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- '30 november 2002 the stuff below
- Private Declare Function GetVersionEx Lib "kernel32" Alias _
- "GetVersionExA" (lpVersionInformation As OSVERSIONINFO) As Long
- '19 january 2003 this and the play code results in the audio being played
- 'and a message "video not available cannot find vids.mjpg decompressor"
- 'but no video as the message suggests???
- Private Declare Function mciSendString Lib "winmm.dll" Alias _
- "mciSendStringA" (ByVal lpstrCommand As String, ByVal _
- lpstrReturnString As Any, ByVal uReturnLength As Long, ByVal _
- hwndCallback As Long) As Long
- '19 january 2003
- '12 December 2004a
- Private Declare Function mciGetErrorString Lib "winmm.dll" _
- Alias "mciGetErrorStringA" _
- (ByVal dwError As Long, _
- ByVal lpstrBuffer As String, _
- ByVal uLength As Long) As Long
- '12 December 2004a
- Private Declare Function getshortpathname Lib "kernel32" _
- Alias "GetShortPathNameA" _
- (ByVal lpszlongpath As String, _
- ByVal lpszshortpath As String, _
- ByVal cchBuffer As Long) As Long
- '18 June 2003
- dwOSVersionInfoSize As Long
- dwMajorVersion As Long
- dwMinorVersion As Long
- dwBuildNumber As Long
- dwPlatformId As Long
- szCSDVersion As String * 128 ' Maintenance string for PSS usage
- End Type
- Private Type id3tag
- header As String * 3
- songtitle As String * 30
- artist As String * 30
- album As String * 30
- year As String * 4
- comments As String * 30
- genre As Byte
- End Type
- Private temptag As id3tag
- '24 June 2003 above
- ' dwPlatforID Constants
- Private Const VER_PLATFORM_WIN32s = 0
- Private Const VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS = 1
- Private Const VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT = 2
- '-- End --' 30 november 2002
- Private Declare Function GetComputerName Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetComputerNameA" (ByVal lpBuffer As String, nSize As Long) As Long
- Private Declare Function GetUserName Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias "GetUserNameA" (ByVal lpBuffer As String, nSize As Long) As Long
- Private Declare Function GetDiskFreeSpace Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetDiskFreeSpaceA" (ByVal lpRootPathName As String, lpSectorsPerCluster As Long, lpBytesPerSector As Long, lpNumberOfFreeClusters As Long, lpTotalNumberOfClusters As Long) As Long
- Private mssg As String * 255 '26 February 2004
- Private multi_prompt2 As String '04 September 2004
- Private video_length As Long '26 February 2004
- 'Private vs As String * 30 '06 February 2004
- Private vs As String * 255 '19 March 2004 Having this the wrong size was a bug of major proportions...
- Private last_vs As Double '24 March 2004
- Private replay_pos As Double '10 April 2004
- Private replay_yn As Integer '10 April 2004
- Private hold_speed As Double '10 April 2004
- Private command_line As String '19 September 2004
- Private back_job As String '12 September 2004
- Private line_fit As String '03 August 2003
- Private start_point As Double '16 July 2003 Ver=1.07T
- Private line_start_point As Double '19 July 2003 Ver=1.07T
- Private temp_double As Double '19 July 2003 Ver=1.07T
- Private thumb_nail As String '16 July 2003 Ver=1.07T
- Private elapse_start As Double '13 July 2003
- Private elapse_end As Double '13 July 2003
- Private elapse_yn As String '13 July 2003
- Private Pict_file As String 'february 09 2001 moved up to here for the "interrupt prompt"
- Private long_pict_file As String '22 November 2006
- Private Save_file As String '15 January 2004
- Private ooo As String 'february 09 2001 moved up here
- Private xx1 As Integer 'february 09 2001 moved up to here for the "interrupt prompt"
- Private yy1 As Integer
- Private old_line As String '25 March 2003 part of version ver=1.02b
- Private motion_yn '29 March 2003 part of version ver=1.04
- Private special_date As String '01 April 2003 reduce the delay if "Tuesday April 1" date display done as it has delays built in ver=1.05
- Private time_displayed As String '03 April 2003 indicate that time was displayed....
- 'Private replace_data As String '03 April 2003 save SSS1 and replace it after date displayed
- Private replace_sss1 As String
- Private replace_sss2 As String
- Private replace_sss3 As String
- Private replace_sss4 As String
- Private replace_sss5 As String
- Private replace_sss6 As String '03 April 2003 add the replace_sss? code above
- Private sshortfile As String * 67 '18 june 2003
- Private lresult As Long '18 june 2003
- Private videoyn As String '10 february 2003
- Private detailyn As String '18 November 2004
- Private avi_file As String '01 february 2003
- Private mpg_file As String '11 May 2003 ver=1.05
- Private wav_file As String '10 June 2003 ver=1.07
- Private mid_file As String '10 June 2003 ver=1.07
- Private auto_exe As String '07 december 2002
- Private ss_only As String '07 december 2002
- Private program_info '21 december 2002
- Private random_info '21 december 2002
- Private stretch_info '21 december 2002
- Private text_pause As Integer '05 october 2002
- Private debug_photo As Integer '12 october 2002
- Private show_files As String '24 december 2002
- Private show_files_yn As Integer '24 december 2002
- Private do_tab As Integer '05 october 2002
- Private search_str As String '26 august 2002
- Private rand As Integer '18 august 2002
- Private rand1 As Integer '23 March 2004
- Private rand_cnt1 As Double '23 March 2004
- Private rand_no1 As Double '23 March 2004
- Private rand_cnt As Double '18 august 2002
- Private rand_no As Double '18 august 2002
- Private diryes As String 'february 18 2002
- Private Mergem As String 'february 24 2002
- Private temptemp As String 'february 18 2002
- Private tempdata As String '31 March 2003
- Private eofsw As String '26 November 2004
- Private fract_time As Double 'january 23 2002
- Private check_time As Double 'january 23 2002
- Private slomo As Integer '08 January 2004
- Private slomo_start As Double '08 january 2004
- Private motion_in As Double '01 March 2004
- Private motion_out As Double '01 March 2004
- Private slomo_in As Double '08 January 2004
- Private slomo_out As Double '08 January 2004
- Private pad_time As Double '21 March 2004
- Private slomo_seg As Double '08 January 2004
- Private inter_in As Double '22 February 2004
- Private inter_out As Double '22 February 2004
- Private sscreen_saver As String 'may 06 2001
- Private sscreen_saver_ww As String '28 april 2002
- Private os_ver As String '30 november 2002
- Private os_num As String '01 december 2002
- Private offset1 As Integer 'april 06 2001
- Private offset2 As Integer 'april 06 2001
- Private ppoffset1 As Integer '27 july 2002
- Private ppoffset2 As Integer '27 july 2002
- Private dblStart As Double 'used for elapsed time
- Private dblEnd As Double ' " " " "
- Private dbltime1 As Double
- Private dbltime2 As Double
- Private prompt2 As String 'march 01 2001
- Private interrupt_prompt2 '20 November 2004
- 'see the 15 December 2004 minor changes so that "Y" for last of file can be defaulted in and out..
- Private SAVE_ttt As String 'march 01 2001 controls defaults on start and default out after first entry
- Private inin As String 'march 01 2001
- Private SSS1 As String 'march 01 2001
- Private prev_option As String 'february 25 2001
- Private hh_cnt As Long 'april 22 2001
- Private xtemp As String 'november 12 2000
- Private ooopen As String 'september 02 2001
- Private dsp_cnt As Long 'may 09 2001 count of total pictures displayed
- Private delete_file As String 'june 30 2001
- 'insert the new globals right here october 28 2001
- Private strBuffer As String
- Private lngBufSize As Long
- Private lngStatus As Long
- Private lpBuff As String * 25
- Private ret As Long, UserName As String
- Private strRootPathName As String
- Private lngSectorsPerCluster As Long
- Private lngBytesPerSector As Long
- Private lngNumberOfFreeClusters As Long
- Private lngTotalNumberOfClusters As Long
- Private strDrive As String
- Private strMessage As String
- Private lngTotalBytes As Long
- Private lngFreeBytes As Long
- Private hilite_hh As String 'april 22 2001
- Private hilite_cnt As Integer 'april 22 2001
- Private fs, f1, s 'april 11 2001
- Private dirdates As String 'april 11 2001
- Private indates As String 'april 11 2001
- Private append_start1 As String 'april 10 2001
- Private append_end1 As String 'april 10 2001
- Private prev_ttt As String 'april 10 2001
- Private skipyesno As String 'june 09 2001
- Private old_pict As String 'april 08 2001
- Private newname As String 'april 01 2001
- Private filereason As String 'april 01 2001
- Private savepath As String 'april 01 2001
- Private leaddidg As String 'april 01 2001
- Private thedir As String 'april 01 2001
- Private indir As String 'april 01 2001
- Private outdir As String 'april 01 2001
- Private filetype As String 'april 01 2001
- Private dirtype As String 'february 23 2002
- Private minsize As Double 'april 01 2001 08 junt 2003
- Private maxsize As Double 'april 01 2001 08 june 2003 change from long to double
- Private autobuild As String 'april 01 2001
- Private inplace As String 'april 01 2001
- Private endstuff As String 'january 21 2001
- Private s1_imbed As String 'january 19 2001
- Private s2_imbed As String 'january 19 2001
- Private s3_imbed As String 'january 19 2001
- Private s4_imbed As String '23 june 2002
- Private s5_imbed As String '23 june 2002
- Private s6_imbed As String '23 june 2002
- Private imbedded As String 'january 19 2001
- Private new_len As Integer 'january 18 2001
- Private array_ooo(55) As String 'january 18 2001
- Private array_aaa(55) As String 'january 18 2001
- Private match_flag As String 'january 18 2001
- Private array_pos As Integer 'january 18 2001
- Private array_prt As Integer 'january 18 2001
- Private data_ooo As String 'january 15 2001
- Private data_aaa As String 'january 15 2001
- Private over_lap As Integer 'january 10 2001
- Private crop_len As Integer 'january 09 2001
- Private wrap_cnt As Long 'january 07 2001
- Private mess_cnt As Long 'january 02 2001
- Private tot_s1 As Long 'january 01 2001
- Private tot_s2 As Long 'january 01 2001
- Private tot_s3 As Long 'january 01 2001
- Private tot_s4 As Long '23 june 2002
- Private tot_s5 As Long '23 june 2002
- Private tot_s6 As Long '23 june 2002
- Private context_win As Integer 'january 01 2001
- Private page_prompt As String 'december 31 2000
- Private dateskip As String 'december 12 2000
- Private boundarycnt As Integer 'december 11 2000
- Private boundarystr As String 'december 11 2000
- Private mbxyes As String 'december 17 2000
- Private mbxi As Integer 'december 17 2000
- Private emailsea As String 'december 11 2000
- Private iimport As String 'december 24 2000
- Private showpos As String 'december 6 2000
- Private showasc As String 'december 11 2000
- ' showpos = "Y" 'december 6 2000 **keep** very handy for testing line wraps only
- Private uppercase As String 'december 8 2000
- Private posstring As String 'december 6 2000
- Private crlf As String 'december 2 2000
- Private changes As String 'december 2 2000
- Private save_line As String 'to display error line numbers
- 'usefull for debug
- Private extract_yes As String 'november 12 2000
- Private skip_info As String 'november 14 2000
- Private encript As String 'november 20 2000
- Private hilite_this As String 'november 8 2000
- Private OutFile As Integer
- Private BatchFile As Integer '27 October 2004
- Private FileFile As Integer 'march 20/00 edit files list
- Private CtrlFile As Integer '19 November 2004
- Private NewFile As Integer 'january 29 2002
- Private ResultFile As Integer '08 November 2004
- Private ExtFile 'november 12 2000
- Private FileExt As String 'november 17 2000
- Private case_yes 'november 13 2000
- Private search_prompt As String
- Private ampm As String
- Private hhour As String
- Private mminute As String
- Private ssecond As String
- Private ggg As String
- Private hhhour As Long
- Private mmminute As Long
- Private sssecond As Long
- Private chhour As Long
- Private cmminute As Long
- Private control_file As String 'november 03 2000
- Private control_files(10) As String '23 November 2004
- Private xxx_found As String 'november 03 2000
- Private pp_entered As String 'november 6 2000
- Private cssecond As Long
- Private freeze_sec As Double '01 October 2003
- Private adjust_sec As Double '29 September 2003
- Private delay_sec As Double
- Private new_delay_sec As Double '05 March 2004
- Private line_delay_sec As Double '19 July 2003 Ver=1.07T
- Private Line_freeze_sec As Double '24 September 2003
- Private line_speed As Double '16 November 2003
- Private hold_sec As Double 'february 08 2002
- Private photo_copy As String 'march 17 2001
- Private copy_photo As String 'march 17 2001
- Private photo_dir As String 'march 17 2001 ie c:\search\tempfold\
- Private photo_file As String 'march 17 2001 ie pict
- Private photo_cnt As Integer 'march 17 2001 sequential count of photo's
- Private temp_sec As Integer 'march 14 2001
- Private temp_cnt As Double '08 July 2003
- Private temp_cnt1 As Double '12 April 2004
- Private screen_capture As String 'march 15 2001
- Private tot_print As Integer
- Private ss_search As String
- 'may 06 2001 Dim sscreen_saver As String
- '12 December 2004a
- Private result1 As Long '12 December 2004a
- Private errormsg1 As Integer '12 December 2004a
- Private returnstring1 As String * 1024 '12 December 2004a
- Private errorstring1 As String * 1024 '12 December 2004a
- '12 December 2004a
- Private line_len As Integer
- Private entered_notes As String
- Private in_str As String
- Private out_str As String
- Private f As Integer
- Private FFF As String
- Private TheFile As String
- Private LastFile As String
- Private AllFiles(20) As String
- Private vvversion As String
- Private AllSearch(20) As String
- Private Cmd(100) As String
- 'april 01 2001 made cript1 400 for the folders used in gf option
- Private cript1(20000) As String 'november 18 2000
- ' Private cript2(100) As String 'november 18 2000
- ' Private cript3(100) As Integer 'november 20 2000
- Private cript2(20000) As String '28 October 2004 big enough for my program...
- Private cript3(20000) As Integer '28 October 2004
- ' Private criptcnt As Integer 'november 18 2000
- Private criptcnt As Long '28 October 2004 above was 10000 too
- Private TheSearch As String
- Private FileFound As Integer
- Private Clip_data As String
- Private Last_match As String 'input line where match found
- Private last_pict '28 february 2003
- Private noshow(10) As String
- Private screensave(10) As String
- Private screencount As Integer
- Private nocount As Integer
- Private Line_Search
- Private Picture_Search As String
- Private Previous_line_save As String
- Private Previous_line As String
- Private Next_line_save As String
- Private Next_line As String
- Private This_line As String
- Private String_Position As Integer
- ' Dim Pict_file As String 'moved up for "interrupt prompt" february 09 2001
- Private disp_file As String
- Private long_line As String 'identify long line
- Private II As Integer
- Private EE As Double '11 december 2002
- Private III As Integer
- Private JJ As Integer
- Private tt As Integer
- Private ttt1 As Integer
- Private ddd As Integer
- Private Enter_Count As Integer
- Private img_ctrl As String 'february 21 2001
- Private stretch_img As String 'march 31 2001
- Private auto_redraw As String 'november 10 2001
- Private ttt As String
- Private p2p2 As String '10 august 2002
- Private tt1 As String 'testing only
- Private Test1_str As String 'Testing only
- Private Test2_str As String 'november 23 2001
- Private prompt1 As String
- ' Dim prompt2 As String
- Private prompt3 As String
- ' Dim SAVE_ttt As String
- Private qqq As String
- ' Dim SSS1 As String what the hey why commented out????? ***vip*** it is strange too
- Private SSS2 As String
- Private SSS3 As String
- Private SSS4 As String '09 june 2002
- Private SSS5 As String
- Private SSS6 As String
- Private sep As String
- ' Dim inin As String
- Private KEEPS1 As String
- Private KEEPS2 As String
- Private KEEPS3 As String
- Private KEEPS4 As String '09 june 2002
- Private KEEPS5 As String
- Private KEEPS6 As String
- Private hi_lites As String 'flash display
- Private SAVE_KEEPS1 As String 'june 26/99
- Private SAVE_KEEPS2 As String
- Private SAVE_KEEPS3 As String
- Private SAVE_KEEPS4 As String '09 june 2002
- Private SAVE_KEEPS5 As String
- Private SAVE_KEEPS6 As String
- Private Context As String 'june 26/99
- Private aaa As String
- ' Dim ooo As String 'hold the original upper/lower case
- Private ccc As String 'aug 08/99
- Private xxx As String 'january 19 2001 checking for imbedded spaces in search string only
- Private Context_text(40) As String 'aug 08/99
- Private previous_picture(100) As Long
- Private pp As Long
- Private last_pp As Long 'may 10 2001
- Private skip_pp As Long 'may 10 2001
- Private previous_count As Long
- Private ddemo As String
- Private date_check As String
- Private today_date As String
- Private visual_impared As String
- Private Context_cnt As Integer 'aug 08/99
- Private Context_lines As Integer
- Private Clear_Context_lines As Integer '18 March 2003 ver=1.01
- Private zzz_chrs As Long
- Private zzz_len As Integer
- Private cnt As Long
- Private SSS As String
- Private SAVE_SSS As String
- Private SAVE_SRCH As String
- Private MAX_CNT As Long
- ' Dim back_cnt As Long
- Private bbb As Long
- Private tot_cnt As Long
- Private end_cnt As Integer
- Private tot_disp As Long
- Private time_cnt As Long
- Private time_num As Long
- Private lll As String
- Private tttpos As Integer
- Private i As Long
- Private loop_cnt As Long
- Private loop_inc As Long
- Private j As Long
- Private AltColor As Integer
- Private Hold_Fore As Integer '27 July 2003
- Private Def_Fore As Integer
- Private Set_Fore As Integer
- Private temp_fore As Integer 'november 9 2000
- Private new1 As String 'november 9 2000
- Private new2 As String 'november 9 2000
- Private new3 As String 'november 9 2000
- Private new4 As String '09 june 2002
- Private new5 As String '09 june 2002
- Private new6 As String '09 june 2002
- Private mult1 As String 'november 21 2000
- Private mult2 As String 'november 21 2000
- Private mult3 As String 'november 21 2000
- Private mult4 As String '09 june 2002
- Private mult5 As String '09 june 2002
- Private mult6 As String '09 june 2002
- Private line_pos As String 'november 22 2000
- Private line_match As String 'november 21 2000
- Private keep_aaa As String 'november 9 2000
- Private keep_ooo As String 'november 9 2000
- Private temp1 As Long
- Private temp11 As Long 'march 14 2001
- Private temp2 As Long
- Private temp3 As Integer
- Private temp4 As Long 'november 9 2000
- Private temps As String
- Private testprompt As String 'january 24 2001
- Private ytemp As String 'december 11 2000
- Private tempss As String
- Private ppaste As String
- Private gpaste As String
- Private play_speed As Long '29 October 2003
- Private save_play_speed As Long '16 November 2003
- Private date_displayed As String 'save for later search
- Private printed_cnt As Long 'may 10/00
- Private displayed_cnt As Long
- Private printed As String
- 'october 28 2001
- Private hold_zzz As Long '21 September 2004
- Private yyy_cnt As Long '28 October 2004
- Private zzz_cnt As Long 'february 19 2001 display in interrupt prompt
- 'if items arn't declared in general they arn't available to the other subroutines.
- '
- Private Sub Command1_Click()
- ' MsgBox xx1
- 'may 06 2001 allow for an interrupt on the screen saver to switch into
- ' the p1 search and thus be able to do a "P" for previous picture
- Def_Fore = Hold_Fore 'reset color 27 July 2003
- ' Test2_str = InputBox("27 July 2003 testing ", "testing doug ", , xx1 - 5000, yy1 - 5000) '
- '23 February 2004 If sscreen_saver = "Y" Then
- '20 November 2004 with the code here the interrupt didnot work so put it back.. good test though
- '20 November 2004 If sscreen_saver = "Y" And mpg_file <> "YES" And interrupt_prompt2 <> "WW" Then
- ' frmproj2.Caption = "interrupt click " + ttt + "*" + Test1_str + "*" + prompt2 '20 November 2004
- interrupt_prompt2 = "WW" '21 November 2004
- If sscreen_saver = "Y" And mpg_file <> "YES" Then
- ttt = "P"
- Test1_str = "P1"
- sscreen_saver = "N"
- ' Test2_str = InputBox("delay_sec test ", CStr(new_delay_sec) + "*" + CStr(delay_sec), , xx1 - 5000, yy1 - 5000) '
- ' frmproj2.Caption = "delay_sec test " + CStr(new_delay_sec) + "*" + CStr(delay_sec) '20 November 2004
- new_delay_sec = delay_sec '23 November 2004 allow it to back up faster
- delay_sec = 0 '23 November 2004 delay_sec gets reset each new photo
- '20 November 2004 SSS1 = "PHOTO" 'may 28 2001 allows the "P" to show all previous
- 'pictures after the screen saver is interrupted.
- 'it just looks at the last picture saved.
- prompt2 = "P1"
- GoTo little_lower '21 November 2004
- End If 'may 06 2001
- If mpg_file = "YES" Then '22 February 2004
- '02 March 2004 check the status here before pause
- DoEvents '02 March 2004
- i = mciSendString("status video1 mode", mssg, 255, 0) '02 March 2004
- DoEvents '05 March 2004
- frmproj2.Caption = " status_a is " + Trim(mssg) '05 March 2004
- DoEvents '02 March 2004
- If Left(UCase(mssg), 6) = "PAUSED" Then
- i = mciSendString("resume video1", 0&, 0, 0)
- DoEvents
- mssg = "PLAYING" '02 March 2004
- End If '02 March 2004
- If Left(UCase(mssg), 7) = "PLAYING" Then
- i = mciSendString("pause video1", 0&, 0, 0) '02 March 2004
- DoEvents
- Else
- 'Test2_str = InputBox("video status= " + Trim(mssg), "testing doug ", , xx1 - 5000, yy1 - 5000) '02 March 2004
- ' Print bel '02 March 2004 testing only
- ' frmproj2.Caption = " status is " + Trim(mssg) '02 March 2004
- End If '02 March 2004
- '02 march 2004 i = mciSendString("pause video1", 0&, 0, 0) '22 February 2004
- inter_in = Timer '22 February 2004 get the time we delay here.
- DoEvents '22 February 2004
- i = mciSendString("status video1 position", vs, 255, 0) '22 February 2004
- tempdata = " Pos=" + CStr(Val(vs)) + " (of) " + CStr(video_length) '26 February 2004
- DoEvents '23 February 2004
- '26 February 2004 frmproj2.Caption = LCase(temptemp) + " pos=" + Trim(vs) '22 February 2004
- frmproj2.Caption = LCase(temptemp) + tempdata '26 February 2004
- DoEvents '22 February 2004
- End If '22 February 2004
- If mpg_file = "YES" Then '24 February 2004
- If replay_yn = True Then '10 April 2004
- play_speed = hold_speed '10 April 2004
- replay_yn = False '10 April 2004
- End If '10 April 2004 in case 2 interrupts in a row...
- '27 August 2004 Test2_str = InputBox("Enter . to rewind video " + vbCrLf + Pict_file + vbCrLf + ooo, "Interrupt Prompt # " + CStr(dsp_cnt), , xx1, yy1) '24 February 2004
- '02 September 2004 If thumb_nail = "YES" Then GoTo little_lower '29 August 2004
- 'allow for thumbnail of video to pause first off maybe even do the same for mp3 (a pause is not bad here?)
- Test2_str = "A" '02 September 2004
- If thumb_nail = "YES" And InStr(UCase(Line_Search), "MP3") <> 0 Then GoTo little_lower '29 August 2004
- '02 September 2004 Test2_str = InputBox("Enter . to rewind video (aa) for all" + CStr(video_length) + vbCrLf + Pict_file + vbCrLf + ooo, "Interrupt Prompt # " + CStr(dsp_cnt), , xx1, yy1) '24 February 2004
- Test2_str = InputBox("E or X to Stop -- Enter . to rewind video (a) for all" + CStr(video_length) + vbCrLf + Pict_file + vbCrLf + ooo, "Interrupt Prompt # 0 " + CStr(dsp_cnt), , xx1, yy1) '24 February 2004
- Test2_str = Trim(UCase(Test2_str)) '12 December 2004
- If Test2_str = "E" Or Test2_str = "X" Then
- Unload Me '12 December 2004
- Set frmproj2 = Nothing
- Stop '12 december 2004
- ' Resume End_32000 '12 December 2004 this line is not part of this subroutine...
- End If '12 December 2004 allow for exit too at interrupt...
