- or go back to the newest paste.
1 | local plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer | |
2 | local char = plr.Character | |
3 | local mouse = plr:GetMouse() | |
4 | local torso = char.Torso | |
5 | local rs = torso["Right Shoulder"] | |
6 | local ls = torso["Left Shoulder"] | |
7 | local rh = torso["Right Hip"] | |
8 | local lh = torso["Left Hip"] | |
9 | local rj = char.HumanoidRootPart.RootJoint | |
10 | local neck = torso.Neck | |
11 | local animpose = "Idle" | |
12 | local attacking = false | |
13 | local cananim = true | |
14 | local rage = false | |
15 | local shield | |
16 | local sprint = false | |
17 | local canrage = true | |
18 | local legs = true | |
19 | local bc = char:WaitForChild("Body Colors") | |
20 | local multiplier = 1 | |
21 | local lac = char["Body Colors"].LeftArmColor | |
22 | local rac = char["Body Colors"].RightArmColor | |
23 | local rlc = char["Body Colors"].RightArmColor | |
24 | local llc = char["Body Colors"].LeftLegColor | |
25 | local hc = char["Body Colors"].HeadColor | |
26 | local tc = char["Body Colors"].TorsoColor | |
27 | local humanoid = char:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid") | |
28 | local huge =, math.huge, math.huge) | |
29 | local mobs ="Sound", char) | |
30 | - | mobs.SoundId = "rbxassetid://245913129" |
30 | + | mobs.SoundId = "" |
31 | mobs.Looped = true | |
32 | mobs.Volume = 3 | |
33 | humanoid.MaxHealth = math.huge | |
34 | wait() | |
35 | humanoid.Health = math.huge | |
36 | humanoid.Name = "BOOM BOOM BOOOMMMM!" | |
37 | mobs:Play() | |
38 | if char:FindFirstChild("Animate") then | |
39 | char.Animate:Destroy() | |
40 | end | |
41 | if char:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid"):FindFirstChild("Animator") then | |
42 | char:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid").Animator:Destroy() | |
43 | end | |
44 | function legsonly() | |
45 | spawn(function() | |
46 | for i = 0, 10 do | |
47 | wait(0.001) | |
48 | if attacking then | |
49 | break | |
50 | end | |
51 | end | |
52 | if not attacking then | |
53 | legs = false | |
54 | end | |
55 | end) | |
56 | end | |
57 | function swait(t) | |
58 | if t == nil or t == 0 then | |
59 | game:service("RunService").Stepped:wait(0) | |
60 | else | |
61 | for i = 0, t do | |
62 | game:service("RunService").Stepped:wait(0) | |
63 | end | |
64 | end | |
65 | end | |
66 | function KICK(PLAYER) | |
67 | spawn(function() | |
68 | local function SKICK() | |
69 | if PLAYER.Character and PLAYER.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") and PLAYER.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") then | |
70 | PLAYER.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame =, 1001000), 1000000, 1000000) | |
71 | do | |
72 | local SP ="SkateboardPlatform", PLAYER.Character) | |
73 | SP.Position = PLAYER.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position | |
74 | SP.Transparency = 1 | |
75 | spawn(function() | |
76 | repeat | |
77 | swait() | |
78 | if PLAYER.Character and PLAYER.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") then | |
79 | SP.Position = PLAYER.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position | |
80 | end | |
81 | until not game:GetService("Players"):FindFirstChild(PLAYER.Name) | |
