- or go back to the newest paste.
1 | var waitTime = 3; // In seconds | |
2 | var group = 4361200; // 0 for no group check, otherwise people in this group will not receive the message | |
3 | function sendMsg(userId, username) { | |
4 | function send() { | |
5 | $.post('//',{ | |
6 | - | subject: "Cheap, quality clothing at Embro!", |
6 | + | subject: "Free, quality food at Embro!", |
7 | body: "Hi there! I'm private messaging you to tell you about an amazing Cafe group called Embro Cafe! In this group, they make quality food for free! Make sure to join the group, and tell your friends as we're new and need YOU! Yes, that's right! YOU are the person we need to help us become the best we can be. So why not join? - Have a nice time in Embro Cafe! .", | |
8 | recipientid: userId, | |
9 | cacheBuster: new Date().getTime() | |
10 | }).done(function(response) { | |
11 | if (response.success == true) { | |
12 | console.log('Sent message to ' + username + ' (' + userId + ')'); | |
13 | } else { | |
14 | console.log('Error sending to ' + username + ': ' + response.shortMessage); | |
15 | } | |
16 | }); | |
17 | } | |
18 | if (group > 0) { | |
19 | $.get('//' + userId + '&groupid=' + group, function(response) { | |
20 | if(response.indexOf('true') == -1) { | |
21 | send(); | |
22 | } else { | |
23 | console.log('Didn\'t send a message to ' + username + ' because he is already in group ' + group + '.'); | |
24 | } | |
25 | }); | |
26 | } else { | |
27 | send(); | |
28 | } | |
29 | } | |
30 | ||
31 | function run() { | |
32 | var timeout = 0; | |
33 | var elements = document.evaluate('//div[contains(@id,\'ctl00_cphRoblox_rbxGroupRoleSetMembersPane_GroupMembersUpdatePanel\')]//div[contains(@class,\'GroupMember\')]//span[contains(@class,\'Name\')]/a',document,null,XPathResult.UNORDERED_NODE_ITERATOR_TYPE,null); | |
34 | var currentNode = elements.iterateNext(); | |
35 | while (currentNode) { | |
36 | (function(time,id,name) { | |
37 | setTimeout(sendMsg,time,id,name); | |
38 | })(timeout,currentNode.href.match(/\d+/)[0],currentNode.textContent); | |
39 | timeout+=waitTime*1000; | |
40 | currentNode = elements.iterateNext(); | |
41 | } | |
42 | __doPostBack('ctl00$cphRoblox$rbxGroupRoleSetMembersPane$dlUsers_Footer$ctl02$ctl00',''); | |
43 | var ready = setInterval(function() { | |
44 | if (document.getElementById('__EVENTTARGET').value == '') { | |
45 | clearInterval(ready); | |
46 | setTimeout(run,timeout); | |
47 | } | |
48 | }, 10); | |
49 | } | |
50 | var ready = setInterval(function() { | |
51 | if (document.readyState === 'complete') { | |
52 | clearInterval(ready); | |
53 | run(); | |
54 | } | |
55 | }, 10); |