- little_lower: '29 August 2004
- '16 August 2004 frmproj2.Caption = LCase(temptemp) + " (Replay by Spectate Swamp)" '26 February 2004
- frmproj2.Caption = LCase(temptemp) + " (Replay by Spectate Swamp)length=" + CStr(video_length / 1000) + " seconds" '16 August 2004
- '02 September 2004 If thumb_nail = "YES" Then
- If thumb_nail = "YES" And UCase(Test2_str) = "A" Then
- ' If UCase(Test2_str) = "AA" Then
- ' thumb_nail = "NO"
- Test2_str = ""
- ' line_delay_sec = video_length / 1000
- ' delay_sec = line_delay_sec
- ' new_delay_sec = delay_sec
- i = mciSendString("stop video1", 0&, 0, 0)
- DoEvents
- ' line_start_point = 10
- ' i = mciSendString("play video1 from " + CStr(10) + " wait", 0&, 0&, 0&) '29 August 2004 this works better
- last_vs = video_length - 100 '29 August 2004 These 3 lines replace the WAIT call above works WELL
- slomo = True '29 August 2004
- i = mciSendString("play video1 from " + CStr(10), 0&, 0&, 0&)
- ' Test2_str = InputBox("When done hit enter " + vbCrLf + Pict_file + vbCrLf + ooo, "Waiting till end prompt # ", , xx1 - 5000, yy1 - 5000) 'february 09 2001
- ' i = mciSendString("stop video1", 0&, 0, 0)
- ' inter_in = Timer
- ' GoSub line_30300
- GoTo down_abit
- End If '27 August 2004
- DoEvents '26 February 2004
- Else
- Test2_str = InputBox("Enter to continue x or e to exit " + vbCrLf + Pict_file + vbCrLf + ooo, "Interrupt Prompt # " + CStr(dsp_cnt), , xx1 - 5000, yy1 - 5000) 'february 09 2001
- End If
- ' ShowCursor = True '29 november 2002
- Cmd(45) = "" '07 december 2002 allow for other drives after interrupt..
- Test2_str = UCase(Test2_str) '06 october 2002
- '22 February 2004 on video play Pause, Show Position, Resume after adding in paused time.
- If mpg_file = "YES" Then '22 February 2004
- DoEvents '22 February 2004
- '26 April 2004 try saving the results here
- ' If Left(Test2_str, 1) = "F" Then
- ' i = mciSendString("save video2 c:\search\outmpg.mpg", 0&, 0, 0)
- ' new_delay_sec = 5.5
- ' GoSub line_30300
- ' Close video2
- ' For EE = 1 To 10000000
- ' DoEvents
- ' Next EE 'give it some time
- ' End If
- 'need more info on the mcisendstring and how to record mpg files???
- '26 April 2004
- '24 february 2004 back up the video here if .... entered
- '23 April 2004 allow for multiple ... or '''' to go back and ahead
- '23 April 2004 If Left(Test2_str, 1) = "." Then
- If Left(Test2_str, 1) = "." Or Left(Test2_str, 1) = Chr(39) Then
- i = mciSendString("stop video1", 0&, 0, 0)
- III = Len(Test2_str) '23 April 2004
- If Left(Test2_str, 1) = Chr(39) Then III = III * -1 '23 April 2004
- DoEvents
- '10 April 2004 allow for replay at a slower speed dictated by a cmd(?) value...
- replay_yn = False '10 April 2004
- i = mciSendString("status video1 position", vs, 255, 0) '10 April 2004
- temp3 = InStr(vs, Chr$(0)) '10 April 2004
- temp11 = Val(Left(vs, temp3 - 1)) '10 April 2004
- '23 April 2004 If Val(Cmd(66)) > 1 And Val(Cmd(66)) < 1000 Then
- '23 April 2004 do not change speed if moving ahead in file
- If Val(Cmd(66)) > 1 And Val(Cmd(66)) < 1000 And Left(Test2_str, 1) <> Chr(39) Then
- hold_speed = play_speed '10 April 2004
- play_speed = Val(Cmd(66)) '10 April 2004
- replay_yn = True '10 April 2004
- replay_pos = temp11 '10 April 2004
- slomo = True '10 April 2004 if full speed to slow speed this needed
- End If '10 April 2004
- '23 April 2004 i = mciSendString("play video1 from " + CStr(Val(vs) - (Val(Cmd(27)) * 1000)), 0&, 0&, 0&)
- i = mciSendString("play video1 from " + CStr(Val(vs) - (Val(Cmd(27)) * 1000) * III), 0&, 0&, 0&)
- last_vs = Val(vs) - Val(Cmd(27) * 1000) '06 April 2004 without this the replay is at fast speed
- 'might be handy to have this as an option maybee
- DoEvents
- ' temptemp = InputBox("04 April 2004 test ", "Test continue " + CStr(dsp_cnt), , xx1 - 5000, yy1 - 5000)
- Test2_str = ""
- GoTo down_abit
- End If '24 February 2004
- i = mciSendString("resume video1", 0&, 0, 0)
- DoEvents '09 March 2004
- down_abit: '24 February 2004
- inter_out = Timer '22 February 2004 add the delay here back in.
- If slomo = False Then
- fract_time = fract_time + inter_out - inter_in '22 February 2004
- End If
- End If '22 February 2004
- '22 February 2004
- '06 January 2005 allow for an entry to continue here
- '06 January 2005 If text_pause And Test2_str <> "C" Then
- If text_pause And (Test2_str = "X" Or Test2_str = "E") Then
- text_pause = 0 '05 october 2002 "C" allow for continue of auto display
- inin = ""
- End If
- If UCase(Test2_str) = "A" Then
- prompt2 = "C" 'march 01 2001
- SAVE_ttt = "C"
- inin = "A"
- SSS1 = "A" 'march 01 2001
- End If
- '13 March 2004 If UCase(Test2_str) <> "X" And UCase(Test2_str) <> "E" Then GoTo line_15 'February 09 2001
- If mpg_file = "YES" Then
- '04 April 2004 i = mciSendString("close all", 0&, 0, 0)
- DoEvents
- '22 March 2004 tt1 = InputBox("testing only closing down", , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY 13 March 2004
- End If '11 March 2004
- '04 April 2004 Unload Me
- '04 April 2004 Set frmproj2 = Nothing 'sdistuff
- '04 April 2004 Set colReminderPages = Nothing 'release memory??
- ' Set sear1 = Nothing 'mdistuff
- '04 April 2004 take this out End 'feburary 5 2001
- line_15:
- ' temptemp = InputBox(" 04 April 2004 doug " + SSS1, "testing Prompt ", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2)
- End Sub
- Private Sub Form_Click()
- 'this is activated in the flash mode when mouse button is hit march 02 2001
- Test1_str = InputBox("in form_click" + vbCrLf + Pict_file + vbCrLf + ooo, "Interrupt Prompt " + CStr(zzz_cnt), , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) 'february 09 2001
- 'march 02 2001
- 'seems not to do anything when in sdi mode ???
- 'ie holding down the left mouse does nothing only works in mdi mode
- End Sub
- Private Sub Form_Deactivate()
- '03 July 2003 testing to clean up the unload process (just needed to add these two routines?????)
- 'using the X for closing the form down check this bit out
- End Sub
- Private Sub Form_Initialize()
- 'system compoenents: Use
- 'form does almost everything
- 'command button used for esc out of screen saver
- ' set cancel property to true and place off the screen
- 'text block (removed) allows key entry to interrupt screen saver (placed off the screen)
- 'image control allows for p2 option with stretch set to true for full screen size
- 'when compiling for the millennium set BorderStyle to 2 from 0 todo **vip**
- 'Load proj2
- ' Always set the working directory to the directory containing the application.
- ' do the startup steps below
- ' tt1 = InputBox("doug startup test1 " + App.Path, "titlename", "Default", 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- ChDir App.Path 'december 1 2000
- 'same as "set default" on the vax
- Cls 'november 7 2000
- 'january 31 2001
- 'App.StartLogging "douglog.txt", 0 'july 04 2001 see other test of startlogging
- 'the above did create a file so this is a start july 04 2001
- 'january 31 2001
- If App.PrevInstance Then
- MsgBox "Already running!", _
- vbOKOnly, App.EXEName & _
- "Warning!"
- End
- End If
- offset1 = 4500 'april 06 2001
- offset2 = 5000 'april 06 2001
- program_info = "Spectate Swamp Desktop Search" '21 december 2002 (maybe Spectate Swamp)
- App.Title = program_info 'january 31 2001
- frmproj2.Caption = program_info + " (" '25 november 2002
- frmproj2.Show 'sdistuff
- ' sear1.Show 'mdistuff
- 'equivalent of CVT$% is Asc below
- ' tt1 = InputBox("Form_Initialize " + CStr(Asc("a")) + Chr(97), , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- ' tt1 = InputBox("Form_Initialize " + App.Path, "titlename", "Default", 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- ' Cls
- 'february 05 2001 comment out the next line
- ' Call text2_Change ' february 01 2001
- Call text2_Chg 'february 05 2001
- 'test the logging stuff some time later....
- ' Call App.StartLogging(App.Path + "\logfile.txt", 2) 'january 30 2001
- ' Call App.LogEvent("starting", 4) 'january 30 2001
- ' Call App.LogEvent(txtLog, vbLogEventTypeInformation) 'january 30 2001
- End Sub
- Private Sub text2_Chg()
- 'Private Sub text2_Change 'february 01 2001
- 'savior version 1.0
- 'all unpaid copies carry a curse
- ' be warned
- '
- ' ** set auto_redraw to "false"
- ' much much faster than true
- ' for Keep-it super-search anyway
- ' set windowstate to 2 for maximized
- 'to get rid of the mini text block set the
- ' left element from 402 to 600
- 'in the properties window for the for set the following
- 'height to 9000
- 'width to 12000
- '==========================================================================
- 'january 31 2001 see function above GetComputerName
- lngBufSize = 255
- strBuffer = String$(lngBufSize, " ")
- lngStatus = GetComputerName(strBuffer, lngBufSize)
- strBuffer = Left(strBuffer, lngBufSize)
- If lngStatus <> 0 Then
- 'commented out january 31 2001 below
- ' MsgBox ("Computer name is: " & Left(strBuffer, lngBufSize))
- End If
- '==========================================================================
- 'Code: see function above GetUserName
- ' Main routine to Dimension variables, retrieve user name
- ' and display answer
- ' Dimension variables
- ' Get the user name minus any trailing spaces found in the name.
- ret = GetUserName(lpBuff, 25)
- UserName = Left(lpBuff, InStr(lpBuff, Chr(0)) - 1)
- ' Display the User Name
- ' MsgBox UserName 'commeted out january 31 2001
- '==========================================================================
- '==========================================================================
- 'see call to GetDiskFreeSpace function above january 31 2001
- 'Code:
- strDrive = "C:\" 'drive letter
- 'note to vb6 comment out the following code as it gets errors overflow etc...
- 'january 27 2002 comment it out as I am not using it anyway
- ' If GetDiskFreeSpace(strDrive, lngSectorsPerCluster, lngBytesPerSector, lngNumberOfFreeClusters, lngTotalNumberOfClusters) = 0 Then
- ' strMessage = strMessage & vbCrLf & "An error occurred."
- ' Else
- ' strMessage = strMessage & vbCrLf & "Sectors Per Cluster: " & Format$(lngSectorsPerCluster)
- ' strMessage = strMessage & vbCrLf & "Bytes Per Sector: " & Format$(lngBytesPerSector)
- ' strMessage = strMessage & vbCrLf & "Free Clusters: " & Format$(lngNumberOfFreeClusters)
- ' strMessage = strMessage & vbCrLf & "Total Clusters: " & Format$(lngTotalNumberOfClusters)
- ' lngTotalBytes = lngTotalNumberOfClusters * lngSectorsPerCluster * lngBytesPerSector
- ' strMessage = strMessage & vbCrLf & "Total Bytes: " & Format$(lngTotalBytes)
- ' lngFreeBytes = lngNumberOfFreeClusters * lngSectorsPerCluster * lngBytesPerSector
- ' strMessage = strMessage & vbCrLf & "Bytes Free: " & Format$(lngFreeBytes)
- ' strMessage = strMessage & vbCrLf & "Percent Used: " & Format$(1 - (lngFreeBytes / lngTotalBytes), "0.00%")
- ' End If
- If Left(strBuffer, lngBufSize) = "OEMCOMPUTER" Then
- ' MsgBox (strMessage)
- End If 'january 31 2001 only show it if it my laptop
- strMessage = strMessage + vbCrLf + "User name=" + UserName + vbCrLf + "Computer name=" + strBuffer & vbCrLf
- '30 november 2002 the stuff below for computer version
- ' First set length of OSVERSIONINFO
- ' structure size
- tOSVer.dwOSVersionInfoSize = Len(tOSVer)
- ' Get version information
- GetVersionEx tOSVer
- ' Determine OS type
- With tOSVer
- Select Case .dwPlatformId
- ' This is an NT version (NT/2000)
- ' If dwMajorVersion >= 5 then
- ' the OS is Win2000
- If .dwMajorVersion >= 5 Then
- FFF = "Windows 2000"
- Else
- FFF = "Windows NT"
- End If
- Case Else
- ' Test2_str = InputBox("testing versioninfo " + CStr(.dwPlatformId) + " " + FFF, " " + CStr(zzz_cnt), , xx1, yy1) 'february 09 2001
- ' This is Windows 95/98/ME
- If .dwMajorVersion >= 5 Then
- FFF = "Windows ME"
- ElseIf .dwMajorVersion = 4 And .dwMinorVersion > 0 Then
- FFF = "Windows 98"
- Else
- FFF = "Windows 95"
- End If
- End Select
- ' Check for service pack
- FFF = FFF & " " & Left(.szCSDVersion, _
- InStr(1, .szCSDVersion, Chr$(0)))
- os_ver = FFF '30 november 2002 I use this variable later maybe
- ' Get OS version
- ttt = "Version= " & .dwMajorVersion & "." & _
- .dwMinorVersion & "." & .dwBuildNumber
- os_num = .dwMajorVersion & .dwPlatformId '01 december 2002 use to determine 8, 10 or 43, 44
- End With
- strMessage = strMessage + ttt + " len=" + CStr(Len(os_ver)) + vbCrLf
- strMessage = strMessage + "OS=" + os_ver 'I used this for display
- ' tt1 = InputBox(strMessage, "testing", , 8000, 5000)
- '30 november 2002
- '==========================================================================
- On Error GoTo Errors_31000
- save_line = "000" 'for error handling
- ' Static xx1 As Integer
- ' Static yy1 As Integer
- '0 = black
- '1 = dark blue
- '2 = green
- '3 = aqua
- '4 = brown
- '5 = purple
- '6 = lime/green/brown?
- '7 = grey
- '8 = dark grey
- '9 = blue bright
- '10 = lime green bright
- '11 = pale blue
- '12 = red
- '13 = purple light pink
- '14 = yellow
- '15 = white
- 'test some code here in this area
- 'temps = CallByName(wordpad, "c:\search\notes.txt", , "c:\search\notes.txt")
- line_20:
- save_line = "20"
- '04 November 2003 see cmd(61) for play_speed play_speed = 1000 '30 October set to normal speed
- SAVE_ttt = "in" 'default to "c" if comming in
- 'april 14/00
- start_point = 0 '16 July 2003 Ver=1.07T
- start_point = 10 '09 September 2003 service pack 1 needs this ????
- line_start_point = 0 '19 July 2003 Ver=1.07T
- line_start_point = 10 '11 March 2007
- search_prompt = "in" 'april 24/00
- visual_impared = "YES" 'to set up control.txt
- visual_impared = "NO" 'settings for ron windels
- date_check = "NO" 'do not do date check logic
- ' date_check = "YES" 'do date check logic
- ddemo = "YES"
- ddemo = "NO" 'set to "YES" if demo "NO" if full system
- If UCase(App.EXEName) = "DEMO" Then ddemo = "YES" '08 August 2003
- ' control_file = "c:\control.txt" 'november 03 2000
- control_file = "control.txt" 'december 03 2000
- GoSub Control_28000 'assign font color etc 20/04/00
- ' Picture1.Left = 0 'june 17/99
- ' Picture1.Top = 0
- save_line = "25"
- OutFile = FreeFile
- KEEPS1 = ""
- KEEPS2 = ""
- KEEPS3 = ""
- KEEPS4 = "" '09 june 2002
- KEEPS5 = ""
- KEEPS6 = ""
- 'tell them where this program comes from
- SSS = Format(Now, "ddddd ttttt") 'todays date
- temp1 = InStr(2, SSS, "/1/")
- vvversion = "Version September 1/00"
- vvversion = "Version September 5/00" 'extended control.txt to 40 from 20
- vvversion = "Version September 8/00" 'line wrap control.txt element 21 to 40 from 82 etc
- vvversion = "Version September 10/00" 'context lines 10 or 5 etc
- 'added the B for back option
- vvversion = "Version October 4/00" 'noshow and others added
- vvversion = "Version October 9/00" 'p for previous picture allowed
- vvversion = "Version October 13/00" 'restricted demo version and date check back in
- vvversion = "Version October 19/00" 'don't load the clipboard and make sure search selection has at least 3 of the same chrs
- vvversion = "Version October 21/00" 'Quickie search if Q entered no context display and skip if no match
- vvversion = "version October 23/00" 'quickie fixes and security completed next audio
- vvversion = "Version October 26/00" 'no start character required and unload form3 at end automatically no close required
- vvversion = "Version October 27/00" 'allow for "A" for all at next photo prompt
- vvversion = "Version October 29/00" 'finish with line wrap fixes context data and match line fixed finally
- vvversion = "Version November 3/00" 'allow for ccc to select control1.txt for larger fonts etc
- 'allow for auto setting of c and p1 depending if xxx. found in first 10 lines
- 'allow for any file selection to reset as if first time in for defaults etc
- vvversion = "Version November 12/00" 'allow for extract of printed data to file
- vvversion = "Version November 13/00" 'make rrr case sensitive and allow or name as of files
- vvversion = "Version November 14/00" 'allow for "F" at do you want to continue
- 'as well change the xxx to be entered at the option entry
- vvversion = "Version November 22/00" 'changes to allow for multiples on a line to be displayed ie
- ' both the net's will show on a "net" search
- vvversion = "Version November 29/00" 'minor bug fix to the rrr routine
- vvversion = "Version December 2/00" 'allow for QQQ at the option level same as RRR but
- 'used to fix From: Subject: in mail messages removes crlf at end
- 'and pastes the next line on to the end Date: Organization: To: done too
- vvversion = "Version December 3/00" 'use default directory App.Path wherever the program exists look for control.txt etc.
- vvversion = "Version December 5/00" 'do display of multiples on a line minor change
- vvversion = "Version December 6/00" 'allow for LL linelength to be input and for showpos options
- 'the showpos shows the line length at the wrap just in case more problems crop up
- vvversion = "Version December 7/00" 'allow for Cmd(33) to be search default ie "D" for me and use the inputbox prompt field
- 'do the changes to get rid of the max and min border set borderstyle to 0 from 2 and max and min to false
- vvversion = "Version December 8/00" 'change option S to work like option Q quickie search but not to be case sensitive. it takes 2 as long as Q not 4 times as long now
- 'allow for X or E to exit if element 30 set to "N" and make files case insensitive?
- vvversion = "Version December 10/00" 'reget defaults once file is selected a second time
- vvversion = "Version December 11/00" 'Allow for showasc at the option level to show the last 4 characters ascii value.
- 'Allow for email prompt at the option level to read thru and display email records without the junk
- vvversion = "Version December 20/00" 'minor changes to fix the netscape extract etc
- vvversion = "Version December 22/00" 'allow for "A" for all when using the "Q" search
- vvversion = "Version December 23/00" 'a few fix ups for the imported outlook express into netscape 6.0
- vvversion = "Version December 24/00" 'new option of "IMPORT" if the file is email and import entered
- vvversion = "Version December 27/00" 'if CH was selected the option prompt was getting in the way the second time around
- 'the AppActivate fixed the problem though
- vvversion = "Version December 28/00" 'did some clean up on the search selection no longer allow the number of characters to select previous searches
- 'minor fix to the "." at the b for back prompt cleared SSS2 and SSS3 etc
- vvversion = "Version December 31/00" 'minor fix re short lines with odd characters and boundarystr reset to ""2
- 'new option "R" extract skip page_prompt AND set to "Q" search
- 'as long as everything is being extracted then don't stop at number of lines per screen Cmd(1)
- 'new option "D" extract skip page_prompt and set to "C" with MAX_CNT = 5 Context_lines = 2
- vvversion = "Version January 01/01" 'new option "T" just like D and R above
- 'use element Cmd(34) for the context_win default to 3 if not there
- vvversion = "Version January 02/01" 'final counts for tot_s1 tot_s2 tot_s3 now tested and seem to work ok
- vvversion = "Version January 03/01" 'noshow for text display will replace the string with **** as censorship
- 'the 03a version changes made to allow elements to be hilited after the "A" is entered.
- 'the very first one on a line was what was happening and this was the fix
- vvversion = "Version January 04/01" 'fix for multiple no-show elements and a 04a fix to show the last elements
- 'which were sometimes missed.
- '04b changes to allow for the "B" back to retain the hiliting capabilities
- vvversion = "Version January 05/01" 'remove reference to Cmd(13) back_cnt and Cmd(19) for re-use
- 'fixed the "D" date display by searching for "M" as both AM and PM have it..
- 'if "." default to last search any other chr back to beginning and new search entry.
- vvversion = "Version January 06/01" 'skip duplicate code at line_12004b thru line_12005m as not required, moved some noshow logic
- 'do not include the counts for hilite_this or "append start" or "append end"
- vvversion = "Version January 08/01" 'fix the logic for wrap_cnt somewhat so the V & B for back work a little better (still not completely checked out)
- vvversion = "Version January 09/01" 'add the "crop" option to shorten very long lines that cause wraping problems
- vvversion = "Version January 10/01" 'allow for the over_lap element 13 on the crop and the wrap function later.
- vvversion = "Version January 19/01" 'the wrap array logic mostly complete with code bypassing this till the 12000 routine completed.
- vvversion = "Version January 20/01" 'the new wrap array and hi-lite logic testing being done
- vvversion = "Version January 21/01" 'add in logic to print last "endstuff" if A for All and wrap info unprinted
- vvversion = "Version January 22/01" 'removed the old hi-lite wrap logic at sub_12000:
- vvversion = "Version January 24/01" 'minor fix to hi-lite elements that wrap on to next page...
- vvversion = "Jan 25/01" 'change the A for append for Z to paste at the end of the file (confused with a for all)
- vvversion = "Jan 27/01" 'fix to skip the noshow elements if SS screen saver
- vvversion = "Jan 28/01" 'use tot_s1 to count the number of emails on the import function
- vvversion = "Jan 31/01" 'check if app is running and set App.Title to Keep-It
- vvversion = "Feb 01/01" 'check for computer name mine and ken's and anyone else
- vvversion = "Feb 06/01" 'allow the esc to stop the screen saver leave in old logic for any other key though
- vvversion = "Feb 09/01" 'if interrupted allow for them to continue
- vvversion = "Feb 16/01" 'add the date and time on the file prompt line
- vvversion = "Mar 01/01" 'allow for "A" for all to be entered at the interrupt prompt
- 'Feb 19/01 display the file name in each of the prompt boxes
- 'feb 20/01 setfocus to solve the problem of the interrupt not working after "CH" called then F or SS done
- 'feb 21/01 add image control set the stretch property to true (for full screen display)
- 'feb 25/01 add check for only "CH" when using setfocus as it seems to screw up other functions?
- 'feb 28/01 check for bounary=""" as it crapped out when wrong boundary found
- 'Mar 14/01 allow for WAIT= to pause line longer ie wait 30 etc fix the timer error at line_30000: area
- 'Mar 15/01 allow for SC screen capture to pause before the inputbox statements so that the displayed info can be capured using alt/print screen
- 'Mar 17/01 allow for CP copy picture to a directory in Cmd(23) element
- 'Mar 21/01 add in a was=scn0321.jpg to the text on a CP so we know the original number & date
- 'Mar 31/01 set the P1 as the stretch default and P2 non stretched (they will have to user P2 for sizing original scans)
- 'Apr 01/01 the GF get file routine to catalogue any pictures in the target directory
- 'Apr 05/01 allow for keeping the same name if no leading didgits entered.
- 'Apr 06/01 allow for 5000 folders when using the gf option
- 'Apr 08/01 allow for c:\search\tempfold\ to keep the original name on file copy
- 'Apr 10/01 allow for HL and HLL to use the append_start1 and append_end1 elements hilite_this could also be used???
- 'allow for uppercase on all 3 of them working well so far
- 'Apr 11/01 allow for c:\* to do the whole c drive and * FOR file type
- 'and put out the date if dirdates entered
- 'Apr 22/01 allow for hhxxx. to display pictures at the end of screen promopt
- ' by putting in a HH when some hilited.
