- or go back to the newest paste.
1 | [ScalabilityGroups] | |
2 | sg.ResolutionQuality=100 ; Keep native resolution scaling | |
3 | sg.ViewDistanceQuality=4 ; Maximize view distance for clarity | |
4 | sg.AntiAliasingQuality=4 ; Enable higher-quality anti-aliasing | |
5 | sg.ShadowQuality=4 ; Increase shadow detail | |
6 | sg.GlobalIlluminationQuality=4 ; Maximize lighting bounce and realism | |
7 | sg.ReflectionQuality=4 ; High-quality reflections | |
8 | sg.PostProcessQuality=4 ; Improve post-processing effects | |
9 | sg.TextureQuality=4 ; Highest texture detail | |
10 | sg.EffectsQuality=4 ; Enhanced visual effects | |
11 | sg.FoliageQuality=4 ; Better detail for vegetation | |
12 | sg.ShadingQuality=4 ; Improved shading on objects | |
13 | sg.SignificanceQuality=4 ; Improved object significance rendering | |
14 | sg.SSRQuality=3 ; Better screen-space reflections | |
15 | sg.SSAOQuality=3 ; High-quality screen-space ambient occlusion | |
16 | sg.IndirectShadowQuality=3 ; Improved indirect shadows | |
17 | sg.HairQuality=4 ; Better hair rendering quality (if applicable) | |
18 | sg.ObjectDetailQuality=4 ; Higher detail in distant objects | |
19 | sg.VolumetricFogQuality=4 ; Improved volumetric fog | |
20 | sg.VolumetricCloudsQuality=4 ; More detailed volumetric clouds | |
21 | sg.SkyQuality=4 ; High-quality sky rendering | |
22 | sg.MaterialQuality=4 ; Highest material quality | |
23 | sg.MotionBlurQuality=2 ; Subtle motion blur for cinematic effect | |
24 | sg.DOFQuality=4 ; High-quality depth of field | |
25 | ||
26 | ||
27 | ||
28 | ||
29 | [/Script/Engine.GameUserSettings] | |
30 | bUseDesiredScreenHeight=False | |
31 | AudioQualityLevel=5 | |
32 | AntiAliasingSuperSamplingMode=4 | |
33 | SuperSamplingQuality=2 | |
34 | CASSharpness=0.800000 | |
35 | ScreenPercentage=100.000000 | |
36 | VoiceLanguage= | |
37 | bNvidiaReflex=True | |
38 | bXeLowLatency=False | |
39 | bDlssFrameGeneration=False | |
40 | bFSRFrameGeneration=False | |
41 | bXeFrameGeneration=False | |
42 | MonitorIndex=0 | |
43 | bEnableConsole120Fps=False | |
44 | bUseVSync=False | |
45 | bUseDynamicResolution=False | |
46 | ResolutionSizeX=2560 | |
47 | ResolutionSizeY=1440 | |
48 | LastUserConfirmedResolutionSizeX=2560 | |
49 | LastUserConfirmedResolutionSizeY=1440 | |
50 | WindowPosX=-1 | |
51 | WindowPosY=-1 | |
52 | FullscreenMode=0 | |
53 | LastConfirmedFullscreenMode=0 | |
54 | PreferredFullscreenMode=0 | |
55 | Version=5 | |
56 | LastConfirmedAudioQualityLevel=5 | |
57 | FrameRateLimit=0.000000 | |
58 | DesiredScreenWidth=1280 | |
59 | DesiredScreenHeight=720 | |
60 | LastUserConfirmedDesiredScreenWidth=1280 | |
61 | LastUserConfirmedDesiredScreenHeight=720 | |
62 | LastRecommendedScreenWidth=-1.000000 | |
63 | LastRecommendedScreenHeight=-1.000000 | |
64 | LastCPUBenchmarkResult=-1.000000 | |
65 | LastGPUBenchmarkResult=-1.000000 | |
66 | LastGPUBenchmarkMultiplier=1.000000 | |
67 | bUseHDRDisplayOutput=False | |
68 | HDRDisplayOutputNits=1000 | |
69 | DIVersion=1 | |
70 | ||
71 | ||
72 | [/Script/Engine.GameUserSettings] | |
73 | bUseDesiredScreenHeight=False | |
74 | ||
75 | [/Script/Engine.RendererSettings] | |
76 | r.RayTracing=1 | |
77 | r.TAA=1 | |
78 | ||
79 | [/Script/Engine.RendererOverrideSettings] | |
80 | r.DefaultFeature.AmbientOcclusion=3 | |
81 | r.DefaultFeature.AutoExposure=1 | |
82 | r.DefaultFeature.Bloom=0 | |
83 | r.DefaultFeature.ChromaticAberration=0 | |
84 | r.DefaultFeature.DOF=0 | |
85 | r.DefaultFeature.EyeAdaptation=1 | |
86 | r.DefaultFeature.ImageGrain=0 | |
87 | r.DefaultFeature.LensFlare=0 | |
88 | r.DefaultFeature.MotionBlur=0 | |
89 | r.DefaultFeature.Shadow=1 | |
90 | r.DefaultFeature.Vignette=0 | |
91 | ||
92 | [/Script/Engine.PostProcessVolume] | |
93 | r.DepthOfFieldQuality=0 | |
94 | r.Tonemapper.Sharpen=0 | |
95 | ||
96 | [/Script/Engine.GameEngine] | |
97 | TextureStreaming=True | |
98 | MaxAnisotropy=16 | |
99 | ||
100 | [Audio] | |
101 | AudioDeviceModuleName=FMODAudioMixer | |
102 | AudioQualityLevel=5 | |
103 | ||
104 | [/Script/Engine.GameViewportClient] | |
105 | bUseSRGBFramebuffer=True | |
106 | ||
107 | [/Script/Engine.GameUserSettings] | |
108 | AudioQualityLevel=5 | |
109 | ||
110 | [/Script/Engine.Engine] | |
111 | bForceUseHDRDisplayOutput=False | |
112 | ||
113 | ||
114 | ||
115 |