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1 | Global $fLocation1[2], $fLocation2[2] | |
2 | ||
3 | ;~ Location 1 | |
4 | $fLocation1[0] = 52.918862 | |
5 | $fLocation1[1] = -1.474920 | |
6 | ||
7 | ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; | |
8 | ||
9 | ;~ Location 2 | |
10 | $fLocation2[0] = 53.519629 | |
11 | $fLocation2[1] = -1.129435 | |
12 | ||
13 | ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; | |
14 | ||
15 | ||
16 | $fDistance = Distance($fLocation1[0], $fLocation1[1], $fLocation2[0], $fLocation2[1]) | |
17 | ||
18 | MsgBox(0,0, $fDistance) | |
19 | ||
20 | ||
21 | Func Distance($_Lat1, $_Lon1, $_Lat2, $_Lon2) ; I translated this from a javascript recommendation. | |
22 | Local $RadiusOfEarth = 6371.008 ;6371 is the volumetric mean average radius of earth. | |
23 | ||
24 | Local $_dLat = Deg2Rad($_Lat2 - $_Lat1) ; No clue... | |
25 | Local $_dLon = Deg2Rad($_Lon2 - $_Lon1) ; No clue... | |
26 | ||
27 | Local $_a = (Sin($_dLat / 2) * Sin($_dLat / 2)) + (Cos(Deg2Rad($_Lat1)) * Cos(Deg2Rad($_Lat2))) * _ ; No clue... | |
28 | (Sin($_dLon / 2) * Sin($_dLon / 2)) ; No clue... | |
29 | ||
30 | Local $_C = 2 * ATan2(Sqrt($_a), Sqrt(1 - $_a)) ; No clue... | |
31 | ||
32 | Local $_d = $RadiusOfEarth * $_C ; No clue... | |
33 | ||
34 | Return Round(($_d * 1000) * 0.000621371192237, 3) ; I added this to convert meters to miles and returns this figure to the caller, rounded to 3 decimal places. | |
35 | EndFunc ;==>Distance | |
36 | ||
37 | Func Deg2Rad($_input) ; I translated this from a javascript recommendation (There was no such function in AutoIt, so I had to search for one) | |
38 | Local $Pi = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795 | |
39 | Return $_input * $Pi / 180 | |
40 | EndFunc ;==>Deg2Rad | |
41 | ||
42 | ||
43 | Func ATan2($y, $x) ; Taken from the AutoIt forum, where someone else needed the ATan2 function. This was the best, fastest option of the two provided. | |
44 | Return (2 * ATan($y / ($x + Sqrt($x * $x + $y * $y)))) | |
45 | EndFunc ;==>ATan2 |