- 'may 06 2001 on interrupt of screen saver switch into photo display p1
- ' allowing the user to do a "P" to see one of the various previous pictures
- ' as well at the photo continue prompt allow "SS" to continue screen saver
- ' with the previous screen saver settings
- ' vvversion = "May 06/01" 'this is the date of the compile only, just for the users info
- 'vvversion = 28 april 2002 add in the ww like ss with anded search criteria
- 'ver=1.04 added the ability to clear date to left by removing 1 character at a time and
- ' re-displaying what is left (looks like motion)
- vvversion = "19 February 2008 1.50" 'this is the date of the compile only, just for the users info
- 'look for "check the latest features above" where to add new features to help file
- If temp1 <> 0 And ddemo = "YES" Then
- Print vvversion; " of " + program_info
- ' Print "check web site:"
- Print "e-mail Doug Pederson"
- Print "for newer versions with more options"
- Print "shareware"
- Print "this info only displays on the first of month"
- Print "Enter to continue"
- tt1 = InputBox("Enter to continue", "Continue Prompt", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2)
- End If 'year must be 2000
- ' do not allow use if date past best before date???
- ' Print "UserName="; UserName; "="
- ' tt1 = InputBox("testing prompt", , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- If strBuffer <> "STONEMAN" Then GoTo line_30 'vip todo comment out to activate
- If strBuffer = "STONEMAN" Then GoTo line_30 'february 01 2001
- If UserName = "stoneman" Then GoTo line_30
- If UCase(UserName) = "KENNETH" Then GoTo line_30 'february 02 2001
- If UCase(UserName) = "KEN M" Then GoTo line_30 'february 02 2001
- If strBuffer = "KEN" Then GoTo line_30 'february 02 2001
- MsgBox strBuffer + "=invalid computer " + UserName + "=username"
- GoTo End_32000 'february 01 2001
- line_30:
- If date_check <> "YES" Then
- GoTo File_40 'no date check if disabled
- End If 'october 27 2000
- If ddemo = "YES" Then
- GoTo File_40 'no date check on demo version
- End If 'as it is restricted enough
- 'date check should be good till end of march 2001
- SSS = Format(Now, "ddddd ttttt") 'display today
- temp2 = InStr(SSS, "/")
- temp1 = InStr(temp2 + 1, SSS, "/00")
- ' Print "invalid date="; SSS; "="
- ' tt1 = InputBox("year not /00", , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- If temp1 = 0 Then
- temp1 = InStr(temp2 + 1, SSS, "/2000")
- End If
- If temp1 = 0 Then
- temp1 = InStr(temp2 + 1, SSS, "/01")
- End If
- If temp1 = 0 Then
- temp1 = InStr(temp2 + 1, SSS, "/2001")
- End If
- 'to activate for windows 2000 need a proper date check here as with ME above
- If temp1 = 0 Then
- Print "invalid date="; SSS; "="
- tt1 = InputBox("year not /00 or /01", , , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) 'TESTING ONLY
- GoTo End_32000
- End If 'year must be 2000
- line_35:
- If Left(SSS, 1) = " " Then
- SSS = Right(SSS, Len(SSS) - 1)
- GoTo line_35
- End If
- If Left(SSS, 3) <> "10/" And Left(SSS, 3) <> "11/" _
- And Left(SSS, 3) <> "12/" And Left(SSS, 2) <> "1/" _
- And Left(SSS, 2) <> "2/" And Left(SSS, 2) <> "3/" Then
- ' Then
- Print "software expired="; SSS; "="
- tt1 = InputBox("e-mail", , , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) 'TESTING ONLY
- GoTo End_32000
- End If 'must be march also
- screen_capture = "NO" 'march 15 2001
- File_40:
- save_line = "40"
- Close #ExtFile 'march 18 2001
- copy_photo = "NO" 'march 18 2001
- '09 december 2002 rand = 0 '18 august 2002
- text_pause = 0 '05 october 2002
- debug_photo = False '12 october 2002
- ' debug_photo = True '01 february 2003 09 september 2003
- tt1 = ""
- encript = ""
- prev_option = ""
- If extract_yes = "YES" Then
- Close #ExtFile
- line_len = Val(Cmd(21))
- End If 'november 12 2000
- tot_s1 = 0 'january 01 2001
- tot_s2 = 0 'january 01 2001
- tot_s3 = 0 'january 01 2001
- tot_s4 = 0 '23 june 2002
- tot_s5 = 0 '23 june 2002
- tot_s6 = 0
- extract_yes = "" 'november 12 2000
- skip_info = "" 'november 14 2000
- ' img_ctrl = "NO" 'february 21 2001
- img_ctrl = "YES" 'march 31 2001
- stretch_img = "YES" 'march 31 2001
- '22 december 2002
- ' If UCase(Cmd(38)) = "STRETCH" Then
- ' stretch_info = " (STRETCH)" '21 december 2002
- ' Else
- ' stretch_info = " (NORMAL)"
- ' End If
- dbltime1 = 0
- dbltime2 = 0
- line_45: 'december 3 2000
- boundarycnt = 0 'december 31 2000
- boundarystr = "" 'december 31 2000
- mbxyes = "" 'december 17 2000
- dateskip = "F" 'december 23 2000
- GoSub InputFile_24000 'march 20/00
- ' Print "tt1 SAVE_ttt="; tt1; "="; SAVE_ttt
- ' ttt = InputBox("testing file_40", , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- If tt1 = "" Then
- GoTo End_32000
- End If
- append_start1 = "append start" 'april 10 2001
- append_end1 = "append end" 'april 10 2001
- mbxi = 0 'december 17 2000
- emailsea = "" 'december 11 2000
- SAVE_ttt = "in" 'december 10 2000
- GoSub Control_28000 'december 10 2000
- extract_yes = "" 'december 31 2000
- photo_cnt = 0 'march 17 2001
- dirdates = "" 'april 11 2001
- hilite_hh = "" 'april 22 2001
- hilite_cnt = 0 'april 22 2001
- If rand = -1 Then '09 december 2002
- Randomize 'use system timer to start randomizer
- cnt = 99999999
- GoSub line_30920
- ' rand_cnt = zzz_cnt - 3 'keep the total number of records in file
- rand_cnt = zzz_cnt - 6 'keep the total number of records in file 28 april 2003 (this fixed it) ver=1.04a
- 'seems to loop if it hits end of file
- 'Hint: (place 6 blank lines at end of file
- 'so last 3 pictures can be seen in random mode.
- zzz_cnt = 0
- ' xtemp = InputBox(" testing doug " + CStr(rand_cnt), "testing Prompt ", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2)
- rand_no = Int(rand_cnt * Rnd + 1) 'this line moves to after hits or misses
- End If '09 december 2002
- What_50:
- save_line = "50" 'for error handling
- pp_entered = "" 'november 6 2000
- SSS = Format(Now, "ddddd ttttt") 'display today
- 'deactivate the date check below have the program work for ever
- DoEvents
- ' Err.Raise 6 'test this to give error info
- ' works for all error numbers
- ' Beep 'test the beep bell
- prompt2 = ""
- ppoffset1 = 0 '27 july 2002
- ppoffset2 = 0 '27 july 2002
- 'find out what can be called of use **vip** todo
- 'test area for ggg = GetSetting("?","*")
- ' ggg = GetSetting("RegCust", "Startup", "LastEntry", "0")
- ' Print "ggg="; ggg; "="
- ' tt1 = InputBox("testing What_50", , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- ' save_line = "50 testing" 'testing only
- ' ggg = LoadResData("C:|Program Files\Plus!\Themes\UNDERW~5.WAV", 6)
- ' Print "ggg="; ggg; "="
- ' tt1 = InputBox("testing What_50", , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- '*********************************************************
- 'main option entry here entry option prompt
- '*********************************************************
- '10 august 2002 allow for different keep options for photo file and text files
- If xxx_found = "YES" Then
- Cmd(20) = Cmd(41)
- Cmd(33) = "PHOTO"
- ' tt1 = InputBox("testing 01 January 2005", , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- End If
- If xxx_found = "NO" Then
- Cmd(20) = Cmd(42)
- Cmd(33) = "D"
- End If
- '10 august 2002 use the cmd(20) and over-ride with above
- ' If xxx_found = "NO" And UCase(Cmd(20)) <> "Q" Then
- ' Cmd(20) = "C"
- ' Cmd(33) = "D"
- ' End If 'november 3 2000
- ' If xxx_found = "YES" Then
- ' Cmd(20) = "P"
- ' Cmd(33) = "PHOTO" 'december 18 2000
- ' End If 'november 3 2000
- '10 august 2002 comment out the above logic
- iimport = "" 'december 24 2000
- If InStr(UCase(TheFile), "\MAIL\") <> 0 And SAVE_ttt = "in" Then Cmd(20) = "email" 'december 12 2000
- If InStr(UCase(TheFile), "\OUTLOOK EXPRESS\") <> 0 And SAVE_ttt = "in" Then Cmd(20) = "email" 'december 13 2000
- Set Picture = LoadPicture() 'lp#1
- page_prompt = "" 'december 31 2000
- MAX_CNT = Val(Cmd(1)) 'december 31 2000
- Context_lines = Val(Cmd(22)) 'december 31 2000
- If Context_lines > 40 Then Context_lines = 40 'February 04 2001
- mess_cnt = 0 'january 03 2001
- array_pos = 0 'january 21 2001
- array_prt = 0
- temp_sec = -1 'march 14 2001
- ' WinSeek.Show 'february 26 2001
- ' WinSeek.SetFocus
- 'february 26 2001
- ' frmOption1.Caption = "Option prompt" 'february 26 2001
- ' MDIOption1.Show 'february 26 2001
- ' xtemp = InputBox("testing prompt_ after option1 show=" + TheFile + "*" + UCase(xtemp) + "*" + CStr(wrap_cnt) + " " + CStr(cnt), "test", , 4400, 4500) '
- ' SetFocus 'february 26 2001
- ' Unload frmOption1 'february 26 2001
- If screen_capture = "YES" Then
- new_delay_sec = 5 '03 September 2004
- GoSub line_30300 '03 September 2004
- ' delay_sec = 5 'march 15 2001
- ' GoSub line_30000
- End If
- dsp_cnt = 0 'may 12 2001
- dbltime2 = Timer 'get the end time may 12 2001
- Test1_str = ""
- If dbltime1 <> 0 And dbltime1 <> dbltime2 Then
- Test1_str = " elap=" + Format(dbltime2 - dbltime1, "#####0.000")
- End If 'show elapsed times may 12 2001
- multi_prompt2 = "" '04 September 2004
- Get_no2: 'march 21 2002
- interrupt_prompt2 = "" '12 April 2008
- search_str = "" '26 august 2002
- ' xtemp = InputBox(" input prompt #2 multi_prompt2 " + multi_prompt2 + "*" + ttt, " testing Prompt #2 ", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2)
- If Cmd(20) = "Y" And SAVE_ttt <> "in" Then Cmd(20) = "" '15 december 2004
- If Len(multi_prompt2) > 0 Then
- temp1 = InStr(1, multi_prompt2, sep)
- If temp1 <> 0 Then
- ttt = Left(multi_prompt2, temp1 - 1)
- multi_prompt2 = Right(multi_prompt2, Len(multi_prompt2) - temp1)
- ' xtemp = InputBox(" input prompt #2* multi_prompt2 " + multi_prompt2 + "*" + ttt, " testing Prompt #2* ", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2)
- Else
- ttt = multi_prompt2
- multi_prompt2 = ""
- ' xtemp = InputBox(" input prompt #2** multi_prompt2 =" + multi_prompt2 + "*" + ttt, " testing Prompt #2** ", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2)
- ' Cmd(20) = "" '05 September 2004
- End If
- GoTo auto_p2 '04 September 2004
- End If '04 September 2004 allow for multiple inputs at a time
- ' xtemp = InputBox(" input prompt #2 test " + auto_exe + "*", " testing Prompt #2 ", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2)
- '12 September 2004 If UCase(App.EXEName) = Trim(UCase(Cmd(45))) And Left(App.Path, 3) <> "C:\" Then
- ' If (UCase(App.EXEName) = Trim(UCase(Cmd(45))) And Left(App.Path, 3) <> "C:\") Or InStr(1, UCase(App.Path + App.EXEName), "BACKGRD") <> 0 Then
- If (UCase(App.EXEName) = Trim(UCase(Cmd(45))) And Left(App.Path, 3) <> "C:\") Or InStr(1, UCase(App.EXEName), "BACKGRD") <> 0 Then
- ttt = RTrim(Cmd(47)) 'the search options entered here for now use "WW"
- 'want to make it so multiple prompts can be done todo **vip**
- ' xtemp = InputBox(" backgrd test2", " testing Prompt #2* ", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2)
- If debug_photo Then '12 october 2002
- xtemp = InputBox("DOUG TESTING AUTO PROMPT #2" + ttt, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- End If
- GoTo auto_p2
- End If '07 december 2002
- If Left(UCase(Cmd(71)), 11) = "BATCHFILE==" Then '27 October 2004
- ttt = Right(Cmd(71), Len(Cmd(71)) - 11)
- ' xtemp = InputBox("27 october 2004 TESTING 1 =" + ttt, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- BatchFile = FreeFile
- Open ttt For Input As #BatchFile
- DoEvents
- ttt = "RRR" 'testing only re the close of the file etc...
- Line Input #BatchFile, ttt
- ' xtemp = InputBox("27 october 2004 TESTING 1a =" + ttt, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- ' interrupt_prompt2 = UCase(ttt) '20 November 2004
- GoTo auto_p2
- End If '27 October 2004
- '19 august 2003 the following line deactivated. If xxx. not found then disable random. We want it random here
- '19 August 2003 If xxx_found = "NO" Then rand = 0 '19 january 2003
- 'the above can be over-ridden below
- ttt = InputBox("P P1 P2 TT WW SS CH X RAND NORAND RANDA NORANDA THUMB HELP option ", "Option Prompt #2 " + TheFile + Test1_str, UCase(Cmd(20)), xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2)
- ' frmproj2.BorderStyle = "0" '25 november 2002
- ' frmproj2.BorderStyle = "0" '25 november 2002
- '10 august 2002 allow for cmd(41) and cmd(42) to override
- ' interrupt_prompt2 = UCase(ttt) '20 November 2004
- auto_p2: '07 december 2002
- ttt = UCase(ttt) '07 december 2002
- If inin = "" Then
- start_point = 0 '21 February 2007
- start_point = 10 '11 March 2007
- line_start_point = start_point '21 February 2007
- End If '21 February 2007
- '04 September 2004 below
- If InStr(1, ttt, sep) <> 0 Then
- temp1 = InStr(1, ttt, sep)
- multi_prompt2 = Right(ttt, Len(ttt) - temp1)
- ttt = Left(ttt, temp1 - 1)
- ' xtemp = InputBox(" input prompt #2a multi_prompt2 " + multi_prompt2 + "*" + ttt, " testing Prompt #2a ", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2)
- End If '04 September 2004
- If Left(ttt, 6) = "SPEED=" Then
- play_speed = Val(Right(ttt, Len(ttt) - 6))
- GoTo Get_no2
- End If '29 October 2003 testing this a bit
- p2p2 = UCase(ttt) '10 august 2002
- If ttt = "SS" And ss_only <> "YES" Then
- ss_only = "YES"
- GoTo Do_Search_110
- End If '07 december 2002
- If p2p2 = "DEBPHO" Then
- debug_photo = True
- GoTo Get_no2
- End If '12 october 2002 allow for debug of photo problems
- '16 July 2003 testing only below
- If Left(p2p2, 7) = "START==" Then
- start_point = Val(Right(p2p2, Len(p2p2) - 7))
- line_start_point = start_point '22 March 2004
- GoTo Get_no2
- End If '16 July 2003 Ver=1.07T testing the start point
- If Left(p2p2, 4) = "ELAP" Then
- elapse_yn = "YES" '13 July 2003
- GoTo Get_no2
- End If '13 July 2003
- If p2p2 = "PAUSE" Or p2p2 = "PA" Then
- text_pause = True
- extract_yes = "NO" 'do not want these two taking up disc space
- auto_redraw = "NO"
- frmproj2.AutoRedraw = False
- inin = ""
- GoTo Get_no2
- End If '05 october 2002
- If p2p2 = "RAND" Then
- rand = -1
- Randomize 'use system timer to start randomizer
- cnt = 99999999
- GoSub line_30920
- rand_cnt = zzz_cnt - 3 'keep the total number of records in file
- 'seems to loop if it hits end of file
- zzz_cnt = 0
- ' xtemp = InputBox(" testing doug " + CStr(rand_cnt), "testing Prompt ", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2)
- rand_no = Int(rand_cnt * Rnd + 1) 'this line moves to after hits or misses
- ' If rand Then
- ' xtemp = InputBox(" testing doug randomiser rnd " + CStr(rand_no), "testing Prompt ", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2)
- ' End If
- GoSub Control_28000
- '22 december 2002
- Cmd(49) = "RANDOM" '09 December 2002
- ' random_info = " (RANDOM)" '21 december 2002
- GoSub line_30800 'kill and update the control file
- frmproj2.Caption = program_info + random_info + stretch_info '09 december 2002
- GoTo Get_no2
- End If '18 august 2002
- If p2p2 = "NORAND" Then
- rand = 0
- GoSub Control_28000
- Cmd(49) = "NORANDOM" '09 december 2002
- '22 december 2002
- ' random_info = "" '21 december 2002
- GoSub line_30800 'kill and update the control file
- frmproj2.Caption = program_info + stretch_info '09 december 2002
- GoTo Get_no2
- End If '09 december 2002
- If p2p2 = "DETAIL" Then
- GoSub Control_28000
- Cmd(56) = "PHOTO_DETAIL" '18 November 2004
- GoSub line_30800 'kill and update the control file
- detailyn = "PHOTO_DETAIL" '18 November 2004
- GoTo Get_no2
- End If '18 November 2004
- If p2p2 = "NODETAIL" Then
- GoSub Control_28000
- Cmd(56) = "noPHOTO_DETAIL" '18 November 2004
- GoSub line_30800 'kill and update the control file
- detailyn = "noPHOTO_DETAIL" '18 November 2004
- GoTo Get_no2
- End If '18 November 2004
- If Left(p2p2, 4) = "THUM" Then
- thumb_nail = "YES" '16 July 2003 ver=1.07T
- GoSub Control_28000
- Cmd(67) = "THUMB" '14 April 2004
- GoSub line_30800
- GoTo Get_no2
- End If
- If Left(p2p2, 6) = "NOTHUM" Then
- thumb_nail = "NO"
- GoSub Control_28000
- Cmd(67) = "noTHUMB" '14 April 2004
- GoSub line_30800
- GoTo Get_no2
- End If
- '23 March 2004
- If p2p2 = "RANDA" Then
- rand1 = -1
- Randomize
- GoSub Control_28000
- Cmd(65) = "RANDBEG"
- GoSub line_30800
- GoTo Get_no2
- End If
- If p2p2 = "NORANDA" Then
- rand1 = 0
- GoSub Control_28000
- Cmd(65) = "noRANDBEG"
- GoSub line_30800
- GoTo Get_no2
- End If '23 March 2004 add random start point in video
- If p2p2 = "NOVIDEO" Then
- GoSub Control_28000
- Cmd(53) = "NOSHOWVIDEO" '10 FEBRUARY 2003
- GoSub line_30800 'kill and update the control file
- videoyn = "NOSHOWVIDEO"
- GoTo Get_no2
- End If '10 FEBRUARY 2003
- If p2p2 = "VIDEO" Then
- GoSub Control_28000
- Cmd(53) = "SHOWVIDEO" '10 FEBRUARY 2003
- GoSub line_30800 'kill and update the control file
- videoyn = "SHOWVIDEO"
- GoTo Get_no2
- End If '10 FEBRUARY 2003
- '05 december 2002 If p2p2 = "P1" Or p2p2 = "P2" Or p2p2 = "WW" Or p2p2 = "SS" Then
- 'midway thru the program appx
- If p2p2 = "P" Or p2p2 = "WW" Or p2p2 = "SS" Then
- If Cmd(41) <> p2p2 Then
- GoSub Control_28000
- Cmd(41) = p2p2
- GoSub line_30800 'kill and update the control file
- End If
- End If '10 august 2002
- '15 December 2004 If p2p2 = "C" Or p2p2 = "S" Or p2p2 = "Q" Or p2p2 = "CC" Then
- If p2p2 = "C" Or p2p2 = "S" Or p2p2 = "Q" Or p2p2 = "CC" Or p2p2 = "Y" Then
- If Cmd(42) <> p2p2 Then
- GoSub Control_28000
- Cmd(42) = p2p2
- GoSub line_30800 'kill and update the control file
- End If
- End If '10 august 2002
- If p2p2 = "CC" Then
- search_str = "CC" '26 august 2002
- p2p2 = "S"
- prompt2 = "S"
- ttt = "S"
- End If
- dbltime2 = Timer 'may 12 2001
- dbltime1 = Timer 'Get the start time may 12 2001
- prev_ttt = ttt 'april 10 2001
- If UCase(ttt) = "Z" Then prev_option = "" 'february 25 2001
- If prev_option = "CH" Then
- SetFocus 'this solved the problem of the esc / enter not interrupting
- End If
- 'the program once the "CH" option was done february 20 2001
- line_60: 'february 09 2001
- tt1 = ttt 'november 14 2000
- ttt = UCase(ttt) 'all to upper case june 14/99
- If ttt = "M" Then
- frmproj2.WindowState = 1 '0=normal 1 = min 2 = max
- 'when I used co-ordinates of 40000 , 40000 below the input box failed and
- 'it skipped immediately to the get_no2 prompt what the hey
- ttt = InputBox(" window state prompt", "minimized ", "WHAT", 20000, 20000)
- frmproj2.WindowState = 2 '
- GoTo Get_no2
- End If 'march 21 2002
- ' "Y" for yesterday display in text file december 09 2001
- ' read till end of file then do similar to the "B" option
- If ttt = "Y" Then
- save_line = "65"
- OutFile = FreeFile
- Open TheFile For Input As #OutFile
- DoEvents 'yield to operating system
- dblStart = Timer 'get the start time
- line_65:
- Line Input #OutFile, aaa
- zzz_cnt = zzz_cnt + 1
- GoTo line_65
- End If
- If ttt = "HELP" Then
- rand = 0 '10 december 2002
- Close #OutFile
- DoEvents
- DoEvents
- GoSub line_30900
- Close #OutFile
- DoEvents
- OutFile = FreeFile
- Open "help.txt" For Input As #OutFile
- DoEvents
- prompt2 = "C"
- printed_cnt = 1 'otherwise the "reading 1" shows up on screen
- inin = "A" 'forces all data to be displayed
- SSS1 = "" 'when set to "A" only lines with "A" in displayed
- SAVE_KEEPS1 = "==" 'the search match is an and (just use one at a time)
- SAVE_KEEPS2 = "CMD(" '**vip** the search here must be in all capitals
- SAVE_KEEPS3 = ") " 'use this for some other display all caps
- SAVE_KEEPS4 = "" '09 JUNE 2002
- SAVE_KEEPS5 = ""
- SAVE_KEEPS6 = ""
- SAVE_ttt = "C" 'this ensures it is "C" context display
- Picture_Search = "" 'this one was important in making the help work
- hi_lites = "YES"
- Cls 'clear the screen
- ' can not seem to get this routine to display the hilites on the second pass
- ' after a photo has been displayed and the option prompt "help" request
- ' not a big deal but just having no luck today october 22 2001
- ' SSS = SAVE_KEEPS1 + sep + SAVE_KEEPS2 + sep + SAVE_KEEPS3
- ' xtemp = InputBox("DOUG 1 TESTING SSS1 SSS2 SSS3" + SSS1 + SSS2 + SSS3, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- ' xtemp = InputBox("DOUG 2 TESTING SAVE_ttt hi_lites" + SAVE_ttt + "," + hi_lites, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- ' KEEPS1 = ""
- ' KEEPS1 = ""
- ' KEEPS2 = ""
- ' KEEPS3 = ""
- ' xtemp = InputBox("DOUG 3 TESTING KEEPS1 KEEPS2 KEEPS3 " + KEEPS1 + "," + KEEPS2 + "," + KEEPS3, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- ' xtemp = InputBox("DOUG 4 TESTING tt1" + tt1, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- ' tt1 = ""