82 | end) | |
83 | PLAYER.Character.Torso.Anchored = true | |
84 | end | |
85 | end | |
86 | end | |
87 | spawn(function() | |
88 | repeat | |
89 | wait() | |
90 | if PLAYER ~= nil then | |
91 | SKICK() | |
92 | end | |
93 | until not game:GetService("Players"):FindFirstChild(PLAYER.Name) | |
94 | if not game:GetService("Players"):FindFirstChild(PLAYER.Name) then | |
95 | print("REMOVED " .. PLAYER.Name) | |
96 | end | |
97 | end) | |
98 | end) | |
99 | end | |
100 | function hurt(hit, dmg) | |
101 | if hit.Parent then | |
102 | if hit.Parent:IsA("LocalScript") then | |
103 | print("bocks!11") | |
104 | hit.Parent:Destroy() | |
105 | end | |
106 | local hum = hit.Parent:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid") | |
107 | if hum and hum.Parent.Name ~= plr.Name then | |
108 | if dmg == "Kill" or hum.Health > 100000 then | |
109 | hit.Parent:BreakJoints() | |
110 | return true | |
111 | else | |
112 | if math.random(0, 100) == 50 then | |
113 | hum.Health = hum.Health - dmg * multiplier * 2.5 | |
114 | else | |
115 | hum.Health = hum.Health - dmg * multiplier | |
116 | end | |
117 | return true | |
118 | end | |
119 | end | |
120 | end | |
121 | end | |
122 | function soundeffect(id, volume, speed, parent) | |
123 | spawn(function() | |
124 | local s ="Sound") | |
125 | s.SoundId = id | |
126 | s.Volume = volume | |
127 | s.PlaybackSpeed = speed | |
128 | s.Parent = parent | |
129 | s:Play() | |
130 | repeat | |
131 | wait() | |
132 | until not s.Playing | |
133 | s:Destroy() | |
134 | end) | |
135 | end | |
136 | function gethum(obj) | |
137 | if obj.Parent and obj.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") and obj.Parent.Name ~= plr.Name then | |
138 | return obj.Parent:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid") | |
139 | end | |
140 | end | |
141 | function smooth(obj) | |
142 | local sides = { | |
143 | "Left", | |
144 | "Right", | |
145 | "Top", | |
146 | "Bottom", | |
147 | "Front", | |
148 | "Back" | |
149 | } | |
150 | for i, v in pairs(sides) do | |
151 | obj[v .. "Surface"] = "SmoothNoOutlines" | |
152 | end | |
153 | end | |
154 | function fade(obj, dest, grow) | |
155 | spawn(function() | |
156 | local oldcf = obj.CFrame | |
157 | for i = 0, 10 do | |
158 | if grow then | |
159 | obj.Size = obj.Size +, 1, 1) | |
160 | obj.CFrame = oldcf | |
161 | end | |
162 | obj.Transparency = obj.Transparency + 0.1 | |
163 | swait() | |
164 | end | |
165 | if dest then | |
166 | obj:Destroy() | |
167 | end | |
168 | end) | |
169 | end | |
170 | local keyamount = 0 | |
171 | mouse.KeyDown:connect(function(key) | |
172 | if key == "w" or key == "a" or key == "s" or key == "d" then | |
173 | keyamount = keyamount + 1 | |
174 | if animpose ~= "Falling" then | |
175 | if keyamount > 3 then | |
176 | keyamount = 0 | |
177 | end | |
178 | animpose = "Walking" | |
179 | end | |
180 | end | |
181 | end) | |
182 | mouse.KeyUp:connect(function(key) | |
183 | if key == "w" or key == "a" or key == "s" or key == "d" then | |
184 | keyamount = keyamount - 1 | |
185 | if keyamount < 0 then | |
186 | keyamount = 0 | |
187 | end | |
188 | if keyamount == 0 then | |
189 | animpose = "Idle" | |
190 | end | |
191 | end | |
192 | end) | |
193 | local gun ="Part") | |
