", | |
1492 | " for a = 1, #points do\r", | |
1493 | " table.insert(paintEncoded[frame],{\r", | |
1494 | " x = points[a].x + paint.scrollX,\r", | |
1495 | " y = points[a].y + paint.scrollY,\r", | |
1496 | " c = paint.c,\r", | |
1497 | " b = paint.b,\r", | |
1498 | " t = paint.t,\r", | |
1499 | " m = paint.m,\r", | |
1500 | " })\r", | |
1501 | " end\r", | |
1502 | " else\r", | |
1503 | " table.insert(paintEncoded[frame],{\r", | |
1504 | " x = x + paint.scrollX,\r", | |
1505 | " y = y + paint.scrollY,\r", | |
1506 | " c = paint.c,\r", | |
1507 | " b = paint.b,\r", | |
1508 | " t = paint.t,\r", | |
1509 | " m = paint.m,\r", | |
1510 | " })\r", | |
1511 | " end\r", | |
1512 | " end\r", | |
1513 | " elseif button == 2 and y <= scr_y-(renderBlittle and 0 or doRenderBar) then\r", | |
1514 | " deleteDot(x+paint.scrollX,y+paint.scrollY)\r", | |
1515 | " end\r", | |
1516 | " elseif origy >= scr_y-(renderBlittle and 0 or doRenderBar) then\r", | |
1517 | " keysDown = {}\r", | |
1518 | " local res = displayMenu()\r", | |
1519 | " if res == \"exit\" then break end\r", | |
1520 | " doRender = true\r", | |
1521 | " end\r", | |
1522 | " elseif (evt[1] == \"mouse_up\") and (not viewing) then\r", | |
1523 | " origx,origy = 0,0\r", | |
1524 | " local button = evt[2]\r", | |
1525 | " miceDown[button] = false\r", | |
1526 | " oldmx,oldmy = nil,nil\r", | |
1527 | " lastMX, lastMY = nil,nil\r", | |
1528 | " if isDragging then\r", | |
1529 | " local points = getDotsInLine(dragPoses[1].x,dragPoses[1].y,dragPoses[2].x,dragPoses[2].y)\r", | |
1530 | " for a = 1, #points do\r", | |
1531 | " table.insert(paintEncoded[frame],{\r", | |
1532 | " x = points[a].x + paint.scrollX,\r", | |
1533 | " y = points[a].y + paint.scrollY,\r", | |
1534 | " c = paint.c,\r", | |
1535 | " b = paint.b,\r", | |
1536 | " t = paint.t,\r", | |
1537 | " m = paint.m,\r", | |
1538 | " })\r", | |
1539 | " end\r", | |
1540 | " doRender = true\r", | |
1541 | " end\r", | |
1542 | " isDragging = false\r", | |
1543 | " elseif evt[1] == \"key\" then\r", | |
1544 | " local key = evt[2]\r", | |
1545 | " if (not keysDown[keys.leftShift]) and (keysDown[]) then\r", | |
1546 | " if key == keys.right and (not keysDown[keys.right]) then\r", | |
1547 | " paint.scrollX = paint.scrollX + 1\r", | |
1548 | " doRender = true\r", | |
1549 | " elseif key == keys.left and (not keysDown[keys.left]) then\r", | |
1550 | " paint.scrollX = paint.scrollX - 1\r", | |
1551 | " doRender = true\r", | |
1552 | " end\r", | |
1553 | " if key == keys.down and (not keysDown[keys.down]) then\r", | |
1554 | " paint.scrollY = paint.scrollY + 1\r", | |
1555 | " doRender = true\r", | |
1556 | " elseif key == keys.up and (not keysDown[keys.up]) then\r", | |
1557 | " paint.scrollY = paint.scrollY - 1\r", | |
1558 | " doRender = true\r", | |
1559 | " end\r", | |
1560 | " end\r", | |
1561 | " keysDown[key] = true\r", | |
1562 | " if key == then\r", | |
1563 | " if keysDown[keys.leftShift] then\r", | |
1564 | " evenDrawGrid = not evenDrawGrid\r", | |
1565 | " else\r", | |
