- or go back to the newest paste.
1 | /* Title: Elementary Sequal | |
2 | * | |
3 | * | |
4 | * Based Upon the code-example by Tom Beckmann: | |
5 | * Toms' Code is Based upon the design by Harvey Cabaguio: | |
6 | * | |
7 | */ | |
8 | ||
9 | ||
10 | ||
11 | using Gtk; | |
12 | using Granite; | |
13 | ||
14 | namespace eSQL { | |
15 | ||
16 | class MainWindow : Gtk.Window { | |
17 | ||
19 | const string program_name = ""; | |
20 | const string exec_name = ""; | |
21 | ||
22 | const string app_years = ""; | |
23 | const string app_version = ""; | |
24 | const string application_id = ""; | |
25 | const string app_icon = ""; | |
26 | const string app_launcher = ".desktop"; | |
27 | const string app_website = ""; | |
28 | const string app_website_lbl = ""; | |
29 | ||
30 | const string[] app_authors = {""}; | |
31 | const string[] app_documenters = {""}; | |
32 | const string[] app_translators = {"Chris Timberlake <>"}; | |
33 | const string[] app_artists = {""}; | |
34 | ||
35 | const string app_license_name = "Unknown License"; | |
36 | - | const Gtk.License app_license = License.Unknown; |
36 | + | const Gtk.License app_license = License.MIT_X11; |
37 | ||
38 | const string app_comments = ""; | |
39 | ||
40 | ||
41 | //Define variables. | |
42 | Gtk.Box main_container; | |
43 | Gtk.Toolbar main_toolbar; | |
44 | Gtk.ToolItem main_title; | |
45 | ||
46 | ||
47 | const int icon_size = Gtk.IconSize.LARGE_TOOLBAR; | |
48 | const int icon_height = 48; | |
49 | ||
50 | const string main_toolbar_css = """ | |
51 | .title { | |
52 | color: #666; | |
53 | text-shadow: 0px 1px 0px white; | |
54 | } | |
55 | .toolbar { | |
56 | padding: 0px; | |
57 | box-shadow: inset 0px 1px 0px rgba(255,255,255,0.3); | |
58 | } | |
59 | """; | |
60 | Gtk.CssProvider css; | |
61 | ||
62 | /* CUSTOM WIDGETS */ | |
63 | ||
64 | // It's just good coding practice in any language to define everything before it's used. | |
65 | // Even if that specific language doesn't care. | |
66 | public Gtk.ToolItem toolbar_seperator() { | |
67 | ||
68 | //Create the Seperator Referance | |
69 | var sep = new Gtk.ToolItem (); | |
70 | //Set Height/Width | |
71 | sep.height_request = icon_height; | |
72 | sep.width_request = 1; | |
73 | ||
74 | //Design the look! | |
75 | sep.draw.connect ((cr) => { | |
76 | cr.move_to (0, 0); | |
77 | cr.line_to (0, 60); | |
78 | cr.set_line_width (1); | |
79 | var grad = new Cairo.Pattern.linear (0, 0, 0, icon_height); | |
80 | grad.add_color_stop_rgba (0, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.4); | |
81 | grad.add_color_stop_rgba (0.8, 0, 0, 0, 0); | |
82 | cr.set_source (grad); | |
83 | cr.stroke (); | |
84 | return true; | |
85 | }); | |
86 | //Add CSS Class Contexts | |
87 | sep.get_style_context ().add_class ("sep"); | |
88 | sep.get_style_context ().add_provider (css, Gtk.STYLE_PROVIDER_PRIORITY_APPLICATION); | |
89 | ||
90 | return sep; | |
91 | } | |
92 | ||
93 | //Main window's title | |
94 | Gtk.Label mw_title; | |
95 | public new string title { | |
96 | get { | |
97 | return mw_title.label; | |
98 | } | |
99 | set { | |
100 | mw_title.label = value; | |
101 | } | |
102 | } | |
103 | ||
104 | public MainWindow(){ | |
105 | ||
106 | /* CREATE THE BASE! */ | |
107 | ||
108 | //Build Main Toolbar | |
109 | main_toolbar = new Gtk.Toolbar(); | |
110 | //Setup the Toolbar's Look | |
111 | main_toolbar.icon_size = icon_size; | |
112 | //The CSS | |
113 | main_toolbar.get_style_context().add_class ("primary-toolbar"); | |
114 | main_toolbar.get_style_context().add_provider (css, Gtk.STYLE_PROVIDER_PRIORITY_APPLICATION); | |
115 | ||
116 | //Build the Box Container! | |
117 | main_container = new Gtk.Box(Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL, 0); | |
118 | main_container.pack_start (main_toolbar, false); | |
119 | //main_container.window-state-event.connect (() => { this.toggle_maximize(); }); | |
120 | ||
121 | /* TOOLBAR ITEMS! */ | |
122 | // Close Button | |
123 | var tb_close = new Gtk.ToolButton (new Gtk.Image.from_file("/usr/share/themes/elementary/metacity-1/close.svg"), "Close"); | |
124 | // Clicked Action | |
125 | tb_close.clicked.connect (() => destroy ()); | |
126 | // Set the proper dimension so it doesn't look ugly! | |
127 | tb_close.height_request = icon_height; | |
128 | tb_close.width_request = icon_height; | |
129 | ||
130 | // Maximize Button | |
131 | var tb_maximize = new Gtk.ToolButton (new Gtk.Image.from_file("/usr/share/themes/elementary/metacity-1/maximize.svg"), "Close"); | |
