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- /*Special thanks to the Reactor Usage script created by "me 10 Jin" which I have blatantly ripped REGEX usage from
- And also to Digi, whose Airlock Cycling script was used to figure out the timers for solar power output updating.
- */
- //regex taken from 10Jin's Reactor Usage script
- System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex pwrRegex = new System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex(
- "Max Output: (\\d+\\.?\\d*) (\\w?)W.*Current Output: (\\d+\\.?\\d*) (\\w?)W"
- , System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.Singleline);
- //regex altered from the above, this will detect stored and available power on a battery.
- System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex batteryRegex = new System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex(
- "Max Stored Power: (\\d+\\.?\\d*) (\\w?)Wh.*Current Input: (\\d+\\.?\\d*) (\\w?)W.*Stored power: (\\d+\\.?\\d*) (\\w?)Wh"
- , System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.Singleline);
- void Main()
- {
- //want battery set to charge if solar panels are outputting enough excess power to charge them.
- //want battery set to discharge if solar panels are not outputting enough excess power(to save uranium)
- //(stretch) enable reactors if batteries are all set to "discharge" and still not producing enough power.
- //batteries should never charge from reactors.
- //time to wait after shutting batteries down to check solar panels.
- int holdTime = 100;
- //without this delay, the solar panels won't update their output fast enough.
- //100ms is sufficient, less might work.
- //get all batteries and turn them off.
- var batteries = new List<IMyTerminalBlock>();
- GridTerminalSystem.GetBlocksOfType<IMyBatteryBlock>(batteries);
- //Grab all solar panels and batteries on the grid.
- var solars = new List<IMyTerminalBlock>();
- GridTerminalSystem.GetBlocksOfType<IMySolarPanel>(solars);
- double pwrMaxSum = 0.0;
- double pwrNowSum = 0.0;
- double solarPowerRatio = 0.0;
- double batteryPowerRatio = 0.0;
- double batteryCharge = 0.0;
- //These lines are to grab antennas for text ouptut.
- //Don't use them if you don't want your antennas getting randomly renamed.
- // var antennas = new List<IMyTerminalBlock>();
- // GridTerminalSystem.GetBlocksOfType<IMyRadioAntenna>(antennas);
- //Get total solar power ratio(thanks again 10Jin)
- for ( int i = 0; i <solars.Count ; i++ )
- {
- System.Text.RegularExpressions.Match match = pwrRegex.Match( solars[i].DetailedInfo );
- Double n;
- if ( match.Success )
- {
- if ( Double.TryParse( match.Groups[1].Value, out n ) )
- pwrMaxSum += n * Math.Pow( 1000.0, ".kMGTPEZY".IndexOf( match.Groups[2].Value ) );
- if ( Double.TryParse( match.Groups[3].Value, out n ) )
- pwrNowSum += n * Math.Pow( 1000.0, ".kMGTPEZY".IndexOf( match.Groups[4].Value ) );
- }
- }
- //get total power draw due to battery charging
- for ( int i = 0; i<batteries.Count ; i++)
- {
- System.Text.RegularExpressions.Match match = batteryRegex.Match( batteries[i].DetailedInfo);
- if (match.Success)
- {
- Double n;
- if( Double.TryParse(match.Groups[3].Value, out n))
- batteryCharge += n * Math.Pow( 1000.0, ".kMGTPEZY".IndexOf( match.Groups[4].Value));
- }
- }
- pwrNowSum -= batteryCharge;
- //make sure any solar panels were found.
- if(pwrMaxSum>0.0)
- {
- solarPowerRatio = pwrNowSum/pwrMaxSum;
- //antennas[0].SetCustomName("Solar power usage ratio: " + solarPowerRatio);
- }
- else
- {
- solarPowerRatio = 9999;
- //antennas[0].SetCustomName("Error: no solar energy being produced.");
- }
- if(solarPowerRatio < 0.99)//approximate cutoff due to floating-point weirdness
- {
- //Grab all reactors, turn them off(to save uranium)
- var reactors = new List<IMyTerminalBlock>();
- GridTerminalSystem.GetBlocksOfType<IMyReactor>(reactors);
- for(int i=0;i<reactors.Count;i++)
- {
- reactors[i].GetActionWithName("OnOff_Off").Apply(reactors[i]);
- }
- //grab all batteries, set them to "charge."
