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- /*
- * R e a d m e
- * -----------
- *
- * In this file you can include any instructions or other comments you want to have injected onto the
- * top of your final script. You can safely delete this file if you do not want any such comments.
- */
- static bool USE_SKITS = false;//whether to use survival kits in autocrafting
- static bool ASSEMBLE = true;//auto assemble items to the quota dictated by Autocraft LCD
- static bool DISASSEMBLE = false;//auto disassemble items in excess of quota
- static int ASSEMBLE_MARGIN = 50;//margin of error around quota before doing any of that
- static bool ASM_FLUSH = true;//whether to periodically clear inputs of an assembler that is not producing
- static bool ASM_SHUFFLE = false;//whether to periodically move the first item to back of queue if not producing
- static int MAX_TRANSFERS_PER_OP = 4;
- //moving items is fundamentally expensive, moreso that it seems. this limits the amount of actual stacks moved in a given operation.
- //Lower numbers make performance more consistent and thus reliable with things like pblimiter, but
- //can result in it taking several passes over the grid to get things to their final destinations if things are sufficiently disordered.
- static double MAX_TRANSFER_MS = 0.05;//secondary sancheck
- static bool SORT = true;//whether to do any of that item sorting stuff at all.
- //Note: Even if sorting isn't otherwise used, input flushing of jammed assemblers won't
- //happen without a tagged cargo for Ingots, Components
- static bool MERGE_STACKS = true;
- //whether to merge multiple stacks of the same itemtype in a given container when possible
- //could cause desync, they say? idk. stacks should only be fragmented like this by player action
- static bool ISYCOMPAT = true;
- //these are blocks by DefinitionDisplayNameText
- //typically containers that cannot or should not be managed
- static string[] lockBlockTypes = {
- };
- static string[] hiddenBlockTypes = {
- "Cargo Crate",
- "Lockers",
- "Armory Lockers",
- "Armory",
- "Weapon Rack",
- "Control Seat",
- "Parachute Hatch",
- "Control Station",
- "Vending Machine"
- };
- static bool CARGODBG = false;
- static double maxScriptTimeMSPerSec = 0.1;//maximum ms per sec, exceeding causes the script to pause itself to compensate
- static public int blockInterval = 5;//ticks to wait for next block scan when nothing has been moved
- static public int blockIntervalMove = 15;//ticks to wait if the last op required moving items around
- static public Program gProgram = null;
- static public DateTime bootTime;
- public Program()
- {
- gProgram = this;
- resourceLoader = new ResourceLoader();
- resourceLoader.p = this;
- bootTime = DateTime.Now;
- log("BOOT", LT.LOG_N);
- //Config = new Config_();
- Runtime.UpdateFrequency = UpdateFrequency.Update1;
- }
- public void Save()
- {
- // Called when the program needs to save its state. Use
- // this method to save your state to the Storage field
- // or some other means.
- //
- // This method is optional and can be removed if not
- // needed.
- }
- public static int tick = -1;
- static BurnoutTrack bt60 = new BurnoutTrack(60, maxScriptTimeMSPerSec);
- static Profiler initP = new Profiler("init");
- static Profiler mainP = new Profiler("main");
- public void Main(string arg, UpdateType upd)
- {
- tick += 1;
- if (bt60.burnoutpre()) return;
- if (tick % 20 == 0) if (Me.Closed)
- {
- Runtime.UpdateFrequency = UpdateFrequency.None;
- return;
- }
- mainP.start();
- main(arg, upd);
- mainP.stop();
- if (tick % 5 == 0)
- {
- Echo(tick.ToString());
- if (profileLog != null) profileLog.WriteText("name:ms1t:ms60t\n" + Profiler.getAllReports());
- if (gInv != null)
- {
- Echo(gInv.lastStatus);
- }
- }
- if (consoleLog != null && tick % 5 == 0)
- {
- if (Logger.loggedMessagesDirty)
- {
- Logger.updateLoggedMessagesRender();
- consoleLog.WriteText(Logger.loggedMessagesRender);
- }
- }
- if (bt60.burnoutpost()) return;
- }
- static Inventory gInv = null;
- static Autocraft gAutocraft = null;
- static AssemblerMgr gAssemblerMgr = null;
- bool first = true;
- void main(string arg, UpdateType upd)
- {
- initP.start();
- if (tick % 10 == 0)
- {
- resourceLoader.update();
- }
- initP.stop();
- if (resourceLoader.neverFullyLoaded)
- {
- Echo("INITIALIZING: " + resourceLoader.step + "/11");
- if (statusLog != null) statusLog.WriteText("INIT: " + resourceLoader.step + "/11");
- return;
- }
- if (first)
- {
- first = false;
- gInv = new Inventory();
- gInv.updateContainers(inventoryBlocks);
- gAssemblerMgr = new AssemblerMgr();
- gAutocraft = new Autocraft();
- log("Basic structures initialized, pausing for 1 second.");
- bt60.setwait(60);
- }
- if (tick % 10 == 0) connectEvent2();
- if (SLEEPING) return;
- if (autocraftingLCD != null)
- {
- gAssemblerMgr.update();
- }
- gInv.update();
- if (tick % 60 * 5 == 0)
- {
- //if (statusLog != null) statusLog.WriteText(invInterface.listInv());
- if (autocraftingLCD != null)
- {
- aclcd.s();
- var txt = autocraftingLCD.GetText();
- //if(txt.StartsWith(""))
- gAutocraft.readLCD(txt);
- aclcd.e();
- aclcd2.s();
- var o = gAutocraft.writeLCD();
- autocraftingLCD.WriteText(o);
- aclcd2.e();
- }
- }
- if (arg == "clearasm")
- {
- foreach(var asm in assemblers)
- {
- asm.ClearQueue();
- }
- }
- if (arg == "test")
- {
- var asm = assemblers[0];
- var bp = Autocraft.blueprints.First().Value;
- List<MyProductionItem> pro = new List<MyProductionItem>();
- asm.GetQueue(pro);
- if (pro.Count == 0)
- {
- asm.AddQueueItem(bp, (MyFixedPoint)1000);
- }
- else
- {
- var e = pro[0];
- asm.InsertQueueItem(0, bp, (MyFixedPoint)(-500));
- }
- }
- else if (arg == "log")
- {
- Logger.writeSuperlog();
- }
- }
- static Profiler aclcd = new Profiler("aclcd1");
- static Profiler aclcd2 = new Profiler("aclcd2");
- bool SLEEPING = false;
- static string nosort = "No Sorting";
- static string nosort2 = "No IIM";
- class ConnectorInfo
- {
- bool lcon = false;
- public IMyShipConnector connector = null;
- public IMyShipConnector otherConnector = null;
- public bool sortConnected = false;
- //public bool blockConnected = false;
- public bool upd()
- {
- var con = connector.Status == MyShipConnectorStatus.Connected;
- var o = connector.OtherConnector;
- if (lcon != con)
- {
- lcon = con;
- if (!con) o = null;
- otherConnector = o;
- sortConnected = false;
- if (otherConnector != null)
- {
- var n = connector.CustomName;
- var n2 = otherConnector.CustomName;
- if (n.Contains(nosort) || n.Contains(nosort2) ||
- n2.Contains(nosort) || n2.Contains(nosort2))
- {
- sortConnected = false;
- }
- else sortConnected = true;
- }
- return true;
- }
- else return false;
- }
- }
- Dictionary<IMyShipConnector, ConnectorInfo> connectorState = new Dictionary<IMyShipConnector, ConnectorInfo>();
- Dictionary<IMyCubeGrid, IMyShipConnector> getCgridmap = new Dictionary<IMyCubeGrid, IMyShipConnector>();
- List<IMyCubeGrid> getCbl = new List<IMyCubeGrid>();
- int ltick = -1;
- IMyShipConnector getRelevantConnector(IMyTerminalBlock b)
- {
- if (ltick != tick)
- {
- getCgridmap.Clear();
- getCbl.Clear();
- foreach (var c in connectors)
- {
- var o = c.OtherConnector;
- if (o != null) getCgridmap[c.OtherConnector.CubeGrid] = c;
- }
- }
- IMyShipConnector match = null;
- getCgridmap.TryGetValue(b.CubeGrid, out match);
- if (match != null) return match;
- else
- {
- if (!getCbl.Contains(b.CubeGrid))
- {
- foreach (var kvp in connectorState)
- {
- var v = kvp.Value; ;
- if (v.otherConnector != null && v.otherConnector.CubeGrid == b.CubeGrid)
- {
- if (v.sortConnected) return getCgridmap[b.CubeGrid] = v.connector;
- else
- {
- getCbl.Add(b.CubeGrid);
- return null;
- }
- }
- }
- foreach (var kvp in connectorState)
- {
- var v = kvp.Value; ;
- if (v.otherConnector != null && v.sortConnected)
- {
- if (b.IsSameConstructAs(v.otherConnector))
- {
- return getCgridmap[b.CubeGrid] = v.connector;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else return null;
- }
- getCbl.Add(b.CubeGrid);
- return null;
- }
- bool cnctE = false;
- public void connectEvent2()
- {
- try
- {
- bool evnt = false;
- foreach (var c in connectors)
- {
- ConnectorInfo v = null;
- connectorState.TryGetValue(c, out v);
- if (v == null)
- {
- v = new ConnectorInfo();
- v.connector = c;
- connectorState[c] = v;
- }
- evnt = v.upd() || evnt;
- }
- if (evnt)
- {
- log("connector change");
- List<IMyProgrammableBlock> pgms = new List<IMyProgrammableBlock>();
- GridTerminalSystem.GetBlocksOfType(pgms, b => b != Me && b.HasPlayerAccess(Me.OwnerId) && b.CustomData.StartsWith("KTZINV") && b.IsWorking);
- bool awake = true;
- if (pgms.Count > 0)
- {
- bool stati = Me.CubeGrid.IsStatic;
- foreach (var c in pgms)
- {
- if (c.CubeGrid.IsStatic && !stati)
- {
- awake = false;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (awake)
- {
- foreach (var c in pgms)
- {
- if (c.EntityId < Me.EntityId && (!stati || c.CubeGrid.IsStatic))
- {
- awake = false;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- SLEEPING = !awake;
- {
- gInv.lastStatus = "Sleeping while a connected KTZInv runs.";
- if (statusLog != null) statusLog.WriteText(gInv.lastStatus);
- return;
- }
- List<IMyTerminalBlock> blox = new List<IMyTerminalBlock>();
- GridTerminalSystem.GetBlocksOfType(blox);
- inventoryBlocks.Clear();
- List<IMyCubeGrid> subGrids = new List<IMyCubeGrid>();
- List<IMyCubeGrid> notSubGrids = new List<IMyCubeGrid>();
- foreach (var b in blox)
- {
- if (b.HasInventory && b.HasPlayerAccess(Me.OwnerId))
- {
- if (b.CubeGrid == Me.CubeGrid) inventoryBlocks.Add(b);
- else
- {
- if (!notSubGrids.Contains(b.CubeGrid))
- {
- if (b.IsSameConstructAs(Me)) subGrids.Add(b.CubeGrid);
- else notSubGrids.Add(b.CubeGrid);
- }
- if (subGrids.Contains(b.CubeGrid)) inventoryBlocks.Add(b);
- else
- {
- var rc = getRelevantConnector(b);
- if (rc != null)
- {
- ConnectorInfo v = null;
- connectorState.TryGetValue(rc, out v);
- if (v != null && v.sortConnected)
- {
- inventoryBlocks.Add(b);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- gInv.updateContainers(inventoryBlocks);
- }
- }
- catch (Exception e)//because torch or something i forget
- {
- if (!cnctE)
- {
- cnctE = true;
- log("Exception: " + e.ToString());
- }
- }
- }
- class AssemblerMgr
- {
- //List<BPLearn2> bplearners = new List<BPLearn2>();
- List<Asmstate> asmstates = new List<Asmstate>();
- class Asmstate
- {
- public BPLearn2 bpl = null;
- public int flushTick = 0;
- public int lastProduced = 0;
- }
- public AssemblerMgr()
- {
- foreach(var a in Program.assemblers)
- {
- var l = new BPLearn2();
- l.asm = a;
- var s = new Asmstate();
- s.bpl = l;
- asmstates.Add(s);
- //bplearners.Add(l);
- }
- }
- Dictionary<MyDefinitionId, List<IMyAssembler>> bpassemblers = new Dictionary<MyDefinitionId, List<IMyAssembler>>();
- int shuffleidx = 0;
- public void shuffleAssemblers()
- {
- shuffleidx = (shuffleidx + 1) % assemblers.Count;
- if (tick % 10 == 0 && assemblers.Count > 0)
- {
- var state = asmstates[shuffleidx];
- var asm = assemblers[shuffleidx];
- if (asm.IsQueueEmpty || asm.IsProducing || !asm.Enabled)
- {
- state.flushTick = state.lastProduced = tick;
- }
- else
- {
- if (tick - state.flushTick > 60 * 17)
- {
- log("flushing " + asm.CustomName);
- //IMyInventory input = null;
- //if (asm.Mode == MyAssemblerMode.Assembly) input = asm.InputInventory;
- //else input = asm.OutputInventory;
- List<MyInventoryItem> itms = new List<MyInventoryItem>();
- asm.InputInventory.GetItems(itms);
- List<MyInventoryItem> itms2 = new List<MyInventoryItem>();
