- or go back to the newest paste.
1 | tardis = peripheral.find("tardisinterface") or error("No tardis interface attached.", 0) | |
2 | box = peripheral.find("chatBox") or error("No chatBox attached.", 0) | |
3 | ||
4 | chatboxWhitelistUsername = settings.get("chatboxWhitelistUsername") | |
5 | whitelistedUsernameMissing = chatboxWhitelistUsername == nil | |
6 | ||
7 | if whitelistedUsernameMissing then | |
8 | print("No whitelisted username, anyone can control this Tardis") | |
9 | end | |
10 | ||
11 | ||
12 | function split(s, delimiter) | |
13 | result = {} | |
14 | for match in (s..delimiter):gmatch("(.-)"..delimiter) do | |
15 | table.insert(result, match) | |
16 | end | |
17 | return result | |
18 | end | |
19 | ||
20 | function talkToMe(str, playerName) | |
21 | print(str) | |
22 | if (box == nil) then | |
23 | -- do nothing | |
24 | elseif type(str) ~= "string" then | |
25 | box.sendMessageToPlayer("NoStringError: talkToMe needs type string", playerName) | |
26 | else | |
27 | box.sendMessageToPlayer(str, playerName, "TARDIS") | |
28 | end | |
29 | end | |
30 | ||
31 | function handleMessage(message, username) | |
32 | split_string = split(message, " ") | |
33 | ||
34 | if split_string[1] == "Handles" or split_string[1] == "handles" or split_string[1] == "tardis" or split_string[1] == "TARDIS" or split_string[1] == "Tardis" then | |
35 | if split_string[2] == "go" then | |
36 | local x = tonumber(split_string[3]) | |
37 | local y = tonumber(split_string[4]) | |
38 | local z = tonumber(split_string[5]) | |
39 | local d, dimName = tardis.getDestinationDimension() | |
40 | ||
41 | if split_string[6] ~= nil then | |
42 | local requestedDimension = split_string[6] | |
43 | -- Get list of dimensions | |
44 | local dimensionList = {tardis.getDimensions()} | |
45 | ||
46 | for key, value in ipairs(dimensionList) do | |
47 | local splitTheString = split(value, ' ') | |
48 | local id = splitTheString[1] | |
49 | ||
50 | local nameArray = split(splitTheString[3], ':') | |
51 | local name = nameArray[2] | |
52 | ||
53 | if string.find(name, requestedDimension) then | |
54 | d = (tonumber(key) - 1) | |
55 | print(key) | |
56 | end | |
57 | end | |
58 | end | |
59 | ||
60 | tardis.setDestinationAndDimension(x, y, z, d) | |
61 | ||
62 | sleep(1) | |
63 | talkToMe("You got it!", username) | |
64 | tardis.setDoors("CLOSED") | |
65 | sleep(1) | |
66 | tardis.setHandbrake(false) | |
67 | sleep(1) | |
68 | tardis.setFlight(1) | |
69 | talkToMe("Taking off!", username) | |
70 | sleep(3) | |
71 | tardis.setRefuel(true) | |
72 | local timeLeft = tardis.getTimeLeft() | |
73 | sleep(timeLeft) | |
74 | talkToMe("Landing now!", username) | |
75 | sleep(15) | |
76 | tardis.setHandbrake(true) | |
77 | talkToMe("I'm here!", username) | |
78 | end | |
79 | ||
80 | if split_string[2] == "hads" or split_string[2] == "HADS" then | |
81 | local curr_x, curr_y, curr_z = tardis.getLocation() | |
82 | ||
83 | -- Generate a random safe escape location (at least 2500 blocks away) | |
84 | local escape_x = curr_x + (math.random(2500, 5000) * (math.random(0,1) == 0 and -1 or 1)) | |
85 | local escape_y = curr_y -- Keep the Y level the same | |
86 | local escape_z = curr_z + (math.random(2500, 5000) * (math.random(0,1) == 0 and -1 or 1)) | |
87 | ||
88 | -- Notify the player and enable cloisters | |
89 | talkToMe("HADS activated! Escaping to a safe location.", username) | |
90 | tardis.setAlarm(true) | |
91 | ||
92 | -- Close doors and prepare for emergency jump | |
93 | tardis.setDoors("CLOSED") | |
94 | sleep(1) | |
95 | tardis.setHandbrake(false) | |
96 | sleep(1) | |
97 | ||
98 | -- Set the new escape destination | |
99 | tardis.setDestination(escape_x, escape_y, escape_z) | |
100 | tardis.setFlight(1) | |
101 | ||
102 | -- Wait for flight to complete | |
103 | sleep(3) | |
104 | local timeLeft = tardis.getTimeLeft() | |
105 | sleep(timeLeft) | |
106 | ||
107 | -- Landing process | |
108 | sleep(15) | |
109 | tardis.setHandbrake(true) | |
110 | tardis.setRefuel(true) | |
111 | tardis.setAlarm(false) | |
112 | ||
113 | local newLocationMessage = string.format("Phew, I got away! X: %d, Y: %d, Z: %d!", escape_x, escape_y, escape_z) | |
114 | talkToMe(newLocationMessage, username) | |
115 | end | |
116 | ||
117 | ||
118 | ||
119 | if split_string[2] == "cloisters" then | |
120 | if split_string[3] == "ring" then | |
121 | tardis.setAlarm(true) | |
122 | talkToMe("Cloister bells ringing!", username) | |
123 | elseif split_string[3] == "stop" then | |
124 | tardis.setAlarm(false) | |
125 | talkToMe("Cloister bells stopped!", username) | |
126 | end | |
127 | end | |
128 | ||
129 | if split_string[2] == "refuel" then | |
130 | tardis.setRefuel(true) | |
131 | - | if os.pullEvent() == 'onLand' then |
131 | + | talkToMe("Refueling!", username) |
132 | - | sleep(15) |
132 | + | |
133 | - | tardis.setRefuel(true) |
133 | + | |
134 | - | tardis.setHandbrake(true) |
134 | + | |
135 | end -- Closing function handleMessage | |
136 | ||
137 | ||
138 | -- Main event loop | |
139 | while true do | |
140 | event, username, message = os.pullEvent("chat") | |
141 | ||
142 | -- Username check | |
143 | if whitelistedUsernameMissing or username == chatboxWhitelistUsername then | |
144 | print("User: ".. username .. " - Running: " .. message) | |
145 | handleMessage(message, username) | |
146 | end | |
147 | end |