

Apr 8th, 2017
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  1. Hi.
  3. I said a mean thing to someone when they joined the NCNSW tournament. So bad that they dropped out. I realized I was harsh and apologized. And then all was good. The rest of that day, though, I had that nasty feeling where I hated myself; "how could I say such a thing."
  5. I thought I should clarify after Truman's pastebin where he had this as an example of "the community leaders [being] bitter and disillusioned towards a large part of the community." I have never ever even thought of myself as being on top of other people just for helping organize events. In fact in the recent months I've considered myself farther away from the community than I have in a long while since my focuses have shifted a lot from Super Mario World.
  7. I need to point out that what I said was from pure haste as I was handling a lot of stuff at once. I'm one of those people who takes forever to plan out what to say (if you've listened to me talk in person you've probably noticed I stumble on words a lot). Well in the heat of things I made some replies without reading over them like I usually would, so they came out sour. I've already taken this mistake as a learning experience for the future, and will make sure to lay out my thoughts better to make them not so angry sounding.
  9. I didn't think I would have to write out this explanation but I did anyway because I don't want anyone thinking I see myself as superior to others.
  11. -Dotsarecool::
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