- or go back to the newest paste.
1 | - | --custom chat by tomonaoboys (it will be my 2nd custom chat which has uploaded) |
1 | + | |
2 | spawn(function() | |
3 | local rs=game:service'RunService'.RenderStepped | |
4 | local function sw(n)if n==nil then rs:wait()else for i=1,n do rs:wait()end end return true end | |
5 | local Character=game:service'Players'.LocalPlayer.Character local RootPart=Character.HumanoidRootPart | |
6 | local"Sound",Character)s.SoundId="rbxassetid://418252437"s.Volume=2 | |
7 | if Character:FindFirstChild("cht")then Character.cht:Destroy()end | |
8 | local"BillboardGui",Character)b.AlwaysOnTop=true b.Adornee=RootPart,4.5,0)b.Name="cht" | |
9 | local snum=text:len(),0,2,0) | |
10 | local texts={} | |
11 | for i=1,snum do | |
12 | texts[i]"TextLabel",b) | |
13 | texts[i],0,1,0)texts[i].Name=text:sub(i,i)--texts[i].TextSize=30 | |
14 | texts[i].Text=text:sub(i,i)texts[i],0,.3,0)texts[i].BackgroundTransparency=1 texts[i],0,0) | |
15 | - | texts[i].Text=text:sub(i,i)texts[i],0,.3,0)texts[i].BackgroundTransparency=1 texts[i] |
15 | + | texts[i].TextStrokeTransparency=1 texts[i].Font="Garamond"texts[i].TextScaled=1 texts[i].TextTransparency=1 |
16 | - | texts[i].TextStrokeTransparency=1 texts[i].Font="Antique"texts[i].TextScaled=1 texts[i].TextTransparency=1 |
16 | + | |
17 | for i=1,#texts do | |
18 | if texts[i].Parent then | |
19 | texts[i].TextTransparency=0 texts[i].Rotation=math.random(-1,1)texts[i].TextStrokeTransparency=0 | |
20 | - | texts[i].TextTransparency=0 texts[i].Rotation=math.random(-30,30)texts[i].TextStrokeTransparency=.6 |
20 | + | |
21 | if texts[i].Text~=" "then s:Play()end | |
22 | sw(3) | |
23 | end | |
24 | sw(60) | |
25 | for i=1,#texts do | |
26 | if texts[i].Parent then texts[i].Text="><"texts[i].Rotation=0 | |
27 | - | if texts[i].Parent then texts[i].Text="■"texts[i].Rotation=0 end |
27 | + | |
28 | end | |
29 | - | s.Volume=1 s.SoundId="rbxassetid://138093550"s:Play()s.Ended:connect(function()s:Destroy()b:Destroy()end) |
29 | + | s.Volume=1 s.SoundId="rbxassetid://368794227"s:Play()s.Ended:connect(function()s:Destroy()b:Destroy()end) |
30 | game:service'Debris':AddItem(b,5) | |
31 | end) | |
32 | end | |
33 | game:service'Players'.LocalPlayer.Chatted:connect(function(msg)chatfunc(game:service("Chat"):FilterStringAsync(msg,game:service'Players'.LocalPlayer,game:service'Players'.LocalPlayer)) | |
34 | end) |