- asm.OutputInventory.GetItems(itms2);
- itms.AddRange(itms2);
- foreach (var itm in itms)
- {
- Inventory.BlockInventory bi = Inventory.BlockInventory.getBI(asm);
- Inventory.expel(bi, itm.Type, itm.Amount, true);
- }
- state.flushTick = tick;
- }
- if (tick - state.lastProduced > 60 * 30)
- {
- log("rear shuffling " + asm.CustomName);
- List<MyProductionItem> queue = new List<MyProductionItem>();
- asm.GetQueue(queue);
- if (queue.Count > 1)
- {
- var po = queue[0];
- asm.RemoveQueueItem(0, po.Amount);
- asm.AddQueueItem(po.BlueprintId, po.Amount);
- }
- //asm.MoveQueueItemRequest(queue[0].ItemId, queue.Count-1);
- state.flushTick = state.lastProduced = tick;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- //int lastshuffle = 0;
- //int shufflefreq = 60 * 2;
- public void balanceAssemblers()
- {
- /*
- if (tick % 60 == 0)
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < assemblers.Count; i++)
- {
- var state = asmstates[i];
- var asm = assemblers[i];
- }
- }
- */
- balanceAssemblers(MyAssemblerMode.Assembly);
- balanceAssemblers(MyAssemblerMode.Disassembly);
- }
- //i.e. if you say steel plate, assembling, it will erase any steel plate disassembly jobs
- //since disassembling directly contradicts the goal of assembling
- public void clearContradictingJobs(MyDefinitionId bp, MyAssemblerMode m)
- {
- foreach (var a in assemblers)
- {
- if (a.Mode != m)
- {
- List<MyProductionItem> queue = new List<MyProductionItem>();
- a.GetQueue(queue);
- for (var i = 0; i < queue.Count; i++)
- {
- var itm = queue[i];
- if(itm.BlueprintId == bp)
- {
- a.RemoveQueueItem(i, itm.Amount);
- queue.RemoveAt(i);
- i--;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- public void balanceAssemblers(MyAssemblerMode m, Dictionary<MyDefinitionId, MyFixedPoint> set = null)
- {
- Dictionary<MyDefinitionId, MyFixedPoint> orders = new Dictionary<MyDefinitionId, MyFixedPoint>();
- //List<List<MyProductionItem>> queues = new List<List<MyProductionItem>>();
- Dictionary<IMyAssembler, List<MyProductionItem>> queues = new Dictionary<IMyAssembler, List<MyProductionItem>>();
- foreach (var a in assemblers)
- {
- if (a.Mode == m)
- {
- List<MyProductionItem> queue = new List<MyProductionItem>();
- a.GetQueue(queue);
- for (var i = 0; i < queue.Count; i++)
- {
- var itm = queue[i];
- if (itm.Amount < (MyFixedPoint)1)//because keen. look idk man
- {
- a.RemoveQueueItem(i, itm.Amount);
- queue.RemoveAt(i);
- i--;
- }
- else
- {
- var bp = itm.BlueprintId;
- if (orders.ContainsKey(bp)) orders[bp] += itm.Amount;
- else orders[bp] = itm.Amount;
- }
- }
- queues[a] = queue;
- }
- }
- if (set != null)
- {
- foreach (var kvp in set)
- {
- MyFixedPoint ct = 0;
- orders.TryGetValue(kvp.Key, out ct);
- if (m == MyAssemblerMode.Assembly && kvp.Value > ct) orders[kvp.Key] = kvp.Value;
- else if (m == MyAssemblerMode.Disassembly && -kvp.Value > ct) orders[kvp.Key] = -kvp.Value;
- }
- }
- foreach (var kvp in orders)
- {
- var bp = kvp.Key;
- var amt = kvp.Value;
- List<IMyAssembler> relevant_assemblers = new List<IMyAssembler>();
- foreach (var a in assemblers)
- {
- if (a.Mode == m && a.CanUseBlueprint(bp)) relevant_assemblers.Add(a);
- }
- if (relevant_assemblers.Count == 0) continue;
- int divided = (int)amt / relevant_assemblers.Count;
- int remainder = (int)amt - (divided * (relevant_assemblers.Count-1));
- for(int i = 0; i < relevant_assemblers.Count; i++)
- {
- var asm = relevant_assemblers[i];
- var queue = queues[asm];
- var t_v = i == (relevant_assemblers.Count - 1) ? remainder : divided;
- if (t_v > -1 && t_v < 1) t_v = 0;
- MyProductionItem citem = new MyProductionItem();
- int idx = -1;
- for (var e = 0; e < queue.Count; e++)
- {
- var n = queue[e];
- if(n.BlueprintId == bp)
- {
- citem = n;
- idx = e;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (idx != -1)
- {
- var c_v = citem.Amount;
- var diff = t_v - c_v;
- if (Math.Abs((int)diff) >= 3)
- {
- //log("doin it: "+diff);
- asm.InsertQueueItem(idx, bp, diff);
- }
- }
- else if(t_v != 0)asm.AddQueueItem(bp, (MyFixedPoint)t_v);
- }
- }
- }
- static Profiler shufP = new Profiler("asmshuf");
- static Profiler balP = new Profiler("asmbal");
- int lbal = 0;
- public void update()
- {
- if (!gInv.hasUpdatedOnce) return;
- shufP.s();
- if (tick % 60 * 15 == 0)
- {
- if(ASM_SHUFFLE)shuffleAssemblers();
- }
- shufP.e();
- balP.s();
- if (tick % 60 * 7 == 0)
- {
- if(ASM_FLUSH)balanceAssemblers();
- }
- balP.e();
- foreach (var l in asmstates) l.bpl.update();
- if (tick % 60 == 0 && tick - gInv.lastUpdateTick <= 60)
- {
- Dictionary<MyDefinitionId, MyFixedPoint> production = new Dictionary<MyDefinitionId, MyFixedPoint>();
- foreach (var l in asmstates)
- {
- foreach (var i in l.bpl.lastQueue)
- {
- if (!production.ContainsKey(i.BlueprintId)) production.Add(i.BlueprintId, i.Amount);
- else production[i.BlueprintId] += i.Amount;
- }
- }
- Dictionary<MyDefinitionId, MyFixedPoint> orders = new Dictionary<MyDefinitionId, MyFixedPoint>();
- int asmjobs = 0;
- int dasmjobs = 0;
- foreach (var kvp in Autocraft.quotas_bp)
- {
- var itembp = kvp.Key;
- var recipebp = Autocraft.blueprints[itembp];
- var desired_amt = kvp.Value;
- //var assembling_amt = production.ContainsKey(recipebp) ? production[recipebp] : 0;
- MyFixedPoint current_amt = 0;
- Inventory.globalManifest.stuff.TryGetValue((MyItemType)itembp, out current_amt);
- if (ASSEMBLE && current_amt + ASSEMBLE_MARGIN < desired_amt)
- {
- orders[recipebp] = desired_amt - current_amt;
- asmjobs += 1;
- }
- if (DISASSEMBLE && current_amt - ASSEMBLE_MARGIN > desired_amt)
- {
- orders[recipebp] = desired_amt - current_amt;
- dasmjobs += 1;
- }
- }
- if(orders.Count > 0)
- {
- if(asmjobs == 0 && dasmjobs != 0)
- {
- foreach (var s in assemblers) if(s.IsQueueEmpty)s.Mode = MyAssemblerMode.Disassembly;
- }else if (asmjobs != 0 && dasmjobs == 0)
- {
- foreach (var s in assemblers) if (s.IsQueueEmpty) s.Mode = MyAssemblerMode.Assembly;
- }
- {
- foreach(var kvp in orders)
- {
- if (kvp.Value > 0) clearContradictingJobs(kvp.Key,MyAssemblerMode.Assembly);
- }
- balanceAssemblers(MyAssemblerMode.Assembly, orders);
- }
- {
- foreach (var kvp in orders)
- {
- if (kvp.Value < 0) clearContradictingJobs(kvp.Key, MyAssemblerMode.Disassembly);
- }
- balanceAssemblers(MyAssemblerMode.Disassembly, orders);
- }
- }
- }
- //if(tick % 60*60*10 == 0)
- //{
- /*foreach(var asm in assemblers)
- {
- List<MyInventoryItem> items = new List<MyInventoryItem>();
- //asm.GetInventory(0);
- asm.InputInventory.GetItems(items);
- foreach(var i in items) invInterface_noasm.TransferItemTo
- }*/
- //invInterface_noasm
- /*List<MyInventoryItem> items = new List<MyInventoryItem>();
- //tick2 += 1;
- //tick3 += 1;
- asm.GetQueue(queue);
- //todo: if get queue and unknown recipe in it, flush the output inventory of the assembler
- if (queue.Count != 0 || lastQueue.Count != 0)
- {
- asm.OutputInventory.GetItems(items);
- }*/
- }
- }
- class Autocraft
- {
- //Dictionary<MyItemType, MyDefinitionId> bpcache;
- static public MyItemType nop = MyItemType.MakeComponent("SteelPlate");
- static Dictionary<string, MyItemType> typecast = new Dictionary<string, MyItemType>();
- public static bool canFind(string subtype, out MyItemType t)
- {
- if(typecast.ContainsKey(subtype))
- {
- t = typecast[subtype];
- return true;
- }
- foreach (var bpkvp in blueprints)
- {
- if (bpkvp.Key.SubtypeId.ToString() == subtype)
- {
- typecast[subtype] = bpkvp.Key;
- t = bpkvp.Key;
- return true;
- }
- }
- t = nop;
- return false;
- }
- static public Dictionary<string, int> quotas = new Dictionary<string, int>();
- static public Dictionary<MyDefinitionId, int> quotas_bp = new Dictionary<MyDefinitionId, int>();
- static public Dictionary<MyDefinitionId, MyDefinitionId> blueprints = new Dictionary<MyDefinitionId, MyDefinitionId>();
- static public void addBP(MyDefinitionId item, MyDefinitionId bp)
- {
- blueprints[item] = bp;
- writeCD();
- }
- static public void writeCD()
- {
- string newcd = "KTZINV;\nitemID;blueprintID";
- foreach (var kvp in blueprints)
- {
- newcd += "\n" + kvp.Key.ToString() + ";" + kvp.Value.ToString();
- }
- gProgram.Me.CustomData = newcd;
- }
- public Autocraft()
- {
- var cd = gProgram.Me.CustomData;
- var spl = cd.Split('\n');
- foreach(var l in spl)
- {
- var s2 = l.Split(';');
- if(s2.Length >= 2)
- {
- try
- {
- var itembp = MyDefinitionId.Parse(s2[0]);
- try
- {
- var recipebp = MyDefinitionId.Parse(s2[1]);
- blueprints[itembp] = recipebp;
- }
- catch (Exception) { }
- }
- catch (Exception){}
- }
- }
- }
- //key=item, val=production bp
- static Profiler p1 = new Profiler("p1");
- static Profiler p2 = new Profiler("p2");
- static Profiler p3 = new Profiler("p3");
- public string writeLCD()
- {
- p1.s();
- Dictionary<string, int> avail = new Dictionary<string, int>();
- foreach(var kvp in Inventory.globalManifest.stuff)
- {
- string subtype = kvp.Key.SubtypeId;//.Substring("MyObjectBuilder_".Length);//kvp.Key.SubtypeId.Replace("MyObjectBuilder_", "").Replace("_", " ");
- if (!quotas.ContainsKey(subtype))
- {
- var nfo = kvp.Key.GetItemInfo();
- if (!nfo.IsOre && !nfo.IsIngot)quotas[subtype] = 0;
- else
- {
- MyItemType derp = Autocraft.nop;
- if(canFind(subtype, out derp))
- {
- quotas[subtype] = 0;
- break;
- }
- /*foreach (var bpkvp in blueprints)
- {
- if (bpkvp.Key.SubtypeId.ToString() == kvp.Key.SubtypeId)
- {
- quotas[name] = 0;
- break;
- }
- }*/
- }
- //todo check if we have a bp, if bp ignore type status, fusion fuel etc
- }
- avail[subtype] = (int)kvp.Value;
- }
- p1.e();
- p2.s();
- StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder("Component Current | Wanted\n");
- foreach (var kvp in quotas)
- {
- int av = 0;
- int quota = kvp.Value;
- avail.TryGetValue(kvp.Key, out av);
- b.Append(kvp.Key);
- b.Append(" ");
- b.Append(av);
- b.Append(" ");
- if (av < quota) b.Append("<");
- else if (av == quota) b.Append("=");
- else b.Append(">");
- b.Append(" ");
- b.Append(quota);
- bool hasbp = false;
- p3.s();
- foreach (var bpkvp in blueprints)
- {
- if (bpkvp.Key.SubtypeId.ToString() == kvp.Key)
- {
- hasbp = true;
- quotas_bp[bpkvp.Key] = quota;
- break;
- }
- }
- p3.e();
- if (!hasbp) b.Append(" (no BP)");
- b.Append("\n");
- }
- /*foreach (var kvp in quotas)
- {
- int av = 0;
- int quota = kvp.Value;
- avail.TryGetValue(kvp.Key, out av);
- r += kvp.Key + " " + av+" ";
- if (av < quota) r += "<";
- else if (av == quota) r += "=";
- else r += ">";
- r += " " + quota;
- bool hasbp = false;
- p3.s();
- foreach (var bpkvp in blueprints)
- {
- if(bpkvp.Key.SubtypeId.ToString() == kvp.Key)
- {
- hasbp = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- p3.e();
- if (!hasbp) r += " (no BP)";
- r += "\n";
- }*/
- p2.e();
- return b.ToString();
- }
- string last = "";
- bool firstread = true;
- public void readLCD(string s)
- {
- if (last == s) return;
- last = s;
- var lines = s.Split('\n');
- foreach(var l in lines)
- {
- if (l.Contains("|")) continue;
- var tok = l.Split(new char[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
- if (tok.Length >= 4)
- {
- string key = tok[0];
- string cur = tok[1];
- char sym = tok[2][0];
- if (sym == '<' || sym == '>' || sym == '=')
- {
- string want = tok[3];
- int wnt = 0;
- var isn = int.TryParse(want, out wnt);
- if (isn)
- {
- quotas[key] = wnt;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- //ITEMNAME avail 0 inf [hidden]
- class Autocraft2
- {
- static public MyItemType NOPIT = MyItemType.MakeComponent("SteelPlate");//non-nullable type, and will crash if ever not valid.