132 | // Clicked Action => TOGGLE MAXIMIZE! | |
133 | tb_maximize.clicked.connect (() => { this.toggle_maximize(); }); | |
134 | // Set the proper dimension so it doesn't look ugly! | |
135 | tb_maximize.height_request = icon_height; | |
136 | tb_maximize.width_request = icon_height; | |
137 | ||
138 | // Prepare the Main Window Title. | |
139 | mw_title = new Gtk.Label("Elementary Studio (Sequal)"); | |
140 | // Make it look right. | |
141 | mw_title.override_font(Pango.FontDescription.from_string("bold")); | |
142 | // Create the ToolBar Item | |
143 | main_title = new Gtk.ToolItem(); | |
144 | // Add the Main Window Title. | |
145 | main_title.add(mw_title); | |
146 | // Expand it! | |
147 | main_title.set_expand(true); | |
148 | ||
149 | // Settings Menu! | |
150 | var settings_menu = new Gtk.Menu(); | |
151 | //Make a spot for an about dlg | |
152 | Gtk.MenuItem item_about = new Gtk.MenuItem.with_label ("About"); | |
153 | Gtk.MenuItem item_tf = new Gtk.MenuItem.with_label ("tf"); | |
154 | item_about.activate.connect (() => { | |
155 | ||
156 | Granite.Widgets.show_about_dialog (base, | |
157 | "program_name", program_name, | |
158 | // "version", build_version, | |
159 | "logo_icon_name", app_icon, | |
160 | ||
161 | "comments", app_comments, | |
162 | "copyright", "%s %s Developers".printf (app_years, program_name), | |
163 | "website", app_website, | |
164 | "website_label", "Website", | |
165 | ||
166 | "authors", app_authors, | |
167 | "documenters", app_documenters, | |
168 | "artists", app_artists, | |
169 | "translator_credits", app_translators, | |
170 | "license", app_license_name, | |
171 | "license_type", app_license, | |
172 | ||
173 | "help", app_website, | |
174 | "translate", app_website, | |
175 | "bug", app_website); | |
176 | }); | |
177 | ||
178 | ||
179 | // Compile the menu! | |
180 | settings_menu.add(item_about); | |
181 | settings_menu.add(item_tf); | |
182 | ||
183 | // Settings Button! | |
184 | //new Granite.Widgets.ToolButtonWithMenu (new Gtk.Image.from_icon_name ("application-menu", Gtk.IconSize.LARGE_TOOLBAR), "", new Gtk.Menu ()), true | |
185 | var tb_menu = new Granite.Widgets.ToolButtonWithMenu(new Gtk.Image.from_icon_name ("application-menu", Gtk.IconSize.LARGE_TOOLBAR), "", settings_menu); | |
186 | ||
187 | // Insert the toolbar items in order! | |
188 | main_toolbar.insert (tb_close, -1); | |
189 | main_toolbar.insert (toolbar_seperator (), -1); | |
190 | main_toolbar.insert (main_title, -1); | |
191 | main_toolbar.insert (toolbar_seperator (), -1); | |
192 | main_toolbar.insert (tb_menu, -1); | |
193 | main_toolbar.insert (toolbar_seperator (), -1); | |
194 | main_toolbar.insert (tb_maximize, -1); | |
195 | ||
196 | ||
197 | /*CONTENT */ | |
198 | ||
199 | //main_container.pack_start(/*CONTENT WIDGET HERE*/, true, true, 0); | |
200 | ||
201 | ||
202 | ||
203 | //Add the Container to the Base GTK | |
204 | base.add(main_container); | |
205 | //set the default size | |
206 | base.set_default_size(800, 600); | |
207 | //Push it to the center! | |
208 | base.window_position = WindowPosition.CENTER; | |
209 | } | |
210 | ||
211 | // This is to check and see if it's maximized. If so, Minimize. | |
212 | void toggle_maximize(){ | |
213 | get_window ().maximize (); | |
214 | } | |
215 | ||
216 | // We need to hijack the show function of the GTK Window. | |
217 | public override void show(){ | |
218 | //Show the GTK Window | |
219 |; | |
220 | //Change the window style. Border-Only. | |
221 | get_window ().set_decorations (Gdk.WMDecoration.BORDER); | |
222 | } | |
223 | ||
224 | ||
225 | public override void add (Gtk.Widget widget){ | |
226 | main_container.pack_start(widget, true, true, 0); | |
227 | main_container.show_all(); | |
228 | } | |
229 | ||
230 | ||
231 | public override void remove (Gtk.Widget widget){ | |
232 | main_container.remove(widget); | |
233 | } | |
234 | } | |
235 | } | |
236 | ||
237 | ||
238 | //Main Loop! | |
239 | public static int main (string[] args){ | |
240 | ||
241 | //Init GTK! | |
242 | Gtk.init(ref args); | |
243 | ||
244 | //Assign window | |
245 | var main_window = new eSQL.MainWindow(); | |
246 | // When our app is closed, Cancel the process. | |
247 | main_window.destroy.connect (Gtk.main_quit); | |
248 | ||
249 | //Show the main window. | |
250 | main_window.show_all(); | |
251 | ||
252 | //GTK Main Loop. | |
253 | Gtk.main(); | |
254 | return 0; | |
255 | } |