- or go back to the newest paste.
1 | [Display] | |
2 | FullscreenRefresh=0 | |
3 | Maximized=0 | |
4 | HDPixelPlus=1.200000 | |
5 | FullscreenWidth=1440 | |
6 | FullscreenHeight=900 | |
7 | WindowedWidth=1366 | |
8 | WindowedHeight=768 | |
9 | Mode=Windowed | |
10 | FullscreenMode=Fullscreen | |
11 | ||
12 | [Rendering] | |
13 | EffectsQuality=3 | |
14 | OverallQuality=-1 | |
15 | TextureQuality=3 | |
16 | ShadowQuality=0 | |
17 | FloraQuality=1 | |
18 | RenderDistance=500.000000 | |
19 | UseDepthOfField=0.000000 | |
20 | Gamma=0.700000 | |
21 | MaximumFPS=-1 | |
22 | UseLod0a=0 | |
23 | Smoothing=0 | |
24 | SpeedTreeLOD=0 | |
25 | ModelQuality=3 | |
26 | FogShadowsEnable=1 | |
27 | AO=0 | |
28 | InteriorLighting=0 | |
29 | VerticalFOV=70 | |
30 | LightingQuality=0 | |
31 | ParticleLOD=2 | |
32 | MaxLocalShadows=4 | |
33 | ObjectOutlines=0 | |
34 | ||
35 | [Controls] | |
36 | CameraAutoAdjustment=1 | |
37 | ClickToMove=0 | |
38 | ClickToMoveRightButton=0 | |
39 | RailCamera=1 | |
40 | CameraType=0 | |
41 | ||
42 | [Sound] | |
43 | Master=0.100000 | |
44 | SoundEffects=0.700000 | |
45 | UI=0.200000 | |
46 | Dialog=1.000000 | |
47 | MusicMaster=0.000000 | |
48 | MusicAmbient=1.000000 | |
49 | MusicEncounter=1.000000 | |
50 | VehicleDegradationVolume=1.000000 | |
51 | VehicleHitIndicator=0.000000 | |
52 | ||
53 | [AutoRefuse] | |
54 | FriendInvitation=0 | |
55 | DuelInvitation=0 | |
56 | GuildInvitation=0 | |
57 | HideUi=1 | |
58 | TradeRequest=0 | |
59 | HousingInvitation=0 | |
60 | GroupInvitation=0 | |
61 | ||
62 | [Voice] | |
63 | GuildVolume=50.000000 | |
64 | GroupVolume=50.000000 | |
65 | ReceiveVolume=65.000000 | |
66 | MicrophoneVolume=50.000000 | |
67 | Enable=1 | |
68 | DisableProximityChatInTheBoxOfDestiny=0 | |
69 | ||
70 | [UI] | |
71 | DiagnosticsHud=0 | |
72 | reticle_tint=16777215 | |
73 | LegacyHitmarker=1 | |
74 | ShotBlockIcon=0 | |
75 | reticleStyle=1 | |
76 | reticle_frame=22 | |
77 | CenterInventory=1 | |
78 | ||
79 | [General] | |
80 | GamepadInvertLook=0 | |
81 | Version=1 | |
82 | AutoDetectPerformanceSettings=2 | |
83 | ADSMouseSensitivity=0.070000 | |
84 | MouseSensitivity=0.140000 | |
85 | ScopedMouseSensitivity=0.140000 | |
86 | VehicleMouseSensitivity=0.300000 | |
87 | TracerOption=EnemiesOnly | |
88 | FirstPerson=0 | |
89 | ||
90 | [VoiceChat] | |
91 | EchoEnabled=1 | |
92 | EchoVolume=0.500000 | |
93 | ProximityEnabled=1 | |
94 | ProximityVolume=0.500000 | |
95 | GroupEnabled=1 | |
96 | GroupVolume=0.500000 | |
97 | RaidEnabled=1 | |
98 | RaidVolume=0.500000 | |
99 | GuildEnabled=1 | |
100 | GuildVolume=0.500000 | |
101 | RadioEnabled=1 | |
102 | RadioVolume=0.500000 | |
103 | CBEnabled=1 | |
104 | CBVolume=0.500000 | |
105 | CustomEnabled=1 | |
106 | CustomVolume=0.500000 | |
107 | InputDevice=Default System Device | |
108 | OutputDevice=Default System Device | |
109 | ||
110 | [VoiceVolumes] | |
111 | 204457360301899329=0.400000 | |
112 | 204416398532162305=0.400000 | |
113 | 204477266018714977=0.400000 | |
114 | 204466758262744337=0.400000 | |
115 | 204416397622402737=0.000000 | |
116 | 204477265912974849=0.400000 | |
117 | 204477266021621281=0.400000 | |
118 | 204477265835252113=0.290000 | |
119 | 204466758259534961=0.400000 | |
120 | 204466758262037841=0.000000 | |
121 | 204466758257539473=0.000000 | |
122 | 204466758150923585=0.400000 | |
123 | 204477266081852833=0.000000 | |
124 | 204466758275119297=0.000000 | |
125 | 204481629731601217=0.000000 | |
126 | 204481629840908961=0.190000 | |
127 | 204477266196211777=0.000000 | |
128 | 204481629723866545=0.000000 | |
129 | 204477265831669073=0.000000 | |
130 | 204481629729893361=0.000000 | |
131 | ||
132 | [NotificationBadges] | |
133 | SeenNewBundles= | |
134 | SeenSales= |