- ' xtemp = InputBox("DOUG 5 TESTING save_search" + save_search, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- ' xtemp = InputBox("DOUG 6 TESTING SAVE_KEEPS1" + SAVE_KEEPS1, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- ' xtemp = InputBox("DOUG 7 TESTING SAVE_KEEPS2" + SAVE_KEEPS2, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- ' line_match = "Y"
- GoTo input_1000a
- End If 'october 14 2001
- If ttt = "DIRDATES" Then
- dirdates = "Y"
- GoTo What_50
- End If 'april 11 2001
- If Left(ttt, 2) = "HH" Then
- hilite_this = Mid(prev_ttt, 3)
- GoSub Control_28000 '19 january 2003
- Cmd(31) = Mid(prev_ttt, 3) ' only hilites data not on matching line
- GoSub line_30800 '19 january 2003
- hilite_hh = "Y" 'april 22 2001
- GoTo What_50
- End If 'april 10 2001
- If Left(ttt, 3) = "HLL" Then
- append_end1 = Mid(prev_ttt, 4)
- GoTo What_50
- End If 'april 10 2001
- If Left(ttt, 2) = "HL" And Mid(ttt, 3, 1) <> "L" Then
- append_start1 = Mid(prev_ttt, 3)
- GoTo What_50
- End If 'april 10 2001
- If ttt = "P1" Then
- img_ctrl = "YES" 'march 31 2001
- stretch_img = "YES" 'march 31 2001
- '22 december 2002
- ' stretch_info = " (STRETCH)" '21 december 2002
- ' frmproj2.Caption = program_info + random_info + stretch_info '09 december 2002
- GoSub Control_28000 'october 07 2001 read the most current then update
- Cmd(38) = "stretch"
- search_prompt = "in" 'october 07 2001
- GoSub line_30800 'september 23 2001
- frmproj2.Caption = program_info + random_info + stretch_info '22 december 2002
- If debug_photo Then '12 october 2002
- xtemp = InputBox("DOUG TESTING photo 1" + ttt, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- End If
- ttt = "P1" 'OCTOBER 07 2001
- ttt = "P" '05 december 2002
- GoTo What_50 '05 december 2002
- End If 'march 31 2001
- If ttt = "P" Then
- ttt = "P1"
- End If 'september 23 2001
- If ttt = "SC" Then
- screen_capture = "YES" 'march 15 2001
- GoTo What_50
- End If
- If ttt = "DIR" Then
- ttt = "GF" 'february 18 2002
- diryes = "DIR"
- dirdates = "Y"
- End If 'february 18 2002
- Mergem = "NO" 'february 24 2002
- If ttt = "MERGE" Then
- ttt = "GF" 'february 24 2002
- diryes = "DIR"
- dirdates = "Y"
- Mergem = "YES"
- End If 'february 24 2002
- If ttt = "GF" Then
- GoSub Control_28000
- rand = 0 '19 July 2003 take random off GF option
- Cmd(49) = "NORANDOM"
- GoSub line_30800 'kill and update the control file
- '19 July 2003 (somehow having random set causes the tag record
- 'on mp3 files not to be read properly (so this should be a temp fix)
- GoSub Control_28000 '19 July 2003
- Close #OutFile '18 August 2004 so there is no conflict with file opened at prompt number 1 one
- GoSub line_30700 'april 01 2001
- '15 december 2002 GoTo What_50
- GoTo File_40
- End If
- If Left(ttt, 2) = "PC" Then
- photo_cnt = Val(Mid(ttt, 3)) - 1
- GoTo What_50
- End If 'march 17 2001
- If ttt = "CP" Then
- copy_photo = "YES" 'march 17 2001
- 'need to allow for change of file name etc here
- xtemp = Cmd(19)
- GoSub line_16000 '
- If UCase(FileExt) = UCase(TheFile) Then
- ttt = "X"
- GoTo File_40
- End If
- 'might want to make the open below append or new
- ' save_line = "16100-1" '18 March 2007 testing only only
- GoSub line_16100 'open the replace.txt for output
- xtemp = InputBox(" output directory (you can rename folder later)", "Directory Prompt ", Cmd(23), xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2)
- temps = xtemp
- If Len(temps) < 4 Then
- GoTo What_50
- End If 'april 08 2001
- save_dir:
- photo_dir = xtemp 'ie c:\search\tempfold\
- xtemp = InputBox(" keep original file name Y/N <Y> (pict for pict01 & pict02 etc)", "Output file name prompt ", "Y", xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2)
- photo_file = xtemp 'ie pict
- If xtemp = "Y" Then photo_file = ""
- ' xtemp = InputBox("testing dir" + photo_dir, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- ' xtemp = InputBox("testing file" + photo_file, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- GoTo What_50
- End If 'end "CP" if statement
- prev_option = ttt 'february 25 2001
- If ttt = "P2" Then
- stretch_img = "NO" 'march 31 2001
- '22 december 2002
- ' stretch_info = " (NORMAL)" '21 december 2002
- ' frmproj2.Caption = program_info + random_info + stretch_info '25 november 2002
- ' img_ctrl = "YES" 'february 21 2001
- img_ctrl = "NO" 'march 31 2001
- ttt = "P1"
- GoSub Control_28000 'october 07 2001
- Cmd(38) = "normal" 'september 23 2001
- search_prompt = "in" 'october 07 2001
- GoSub line_30800 'september 23 2001
- frmproj2.Caption = program_info + random_info + stretch_info '25 november 2002
- ' xtemp = InputBox("TESTING DOUG photo 2" + ttt, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- ttt = "P1" 'OCTOBER 07 2001
- ttt = "P" '05 december 2002
- GoTo What_50 '05 december 2002
- End If
- If Cmd(20) = "email" And ttt = "IMPORT" Then
- emailsea = "Y"
- iimport = "Y" 'december 24 2000
- ttt = "F" 'for flash display
- extract_yes = "YES"
- xtemp = Cmd(19)
- GoSub line_16000 'get file name
- If UCase(FileExt) = UCase(TheFile) Then
- ttt = "X"
- GoTo File_40
- End If 'january 22 2001
- ' save_line = "16100-2" '18 March 2007 testing only only
- GoSub line_16100 'january 01 2001
- End If
- Cmd(20) = "" 'december 7 2000
- xxx_found = "" 'december 7 2000
- If ddemo = "YES" And ttt = "" Then
- GoTo line_80
- End If
- 'demo only allows the P1 and the SS options
- If ddemo = "YES" And ttt <> "P1" And ttt <> "X" And ttt <> "RRR" And ttt <> "SS" Then
- GoTo What_50
- End If
- 'december 11 2000 re the emailsea option email
- If ttt = "EMAIL" Then
- emailsea = "Y"
- ttt = "C"
- End If
- If ttt = "R" Then
- page_prompt = "NO"
- extract_yes = "YES"
- xtemp = Cmd(19)
- GoSub line_16000
- If UCase(FileExt) = UCase(TheFile) Then
- ttt = "X"
- GoTo File_40
- End If 'january 22 2001
- ' save_line = "16100-3" '18 March 2007 testing only only
- GoSub line_16100 'january 01 2001
- ttt = "Q"
- End If 'december 31 2000
- If ttt = "CROP" Then
- GoSub line_30600 'crop the input file to a given length
- SAVE_ttt = ""
- GoTo File_40
- End If 'december 31 2000
- If ttt = "DISC" Then
- MsgBox strMessage
- strMessage = App.Path + "*" + App.EXEName '07 december 2002
- MsgBox strMessage
- GoTo What_50
- End If 'january 31 2001
- If ttt = "D" Then
- page_prompt = "NO"
- extract_yes = "YES"
- xtemp = Cmd(19)
- GoSub line_16000
- ' xtemp = InputBox("testing prompt_=" + TheFile + "*" + UCase(xtemp) + "*" + CStr(wrap_cnt) + " " + CStr(cnt), "test", , 4400, 4500) '
- If UCase(TheFile) = UCase(FileExt) Then
- ttt = "X"
- GoTo File_40
- End If 'january 22 2001
- ' save_line = "16100-4" '18 March 2007 testing only only
- GoSub line_16100 'january 01 2001
- 'january 01 2001 MAX_CNT = 5
- 'january 01 2001 Context_lines = 2
- MAX_CNT = context_win
- Context_lines = Int((context_win - 1) / 2)
- If Context_lines > 40 Then Context_lines = 40 'january 28 2001
- ttt = "C"
- End If 'december 31 2000
- If ttt = "T" Then
- page_prompt = "NO"
- extract_yes = "YES"
- xtemp = Cmd(19)
- GoSub line_16000
- If UCase(FileExt) = UCase(TheFile) Then
- ttt = "X"
- GoTo File_40
- End If 'january 22 2001
- ' save_line = "16100-5" '18 March 2007 testing only only
- GoSub line_16100 'january 01 2001
- ttt = "S" 'see logic below for changing S to Q for search
- End If 'january 01 2001
- 'november 14 2000 the following stuff moved up to do_search area
- uppercase = "N" 'december 8 2000
- If ttt = "S" Then
- uppercase = "Y"
- ttt = "Q"
- End If 'december 8 2000
- If ttt = "XXX" Then
- extract_yes = "YES" 'november 12 2000
- text_pause = 0 '05 october 2002 don't want these two taking up disc
- xtemp = Cmd(19)
- GoSub line_16000 'get the file name november 17 2000
- If UCase(FileExt) = UCase(TheFile) Then
- ttt = "X"
- GoTo File_40
- End If 'january 22 2001
- ' save_line = "16100-6" '18 March 2007 testing only only
- GoSub line_16100 'january 01 2001
- GoTo What_50
- End If
- If ttt = "LL" Then
- line_len = Val(Cmd(21))
- GoTo What_50
- End If 'december 6 2000
- If Left(ttt, 2) = "LL" Then
- line_len = Val(Right(ttt, Len(ttt) - 2))
- GoTo What_50
- End If 'december 6 2000
- If Left(ttt, 7) = "SHOWPOS" Then
- showpos = "Y"
- GoTo What_50
- End If 'december 6 2000
- '**keep** the showpos is handy to check the wrap functions for problems
- 'and there will be problems
- If Left(ttt, 7) = "SHOWASC" Then
- showasc = "Y"
- GoTo What_50
- End If 'december 6 2000
- If Left(ttt, 4) = "SKIP" Then
- skip_info = Right(tt1, Len(tt1) - 4)
- GoTo What_50 'november 14 2000
- End If
- If Left(ttt, 2) = "NS" And Len(ttt) > 2 Then
- Cmd(28) = " " + Cmd(28) + " " + Right(ttt, Len(ttt) - 2) + " "
- GoSub line_29100 'set up new noshow elements
- GoTo What_50
- End If
- 'november 03 2000 allow switch between two control files ie for font sizes etc
- If Left(ttt, 3) = "CCC" Then
- ' control_file = "c:\control1.txt"
- control_file = "control1.txt" 'december 3 2000 hint use control1.txt to switch multiple settings at once
- GoSub Control_28000
- DoEvents
- ' control_file = "c:\control.txt"
- '23 september 2002 control_file = "control.txt" 'december 3 2000
- SAVE_ttt = "in" 'november 23 2000
- GoTo What_50
- End If
- If Left(ttt, 2) = "SS" And Len(ttt) > 2 Then
- Cmd(26) = " " + Right(ttt, Len(ttt) - 2) + " "
- ' ss_search = Right(ttt, Len(tt) - 2) + " " 'october 24 2000
- GoSub line_29200 'set up new screen saver elements
- ' sscreen_saver = "Y" 'october 24 2000
- ' prompt2 = "SS"
- ' Print "screensave(?)="; "*"; screensave(screencount); "*"; aaa; screencount; sscreen_saver; prompt2
- ' tt1 = InputBox("testing screen saver logic", , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- ttt = "SS"
- End If
- '28 april 2002 WW screen saver option added
- If Left(ttt, 2) = "WW" Then
- sscreen_saver_ww = "YES"
- interrupt_prompt2 = "" '23 November 2004
- inin = ""
- ttt = "SS"
- Picture_Search = "YES" '26 November 2004 testing this doug
- ' ShowCursor = False '29 november 2002
- ' Me.MousePointer = False '29 november 2002
- End If
- If Left(ttt, 2) = "TT" And Len(ttt) > 2 Then
- GoSub Control_28000
- delay_sec = Val(Right(ttt, Len(ttt) - 2)) 'set a new delay time on screen saver
- 'february 08 2002 the 4 lines below were added to save the delay time
- hold_sec = delay_sec
- Cmd(27) = Format(hold_sec, "###0.0000")
- delay_sec = hold_sec '29 november 2002
- GoSub line_30800
- delay_sec = hold_sec '18 November 2004
- ' tt1 = InputBox("testing delay " + ttt + " " + Cmd(27), , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING 22 March 2004
- GoTo Get_no2 '05 September 2004
- '05 September 2004 GoTo What_50
- End If
- If ttt = "" And SAVE_ttt = "in" Then
- ttt = UCase(Cmd(20)) 'april 14/00
- If ttt = " " Then
- ttt = "C"
- Cmd(20) = ttt
- End If
- End If 'default to "c" on incomming
- prompt2 = ttt + ""
- previous_count = 0
- If ttt = "SS" Then
- ttt = "P1"
- If strecth_img = "NO" Then img_ctrl = "NO" 'march 31 2001
- sscreen_saver = "Y"
- End If
- ' If UCase(Left(ttt, 3)) = "VVV" Then
- ' ppaste = Right(ttt, Len(ttt) - 3)
- ' GoTo What_50
- ' End If
- If UCase(Left(ttt, 2)) = "VV" Then
- Clipboard.SetText Right(ttt, Len(ttt) - 2)
- 'see programmers guide page 170 re mdi forms and clipboard.settext
- GoTo What_50
- End If
- crlf = "" 'December 2 2000
- If UCase(ttt) = "QQQ" Then
- ttt = "RRR"
- crlf = "NO"
- End If
- 'add the option to do a search and replace
- If UCase(ttt) = "RRR" Then
- encript = "RRR"
- ' xtemp = InputBox("27 October testing 2" + ttt, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- GoSub replace_29000
- GoTo File_40
- End If
- 'do the encription here november 20 2000
- If UCase(ttt) = "CRIPT" Then
- encript = "CRIPT"
- xtemp = Cmd(32)
- GoSub line_16000
- GoSub line_29500 'encription array read
- case_yes = "Y"
- GoSub replace_29000
- GoTo File_40
- End If
- 'do the de-encription here november 20 2000
- If UCase(ttt) = "DECRIPT" Then
- encript = "DECRIPT"
- xtemp = Cmd(32)
- GoSub line_16000
- GoSub line_29500 'encription array read
- case_yes = "Y"
- GoSub replace_29000
- GoTo File_40
- End If
- 'set up for the de-encription here november 20 2000
- If UCase(ttt) = "MYSTUF" Then
- encript = "MYSTUF"
- xtemp = Cmd(32)
- GoSub line_16000
- GoSub line_29500 'encription array read
- case_yes = "Y"
- GoTo What_50
- End If
- '10 January 2005 If text_pause Then
- If text_pause And p2p2 <> "F" Then
- MAX_CNT = MAX_CNT + 1 '06 January 2005 no need to display the end of screen stuff when pausing
- End If '06 January 2005 add 1 to the max number of lines to display here
- ' allow for the number of characters in string to do select
- If Len(ttt) = 0 Then GoTo line_80
- If Len(ttt) = 1 Then GoTo line_80
- If Len(ttt) = 2 And ttt = "P1" Then GoTo line_80
- If Len(ttt) = 2 And ttt = "CH" Then GoTo line_80
- If Len(ttt) = 2 Then
- ttt = "P"
- GoTo line_80
- End If
- If Len(ttt) = 3 Then
- ttt = "P1"
- GoTo line_80
- End If
- If Len(ttt) = 4 Then
- ttt = "CH"
- GoTo line_80
- End If
- If Len(ttt) = 5 Then
- ttt = "Z"
- GoTo line_80
- End If
- If Len(ttt) = 6 Then
- ttt = "E"
- GoTo line_80
- End If
- If Len(ttt) = 7 Then
- ttt = "F"
- GoTo line_80
- End If
- If Len(ttt) = 8 Then
- ttt = "S"
- GoTo line_80
- End If
- If Len(ttt) = 9 Then
- ttt = "X"
- GoTo line_80
- End If
- line_80:
- Test1_str = "P"
- ' Print "Cmd(20)="; Cmd(20); "="
- If debug_photo Then '12 october 2002
- tt1 = InputBox("testing photo 3", , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- End If
- If ttt = "P1" Then
- ttt = "P"
- Test1_str = "P1"
- End If
- If ttt = "P2" Then
- ttt = "P"
- Test1_str = "P2"
- End If
- If ttt = "P3" Then
- ttt = "P"
- Test1_str = "P3"
- End If
- SAVE_ttt = ttt
- Cls 'clear screen each time
- 'enter data to end of file
- Picture_Search = "NO"
- If ttt = "P" Then
- Picture_Search = "YES"
- ttt = "C"
- GoTo Do_Search_110
- SAVE_ttt = ttt
- End If 'march 31/00
- If ttt = "Z" Then
- GoSub Do_Append_19000
- GoTo What_50
- End If 'march 28/00
- If ttt = "CH" Then
- GoSub Do_Change_18000
- DoEvents
- GoTo What_50
- End If 'march 29/00
- If ttt = "E" Then
- GoTo Do_Enter_20000
- End If
- 'search and search with start
- If ttt = "S" Or ttt = "SS" Then
- GoTo Do_Search_110
- End If
- 'flash search
- If ttt = "F" Then
- ' tt1 = InputBox("testing flash prompt", , , 4400, 4500) '04 September 2004
- auto_redraw = "NO"
- frmproj2.AutoRedraw = False 'november 11 2001
- 'turn off redraw on flash display
- GoTo Do_Search_110
- End If
- 'context search aug 08/99
- If ttt = "C" Then
- GoTo Do_Search_110 'aug 08/99
- End If
- 'quick search october 21 2000
- If ttt = "Q" Then
- GoTo Do_Search_110
- End If
- GoTo File_40
- ' GoTo End_32000
- Do_Search_110:
- save_line = "110" 'for error handling
- If img_ctrl = "YES" Then
- Set Image1.Picture = LoadPicture 'february 21 2001
- End If
- If debug_photo Then '12 october 2002
- tt1 = InputBox("testing photo 3.1", , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- End If
- Close OutFile
- OutFile = FreeFile 'november 14 2000
- If mbxyes = "Y" Then
- Open TheFile For Binary As #OutFile 'the main file open for input here vip
- Else
- Open TheFile For Input As #OutFile 'the main file open for input here vip
- End If
- SSS1 = ""
- SSS2 = ""
- SSS3 = ""
- SSS4 = "" '09 JUNE 2002
- SSS5 = ""
- SSS6 = ""
- 'may 12 2001 dsp_cnt = 0
- zzz_cnt = 0
- zzz_chrs = 0
- tot_disp = 0 ' zero count of lines displayed
- end_cnt = 0 'allow for more than 1 eof in file
- ' ScrollBars = True
- ' Picture1.Picture = LoadPicture("c:\temp.bmp")
- ' Picture2.Picture = Picture1.Picture
- ' Picture2.Top = 0
- ' Picture2.Left = 0
- ' Picture2.Width = Picture1.Width
- ' Picture2.Height = Picture1.Height
- ' II = DoEvents()
- ' PaintPicture Picture1.Picture, -1, -3300, 9400, 8000
- ' MyAppID = Shell("C:\WINDOWS\KODAKIMG.EXE", 1)
- ' AppActivate MyAppID
- ' SendKeys "^o", True
- ' SendKeys "c:\temp.tif", True
- ' SendKeys "{c:\temp.bmp}", True
- ' SendKeys "%F1", 1
- ' SendKeys "%F0C:\TEMP.BMP", 1
- ' SendKeys " C:\TEMP.BMP"
- ' SendKeys Ctrl("o"), 1
- ' SendKeys "^co"
- ' MyAppID = Shell("C:\PROGRAM FILES\colordesk utilities\photo\cdphoto.EXE", 1)
- ' MyAppID = Shell("C:\fbscanner\imagein3\imagein.EXE", 1)
- '*******************************************************
- ' * * * S E A R C H S T R I N G * * * entry option prompt
- '*******************************************************
- 'august 27/00
- ' ttt = InputBox("Search String 'A' for ALL", , , 4400, 4500)
- ' ttt = UCase(ttt)
- TheSearch = "."
- '28 april 2002 If sscreen_saver = "Y" Then
- ' frmproj2.Caption = " do_search_110 dougdoug " + SAVE_SSS + "*" + interrupt_prompt2 + "*" + sscreen_saver + "*" + sscreen_saver_ww + "*" + SSS1 + "*" + SSS2 + "*" + ss_search '20 November 2004 test
- If sscreen_saver = "Y" And sscreen_saver_ww = "YES" And interrupt_prompt2 = "WW" Then '21 November 2004
- ttt = SAVE_SSS '21 November 2004 ie like "OLDIE/IRENE" IN SAVE_SSS
- delay_sec = new_delay_sec '23 November 2004 set it back
- interrupt_prompt2 = "" '23 November 2004 was not allowing a WW entry at prompt two
- GoTo line_600
- End If '21 November 2004
- If sscreen_saver = "Y" And sscreen_saver_ww <> "YES" Then
- ttt = ss_search 'screen saver logic
- GoTo line_600
- End If
- line_500: 'december 3 2000
- If text_pause And inin <> "" Then
- ' tt1 = InputBox("testing pause " + p2p2 + "*" + inin + "*", , , 4400, 4500)
- GoTo line_510 '05 october 2002
- End If
- If iimport = "Y" Then
- ttt = "kskdlskdj" 'skip search entry prompt
- GoTo line_510 'december 24 2000
- End If
- If debug_photo Then '12 october 2002
- tt1 = InputBox("testing photo 3.2", , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- End If
- GoSub Search_26000 'get the string to find search prompt here *******
- line_510: 'december 24 2000
- ' Print ttt 'testing
- ' tt1 = InputBox("testing search_26000", , , 4400, 4500)
- If UCase(ttt) = "E" Or UCase(ttt) = "X" Then GoTo What_50
- ' If Len(ttt) = 1 Then GoTo What_50 'january 05 2001
- If (prompt2 = "P1" Or prompt2 = "P") And _
- search_prompt = "in" And ttt = "" Then
- ttt = "PHOTO"
- GoTo line_600
- End If
- If (prompt2 = "P1" Or prompt2 = "P") And _
- UCase(ttt) = "A" Then
- ttt = "PHOTO"
- GoTo line_600
- End If
- If search_prompt = "in" And ttt = "" Then
- ttt = Cmd(33) 'december 7 2000
- ' ttt = "D"
- GoTo line_600
- End If 'april 24/00
- 'default to day search on start
- If UCase(ttt) = "A" Then GoTo line_600
- If UCase(ttt) = "D" Then GoTo line_600
- If UCase(ttt) = "M" Then GoTo line_600
- ' If ttt = "MM" Then GoTo line_600
- ' If ttt = "DD" Then GoTo line_600
- 'december 28 2000 If Len(ttt) = 1 Then ttt = "." 'force display old searches
- 'december 28 2000 comment out the logic below
- 'any 2 matching characters will do a paste function Ctrl/V
- ' If Len(ttt) = 2 And Left(ttt, 1) = Right(ttt, 1) Then
- ' ttt = Clipboard.GetText(vbCFText)
- ' Print ttt 'testing only
- ' End If
- line_600:
- ' search_prompt = "D"
- search_prompt = Cmd(33) 'december 7 2000
- printed_cnt = 1 'may 10/00
- printed = "NO"
- TheSearch = ttt
- 'august 27/00
- ' If TheSearch <> "" Then
- ' GoSub Search_26000
- ' End If
- If ttt = "-" Then
- ttt = SAVE_SRCH + ""
- End If 'use last search if - entered 15mar00
- If ttt <> "" Then
- If UCase(ttt) <> "A" Then
- SAVE_SRCH = ttt + "" 'save search for reuse 15mar00
- End If
- 'november 6 2000
- If prompt2 = "Q" And SSS <> "D" Then
- SAVE_SRCH = qqq + ""
- End If 'october 23 2000
- End If
- SSS = UCase(ttt) 'Ensure all is upper case for search
- 'november 6 2000
- 'december 8 2000 If prompt2 = "Q" And SSS <> "D" Then
- If prompt2 = "Q" And SSS <> "D" And uppercase = "N" Then
- SSS = qqq 'no upper case in quickie search october 23 2000
- End If
- SAVE_SSS = SSS + ""
- 'check for tabs here later and make them 4 or 5 spaces
- '20 August 2003 Cls 'june 27/99
- cnt = 0
- dblStart = Timer 'get the start time
- hi_lites = "NO"
- If SSS = "" Then
- Close #OutFile 'june 27/99
- II = DoEvents 'june 27/99
- GoTo What_50
- End If
- 'if D entered switch with current date ie 6/14/99 as the
- ' search string in the format 6/6/14/99
- '06 December 2004 testing previous day.
- '--------------------------------------------------
- 'date is as 12/6/2004 for December 06 2004 returned with time also
- 'this will not do a previous month ie if sitting on 01 good enought for now.