1566 | " doRenderBar = math.abs(doRenderBar-1)\r", | |
1567 | " end\r", | |
1568 | " doRender = true\r", | |
1569 | " end\r", | |
1570 | " if key == keys.b then\r", | |
1571 | " local blTerm, oldTerm = getBlittle()\r", | |
1572 | " renderBlittle = not renderBlittle\r", | |
1573 | " term.setBackgroundColor(\r", | |
1574 | " term.clear()\r", | |
1575 | " if renderBlittle then\r", | |
1576 | " term.redirect(blTerm)\r", | |
1577 | " blTerm.setVisible(true)\r", | |
1578 | " else\r", | |
1579 | " term.redirect(oldTerm)\r", | |
1580 | " blTerm.setVisible(false)\r", | |
1581 | " end\r", | |
1582 | " doRender = true\r", | |
1583 | " scr_x, scr_y = term.current().getSize()\r", | |
1584 | " end\r", | |
1585 | " if (key == keys.c) and (not renderBlittle) then\r", | |
1586 | " local newX = tonumber(bottomPrompt(\"Goto X:\"))\r", | |
1587 | " local newY\r", | |
1588 | " if newX then\r", | |
1589 | " newY = tonumber(bottomPrompt(\"Goto Y:\"))\r", | |
1590 | " paint.scrollX = newX or paint.scrollX\r", | |
1591 | " paint.scrollY = newY or paint.scrollY\r", | |
1592 | " end\r", | |
1593 | " doRender = true\r", | |
1594 | " end\r", | |
1595 | " if (keysDown[keys.leftShift]) and (not isDragging) then\r", | |
1596 | " if key == keys.left then\r", | |
1597 | " paintEncoded[frame] = movePaintEncoded(paintEncoded[frame],-1,0)\r", | |
1598 | " doRender = true\r", | |
1599 | " elseif key == keys.right then\r", | |
1600 | " paintEncoded[frame] = movePaintEncoded(paintEncoded[frame],1,0)\r", | |
1601 | " doRender = true\r", | |
1602 | " elseif key == keys.up then\r", | |
1603 | " paintEncoded[frame] = movePaintEncoded(paintEncoded[frame],0,-1)\r", | |
1604 | " doRender = true\r", | |
1605 | " elseif key == keys.down then\r", | |
1606 | " paintEncoded[frame] = movePaintEncoded(paintEncoded[frame],0,1)\r", | |
1607 | " doRender = true\r", | |
1608 | " end\r", | |
1609 | " end\r", | |
1610 | " if keysDown[keys.leftAlt] then\r", | |
1611 | " if #paintEncoded > 1 then\r", | |
1612 | " if key == keys.equals and paintEncoded[frame+1] then --basically plus\r", | |
1613 | " local first = deepCopy(paintEncoded[frame])\r", | |
1614 | " local next = deepCopy(paintEncoded[frame+1])\r", | |
1615 | " paintEncoded[frame] = next\r", | |
1616 | " paintEncoded[frame+1] = first\r", | |
1617 | " frame = frame + 1\r", | |
1618 | " barmsg = \"Swapped prev frame.\"\r", | |
1619 | " end\r", | |
1620 | " if key == keys.minus and paintEncoded[frame-1] then\r", | |
1621 | " local first = deepCopy(paintEncoded[frame])\r", | |
1622 | " local next = deepCopy(paintEncoded[frame-1])\r", | |
1623 | " paintEncoded[frame] = next\r", | |
1624 | " paintEncoded[frame-1] = first\r", | |
1625 | " frame = frame - 1\r", | |
1626 | " barmsg = \"Swapped next frame.\"\r", | |
1627 | " end\r", | |
1628 | " end\r", | |
1629 | " end\r", | |
1630 | " if not renderBlittle then\r", | |
1631 | " if key == keys.m then\r", | |
1632 | " local incum = bottomPrompt(\"Set meta: \",metaHistory)\r", | |
1633 | " paint.m = incum:gsub(\" \",\"\") ~= \"\" and incum or paint.m\r", | |