- static MyDefinitionId NOPBP = MyDefinitionId.Parse("MyObjectBuilder_BlueprintDefinition/SpaceCredit");
- class CraftOrder
- {
- public MyItemType type = NOPIT;
- public bool htype = false;
- public string subtypeid = "";
- public MyDefinitionId blueprint = NOPBP;
- public CraftOrder(string subtypeid)
- {
- this.subtypeid = subtypeid;
- htype = subType2ItemType(subtypeid, out type);
- }
- public int min = 0;
- public int max = int.MaxValue;
- public bool hide = false;
- }
- static Dictionary<string, MyItemType> typecast = new Dictionary<string, MyItemType>();
- public static bool subType2ItemType(string subtype, out MyItemType t)
- {
- if (typecast.ContainsKey(subtype))
- {
- t = typecast[subtype];
- return true;
- }
- foreach (var bpkvp in blueprints)
- {
- if (bpkvp.Key.SubtypeId.ToString() == subtype)
- {
- typecast[subtype] = bpkvp.Key;
- t = bpkvp.Key;
- return true;
- }
- }
- t = NOPIT;
- return false;
- }
- static public Dictionary<MyDefinitionId, MyDefinitionId> blueprints = new Dictionary<MyDefinitionId, MyDefinitionId>();
- static public void addBP(MyDefinitionId item, MyDefinitionId bp)
- {
- blueprints[item] = bp;
- string newcd = "KTZINV\nitemID;blueprintID";
- foreach (var kvp in blueprints)
- {
- newcd += "\n" + kvp.Key.ToString() + ";" + kvp.Value.ToString();
- }
- gProgram.Me.CustomData = newcd;
- }
- static void loadBP()
- {
- var cd = gProgram.Me.CustomData;
- var spl = cd.Split('\n');
- foreach (var l in spl)
- {
- var s2 = l.Split(';');
- if (s2.Length >= 2)
- {
- try
- {
- var itembp = MyDefinitionId.Parse(s2[0]);
- try
- {
- var recipebp = MyDefinitionId.Parse(s2[1]);
- blueprints[itembp] = recipebp;
- }
- catch (Exception) { }
- }
- catch (Exception) { }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- class BPLearn2
- {
- public IMyAssembler asm = null;
- public int lastCraft = 0;
- static MyDefinitionId nop = MyDefinitionId.Parse("MyObjectBuilder_BlueprintDefinition/SpaceCredit");
- public List<MyProductionItem> lastQueue = new List<MyProductionItem>();
- List<MyInventoryItem> lastItems = new List<MyInventoryItem>();
- float lastProgress = -1;
- static Profiler bpl = new Profiler("bpl");
- //int tick2 = 0;
- //int tick3 = 0;
- public void update()
- {
- bpl.s();
- //assemblers only tick once per second, so a faster observation is meaningless
- if (tick % 60 == 0 && asm.Mode == MyAssemblerMode.Assembly)
- {
- var curProg = asm.CurrentProgress;
- List<MyProductionItem> queue = new List<MyProductionItem>();
- List<MyInventoryItem> items = new List<MyInventoryItem>();
- //tick2 += 1;
- //tick3 += 1;
- asm.GetQueue(queue);
- //todo: if get queue and unknown recipe in it, flush the output inventory of the assembler
- if (queue.Count != 0 || lastQueue.Count != 0)
- {
- asm.OutputInventory.GetItems(items);
- //this is because of nasty things like guns and tools that don't stack :|
- List<MyItemType> types = new List<MyItemType>();
- List<MyInventoryItem> itemsCompact = new List<MyInventoryItem>();
- foreach (var i in items)
- {
- var t = i.Type;
- if (types.Contains(t)) continue;
- types.Add(t);
- MyFixedPoint c = 0;
- foreach (var i2 in items)
- {
- if (i2.Type == t) c += i2.Amount;
- }
- if (c > 0)
- {
- itemsCompact.Add(new MyInventoryItem(i.Type, i.ItemId, c));
- }
- }
- items = itemsCompact;
- if (curProg < lastProgress && lastQueue.Count > 0)
- {
- //log("tick2=" + tick2, LT.LOG_N);
- //tick2 = 0;
- MyDefinitionId recipe = nop;
- //compare production queue to last known state.
- //Check for any item with a decreased count or that has left the queue altogether
- //and save it
- foreach (var lastitem in lastQueue)
- {
- bool still_queued = false;
- foreach (var curitem in queue)
- {
- if (curitem.ItemId == lastitem.ItemId && curitem.BlueprintId == lastitem.BlueprintId)
- {
- still_queued = true;
- if (curitem.Amount < lastitem.Amount)
- {
- recipe = lastitem.BlueprintId;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if (recipe != nop) break;
- if (!still_queued)
- {
- recipe = lastitem.BlueprintId;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (recipe != nop)
- {
- //assuming we found the above, check for a newly appearing or count-increased item in the output inventory.
- //if progress has reset, a production order has shrunk or vanished, and a new item has appeared,
- ///we can reasonably assume that the production order blueprint generates that item.
- MyDefinitionId itemdef = nop;
- foreach (var i in items)
- {
- bool newitem = true;
- foreach (var o in lastItems)
- {
- if (o.Type == i.Type) newitem = false;
- if (o.Type == i.Type && o.Amount < i.Amount)
- {
- try
- {
- var n = MyDefinitionId.Parse(i.Type.TypeId + "/" + i.Type.SubtypeId);
- itemdef = n;
- newitem = false;
- break;
- }
- catch (Exception) { }
- }
- //if (itembp != nop) break;
- }
- //if we found no increased item (the bp is nop) but we did notice a new kind of item, it's that one
- if (newitem)// && itembp == nop)
- {
- try
- {
- var n = MyDefinitionId.Parse(i.Type.TypeId + "/" + i.Type.SubtypeId);
- itemdef = n;
- }
- catch (Exception) { }
- }
- if (itemdef != nop) break;
- }
- if (recipe != nop && itemdef != nop)
- {
- lastCraft = tick;
- if (!Autocraft.blueprints.ContainsKey(itemdef))
- {
- log("Learned recipe " + itemdef.ToString() + ";" + recipe.ToString(), LT.LOG_N);
- Autocraft.addBP(itemdef, recipe);
- }
- //Autocraft.blueprints[itemdef] = recipe;
- //todo:flush output inventory here
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (lastQueue.Count == 0) curProg = 0;
- lastProgress = curProg;
- lastQueue = queue;
- lastItems = items;
- }
- bpl.e();
- }
- }
- const double MAX_MS_PER_SEC_BOOT = 0.1;
- const double MAX_MS_PER_SEC = 0.1;
- const int PBLIMIT_STARTUPTICKS = 0;//20 by default
- class BurnoutTrack
- {
- public double maxmspersec = 0.25;
- public static double[] defertrack;
- public int len = 60;
- public BurnoutTrack(int l, double ms)
- {
- len = l;
- maxmspersec = ms;
- defertrack = new double[len];
- }
- int defercalls = 0;
- int deferpos = 0;
- static bool hangflag = false;
- int hangticks = 0;
- int hangtick = 0;
- bool fsdbg = false;
- DateTime bf = DateTime.Now;
- public bool burnoutpre()
- {
- bf = DateTime.Now;
- if (hangflag)
- {
- if (tick > hangtick)
- {
- double avg = 0;
- foreach (var d in defertrack) avg += d;
- avg = avg / (defercalls > defertrack.Length ? defertrack.Length : defercalls);
- if (avg > maxmspersec * len / 60)
- {
- defertrack[deferpos] = 0;
- defercalls += 1;
- deferpos = (deferpos + 1) % defertrack.Length;
- return true;
- }
- else
- {
- hangflag = false;
- //log("Resuming after " + (hangticks / 60.0d).ToString("0.0") + "s", LT.LOG_N);
- }
- }
- }
- return hangflag;
- }
- public double avg()
- {
- double avg = 0;
- foreach (var d in defertrack) avg += d;
- avg = avg / (defercalls > defertrack.Length ? defertrack.Length : defercalls);
- return avg;
- }
- public void setwait(int ticks)
- {
- hangticks = ticks;
- hangtick = tick + ticks;
- hangflag = true;
- }
- public bool burnoutpost()
- {
- double ms = (DateTime.Now - bf).TotalMilliseconds;
- defertrack[deferpos] = ms;
- defercalls += 1;
- deferpos = (deferpos + 1) % defertrack.Length;
- if (!hangflag)
- {
- double p_avg = 0;
- foreach (var d in defertrack) p_avg += d;
- int divisor = defercalls > defertrack.Length ? defertrack.Length : defercalls;
- var avg = p_avg / divisor;
- var mtch = maxmspersec * len / 60;
- if (avg > mtch)
- {
- int tickstodoom = PBLIMIT_STARTUPTICKS - tick;
- if (tickstodoom > 0 && tickstodoom * maxmspersec < avg) return false;
- int waitticks = 0;
- while (p_avg / (divisor + waitticks) > mtch) waitticks++;
- hangticks = waitticks;
- hangtick = tick + waitticks;
- hangflag = true;
- var lstr = tick + ": " + avg.ToString("0.00") + ">" + (mtch).ToString("0.00") + "ms/s exec. Sleeping " + (hangticks / 60.0d).ToString("0.0") + "s";
- log(lstr, LT.LOG_N);
- /*var c = getCtrl();
- if (c != null)
- {
- if (!fsdbg)
- {
- c.CustomData = "";
- fsdbg = true;
- }
- c.CustomData += "\n\n" + lstr + "\n\n" + Profiler.getAllReports();
- }
- else getCtrlTick = -9000;*/
- return true;
- }
- }
- else return true;
- return false;
- }
- }
- class Inventory
- {
- public static InventoryManifest globalManifest = new InventoryManifest();
- public static Dictionary<string, MyFixedPoint> nonFractionalMinMarginByCat = new Dictionary<string, MyFixedPoint>();
- public static List<MyItemType> encounteredTypes = new List<MyItemType>();
- static Dictionary<string, MyItemType> typeTable = new Dictionary<string, MyItemType>();
- static MyItemType getType(string type, string subtype)
- {//can throw exceptions, MyItemType is fiddly
- var k = type + "/" + subtype;
- if (typeTable.ContainsKey(k)) return typeTable[k];
- else
- {
- return typeTable[k] = new MyItemType(type, subtype);
- }
- }
- //there's some giga-fucky shit going on with tanks
- static List<string> unstackhardcode = new List<string>(){
- "MyObjectBuilder_OxygenContainerObject",
- "MyObjectBuilder_GasContainerObject",
- "MyObjectBuilder_PhysicalGunObject",
- "MyObjectBuilder_PhysicalObject",
- "MyObjectBuilder_Datapad",
- };
- static Dictionary<string, string> cattocargo = new Dictionary<string, string>()
- {
- {"MyObjectBuilder_OxygenContainerObject","Bottles"},
- {"MyObjectBuilder_GasContainerObject","Bottles"},
- {"MyObjectBuilder_PhysicalGunObject","Tools"},
- {"MyObjectBuilder_PhysicalObject","Tools"},//space credit
- {"MyObjectBuilder_ConsumableItem","Tools"},//cola, coffee
- {"MyObjectBuilder_Datapad","Tools"},//datapad duh
- {"MyObjectBuilder_AmmoMagazine","Ammo"},
- {"MyObjectBuilder_Ore","Ores"},
- {"MyObjectBuilder_Ingot","Ingots"},
- {"MyObjectBuilder_Component","Components"},
- };
- public static string cargokeywordbytype(string type)
- {
- string r = "Unknown";
- cattocargo.TryGetValue(type, out r);
- return r;
- }
- //static bool sortProductionInput = false;
- static bool treatBlankAsAlltype = false;
- public class InventoryManifest
- {
- public InventoryManifest()
- {
- }
- public Dictionary<MyItemType, MyFixedPoint> stuff = new Dictionary<MyItemType, MyFixedPoint>();
- public MyFixedPoint maxVolume;
- public MyFixedPoint freeVolume;
- public Dictionary<string, MyFixedPoint> typeVolume = new Dictionary<string, MyFixedPoint>();
- public void set(BlockInventory bi)
- {
- stuff.Clear();
- maxVolume = freeVolume = 0;
- var invs = bi.getSortedInventories(false);
- int merges = 0;
- //const int MAX_MERGES = 10;
- DateTime b4 = DateTime.Now;
- foreach (var nv in invs)
- {
- var mv = nv.MaxVolume;
- var cv = nv.CurrentVolume;
- maxVolume += mv;
- freeVolume += mv - cv;
- List<MyInventoryItem> itms = new List<MyInventoryItem>();
- nv.GetItems(itms);
- Dictionary<MyItemType, int> lItem = new Dictionary<MyItemType, int>();
- for(int i = itms.Count-1; i >= 0; i--)
- {
- var it = itms[i];
- //stack deduplication
- if (MERGE_STACKS && merges < MAX_TRANSFERS_PER_OP && lItem.ContainsKey(it.Type))
- {
- var stackable = !unstackhardcode.Contains(it.Type.TypeId);
- if (stackable)
- {
- var lpos = lItem[it.Type];
- var nfo = it.Type.GetItemInfo();
- var lit = itms[lpos];
- if (it.Amount + lit.Amount < nfo.MaxStackAmount)
- {
- log(it.Type.SubtypeId + " msa " + nfo.MaxStackAmount + " stacking now ");
- nv.TransferItemTo(nv, lpos, i, true);
- merges++;
- if ((DateTime.Now - b4).TotalMilliseconds > MAX_TRANSFER_MS) merges = MAX_TRANSFERS_PER_OP;
- }
- }
- }
- lItem[it.Type] = i;
- //manifest generate
- if (!stuff.ContainsKey(it.Type)) stuff[it.Type] = it.Amount;
- else stuff[it.Type] += it.Amount;
- var t = cargokeywordbytype(it.Type.TypeId);
- MyFixedPoint tv = 0;
- typeVolume.TryGetValue(t, out tv);
- tv += it.Type.GetItemInfo().Volume * it.Amount;
- typeVolume[t] = tv;
- }
- }
- if (merges > 0)
- {
- log(merges + " merges in " + bi.b.CustomName + " took " + (DateTime.Now - b4).TotalMilliseconds + "ms");
- }
- //very ugly.
