- or go back to the newest paste.
1 | local Player = game.Players.LocalPlayer | |
2 | local Mouse = Player:GetMouse() | |
3 | repeat wait() until Player.Character | |
4 | local MyCharacter = Player.Character | |
5 | local Torso = MyCharacter.Torso | |
6 | local Model ='Model') | |
7 | Model.Name = 'UFO_' .. Player.Name | |
8 | local Base ='Part', Model) | |
9 | Base.Name = 'UFOBase' | |
10 | Base.BrickColor = BrickColor.Black() | |
11 | Base.Anchored = true | |
12 | Base.Size =, 1, 8) | |
13 | Base.FormFactor = Enum.FormFactor.Custom | |
14 | local Cylinder ='CylinderMesh', Base) | |
15 | Cylinder.Name = 'CylinderShape' | |
16 | local Beam ='Part', Model) | |
17 | Beam.Transparency = 0.5 | |
18 | Beam.BrickColor = BrickColor.Yellow() | |
19 | Beam.Parent = Model | |
20 | Beam.Size =, 500, 8) | |
21 | Beam.FormFactor = Enum.FormFactor.Custom | |
22 | Beam.CanCollide = false | |
23 | Beam.Anchored = true | |
24 | local Cylinder2 ='CylinderMesh', Beam) | |
25 | Cylinder2.Name = 'CylinderShape' | |
26 | Model.PrimaryPart = Base | |
27 | Model.Parent = MyCharacter | |
28 | local Mode = 'Teleport' | |
29 | local RunService = game:GetService('RunService') | |
30 | local IgnoreY = true | |
31 | local SetY = 0 | |
32 | local Enabled = true | |
33 | local Debounce = false | |
34 | local Expire = 20 | |
35 | ||
36 | local function rotate(UFO, Center) | |
37 | UFO:WaitForChild('Base') | |
38 | UFO:WaitForChild('Beam') | |
39 | for Value = 1, (Expire * 30) do | |
40 | wait() | |
41 | if UFO then | |
42 | local Radius = Center.Size.X * 1.2 | |
43 | UFO.Beam.Transparency = Beam.Transparency | |
44 | UFO.Beam.BrickColor = Beam.BrickColor | |
45 | UFO.Beam.CFrame = UFO.Base.CFrame *, -UFO.Beam.Size.Y / 2 - 0.5, 0) | |
46 | UFO.Base.Material = Base.Material | |
47 | UFO.Base.BrickColor = Base.BrickColor | |
48 | UFO:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(Center.CFrame * * math.sin(math.rad(Value)), 0, Radius * math.cos(math.rad(Value)))) | |
49 | end | |
50 | end | |
51 | UFO:Destroy() | |
52 | end | |
53 | ||
54 | local function onChatted(message) | |
55 | if message:sub(1, 5):lower() == '/spd ' then | |
56 | local speed = message:sub(6) | |
57 | if tonumber(speed) then | |
58 | Base.Size = / 2, 1, speed / 2) | |
59 | MyCharacter.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = speed | |
60 | end | |
61 | elseif message:sub(1, 4):lower() == '/vpr' then | |
62 | Mode = 'Vaporize' | |
63 | Beam.BrickColor = BrickColor.Red() | |
64 | elseif message:sub(1, 4):lower() == '/frz' then | |
65 | Mode = 'Freeze' | |
66 | Beam.BrickColor = BrickColor.Blue() | |
67 | elseif message:sub(1, 4):lower() == '/thw' then | |
68 | Mode = 'Thaw' | |
69 | Beam.BrickColor = BrickColor.Green() | |
70 | elseif message:sub(1, 3):lower() == '/tp' then | |
71 | Mode = 'Teleport' | |
72 | Beam.BrickColor = BrickColor.Yellow() | |
73 | elseif message:sub(1, 3):lower() == '/jl' then | |
74 | Mode = 'Jail' | |
75 | Beam.BrickColor = BrickColor.Black() | |
76 | elseif message:sub(1, 2):lower() == '/e' then | |
77 | Enabled = not Enabled | |
78 | Beam.Transparency = Enabled and 0.5 or 1 | |
79 | elseif message:sub(1, 5):lower() == '/clr ' then | |
80 | local color = message:sub(6) | |
81 | Base.BrickColor = | |