- If SSS = "DX" Then
- SSS = Format(Now, "ddddd ttttt") 'display today
- temp1 = InStr(2, SSS, " ")
- temptemp = Trim(Left(SSS, temp1))
- II = InStr(temptemp, "/")
- III = InStr(II + 1, temptemp, "/")
- temptemp = Mid(temptemp, II + 1, III - II + 1)
- temp1 = Val(temptemp) - 1 'the day is reduced by 1 here
- If temp1 = 0 Then temp1 = 1 'do not worry about last month for now
- temptemp = CStr(temp1)
- temptemp = Left(SSS, II) + CStr(Val(temptemp)) + Right(SSS, Len(SSS) - III + 1)
- SSS = temptemp
- temp1 = InStr(2, SSS, " ") 'case it changes from 10 to 9 etc
- ' frmproj2.Caption = " 06 Dec 2004 testing=" + temptemp + "=" '06 December 2004
- ' new_delay_sec = 2 '06 December 2004 testing
- ' GoSub line_30300 '06 December 2004 testing
- ' SSS = " " + sep + " " + sep + Left(SSS, temp1 - 1)
- '09 june 2002 SSS = "M" + sep + ":" + sep + Left(SSS, temp1 - 1) 'january 05 2001
- SSS = "M" + sep + "M" + sep + "M" + sep + "M" + sep + ":" + sep + Left(SSS, temp1 - 1) 'january 05 2001
- End If
- '--------------------------------------------------
- If SSS = "D" Then
- SSS = Format(Now, "ddddd ttttt") 'display today
- ' frmproj2.Caption = " 06 Dec 2004 testing=" + SSS + "=" '06 December 2004
- ' new_delay_sec = 2 '06 December 2004 testing
- ' GoSub line_30300 '06 December 2004 testing
- temp1 = InStr(2, SSS, " ")
- ' SSS = " " + sep + " " + sep + Left(SSS, temp1 - 1)
- '09 june 2002 SSS = "M" + sep + ":" + sep + Left(SSS, temp1 - 1) 'january 05 2001
- SSS = "M" + sep + "M" + sep + "M" + sep + "M" + sep + ":" + sep + Left(SSS, temp1 - 1) 'january 05 2001
- End If
- If SSS = "DD" Then
- SSS = " " + sep + " " + sep + date_displayed 'day of last find
- End If
- If SSS = "M" Then
- SSS = Format(Now, "ddddd ttttt") 'display this month
- temp1 = InStr(2, SSS, "/") 'end of month
- temp2 = InStr(2, SSS, " ") 'right after year
- ' temp3 = InStr(temp1 + 1, SSS, "/") 'start of year
- ' SSS = " " + sep + Mid(SSS, temp3 + 1, temp2 - temp3) + sep + " " + Left(SSS, temp1)
- ' sep99 sep 7/ for july
- SSS1 = Left(SSS, temp1)
- SSS2 = Mid(SSS, temp2 - 3, 4)
- SSS3 = ""
- SSS4 = "" '09 JUNE 2002
- SSS5 = ""
- SSS6 = ""
- SSS = ""
- KEEPS1 = SSS1 + ""
- KEEPS2 = SSS2 + ""
- KEEPS3 = SSS3 + ""
- KEEPS4 = SSS4 + "" '09 june 2002
- KEEPS5 = SSS5 + ""
- KEEPS6 = SSS6 + ""
- SAVE_KEEPS4 = KEEPS4 + "" '09 june 2002
- inin = "M"
- 'maybe put the above changes in the MM below june 15/00
- ' Context = "yes"
- ' Print "testing="; SSS1; "*"; SSS2; "*"; SSS3; "*"
- If debug_photo Then '12 october 2002
- tt1 = InputBox("testing photo 4", , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- End If
- GoTo input_990
- End If
- If SSS = "MM" Then 'month of last find
- SSS = date_displayed
- temp1 = InStr(2, SSS, "/") 'end of month
- temp2 = InStr(2, SSS, " ") 'right after year
- temp3 = InStr(temp1 + 1, SSS, "/") 'start of year
- ' SSS = " " + sep + Mid(SSS, temp3 + 1, temp2 - temp3) + sep + " " + Left(SSS, temp1)
- ' sep99 sep 7/ for july
- SSS1 = Left(SSS, temp1)
- SSS2 = Mid(SSS, temp2 - 3, 4)
- SSS3 = ""
- SSS4 = "" '09 JUNE 2002
- SSS5 = ""
- SSS6 = ""
- SSS = ""
- KEEPS1 = SSS1 + ""
- KEEPS2 = SSS2 + ""
- KEEPS3 = SSS3 + ""
- KEEPS4 = SSS4 + "" '09 june 2002
- KEEPS5 = SSS5 + ""
- KEEPS6 = SSS6 + ""
- SAVE_KEEPS4 = KEEPS4 + "" '09 june 2002
- inin = "MM"
- GoTo input_990
- End If
- Context = "no" 'june 26/99 what is with this line?
- 'june 26/99
- If SSS = "-" Then
- Context = "yes"
- SSS = " " + sep + " " + sep + date_displayed
- SAVE_KEEPS2 = KEEPS2 + "" 'june 26/99
- SAVE_KEEPS4 = KEEPS4 + "" '09 june 2002
- End If 'use date found from previous search to get
- 'all data entered that day
- If SSS = "=" Then
- Context = "yes"
- SSS = date_displayed
- temp1 = InStr(SSS, "/") 'end of month
- temp2 = InStr(SSS, " ") 'right after year
- temp3 = InStr(temp1 + 1, SSS, "/") 'start of year
- SSS = " " + sep + Mid(SSS, temp3 + 1, temp2 - temp3) + sep + " " + Left(SSS, temp1)
- ' sep99 sep 7/ for july
- SAVE_KEEPS2 = KEEPS2 + "" 'june 26/99
- End If
- line_700:
- i = InStr(SSS, " ")
- If i <> 0 Then
- SSS = Left(SSS, i) + Mid(SSS, i + 2)
- GoTo line_700
- End If
- i = InStr(SSS, sep)
- SSS1 = SSS + ""
- s1len = Len(SSS1)
- inin = SSS + "" 'june 13/99
- If i = 0 Then
- GoTo input_990
- End If
- SSS1 = Left(SSS, i - 1)
- s1len = Len(SSS1)
- j = Len(SSS)
- SSS = Right(SSS, j - i)
- i = InStr(SSS, sep)
- SSS2 = SSS
- s2len = Len(SSS2)
- ' Print "testing="; SSS1; "*"; SSS2; "*"; SSS3; "*"
- If debug_photo Then '12 october 2002
- tt1 = InputBox("testing photo 5", , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- End If
- '09 june 2002 add 3 more elements here
- If i = 0 Then
- GoTo input_990
- End If
- SSS2 = Left(SSS, i - 1)
- s2len = Len(SSS2)
- j = Len(SSS)
- SSS = Right(SSS, j - i)
- i = InStr(SSS, sep)
- SSS3 = SSS
- s3len = Len(SSS3)
- '---------------------------------------------
- If i = 0 Then
- GoTo input_990
- End If
- SSS3 = Left(SSS, i - 1)
- s3len = Len(SSS3)
- j = Len(SSS)
- SSS = Right(SSS, j - i)
- i = InStr(SSS, sep)
- SSS4 = SSS
- s4len = Len(SSS4)
- '========================================================
- If i = 0 Then
- GoTo input_990
- End If
- SSS4 = Left(SSS, i - 1)
- s4len = Len(SSS4)
- j = Len(SSS)
- SSS = Right(SSS, j - i)
- i = InStr(SSS, sep)
- SSS5 = SSS
- s5len = Len(SSS5)
- '----------------------------------------------
- If i = 0 Then
- GoTo input_990
- End If
- SSS5 = Left(SSS, i - 1)
- s5len = Len(SSS5)
- j = Len(SSS)
- SSS6 = Right(SSS, j - i)
- s6len = Len(SSS6)
- input_990:
- If ss_only = "YES" And p2p2 = "SS" Then
- ttt = "SS" + " " + SSS1 + " " + SSS2 + " " + SSS3 + " " + SSS4 + " " + SSS5 + " " + SSS6
- ss_only = "NO"
- GoTo auto_p2
- End If '07 december 2002
- tot_cnt = 0
- GoSub line_14500 'check for imbedded spaces in search strings
- 'january 19 2001
- '***********************************************
- 'Major input line for the sequential file read
- '***********************************************
- input_1000: 'INPUT HERE
- save_line = "1000" 'for error handling
- slomo = False '14 January 2004
- motion_yn = "NO" '03 September 2004
- If SAVE_ttt = "C" Then
- Context_cnt = Context_cnt + 1 'aug 08/99
- If Context_cnt > MAX_CNT Then
- Context_cnt = 1
- End If
- Context_text(Context_cnt) = ccc + ""
- End If 'aug 08/99 save last 10 lines at least
- 'the following code along with the form keypreview set to true
- 'should enable escape similar to ctrl/c on the vax
- 'endscript and keydown subroutines at the end also Dec 02/99
- If zzz_cnt Mod 1000 = 0 Then
- DoEvents
- End If
- If Escape Then
- Escape = False
- GoTo End_32000
- End If
- If Picture_Search = "YES" Then
- Previous_line = ooo 'keep this to search for XXX.
- End If 'march 31/00
- 'main input file read here
- '*************************************************
- 'main input file data read ' * * * I N P U T * * *
- '*************************************************
- input_1000a:
- Line Input #OutFile, aaa
- ' frmproj2.Caption = " testing=" + Left(aaa, 40) + "=" '26 November 2004
- '20 November 2004 maybe the line below needs setting as I return here a lot... ***vip*** todo check out sometime
- ' save_line = "1000" 'for error handling 20 November 2004
- ' line_pos = 0 'november 22 2000 january 05 2001
- zzz_cnt = zzz_cnt + 1
- If rand Then
- If zzz_cnt < rand_no Then GoTo input_1000a '18 august 2002
- '03 August 2003 below is where to change the 2 to what ever the range is for random by group display
- 'ie if there are 6 videos in the group the number should be 12 or 13 below??? ***vip*** todo
- '06 September 2004 if random and a text search just do random on first get then sequential
- If p2p2 = "C" Or p2p2 = "S" Or p2p2 = "F" Then
- rand = False
- GoTo input_1000a
- End If '06 September 2004
- If zzz_cnt > rand_no + 2 Then 'this may display 2 in a row but that is ok
- 'refresh, #outfile need to be able to reset the file at beginning
- Close #OutFile
- II = DoEvents
- OutFile = FreeFile
- Open TheFile For Input As #OutFile
- II = DoEvents 'yield to operating system
- rand_no = Int(rand_cnt * Rnd + 1)
- zzz_cnt = 0
- GoTo input_1000a
- End If
- End If
- ' If hi_lites <> "YES" Then line_match = "" 'november 21 2000
- If encript = "MYSTUF" Then
- GoSub line_29400
- ' If zzz_cnt Mod 10000 = 0 Then
- ' DoEvents
- ' Print "searching "; zzz_cnt
- ' End If
- End If
- If skip_info <> "" Then
- If InStr(aaa, skip_info) <> 0 Then
- GoTo input_1000a
- End If
- End If 'november 14 2000 this check takes 1/2 second on 190,000 records
- 'ie 9.67 to 10.20 in the quickie mode for the if skip_info <> "" 190,000 times
- If prompt2 <> "Q" Then
- GoTo input_1000b 'Quickie search fix
- End If
- ' aaa = UCase(aaa) 'december 8 testing ucased timing
- 'info in testing the above line it took over 2 times as much
- 'time to do the search with just including the above statement'
- 'my outmail.txt search went from 14.45 seconds to 34.45 secs
- If uppercase = "Y" Then
- ooo = aaa + ""
- aaa = UCase(aaa) 'december 8 2000
- End If
- If InStr(aaa, SSS1) = 0 Then
- GoTo input_1000a
- End If
- If SSS2 = "" Then
- GoTo input_1000aa
- End If
- If InStr(aaa, SSS2) = 0 Then
- GoTo input_1000a
- End If
- If SSS3 = "" Then
- GoTo input_1000aa
- End If
- If InStr(aaa, SSS3) = 0 Then
- GoTo input_1000a
- End If
- 'add in sss4 thru sss6 09 june 2002
- If SSS4 = "" Then
- GoTo input_1000aa
- End If
- If InStr(aaa, SSS4) = 0 Then
- GoTo input_1000a
- End If
- If SSS5 = "" Then
- GoTo input_1000aa
- End If
- If InStr(aaa, SSS5) = 0 Then
- GoTo input_1000a
- End If
- If SSS6 = "" Then
- GoTo input_1000aa
- End If
- If InStr(aaa, SSS6) = 0 Then
- GoTo input_1000a
- End If
- ' If InStr(aaa, qqq) = 0 Then
- ' GoTo input_1000a
- ' End If 'october 21 2000
- input_1000aa:
- If uppercase = "Y" Then aaa = ooo 'december 8 2000
- previous_count = previous_count + 1 'october 22 2000
- If previous_count > 100 Then
- previous_count = 1
- End If
- previous_picture(previous_count) = zzz_cnt
- input_1000b:
- 'december 11 2000 the lines from here to input_1000bb
- 'december 15 2000 testing stuff below
- '
- If show_files_yn Then '24 december 2002
- ' xtemp = InputBox("DOUG " + show_files+" "+aaa, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- II = InStr(aaa, " append start") 'other appends have -append start
- If II <> 0 Then
- show_files = Left(aaa, II - 1)
- End If
- End If '24 december 2002
- xtemp = ""
- ' xtemp = "test="
- If xtemp <> "" Then
- III = Len(aaa) 'december 17 2000
- If III > 10 Then III = 10
- For II = 1 To III
- xtemp = xtemp + CStr(Asc(Mid(aaa, II, 1))) + " "
- Next II
- aaa = aaa + xtemp + CStr(Len(aaa))
- End If 'end of test section
- If emailsea <> "Y" Then GoTo line_1001
- If Right(aaa, 3) = "=20" Then
- aaa = Left(aaa, Len(aaa) - 3)
- End If 'december 18 2000 whatever the deal is with the "-20 " get rid of it
- 'december 17 2000 if more than 1 ascii value < 10 then mbx start of new mail message
- If mbxyes <> "Y" Then GoTo nombx1000 'december 17 2000
- If Len(aaa) = 0 And mbxi = 0 Then GoTo input_1000a 'december 18 2000
- If mbxi = 0 Then III = InStr(aaa, "From:") 'december 17 2000
- If mbxi = 0 And III <> 0 Then
- aaa = Right(aaa, Len(aaa) - III + 1)
- dateskip = "" 'december 19 20002
- mbxi = 1
- End If
- If mbxi = 0 Then GoTo input_1000a 'december 18 2000
- nombx1000:
- 'december 15 2000 added and in test mode
- If InStr(aaa, "Reply-To") <> 0 And mbxyes = "Y" Then
- dateskip = ""
- boundarystr = ""
- boundarycnt = 0
- aaa = "========================= email start ========================="
- GoTo input_1000bb 'need to print the seperator above
- End If
- If InStr(aaa, "Return-Path") <> 0 Then
- GoTo input_1000a
- End If 'december 20 2000
- If InStr(aaa, "Return-Path") <> 0 Then
- dateskip = ""
- boundarystr = ""
- boundarycnt = 0
- aaa = "========================= email start ========================="
- GoTo input_1000bb 'need to print the seperator above
- End If
- If InStr(aaa, "From - ") <> 0 Then
- dateskip = "Y"
- boundarystr = ""
- boundarycnt = 0
- aaa = "========================= email start ========================="
- GoTo input_1000bb 'need to print the seperator above
- End If
- If InStr(aaa, "From ????") <> 0 Then
- dateskip = "Y"
- boundarystr = ""
- boundarycnt = 0
- aaa = "========================= email start ========================="
- GoTo input_1000bb 'need to print the seperator above
- End If
- If dateskip = "F" Then
- dateskip = "Y"
- boundarystr = ""
- boundarycnt = 0
- aaa = "========================= email start ========================="
- GoTo input_1000bb 'need to print the seperator above
- End If
- If InStr(aaa, "Date: ") <> 0 And dateskip = "Y" Then
- dateskip = ""
- GoTo input_1000bb
- End If
- If InStr(aaa, "From: ") <> 0 And dateskip = "Y" Then
- dateskip = ""
- GoTo input_1000bb
- End If
- If dateskip = "Y" Then GoTo input_1000a 'december 12 2000
- If InStr(aaa, "Reply-To") <> 0 Then GoTo input_1000a
- If InStr(aaa, "To: ") <> 0 Then GoTo input_1000bb
- If InStr(aaa, "Subject: ") <> 0 Then GoTo input_1000bb
- ' If InStr(aaa, "boundary=") <> 0 Then february 28 2001
- If InStr(aaa, "boundary=""") <> 0 Then
- III = InStr(aaa, "boundary=")
- II = InStr(III + 10, aaa, """") 'quote mark search double quote
- boundarystr = Mid(aaa, III + 10, II - III - 10)
- boundarycnt = 0 'december 18 2000
- ' tt1 = InputBox(boundarystr + " " + CStr(boundarycnt), , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- GoTo input_1000a
- End If
- If Len(boundarystr) > 2 And InStr(aaa, boundarystr) <> 0 Then
- boundarycnt = boundarycnt + 1
- GoTo input_1000a
- End If
- If boundarycnt = 0 And Len(boundarystr) > 2 Then GoTo input_1000a
- If boundarycnt > 1 Then GoTo input_1000a
- 'december 30 2000 skip a few of the odd characters that linger
- If mbxyes = "Y" And Len(aaa) < 6 Then
- III = Len(aaa) 'december 17 2000
- For II = 1 To III
- If Asc(Mid(aaa, II, 1)) > 126 Then GoTo input_1000a
- If Asc(Mid(aaa, II, 1)) < 9 Then GoTo input_1000a
- Next II
- End If 'december 30 2000 end of code
- input_1000bb:
- If InStr(aaa, "= email start =") <> 0 Then tot_s1 = tot_s1 + 1 'january 28 2001
- If InStr(aaa, "Errors-to:") <> 0 Then GoTo input_1000a
- If InStr(aaa, "Mime-Version:") <> 0 Then GoTo input_1000a
- If InStr(aaa, "Reply-to:") <> 0 Then GoTo input_1000a
- If InStr(aaa, "User-Agent:") <> 0 Then GoTo input_1000a
- If InStr(aaa, "X-Accept-Language:") <> 0 Then GoTo input_1000a
- If InStr(aaa, "Importance:") <> 0 Then GoTo input_1000a
- If InStr(aaa, "X-Mozilla") <> 0 Then GoTo input_1000a
- If InStr(aaa, "References:") <> 0 Then GoTo input_1000a
- If InStr(aaa, "X-Mailer:") <> 0 Then GoTo input_1000a
- If InStr(aaa, "X-MSMail-") <> 0 Then GoTo input_1000a
- If InStr(aaa, "X-MimeOLE") <> 0 Then GoTo input_1000a
- If InStr(aaa, "X-Priority:") <> 0 Then GoTo input_1000a
- If InStr(aaa, "MIME-V") <> 0 Then GoTo input_1000a
- If InStr(aaa, "MIME format.") <> 0 Then GoTo input_1000a
- If InStr(aaa, "Message-ID") <> 0 Then GoTo input_1000a
- If InStr(aaa, "Message-Id: ") <> 0 Then GoTo input_1000a
- If InStr(aaa, "Content-T") <> 0 Then GoTo input_1000a
- If InStr(aaa, "charset=") <> 0 Then GoTo input_1000a
- 'the characters "photo" must exist for this to match up
- line_1001: 'december 25/2000
- If Picture_Search = "YES" Then '
- If InStr(UCase(aaa), "PHOTO") = 0 Then
- 'don't skip if search is for XXX.
- ooo = aaa + ""
- GoTo input_1000
- End If
- End If 'march 31/00
- '25 July 2003 If temp_sec <> -1 And temp_sec <> delay_sec Then
- If temp_sec <> 0 And temp_sec <> -1 And temp_sec <> delay_sec Then
- delay_sec = temp_sec
- ' If delay_sec < 0.3 Then
- ' tt1 = InputBox("testing=" + Format(delay_sec, "###0.000") + "=", , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- ' End If '25 July 2003
- End If 'march 14 2001
- If Picture_Search = "YES" Then '
- III = InStr(UCase(aaa), " WAIT=")
- line_delay_sec = 0 '19 July 2003 Ver=1.07T
- '22 september 2003 If III <> 0 Then
- If III <> 0 And thumb_nail <> "YES" Then
- temp_sec = delay_sec
- II = InStr(III + 5, aaa + " ", " ") 'make sure there is a trailing space here
- xtemp = Mid(aaa, III + 6, II - III - 6)
- ' tt1 = InputBox("testing=" + xtemp + "=", , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- delay_sec = Val(xtemp)
- line_delay_sec = delay_sec '19 July 2003 Ver=1.07T
- End If
- '16 November 2003
- III = InStr(UCase(aaa), " SPEED=")
- line_speed = 1000
- ' play_speed = line_speed '13 May 2004 (see other setting too)
- If III <> 0 Then
- ' temp_sec = delay_sec
- II = InStr(III + 6, aaa + " ", " ") 'make sure there is a trailing space here
- xtemp = Mid(aaa, III + 7, II - III - 7)
- ' tt1 = InputBox("testing=" + xtemp + "=", , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- line_speed = Val(xtemp)
- play_speed = line_speed
- End If '16 November 2003
- '24 September 2003 add the line_freeze_sec stuff
- III = InStr(UCase(aaa), " FREEZE=")
- Line_freeze_sec = 0
- If III <> 0 Then
- temp_sec = delay_sec
- II = InStr(III + 7, aaa + " ", " ") 'make sure there is a trailing space here
- xtemp = Mid(aaa, III + 8, II - III - 8)
- ' tt1 = InputBox("testing=" + xtemp + "=", , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- Line_freeze_sec = Val(xtemp)
- End If
- '24 September 2003 end of line_freeze_sec stuff
- '22 March 2004 line_start_point = 0 '19 July 2003 Ver=1.07T
- If thumb_nail <> "YES" Then line_start_point = 0 '22 March 2004
- If thumb_nail <> "YES" Then line_start_point = 10 '11 March 2007
- III = InStr(UCase(aaa), " START==") '19 July 2003 Ver=1.07T
- If III <> 0 Then
- II = InStr(III + 7, aaa + " ", " ") 'make sure there is a trailing space here
- xtemp = Mid(aaa, III + 8, II - III - 8)
- line_start_point = Val(xtemp)
- End If
- End If 'march 14 2001
- 'replace any tabs with 4 spaces right here
- save_line = "1002" 'for error handling
- line_1002:
- '07 november 2002 comment out the do_tab below for now
- ' If do_tab Then '05 october 2002 (no spaces in search string)
- tt = InStr(aaa, Chr(9)) 'check for tabs
- If tt = 0 Then
- GoTo line_1008
- End If
- 'change any tabs to 4 spaces
- aaa = Left(aaa, tt - 1) + " " + Mid(aaa, tt + 1)
- GoTo line_1002
- '07 november 2002 End If '05 october 2002
- line_1008:
- tt = InStr(aaa, Chr(10)) 'check for line feed january 22 2001
- If tt = 0 Then
- GoTo line_1008d
- End If
- 'change any line feeds to nothings
- aaa = Left(aaa, tt - 1) + " " + Mid(aaa, tt + 1)
- ooo = Left(ooo, tt - 1) + " " + Mid(ooo, tt + 1)
- GoTo line_1008
- line_1008d:
- ooo = aaa + "" 'save the original chr upper/lower
- 'original input line saved
- save_line = "1008" 'for error handling
- ' If Len(aaa) > zzz_len Then
- ' zzz_len = Len(aaa)
- ' long_line = Left(aaa, 20) ' maybe fix it in editor?
- ' End If
- zzz_chrs = zzz_chrs + Len(ooo) + 2 'the cr/lf characters.
- If printed <> "YES" And printed_cnt Mod MAX_CNT * 10000 = 0 Then
- Cls
- End If 'may 10/00
- If printed <> "YES" And printed_cnt Mod 10000 = 0 Then
- DoEvents 'december 06 2001
- Print "reading "; zzz_cnt
- End If 'may 10/00
- printed_cnt = printed_cnt + 1 'may 10/00 ********************************
- old_line = " " + aaa + " " '25 March 2003 part of version ver=1.02b
- If uppercase = "Y" Or sscreen_saver = "Y" Then
- aaa = " " + UCase(aaa) + " "
- Else
- aaa = " " + aaa + " "
- End If '01 october 2002 no need to to put uppercase if all numeric
- ooo = " " + ooo + " " 'just to match with aaa
- 'december 8 2000 If prompt2 = "Q" Then
- If prompt2 = "Q" And uppercase = "N" Then
- aaa = ooo + ""
- End If 'no upper case switch for quicky search
- lll = aaa + "" 'used to show where "P1" matched on in e to exit prompt
- ccc = ooo + "" 'aug 08/99
- 'no show logic
- 'might want to have the logic for no-show changed here somewhat
- 'ie if anything other that P1 or P then the noshow elements should
- 'be cleared (ie count set to 0) etc if "no-show" not the first element
- 'this would allow for the replacement of the skip and the complete removal
- 'in the text display of anything that shouldn't be shown
- 'these notes were done december 30 2000
- 'may want the no-show words replaced with "******" so the search will fail
- 'todo **vip** at some point in time this is censorship???
