- or go back to the newest paste.
1 | # Custom ShodanAPI Class :) | |
2 | # The pre-built option is broken and doesn't work in several places.... | |
3 | # So we re-wrote it! | |
4 | class ShodanAPI | |
5 | # Initialize ShodanAPI via passed API Key | |
6 | def initialize(apikey) | |
7 | @url="" | |
8 | if shodan_connect(apikey) | |
9 | @key=apikey | |
10 | end | |
11 | end | |
12 | ||
13 | # Check API Key against API Info Query | |
14 | # Return True on success, False on Error or Failure | |
15 | def shodan_connect(apikey) | |
16 | url = @url + "info?key=#{apikey}" | |
17 | begin | |
18 | c = Curl::Easy.perform(url) | |
19 | if c.body_str =~ /"unlocked_left": \d+, "telnet": .+, "plan": ".+", "https": .+, "unlocked": .+/i | |
20 | results = JSON.parse(c.body_str) | |
21 | @plan = results['plan'] | |
22 | @unlocked = results['unlocked'] | |
23 | @unlocks = results['unlocked_left'] | |
24 | @https = results['https'] | |
25 | @telnet = results['telnet'] | |
26 | return true | |
27 | elsif c.body_str =~ /"error": "API access denied"/i | |
28 | puts "Access Denied using API Key '#{apikey}'".light_red + "!".white | |
29 | puts "Check Key & Try Again".light_red + "....".white | |
30 | return false | |
31 | else | |
32 | puts "Unknown Problem with Connection to Shodan API".light_green + "!".white | |
33 | return false | |
34 | end | |
35 | rescue => e | |
36 | puts "Problem with Connection to Shodan API".light_red + "!".white | |
37 | puts "\t=> #{e}" | |
38 | return false | |
39 | end | |
40 | end | |
41 | ||
42 | # Just checks our key is working (re-using shodan_connect so updates @unlocks) | |
43 | # Returns True or False | |
44 | def connected? | |
45 | if shodan_connect(@key) | |
46 | return true | |
47 | else | |
48 | return false | |
49 | end | |
50 | end | |
51 | ||
52 | # Return the number of unlocks remaining | |
53 | def unlocks | |
54 | if shodan_connect(@key) | |
55 | return @unlocks.to_i | |
56 | else | |
57 | return nil | |
58 | end | |
59 | end | |
60 | ||
61 | # Check if HTTPS is Enabled | |
62 | def https? | |
63 | if shodan_connect(@key) | |
64 | if @https | |
65 | return true | |
66 | else | |
67 | return false | |
68 | end | |
69 | else | |
70 | return false | |
71 | end | |
72 | end | |
73 | ||
74 | # Check if Telnet is Enabled | |
75 | def telnet? | |
76 | if shodan_connect(@key) | |
77 | if @telnet | |
78 | return true | |
79 | else | |
80 | return false | |
81 | end | |
82 | else | |
83 | return false | |
84 | end | |
85 | end | |
86 | ||
87 | # Actually display Basic Info for current API Key | |
88 | def info | |
89 | url = @url + 'info?key=' + @key | |
90 | begin | |
91 | c = Curl::Easy.perform(url) | |
92 | results = JSON.parse(c.body_str) | |
93 | puts | |
94 | puts "Shodan API Key Confirmed".light_green + "!".white | |
95 | puts "API Key".light_green + ": #{@key}".white | |
96 | puts "Plan Type".light_green + ": #{results['plan']}".white | |
97 | puts "Unlocked".light_green + ": #{results['unlocked']}".white | |
98 | puts "Unlocks Remaining".light_green + ": #{results['unlocked_left']}".white | |
99 | puts "HTTPS Enabled".light_green + ": #{results['https']}".white | |
100 | puts "Telnet Enabled".light_green + ": #{results['telnet']}".white | |
101 | return true | |
102 | rescue => e | |
103 | puts "Problem with Connection to Shodan API".light_red + "!".white | |
104 | puts "\t=> #{e}".white | |
105 | return false | |
106 | end | |
107 | end | |
108 | ||
109 | # Lookup all available information for a specific IP address | |