194 | gun.Size =, 1.916, 0.465) | |
195 | gun.CanCollide = false | |
196 | local m ="SpecialMesh", gun) | |
197 | m.MeshId = "rbxassetid://468351345" | |
198 | m.TextureId = "rbxassetid://468351348" | |
199 | m.Scale =, 0.1, 0.1) | |
200 | gun.CFrame = char.Torso.CFrame | |
201 | gun.Parent = char | |
202 | local gunw ="Weld", gun) | |
203 | gunw.Part0 = gun | |
204 | gunw.Part1 = char["Right Arm"] | |
205 | gunw.C0 =, -0.410839319, 0, -0.0871557146, -0.996194541, 0, 0.996194541, -0.0871557146, 0, 0, 0, 1) | |
206 | mouse.Button1Down:connect(function() | |
207 | local cf = gun.CFrame *, 0, 0.958) | |
208 | local mag = (gun.Position - mouse.Hit.p).magnitude | |
209 | local p ="Part") | |
210 | p.CanCollide = false | |
211 | p.Anchored = false | |
212 | p.BrickColor ="Institutional white") | |
213 | p.Size =, 0.2, mag) | |
214 | smooth(p) | |
215 | p.Material = "Neon" | |
216 | p.CFrame =, mouse.Hit.p) *, 0, -mag / 2) | |
217 | local m ="SpecialMesh", p) | |
218 | m.MeshType = "Brick" | |
219 | p.Parent = workspace | |
220 | p.Touched:connect(function(hit) | |
221 | hurt(hit, "Kill") | |
222 | if hit.Size.X > 100 and 100 < hit.Size.Z and hit.Size.Y < 3 then | |
223 | elseif hit.Parent and hit.Parent.Name ~= plr.Name then | |
224 | fade(hit, true) | |
225 | end | |
226 | end) | |
227 | local bp ="BodyPosition", p) | |
228 | bp.MaxForce = huge | |
229 | bp.Position = p.Position | |
230 | local saved = p.CFrame | |
231 | for i = 1, 10 do | |
232 | p.Size = p.Size +, 0.01, 0.01) | |
233 | p.CFrame = saved | |
234 | p.Velocity =, 0, 100) | |
235 | p.Transparency = p.Transparency + 0.1 | |
236 | wait() | |
237 | end | |
238 | p:Destroy() | |
239 | end) | |
240 | mouse.KeyDown:connect(function(key) | |
241 | if key == "l" then | |
242 | function a(b) | |
243 | pcall(function() | |
244 | for i, v in pairs(b:children()) do | |
245 | pcall(function() | |
246 | if v:IsA("BasePart") and v.Parent and v.Parent.Name == "WafflesAreVeryGood" and v.Anchored then | |
247 | v.Anchored = false | |
248 | end | |
249 | if v:IsA("Sound") and v.Parent.Name ~= "WafflesAreVeryGood" then | |
250 | v:Destroy() | |
251 | end | |
252 | if v:IsA("ParticleEmitter") then | |
253 | v:Destroy() | |
254 | end | |
255 | a(v) | |
256 | end) | |
257 | end | |
258 | end) | |
259 | end | |
260 | a(game) | |
261 | end | |
262 | if key == "q" then | |
263 | local cf = gun.CFrame *, 0, 0.958) | |
264 | local mag = (gun.Position - mouse.Hit.p).magnitude | |
265 | local p ="Part") | |
266 | p.CanCollide = false | |
267 | p.Anchored = false | |
268 | p.BrickColor ="Really red") | |
269 | p.Size =, 0.2, mag) | |
270 | smooth(p) | |
271 | p.Material = "Neon" | |
272 | p.CFrame =, mouse.Hit.p) *, 0, -mag / 2) | |
273 | local m ="SpecialMesh", p) | |
274 | m.MeshType = "Brick" | |
275 | p.Parent = workspace | |
276 | p.Touched:connect(function(hit) | |
277 | if gethum(hit) then | |
278 | for i, v in pairs(hit.Parent:children()) do | |
279 | if v:IsA("Model") then | |
280 | v:BreakJoints() | |
281 | end | |
282 | local ok = false | |
283 | for i, e in pairs({ | |
284 | "Right Arm", | |
285 | "Left Arm", | |
286 | "Right Leg", | |
287 | "Left Leg", | |
288 | "Head", | |
289 | "Torso", | |
290 | "HumanoidRootPart" | |
291 | }) do | |