- ' If prompt2 <> "P1" And prompt2 <> "P" Then GoTo line_1009_a 'december 25 2000
- If extract_yes = "YES" Then GoTo line_1009_a 'january 03 2001
- If encript <> "" Then GoTo line_1009_a 'january 03 2001
- ' tt1 = InputBox("doshow logic " + aaa, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- If InStr(aaa, "DOSHOW") <> 0 Then GoTo line_1009_a '18 August 2003
- For II = 1 To nocount
- ' If zzz_cnt > 80 Then
- ' Print "noshow(a)="; "*"; zzz_cnt; "*"; noshow(II); "*"; prompt2; "*"; aaa; nocount
- ' this one can go on and on so allow for an exit here if bad entry
- If debug_photo Then '12 october 2002
- tt1 = InputBox("testing photo 6", , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- If Len(tt1) > 0 Then debug_photo = False 'allow for an out here
- End If
- ' End If 'testing only january 27 2001
- If Len(noshow(II)) < 1 Then
- GoTo line_1009
- End If
- If (prompt2 = "P1" Or prompt2 = "P") And InStr(aaa, noshow(II)) <> 0 Then
- GoTo input_1000 'skip if noshow found in line
- End If
- If prompt2 = "SS" And InStr(aaa, noshow(II)) <> 0 Then
- GoTo input_1000 'skip if noshow in screen saver also january 27 2001
- End If
- tt = 1 'january 04 2001
- 'the following keeps these words from showing in text display??
- line_1008m:
- III = InStr(tt, aaa, noshow(II)) 'january 03 2001
- If III = 0 Then GoTo line_1009 'january 03 2001
- tt = III + 1
- JJ = Len(noshow(II)) 'january 03 2001
- ooo = Left(ooo, III - 1) + String(JJ, "*") + Mid(ooo, III + JJ) 'january 03 2001
- GoTo line_1008m
- 'the mid statement without the length works the same as the vax basic right statement vms stuff
- line_1009:
- Next II
- line_1009_a: 'december 25 2000
- 'screensaver logic
- ' Print "screensave(?)="; "*"; screensave(1); "*"; aaa; "1"; sscreen_saver; prompt2
- ' Print "screensave(?)="; "*"; screensave(screencount); "*"; aaa; screencount; sscreen_saver; prompt2
- ' Print sscreen_saver
- ' tt1 = InputBox("testing screen saver logic", , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- ' If tt1 = "X" Or tt1 = "x" Then
- ' GoTo End_32000
- ' End If 'testing only
- 'if no screen saver jump around this logic
- '28 APRIL 2002 If sscreen_saver <> "Y" Then GoTo line_1009b
- If sscreen_saver <> "Y" Or sscreen_saver_ww = "YES" Then GoTo line_1009b
- For II = 1 To screencount
- If Len(screensave(II)) < 1 Then
- GoTo input_1000
- End If
- If InStr(aaa, screensave(II)) <> 0 Then
- SSS1 = screensave(II)
- ' inactive ss_search = "PHOTO"
- ss_search = screensave(II)
- ' Print "inlogic="; "*"; screensave(screencount); "*"; aaa; screencount; sscreen_saver; prompt2
- ' tt1 = InputBox("testing screen saver logic", , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- GoTo display_all_2000 'show if screensave found in line
- End If
- line_1009a:
- Next II
- GoTo input_1000 'october 24 2000 screen saver fix
- line_1009b:
- If inin = "A" Or inin = "ALL" Then
- GoTo display_all_2000
- End If
- 'on flash display to screen
- If SAVE_ttt = "F" Then
- GoTo display_all_2000
- End If
- If SAVE_ttt = "C" And hi_lites = "YES" Then
- GoTo display_all_2000 'aug 08/99
- End If
- If inin = "M" Or inin = "MM" Then
- If Left(aaa, Len(SSS1) + 1) <> " " + SSS1 Then
- GoTo input_1000
- End If
- End If
- line_match = "Y" 'november 21 2000
- 'if the input strings match this will remain
- 'otherwise it is reset at the input line
- If InStr(aaa, SSS1) <> 0 Then
- GoTo line_1010
- End If
- line_match = "" 'november 21 2000
- GoTo input_1000
- line_1010:
- save_line = "1010" 'for error handling
- If SSS2 = "" Then
- GoTo display_all_2000
- End If
- If InStr(aaa, SSS2) <> 0 Then
- GoTo line_1020
- End If
- line_match = "" 'november 21 2000
- GoTo input_1000
- line_1020:
- save_line = "1020" 'for error handling
- If SSS3 = "" Then
- GoTo display_all_2000
- End If
- If InStr(aaa, SSS3) <> 0 Then
- '09 june 2002 GoTo display_all_2000
- GoTo line_1030
- End If
- line_match = "" 'november 21 2000
- GoTo input_1000
- line_1030:
- If SSS4 = "" Then
- GoTo display_all_2000
- End If
- If InStr(aaa, SSS4) <> 0 Then
- GoTo line_1040
- End If
- line_match = "" 'november 21 2000
- GoTo input_1000
- 'midway1 thru the program appx'==================================================================================
- line_1040:
- If SSS5 = "" Then
- GoTo display_all_2000
- End If
- If InStr(aaa, SSS5) <> 0 Then
- GoTo line_1050
- End If
- line_match = "" 'november 21 2000
- GoTo input_1000
- line_1050:
- If SSS6 = "" Then
- GoTo display_all_2000
- End If
- If InStr(aaa, SSS6) <> 0 Then
- GoTo display_all_2000
- End If
- '---------------------------------------------
- line_match = "" 'november 21 2000
- GoTo input_1000
- 'match found now do the hi-light here
- display_all_2000:
- ' frmproj2.AutoRedraw = True '04 January 2005
- ' xtemp = InputBox("DOUG 1 TESTING SSS1 SSS2 SSS3 " + SSS1 + " " + SSS2 + " " + SSS3 + " " + SSS4 + " " + SSS5 + " " + SSS6, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- '
- ' tt1 = InputBox("doug testing " + aaa, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- If Left(UCase(Cmd(70)), 10) = "FOREGROUND" Then
- new_delay_sec = 1 'enough time for the main job to get going again
- GoSub line_30300
- SetFocus '17 September 2004 background job to front.
- 'this only keeps focus till foreground job runs another file
- 'so the background job that is moved to the foreground should not be any longer
- 'than the other job time wise.... (until something else can be done)
- End If '17 September 2004
- save_line = "2000" 'for error handling
- displayed_cnt = displayed_cnt + 1 'october 13/00
- If displayed_cnt Mod 10 = 0 And ddemo = "YES" And prompt2 = "P1" Then
- 'pause a bit and do a couple of beeps just to bug them
- For tt = 1 To 3
- For II = 1 To 3000
- For JJ = 1 To 5000
- Next JJ
- Next II
- Beep
- DoEvents
- Next tt
- tt1 = InputBox("Demo copy only e-mail for full version", , , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) 'TESTING ONLY
- End If
- If printed_cnt > 20000 And printed <> "YES" Then
- Cls
- End If
- printed = "YES"
- printed_cnt = 1 'may 10/00
- If auto_redraw = "YES" Then frmproj2.AutoRedraw = True 'november 10 2001 autoredraw pair-4
- If Context = "no" Then 'june 26/99
- GoTo line_2003
- End If
- temp1 = Len(date_displayed) 'june 26/99 ie "6/26/99"
- 'print done here
- Print Left(aaa, temp1);
- JJ = Len(aaa)
- aaa = Right(aaa, JJ - temp1) + ""
- ooo = Right(ooo, JJ - temp1) + ""
- SSS3 = SAVE_KEEPS3 'june 26/99
- SSS4 = SAVE_KEEPS4 '09 june 2002
- line_2003:
- save_line = "2003"
- cnt = cnt + 1
- tot_disp = tot_disp + 1 'how many to the screen
- 'context below deals with the "-" and "=" displays
- 'and only applies to date formatted files
- 'clean up by moving the context = "yes"
- tttpos = 1
- KEEPS1 = SSS1 + ""
- KEEPS2 = SSS2 + ""
- KEEPS3 = SSS3 + ""
- KEEPS4 = SSS4 + "" '09 june 2002
- KEEPS5 = SSS5 + ""
- KEEPS6 = SSS6 + ""
- vvv = aaa
- If SSS1 = "A" Or SSS1 = "ALL" Then
- vvv = aaa
- End If
- If SSS1 = "A" Or SSS1 = "ALL" Then
- GoTo line_2200
- End If
- If SAVE_ttt = "F" And SSS1 <> "" And InStr(aaa, SSS1) = 0 Then
- GoTo line_2200
- End If
- If SAVE_ttt = "F" And SSS2 <> "" And InStr(aaa, SSS2) = 0 Then
- GoTo line_2200
- End If
- If SAVE_ttt = "F" And SSS3 <> "" And InStr(aaa, SSS3) = 0 Then
- GoTo line_2200
- End If
- If SAVE_ttt = "F" And SSS4 <> "" And InStr(aaa, SSS4) = 0 Then
- GoTo line_2200
- End If
- If SAVE_ttt = "F" And SSS5 <> "" And InStr(aaa, SSS5) = 0 Then
- GoTo line_2200
- End If
- If SAVE_ttt = "F" And SSS6 <> "" And InStr(aaa, SSS6) = 0 Then
- GoTo line_2200
- End If
- If SAVE_ttt = "F" Then
- hi_lites = "YES"
- vvv = aaa
- GoTo line_2004
- End If
- 'november 21 2000 the following 3 lines
- If SAVE_ttt = "C" And SSS1 <> "" And hi_lites = "YES" And InStr(aaa, SSS1) = 0 Then
- mult1 = ""
- mult2 = ""
- mult3 = ""
- mult4 = ""
- mult5 = ""
- mult6 = ""
- End If
- If SAVE_ttt = "C" And SSS2 <> "" And hi_lites = "YES" And InStr(aaa, SSS2) = 0 Then
- mult1 = ""
- mult2 = ""
- mult3 = ""
- mult4 = ""
- mult5 = ""
- mult6 = ""
- End If
- If SAVE_ttt = "C" And SSS3 <> "" And hi_lites = "YES" And InStr(aaa, SSS3) = 0 Then
- mult1 = ""
- mult2 = ""
- mult3 = ""
- mult4 = ""
- mult5 = ""
- mult6 = ""
- End If
- '09 JUNE 2002
- If SAVE_ttt = "C" And SSS4 <> "" And hi_lites = "YES" And InStr(aaa, SSS4) = 0 Then
- mult1 = ""
- mult2 = ""
- mult3 = ""
- mult4 = ""
- mult5 = ""
- mult6 = ""
- End If
- If SAVE_ttt = "C" And SSS5 <> "" And hi_lites = "YES" And InStr(aaa, SSS5) = 0 Then
- mult1 = ""
- mult2 = ""
- mult3 = ""
- mult4 = ""
- mult5 = ""
- mult6 = ""
- End If
- If SAVE_ttt = "C" And SSS6 <> "" And hi_lites = "YES" And InStr(aaa, SSS6) = 0 Then
- mult1 = ""
- mult2 = ""
- mult3 = ""
- mult4 = ""
- mult5 = ""
- mult6 = ""
- End If
- ' If SAVE_ttt = "C" And SSS1 <> "" And hi_lites = "YES" And _ january 03a 2001
- If SAVE_ttt = "C" And SSS1 <> "" And (hi_lites = "YES" Or inin = "A") And _
- InStr(aaa, SSS1) = 0 Then
- ' mult1 = "" 'november 21 2000
- ' line_match = "" 'november 21 2000
- GoTo line_2200 'aug 08/99
- End If
- ' If SAVE_ttt = "C" And SSS2 <> "" And hi_lites = "YES" And _ january 03a 2001
- If SAVE_ttt = "C" And SSS2 <> "" And (hi_lites = "YES" Or inin = "A") And _
- InStr(aaa, SSS2) = 0 Then
- ' mult2 = "" 'november 21 2000
- ' line_match = "" 'november 21 2000
- GoTo line_2200 'aug 08/99
- End If
- ' If SAVE_ttt = "C" And SSS3 <> "" And hi_lites = "YES" And _ january 03a 2001
- If SAVE_ttt = "C" And SSS3 <> "" And (hi_lites = "YES" Or inin = "A") And _
- InStr(aaa, SSS3) = 0 Then
- ' mult3 = "" 'november 21 2000
- ' line_match = "" 'november 21 2000
- GoTo line_2200 'aug 08/99
- End If
- ' 09 JUNE 2002
- If SAVE_ttt = "C" And SSS4 <> "" And (hi_lites = "YES" Or inin = "A") And _
- InStr(aaa, SSS4) = 0 Then
- ' mult3 = "" 'november 21 2000
- ' line_match = "" 'november 21 2000
- GoTo line_2200 'aug 08/99
- End If
- If SAVE_ttt = "C" And SSS5 <> "" And (hi_lites = "YES" Or inin = "A") And _
- InStr(aaa, SSS5) = 0 Then
- ' mult3 = "" 'november 21 2000
- ' line_match = "" 'november 21 2000
- GoTo line_2200 'aug 08/99
- End If
- If SAVE_ttt = "C" And SSS6 <> "" And (hi_lites = "YES" Or inin = "A") And _
- InStr(aaa, SSS6) = 0 Then
- ' mult3 = "" 'november 21 2000
- ' line_match = "" 'november 21 2000
- GoTo line_2200 'aug 08/99
- End If
- If SAVE_ttt = "C" And hi_lites <> "YES" Then
- hi_lites = "YES"
- ' line_match = "Y" 'november 21 2000
- GoSub Last_lines_15000 'aug 08/99
- vvv = aaa
- GoTo line_2004
- End If
- line_2004:
- Context_cnt = -1 'november 10 2000 this fixes the display
- If p2p2 = "S" And search_str = "CC" Then
- prompt2 = "C" '26 august 2002
- SAVE_ttt = "C"
- cnt = MAX_CNT 'force it to the end by indicating screen full
- previous_picture(previous_count) = zzz_cnt
- ' previous_count = previous_count + 1
- ' zzz_cnt = zzz_cnt - Context_lines
- ' temptemp = InputBox(" 26 august at bold ", "prompt2= " + prompt2 + p2p2 + " " + CStr(zzz_cnt), , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2)
- 'un comment the line below when working
- GoTo line_2100
- End If
- GoSub sub_12000 'The hilite display subroutine november 9 2000
- line_2100:
- save_line = "2100"
- '===============================================================================
- If prompt2 = "C" Then ' see end of if below "end of if below"
- previous_count = previous_count + 1 'october 19 2000
- If previous_count > 100 Then
- previous_count = 1
- End If
- previous_picture(previous_count) = zzz_cnt
- End If
- If Context = "yes" And SAVE_SSS = "=" Then
- If date_displayed <> "" Then
- SSS1 = " "
- SSS = date_displayed
- temp1 = InStr(1, SSS, "/")
- SSS2 = Left(SSS, temp1 - 1) + "/"
- temp1 = InStr(temp1 + 1, SSS, "/")
- SSS3 = "/" + Mid(SSS, temp1 + 1, 2)
- End If
- End If
- If Context = "yes" And SAVE_SSS = "-" Then 'june 26/99
- SSS1 = " "
- SSS2 = " "
- SSS3 = date_displayed
- End If
- If Context = "no" And SSS1 <> "A" Then
- If KEEPS1 <> "" Then
- End If
- If KEEPS2 <> "" Then
- End If
- If KEEPS3 <> "" Then
- End If
- If KEEPS4 <> "" Then '09 june 2002
- End If
- If KEEPS5 <> "" Then
- End If
- If KEEPS6 <> "" Then
- End If
- End If
- '*******************************************************
- ' major pause prompt on picture display done here
- '*******************************************************
- line_2130:
- save_line = "2130" 'november 6 2000
- '21 March 2004 maybe do some thing to display the time here too
- ' If Picture_Search = "YES" Or mpg_file = "YES" Then
- If Picture_Search = "YES" Then
- ' If mpg_file = "YES" Then GoTo line_2130a
- ' frmproj2.Caption = "lll1=" + lll '08 November 2004
- Line_Search = ""
- GoSub Display_pict_17000
- '23 November 2004 do the options== stuff here right after the picture shownmaybe
- '================================================================================
- ' frmproj2.Caption = " testing=" + UCase(lll) + "=" 'testing
- temptemp = UCase(lll) '23 November 2004
- III = InStr(temptemp, "OPTIONS==") '23 November 2004
- If III <> 0 Then
- JJ = 0
- temptemp = Right(temptemp, Len(temptemp) - III - 8)
- ' frmproj2.Caption = " testing=" + temptemp + "=" 'testing
- More_ops:
- II = InStr(temptemp, "OPT=")
- ' frmproj2.Caption = " testing1=" + temptemp + "=" + CStr(JJ) 'testing
- If II <> 0 Then
- temptemp = Right(temptemp, Len(temptemp) - 4) 'strip off the OPT=
- ddd = InStr(temptemp, "OPT=")
- ' frmproj2.Caption = " testing1a=" + temptemp + "=" + CStr(ddd) 'testing
- If ddd <> 0 Then
- control_files(JJ + 1) = Left(temptemp, ddd - 1)
- ' frmproj2.Caption = " testing1b=" + temptemp + "=" + CStr(JJ) 'testing
- temptemp = Right(temptemp, Len(temptemp) - ddd + 1)
- JJ = JJ + 1
- Else
- control_files(JJ + 1) = temptemp
- temptemp = ""
- JJ = JJ + 1
- End If
- GoTo More_ops
- End If
- Pick_op:
- If JJ <> 0 Then
- 'have it default to option 1 allways
- 'display the file here
- ' Set Picture = LoadPicture(Pict_file) 'Normal Mode
- ' frmproj2.Caption = " testing2=" + control_file + "="
- II = InputBox("enter option # 1 thru " + CStr(JJ), , "1", 4400, 4500)
- If II > JJ Or II < 1 Then GoTo Pick_op
- End If
- control_file = control_files(II)
- tempdata = Cmd(73)
- ' frmproj2.Caption = " testing=" + tempdata + "="
- DoEvents
- If Left(UCase(tempdata), 10) = "FILESWITCH" Then
- GoSub Control_28000 'change the control file from in a *.txt file
- Close #OutFile
- DoEvents
- OutFile = FreeFile
- DoEvents
- TheFile = Trim(Cmd(46)) 'Must be a file name here not a number
- ' frmproj2.Caption = " test TheFile=" + TheFile + "="
- Open TheFile For Input As #OutFile
- DoEvents
- End If
- ' frmproj2.Caption = " testing1x=" + control_file + "=" '23 November 2004
- GoTo input_1000a
- End If '23 November 2004
- '================================================================================
- '08 November 2004 put the results to a file ie play list generation or if something interesting played random
- If UCase(Left(Cmd(72), 11)) = "RESULTS.TXT" And UCase(Trim(TheFile)) <> "RESULTS.TXT" Then '08 November 2004
- ' frmproj2.Caption = " ooo1=" + ooo '08 November 2004 testing Just need "xxx." put in front here.
- ResultFile = FreeFile '08 November 2004
- Open "RESULTS.TXT" For Append Access Write As #ResultFile '08 November 2004 do this if RESULTS.TXT IN Cmd(72)
- Print #ResultFile, LTrim(ccc) '08 November 2004 this is the PHOTO stuff
- Print #ResultFile, Line_Search '08 November 2004 this is the xxx. stuff
- Close ResultFile '08 November 2004
- 'then do a print / write then a close on that file
- End If '08 November 2004
- ' frmproj2.Caption = "hey 7g " + Left(mssg, 5) + " " + CStr(array_pos) ' + Left(temptemp, 15) '01 September 2004
- 'line_2130a: '21 March 2004
- '
- ' P O S T P H O T O D I S P L A Y C L E A N U P
- ' show time date info before going on to next picture
- ' maybe something else should be done here in the future
- ' ie quote of the day display etc... random...
- '
- '24 March 2003 do some messing with the time display
- 'version ver=1.02b time and date hard coded display for now every 4 show time on the 10"s show day too
- 'see similar code at PHOTO_DETAIL calls to Last_lines_15000 and sub_12000
- 'doing the time display here after photo and text finished
- 'should have a few other options coded here for flexability soon.
- 'most of the hard coding should be comming from the control.txt file
- 'making it easier to center text what ever.
- '
- ' If dsp_cnt Mod 4 = 0 Then 'do every 4 records ver=1.03 make switchable
- special_date = "NO" '01 April 2003 skip additional display delays if logic below used ver=1.05
- time_displayed = "NO" '03 April 2003 just indicates if the time below is displayed...
- Def_Fore = Cmd(29) 'Use alt color here for display 26 July 2003
- If dsp_cnt Mod 4 = 0 And Cmd(57) = "SHOWTIME" Then 'do every 4 records
- ' replace_data = SSS1 '03 April 2003 save SSS1 so it can be replaced a few lines down
- replace_sss1 = SSS1
- replace_sss2 = SSS2
- replace_sss3 = SSS3
- replace_sss4 = SSS4
- replace_sss5 = SSS5
- replace_sss6 = SSS6 '03 April 2003
- time_displayed = "YES" '03 April 2003
- ' Def_Fore = 12 'make the text red???
- ' ForeColor = QBColor(Def_Fore)
- Context_lines = 3 '1 less than the PHOTO_DETAIL display
- ' ForeColor = QBColor(12) 'red
- ' ForeColor = QBColor(10) 'try lime green instead of red above
- ' ForeColor = QBColor(14) 'make this yellow and photo_detail lime green
- ' ForeColor = QBColor(9) 'make this bright blue instead
- ' ForeColor = QBColor(13) 'make this light purple instead
- ' ForeColor = QBColor(14) 'make this yellow instead
- ' ForeColor = QBColor(10) 'make this lime green (10) instead
- ForeColor = QBColor(11) 'make this pale blue (11) instead
- Font.Italic = False
- Font.Size = 72 'making time huge
- ' Font.Size = 48 '20 May 2003 switch to this for laptop
- ' If sscreen_saver = "Y" Then GoSub line_30000 'do a pause again if screen saver mode
- ' P A U S E for screen saver mode here
- ' frmproj2.Caption = "hey 7h " + Left(mssg, 5) + " " + CStr(array_pos) ' + Left(temptemp, 15) '01 September 2004
- '01 September 2004 GoSub line_30000 'do a pause again if screen saver mode
- 'the above caused it to hang on music thumbs that were being played full
- new_delay_sec = Val(Cmd(60)) '01 September 2004
- GoSub line_30300 '01 September 2004
- ' frmproj2.Caption = "hey 7i " + Left(mssg, 5) + " " + CStr(array_pos) ' + Left(temptemp, 15) '01 September 2004
- 'changed setting of aaa to below
- ' tt1 = InputBox("testing counts tot_s1=" + CStr(tot_s1), , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- '20 August 2003 Cls
- II = 0
- ooo = Now
- II = InStr(1, ooo, " PM") 'trim the seconds out of the time display
- If II <> 0 Then
- ooo = Left(ooo, II - 4) + " PM"
- End If
- II = InStr(1, ooo, " AM") 'trim the seconds out of the time display
- If II <> 0 Then
- ooo = Left(ooo, II - 4) + " AM"
- End If
- II = 0
- If dsp_cnt Mod 10 <> 0 Then
- II = InStr(2, ooo, " ") 'chop off the day month info ie except if ends in 10 ie 20 30 40 etc
- ' tt1 = InputBox("testing time=" + CStr(II) + "=" + ooo, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- Else
- ooo = Format(Now, "dddd, mmmm dd, yyyy") 'test another date format
- II = InStr(1, UCase(ooo), ", 20")
- If II <> 0 Then
- ooo = Left(ooo, II - 1) 'strip off ", 2003" year info (as with seconds) not needed
- 'logic should work till 2100, then the year will show
- End If
- II = InStr(1, ooo, ",") 'remove the comma ie Saturday, March 29
- If II <> 0 Then
- ooo = Left(ooo, II - 1) + Right(ooo, Len(ooo) - II)
- End If '29 march 2003
- II = 0
- Font.Size = 72
- ' Font.Size = 48 '20 May 2003 switch to this for laptop display
- Context_lines = 3
- '...??? SSS1 = Right(ooo, 2) '30 March 2003 ver=1.04 hilite the day (30) in "Sunday March 30"
- SSS1 = Right(ooo, 2) '30 March 2003 ver=1.04 hilite the day (30) in "Sunday March 30"
- SSS2 = ""
- SSS3 = ""
- SSS4 = ""
- SSS5 = ""
- SSS6 = "" '03 April 2003
- End If
- ooo = Right(ooo, Len(ooo) - II) ' + CStr(dsp_cnt)
- ooo = " " + ooo 'center the date time display a bit
- If Len(ooo) < 12 Then ooo = " " + ooo 'ie the time only center 10:52 AM stuff
- 'when too many spaces added above data disappeared ???^
- ' dsp_cnt = Len(ooo)
- ' aaa = "sure would be nice if other stuff prints" + Space(10) 'testing the fix for all characters to print only
- aaa = "dummydummydummydummydummydummy" 'some how forces the full date time to print????