- for(int i=0;i<batteries.Count;i++)
- {
- //turn battery on because it was turned off for the solar check.
- // batteries[i].GetActionWithName("OnOff_On").Apply(batteries[i]);
- bool recharge = true;
- //Fun fact: Batteries don't have a field to tell you whether they're in "charge" mode or not!
- //Fortunately, the DetailedInfo string will tell you how long it will take to recharge or discharge.
- //checking which of these messages is in use will let us know whether we're
- //charging or discharging.
- string batteryInfo = batteries[i].DetailedInfo;
- recharge = batteryInfo.Contains("recharged");
- //if discharging
- if(!recharge)
- {
- batteries[i].GetActionWithName("Recharge").Apply(batteries[i]);
- }
- }
- }
- else//battery power needed.
- {
- for(int i=0;i<batteries.Count;i++)
- {
- //turn battery on because it was turned off for the solar check.
- batteries[i].GetActionWithName("OnOff_On").Apply(batteries[i]);
- bool recharge = true;
- //Check whether we're currently in recharge mode
- string batteryInfo = batteries[i].DetailedInfo;
- recharge = batteryInfo.Contains("recharged");
- //if it is, switch it out of recharge mode.
- if(recharge)
- {
- batteries[i].GetActionWithName("Recharge").Apply(batteries[i]);
- }
- }
- //check battery current/max
- for ( int i = 0; i <batteries.Count ; i++ )
- {
- //filter out batteries that are empty from being counted among supply.
- IMyBatteryBlock thisBattery = batteries[i] as IMyBatteryBlock;
- if(thisBattery.HasCapacityRemaining)
- {
- System.Text.RegularExpressions.Match match = batteryRegex.Match( batteries[i].DetailedInfo );
- Double n;
- if ( match.Success )
- {
- //check if battery is "empty."(<0.5% charge)
- Double pwrMaxStored = 0.0;
- Double pwrNowStored = 0.0;
- Double pwrStoredPercent = 0.0;
- //Seriously, thanks "me 10 Jin." I couldn't have done this without your example.
- if ( Double.TryParse( match.Groups[1].Value, out n ) )
- pwrMaxStored = n * Math.Pow( 1000.0, ".kMGTPEZY".IndexOf( match.Groups[2].Value ) );
- if ( Double.TryParse( match.Groups[3].Value, out n ) )
- pwrNowStored += n * Math.Pow( 1000.0, ".kMGTPEZY".IndexOf( match.Groups[4].Value ) );
- pwrStoredPercent = pwrNowStored/pwrMaxStored*100;
- //antennas[0].SetCustomName("Battery is at " + pwrStoredPercent + " percent of capacity.");
- if(pwrStoredPercent > 0.5)
- {
- //there's enough battery power to be usable, check the output.
- match = batteryRegex.Match( batteries[i].DetailedInfo );
- if(match.Success)
- {
- if ( Double.TryParse( match.Groups[1].Value, out n ) )
- pwrMaxSum += n * Math.Pow( 1000.0, ".kMGTPEZY".IndexOf( match.Groups[2].Value ) );
- if ( Double.TryParse( match.Groups[3].Value, out n ) )
- pwrNowSum += n * Math.Pow( 1000.0, ".kMGTPEZY".IndexOf( match.Groups[4].Value ) );
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- //if THAT's above 0.99, turn on the reactors.
- if(pwrMaxSum > 0.0)
- {
- batteryPowerRatio = pwrNowSum/pwrMaxSum;
- }
- else
- {
- batteryPowerRatio = 9999;
- }
- if(batteryPowerRatio > 0.99)
- {
- var reactors = new List<IMyTerminalBlock>();
- GridTerminalSystem.GetBlocksOfType<IMyReactor>(reactors);
- for(int i=0;i<reactors.Count;i++)
- {
- reactors[i].GetActionWithName("OnOff_On").Apply(reactors[i]);
- }
- }
- }
- return;
- }
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