1634 | " if paint.m ~= metaHistory[#metaHistory] then\r", | |
1635 | " table.insert(metaHistory,paint.m)\r", | |
1636 | " end\r", | |
1637 | " doRender = true\r", | |
1638 | " end\r", | |
1639 | " if key == keys.f7 then\r", | |
1640 | " bepimode = not bepimode\r", | |
1641 | " doRender = true\r", | |
1642 | " end\r", | |
1643 | " if key == keys.t then\r", | |
1644 | " renderBottomBar(\"Click to place text.\")\r", | |
1645 | " local mevt\r", | |
1646 | " repeat\r", | |
1647 | " mevt = {os.pullEvent(\"mouse_click\")}\r", | |
1648 | " until mevt[2] == 1 and mevt[4] < scr_y-(renderBlittle and 0 or doRenderBar)\r", | |
1649 | " local x,y = mevt[3],mevt[4]\r", | |
1650 | " if renderBlittle then\r", | |
1651 | " x = 2*x\r", | |
1652 | " y = 3*y\r", | |
1653 | " end\r", | |
1654 | " putDownText(x,y)\r", | |
1655 | " miceDown = {}\r", | |
1656 | " keysDown = {}\r", | |
1657 | " end\r", | |
1658 | " if not keysDown[keys.leftAlt] then\r", | |
1659 | " if key == keys.equals then --basically 'plus'\r", | |
1660 | " if not paintEncoded[frame+1] then\r", | |
1661 | " paintEncoded[frame+1] = {}\r", | |
1662 | " local sheet = paintEncoded[frame]\r", | |
1663 | " if keysDown[keys.leftShift] then\r", | |
1664 | " paintEncoded[frame+1] = deepCopy(sheet)\r", | |
1665 | " end\r", | |
1666 | " end\r", | |
1667 | " frame = frame + 1\r", | |
1668 | " doRender = true\r", | |
1669 | " elseif key == keys.minus then\r", | |
1670 | " if frame > 1 then\r", | |
1671 | " frame = frame - 1\r", | |
1672 | " doRender = true\r", | |
1673 | " end\r", | |
1674 | " end\r", | |
1675 | " end\r", | |
1676 | " if (key == keys.leftCtrl or key == keys.rightCtrl) then\r", | |
1677 | " keysDown = {}\r", | |
1678 | " local res = displayMenu()\r", | |
1679 | " if res == \"exit\" then break end\r", | |
1680 | " doRender = true\r", | |
1681 | " end\r", | |
1682 | " end\r", | |
1683 | " if (key == keys.f and keysDown[keys.leftShift]) then\r", | |
1684 | " local deredots = {}\r", | |
1685 | " for a = 1, #paintEncoded[frame] do\r", | |
1686 | " local dot = paintEncoded[frame][a]\r", | |
1687 | " if dot.x-paint.scrollX > 0 and dot.x-paint.scrollX <= scr_x then\r", | |
1688 | " if dot.y-paint.scrollY > 0 and dot.y-paint.scrollY <= scr_y then\r", | |
1689 | " table.insert(deredots,{dot.x-paint.scrollX, dot.y-paint.scrollY})\r", | |
1690 | " end\r", | |
1691 | " end\r", | |
1692 | " end\r", | |
1693 | " for y = 1, scr_y-(renderBlittle and 0 or doRenderBar) do\r", | |
1694 | " for x = 1, scr_x do\r", | |
1695 | " local good = true\r", | |
1696 | " for a = 1, #deredots do\r", | |
1697 | " if (deredots[a][1] == x) and (deredots[a][2] == y) then\r", | |
1698 | " good = bad\r", | |
1699 | " break\r", | |
1700 | " end\r", | |
1701 | " end\r", | |
1702 | " if good then\r", | |
1703 | " table.insert(paintEncoded[frame],{\r", | |
1704 | " x = x+paint.scrollX,\r", | |
1705 | " y = y+paint.scrollY,\r", | |
1706 | " c = \" \",\r", | |
1707 | " t = paint.t,\r", | |
1708 | " b = paint.b,\r", | |
1709 | " m = paint.m,\r", | |
1710 | " })\r", | |
1711 | " end\r", | |
1712 | " end\r", | |
