- or go back to the newest paste.
1 | - | print("ari's piano - use qwerty to play (:") |
1 | + | volume = 3.0 |
2 | speaker = peripheral.find("speaker") | |
3 | instrument = "pling" | |
4 | - | local event, key, isHeld = os.pullEvent("key") |
4 | + | keyInstruments = { |
5 | - | |
5 | + | [keys.h]="harp", |
6 | - | if key == keys.q then |
6 | + | [keys.j]="pling", |
7 | - | print ("G") |
7 | + | [keys.k]="chime", |
8 | - | speaker.playSound("minecraft:block.note_block.harp",2,.53) |
8 | + | [keys.l]="iron_xylophone", |
9 | - | elseif key == keys.two then |
9 | + | [keys.b]="bass", |
10 | - | print ("G#") |
10 | + | [keys.n]="guitar", |
11 | - | speaker.playSound("minecraft:block.note_block.harp",2,.572) |
11 | + | [keys.m]="banjo", |
12 | - | elseif key == keys.w then |
12 | + | [keys.comma]="didgeridoo", |
13 | - | print ("A") |
13 | + | [keys.period]="bit" |
14 | - | speaker.playSound("minecraft:block.note_block.harp",2,.595) |
14 | + | } |
15 | - | elseif key == keys.three then |
15 | + | |
16 | - | print ("A#") |
16 | + | keyNotes = {[]=0, [keys.q]=1, [keys.two]=2, [keys.w]=3, [keys.three]=4, [keys.e]=5, [keys.r]=6, [keys.five]=7, [keys.t]=8, [keys.six]=9, [keys.y]=10, [keys.u]=11, [keys.eight]=12, [keys.i]=13, [keys.nine]=14, [keys.o]=15, []=16, [keys.p]=17, [keys.z]=18, [keys.s]=19, [keys.x]=20, [keys.d]=21, [keys.c]=22, [keys.v]=23, [keys.g]=24} |
17 | - | speaker.playSound("minecraft:block.note_block.harp",2,.63) |
17 | + | |
18 | - | elseif key == keys.e then |
18 | + | noteNames = {[0]="F#3", "G3", "G#3", "A3", "A#3", "B3", "C4", "C#4", "D4", "D#4", "E4", "F4", "F#4", "G4", "G#4", "A4", "A#4", "B4", "C5", "C#5", "D5", "D#5", "E5", "F5", "F#5"} |
19 | - | print ("B") |
19 | + | |
20 | - | speaker.playSound("minecraft:block.note_block.harp",2,.67) |
20 | + |"clear") |
21 | - | elseif key == keys.r then |
21 | + | print("Switch instrument with \"HJKLBNM,.\"") |
22 | - | print ("C") |
22 | + | |
23 | - | speaker.playSound("minecraft:block.note_block.harp",2,.71) |
23 | + | |
24 | - | elseif key == keys.five then |
24 | + | local event, key, isHeld = os.pullEvent("key") |
25 | - | print ("C#") |
25 | + | if keyNotes[key] ~= nil then |
26 | - | speaker.playSound("minecraft:block.note_block.harp",2,.75) |
26 | + | speaker.playNote(instrument, volume, keyNotes[key]) |
27 | - | elseif key == keys.t then |
27 | + | print(noteNames[keyNotes[key]]) |
28 | - | print ("D") |
28 | + | elseif keyInstruments[key] ~= nil then |
29 | - | speaker.playSound("minecraft:block.note_block.harp",2,.795) |
29 | + | instrument = keyInstruments[key] |
30 | - | elseif key == keys.six then |
30 | + | print("Instrument: "..instrument) |
31 | - | print ("D#") |
31 | + | print("HJKLBNM,.") |
32 | - | speaker.playSound("minecraft:block.note_block.harp",2,.84) |
32 | + | end |
33 | - | elseif key == keys.y then |
33 | + |