110 | # Returns results hash or nil | |
111 | def host(ip) | |
112 | url = @url + 'host?ip=' + ip + '&key=' + @key | |
113 | begin | |
114 | c = Curl::Easy.perform(url) | |
115 | results = JSON.parse(c.body_str) | |
116 | return results | |
117 | rescue => e | |
118 | puts "Problem running Host Search".light_red + "!".white | |
119 | puts "\t=> #{e}".white | |
120 | return nil | |
121 | end | |
122 | end | |
123 | ||
124 | # Returns the number of devices that a search query found | |
125 | # Unrestricted usage of all advanced filters | |
126 | # Return results count or nil on failure | |
127 | def count(string) | |
128 | url = @url + 'count?q=' + string + '&key=' + @key | |
129 | begin | |
130 | c = Curl::Easy.perform(url) | |
131 | results = JSON.parse(c.body_str) | |
132 | return results['total'] | |
133 | rescue => e | |
134 | puts "Problem grabbing results count".light_red + "!".white | |
135 | puts "\t=> #{e}".white | |
136 | return nil | |
137 | end | |
138 | end | |
139 | ||
140 | # Search Shodan for devices using a search query | |
141 | # Returns results hash or nil | |
142 | def search(string, filters={}) | |
143 | prem_filters = [ 'city', 'country', 'geo', 'net', 'before', 'after', 'org', 'isp', 'title', 'html' ] | |
144 | cheap_filters = [ 'hostname', 'os', 'port' ] | |
145 | url = @url + 'search?q=' + string | |
146 | if not filters.empty? | |
147 | filters.each do |k, v| | |
148 | if cheap_filters.include?(k) | |
149 | url += ' ' + k + ":\"#{v}\"" | |
150 | end | |
151 | if prem_filters.include?(k) | |
152 | if @unlocks.to_i > 1 | |
153 | url += ' ' + k + ":\"#{v}\"" | |
154 | @unlocks = @unlocks.to_i - 1 # Remove an unlock for use of filter | |
155 | else | |
156 | puts "Not Enough Unlocks Left to run Premium Filter Search".light_red + "!".white | |
157 | puts "Try removing '#{k}' filter and trying again".light_red + "....".white | |
158 | return nil | |
159 | end | |
160 | end | |
161 | end | |
162 | end | |
163 | url += '&key=' + @key | |
164 | begin | |
165 | c = Curl::Easy.perform(url) | |
166 | results = JSON.parse(c.body_str) | |
167 | return results | |
168 | rescue => e | |
169 | puts "Problem running Shodan Search".light_red + "!".white | |
170 | puts "\t=> #{e}".white | |
171 | return nil | |
172 | end | |
173 | end | |
174 | ||
175 | # Quick Search Shodan for devices using a search query | |
176 | # Results are limited to only the IP addresses | |
177 | # Returns results array or nil | |
178 | def quick_search(string, filters={}) | |
179 | prem_filters = [ 'city', 'country', 'geo', 'net', 'before', 'after', 'org', 'isp', 'title', 'html' ] | |
180 | cheap_filters = [ 'hostname', 'os', 'port' ] | |
181 | url = @url + 'search?q=' + string | |
182 | if not filters.empty? | |
183 | filters.each do |k, v| | |
184 | if cheap_filters.include?(k) | |
185 | url += ' ' + k + ":\"#{v}\"" | |
186 | end | |
187 | if prem_filters.include?(k) | |
188 | if @unlocks.to_i > 1 | |
189 | url += ' ' + k + ":\"#{v}\"" | |
190 | @unlocks = @unlocks.to_i - 1 | |
191 | else | |
192 | puts "Not Enough Unlocks Left to run Premium Filter Search".light_red + "!".white | |
193 | puts "Try removing '#{k}' filter and trying again".light_red + "....".white | |
194 | return nil | |
195 | end | |
196 | end | |
197 | end | |
198 | end | |
199 | url += '&key=' + @key | |
200 | begin | |
201 | ips=[] | |
202 | c = Curl::Easy.perform(url) | |
203 | results = JSON.parse(c.body_str) | |
204 | results['matches'].each do |host| | |
205 | ips << host['ip'] | |
206 | end | |