- aaa = UCase(ooo) '+ "-----------------------------------------" 'see if this changes match hi-liting
- ' testing the hi-liting of the time element..
- '28 March 2003 should be able to hi-lite the following in the time some how
- ' KEEPS1 = "AM"
- ' KEEPS2 = "PM"
- If InStr(1, aaa, " PM") <> 0 Then
- '...??? SSS1 = "PM"
- SSS1 = "PM"
- SSS2 = ""
- SSS3 = ""
- SSS4 = ""
- SSS5 = ""
- SSS6 = "" '03 April 2003
- End If '30 March 2003 ver=1.04
- If InStr(1, aaa, " AM") <> 0 Then
- '...??? SSS1 = "AM"
- SSS2 = ""
- SSS3 = ""
- SSS4 = ""
- SSS5 = ""
- SSS6 = "" '03 April 2003
- SSS1 = "AM"
- End If '30 March 2003 ver=1.04 done with 2 if statements re the sss1 20 or so lines above
- ' SSS1 = " PM"
- ' SSS2 = "PM" 'see if this is hi-lited
- ' s1len = 2
- ' s2len = 2
- ' messing with the above resulted in the hi-liting of the matches disappearing...
- ' in screen saver photo_detail mode.
- ' tt1 = InputBox("testing time display keep_sss1=" + keep_SSS1, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- ' tt1 = InputBox("testing time display ooo=" + ooo, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- ' tt1 = InputBox("testing time display array_pos=" + CStr(array_pos), , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- tempdata = ooo '31 March 2003
- '03 April 2003 tempdata = " " + ooo '01 April 2003 ver=1.05 make it shift one to the right before it disappears to the left
- GoSub Last_lines_15000
- '21 March 2004 If mpg_file <> "YES" Then GoSub Last_lines_15000
- GoSub sub_12000 'do the bolding and high-liting hi-liting here
- new_delay_sec = Val(Cmd(27)) '03 September 2004
- GoSub line_30300 '03 September 2004
- ' tt1 = InputBox("testing=" + CStr(new_delay_sec) + "=", , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY 26 November 2004
- '30 March 2004 may need a reset of hold_sec here
- ' delay_sec = Val(Cmd(27)) '30 March 2004
- ' If mpg_file = "YES" Then
- ' new_delay_sec = Val(Cmd(27))
- ' GoSub line_30300 '30 March 2004
- ' End If '30 March 2004
- 'only if screen saver mode
- If dsp_cnt Mod 10 = 0 Then
- special_date = "YES" '01 April 2003 ver=1.05
- ' If sscreen_saver = "Y" Then GoSub line_30000 'do a extra pause again on "weekday Month dd" display
- new_delay_sec = Val(Cmd(27)) '03 September 2004
- If sscreen_saver = "Y" Or sscreen_saver_ww = "YES" Then GoSub line_30300 '03 September 2004
- '03 September 2004 If sscreen_saver = "Y" Or sscreen_saver_ww = "YES" Then GoSub line_30000 '03 April 2003
- tempdata = " " + tempdata '03 August 2003 start it a little farther over
- f = Len(tempdata)
- ' tt1 = InputBox("testing sscreen_saver=" + sscreen_saver + " " + sscreen_saver_ww, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- ' For JJ = II To 1 Step -1
- For III = f To 0 Step -1
- ooo = Right(tempdata, III)
- aaa = UCase(ooo)
- ' tt1 = InputBox("testing ooo=" + ooo + CStr(f) + CStr(III), , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- '20 August 2003 Cls
- GoSub Last_lines_15000
- GoSub sub_12000
- ' delay_sec = 0.1
- new_delay_sec = 0.1 '03 September 2004
- GoSub line_30300 '03 September 2004
- ' GoSub line_30000 '31 March 2003 have it move off the screen 1 chr at a time
- Next III
- delay_sec = Val(Cmd(27)) '31 March 2003
- End If
- Font.Size = Val(Cmd(2)) 'reset it back from 72 above
- End If 'end of Picture_Search = "YES"
- '21 March 2004
- '03 April 2003 SSS1 = "" 're the am - pm hi-light above 30 march 2003 ver=1.04
- If time_displayed = "YES" Then
- ' SSS1 = replace_data '03 April 2003
- SSS1 = replace_sss1
- SSS2 = replace_sss2
- SSS3 = replace_sss3
- SSS4 = replace_sss4
- SSS5 = replace_sss5
- SSS6 = replace_sss6 '03 April 2003
- End If
- If SSS1 = "AM" Or SSS1 = "PM" Then SSS1 = "" '03 April 2003
- '24 March 2003 ver=1.02b ^
- DoEvents
- If pp_entered = "YES" Then
- GoTo What_50
- End If 'november 6 2000
- 'skip the pause below if no xxx. found
- If InStr(1, UCase(Line_Search), "XXX.") <> 0 Then
- 'maybe display the last text line if match is photo "P1"
- 'this has to show for laptops and pc's maybe based on
- 'lines per inch this must show at 7500 and 7400 for both screens
- tempss = "" 'must have the input string complete
- If Test1_str = "P1" Or Test1_str = "P" Then
- tempss = lll 'lll is the upper case line
- 'save the clipboard for later paste
- ' Clipboard.SetText tempss
- End If
- 'itwasheredoug
- disp_file = Pict_file
- line_2150:
- JJ = InStr(1, disp_file, "\")
- If JJ <> 0 Then
- disp_file = Right(disp_file, Len(disp_file) - JJ)
- GoTo line_2150
- End If
- 'Screen Saver mode pause takes place below
- If sscreen_saver = "Y" Then
- 'GoSub line_30000 01 April 2003
- '14 July 2003 this is where the pause after the movies was showing the small text (not needed) below
- '14 july 2003 If special_date <> "YES" Then GoSub line_30000 '01 April 2003 ver=1.05
- new_delay_sec = Val(Cmd(27)) '03 September 2004
- If line_delay_sec <> 0 Then new_delay_sec = line_delay_sec '26 November 2004
- ' tt1 = InputBox("testing=" + CStr(new_delay_sec) + "=", , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY 26 November 2004
- '03 September 2004 following line completely removed... when doing music it pauses when it should not
- If special_date <> "YES" And motion_yn <> "YES" Then GoSub line_30300 '01 April 2003 ver=1.05
- '03 September 2004 If special_date <> "YES" And mpg_file <> "YES" Then GoSub line_30000 '01 April 2003 ver=1.05
- Set Picture = LoadPicture() '03 August 2003 testing (clear em both) lp#2
- Set Image1.Picture = LoadPicture '03 August 2003 testing
- ' xtemp = InputBox(" testing doug#11 " + aaa + "*line_fit=" + line_fit + "*img_ctrl=" + img_ctrl, "testing Prompt ", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2)
- GoTo line_2155
- End If
- If screen_capture = "YES" Then
- '03 September 2004 delay_sec = 5 'march 15 2001
- '03 September 2004 GoSub line_30000
- new_delay_sec = 5 '03 September 2004
- GoSub line_30300 '03 September 2004
- End If
- 'allow for the keeping of the original file name on the copy
- If copy_photo = "YES" Then 'april 08 2001
- temps = Pict_file + ""
- next_slasha:
- II = InStr(temps, "\")
- If II = 0 Then GoTo no_slash
- III = III + II
- temps = Mid(temps, II + 1)
- GoTo next_slasha
- no_slash:
- old_pict = Mid(Pict_file, III + 1)
- End If
- 'march 17 200b
- If copy_photo = "YES" Then
- temps = CStr(photo_cnt + 1)
- If photo_cnt + 1 < 10 Then temps = "0" + temps
- II = InStr(Pict_file, ".")
- temps = photo_dir + photo_file + temps + Mid(Pict_file, II)
- ' xtemp = InputBox(" testing doug ", "testing Prompt ", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2)
- If photo_file = "" Then 'april 08 2001
- temps = photo_dir + old_pict
- ' xtemp = InputBox(" testing 22 nov " + old_pict, "testing Prompt ", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2)
- End If
- xtemp = InputBox(" copy picture to " + temps + " <Y>", "Copy Prompt ", Pict_file, xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2)
- '22 November 2006 xtemp = InputBox(" copy picture to " + temps + " <Y>", "Copy Prompt ", long_pict_file, xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2)
- If xtemp = "Y" Or xtemp = Pict_file Then
- photo_cnt = photo_cnt + 1
- temps = CStr(photo_cnt)
- If photo_cnt < 10 Then temps = "0" + temps
- temps = photo_dir + photo_file + temps + Mid(Pict_file, II)
- If photo_file = "" Then 'april 08 2001
- temps = photo_dir + old_pict
- End If
- ' xtemp = InputBox("testing file =" + temps, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- On Error GoTo copy_problem 'march 18 2001
- Set Picture = LoadPicture() 'march 18 2001 maybe this will do it lp#3
- DoEvents 'march 18 2001
- FileCopy Pict_file, temps 'copy the file
- ' DoEvents '22 November 2006
- ' xtemp = InputBox("testing file 22 november 2006=" + temps, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- ' xtemp = InputBox("testing file 22 november 2006=" + long_pict_file, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- ' Name temps As long_pict_file '22 November 2006
- tempss = " was=" + disp_file + " " + Format(Now, "ddddd ttttt")
- If photo_file = "" Then
- tempss = ""
- End If 'april 08 2001
- ' Print #ExtFile, ccc; " was="; disp_file; " "; Format(Now, "ddddd ttttt") 'march 21 2001 add the was info
- Print #ExtFile, ccc; tempss 'april 08 2001
- Print #ExtFile, "xxx." + temps 'march 18 2001
- On Error GoTo Errors_31000 'march 18 2001
- GoTo input_1000
- copy_problem: 'march 18 2001
- xtemp = InputBox("file copy error=" + CStr(Err.Number) + " " + Err.Description, , , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) 'march 18 2001
- On Error GoTo Errors_31000 'march 18 2001
- Resume input_1000 'march 18 2001
- End If
- If Len(xtemp) < 3 And UCase(xtemp) <> "N" Then GoTo What_50
- GoTo input_1000
- End If 'march 17 2001
- Photo_continue_prompt: '27 july 2002
- '17 September 2004
- If Left(UCase(Cmd(69)), 8) = "HIT_STOP" And InStr(1, UCase(App.Path + App.EXEName), "BACKGRD") <> 0 Then
- GoTo End_32000 '17 September 2004
- End If '17 September 2004
- 'march 19 2001 tt1 = InputBox("E to exit " + tempss + " " + disp_file, "Photo continue Prompt", , xx1, yy1)
- ' frmproj2.Caption = "testing pcp =" + App.EXEName + "*" + hold_sss1 + "*" + sscreen_saver + "*" + screen_saver_ww + "*" + interrupt_prompt2 '20 November 2004
- ' frmproj2.Caption = hold_sss1 + "*" + interrupt_prompt2 + "*" + CStr(zzz_cnt) + "*" + interrupt_prompt2 '20 November 2004
- '29 November 2006
- tt1 = "" '29 November 2006
- If Left(UCase(disp_file), 5) = "HTTP:" Then
- If Mid(disp_file, 6, 1) <> "/" Then
- disp_file = Right(disp_file, Len(disp_file) - 5)
- End If '29 January 2007
- 'when xxx.http: and no / then take everything after it emails etc 29 January 2007
- Clipboard.SetText disp_file '29 November 2006
- SendKeys "^c" '29 January 2007
- tt1 = disp_file '29 November 2006
- frmproj2.Caption = " Paste the URL: " + disp_file + "<<<" '29 November 2006
- End If '29 November 2006
- '29 November 2006 tt1 = InputBox("P or J for previous E to exit or '.' " + ccc + " " + disp_file, "Photo continue Prompt #pcp" + CStr(zzz_cnt), , xx1 - ppoffset1, yy1 - ppoffset2)
- '08 February 2008 add the if text_pause <> true then (below)
- If text_pause <> True Then '08 February 2008
- tt1 = InputBox("P or J for previous E to exit or '.' " + ccc + " " + disp_file, "Photo continue Prompt #pcp" + CStr(zzz_cnt), tt1, xx1 - ppoffset1, yy1 - ppoffset2)
- If tt1 = disp_file Then
- tt1 = ""
- End If '29 January 2007
- Else
- ' SetFocus '08 February 2008
- tt1 = "" '08 February 2008
- new_delay_sec = Val(Cmd(27))
- GoSub line_30300 '08 February 2008
- ' GoTo line_3050 '08 February 2008
- End If '08 February 2008
- 'no If Cmd(45) = App.EXEName Then Cmd(45) = "" '07 december 2002 allow interrupt to come here and continue
- ' xtemp = InputBox("ww test=" + sscreen_saver_ww + "*" + sscreen_saver + "*" + inin + "*" + tt1, , , xx1, yy1) 'march 18 2001
- ' If mpg_file = "YES" Then
- ' GoTo input_1000 '23 February 2004
- ' End If
- '20 November 2004 allow for auto run program to continue if return entered here
- If tt1 = "" And interrupt_prompt2 = "WW" Then '20 November 2004
- sscreen_saver = "Y"
- prompt2 = "WW" 'this one seems to keep it going where before it stopped. now it gets wrong data
- prompt2 = "SS" 'testing this now
- ' Test1_str = "P1" 'or maybe p2 find out later
- tt1 = "WW"
- sscreen_saver_ww = "YES"
- ' prompt2 = interrupt_prompt2
- ' frmproj2.Caption = SSS1 + SSS2 + "xxx*" + interrupt_prompt2 + CStr(zzz_cnt) '20 November 2004
- ' prompt2 = Cmd(47)
- ' inin = "" '20 November 2004 test this
- ' GoTo input_1000a
- GoTo input_1000
- End If '20 November 2004
- If sscreen_saver_ww = "YES" Then
- sscreen_saver_ww = "NO" '28 april 2002
- sscreen_saver = "N" '28 april 2002
- inin = ""
- ' GoTo What_50
- '
- End If
- If tt1 = "." Then
- ppoffset1 = 4500
- ppoffset2 = 5000
- GoTo Photo_continue_prompt
- End If '27 july 2002
- 'allow for the photo details to be redisplayed
- 'so they can be view on the screen
- '03 August 2003 If img_ctrl = "YES" Then
- ' If (img_ctrl = "YES" Or line_fit = "FIT") And line_fit <> "REG" Then
- If img_ctrl = "YES" Or line_fit = "FIT" Then
- Set Image1.Picture = LoadPicture 'february 21 2001
- ' Else '03 August 2003
- Set Picture = LoadPicture() '03 August 2003 lp#4
- End If
- ' Set Image1.Picture = LoadPicture '03 August 2003
- If Left(UCase(tt1), 2) = "SS" Then
- If Len(tt1) > 2 Then
- Cmd(26) = " " + Right(tt1, Len(tt1) - 2) + " "
- GoSub line_29200 'set up new screen saver elements
- End If 'may 06 2001
- ttt = "P1"
- If stretch_img <> "NO" Then img_ctrl = "YES" 'march 31 2001
- sscreen_saver = "Y"
- SSS1 = ""
- SSS2 = ""
- SSS3 = ""
- SSS4 = "" '09 JUNE 2002
- SSS5 = ""
- SSS6 = ""
- GoTo input_1000
- End If 'february 09 2001
- If Len(tt1) > 2 Then
- ttt = tt1
- SSS1 = ttt
- SSS2 = ""
- SSS3 = ""
- SSS4 = "" '09 JUNE 2002
- SSS5 = ""
- SSS6 = ""
- GoTo line_510
- End If 'february 09 2001
- line_2155:
- ' Set Picture = LoadPicture() 'clear any picture
- tt1 = UCase(tt1)
- If tt1 = "PP" And ddemo <> "YES" Then
- Test1_str = "P"
- pp_entered = "YES"
- prompt2 = "P"
- GoTo line_2130
- End If 'november 6 2000
- '19 December 2004 If tt1 = "P" And ddemo <> "YES" Then
- If (tt1 = "P" Or tt1 = "J") And ddemo <> "YES" Then
- tt1 = "P" '19 December 2004
- rand = 0 '21 august 2002 keep this as we are backing up to previous picture...
- dsp_cnt = dsp_cnt - 1 'may 09 2001
- pp = previous_count - 1
- If pp < 1 Then
- pp = 100
- End If
- Close #OutFile
- II = DoEvents
- OutFile = FreeFile
- Open TheFile For Input As #OutFile
- II = DoEvents 'yield to operating system
- tt = 3
- If yyy = "P" Then
- tt = MAX_CNT
- yyy = ""
- End If
- For bbb = 1 To previous_picture(pp) - tt
- Line Input #OutFile, aaa
- Next bbb
- Previous_line = aaa
- Line Input #OutFile, aaa
- zzz_cnt = bbb
- previous_count = pp - 1
- 'testing may 07 2001
- ' Print "previous_picture(previous_count)zzz_cnt,previous_count"; TheFile; previous_picture(previous_count); "="; zzz_cnt, previous_count
- ' tt1 = InputBox("continue", , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- '
- GoTo input_1000
- 'read up to the previous picture appx cnt
- End If ' end if for tt1 = "P" And ddemo <> "YES"
- '======================================================
- 'maybe check for a for all here october 27 2000
- If tt1 = "A" Then
- SSS1 = "PHOTO"
- inin = "A"
- SAVE_KEEPS2 = ""
- SAVE_KEEPS3 = ""
- SAVE_KEEPS4 = ""
- SAVE_KEEPS5 = ""
- SAVE_KEEPS6 = ""
- ' tt1 = InputBox("continue", , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY 01 January 2005
- GoTo input_1000
- ' SAVE_ttt = "S"
- End If
- If Len(tt1) = 1 And tt1 <> "P" Then
- Def_Fore = Hold_Fore '27 July 2003
- GoTo Do_Search_110 'all chrs exit
- End If
- If UCase(tt1) = "E" Then
- GoTo Do_Search_110
- End If
- End If ' end if for InStr(1, UCase(Line_Search), "XXX.") <> 0
- '20 August 2003 Cls
- ' xtemp = InputBox(" testing doug#3 " + aaa + "*line_fit=" + line_fit + "*img_ctrl=" + img_ctrl, "testing Prompt ", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2)
- GoTo input_1000
- End If ' end if for Picture_Search = "YES" see end of it above "end of if below"
- '================================================================================
- ' temptemp = InputBox(" 26 august step a9 ", "prompt2= " + prompt2 + p2p2 + " " + CStr(zzz_cnt), , 7000, 6000)
- 'march 31/00
- GoTo line_3010
- line_2200:
- Context_cnt = -1 'november 10 2000
- save_line = "2200" 'for error handling
- ' Font.Size = 10
- ' Font.Charset = 2
- '*********************************************************
- 'main print to screen here
- 'lots of monkeying around to be done here for
- 'log type output extract files etc replace.txt files
- '*********************************************************
- ' * * * P R I N T * * *
- 'august 10/00 if line longer than 1 chop it
- 'need to change any tabs to 4 characters
- 'need to see if there is a valid end of line sequence
- 'before the 72 chrs and print out that by itself.
- 'so a bit more to be done before this will work correctly
- 'need to strip any odd ball characters and check for
- 'carriage return/linefeed sequences in the line also
- 'replace any tabs with 4 spaces right here
- line_2210:
- tt = InStr(ooo, Chr(9)) 'check for tabs
- If tt = 0 Then
- GoTo line_2220
- End If
- 'change any tabs to 4 spaces
- ooo = Left(ooo, tt - 1) + " " + Right(ooo, Len(ooo) - tt)
- GoTo line_2210
- line_2220:
- 'april 10 2001 If InStr(1, ooo, "append start") <> 0 Then
- ' If InStr(1, ooo, append_start1) <> 0 Then
- If InStr(1, UCase(ooo), UCase(append_start1)) <> 0 Then
- append_start1 = Mid(ooo, InStr(1, UCase(ooo), UCase(append_start1)), Len(append_start1))
- tot_s1 = tot_s1 - 1 'january 06 2001
- new1 = SSS1
- new2 = SSS2
- new3 = SSS3
- new4 = SSS4 '09 june 2002
- new5 = SSS5
- new6 = SSS6
- 'april 10 2001 SSS1 = "append start"
- SSS1 = append_start1
- SSS2 = ""
- SSS3 = ""
- SSS4 = "" '09 june 2002
- SSS5 = ""
- SSS6 = ""
- temp_fore = Set_Fore
- Set_Fore = AltColor
- aaa = ooo + ""
- GoSub sub_12000
- SSS1 = new1
- SSS2 = new2
- SSS3 = new3
- SSS4 = new4 '09 JUNE 2002
- SSS5 = new5
- SSS6 = new6
- Set_Fore = temp_fore
- GoTo line_2300
- End If 'hilite any append lines i put in
- 'april 10 2001 If InStr(1, ooo, "append end") <> 0 Then
- ' If InStr(1, ooo, append_end1) <> 0 Then
- If InStr(1, UCase(ooo), UCase(append_end1)) <> 0 Then
- append_end1 = Mid(ooo, InStr(1, UCase(ooo), UCase(append_end1)), Len(append_end1))
- tot_s1 = tot_s1 - 1 'january 06 2001
- new1 = SSS1
- new2 = SSS2
- new3 = SSS3
- new4 = SSS4 '09 june 2002
- new5 = SSS5
- new6 = SSS6
- 'april 10 2001 SSS1 = "append end"
- SSS1 = append_end1
- SSS2 = ""
- SSS3 = ""
- SSS4 = "" '09 june 2002
- SSS5 = ""
- SSS6 = ""
- temp_fore = Set_Fore
- Set_Fore = AltColor
- aaa = ooo + ""
- GoSub sub_12000
- SSS1 = new1
- SSS2 = new2
- SSS3 = new3
- SSS4 = new4 '09 june 2002
- SSS5 = new5
- SSS6 = new6
- Set_Fore = temp_fore
- GoTo line_2300
- End If 'hilite any append lines i put in
- ' with the ucase stuff below
- If (InStr(1, UCase(ooo), UCase(hilite_this)) <> 0 And _
- hilite_this <> "" And hilite_this <> " ") Then
- hilite_this = Mid(ooo, InStr(1, UCase(ooo), UCase(hilite_this)), Len(hilite_this))
- tot_s1 = tot_s1 - 1 'january 06 2001
- new1 = SSS1
- new2 = SSS2
- new3 = SSS3
- new4 = SSS4 '09 june 2002
- new5 = SSS5
- new6 = SSS6
- If hilite_hh = "Y" Then
- GoSub hilite_25500
- End If 'april 22 2001
- SSS1 = hilite_this
- SSS2 = ""
- SSS3 = ""
- SSS4 = "" '09 june 2002
- SSS5 = ""
- SSS6 = ""
- temp_fore = Set_Fore
- Set_Fore = AltColor
- aaa = ooo + ""
- GoSub sub_12000
- SSS1 = new1
- SSS2 = new2
- SSS3 = new3
- SSS4 = new4 '09 june 2002
- SSS5 = new5
- SSS6 = new6
- Set_Fore = temp_fore
- GoTo line_2300
- End If 'hilite control element Cmd(31) info only hilites data not on matching line
- line_2225:
- 'november 10 2000
- new1 = SSS1
- new2 = SSS2
- new3 = SSS3
- new4 = SSS4 '09 june 2002
- new5 = SSS5
- new6 = SSS6
- SSS1 = ""
- SSS2 = ""
- SSS3 = ""
- SSS4 = ""
- SSS5 = ""
- SSS6 = ""
- GoSub sub_12000
- SSS1 = new1
- SSS2 = new2
- SSS3 = new3
- SSS4 = new4
- SSS5 = new5
- SSS6 = new6
- line_2300:
- 'lots need to be done around here in the future.
- ' Print Left(ooo, 70)
- ' Print Mid(ooo, 71, 70)
- ' Print Mid(ooo, 141, 70)
- ' Print Mid(ooo, 211, 70)
- ' Print Mid(ooo, 281, 70)
- ' Print Mid(ooo, 351, 70)
- ' Print Mid(ooo, 421, 70)
- ' Print Mid(ooo, 491, 70)
- ' Print Mid(ooo, 561, 70)
- ' Print Mid(ooo, 631, 70)
- line_3010:
- save_line = "3010" 'for error handling
- If Picture_Search = "YES" And InStr(UCase(Next_line), "XXX.") <> 0 Then
- Next_line = ""
- aaa = Next_line_save
- GoTo line_1002
- 'we read ahead looking at the next line
- End If 'march 31/00
- If cnt < MAX_CNT Then
- GoTo input_1000
- End If
- yyy = ""
- line_3020:
- save_line = "3020" 'for error handling
- If ttt <> "F" Then
- II = DoEvents 'yield to operating system
- End If 'aug 24/99
- ' placing the InputBox at position 10,000 x 10,000 puts it
- ' off the screen / thus hiding it...
