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- def k_up_left(k_x,k_y,b_x,b_y):
- if k_x-1>=0 and k_y+2<8 and (k_x-1!=b_x or k_y+2!=b_y):
- return k_x-1, k_y+2
- return k_x,k_y
- def k_up_right(k_x,k_y,b_x,b_y):
- if k_x+1<8 and k_y+2<8 and (k_x+1!=b_x or k_y+2!=b_y):
- return k_x+1, k_y+2
- return k_x,k_y
- def k_right_down(k_x,k_y,b_x,b_y):
- if k_x+2<8 and k_y-1>=0 and (k_x+2!=b_x or k_y-1!=b_y):
- return k_x+2, k_y-1
- return k_x,k_y
- def k_right_up(k_x,k_y,b_x,b_y):
- if k_x+2<8 and k_y+1<8 and (k_x+2!=b_x or k_y+1!=b_y):
- return k_x+2, k_y+1
- return k_x,k_y
- def k_left_down(k_x,k_y,b_x,b_y):
- if k_x-2>=0 and k_y-1>=0 and (k_x-2!=b_x or k_y-1!=b_y):
- return k_x-2, k_y-1
- return k_x,k_y
- def k_left_up(k_x,k_y,b_x,b_y):
- if k_x-2>=0 and k_y+1<8 and (k_x-2!=b_x or k_y+1!=b_y):
- return k_x-2, k_y+1
- return k_x,k_y
- def k_down_left(k_x,k_y,b_x,b_y):
- if k_x-1>0 and k_y-2>=0 and (k_x-1!=b_x or k_y-2!=b_y):
- return k_x-1, k_y-2
- return k_x,k_y
- def k_down_right(k_x,k_y,b_x,b_y):
- if k_x+1<8 and k_y-2>=0 and (k_x+1!=b_x or k_y-2!=b_y):
- return k_x+1, k_y-2
- return k_x,k_y
- def b_down_left(k_x,k_y,b_x,b_y):
- if b_x-1>=0 and k_y-1>=0 and (k_x!=b_x-1 or k_y!=b_y-1):
- return b_x-1,b_y-1
- return b_x,b_y
- def b_down_right(k_x,k_y,b_x,b_y):
- if b_x+1<8 and k_y-1>=0 and (k_x!=b_x+1 or k_y!=b_y-1):
- return b_x+1,b_y-1
- return b_x,b_y
- def b_up_left(k_x,k_y,b_x,b_y):
- if b_x-1>=0 and k_y+1<8 and (k_x!=b_x-1 or k_y!=b_y+1):
- return b_x-1,b_y+1
- return b_x,b_y
- def b_up_right(k_x,k_y,b_x,b_y):
- if b_x+1<8 and k_y+1<8 and (k_x!=b_x+1 or k_y!=b_y+1):
- return b_x+1,b_y+1
- return b_x,b_y
- class Stars(Problem):
- def __init__(self, initial, house=None):
- super().__init__(initial, house)
- def goal_test(self, state):
- stars= state[4]
- return len(stars)==0
- def successor(self, state):
- succ = {}
- k_x= state[0]
- k_y= state[1]
- b_x= state[2]
- b_y= state[3]
- stars= state[4]
- new_k_x, new_k_y = k_up_right(k_x, k_y, b_x, b_y)
- if new_k_x != k_x:
- succ["Konj Gore Desno"] = (
- new_k_x, new_k_y, b_x, b_y, tuple([s for s in stars if (s[0], s[1]) != (new_k_x, new_k_y)]))
- new_k_x, new_k_y = k_up_left(k_x, k_y, b_x, b_y)
- if new_k_x != k_x:
- succ["Konj Gore Levo"] = (
- new_k_x, new_k_y, b_x, b_y, tuple([s for s in stars if (s[0], s[1]) != (new_k_x, new_k_y)]))
- new_k_x, new_k_y = k_right_up(k_x, k_y, b_x, b_y)
- if new_k_x != k_x:
- succ["Konj Desno Gore"] = (
- new_k_x, new_k_y, b_x, b_y, tuple([s for s in stars if (s[0], s[1]) != (new_k_x, new_k_y)]))