- foreach (var kvp in stuff)
- {
- var k = kvp.Key;
- if(!encounteredTypes.Contains(k))
- {
- encounteredTypes.Add(k);
- MyFixedPoint minVol = (MyFixedPoint)0.01;
- if (!k.GetItemInfo().UsesFractions) minVol = (MyFixedPoint)k.GetItemInfo().Volume;
- var cat = cargokeywordbytype(k.TypeId);
- MyFixedPoint kval = 0;
- nonFractionalMinMarginByCat.TryGetValue(cat, out kval);
- if (minVol > kval) kval = minVol;
- nonFractionalMinMarginByCat[cat] = kval;
- }
- }
- }
- public void sub(InventoryManifest o)
- {//if we don't even have the thing being subtracted nothing will be subtracted
- if (o == null) return;
- List<MyItemType> del = new List<MyItemType>();
- foreach (var kvp in o.stuff)
- {
- if (stuff.ContainsKey(kvp.Key))
- {
- var nv = stuff[kvp.Key] - kvp.Value;
- if (nv > 0) stuff[kvp.Key] = nv;
- else del.Add(kvp.Key);
- }
- }
- foreach (var k in del) stuff.Remove(k);
- }
- public void add(InventoryManifest o)
- {
- if (o == null) return;
- foreach (var kvp in o.stuff)
- {
- if (stuff.ContainsKey(kvp.Key)) stuff[kvp.Key] += kvp.Value;
- else stuff[kvp.Key] = kvp.Value;
- }
- }
- public bool equals(InventoryManifest o)
- {
- if (o == null || this.stuff.Count != o.stuff.Count) return false;
- foreach(var kvp in stuff)
- {
- MyFixedPoint v = 0;
- if (!o.stuff.TryGetValue(kvp.Key, out v)) return false;
- else if (kvp.Value != v) return false;
- }
- foreach(var kvp in o.stuff)
- {
- if (!stuff.ContainsKey(kvp.Key)) return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- }
- static public List<PriorityAggregate> prAggs = new List<PriorityAggregate>();
- static public PriorityAggregate getPI(int p)
- {
- foreach (var pr in prAggs) if (pr.priority == p) return pr;
- var x = new PriorityAggregate();
- x.priority = p;
- prAggs.Add(x);
- prAggs.Sort();
- return x;
- }
- static PriorityAggregate higherPriorityWithRoomFor(BlockInventory bi, string category)
- {
- //PriorityAggregate pi = null;
- var pidx = 0;
- for(int i =0; i < prAggs.Count; i++)
- {
- var pr = prAggs[i];
- if (pr.priority == bi.priority)
- {
- //pi = pr;
- pidx = i;
- break;
- }
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < pidx; i++)
- {
- var c = prAggs[i];
- MyFixedPoint free = 0;
- c.typeVolumeFree.TryGetValue(category, out free);
- MyFixedPoint minmargin = 0;
- nonFractionalMinMarginByCat.TryGetValue(category, out minmargin);
- if (free > minmargin) return c;
- }
- return null;
- }
- public class PriorityAggregate : IComparable<PriorityAggregate>
- {
- int IComparable<PriorityAggregate>.CompareTo(PriorityAggregate y)
- {
- var x = this;
- return x.priority.CompareTo(y.priority);
- }
- public List<BlockInventory> bis = new List<BlockInventory>();
- public int priority = 0;
- public Dictionary<string, MyFixedPoint> typeVolumeFree = new Dictionary<string, MyFixedPoint>();
- public List<string> categories = new List<string>();
- public void update()
- {
- typeVolumeFree.Clear();
- categories.Clear();
- foreach (var bi in bis)
- {
- foreach (var c in bi.categories)
- {
- if (!categories.Contains(c)) categories.Add(c);
- MyFixedPoint v = 0;
- typeVolumeFree.TryGetValue(c, out v);
- //for our purposes, we are recording the largest free volume in a single container in the set that accepts this category.
- if (bi.manifest.freeVolume > v)
- {
- typeVolumeFree[c] = bi.manifest.freeVolume;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- public class BlockInventory : IComparable<BlockInventory>
- {
- int IComparable<BlockInventory>.CompareTo(BlockInventory y)
- {
- var x = this;
- if (x.priority == y.priority)
- {
- return x.idx.CompareTo(y.idx);
- }
- return x.priority.CompareTo(y.priority);
- }
- public static List<BlockInventory> bPriorityList = new List<BlockInventory>();
- public static Dictionary<IMyTerminalBlock, BlockInventory> bIDict = new Dictionary<IMyTerminalBlock, BlockInventory>();
- public static BlockInventory getBI(IMyTerminalBlock b)
- {
- BlockInventory r = null;
- bIDict.TryGetValue(b, out r);
- if (r == null) r = new BlockInventory(b);
- return r;
- }
- const string bpprefix = "MyObjectBuilder_";
- const string everything = "alltypes";
- public static int idl = 0;
- public int idx = 0;
- public BlockInventory(IMyTerminalBlock b)
- {
- this.b = b;
- bPriorityList.Add(this);
- bIDict[b] = this;
- idx = idl;
- idl++;
- for (var i = 0; i < b.InventoryCount; i++)
- {
- sortedInventories.Add(b.GetInventory(i));
- }
- if (b is IMyProductionBlock)
- {
- isProduction = true;
- var p = (IMyProductionBlock)b;
- sortedInventoriesNoInput.Add(p.OutputInventory);
- sortedInventoriesNoOutput.Add(p.InputInventory);
- if (b is IMyAssembler)
- {
- isAssembler = true;
- asmref = (IMyAssembler)b;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- sortedInventoriesNoInput.AddRange(sortedInventories);
- }
- }
- public IMyTerminalBlock b = null;
- public InventoryManifest manifest = null;
- public List<string> categories = new List<string>();
- List<IMyInventory> sortedInventoriesNoInput = new List<IMyInventory>();
- List<IMyInventory> sortedInventoriesNoOutput = new List<IMyInventory>();
- List<IMyInventory> sortedInventories = new List<IMyInventory>();
- public List<IMyInventory> getSortedInventories(bool inc_input)
- {
- if (inc_input) return sortedInventories;
- else
- {
- if (asmref != null && asmref.Mode == MyAssemblerMode.Disassembly) return sortedInventoriesNoOutput;
- return sortedInventoriesNoInput;
- }
- }
- public bool isProduction = false;
- public bool isAssembler = false;
- IMyAssembler asmref = null;
- public Dictionary<MyItemType, MyFixedPoint> stocktargets = new Dictionary<MyItemType, MyFixedPoint>();
- public bool special = false;
- public bool locked = true;//we don't move shit to shit until first updateP
- public bool hidden = false;
- public bool holdall = false;
- const int default_p = 100000;
- public int priority = int.MaxValue;
- public string lastCD = "-31234";
- public string lastN = "-234523";
- void _locked()
- {
- locked = true;
- special = false;
- }
- void _hidden()
- {
- locked = true;
- hidden = true;
- special = false;
- }
- public void updateP()
- {
- if (b.CustomName != lastN)
- {
- lastN = b.CustomName;
- var lpriority = priority;
- //var PI = getPI(priority);
- //PI.bis.Remove(this);
- priority = default_p;
- special = false;
- locked = false;
- hidden = false;
- holdall = false;
- var t = lastN.Split(' ', '.');
- categories.Clear();
- if (lockBlockTypes.Contains(b.DefinitionDisplayNameText)) _locked();
- if (hiddenBlockTypes.Contains(b.DefinitionDisplayNameText)) _hidden();
- if (!hidden)
- {
- foreach (var tok in t)
- {
- var ltok = tok.ToLower();
- if (ltok.StartsWith("[") && ltok.EndsWith("]"))
- {
- ltok = ltok.Substring(1, ltok.Length - 2);
- }
- if (ltok == "special")
- {
- special = true;
- priority -= 10000;
- }
- else if (ltok == "locked")
- {
- _locked();
- }
- else if (ltok == "hidden")
- {
- _hidden();
- }
- else if (ltok.StartsWith("p"))
- {
- var ap = tok.Substring(1);
- if (ap == "max") priority = int.MinValue;
- else if (ap == "min") priority = int.MaxValue;
- else if (ap.All(char.IsDigit))
- {
- priority -= 10000;
- int c = 0;
- int.TryParse(ap, out c);
- if (c.ToString() == ap)
- {
- priority += c;
- }
- }
- }
- else if (ltok == everything)
- {
- holdall = true;
- }
- else
- {
- foreach (var kvp in cattocargo)
- {
- if (tok == kvp.Value)
- {
- if (!categories.Contains(tok)) categories.Add(tok);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (treatBlankAsAlltype && !special && !locked && categories.Count == 0 && !isProduction)
- {
- holdall = true;
- priority += 1;
- }
- }
- if(special)
- {
- holdall = false;
- categories.Clear();
- }
- if(holdall)
- {
- foreach(var kvp in cattocargo)
- {
- if (!categories.Contains(kvp.Value)) categories.Add(kvp.Value);
- }
- }
- if (!special && categories.Count == 0 && APIWC.HasCoreWeapon(b))
- {
- locked = true;
- }
- if (lpriority != priority)
- {
- bPriorityList.Sort();
- var PI = getPI(lpriority);
- PI.bis.Remove(this);
- PI.update();
- PI = getPI(priority);
- PI.bis.Add(this);
- PI.update();
- }
- if(!special) stocktargets.Clear();
- }
- if (special && b.CustomData != lastCD)
- {
- if (special && b.CustomData == "")
- {
- List<MyItemType> alltypes = new List<MyItemType>();
- List<MyItemType> t = new List<MyItemType>();
- for (var i = 0; i < b.InventoryCount; i++)
- {
- b.GetInventory(i).GetAcceptedItems(t);
- foreach (var e in t) if (!alltypes.Contains(e)) alltypes.Add(e);
- }
- List<string> clinesNZ = new List<string>();
- List<string> clines = new List<string>();
- foreach (var e in alltypes)
- {
- MyFixedPoint amt = 0;
- manifest.stuff.TryGetValue(e, out amt);
- if (amt > 0) clinesNZ.Add(e.TypeId.Substring(bpprefix.Length) + "/" + e.SubtypeId + "=" + amt.ToString());//\n";
- else clines.Add(e.TypeId.Substring(bpprefix.Length) + "/" + e.SubtypeId + "=0");
- }
- clinesNZ.Sort();
- clines.Sort();
- if(clinesNZ.Count == 0)clinesNZ.AddRange(clines);
- b.CustomData = String.Join("\n", clinesNZ);
- }
- if(ISYCOMPAT && b.CustomData.IndexOf("Special Container modes:") == -1)
- {
- b.CustomData = "@Special Container modes:\n- isycompat\n" + b.CustomData;
- }
- lastCD = b.CustomData;
- stocktargets.Clear();
- var lines = lastCD.Split('\n');
- //var newlines = new List<string>();
- foreach (var l in lines)
- {
- //bool kl = true;
- var lr = l.Split('=');
- if (lr.Length == 2)
- {
- var ids = lr[0].Split('/');
- if (ids.Length == 2)
- {
- try
- {
- var t = getType(bpprefix + ids[0], ids[1]);
- if (lr[1] == "all")
- {
- stocktargets[t] = int.MaxValue;
- //if (LOG) log(b.CustomName + " " + t.SubtypeId + "=all");
- }
- else
- {
- var c = (MyFixedPoint)double.Parse(lr[1]);
- if (c > 0)
- {
- stocktargets[t] = c;
- //if (LOG) log(b.CustomName + " " + t.SubtypeId + "=" + c);
- }else
- {
- //kl = false;
- }
- }
- }
- catch (Exception) { }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- public void updateM()
- {
- InventoryManifest nm = new InventoryManifest();
- if (!hidden) nm.set(this);
- if (manifest == null || !manifest.equals(nm))
- {
- if (manifest != null) Inventory.globalManifest.sub(manifest);
- Inventory.globalManifest.add(nm);
- manifest = nm;
- getPI(this.priority).update();
- }
- }
- public bool updateT()
- {
- //updateT_incomplete = false;
- if (locked) return false;
- int transfers = transfer_count;
- IDBG.set(this, null);
- //int MOVES = 0;
- //const int MAX_MOVES = 8;
- //this should actually run always and first, i think
- {
- Dictionary<string, PriorityAggregate> targs = new Dictionary<string, PriorityAggregate>();
- List<MyItemType> keys = new List<MyItemType>(manifest.stuff.Keys);
- //this ensures the dict can be edited during our loop
- foreach (var type in keys)//things we have
- {
- var cat = cargokeywordbytype(type.TypeId);
- //this should only end up actually calling higherPriorityWithRoomFor once per relevant category tag.
