- or go back to the newest paste.
1 | - | :: steamwebhelper Killer by AveYo 1.2, all right reserved |
1 | + | <!-- : SteamWebHelper Killer by AveYo v2.0rc |
2 | :: When you want to play games without lag, cpu, memory spikes caused by steamwebhelper, launch this. | |
3 | - | :: It will run at all times, until you use "Stop steamwebhelper killer.bat" from |
3 | + | :: But if you do long trading sessions and other community stuff inside Steam - disable it or set a 30+ timer. |
4 | - | :: Changes from 1.1: removed dependency on steam.exe process |
4 | + | |
5 | - | @ECHO OFF |
5 | + | :: Only need to run it once, it will be scheduled to run every x minutes, even after reboot. |
6 | :: To disable, run this script again and press CANCEL / enter 0 as timer. | |
7 | + | |
8 | :: Updating this as it's still needed on many systems, even after Valve's performance patches. | |
9 | - | :: Gain admin rights |
9 | + | :: Finally fixed the in-game stutter on timer, with a smarter schedulled command - the host process will remain alive. Even a 1 minute timer is stutter-free now. |
10 | - | if "%1"=="_SELF_ADMIN" goto :_START |
10 | + | :: Default timer is set to 4 minutes like the original, anything less will require you to refresh/reopen the steam window too often (annoyiance). |
11 | - | echo Set UAC = CreateObject^("Shell.Application"^) > "%temp%\~1337run.vbs" |
12 | - | echo UAC.ShellExecute "%~s0", "_SELF_ADMIN %~sdp0", "", "runas", 1 >> "%temp%\~1337run.vbs" |
12 | + | |
13 | - | CALL CSCRIPT //nologo "%temp%\~1337run.vbs" &DEL /F /Q "%temp%\~1337run.vbs" &EXIT /B |
13 | + | :: Change default timer below: |
14 | - | :_START |
15 | - | SHIFT |
15 | + | |
16 | ||
17 | CALL :_INIT_ | |
18 | - | :: Set task to start two minutes later. needed because a system task cannot be started ondemand with the SCHTASKS /Run command :( |
18 | + | echo Info: This script sets a system task so it requires administrative rights |
20 | - | :: create task to kill steamwebhelper's minions every 4 minutes - using system account so the taskkill cmd prompt is not visible |
20 | + | exit |
21 | - | CALL SCHTASKS /create /ru "System" /TN steamwebhelper_killer /TR "TASKKILL /F /IM steamwebhelper.exe /T" /SC MINUTE /MO %REPEAT_TASK_EVERY_MINUTES% /ST %SCHEDULETIME% /F |
21 | + | |
22 | - | echo INFO: steamwebhelper's are killed every %REPEAT_TASK_EVERY_MINUTES% minutes starting %SCHEDULETIME%. |
22 | + | :_INIT_ |
23 | - | echo INFO: If you want this prompt hidden, use something like hidebat.vbs in the shortcut target... |
23 | + | FOR /F "tokens=4-5 delims=. " %%i IN ('ver') DO SET _LABEL=A^v^eY^o^'s St^ea^m^W^e^bH^e^lp^e^r^ K^il^ler^ v^2.^0r^c &SET _WINVERSION=%%i%%j |
24 | - | rem :: launch steam.exe and wait for it |
24 | + | MODE 80,20 &COLOR 70 &CLS &echo. &TITLE CMD: %_LABEL% |
25 | - | rem FOR /F "tokens=3*" %%I IN ('REG QUERY "HKCU\SOFTWARE\Valve\Steam"^|FINDSTR /I /L "SteamExe"') DO SET "STEAMEXE=%%~I" |
25 | + | IF %_WINVERSION% LSS 60 (SET _XPFallback="/V1 /F") ELSE SET _XPFallback="/F" |
26 | - | rem SET "STEAMEXE=%STEAMEXE:/=\%" |
26 | + | GOTO :eof |
27 | - | rem START "" /WAIT "%STEAMEXE%" -silent |
27 | + | |
28 | - | :: delete task after closing Steam so it only runs while Steam is running |
28 | + | :VBSLAUNCHER |
29 | - | rem SCHTASKS /Delete /TN steamwebhelper_killer /F |
29 | + | cscript //nologo "%~f0?.wsf" %* |
30 | GOTO :eof | |
31 | - | :: Set schedule to start in two minutes |
31 | + | ----- embeded scripts method by DosTips user Liviu ---> |
32 | - | goto :EOF |
32 | + | <job><script language="VBScript"> |
33 | - | :SCHEDULE_TIME |
33 | + | sKillerTimer = Trim(InputBox("To enable Killer, press OK" &vbCrLf&vbCrLf& "To disable Killer, press CANCEL" &vbCrLf&vbCrLf& "To do nothing, close the CMD window" &vbCrLf&vbCrLf& "If activated, will autorun after how many minutes:" , "AveYo`s SteamWebHelper Killer", Wscript.Arguments(0))) |
34 | - | FINDSTR "'~1337ti%skip%m" "%~f0">"%temp%\~1337tim.vbs" |
34 | + | Set UAC = CreateObject("Shell.Application") |
35 | - | CALL CSCRIPT //nologo "%temp%\~1337tim.vbs" >"%temp%\~1337tim.cmd" |
35 | + | If Not IsNumeric(sKillerTimer) Or sKillerTimer="0" Then |
36 | - | CALL "%temp%\~1337tim.cmd" &DEL /F /Q "%temp%\~1337tim.vbs" |
36 | + | UAC.ShellExecute "SCHTASKS.EXE", "/Delete /TN SteamWebHelper_Killer_by_AveYo /F", "", "runas", 0 |
37 | - | DEL /F /Q "%temp%\~1337tim.cmd" |
37 | + | Else |
38 | - | goto :EOF |
38 | + | sNow = DateAdd("n", 1, Now) |
39 | - | sNow = DateAdd("n", 2, Now) '~1337tim |
39 | + | sHour = Hour(sNow) |
40 | - | sHour = Hour(sNow) '~1337tim |
40 | + | sMinute = Minute(sNow) |
41 | - | sMinute = Minute(sNow) '~1337tim |
41 | + | If sHour < 10 Then sHour = "0" & sHour |
42 | - | If sHour < 10 Then sHour = 0 & sHour '~1337tim |
42 | + | If sMinute < 10 Then sMinute = "0" & sMinute |
43 | - | If sMinute < 10 Then sMinute = 0 & sMinute '~1337tim |
43 | + | sKillerStart = sHour & ":" & sMinute & ":00" |
44 | - | WScript.echo "SET SCHEDULETIME=" & sHour & ":" & sMinute & ":00" '~1337tim |
44 | + | sWinXP = "" '"/V1 /F" |
45 | UAC.ShellExecute "SCHTASKS.EXE", "/Create /RU ""System"" /SC MINUTE /MO " &sKillerTimer& " /TN SteamWebHelper_Killer_by_AveYo /TR ""WMIC.EXE process WHERE (name=" &Chr(39)& "steamwebhelper.exe" &Chr(39)& " AND commandline LIKE " &Chr(39)& "%Valve Steam Client%" &Chr(39)& ") call terminate"" /ST " &sKillerStart& " /NP " &Wscript.Arguments(1), "", "runas", 0 | |
46 | End If | |
47 | - | rem SET "STIME=%TIME: =0%" |
47 | + | </script></job> |