- new_k_x, new_k_y = k_right_down(k_x, k_y, b_x, b_y)
- if new_k_x != k_x:
- succ["Konj Desno Dolu"] = (
- new_k_x, new_k_y, b_x, b_y, tuple([s for s in stars if (s[0], s[1]) != (new_k_x, new_k_y)]))
- new_k_x, new_k_y = k_left_up(k_x, k_y, b_x, b_y)
- if new_k_x != k_x:
- succ["Konj Levo Gore"] = (
- new_k_x, new_k_y, b_x, b_y, tuple([s for s in stars if (s[0], s[1]) != (new_k_x, new_k_y)]))
- new_k_x, new_k_y = k_left_down(k_x, k_y, b_x, b_y)
- if new_k_x != k_x:
- succ["Konj Levo Dolu"] = (
- new_k_x, new_k_y, b_x, b_y, tuple([s for s in stars if (s[0], s[1]) != (new_k_x, new_k_y)]))
- new_k_x, new_k_y = k_down_left(k_x, k_y, b_x, b_y)
- if new_k_x != k_x:
- succ["Konj Dolu Levo"] = (
- new_k_x, new_k_y, b_x, b_y, tuple([s for s in stars if (s[0], s[1]) != (new_k_x, new_k_y)]))
- new_k_x, new_k_y = k_down_right(k_x, k_y, b_x, b_y)
- if new_k_x != k_x:
- succ["Konj Dolu Desno"] = (
- new_k_x, new_k_y, b_x, b_y, tuple([s for s in stars if (s[0], s[1]) != (new_k_x, new_k_y)]))
- new_b_x,new_b_y= b_up_left(k_x,k_y,b_x,b_y)
- if new_b_x!=b_x:
- succ["Lovec Gore Levo"] = (k_x,k_y,new_b_x,new_b_y,tuple([s for s in stars if (s[0],s[1])!=(new_b_x,new_b_y)]))
- new_b_x,new_b_y= b_up_right(k_x,k_y,b_x,b_y)
- if new_b_x!=b_x:
- succ["Lovec Gore Desno"] = (k_x,k_y,new_b_x,new_b_y,tuple([s for s in stars if (s[0],s[1])!=(new_b_x,new_b_y)]))
- new_b_x,new_b_y= b_down_left(k_x,k_y,b_x,b_y)
- if new_b_x!=b_x:
- succ["Lovec Dolu Levo"] = (k_x,k_y,new_b_x,new_b_y,tuple([s for s in stars if (s[0],s[1])!=(new_b_x,new_b_y)]))
- new_b_x, new_b_y = b_down_right(k_x, k_y, b_x, b_y)
- if new_b_x != b_x:
- succ["Lovec Dolu Desno"] = (k_x, k_y,new_b_x,new_b_y, tuple([s for s in stars if (s[0], s[1]) != (new_b_x, new_b_y)]))
- return succ
- def actions(self, state):
- return self.successor(state).keys()
- def result(self, state, action):
- return self.successor(state)[action]
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- k_x,k_y = input().split(',')
- k_x=int(k_x)
- k_y=int(k_y)
- b_x,b_y = input().split(',')
- b_x=int(b_x)
- b_y=int(b_y)
- stars= []
- n= int(input())
- for i in range(0,n):
- s_x,s_y = input().split(',')
- s_x = int(s_x)
- s_y = int(s_y)
- s = []
- s.append(s_x)
- s.append(s_y)
- stars.append(tuple(s))
- stars=tuple(stars)
- galaxies = ((1,1),(3,3),(5,7))
- stars_problem = Stars((k_x,k_y,b_x,b_y,stars))
- answer= breadth_first_graph_search(stars_problem)
- if answer is None:
- print("None")
- else:
- print(answer.solution())
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