82 | elseif message:sub(1, 6):lower() == '/camo ' then | |
83 | local BasePlate = workspace:FindFirstChild(message:sub(7)) | |
84 | if BasePlate and BasePlate:IsA('BasePart') then | |
85 | Base.Transparency = BasePlate.Transparency | |
86 | Base.Material = BasePlate.Material | |
87 | Base.BrickColor = BasePlate.BrickColor | |
88 | end | |
89 | elseif message:sub(1, 7):lower() == '/uncamo' then | |
90 | Base.Transparency = 0 | |
91 | Base.Material = Enum.Material.Plastic | |
92 | Base.BrickColor = BrickColor.Black() | |
93 | elseif message:sub(1, 8):lower() == '/setexp ' then | |
94 | local number = message:sub(9) | |
95 | if tonumber(number) then | |
96 | Expire = tonumber(number) | |
97 | end | |
98 | elseif message:sub(1, 6):lower() == '/drop ' then | |
99 | local number = message:sub(7) | |
100 | if tonumber(number) then | |
101 | MyCharacter:MoveTo(MyCharacter:GetModelCFrame().p - tonumber(number)) | |
102 | end | |
103 | elseif message:sub(1, 4):lower() == '/drn' then | |
104 | local Storage ='Model') | |
105 | Storage.Name = 'UFOSpawn' | |
106 | local Clone = Base:Clone() | |
107 | Clone.Parent = Storage | |
108 | Clone.Name = 'Base' | |
109 | local CloneBeam ='Part', Storage) | |
110 | CloneBeam.Name = 'Beam' | |
111 | CloneBeam.Transparency = Beam.Transparency | |
112 | CloneBeam.BrickColor = Beam.BrickColor | |
113 | CloneBeam.Size = Beam.Size | |
114 | CloneBeam.FormFactor = Enum.FormFactor.Custom | |
115 | CloneBeam.CanCollide = Beam.CanCollide | |
116 | CloneBeam.Anchored = Beam.Anchored | |
117 |'CylinderMesh').Parent = CloneBeam | |
118 | Storage.PrimaryPart = Clone | |
119 | Storage.Parent = Model | |
120 | wait() | |
121 | CloneBeam.Touched:connect(beamTouched) | |
122 | spawn(function() | |
123 | rotate(Storage, Base) | |
124 | end) | |
125 | elseif message:sub(1, 7) == '/clrdrn' then | |
126 | for Index, Child in next, Model:GetChildren() do | |
127 | if Child:IsA('Model') and Child.Name == 'UFOSpawn' then | |
128 | Child:Destroy() | |
129 | end | |
130 | end | |
131 | end | |
132 | end | |
133 | ||
134 | ||
135 | function beamTouched(hit) | |
136 | if not Enabled then return end | |
137 | if Debounce then return end Debounce = true | |
138 | if hit:IsDescendantOf(MyCharacter) then return end | |
139 | local Character = hit and hit.Parent | |
140 | if Character:FindFirstChild('Humanoid') and Character:FindFirstChild('Torso') then | |
141 | if Mode == 'Teleport' then | |
142 | Character.Torso.CFrame = Torso.CFrame *, 0, 1.5) | |
143 | elseif Mode == 'Vaporize' then | |
144 | for Index, Instance in next, Character:GetChildren() do | |
145 | if Instance:IsA('BasePart') then | |
146 | spawn(function() | |
147 | Instance.BrickColor = BrickColor.Black() | |
148 | local Start = Instance.Transparency | |
149 | for a = 0, 1, 0.1 do | |
150 | Instance.Transparency = a * (1 - Start) + Start | |
151 | wait() | |
152 | end | |
153 | Instance:Destroy() | |
154 | end) | |
155 | end | |
156 | end | |
157 | elseif Mode == 'Freeze' then | |
158 | for Index, Instance in next, Character:GetChildren() do | |
159 | if Instance:IsA('BasePart') and ~= 'HumanoidRootPart' then | |
160 | Instance.Anchored = true | |
161 | Instance.BrickColor = BrickColor.Blue() | |