1713 | " end\r", | |
1714 | " doRender = true\r", | |
1715 | " end\r", | |
1716 | " if key == keys.g then\r", | |
1717 | " paint.doGray = not paint.doGray\r", | |
1718 | " doRender = true\r", | |
1719 | " end\r", | |
1720 | " if key == keys.a then\r", | |
1721 | " paint.scrollX = 0\r", | |
1722 | " paint.scrollY = 0\r", | |
1723 | " doRender = true\r", | |
1724 | " end\r", | |
1725 | " if key == keys.f1 then\r", | |
1726 | " guiHelp()\r", | |
1727 | " end\r", | |
1728 | " if key == keys.leftBracket then\r", | |
1729 | " os.queueEvent(\"mouse_scroll\",2,1,1)\r", | |
1730 | " elseif key == keys.rightBracket then\r", | |
1731 | " os.queueEvent(\"mouse_scroll\",1,1,1)\r", | |
1732 | " end\r", | |
1733 | " elseif evt[1] == \"key_up\" then\r", | |
1734 | " local key = evt[2]\r", | |
1735 | " keysDown[key] = false\r", | |
1736 | " end\r", | |
1737 | " if (oldx~=paint.scrollX) or (oldy~=paint.scrollY) then\r", | |
1738 | " doRender = true\r", | |
1739 | " end\r", | |
1740 | " if doRender then\r", | |
1741 | " renderPAIN(paintEncoded[frame],paint.scrollX,paint.scrollY,true)\r", | |
1742 | " doRender = false\r", | |
1743 | " end\r", | |
1744 | " end\r", | |
1745 | "end\r", | |
1746 | "\r", | |
1747 | "if not shell then return end\r", | |
1748 | "\r", | |
1749 | "fileName = shell.resolve(tostring(tArg[1]))\r", | |
1750 | "\r", | |
1751 | "if not fs.exists(fileName) then\r", | |
1752 | " paintEncoded = {{}}\r", | |
1753 | "else\r", | |
1754 | " local file =,\"r\")\r", | |
1755 | " local contents = file.readAll()\r", | |
1756 | " file.close()\r", | |
1757 | " if type(tun(contents)) ~= \"table\" then\r", | |
1758 | " if pMode ~= 1 then print(\"Importing from NFP...\") end\r", | |
1759 | " paintEncoded = {importFromNFP(contents)}\r", | |
1760 | " if fileName:sub(-4,-1) == \".nfp\" then\r", | |
1761 | " fileName = fileName:sub(1,-5)\r", | |
1762 | " end\r", | |
1763 | " else\r", | |
1764 | " paintEncoded = tun(contents)\r", | |
1765 | " end\r", | |
1766 | "end\r", | |
1767 | "\r", | |
1768 | "paintEncoded = tun(tse(paintEncoded):gsub(\"bg\",\"b\"):gsub(\"txt\",\"t\"):gsub(\"char\",\"c\"):gsub(\"meta\",\"m\")) -- gotta have backwards compatibility, sorta\r", | |
1769 | "\r", | |
1770 | "if not paintEncoded[frame] then paintEncoded = {paintEncoded} end\r", | |
1771 | "if pMode == 1 then\r", | |
1772 | " doRenderBar = 0\r", | |
1773 | " renderPAIN(paintEncoded[tonumber(tArg[5]) or 1],tonumber(tArg[3]) or 0,tonumber(tArg[4]) or 0)\r", | |
1774 | " sleep(0)\r", | |
1775 | " return\r", | |
1776 | "else\r", | |
1777 | " renderPAIN(paintEncoded[frame],paint.scrollX,paint.scrollY,true)\r", | |
1778 | "end\r", | |
1779 | "lastPaintEncoded = deepCopy(paintEncoded)\r", | |
1780 | "\r", | |
1781 | "parallel.waitForAny(getInput,doNonEventDrivenMovement)\r", | |
1782 | "\r", | |
1783 | "term.setCursorPos(1,scr_y)\r", | |
1784 | "term.setBackgroundColor(\r", | |
1785 | "term.clearLine()", | |
1786 | }, | |
1787 | [ "/t" ] = { | |
1788 | "", | |
1789 | " 55555555 ", | |
1790 | " 55555555 ", | |
1791 | " 55555555 ", | |