- PriorityAggregate pa = null;
- if (!targs.ContainsKey(cat))
- {
- targs[cat] = pa = higherPriorityWithRoomFor(this, cat);
- }
- else pa = targs[cat];
- int errchk = 0;
- while(pa != null && errchk < 10)//there is a higher priority container in a PriorityAggregate that does want the item's category
- {
- MyFixedPoint amt = 0;
- manifest.stuff.TryGetValue(type, out amt);
- if (amt == 0) break;
- MyFixedPoint goalstock = 0;//in case this is a special container, we don't want to push shit we should be keeping
- stocktargets.TryGetValue(type, out goalstock);
- amt -= goalstock;
- if (amt == 0) break;
- errchk++;
- var margin = nonFractionalMinMarginByCat[cat];
- BlockInventory dest = null;
- foreach(var bi in pa.bis)
- {
- if(bi.categories.Contains(cat) && bi.manifest.freeVolume >= margin)
- {//this cargo accepts this category and has more free space than the minimum margin for this category
- dest = bi;
- break;
- }
- }
- if(dest != null)
- {
- //we should start transferring this item.
- IDBG.set(this, dest);
- if (amt > dest.manifest.freeVolume)amt = dest.manifest.freeVolume;
- var rem = transfer_item(this, dest, type, amt, false, true);
- if (transfer_count - transfers > MAX_TRANSFERS_PER_OP || transMS > MAX_TRANSFER_MS) return true;
- if (rem > 0)
- {
- IDBG.log("Unable to xfer " + rem + " of " + type.SubtypeId);
- }
- //...
- pa.update();//recompute the PriorityAggregate values.
- //if we filled the destination beyond nonFractionalMaxMarginByCat,
- //we should delete entry in targs so that higherPriorityWithRoomFor is recomputed for next relevant item
- if (dest.manifest.freeVolume < margin)
- {
- targs[cat] = pa = higherPriorityWithRoomFor(this, cat);
- }
- }
- }
- if(errchk == 10)
- {
- IDBG.log("errchk loop abort");
- }
- {
- if (!categories.Contains(cat)/* && !holdall*/ && !special)
- {
- MyFixedPoint amt = 0;
- if(manifest.stuff.TryGetValue(type, out amt) && amt > 0)
- {
- MyFixedPoint goalstock = 0;//in case this is a special container, we don't want to push shit we should be keeping
- stocktargets.TryGetValue(type, out goalstock);
- if (amt > goalstock)
- {
- //nobody higher wants it, but it's not supposed to be in this cargo either.
- //todo: search for equal or lower priority place that wants it. if we can't find one, generate error log message.
- expel(this, type, amt-goalstock);
- if (transfer_count - transfers > MAX_TRANSFERS_PER_OP || transMS > MAX_TRANSFER_MS) return true;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (special)
- {
- List<MyItemType> keys = new List<MyItemType>(stocktargets.Keys);
- foreach (var kvp in manifest.stuff) if (!keys.Contains(kvp.Key)) keys.Add(kvp.Key);
- foreach (var type in keys)
- {
- MyFixedPoint curstock = 0;
- manifest.stuff.TryGetValue(type, out curstock);
- MyFixedPoint goalstock = 0;
- stocktargets.TryGetValue(type, out goalstock);
- if (goalstock > curstock && manifest.freeVolume > (MyFixedPoint)type.GetItemInfo().Volume)
- {
- MyFixedPoint globalstock = 0;
- globalManifest.stuff.TryGetValue(type, out globalstock);
- if (globalstock > curstock)
- {
- IDBG.set(type.SubtypeId);
- IDBG.log(b.CustomName + " globalchk " + type.SubtypeId + " pmove " + goalstock + " " + curstock);
- var r = retrieve(this, type, goalstock - curstock);
- if (transfer_count - transfers > MAX_TRANSFERS_PER_OP || transMS > MAX_TRANSFER_MS) return true;
- if (r > 0) IDBG.log("unable to satisfy by " + r);
- }
- }
- else if (goalstock < curstock)
- {
- IDBG.set(type.SubtypeId);
- IDBG.log("attempt expel " + type.SubtypeId + ": " + goalstock + " < " + curstock + " in " + this.b.CustomName);
- expel(this, type, curstock - goalstock);
- if (transfer_count - transfers > MAX_TRANSFERS_PER_OP || transMS > MAX_TRANSFER_MS) return true;
- }
- }
- }
- return transfer_count - transfers > 0;
- }
- }
- //todo review and update this one
- static public MyFixedPoint retrieve(BlockInventory dest, MyItemType t, MyFixedPoint v)
- {
- IDBG.set(dest, null);
- IDBG.set(t.SubtypeId);
- var nfo = t.GetItemInfo();
- int pidx = BlockInventory.bPriorityList.IndexOf(dest);
- IDBG.log("pidx=" + pidx);
- IDBG.log("BlockInventory.bPriorityList.Count=" + BlockInventory.bPriorityList.Count);
- for (var i = BlockInventory.bPriorityList.Count - 1; i > pidx; i--)
- {
- var inv = BlockInventory.bPriorityList[i];
- IDBG.set(dest, inv);
- if (inv.manifest != null && inv.manifest.stuff.ContainsKey(t))
- {
- MyFixedPoint avail = inv.manifest.stuff[t];
- IDBG.log(inv.b.CustomName + "has item, stock " + avail);
- MyFixedPoint trns_amt = avail > v ? v : avail;
- IDBG.log("tamt=" + trns_amt);
- MyFixedPoint max_accept = (inv.manifest.freeVolume * (MyFixedPoint)(1 / nfo.Volume));
- if (!nfo.IsOre && !nfo.IsIngot) max_accept = MyFixedPoint.Floor(max_accept + (MyFixedPoint)0.001);
- if (trns_amt > max_accept) trns_amt = max_accept;
- IDBG.log("tamt_ma=" + trns_amt);
- var rem = transfer_item(inv, dest, t, trns_amt);
- v -= trns_amt;
- v += rem;
- }
- if (v <= 0) break;
- }
- return v;
- }
- static public MyFixedPoint expel(BlockInventory origin, MyItemType type, MyFixedPoint amount, bool inputs = false)
- {
- var nfo = type.GetItemInfo();
- var kw = cargokeywordbytype(type.TypeId);
- IDBG.set(type.SubtypeId);
- for (var i = 0; i < BlockInventory.bPriorityList.Count; i++)
- {
- var inv = BlockInventory.bPriorityList[i];
- if (inv != origin && !inv.locked)
- {
- IDBG.set(origin, inv);
- MyFixedPoint amt = 0;
- MyFixedPoint max_accept = (inv.manifest.freeVolume * (MyFixedPoint)(1 / nfo.Volume));
- if (!nfo.IsOre && !nfo.IsIngot) max_accept = MyFixedPoint.Floor(max_accept + (MyFixedPoint)0.001);
- if (!inv.special && (inv.categories.Contains(kw)/* || inv.holdall*/)) amt = max_accept;
- else if (inv.special)
- {
- MyFixedPoint stock = 0;
- inv.manifest.stuff.TryGetValue(type, out stock);
- MyFixedPoint trg = 0;
- inv.stocktargets.TryGetValue(type, out trg);
- if (trg > stock)
- {
- amt = trg - stock;
- if (amt > max_accept) amt = max_accept;
- }
- }
- if (amt > 0)
- {
- IDBG.log("maxaccept=" + max_accept);
- IDBG.log("pushing " + amt + " to " + inv.b.CustomName);
- var remaining = transfer_item(origin, inv, type, amt, inputs, inputs);
- amount -= amt;
- amount += remaining;
- }
- }
- if (amount <= 0) break;
- }
- if (amount > 0)
- {
- StringBuilder err = new StringBuilder();
- bapp(err, "Warning: failed to expel ", type.SubtypeId, " from \"", origin.lastN, "\": nowhere else to store?");
- gInv.rerrlog(err.ToString());
- }
- return amount;
- }
- static public MyFixedPoint transfer_item(BlockInventory origin, BlockInventory dest, MyItemType type, MyFixedPoint amount,
- bool sendinputs = false, bool recieveinputs = false)
- {
- IDBG.set(origin, dest);
- IDBG.set(type.SubtypeId);
- if (amount == 0) return 0;
- IDBG.log("transfer_item " + type.SubtypeId + " " + amount+" "+origin.lastN+" > "+dest.lastN);
- //bool cerr = false;
- var sa = amount;
- foreach (var inva in origin.getSortedInventories(sendinputs))
- {
- foreach (var invb in dest.getSortedInventories(recieveinputs))
- {
- amount = transfer_item(inva, invb, type, amount);
- if (amount <= 0 || conveyor_error) break;
- }
- if (amount <= 0 || conveyor_error) break;
- }
- if (conveyor_error)
- {
- conveyor_error = false;
- StringBuilder err = new StringBuilder();
- bapp(err, "Warning: xfer fail: no conveyor \"", origin.lastN, "\" > \"", dest.lastN + "\"");
- gInv.rerrlog(err.ToString());
- }
- if (sa != amount)
- {
- //IDBG.log("moved " + (sa - v) + " " + t.SubtypeId + " to " + b.b.CustomName + " from " + a.b.CustomName);
- origin.updateM();
- dest.updateM();
- }
- return amount;
- }
- static int transfer_count = 0;
- static bool conveyor_error = false;
- static int transTick = 0;
- static double transMS = 0;
- //transfers up to amount of type to dest from origin. returns how much of the amount couldn't be sent for whatever reason
- static public MyFixedPoint transfer_item(IMyInventory origin, IMyInventory dest, MyItemType type, MyFixedPoint amount)
- {
- if(transTick != tick)
- {
- transTick = tick;
- transMS = 0;
- }
- DateTime s= DateTime.Now;
- conveyor_error = false;
- List<MyInventoryItem> itms = new List<MyInventoryItem>();
- origin.GetItems(itms);
- foreach (MyInventoryItem item in itms)
- {
- if (item.Type == type)
- {
- MyFixedPoint trns_amt = item.Amount > amount ? amount : item.Amount;
- IDBG.log("_transfer_item " + type.SubtypeId + " " + trns_amt);
- var nfo = type.GetItemInfo();
- MyFixedPoint max_accept = ((dest.MaxVolume - dest.CurrentVolume) * (1f / nfo.Volume));
- if(!nfo.UsesFractions) max_accept = MyFixedPoint.Floor(max_accept + (MyFixedPoint)0.001);
- if (trns_amt > max_accept)
- {
- IDBG.log("_capping amt to "+max_accept);
- trns_amt = max_accept;
- }
- if (trns_amt > 0)
- {
- transfer_count++;
- if (origin.TransferItemTo(dest, item, trns_amt))
- {
- amount -= trns_amt;
- IDBG.log("_successfully moved " + trns_amt + " of " + item.Type.SubtypeId);
- }
- else
- {
- bool conveyed = origin.CanTransferItemTo(dest, type);
- IDBG.log("_failed to move. checkset conveyor flag");
- if (!conveyed) conveyor_error = true;
- }
- }
- }
- if (amount <= 0) break;
- }
- transMS += (DateTime.Now - s).TotalMilliseconds;
- return amount;
- }
- class IDebugger
- {
- bool DEBUG = false;
- string FIRST_CARGO = "Nascent.Cargo [1.7].[Barge].AllTypes.P70";//2 CCTT Cargo Components Ammo P40";
- string SECOND_CARGO = "";//"3 Nascent.Cargo [1.7].[Barge].AllTypes.P70";
- string ITEM = "";// BelterComponent";// LidarComponent";// LithiumCell";
- //bool retrieve = true;
- //bool expel = false;
- BlockInventory a = null;
- BlockInventory b = null;
- string curitem = "";
- public void set(BlockInventory a, BlockInventory b)
- {
- this.a = a; this.b = b;
- }
- public void set(string item)
- {
- this.curitem = item;
- }
- public void log(string msg)
- {
- if (!DEBUG) return;
- bool l = true;
- if (FIRST_CARGO.Length > 0 && (a == null || a.lastN != FIRST_CARGO)) l = false;
- if (SECOND_CARGO.Length > 0 && (b == null || b.lastN != SECOND_CARGO)) l = false;
- if (ITEM.Length > 0 && curitem != ITEM) l = false;
