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1 | #!/usr/bin/python | |
2 | from ConfigParser import RawConfigParser as ConfParser | |
3 | from optparse import OptionParser | |
4 | from collections import deque | |
5 | from time import sleep, time, gmtime, strftime | |
6 | import ConfigParser | |
7 | import datetime | |
8 | import os | |
9 | import sys | |
10 | import socket | |
11 | import codecs | |
12 | from irc import * | |
13 | from select import select | |
14 | ||
15 | os.system('clear') | |
16 | timestamp = '[' +'\x1b[32m' +"%a %d, %H:%M:%S") + '\x1b[0m' + ']' | |
17 | my = IRCbot() | |
18 | start = time() | |
19 | ||
20 | print('%s Starting Pybnc by Aha2Y. (Pid number: %s)' % (timestamp, os.getpid())) | |
21 | try: | |
22 | config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser() | |
23 | config.readfp("config.ini", "r", "utf8")) | |
24 | chanQueue = deque() ; channels = [] | |
25 | print('%s Successfully loaded config.ini' % (timestamp)) | |
26 | except IOError as config: | |
27 | print('%s [\x1b[31mError\x1b[0m] PyZNC Can\'t read config.ini...' % (timestamp)) | |
28 | print('%s [\x1b[31mError\x1b[0m] Be sure you have the config file in the same dir as PyZNC is!' % (timestamp)) | |
29 | sys.exit() | |
30 | ||
31 | irc = socket.socket (socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) | |
32 | bnc = socket.socket (socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) | |
33 | print('%s Connecting to the IRC server (%s:%s)' % (timestamp, config.get('irc-connection', 'server'), config.getint('irc-connection', 'port'))) | |
34 | print('%s Connecting to the BNC server (%s:%s)' % (timestamp, config.get('bnc-connection', 'server'), config.getint('bnc-connection', 'port'))) | |
35 | irc.connect ((config.get('irc-connection', 'server'),config.getint('irc-connection', 'port'))) | |
36 | bnc.connect ((config.get('bnc-connection', 'server'),config.getint('bnc-connection', 'port'))) | |
37 | irc.send ('NICK %s\r\n' % config.get('irc-bot', 'nickname')) | |
38 | bnc.send ('NICK %s\r\n' % config.get('irc-bot', 'nickname')) | |
39 | irc.send ('USER %s %s pybnc :%s\r\n' % (config.get('irc-bot', 'nickname'), config.get('irc-bot', 'ident'), config.get('irc-bot', 'realname'))) | |
40 | bnc.send ('USER %s %s pybnc :%s\r\n' % (config.get('irc-bot', 'nickname'), config.get('irc-bot', 'ident'), config.get('irc-bot', 'realname'))) | |
41 | ||
42 | while 1: | |
43 | (rl, wl, xl) = select([irc, bnc], [], []) | |
44 | for sock in rl: | |
45 | data = readline(sock) | |
46 | raw = parse(data) | |
47 | if sock == bnc: | |
48 | if raw[0] == "PING": | |
49 | sock.send("PONG %s\r\n" % raw[1]) | |
50 | print('%s Received ping from the bnc server, Sending pong.' % timestamp) | |
51 | print "[\x1b[32mbnc\x1b[0m]", raw | |
52 | if len(raw) > 3 and raw[3] == "*** You need to send your password. Try /quote PASS <username>:<password>": | |
53 | bnc.send('PASS %s \r\n' % config.get('bnc-connection', 'login')) | |
54 | print('%s Bouncer Connection established.' % timestamp) | |
55 | if raw[0] == "*status!": | |
56 | if raw[1] == "PRIVMSG": | |
57 | if "Running for" in raw[3]: | |
58 | channel = chanQueue.popleft() | |
59 | uptime = " ".join(raw[3:]) | |
60 | irc.send('PRIVMSG %s :The bouncer is %s\r\n' % (channel, uptime)) | |
61 | if "-" in raw[3]: | |
62 | version = raw[3].strip('-') | |
63 | if "IPv6:" in raw[3]: | |
64 | channel = chanQueue.popleft() | |
65 | version2 = " ".join(raw[3:]) | |
66 | irc.send('PRIVMSG %s :The bouncer is running: %s\r\n' % (channel, version)) | |
67 | irc.send('PRIVMSG %s :And the settings: %s\r\n' % (channel, version2)) | |