292 | if v.Name == e then | |
293 | ok = true | |
294 | end | |
295 | end | |
296 | if v:IsA("BasePart") and not ok then | |
297 | fade(v, true) | |
298 | end | |
299 | end | |
300 | end | |
301 | if hit:FindFirstChildOfClass("TouchTransmitter") then | |
302 | hit:FindFirstChildOfClass("TouchTransmitter"):Destroy() | |
303 | end | |
304 | end) | |
305 | local bp ="BodyPosition", p) | |
306 | bp.MaxForce = huge | |
307 | bp.Position = p.Position | |
308 | local saved = p.CFrame | |
309 | for i = 1, 10 do | |
310 | p.Size = p.Size +, 0.01, 0.01) | |
311 | p.CFrame = saved | |
312 | p.Velocity =, 0, 100) | |
313 | p.Transparency = p.Transparency + 0.1 | |
314 | wait() | |
315 | end | |
316 | p:Destroy() | |
317 | end | |
318 | if key == "e" then | |
319 | local cf = gun.CFrame *, 0, 0.958) | |
320 | local mag = (gun.Position - mouse.Hit.p).magnitude | |
321 | local p ="Part") | |
322 | p.CanCollide = false | |
323 | p.Anchored = false | |
324 | p.BrickColor ="New Yeller") | |
325 | p.Size =, 0.2, mag) | |
326 | smooth(p) | |
327 | p.Material = "Neon" | |
328 | p.CFrame =, mouse.Hit.p) *, 0, -mag / 2) | |
329 | local m ="SpecialMesh", p) | |
330 | m.MeshType = "Brick" | |
331 | p.Parent = workspace | |
332 | p.Touched:connect(function(hit) | |
333 | if gethum(hit) then | |
334 | local target = game.Players:FindFirstChild(hit.Parent.Name) | |
335 | if target then | |
336 | KICK(target) | |
337 | end | |
338 | end | |
339 | end) | |
340 | local bp ="BodyPosition", p) | |
341 | bp.MaxForce = huge | |
342 | bp.Position = p.Position | |
343 | local saved = p.CFrame | |
344 | for i = 1, 10 do | |
345 | p.Size = p.Size +, 0.01, 0.01) | |
346 | p.CFrame = saved | |
347 | p.Velocity =, 0, 100) | |
348 | p.Transparency = p.Transparency + 0.1 | |
349 | wait() | |
350 | end | |
351 | p:Destroy() | |
352 | end | |
353 | if key == "r" then | |
354 | local cf = gun.CFrame *, 0, 0.958) | |
355 | local mag = (gun.Position - mouse.Hit.p).magnitude | |
356 | local p ="Part") | |
357 | p.CanCollide = false | |
358 | p.Anchored = false | |
359 | p.BrickColor ="Lime green") | |
360 | p.Size =, 0.2, mag) | |
361 | smooth(p) | |
362 | p.Material = "Neon" | |
363 | p.CFrame =, mouse.Hit.p) *, 0, -mag / 2) | |
364 | local m ="SpecialMesh", p) | |
365 | m.MeshType = "Brick" | |
366 | p.Parent = workspace | |
367 | p.Touched:connect(function(hit) | |
368 | local hum = gethum(hit) | |
369 | if hum then | |
370 | hum.Health = hum.MaxHealth | |
371 | end | |
372 | end) | |
373 | local bp ="BodyPosition", p) | |
374 | bp.MaxForce = huge | |
375 | bp.Position = p.Position | |
376 | local saved = p.CFrame | |
377 | for i = 1, 10 do | |
378 | p.Size = p.Size +, 0.01, 0.01) | |
379 | p.CFrame = saved | |
380 | p.Velocity =, 0, 100) | |
381 | p.Transparency = p.Transparency + 0.1 | |
382 | wait() | |
383 | end | |
384 | p:Destroy() | |
385 | end | |
386 | end) | |
387 | game:GetService("RunService").Stepped:connect(function() | |
388 | local x, z | |
389 | local dir =, mouse.Hit.p).lookVector | |
390 | x = dir.X | |
391 | z = dir.Z | |
392 | local cf =, char.HumanoidRootPart.Position +, 0, z)) | |
393 | char.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = char.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame:Lerp(cf, 0.5) | |