162 | Instance.Reflectance = 0.3 | |
163 | Instance.Transparency = 0.4 | |
164 | end | |
165 | end | |
166 | elseif Mode == 'Thaw' then | |
167 | local Color = BrickColor.Yellow() | |
168 | for Index, Instance in next, Character:GetChildren() do | |
169 | if Instance:IsA('BasePart') and Instance.Anchored and Instance.Reflectance == 0.3 then | |
170 | if Character:FindFirstChild('Body Colors') then | |
171 | Color = Character['Body Colors'][Instance.Name] or BrickColor.Yellow() | |
172 | end | |
173 | Instance.Anchored = false | |
174 | Instance.BrickColor = Color | |
175 | Instance.Reflectance = 0 | |
176 | Instance.Transparency = 0 | |
177 | end | |
178 | end | |
179 | elseif Mode == 'Jail' then | |
180 | if not Character:FindFirstChild('Cell') then | |
181 | local Cell ='Model') | |
182 | Cell.Name = 'Cell' | |
183 | local Center = Character.Torso.Position | |
184 | local Top ='Part', Cell) | |
185 | Top.Size =, 1, 12) | |
186 | Top.FormFactor = Enum.FormFactor.Custom | |
187 | Top.BrickColor = BrickColor.Black() | |
188 | Top.Anchored = true | |
189 | Top.CFrame = *, 5, 0) | |
190 | local Mesh ='CylinderMesh') | |
191 | Mesh.Parent = Top | |
192 | local Bottom = Top:Clone() | |
193 | Bottom.Parent = Cell | |
194 | Bottom.CFrame = *, -3.5, 0) | |
195 | for Value = 1, 360 do | |
196 | local Angle = math.rad(Value) | |
197 | if math.fmod(Value, 24) == 0 then | |
198 | local part ='Part') | |
199 | part.FormFactor = Enum.FormFactor.Custom | |
200 | part.BrickColor = BrickColor.Black() | |
201 | part.Anchored = true | |
202 | part.Size =, 8, 1) | |
203 |'CylinderMesh', part).Scale =, 1, 0.9) | |
204 | part.CFrame = * * math.sin(Angle), 0.5, 5 * math.cos(Angle)) | |
205 | part.Parent = Cell | |
206 | end | |
207 | end | |
208 | Cell.Parent = Character | |
209 | else | |
210 | Character.Cell:Destroy() | |
211 | end | |
212 | end | |
213 | end | |
214 | wait(0.5) | |
215 | Debounce = false | |
216 | end | |
217 | ||
218 | local function renderStepped() | |
219 | local Position = Torso.Position | |
220 | local Size = Torso.Size | |
221 | local Humanoid = MyCharacter.Humanoid | |
222 | Base.Size = / 2, 1, Humanoid.WalkSpeed / 2) | |
223 | Base.CFrame =, IgnoreY and SetY or Position.Y - 3, Position.Z)) *, -Size.Y / 2, 0) | |
224 | if not IgnoreY then | |
225 | SetY = Base.Position.Y | |
226 | end | |
227 | Beam.CFrame = Base.CFrame *, -Beam.Size.Y / 2 - 0.5, 0) | |
228 | end | |
229 | ||
230 | Mouse.KeyDown:connect(function(Key) | |
231 | if Key == 'n' then | |
232 | RunService:UnbindFromRenderStep('UFORun') | |
233 | Base.CFrame = Base.CFrame *, -2, 0) | |
234 | SetY = Base.Position.Y | |
235 | - | RunService:chucky4523('UFORun', 1, renderStepped) |
235 | + | RunService:epiclightining('UFORun', 1, renderStepped) |
236 | end | |
237 | end) | |
238 | ||
239 | MyCharacter.Humanoid.Changed:connect(function() | |
240 | if MyCharacter.Humanoid.Jump then | |
241 | IgnoreY = false | |
242 | else | |
243 | IgnoreY = true | |
244 | end | |
245 | end) | |
246 | ||
247 | wait(1) | |
248 | ||
249 | Beam.Touched:connect(beamTouched) | |
250 | Player.Chatted:connect(onChatted) | |
251 | ||
252 | - | RunService:chucky4523('UFORun', 1, renderStepped) |
252 | + | RunService:epiclightining('UFORun', 1, renderStepped) |