207 | return ips | |
208 | rescue => e | |
209 | puts "Problem running Shodan Quick Search".light_red + "!".white | |
210 | puts "\t=> #{e}".white | |
211 | return nil | |
212 | end | |
213 | end | |
214 | ||
215 | # Perform Shodan Exploit Search as done on Web | |
216 | # Provide Search String and source | |
217 | # Source can be: metasploit, exploitdb, or cve | |
218 | # Returns results hash array on success: { downloadID => { link => description } } | |
219 | # Returns nil on failure | |
220 | def sploit_search(string, source) | |
221 | sources = [ "metasploit", "exploitdb", "cve" ] | |
222 | if sources.include?(source.downcase) | |
223 | sploits = '' + string + ' source:"' + source.downcase + '"' | |
224 | begin | |
225 | results={} | |
226 | c = Curl::Easy.perform(sploits) | |
227 | page = Nokogiri::HTML(c.body_str) # Parsable doc object now | |
228 | # Enumerate target section, parse out link & description | |
229 | page.css('div[class="search-result well"]').each do |linematch| | |
230 | if linematch.to_s =~ /<div class="search-result well">\s+<a href="(.+)"\s/ | |
231 | link=$1 | |
232 | end | |
233 | if linematch.to_s =~ /class="title">(.+)\s+<\/a>/ | |
234 | desc=$1.gsub('<em>', '').gsub('</em>', '') | |
235 | end | |
236 | case source.downcase | |
237 | when 'cve' | |
238 | dl_id = 'N/A for CVE Search' | |
239 | when 'exploitdb' | |
240 | dl_id = link.split('/')[-1] unless link.nil? | |
241 | when 'metasploit' | |
242 | dl_id = link.sub('', '').sub(/\/$/, '') unless link.nil? | |
243 | end | |
244 |, { link => desc}) unless (link.nil? or link == '') or (desc.nil? or desc == '') or (dl_id.nil? or dl_id == 'N/A for CVE Search') | |
245 | end | |
246 | return results | |
247 | rescue Curl::Err::ConnectionFailedError => e | |
248 | puts "Shitty connection yo".light_red + ".....".white | |
249 | return nil | |
250 | rescue => e | |
251 | puts "Unknown connection problem".light_red + ".....".white | |
252 | puts "\t=> #{e}".white | |
253 | return nil | |
254 | end | |
255 | else | |
256 | puts "Invalid Search Source Requested".light_red + "!".white | |
257 | return nil | |
258 | end | |
259 | end | |
260 | ||
261 | # Download Exploit Code from Exploit-DB or MSF Github Page | |
262 | # By passing in the Download ID (which can be seen in sploit_search() results) | |
263 | # Return { 'Download' => dl_link, 'Viewing' => v_link, 'Exploit' => c.body_str } | |
264 | # or nil on failure | |
265 | def sploit_download(id, source) | |
266 | sources = [ "metasploit", "exploitdb" ] | |
267 | if sources.include?(source.downcase) | |
268 | case source.downcase | |
269 | when 'exploitdb' | |
270 | dl_link = "{id}/" | |
271 | v_link = "{id}/" | |
272 | when 'metasploit' | |
273 | dl_link = "{id.sub('/exploit/', '/exploits/')}.rb" | |
274 | v_link = "{id}/" | |
275 | end | |
276 | begin | |
277 | c = Curl::Easy.perform(dl_link) | |
278 | page = Nokogiri::HTML(c.body_str) # Parsable doc object now | |
279 | results = { 'Download' => dl_link, 'Viewing' => v_link, 'Exploit' => c.body_str } | |
280 | return results | |
281 | rescue Curl::Err::ConnectionFailedError => e | |
282 | puts "Shitty connection yo".light_red + ".....".white | |
283 | return false | |
284 | rescue => e | |
285 | puts "Unknown connection problem".light_red + ".....".white | |
286 | puts "#{e}".light_red | |
287 | return false | |
288 | end | |
289 | else | |
290 | puts "Invalid Download Source Requested".light_red + "!".white | |
291 | return false | |
292 | end | |
293 | end | |
294 | end |