394 | humanoid.AutoRotate = false | |
395 | end) | |
396 | while wait() do | |
397 | if animpose == "Walking" and cananim and legs then | |
398 | for i = 0, 0.7, 0.1 do | |
399 | if animpose == "Walking" and cananim and legs then | |
400 | ls.C0 = ls.C0:Lerp(, 0.5, 0, 0, 0.104528472, -0.994522035, 0, 0.994522035, 0.104528472, 1, 0, 0), 0.2) | |
401 | rs.C0 = rs.C0:Lerp(, 0.0454798974, 0, -0.482965499, -0.871292651, -0.087155737, -0.0422539636, -0.0762281716, 0.996195912, -0.874620378, 0.484809875, 0), 0.2) | |
402 | neck.C0 = neck.C0:Lerp(, 1, 0, -0.500000656, -0.866026223, 0, -1.61309954E-9, 9.31323796E-10, 1.00000024, -0.866026342, 0.500000715, -1.86264515E-9), 0.2) | |
403 | rj.C0 = rj.C0:Lerp(, 0, 0, -0.469472021, 0.882948279, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0.882948279, 0.469472021, 0), 0.2) | |
404 | lh.C0 = lh.C0:Lerp(, -1, 0, -0.0219629817, 0.02712203, -0.999390841, -0.628937364, 0.776673257, 0.0348994955, 0.777146697, 0.6293208, 0), 0.4) | |
405 | rh.C0 = rh.C0:Lerp(, -1, 0, 0.0238014236, -0.0255239103, 0.999390841, -0.681583524, 0.73090899, 0.0348994955, -0.731354535, -0.681998909, 0), 0.4) | |
406 | wait() | |
407 | else | |
408 | break | |
409 | end | |
410 | end | |
411 | for i = 0, 0.7, 0.1 do | |
412 | if animpose == "Walking" and cananim and legs then | |
413 | ls.C0 = ls.C0:Lerp(, 0.5, 0, 0, 0.104528472, -0.994522035, 0, 0.994522035, 0.104528472, 1, 0, 0), 0.2) | |
414 | rs.C0 = rs.C0:Lerp(, 0.0454798974, 0, -0.482965499, -0.871292651, -0.087155737, -0.0422539636, -0.0762281716, 0.996195912, -0.874620378, 0.484809875, 0), 0.2) | |
415 | neck.C0 = neck.C0:Lerp(, 1, 0, -0.500000656, -0.866026223, 0, -1.61309954E-9, 9.31323796E-10, 1.00000024, -0.866026342, 0.500000715, -1.86264515E-9), 0.2) | |
416 | rj.C0 = rj.C0:Lerp(, 0, 0, -0.469472021, 0.882948279, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0.882948279, 0.469472021, 0), 0.2) | |
417 | lh.C0 = lh.C0:Lerp(, -1, 0, 0.0205134545, 0.0282343514, -0.999390841, 0.587428331, 0.808525503, 0.0348994955, 0.809018135, -0.587786257, 0), 0.4) | |
418 | rh.C0 = rh.C0:Lerp(, -1, 0, -0.0224330258, -0.0267346334, 0.999390841, 0.642397523, 0.765579402, 0.0348994955, -0.76604569, 0.642788768, 0), 0.4) | |
419 | wait() | |
420 | else | |
421 | break | |
422 | end | |
423 | end | |
424 | end | |
425 | if animpose == "Idle" and cananim and legs then | |
426 | ls.C0 = ls.C0:Lerp(, 0.5, 0, 0, 0.104528472, -0.994522035, 0, 0.994522035, 0.104528472, 1, 0, 0), 0.2) | |
427 | rs.C0 = rs.C0:Lerp(, 0.0454798974, 0, -0.482965499, -0.871292651, -0.087155737, -0.0422539636, -0.0762281716, 0.996195912, -0.874620378, 0.484809875, 0), 0.2) | |
428 | neck.C0 = neck.C0:Lerp(, 1, 0, -0.500000656, -0.866026223, 0, -1.61309954E-9, 9.31323796E-10, 1.00000024, -0.866026342, 0.500000715, -1.86264515E-9), 0.2) | |
429 | rj.C0 = rj.C0:Lerp(, 0, 0, -0.469472021, 0.882948279, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0.882948279, 0.469472021, 0), 0.2) | |
430 | lh.C0 = lh.C0:Lerp(, -1, 0, 0, 0.0523359552, -0.99862957, 0, 0.99862957, 0.0523359552, 1, 0, 0), 0.5) | |
431 | rh.C0 = rh.C0:Lerp(, -1, 0, 0, -0.0523359627, 0.998629689, 0, 0.998629689, 0.0523359627, -1, 0, 0), 0.5) | |
432 | end | |
433 | end |