- if (l)
- {
- Program.log(msg);
- }
- }
- }
- static IDebugger IDBG = new IDebugger();
- public void updateContainers(List<IMyTerminalBlock> c)
- {
- List<IMyTerminalBlock> del = new List<IMyTerminalBlock>();
- foreach (var b in containers)
- {
- if (!c.Contains(b)) del.Add(b);
- }
- InventoryManifest dMan = new InventoryManifest();
- foreach (var b in del)
- {
- BlockInventory bi = BlockInventory.getBI(b);
- Inventory.globalManifest.sub(bi.manifest);
- }
- containers.Clear();
- foreach (var e in c) if (e.CubeGrid.EntityId != gProgram.Me.EntityId) containers.Add(e);
- foreach (var e in c) if (e.CubeGrid.EntityId == gProgram.Me.EntityId) containers.Add(e);
- upd();
- }
- List<IMyTerminalBlock> containers = new List<IMyTerminalBlock>();
- int nextC = 0;
- int nextCS = 0;
- bool itemsUpdating = true;
- public bool hasUpdatedOnce = false;
- public int updateInterval = 1;//60 * 10;
- public int lastUpdateTick = 0;
- public int ticksRun = 0;
- static Profiler invuP = new Profiler("invu");
- int updateCounter = 0;
- enum STATUS
- {
- }
- string[] statlbl = {
- "INIT",
- "IDLE"
- };
- Queue<string> errors = new Queue<string>();
- int rerrtick = 0;
- bool errd = false;
- public void rerrlog(string s)
- {
- errd = true;
- errors.Enqueue(s);
- if (errors.Count > 5) errors.Dequeue();
- rerrtick = tick;
- }
- static Profiler statP = new Profiler("stat");
- public string lastStatus = "";
- public void genstatus()
- {
- statP.s();
- if (tick % 5 == 0)
- {
- if (errd && tick - rerrtick > 10 * 60)
- {
- errd = false;
- errors.Clear();
- }
- StringBuilder status = new StringBuilder();
- var lbl = statlbl[(int)cstat];
- if (cstat >= STATUS.MANIFESTS && cstat != STATUS.IDLE)
- {
- bapp(status, "Working ", nextC + 1, "/", containers.Count, "\n");
- if(nextC < containers.Count)bapp(status, containers[nextC].CustomName, "\n");
- }
- bapp(status, lbl, "\n");
- bapp(status, transfer_count+" xfer ops this runtime\n\n");
- foreach (var l in errors) bapp(status, l, "\n");
- var s = status.ToString();
- if (s != lastStatus)
- {
- lastStatus = s;
- if (statusLog != null) statusLog.WriteText(s);
- }
- }
- statP.e();
- }
- void clr()
- {
- itemsUpdating = false;
- ticksRun = tick - lastUpdateTick;
- lastUpdateTick = tick;
- nextC = 0;
- cstat = STATUS.IDLE;
- }
- void upd()
- {
- cstat = STATUS.INIT;
- itemsUpdating = true;
- lastUpdateTick = tick;
- nextC = 0;
- }
- bool movedItems = false;
- int lastBlockUpdate = 0;
- int blockUpdateStep = 0;
- int SANchk = 0;
- static Profiler cdbgP = new Profiler("cdbg");
- public void update()
- {
- cdbgP.s();
- if (!itemsUpdating && (tick - lastUpdateTick > updateInterval))
- {
- upd();
- if (CARGODBG && cargodbg != null)
- {
- // genstatus();
- //string o = "";
- StringBuilder fml = new StringBuilder();
- foreach (var e in BlockInventory.bPriorityList)
- {
- fml.Append(e.priority + "|||" + e.b.CustomName + "\n");
- }
- cargodbg.WriteText(fml.ToString());
- }
- }
- cdbgP.e();
- invuP.s();
- if (itemsUpdating)
- {
- if (nextC >= containers.Count)
- {
- clr();
- log("full run (" + containers.Count + "):" + ticksRun + "t (" + (ticksRun / 60.0d).ToString("0.0") + "s");
- hasUpdatedOnce = true;
- updateCounter += 1;
- }
- else
- {
- var intrvl = blockInterval;
- if (movedItems) intrvl = blockIntervalMove;
- if (tick - lastBlockUpdate > intrvl)
- {
- IMyTerminalBlock t = containers[nextC];
- BlockInventory bi = BlockInventory.getBI(t);
- var bus = blockUpdateStep;
- blockUpdateStep++;
- if (bus == 0) bi.updateM();
- if (bus == 1) bi.updateP();
- if (bus == 2)
- {
- if (SORT)
- {
- movedItems = bi.updateT();
- SANchk++;
- }
- if (!movedItems || SANchk > 10)
- {
- SANchk = 0;
- lastBlockUpdate = tick;
- blockUpdateStep = 0;
- nextC++;
- }
- else
- {
- lastBlockUpdate = tick;
- blockUpdateStep--;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- invuP.e();
- genstatus();
- }
- }
- public enum LT
- {
- LOG_N = 0,
- LOG_D,
- }
- string[] logtype_labels = { "INFO","_DBG","DDBG"};
- public static LT LOG_LEVEL = LT.LOG_N;
- public static Logger logger = new Logger();
- public static void log(string s, LT level)
- {
- Logger.log(s, level);
- }
- public static void log(string s)
- {
- Logger.log(s, LT.LOG_N);
- }
- public class Logger
- {
- public class logmsg
- {
- public logmsg(string m,string m2, LT l) { msg = m; msg_raw = m2; level = l; }
- public string msg = "";
- public string msg_raw = "";
- public int c = 1;
- public LT level = LT.LOG_N;
- }
- static List<logmsg> loggedMessages = new List<logmsg>();
- static int MAX_LOG = 50;
- static List<logmsg> superLoggedMessages = new List<logmsg>();
- static int MAX_SUPER_LOG = 1000;
- static public bool loggedMessagesDirty = true;
- public static void log(string s, LT level)
- {
- if (level > LOG_LEVEL) return;
- string s2 = s;
- if (s.Length > 50)
- {
- List<string> tok = new List<string>();
- while (s.Length > 50)
- {
- int c = 0;
- if (tok.Count > 0) c = 2;
- tok.Add(s.Substring(0, 50 - c));
- s = s.Substring(50 - c);
- }
- tok.Add(s);
- s = string.Join("\n ", tok);
- }
- var p = gProgram;
- logmsg l = null;
- if (loggedMessages.Count > 0)
- {
- l = loggedMessages[loggedMessages.Count - 1];
- }
- if (l != null)
- {
- if (l.msg == s) l.c += 1;
- else loggedMessages.Add(new logmsg(s, s2, level));
- }
- else loggedMessages.Add(new logmsg(s, s2, level));
- if (loggedMessages.Count > MAX_LOG) loggedMessages.RemoveAt(0);
- l = null;
- if (superLoggedMessages.Count > 0)
- {
- l = superLoggedMessages[superLoggedMessages.Count - 1];
- }
- if (l != null)
- {
- if (l.msg == s) l.c += 1;
- else superLoggedMessages.Add(new logmsg(s, s2, level));
- }
- else superLoggedMessages.Add(new logmsg(s, s2, level));
- if (superLoggedMessages.Count > MAX_SUPER_LOG) superLoggedMessages.RemoveAt(0);
- loggedMessagesDirty = true;
- }
- static public string loggedMessagesRender = "";
- static public void updateLoggedMessagesRender()
- {
- if (!loggedMessagesDirty) return;
- StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder();
- //if (!loggedMessagesDirty) return;// loggedMessagesRender;
- foreach (var m in loggedMessages)
- {
- b.Append(m.msg);
- if (m.c > 1) bapp(b," (" ,m.c ,")");
- b.Append("\n");
- }
- string o = b.ToString();
- loggedMessagesDirty = false;
- loggedMessagesRender = o;
- }
- static public void writeSuperlog()
- {
- StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder();
- //if (!loggedMessagesDirty) return;// loggedMessagesRender;
- foreach (var m in superLoggedMessages)
- {
- b.Append(m.msg);
- if (m.c > 1) bapp(b, " (", m.c, ")");
- b.Append("\n");
- }
- string o = b.ToString();
- controllers[0].CustomData = o;
- log(controllers[0].CustomName, LT.LOG_N);
- }
- }
- static void bapp(StringBuilder b, params object[] args)
- {
- foreach (object a in args)
- {
- b.Append(a.ToString());
- }
- }
- public class Stopwatch
- {
- DateTime start;
- public Stopwatch()
- {
- start = DateTime.Now;
- }
- public double e()
- {
- return (DateTime.Now - start).TotalMilliseconds;
- }
- }
- public class Profiler
- {
- static bool PROFILING_ENABLED = true;
- static List<Profiler> profilers = new List<Profiler>();
- const int mstracklen = 60;
- double[] mstrack = new double[mstracklen];
- double msdiv = 1.0d / mstracklen;
- int mscursor = 0;
- DateTime start_time = DateTime.MinValue;
- string Name = "";
- string pre = "";
- string post = "";
- int _ticks_between_calls = 1;
- int ltick = int.MinValue;
- // callspertick = 1;
- static int base_sort_position_c = 0;
- int base_sort_position = 0;
- bool nevercalled = true;
- //bool closed = true;
- public int getSortPosition()
- {
- if (nevercalled) return int.MaxValue;
- int mult = (int)Math.Pow(10, 8 - (depth * 2));
- if (parent != null) return parent.getSortPosition() + (base_sort_position * mult);
- return base_sort_position * mult;
- }
- static int basep = (int)Math.Pow(10, 5);
- public Profiler(string name)
- {
- {
- Name = name;
- profilers.Add(this);
- for(var i =0; i < mstracklen; i++)mstrack[i] = 0;
- base_sort_position = base_sort_position_c;
- base_sort_position_c += 1;
- }
- }
- public void s()
- {
- start();
- }
- public void e()
- {
- stop();
- }
- static List<Profiler> stack = new List<Profiler>();
- Profiler parent = null;
- int depth = 0;
- bool adding = false;
- public void start()
- {
- {
- //closed = false;
- nevercalled = false;
- if (tick != ltick)
- {
- if (_ticks_between_calls == 1 && ltick != int.MinValue)
- {
- _ticks_between_calls = tick - ltick;
- }else
- {
- var tbc = tick - ltick;
- if (tbc != _ticks_between_calls)
- {
- _ticks_between_calls = 1;
- for (var i = 0; i < mstracklen; i++) mstrack[i] = 0;
- }
- }
- ltick = tick;
- //callspertick = 1;
- adding = false;
- }
- else
- {
- adding = true;
- }
- if (depth == 0) depth = stack.Count;
- if (depth > 11) depth = 11;
- if (stack.Count > 0 && parent == null) parent = stack[stack.Count - 1];
- stack.Add(this);
- start_time = DateTime.Now;
- }
- }
- double lastms = 0;
- double average = 0;
- /// <summary>
- /// records a fake ms consumption for this timeframe - for tests or demo
- /// </summary>
- public double FAKE_stop(double fakems)
- {
- return stop(fakems);
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// adds the elapsed time since start() to the records
- /// </summary>
- public double stop()
- {
- double time = 0;
- {
- //closed = true;
- time = (DateTime.Now - start_time).TotalMilliseconds;
- }
- return stop(time);
- }
- private double stop(double _ms)
- {
- double time = 0;
- {
- time = _ms;
- stack.Pop();
- if (parent != null)
- {
- depth = parent.depth + 1;
- }
- //if(!adding)mscursor = (mscursor + 1) % mstracklen;
- if (!adding) mstrack[mscursor] = 0;
- mstrack[mscursor] += time;
- if (!adding) mscursor = (mscursor + 1) % mstracklen;
- average = 0d;
- foreach (double ms in mstrack) average += ms;
- average *= msdiv;
- average /= _ticks_between_calls;
- lastms = time;
- }
- return time;
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// generates a monospaced report text. If called every tick, every 120 ticks it will recalculate treeview data.