1792 | " 55555555 ", | |
1793 | " 55555555 ", | |
1794 | " d555555 ", | |
1795 | " ddd5555 ", | |
1796 | " dddd555 ", | |
1797 | " dddd55 55555555 ", | |
1798 | " 555dddddd5555555555555 ", | |
1799 | "55555555ddddd5555555555 ", | |
1800 | "5555555555dddd5555 ", | |
1801 | " 555555555d ", | |
1802 | " 55555 ", | |
1803 | " 55555 ", | |
1804 | " 55555 ", | |
1805 | " 55555 ", | |
1806 | " dd555 ", | |
1807 | " 55dd5 dd5555", | |
1808 | " dd55dd 5dddd55", | |
1809 | " dddd55 5555ddd", | |
1810 | " ddddddd 555555d", | |
1811 | " dddddd d555555", | |
1812 | " ddddddd 55d55555", | |
1813 | " dddddddd ddd5dd55 ", | |
1814 | " ddddddddddddddd55dd ", | |
1815 | " dddddddddddddddd5 ", | |
1816 | " ddddddddddddddddd ", | |
1817 | " dddddddddddddddd ", | |
1818 | " ddddddddddddddd ", | |
1819 | " ddddddddddddd ", | |
1820 | " ddddddddddd ", | |
1821 | " ddddddd ", | |
1822 | "", | |
1823 | }, | |
1824 | [ "/render" ] = { | |
1825 | "local mon = peripheral.find(\"monitor\") if mon then mon.setTextScale(0.5) end", | |
1826 | "local sx,sy = term.getSize()", | |
1827 | "letters = {}", | |
1828 | "letters[1] = {", | |
1829 | " path = \"/P\", --path to paint file", | |
1830 | " x = 1, --start x", | |
1831 | " xsize = 31, --horizontal size of paint file", | |
1832 | "}", | |
1833 | "letters[2] = {", | |
1834 | " path = \"/r\",", | |
1835 | " x = letters[1].x+letters[1].xsize-2,", | |
1836 | " xsize = 25,", | |
1837 | "}", | |
1838 | "letters[3] = {", | |
1839 | " path = \"o\",", | |
1840 | " x = letters[2].x+letters[2].xsize+1,", | |
1841 | " xsize = 18,", | |
1842 | "}", | |
1843 | "letters[4] = {", | |
1844 | " path = \"j\",", | |
1845 | " x = letters[3].x+letters[3].xsize+2,", | |
1846 | " xsize = 19,", | |
1847 | "}", | |
1848 | "letters[5] = {", | |
1849 | " path = \"e\",", | |
1850 | " x = letters[4].x+letters[4].xsize+2,", | |
1851 | " xsize = 22,", | |
1852 | "}", | |
1853 | "letters[6] = {", | |
1854 | " path = \"c\",", | |
1855 | " x = letters[5].x+letters[5].xsize+2,", | |
1856 | " xsize = 22,", | |
1857 | "}", | |
1858 | "letters[7] = {", | |
1859 | " path = \"t\",", | |
1860 | " x = letters[6].x+letters[5].xsize-4,", | |
1861 | " xsize = 28,", | |
1862 | "}", | |
1863 | "letters[8] = {", | |
1864 | " path = \"BETA\",", | |
1865 | " xsize = 170,", | |
1866 | " y = 37,", | |
1867 | "}", | |
1868 | "letters[8].x = (sx/2)-(letters[8].xsize/2)", | |
1869 | "local totalWidth = 0", | |
1870 | "for a = 1, #letters do", | |
1871 | " totalWidth = totalWidth + letters[a].xsize", | |
1872 | " if a > 1 then", | |
1873 | " totalWidth = totalWidth + letters[a].x-letters[a-1].x", | |
1874 | " end", | |
1875 | "end", | |
1876 | "", | |
1877 | "clearLines = function(start,stop)", | |
1878 | " local cx,cy = term.getCursorPos()", | |
1879 | " for y = start,stop do", | |
1880 | " term.setCursorPos(1,y)", | |
1881 | " term.clearLine()", | |
1882 | " end", | |
1883 | " term.setCursorPos(cx,cy)", | |
1884 | "end", | |
1885 | "p = {}", | |
1886 | "l = {}", | |
1887 | "for a = 1, #letters do", | |
