

Sep 17th, 2017
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  1. on rightclick holding paper:
  2. if {link.paper} is true:
  3. wait 1 tick
  4. message "&8&m-----------------------------------------------------"
  5. wait 1 tick
  6. message "&b!Website! &8: &7http://immunity.namelesshosting.com"
  7. wait 1 tick
  8. message "&b!Discord!&8 : &7https://discord.gg/es2QcfD"
  9. wait 1 tick
  10. message "&8&m-----------------------------------------------------"
  12. on leftclick holding paper:
  13. if {link.paper} is true:
  14. wait 1 tick
  15. message "&8&m-----------------------------------------------------"
  16. wait 1 tick
  17. message "&b!Website! &8: &7http://immunity.namelesshosting.com"
  18. wait 1 tick
  19. message "&b!Discord!&8 : &7https://discord.gg/es2QcfD"
  20. wait 1 tick
  21. message "&8&m-----------------------------------------------------"
  23. on load:
  24. if {link.paper} is not set:
  25. set {link.paper} to true
  27. command /link:
  28. aliases: /links
  29. permission: link.paper
  30. permission message: &7Sorry &c%player%&7 you must have &6link.paper&7 to run this command!
  31. trigger:
  32. wait 1 tick
  33. message "&8&m-----------------------------------------------------"
  34. wait 1 tick
  35. message "&b!Website! &8: &7http://immunity.namelesshosting.com"
  36. wait 1 tick
  37. message "&b!Discord!&8 : &7https://discord.gg/es2QcfD"
  38. wait 1 tick
  39. message "&8&m-----------------------------------------------------"
  42. on chat:
  43. if message is "Immunity's COOL A_F!"
  44. message "&cCongratulations&8! &7you won &b100 COINS"
  45. /setcoins give %player% 15
  47. on rightclick holding diamond:
  48. wait 2 ticks
  49. set {waited} to difference between {claim.%player%} and now
  50. if {waited}} is less than 24 hours
  51. message "&7Sorry but you must wait %difference between {waited} and 24 hours%"
  52. stop
  53. set {claim.%player%} to now
  54. message "&7You can now claim your daily 15 Coins in hub&8! &7See you Tommorow&8."
  55. /setcoins give player 15
  56. stop
  58. #/discord, /website
  60. command /discord:
  61. trigger:
  62. wait 1 tick
  63. message "&8&m-----------------------------------------------------"
  64. wait 1 tick
  65. message "&b!Discord!&8 : &7https://discord.gg/es2QcfD"
  66. wait 1 tick
  67. message "&8&m-----------------------------------------------------"
  69. command /website:
  70. trigger:
  71. wait 1 tick
  72. message "&8&m-----------------------------------------------------"
  73. wait 1 tick
  74. message "&b!Website!&8 : &7http://immunity.namelesshosting.com"
  75. wait 1 tick
  76. message "&8&m-----------------------------------------------------"
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