- /// </summary>
- //the treeview can be initially inaccurate as some profilers might not be called every tick, depending on program architecture
- public string getReport(StringBuilder bu)
- {
- {
- if (tick % 120 == 25)//recalculate hacky treeview data, delayed by 25 ticks from program start
- {
- try
- {
- profilers.Sort(delegate (Profiler x, Profiler y)
- {
- return x.getSortPosition().CompareTo(y.getSortPosition());
- });
- }
- catch (Exception) { }
- for (int i = 0; i < profilers.Count; i++)
- {
- Profiler p = profilers[i];
- p.pre = "";
- if (p.depth > 0 && p.parent != null)
- {
- bool parent_has_future_siblings = false;
- bool has_future_siblings_under_parent = false;
- for (int b = i + 1; b < profilers.Count; b++)
- {
- if (profilers[b].depth == p.parent.depth) parent_has_future_siblings = true;
- if (profilers[b].depth == p.depth) has_future_siblings_under_parent = true;
- if (profilers[b].depth < p.depth) break;
- }
- while (p.pre.Length < p.parent.depth)
- {
- if (parent_has_future_siblings) p.pre += "│";
- else p.pre += " ";
- }
- bool last = false;
- if (!has_future_siblings_under_parent)
- {
- if (i < profilers.Count - 1)
- {
- if (profilers[i + 1].depth != p.depth) last = true;
- }
- else last = true;
- }
- if (last) p.pre += "â””";
- else p.pre += "├";
- while (p.pre.Length < p.depth) p.pre += "─";
- }
- }
- int mlen = 0;
- foreach (Profiler p in profilers) if (p.pre.Length + p.Name.Length > mlen) mlen = p.pre.Length + p.Name.Length;
- foreach (Profiler p in profilers)
- {
- = "";
- int l = p.pre.Length + p.Name.Length +;
- if (l < mlen) = new string('_', mlen - l);
- }
- }
- if (nevercalled) bapp(bu, "!!!!", Name , "!!!!: NEVER CALLED!");
- else bapp(bu, pre, Name, post, ": " , lastms.ToString("0.00") , ";", average.ToString("0.00"));
- }
- return "";
- }
- static public string getAllReports()
- {
- StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder();
- //string r = "";
- {
- foreach (Profiler watch in profilers)
- {
- watch.getReport(b);
- b.Append("\n");
- }
- }
- if (stack.Count > 0)
- {
- bapp(b,"profile stack error:\n", stack.Count, "\n");
- foreach (var s in stack)
- {
- bapp(b, s.Name, ",");
- }
- }
- return b.ToString();
- }
- }
- static IMyTextSurface consoleLog = null;
- static IMyTextSurface statusLog = null;
- static IMyTextSurface profileLog = null;
- static IMyTextSurface cargodbg = null;
- static IMyTextSurface autocraftingLCD = null;
- static List<IMyAssembler> assemblers = new List<IMyAssembler>();
- //static List<IMyTerminalBlock> weaponCoreWeapons = new List<IMyTerminalBlock>();
- static List<IMyShipController> controllers = new List<IMyShipController>();
- static List<IMyShipConnector> connectors = new List<IMyShipConnector>();
- static List<IMyTerminalBlock> inventoryBlocks = new List<IMyTerminalBlock>();
- static public WcPbApi APIWC = null;
- static public ResourceLoader resourceLoader = null;
- public class ResourceLoader
- {
- public Program p;
- public bool neverFullyLoaded = true;
- public ResourceLoader()
- {
- mkBlockCheckMachine();
- }
- bool readConfig = false;
- public void update()
- {
- if (APIWC == null)
- {
- APIWC = new WcPbApi();
- try
- {
- APIWC.Activate(gProgram.Me);
- }
- catch (Exception) { }
- }
- if (!APIWC.isReady && tick % 30 == 0)
- {
- try
- {
- APIWC.Activate(gProgram.Me);
- }
- catch (Exception) { }
- }
- if (!APIWC.isReady) return;
- if (!readConfig || tick % 60 == 0)
- {
- readConfig = true;
- /*if (p.Me.CustomData != lastCustomData)
- {
- //log("Loading CustomData.", LT.LOG_N);
- //deserializeConfig(p.Me.CustomData);
- //p.Me.CustomData = lastCustomData = serializeConfig();
- }*/
- }
- if (blockCheckMachine != null)
- {
- if (!blockCheckMachine.MoveNext())
- {
- blockCheckMachine.Dispose();
- blockCheckMachine = null;
- }
- }
- else if (readConfig && tick % (5 * 60 * 60) == 0) mkBlockCheckMachine();
- }
- public string lastCustomData = "-1";
- IEnumerator<bool> blockCheckMachine = null;
- void mkBlockCheckMachine()
- {
- if (blockCheckMachine != null) blockCheckMachine.Dispose();
- blockCheckMachine = blockLoader();
- step = 0;
- }
- public int step = 0;
- public bool isThis(IMyTerminalBlock b)
- {
- return b.OwnerId == p.Me.OwnerId && b.CubeGrid == p.Me.CubeGrid;
- }
- public IEnumerator<bool> blockLoader()
- {
- var gts = p.GridTerminalSystem;
- consoleLog = null;
- statusLog = null;
- profileLog = null;
- List<IMyTerminalBlock> LCDs = new List<IMyTerminalBlock>();
- gts.GetBlocksOfType(LCDs, b => (b is IMyTextSurface) && b.CubeGrid == p.Me.CubeGrid);
- foreach (var b in LCDs)
- {
- IMyTextSurface s = b as IMyTextSurface;
- if (b.CustomData.Contains("statusLog")) statusLog = s;
- else if (b.CustomData.Contains("consoleLog")) consoleLog = s;
- else if (b.CustomData.Contains("profileLog")) profileLog = s;
- else if (b.CustomData.Contains("cargodbg")) cargodbg = s;
- else if (b.CustomName.Contains("Autocrafting")) autocraftingLCD = s;
- }
- step++;
- yield return true;
- gts.GetBlocksOfType(controllers, isThis);
- step++;
- yield return true;
- step++;
- connectors.Clear();
- gts.GetBlocksOfType(connectors, isThis);
- yield return true;
- step++;
- if (USE_SKITS) gts.GetBlocksOfType(assemblers, isThis);
- else gts.GetBlocksOfType(assemblers, b => isThis(b) && b.DefinitionDisplayNameText != "Survival Kit");
- yield return true;
- step++;
- //gts.GetBlocksOfType(weaponCoreWeapons, b => b.CubeGrid == p.Me.CubeGrid && b.IsFunctional && APIWC.HasCoreWeapon(b));
- //yield return true;
- //step++;
- gts.GetBlocksOfType(inventoryBlocks, b => b.HasInventory && b.HasPlayerAccess(p.Me.OwnerId));
- yield return true;
- step++;
- if (neverFullyLoaded) log("BOOT DONE. "+tick+"t ("+(((float)tick)/60).ToString("0.0")+"s)", LT.LOG_N);
- neverFullyLoaded = false;
- step++;
- yield return false;
- }
- }
- public class SpriteHUDLCD
- {
- static Dictionary<string, Color> ColorList = new Dictionary<string, Color> { { "aliceblue", Color.AliceBlue }, { "antiquewhite", Color.AntiqueWhite }, { "aqua", Color.Aqua }, { "aquamarine", Color.Aquamarine }, { "azure", Color.Azure }, { "beige", Color.Beige }, { "bisque", Color.Bisque }, { "black", Color.Black }, { "blanchedalmond", Color.BlanchedAlmond }, { "blue", Color.Blue }, { "blueviolet", Color.BlueViolet }, { "brown", Color.Brown }, { "burlywood", Color.BurlyWood }, { "badetblue", Color.CadetBlue }, { "chartreuse", Color.Chartreuse }, { "chocolate", Color.Chocolate }, { "coral", Color.Coral }, { "cornflowerblue", Color.CornflowerBlue }, { "cornsilk", Color.Cornsilk }, { "crimson", Color.Crimson }, { "cyan", Color.Cyan }, { "darkblue", Color.DarkBlue }, { "darkcyan", Color.DarkCyan }, { "darkgoldenrod", Color.DarkGoldenrod }, { "darkgray", Color.DarkGray }, { "darkgreen", Color.DarkGreen }, { "darkkhaki", Color.DarkKhaki }, { "darkmagenta", Color.DarkMagenta }, { "darkoliveGreen", Color.DarkOliveGreen }, { "darkorange", Color.DarkOrange }, { "darkorchid", Color.DarkOrchid }, { "darkred", Color.DarkRed }, { "darksalmon", Color.DarkSalmon }, { "darkseagreen", Color.DarkSeaGreen }, { "darkslateblue", Color.DarkSlateBlue }, { "darkslategray", Color.DarkSlateGray }, { "darkturquoise", Color.DarkTurquoise }, { "darkviolet", Color.DarkViolet }, { "deeppink", Color.DeepPink }, { "deepskyblue", Color.DeepSkyBlue }, { "dimgray", Color.DimGray }, { "dodgerblue", Color.DodgerBlue }, { "firebrick", Color.Firebrick }, { "floralwhite", Color.FloralWhite }, { "forestgreen", Color.ForestGreen }, { "fuchsia", Color.Fuchsia }, { "gainsboro", Color.Gainsboro }, { "ghostwhite", Color.GhostWhite }, { "gold", Color.Gold }, { "goldenrod", Color.Goldenrod }, { "gray", Color.Gray }, { "green", Color.Green }, { "greenyellow", Color.GreenYellow }, { "doneydew", Color.Honeydew }, { "hotpink", Color.HotPink }, { "indianred", Color.IndianRed }, { "indigo", Color.Indigo }, { "ivory", Color.Ivory }, { "khaki", Color.Khaki }, { "lavender", Color.Lavender }, { "lavenderblush", Color.LavenderBlush }, { "lawngreen", Color.LawnGreen }, { "lemonchiffon", Color.LemonChiffon }, { "lightblue", Color.LightBlue }, { "lightcoral", Color.LightCoral }, { "lightcyan", Color.LightCyan }, { "lightgoldenrodyellow", Color.LightGoldenrodYellow }, { "lightgray", Color.LightGray }, { "lightgreen", Color.LightGreen }, { "lightpink", Color.LightPink }, { "lightsalmon", Color.LightSalmon }, { "lightseagreen", Color.LightSeaGreen }, { "lightskyblue", Color.LightSkyBlue }, { "lightslategray", Color.LightSlateGray }, { "lightsteelblue", Color.LightSteelBlue }, { "lightyellow", Color.LightYellow }, { "lime", Color.Lime }, { "limegreen", Color.LimeGreen }, { "linen", Color.Linen }, { "magenta", Color.Magenta }, { "maroon", Color.Maroon }, { "mediumaquamarine", Color.MediumAquamarine }, { "mediumblue", Color.MediumBlue }, { "mediumorchid", Color.MediumOrchid }, { "mediumpurple", Color.MediumPurple }, { "mediumseagreen", Color.MediumSeaGreen }, { "mediumslateblue", Color.MediumSlateBlue }, { "mediumspringgreen", Color.MediumSpringGreen }, { "mediumturquoise", Color.MediumTurquoise }, { "mediumvioletred", Color.MediumVioletRed }, { "midnightblue", Color.MidnightBlue }, { "mintcream", Color.MintCream }, { "mistyrose", Color.MistyRose }, { "moccasin", Color.Moccasin }, { "navajowhite", Color.NavajoWhite }, { "navy", Color.Navy }, { "oldlace", Color.OldLace }, { "olive", Color.Olive }, { "olivedrab", Color.OliveDrab }, { "orange", Color.Orange }, { "orangered", Color.OrangeRed }, { "orchid", Color.Orchid }, { "palegoldenrod", Color.PaleGoldenrod }, { "palegreen", Color.PaleGreen }, { "paleturquoise", Color.PaleTurquoise }, { "palevioletred", Color.PaleVioletRed }, { "papayawhip", Color.PapayaWhip }, { "peachpuff", Color.PeachPuff }, { "peru", Color.Peru }, { "pink", Color.Pink }, { "plum", Color.Plum }, { "powderblue", Color.PowderBlue }, { "purple", Color.Purple }, { "red", Color.Red }, { "rosybrown", Color.RosyBrown }, { "royalblue", Color.RoyalBlue }, { "saddlebrown", Color.SaddleBrown }, { "salmon", Color.Salmon }, { "sandybrown", Color.SandyBrown }, { "seagreen", Color.SeaGreen }, { "seashell", Color.SeaShell }, { "sienna", Color.Sienna }, { "silver", Color.Silver }, { "skyblue", Color.SkyBlue }, { "slateblue", Color.SlateBlue }, { "slategray", Color.SlateGray }, { "snow", Color.Snow }, { "springgreen", Color.SpringGreen }, { "steelblue", Color.SteelBlue }, { "tan", Color.Tan }, { "teal", Color.Teal }, { "thistle", Color.Thistle }, { "tomato", Color.Tomato }, { "turquoise", Color.Turquoise }, { "violet", Color.Violet }, { "wheat", Color.Wheat }, { "white", Color.White }, { "whitesmoke", Color.WhiteSmoke }, { "yellow", Color.Yellow }, { "yellowgreen", Color.YellowGreen } };