68 | elif sock == irc: | |
69 | if raw[0] == "PING": | |
70 | sock.send("PONG %s\r\n" % raw[1]) | |
71 | print('%s Received ping from the irc server, Sending pong.' % timestamp) | |
72 | print "[\x1b[31mirc\x1b[0m]", raw | |
73 | if raw[1] == "439" and raw[3] == "Please wait while we process your connection.": | |
74 | my.server = raw[0] | |
75 | if raw[1] == "376" and raw[3] == "End of /MOTD command.": | |
76 | irc.send('JOIN %s \r\n' % config.get('irc-bot', 'mainchan')) | |
77 | print('%s IRC Connection established.' % timestamp) | |
78 | if raw[0].startswith("NickServ!"): | |
79 | if raw[1] == "NOTICE" and "This nickname is registered" in raw[3]: | |
80 | irc.send('PRIVMSG NickServ :identify %s \r\n' % config.get('irc-bot', 'nickpass')) | |
81 | if raw[1] == "PRIVMSG": | |
82 | my.sender = raw[0] | |
83 | my.nick = raw[0].split("!")[0] | |
84 | my.auth = data.split('@')[0][1:] | |
85 | if len(raw) > 3: | |
86 | if raw[3] == "!uptime": | |
87 | chanQueue.append(raw[2]) | |
88 | end = time() | |
89 | uptime = end - start | |
90 | bnc.send('PRIVMSG *status :uptime \r\n') | |
91 | irc.send('PRIVMSG %s :The bot is running for %s \r\n' % (raw[2], duration_human(uptime))) | |
92 | if raw[3] == "!rehash": | |
93 | try: | |
94 | if config.get('staff', my.auth) == 'admin': | |
95 | chanQueue.append(raw[2]) | |
96 | bnc.send('PRIVMSG *status :rehash\r\n') | |
97 | irc.send('PRIVMSG %s :Bouncer successfuly rehashed!\r\n' % raw[2]) | |
98 | except ConfigParser.NoOptionError: | |
99 | irc.send('PRIVMSG %s :I don\'t recognize you. \r\n' % raw[2]) | |
100 | if raw[3] == "!shutdown": | |
101 | try: | |
102 | if config.get('staff', my.auth) == 'admin': | |
103 | chanQueue.append(raw[2]) | |
104 | bnc.send('PRIVMSG *status :shutdown\r\n') | |
105 | except ConfigParser.NoOptionError: | |
106 | irc.send('PRIVMSG %s :I don\'t recognize you. \r\n' % raw[2]) | |
107 | if raw[3] == "!restart": | |
108 | try: | |
109 | if config.get('staff', my.auth) == 'admin': | |
110 | chanQueue.append(raw[2]) | |
111 | bnc.send('PRIVMSG *status :reboot\r\n') | |
112 | irc.send('PRIVMSG %s :Restarting server...\r\n' % raw[2]) | |
113 | except ConfigParser.NoOptionError: | |
114 | irc.send('PRIVMSG %s :I don\'t recognize you. \r\n' % raw[2]) | |
115 | if raw[3].startswith("!global "): | |
116 | try: | |
117 | if config.get('staff', my.auth) == 'admin': | |
118 | globalmsg = raw[3].split(" ", 1)[1] | |
119 | globalmessage = " ".join(raw[3:]) | |
120 | bnc.send('PRIVMSG *status :broadcast %s\r\n' % globalmsg) | |
121 | irc.send('PRIVMSG %s :[Global] %s\r\n' % (raw[2], globalmsg)) | |
122 | except ConfigParser.NoOptionError: | |
123 | irc.send('PRIVMSG %s :I don\'t recognize you. \r\n' % raw[2]) | |
124 | if raw[3] == "!version": | |
125 | chanQueue.append(raw[2]) | |
126 | bnc.send('PRIVMSG *status :version \r\n') | |
127 | if raw[3] == "!help": | |
128 | irc.send('PRIVMSG %s :Available commands: !version, !uptime, !whoami, !rehash, !restart, !shutdown, !global\r\n' % raw[2]) | |
129 | if raw[3] == "!get nick": | |
130 | irc.send('PRIVMSG %s :%s \r\n' % (raw[2], my.nick)) | |
131 | if raw[3] == "!get sender": | |
132 | irc.send('PRIVMSG %s :%s \r\n' % (raw[2], my.sender)) | |
133 | if raw[3] == "!get server": | |
134 | irc.send('PRIVMSG %s :%s \r\n' % (raw[2], my.server)) | |
135 | if raw[3] == "!whoami": | |
136 | try: | |
137 | if config.get('staff', my.auth) == 'admin': | |
138 | irc.send('PRIVMSG %s :You are authenticated as admin. \r\n' % raw[2]) | |
139 | except ConfigParser.NoOptionError: | |
140 | irc.send('PRIVMSG %s :I don\'t recognize you. \r\n' % raw[2]) |