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1 | - | #funkcja tworząca zamek |
1 | + | #castle creating function |
2 | - | #minimalna długość murów to 20 przy mniejszych wartościach schody nie generują się poprawnie |
2 | + | #the minimum length of the walls is 20. if the walls are shorter the stairs won't be generated correctly |
3 | - | #liczba określająca długość murów musi być PARZYSTA żeby wierzchołki się poprawnie wygenerowały |
3 | + | #the length of the walls has to be EVEN or the corners won't be generated correctly |
4 | - | #zalecana wysokość muru to 4, tylko wtedy creppery będą mogły się aktywować i wybuchnąć |
4 | + | #the recommended wall height is 4. Only then the creepers can get activated and explode |
5 | def castleBuilder(wallLength, wallHeight): | |
6 | - | def zamekKonstruktor(mur,wysokosc): |
6 | + | wallLengthCopy = wallLength / 2 |
7 | - | dlMuru = mur |
7 | + | |
8 | - | dlMuruKopia = dlMuru / 2 |
8 | + | |
9 | - | wysokoscMuru = wysokosc |
9 | + | |
10 | i = 0 | |
11 | #the loop creating 3 layer wall around the player | |
12 | while i < 3: | |
13 | j = 0 | |
14 | - | #pętla tworząca 3 warstwowe mury dookoła gracza |
14 | + | |
15 | builder.move(FORWARD, wallLength) | |
16 | builder.raise_wall(MOSSY_STONE_BRICKS, wallHeight) | |
17 | builder.turn(RIGHT_TURN) | |
18 | - | builder.move(FORWARD, dlMuru) |
18 | + | |
19 | - | builder.raise_wall(MOSSY_STONE_BRICKS, wysokoscMuru) |
19 | + | wallLength += -2 |
20 | builder.move(RIGHT, 1) | |
21 | builder.move(FORWARD, 1) | |
22 | - | dlMuru += -2 |
22 | + | |
23 | i += 1 | |
24 | builder.move(UP, wallHeight - 1) | |
25 | builder.face(WEST) | |
26 | builder.move(BACK, 15) | |
27 | - | builder.move(UP, wysokoscMuru - 1) |
27 | + | |
28 | i = 0 | |
29 | #the loop creating stairs | |
30 | while i < wallHeight - 1: | |
31 | builder.shift(1, -1, 0) | |
32 | - | #pętla tworząca schody |
32 | + | |
33 | - | while i < wysokoscMuru - 1: |
33 | + | |
34 | builder.teleport_to_origin() | |
35 | builder.move(UP, wallHeight) | |
36 | builder.face(NORTH) | |
37 | builder.mark() | |
38 | - | builder.move(UP, wysokoscMuru) |
38 | + | |
39 | #the loop creating corners | |
40 | while i < 4: | |
41 | j = 0 | |
42 | - | #pętla tworząca wierzchołki |
42 | + | while j < wallLengthCopy: |
43 | | |
44 | builder.move(FORWARD, 2) | |
45 | - | while j < dlMuruKopia: |
45 | + | |
46 | builder.turn(RIGHT_TURN) | |
47 | i += 1 | |
48 | player.on_chat("castle", castleBuilder) | |
49 | ||
50 |