

Mar 11th, 2020
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  1. [b]Preliminary Rules[/b]
  2. [ol][li]You must post your point score with [b][nobbcode][inventory=typerace][/nobbcode][/b] at the end of the race and [b]say that you would like to get point incentive prize(s) within 24 hours after the type race ends[/b].[/li]
  3. [li]Everyone will get to pick an incentive [i]of their choice[/i] from a pool for their point cateogry (e.g. if you have 500 points you get to choose from the pool labeled for that goal).[/li]
  4. [li]The order of price picking will be whomever posted their score first after the type race ends.[/li]
  5. [li]MinniHowl will stop taking incentive prices on [b]March 14, 2020 at 24:00[/b] (reset).[/li]
  6. [li]All prizes who are not handed out to participants will be returned to its previous owner(s).[/li]
  7. [li]Unclaimed prices after 24 hours of being sent will be returned to its previous owner(s).[/li]
  8. [li]In the unlikely event that we run out of incentive pokemon, you will recieve an incentive prize from either myself (MinniHowl) or Axelerate13. More info on that will come if it occurs.[/li][/ol]
  10. [b]Incentive goals (subject to change depending on incentives available):[/b]
  11. [ul][li]500 points: 1k-3k exp shiny pokemon [u]or[/u] albino pokemon[/li]
  12. [li]1000 points: a 5k exp shiny pokemon [u]or[/u] albino pokemon[/li]
  13. [li]1500 points: 5k-6k shiny pokemon [u]or[/u] albino pokemon[/li]
  14. [li]2000 points: a 6k-10k shiny pokemon [u]or[/u] albino pokemon[/li][/ul]
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