
Simple Logic.

May 1st, 2020
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  1. Be afraid of Child abuse. Be very afraid of Child abuse. Sadly I want to, but I feel like if I did; that it would basically be pointless and for me to get involved and cops can't make an arrest or won't if no one confesses and I know of a 6 people in a gang in my own neighborhood. Everyone wants to stop child love, but I don't see ANYONE doing shit about Child ABUSE, so until you all do something about and realize that you have the power to do something about it; nothing is gonna happen and the abusers, not the child lovers; the abusers are going to keep winning. I've lost so many good friends to so called "Preventionist" Child lovers that actually abuse them, so as long as prevention can be used as a cover for "Protecting" them from "Love"; it isolates the children from anyone intervening in Child abuse. FYI, I bet you made a great video; the truth is I didn't watch it. Don't silence love, speak up about abuse. I advocate the death penalty for Child Abuse and I started a petition and I got zero, (0) signatures. I propose all of you are either too afraid, (also isolated) or you're so confused that you believe it's appropriate to label child killers and rapists, "Child Lovers". You are the people that need to see a therapist, because trust me you are gonna be scarred for life. You're just afraid that the abusers are gonna have free reign to all the children they want. Relax they already do. Heterosexual couples and Child lovers are no different. The thing that separates a healthy relationship and abusive one? is the abuse. (
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