1888 | " p[a] = paintutils.loadImage(letters[a].path)", | |
1889 | " l[a] = letters[a]", | |
1890 | "end", | |
1891 | "", | |
1892 | "render = function(x,spacing)", | |
1893 | " term.setBackgroundColor(", | |
1894 | " clearLines(1,35)", | |
1895 | " for a = 1, #p do", | |
1896 | " local drawX = (x+l[a].x)-(spacing*(a-(#letters/2)))", | |
1897 | " if a == 8 then --draw \"</BETA>\"", | |
1898 | " drawX = 1", | |
1899 | " end", | |
1900 | " paintutils.drawImage(p[a],drawX,l[a].y or 2)", | |
1901 | " end", | |
1902 | "end", | |
1903 | "--render(1,1)", | |
1904 | "", | |
1905 | }, | |
1906 | [ "/BETA" ] = { | |
1907 | " 11111111 111111 11111111111111111111 11111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111111 11111111 11111111 ", | |
1908 | " 11111111 111111 111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111111 1111111111 11111111 ", | |
1909 | " 11111111 111111 1111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111111 1111111111 11111111 ", | |
1910 | " 11111111 111111 1111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111111 111111111111 11111111 ", | |
1911 | " 11111111 111111 111111 111111 11111 1 1 1111 1 111111111111 11111111 ", | |
1912 | " 11111111 111111 111111 11111 11111 1111 111111 111111 11111111 ", | |
1913 | " 11111111 111111 111111 1111 11111 1111 111111 111111 11111111 ", | |
1914 | " 11111111 111111 111111 11111 11111 1111 111111 111111 11111111 ", | |
1915 | " 11111111 111111 111111 11111 11111 1111 111111 111111 11111111 ", | |
1916 | " 11111111 111111 111111111111111111111 111111111111111111 1111 111111 111111 11111111 ", | |
1917 | " 11111111 111111 11111111111111111111111 111111111111111111 1111 111111111111111111 11111111 ", | |
1918 | " 11111111 111111 111111 1111111 111111111111111111 1111 11111111111111111111 11111111 ", | |
1919 | "11111111 111111 111111 111111 11111 1111 11111111111111111111 11111111", | |
1920 | " 11111111 111111 111111 11111 11111 1111 111111 111111 11111111 ", | |
1921 | " 11111111 111111 111111 1111 11111 1111 111111 111111 11111111 ", | |
1922 | " 11111111 111111 111111 1111 11111 1111 111111 111111 11111111 ", | |
1923 | " 11111111 111111 111111 1111 11111 1111 111111 111111 11111111 ", | |
1924 | " 11111111 111111 111111 1111 11111 1111 111111 111111 11111111 ", | |
1925 | " 11111111 111111 111111 11111 11111 1111 111111 111111 11111111 ", | |
1926 | " 11111111 111111 111111 111111 11111 1111 111111 111111 11111111 ", | |
1927 | " 11111111 111111 111111 11111111 11111 1 1111 111111 111111 11111111 ", | |
1928 | " 11111111 111111 111111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111111 1111 111111 111111 11111111 ", | |
1929 | " 11111111 111111 11111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111111 1111 111111 111111 11111111 ", | |
1930 | " 11111111 111111 1111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111111 1111 111111 111111 11111111 ", | |
1931 | " 11111111 111111 11111111111111111111 11111111111111111111111 111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 ", | |
1932 | "", | |
1933 | }, | |
1934 | } |