- public IMyTextSurface s = null;
- public SpriteHUDLCD(IMyTextSurface s)
- {
- this.s = s;
- }
- int ltick = -1;
- string lasttext = "-1";
- public void setLCD(string text)
- {
- if (text != lasttext || tick - ltick > 120)
- {
- ltick = tick;
- lasttext = text;
- s.WriteText(text);
- List<object> tok = new List<object>();
- string[] tokens = text.Split(new string[] { "<color=" }, StringSplitOptions.None);
- for (int i = 0; i < tokens.Length; i++)
- {
- var t = tokens[i];
- foreach (var kvp in ColorList)
- {
- if (t.StartsWith(kvp.Key + ">"))
- {
- t = t.Substring(kvp.Key.Length + 1);
- tok.Add(kvp.Value);
- break;
- }
- }
- tok.Add(t);
- }
- s.ContentType = ContentType.SCRIPT;
- s.Script = "";
- s.Font = "Monospace";
- RectangleF _viewport;
- _viewport = new RectangleF(
- (s.TextureSize - s.SurfaceSize) / 2f,
- s.SurfaceSize
- );
- using (var frame = s.DrawFrame())
- {
- var zpos = new Vector2(0, 0) + _viewport.Position + new Vector2(s.TextPadding / 100 * s.SurfaceSize.X, s.TextPadding / 100 * s.SurfaceSize.Y);
- var position = zpos;
- Color cColor = Color.White;
- foreach (var t in tok)
- {
- if (t is Color) cColor = (Color)t;
- else if (t is string) writeText((string)t, frame, ref position, zpos, s.FontSize, cColor);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- public void writeText(string text, MySpriteDrawFrame frame, ref Vector2 pos, Vector2 zpos, float textSize, Color color)
- {
- string[] lines = text.Split('\n');
- for (int l = 0; l < lines.Length; l++)
- {
- var line = lines[l];
- if (line.Length > 0)
- {
- MySprite sprite = MySprite.CreateText(line, "Monospace", color, textSize, TextAlignment.LEFT);
- sprite.Position = pos;
- frame.Add(sprite);
- }
- if (l < lines.Length - 1)
- {
- pos.X = zpos.X;
- pos.Y += 28 * textSize;
- }
- else pos.X += 20 * textSize * line.Length;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- public class WcPbApi
- {
- public string[] WcBlockTypeLabels = new string[]
- {
- "Any",
- "Offense",
- "Utility",
- "Power",
- "Production",
- "Thrust",
- "Jumping",
- "Steering"
- };
- private Action<ICollection<MyDefinitionId>> a;
- private Func<IMyTerminalBlock, IDictionary<string, int>, bool> b;
- private Action<IMyTerminalBlock, IDictionary<MyDetectedEntityInfo, float>> c;
- private Func<long, bool> d;
- private Func<long, int, MyDetectedEntityInfo> e;
- private Func<IMyTerminalBlock, long, int, bool> f;
- private Action<IMyTerminalBlock, bool, bool, int> g;
- private Func<IMyTerminalBlock, bool> h;
- private Action<IMyTerminalBlock, ICollection<MyDetectedEntityInfo>> i;
- private Func<IMyTerminalBlock, ICollection<string>, int, bool> j;
- private Action<IMyTerminalBlock, ICollection<string>, int> k;
- private Func<IMyTerminalBlock, long, int, Vector3D?> l;
- private Func<IMyTerminalBlock, int, Matrix> m;
- private Func<IMyTerminalBlock, int, Matrix> n;
- private Func<IMyTerminalBlock, long, int, MyTuple<bool, Vector3D?>> o;
- private Func<IMyTerminalBlock, int, string> p;
- private Action<IMyTerminalBlock, int, string> q;
- private Func<long, float> r;
- private Func<IMyTerminalBlock, int, MyDetectedEntityInfo> s;
- private Action<IMyTerminalBlock, long, int> t;
- private Func<long, MyTuple<bool, int, int>> u;
- private Action<IMyTerminalBlock, bool, int> v;
- private Func<IMyTerminalBlock, int, bool, bool, bool> w;
- private Func<IMyTerminalBlock, int, float> x;
- private Func<IMyTerminalBlock, int, MyTuple<Vector3D, Vector3D>> y;
- private Func<IMyTerminalBlock, float> _getCurrentPower;
- public Func<Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyTerminalBlock, float> _getHeatLevel;
- public bool isReady = false;
- IMyTerminalBlock pbBlock = null;
- public bool Activate(IMyTerminalBlock pbBlock)
- {
- this.pbBlock = pbBlock;
- var dict = pbBlock.GetProperty("WcPbAPI")?.As<IReadOnlyDictionary<string, Delegate>>().GetValue(pbBlock);
- if (dict == null) throw new Exception("WcPbAPI failed to activate");
- return ApiAssign(dict);
- }
- public bool ApiAssign(IReadOnlyDictionary<string, Delegate> delegates)
- {
- if (delegates == null)
- return false;
- AssignMethod(delegates, "GetCoreWeapons", ref a);
- AssignMethod(delegates, "GetBlockWeaponMap", ref b);
- AssignMethod(delegates, "GetSortedThreats", ref c);
- AssignMethod(delegates, "GetObstructions", ref i);
- AssignMethod(delegates, "HasGridAi", ref d);
- AssignMethod(delegates, "GetAiFocus", ref e);
- AssignMethod(delegates, "SetAiFocus", ref f);
- AssignMethod(delegates, "HasCoreWeapon", ref h);
- AssignMethod(delegates, "GetPredictedTargetPosition", ref l);
- AssignMethod(delegates, "GetTurretTargetTypes", ref j);
- AssignMethod(delegates, "SetTurretTargetTypes", ref k);
- AssignMethod(delegates, "GetWeaponAzimuthMatrix", ref m);
- AssignMethod(delegates, "GetWeaponElevationMatrix", ref n);
- AssignMethod(delegates, "IsTargetAlignedExtended", ref o);
- AssignMethod(delegates, "GetActiveAmmo", ref p);
- AssignMethod(delegates, "SetActiveAmmo", ref q);
- AssignMethod(delegates, "GetConstructEffectiveDps", ref r);
- AssignMethod(delegates, "GetWeaponTarget", ref s);
- AssignMethod(delegates, "SetWeaponTarget", ref t);
- AssignMethod(delegates, "GetProjectilesLockedOn", ref u);
- AssignMethod(delegates, "FireWeaponOnce", ref v);
- AssignMethod(delegates, "ToggleWeaponFire", ref g);
- AssignMethod(delegates, "IsWeaponReadyToFire", ref w);
- AssignMethod(delegates, "GetMaxWeaponRange", ref x);
- AssignMethod(delegates, "GetWeaponScope", ref y);
- AssignMethod(delegates, "GetCurrentPower", ref _getCurrentPower);
- AssignMethod(delegates, "GetHeatLevel", ref _getHeatLevel);
- //Delegate.CreateDelegate(null, null);
- isReady = true;
- return true;
- }
- private void AssignMethod<T>(IReadOnlyDictionary<string, Delegate> delegates, string name, ref T field) where T : class
- {
- if (delegates == null)
- {
- field = null;
- return;
- }
- Delegate del;
- if (!delegates.TryGetValue(name, out del))
- throw new Exception($"{GetType().Name} :: Couldn't find {name} delegate of type {typeof(T)}");
- field = del as T;
- if (field == null)
- throw new Exception(
- $"{GetType().Name} :: Delegate {name} is not type {typeof(T)}, instead it's: {del.GetType()}");
- }
- public void GetAllCoreWeapons(ICollection<MyDefinitionId> collection) => a?.Invoke(collection);
- public void GetSortedThreats(IDictionary<MyDetectedEntityInfo, float> collection) =>
- c?.Invoke(pbBlock, collection);
- public bool HasGridAi(long entity) => d?.Invoke(entity) ?? false;
- public MyDetectedEntityInfo? GetAiFocus(long shooter, int priority = 0) => e?.Invoke(shooter, priority);
- public bool SetAiFocus(IMyTerminalBlock pBlock, long target, int priority = 0) =>
- f?.Invoke(pBlock, target, priority) ?? false;
- public void ToggleWeaponFire(IMyTerminalBlock weapon, bool on, bool allWeapons, int weaponId = 0) =>
- g?.Invoke(weapon, on, allWeapons, weaponId);
- public bool HasCoreWeapon(IMyTerminalBlock weapon) => h?.Invoke(weapon) ?? false;
- public void GetObstructions(IMyTerminalBlock pBlock, ICollection<MyDetectedEntityInfo> collection) =>
- i?.Invoke(pBlock, collection);
- public Vector3D? GetPredictedTargetPosition(IMyTerminalBlock weapon, long targetEnt, int weaponId) =>
- l?.Invoke(weapon, targetEnt, weaponId) ?? null;
- public Matrix GetWeaponAzimuthMatrix(IMyTerminalBlock weapon, int weaponId) =>
- m?.Invoke(weapon, weaponId) ?? Matrix.Zero;
- public Matrix GetWeaponElevationMatrix(IMyTerminalBlock weapon, int weaponId) =>
- n?.Invoke(weapon, weaponId) ?? Matrix.Zero;
- public MyTuple<bool, Vector3D?> IsTargetAlignedExtended(IMyTerminalBlock weapon, long targetEnt, int weaponId) =>
- o?.Invoke(weapon, targetEnt, weaponId) ?? new MyTuple<bool, Vector3D?>();
- public string GetActiveAmmo(IMyTerminalBlock weapon, int weaponId) =>
- p?.Invoke(weapon, weaponId) ?? null;
- public void SetActiveAmmo(IMyTerminalBlock weapon, int weaponId, string ammoType) =>
- q?.Invoke(weapon, weaponId, ammoType);
- public float GetConstructEffectiveDps(long entity) => r?.Invoke(entity) ?? 0f;
- public MyDetectedEntityInfo? GetWeaponTarget(IMyTerminalBlock weapon, int weaponId = 0) =>
- s?.Invoke(weapon, weaponId);
- public void SetWeaponTarget(IMyTerminalBlock weapon, long target, int weaponId = 0) =>
- t?.Invoke(weapon, target, weaponId);
- public bool GetBlockWeaponMap(IMyTerminalBlock weaponBlock, IDictionary<string, int> collection) =>
- b?.Invoke(weaponBlock, collection) ?? false;
- public MyTuple<bool, int, int> GetProjectilesLockedOn(long victim) =>
- u?.Invoke(victim) ?? new MyTuple<bool, int, int>();
- public void FireWeaponOnce(IMyTerminalBlock weapon, bool allWeapons = true, int weaponId = 0) =>
- v?.Invoke(weapon, allWeapons, weaponId);
- public bool IsWeaponReadyToFire(IMyTerminalBlock weapon, int weaponId = 0, bool anyWeaponReady = true,
- bool shootReady = false) =>
- w?.Invoke(weapon, weaponId, anyWeaponReady, shootReady) ?? false;
- public float GetMaxWeaponRange(IMyTerminalBlock weapon, int weaponId) =>
- x?.Invoke(weapon, weaponId) ?? 0f;
- public MyTuple<Vector3D, Vector3D> GetWeaponScope(IMyTerminalBlock weapon, int weaponId) =>
- y?.Invoke(weapon, weaponId) ?? new MyTuple<Vector3D, Vector3D>();
- public float GetCurrentPower(IMyTerminalBlock weapon) => _getCurrentPower?.Invoke(weapon) ?? 0f;
- public float GetHeatLevel(Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyTerminalBlock weapon) => _getHeatLevel?.Invoke(weapon) ?? 0f;
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