- '10 January 2005 If Not text_pause Then '06 January 2005 just added the if statement around the print below
- If Not text_pause Or p2p2 = "F" Then '10 January 2005 just added the if statement around the print below
- ForeColor = QBColor(Val(Cmd(5)))
- Print Format(zzz_cnt, " #########");
- End If '06 January 2005
- 'january 05 2001 display "next match" or "next screen" here
- ' Print " do you want to continue y/n <y> 'a' for all 'b' for back, '.' for new search"
- tt1 = "MATCH" 'january 05 2001
- If inin = "A" Then tt1 = "SCREEN" 'january 05 2001
- Test1_str = ""
- If line_len > Val(Cmd(21)) And extract_yes <> "YES" Then
- line_len = Val(Cmd(21)) 'january 06 2001
- Test1_str = "NOWRAP"
- End If
- '24 august 2002
- dblEnd = Timer 'get the end time
- ' temptemp = InputBox("01 september 2002 " + p2p2 + CStr(zzz_cnt), "flash", , 2000, 2000)
- 'what the hey ***vip*** todo why does the following fix need to be used as the
- 'flash failed to work once the line was put in..... fix it when ever
- If p2p2 <> "F" Then yyy = " elap=" + Format(dblEnd - dblStart, "#####0.000") + " Chrs= " + CStr(zzz_chrs)
- '01 september 2002 yyy = " elap=" + Format(dblEnd - dblStart, "###0.000") + " Chrs= " + CStr(zzz_chrs)
- ' zzz_chrs = 0 '25 august 2002
- '06 January 2005 move the text_pause code from below a few lines to here, no need to see this prompt
- ' when the screen is going to continue on its own
- '10 January 2005 If text_pause Then
- If text_pause And p2p2 <> "F" Then
- frmproj2.Caption = " #4 Pause at line= " + CStr(zzz_cnt) '06 January 2005
- new_delay_sec = Val(Cmd(27)) '03 September 2004
- GoSub line_30300 '03 September 2004
- '03 September 2004 GoSub line_30000
- Cls '06 September 2004
- yyy = ""
- GoTo line_3050
- End If '05 october 2002
- Print " prompt #4 Enter for next " + tt1 + " y/n <y> 'a' =all, 'b' =back, '.'" + yyy + Test1_str + " Hits="; tot_s1; " "; tot_s2; " "; tot_s3; " "; tot_s4; " "; tot_s5; " "; tot_s6
- ForeColor = QBColor(Def_Fore)
- If show_files_yn Then frmproj2.Caption = program_info + random_info + stretch_info + " " + show_files '24 december 2002
- If SAVE_ttt = "F" And hi_lites <> "YES" Then
- 'even with the following code the above " End of Screen" line only showed in about
- ' 80% of the interrupts. It did noticably slow down the flash display february 20 2001
- ' For III = 1 To 1000
- ' DoEvents 'february 20 2001
- ' II = InStr(ooo, "xxx") 'dummy line did a little bit to enable interrupt display but not much
- ' Next III 'to allow for the interrupt to display above end of screen line
- GoTo line_3500
- End If
- If SAVE_ttt = "F" Then '10 January 2005
- new_delay_sec = Val(Cmd(27))
- GoSub line_30300
- Cls
- GoTo line_3050
- End If '10 January 2005
- '06 January 2005
- ' If text_pause Then
- ' new_delay_sec = Val(Cmd(27)) '03 September 2004
- ' GoSub line_30300 '03 September 2004
- '03 September 2004 GoSub line_30000
- ' Cls '06 September 2004
- ' yyy = ""
- ' GoTo line_3050
- ' End If '05 october 2002
- '06 January 2005
- ' * * * C O N T I N U E D I S P L A Y * * *
- line_3030: 'november 14 2000
- If page_prompt = "NO" Then
- yyy = ""
- If prompt2 = "C" Then
- mess_cnt = mess_cnt + 1 'january 02 2001
- Print #ExtFile, "------------------- next message "; Format(mess_cnt, "#####0"); " ---------------------"
- End If
- GoTo line_3050
- End If 'december 31 2000
- 'main end of screen prompt here----------------------------------------
- If screen_capture = "YES" Then
- '03 September 2004 delay_sec = 5 'march 15 2001
- '03 September 2004 GoSub line_30000
- new_delay_sec = 5 '03 September 2004
- GoSub line_30300 '03 September 2004
- End If
- line_3040:
- If search_str = "CC" And p2p2 = "S" Then
- tt1 = "P"
- yyy = "P"
- p2p2 = "C"
- prompt2 = "C"
- SAVE_ttt = "C"
- GoTo skip_input_tt1
- 'need to read to previous_count after a close and open
- End If '26 august 2002
- yyy = InputBox("Do you want to continue y/n <y>", "Continue Prompt", , 20000, 20000)
- dblStart = Timer 'get the start time 24 august 2002
- skip_input_tt1: '26 august 2002
- ' frmproj2.AutoRedraw = False '04 January 2005
- Cls 'november 10 needed with the autoredraw
- If auto_redraw = "YES" Then frmproj2.AutoRedraw = False 'november 10 2001 autoredraw pair-4
- yyy = UCase(yyy)
- 'april 22 2001 allow for any HH element to be displayed
- line_3045: 'october 21 2001
- If hilite_hh = "Y" And yyy = "HH" And hilite_cnt > 0 Then
- For II = 1 To hilite_cnt
- Pict_file = cript2(II) ' testing this area
- 'pg328 the stretch property - if set to true, the picture loaded into
- ' the image control via the Picture property is stretched (see below)
- If debug_photo Then '12 october 2002
- tt1 = InputBox("testing photo 6a", , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- End If
- '03 August 2003 do same here Meebee even allow for size to determine FIT or REG ???? another option ????
- line_fit = "" '03 August 2003
- If InStr(1, UCase(aaa), "FIT==") <> 0 Then
- line_fit = "FIT"
- End If '03 August 2003
- If InStr(1, UCase(aaa), "REG==") <> 0 Then
- line_fit = "REG"
- End If '03 August 2003
- If (img_ctrl = "YES" Or line_fit = "FIT") And line_fit <> "REG" Then
- Set Image1.Picture = LoadPicture(Pict_file) 'Stretch Mode
- ' xtemp = InputBox(" testing doug#2 " + aaa + "*line_fit=" + line_fit + "*img_ctrl=" + img_ctrl, "testing Prompt ", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2)
- End If 'february 21 2001
- If (img_ctrl <> "YES" And line_fit <> "FIT") Or line_fit = "REG" Then
- ' If img_ctrl <> "YES" Or line_fit = "REG" Then
- Set Picture = LoadPicture(Pict_file) 'Normal Mode
- ' xtemp = InputBox(" testing doug#1 " + aaa + "*line_fit=" + line_fit + "*img_ctrl=" + img_ctrl, "testing Prompt ", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2)
- End If 'february 21 2001
- '-------------
- '03 August 2003 If img_ctrl = "YES" Then
- ' Set Image1.Picture = LoadPicture(Pict_file)
- ' Else
- ' Set Picture = LoadPicture(Pict_file)
- ' End If
- xtemp = InputBox("show picture and wait", "Continue Prompt", , 20000, 20000)
- '03 august 2003 If img_ctrl = "YES" Then
- ' Set Image1.Picture = LoadPicture()
- ' Else
- ' Set Picture = LoadPicture()
- ' End If
- If (img_ctrl = "YES" Or line_fit = "FIT") And line_fit <> "REG" Then
- Set Image1.Picture = LoadPicture() 'Stretch Mode
- ' xtemp = InputBox(" testing doug#4 " + aaa + "*line_fit=" + line_fit + "*img_ctrl=" + img_ctrl, "testing Prompt ", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2)
- End If 'february 21 2001
- If (img_ctrl <> "YES" And line_fit <> "FIT") Or line_fit = "REG" Then
- ' If img_ctrl <> "YES" And line_fit <> "FIT" Then
- ' If img_ctrl <> "YES" Or line_fit = "REG" Then
- Set Picture = LoadPicture() 'Normal Mode lp#5
- ' xtemp = InputBox(" testing doug#5 " + aaa + "*line_fit=" + line_fit + "*img_ctrl=" + img_ctrl, "testing Prompt ", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2)
- End If 'february 21 2001
- Next II
- hh_cnt = zzz_cnt
- hilite_cnt = 0
- yyy = "B" 'may want to make this "V" todo **vip**
- 'testing to see if I can get the screen re-displayed(text)
- ' GoTo line_3040
- End If 'april 22 2001
- hilite_cnt = 0 'april 22 2001
- ' If yyy = "A" Then
- If yyy = "A" Or (yyy = "" And inin = "A") Then 'january 04 2001
- inin = "A"
- hi_lites = "YES"
- ' hi_lites = ""
- yyy = ""
- prompt2 = "C"
- SAVE_ttt = "C"
- line_match = "" 'this gets rid of the first one printing hilited
- ' if the previous page had one hilited???
- End If 'january 03a 2001 testing
- If inin <> "A" Then
- array_pos = 0
- array_prt = 0
- End If 'january 21 2001
- line_3050:
- ' Print "tt1="; tt1; "=previous_count ="; previous_count
- ' tt1 = InputBox("testing only", , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- ' If tt1 = "x" Or tt1 = "X" Then
- ' GoTo End_32000
- ' End If 'testing
- tt1 = yyy
- If tt1 = "F" Then
- SAVE_ttt = "F" 'november 14 2000
- yyy = "." 'december 25 2000
- tt1 = "." 'december 25 2000
- ' GoTo line_3030 'december 25 2000
- End If
- '19 December 2004 If tt1 = "P" And ddemo <> "YES" Then
- If (tt1 = "P" Or tt1 = "J") And ddemo <> "YES" Then
- tt1 = "P" '19 December 2004
- '--------------------------------------------------------------
- 'november 8 2000
- If prompt2 = "Q" Then
- prompt2 = "C"
- SAVE_ttt = "C"
- SSS1 = UCase(SSS1)
- SSS2 = UCase(SSS2)
- SSS3 = UCase(SSS3)
- SSS4 = UCase(SSS4)
- SSS5 = UCase(SSS5)
- SSS6 = UCase(SSS6)
- End If
- '--------------------------------------------------------------
- '26 august 2002 pp = previous_count - 1
- ' this logic only does the "CC" search once could be reset for each new search
- ' but once the search is half way thru the file there may be no time savings
- ' at least on the first search if no match it will be much much quicker
- ' 26 august 2002
- ' temptemp = InputBox(" 26 august at previous ", "prompt2= " + prompt2 + p2p2 + " " + CStr(zzz_cnt), , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2)
- pp = previous_count '26 august 2002
- If search_str <> "CC" Then pp = previous_count - 1
- 'same logic for previous match as previous picture
- line_3200:
- If pp < 1 Then
- pp = 100
- End If
- Close #OutFile
- II = DoEvents
- OutFile = FreeFile
- Open TheFile For Input As #OutFile
- II = DoEvents 'yield to operating system
- 'if previous_picture count is on the same page go 1 more back
- If previous_picture(pp) + MAX_CNT > zzz_cnt And previous_picture(pp - 1) <> 0 Then
- pp = pp - 1
- GoTo line_3200
- End If
- For bbb = 1 To previous_picture(pp) - MAX_CNT
- Line Input #OutFile, aaa
- Next bbb
- Previous_line = aaa
- Line Input #OutFile, aaa
- zzz_cnt = bbb
- previous_count = pp - 1
- ' hi_lites = "NO" 'the only difference between text and photo
- '19 August 2003 Cls
- yyy = ""
- ' Print "previous_picture(previous_count)zzz_cnt,previous_count"; TheFile; previous_picture(previous_count); "="; zzz_cnt, previous_count
- ' tt1 = InputBox("continue", , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- '
- ' GoTo input_1000
- 'read up to the previous picture appx cnt
- End If
- hi_lites = "NO" 'flash display
- printed_cnt = 1 'may 10/00
- printed = "NO"
- If SAVE_ttt = "C" Then
- For temp1 = 1 To MAX_CNT
- Context_text(temp1) = "" 'aug 08/99
- Next temp1
- End If 'aug 08/99
- 'allow for full display if "A" entered at this prompt
- If yyy = "A" Then
- SSS1 = "A"
- SSS = "A"
- SAVE_SSS = "A"
- inin = "A"
- SAVE_KEEPS2 = ""
- SAVE_KEEPS3 = ""
- SAVE_KEEPS4 = ""
- SAVE_KEEPS5 = ""
- SAVE_KEEPS6 = ""
- yyy = ""
- ' SAVE_ttt = "S"
- 'december 22 2000
- prompt2 = "C" 'december 22 2000
- SAVE_ttt = "C" 'december 22 2000
- End If
- 'allow them to back up 1 page or what ever number of lines in Cmd(23)
- line_3300:
- 'january 06 2001 If yyy = "B" Then
- If yyy = "B" Or yyy = "V" Then
- ' Print "previous_picture(previous_count)zzz_cnt,previous_count"; TheFile; previous_picture(previous_count); "="; zzz_cnt, previous_count
- ' tt1 = InputBox("continue", , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- If yyy = "V" Then
- line_len = 5000 'january 06 2001
- yyy = "B"
- End If
- If prompt2 = "Q" Then
- prompt2 = "C" 'october 22 2000
- If previous_picture(previous_count) <> 0 Then
- zzz_cnt = previous_picture(previous_count)
- End If
- End If
- '--------------------------------------------------------
- 'january 04b 2001 to allow for the B to keep the hilites
- inin = "A"
- hi_lites = "YES"
- ' hi_lites = ""
- yyy = ""
- prompt2 = "C"
- SAVE_ttt = "C"
- line_match = "" 'this gets rid of the first one printing hilited
- '--------------------------------------------------------
- 'january 04b 2001 to allow for the B to keep the hilites
- ' SSS1 = "A"
- ' SSS = "A"
- ' SAVE_SSS = "A"
- ' inin = "A"
- ' SAVE_KEEPS1 = "A"
- ' SAVE_KEEPS2 = ""
- ' SAVE_KEEPS3 = ""
- ' yyy = ""
- '--------------------------------------------------------
- Close #OutFile
- DoEvents
- Open TheFile For Input As #OutFile
- II = DoEvents 'yield to operating system
- If cnt > MAX_CNT Then
- tt = cnt - MAX_CNT
- wrap_cnt = wrap_cnt - tt
- cnt = MAX_CNT 'january 08a 2001
- End If
- ' xtemp = InputBox("testing prompt_=" + CStr(zzz_cnt) + " " + CStr(wrap_cnt) + " " + CStr(cnt), "test", , 4400, 4500) '
- ' xtemp = InputBox("testing prompt=" + AllSearch(1) + "*" + ttt + " " + SSS1 + " " + SSS2 + " " + SSS3 + " " + CStr(zzz_cnt), "test", , 4400, 4500) '
- ' If UCase(xtemp) = "X" Then GoTo End_32000
- ' For bbb = 1 To zzz_cnt - MAX_CNT - MAX_CNT + wrap_cnt - 1
- If hilite_hh = "Y" Then zzz_cnt = hh_cnt + MAX_CNT 'april 22 2001
- For bbb = 1 To zzz_cnt - MAX_CNT - MAX_CNT + wrap_cnt - MAX_CNT + cnt
- Line Input #OutFile, aaa
- Next bbb
- zzz_cnt = bbb - 1
- End If
- wrap_cnt = 0 'january 07 2001
- If yyy = "." Then
- TheSearch = "."
- ttt = "."
- GoSub Search_26000
- If prompt2 = "C" Then
- SSS = UCase(ttt)
- Else
- SSS = ttt
- End If 'december 29 2000
- If Len(SSS) < 2 Then GoTo What_50 'january 05 2001
- SSS2 = "" 'december 28 2000
- SSS3 = "" 'december 28 2000
- SSS4 = "" '09 june 2002
- SSS5 = ""
- SSS6 = ""
- 'december 22 2000
- If SSS = "A" Then
- SSS1 = "A"
- SSS = "A"
- SAVE_SSS = "A"
- inin = "A"
- SAVE_KEEPS2 = ""
- SAVE_KEEPS3 = ""
- SAVE_KEEPS4 = ""
- SAVE_KEEPS5 = ""
- SAVE_KEEPS6 = ""
- yyy = ""
- ' SAVE_ttt = "S"
- 'december 22 2000
- prompt2 = "C" 'december 22 2000
- SAVE_ttt = "C" 'december 22 2000
- End If
- 'do the parse again
- line_3350:
- i = InStr(SSS, " ")
- If i <> 0 Then
- SSS = Left(SSS, i) + Mid(SSS, i + 2)
- GoTo line_3350
- End If
- i = InStr(SSS, sep)
- SSS1 = SSS + ""
- s1len = Len(SSS1)
- inin = SSS + "" 'june 13/99
- If i = 0 Then
- GoTo line_3400
- End If
- SSS1 = Left(SSS, i - 1)
- s1len = Len(SSS1)
- j = Len(SSS)
- SSS = Right(SSS, j - i)
- i = InStr(SSS, sep)
- SSS2 = SSS
- s2len = Len(SSS2)
- If i = 0 Then
- GoTo line_3400
- End If
- SSS2 = Left(SSS, i - 1)
- s2len = Len(SSS2)
- j = Len(SSS)
- SSS = Right(SSS, j - i)
- '=========================================
- i = InStr(SSS, sep)
- SSS3 = SSS
- s3len = Len(SSS3)
- If i = 0 Then
- GoTo line_3400
- End If
- SSS3 = Left(SSS, i - 1)
- s3len = Len(SSS3)
- j = Len(SSS)
- SSS = Right(SSS, j - i)
- '-----------------------------------------
- i = InStr(SSS, sep)
- SSS4 = SSS
- s4len = Len(SSS4)
- If i = 0 Then
- GoTo line_3400
- End If
- SSS4 = Left(SSS, i - 1)
- s4len = Len(SSS4)
- j = Len(SSS)
- SSS = Right(SSS, j - i)
- '-----------------------------------------
- i = InStr(SSS, sep)
- SSS5 = SSS
- s5len = Len(SSS5)
- If i = 0 Then
- GoTo line_3400
- End If
- SSS5 = Left(SSS, i - 1)
- s5len = Len(SSS5)
- j = Len(SSS)
- SSS = Right(SSS, j - i)
- '------------------------------------------
- SSS6 = Right(SSS, j - i)
- s6len = Len(SSS6)
- line_3400:
- GoSub line_14500 'check for imbedded spaces in search strings
- 'january 19 2001
- yyy = ""
- End If 'end if for "." search string recall
- 'allow for a stop to see if screen remains
- If yyy = "S" Then
- Close #OutFile
- II = DoEvents
- GoTo End_32000
- End If
- line_3500:
- save_line = "3500"
- '17 September 2004 dougheredoughere
- If Left(UCase(Cmd(69)), 8) = "HIT_STOP" And InStr(1, UCase(App.Path + App.EXEName), "BACKGRD") <> 0 Then
- GoTo End_32000 '17 September 2004
- End If '17 September 2004
- line_4000:
- save_line = "4000"
- cnt = 0
- If yyy <> "Y" And yyy <> "" Then
- Close #OutFile
- Close #ExtFile 'november 14 2000
- line_len = Val(Cmd(21)) 'november 14 2000
- extract_yes = "NO" 'november 14 2000
- II = DoEvents 'yield to operating system
- GoTo Do_Search_110
- ' GoTo File_40 'january 01 2001
- End If
- '20 August 2003 the cls was moved to the last_lines_1500 routine
- '20 August 2003 Cls 'clear the current form
- If SAVE_ttt = "F" Then Cls '20 august 2003a
- GoTo input_1000
- 'Subroutines start here ----------------------------
- sub_10000:
- sslen = 0
- s1 = 0
- s2 = 0
- s3 = 0
- s4 = 0 '23 june 2002
- s5 = 0
- s6 = 0
- ss = 1000
- If SSS1 <> "" Then
- s1 = InStr(aaa, SSS1)
- End If
- If SSS2 <> "" Then
- s2 = InStr(aaa, SSS2)
- End If
- If SSS3 <> "" Then
- s3 = InStr(aaa, SSS3)
- End If
- If SSS4 <> "" Then
- s4 = InStr(aaa, SSS4) '23 june 2002
- End If
- If SSS5 <> "" Then
- s5 = InStr(aaa, SSS5)
- End If
- If SSS6 <> "" Then
- s6 = InStr(aaa, SSS6)
- End If
- If s1 < ss And s1 <> 0 Then
- ss = s1
- sslen = s1len
- End If
- If s2 < ss And s2 <> 0 Then
- ss = s2
- sslen = s2len
- End If
- If s3 < ss And s3 <> 0 Then
- ss = s3
- sslen = s3len
- End If
- If s4 < ss And s4 <> 0 Then
- ss = s4 '23 june 2002
- sslen = s4len
- End If
- If s5 < ss And s5 <> 0 Then
- ss = s5
- sslen = s5len
- End If
- If s6 < ss And s6 <> 0 Then
- ss = s6
- sslen = s6len
- End If
- ' If ss = s1 Then
- 'december 5 2000 SSS1 = ""
- ' End If
- ' If ss = s2 Then
- 'december 5 2000 SSS2 = ""
- ' End If
- ' If ss = s3 Then
- 'december 5 2000 SSS3 = ""
- ' End If
- If ss = 1000 Then
- ss = 0
- End If
- Return
- sub_12000: 'hi-lite print subroutine here
- 'need the tabs to spaces where it is. Spaces may be in the search for matches?
- ' test to eliminate excess prints
- '20 May 2003 note I may want to de-activate the following change along with
- ' the other one for 20 May 2003 this data is now displayed in
- ' the detail display / caption option....
- ' If sscreen_saver = "Y" Then GoTo line_13999 '20 May 2003
- ' testprompt = InputBox("testing prompt 12050=" + sscreen_saver + " " + disp_file + " " + aaa, "test", , 4400, 4500) '
- line_12050: 'january 15 2001
- If array_pos <> 0 Then
- data_aaa = aaa + ""
- data_ooo = ooo + ""
- endstuff = "YES"
- array_prt = array_prt + 1
- aaa = array_aaa(array_prt)
- ooo = array_ooo(array_prt)
- SSS1 = KEEPS1 'january 24 2001
- If SSS1 = "A" Then SSS1 = "" 'january 25 2001
- SSS3 = KEEPS3 'january 24 2001
- SSS4 = KEEPS4 '09 june 2002
- ' testprompt = InputBox("testing prompt 12050=" + CStr(array_prt) + " " + data_ooo + " " + CStr(array_pos) + " " + array_ooo(array_prt), "test", , 4400, 4500) '
- GoTo line_12120 'january 21 2001
- End If
- line_12053: 'january 21 2001
- endstuff = "NO" 'january 21 2001
- data_aaa = aaa + " "
- data_ooo = ooo + " "
- tot_print = 0
- line_12055:
- 'below reduce multiple trailing spaces to 1
- JJ = Len(data_aaa)
- If JJ < 2 Then GoTo line_12070
- If Right(data_aaa, 2) = " " Then
- data_aaa = Left(data_aaa, JJ - 1)
- data_ooo = Left(data_ooo, JJ - 1)
- GoTo line_12055
- End If
- line_12070:
- aaa = data_aaa + ""
- ooo = data_ooo + ""
- line_12100:
- 'now do a search for the match strings.
- match_flag = "YES"
- 'is there a match of the 3 elements in this string YES or NO
- If SSS1 = "" Then match_flag = "NO"
- If SSS1 <> "" And InStr(aaa, SSS1) = 0 Then
- match_flag = "NO"
- GoTo line_12110
- End If
- If SSS2 <> "" And InStr(aaa, SSS2) = 0 Then
- match_flag = "NO"
- GoTo line_12110
- End If
- '23 june 2002 add 4 5 and 6 below
- If SSS3 <> "" And InStr(aaa, SSS3) = 0 Then
- match_flag = "NO"
- GoTo line_12110
- End If
- If SSS4 <> "" And InStr(aaa, SSS4) = 0 Then
- match_flag = "NO"
- GoTo line_12110
- End If
- If SSS5 <> "" And InStr(aaa, SSS5) = 0 Then
- match_flag = "NO"
- GoTo line_12110
- End If
- If SSS6 <> "" And InStr(aaa, SSS6) = 0 Then match_flag = "NO"
- line_12110:
- If Len(aaa) > line_len + over_lap Then
- GoTo line_13000 'do the line wrap inserts etc
- End If
- line_12120: 'return from the wrap logic here if required.
- ' If zzz_cnt > 43180 Then
- ' testprompt = InputBox("testing prompt 12120=" + match_flag + "*" + SSS1 + "*" + SSS2 + "*" + SSS3 + "*" + SSS4 + "*" + SSS5 + "*" + SSS6, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- ' If tt1 = "X" Or tt1 = "x" Then
- ' GoTo End_32000
- ' End If 'testing only
- ' End If
- If match_flag = "YES" Then GoTo line_12500 '
- line_12125:
- If Left(UCase(Cmd(77)), 16) = "CHARACTERPAUSE==" Then '03 January 2005
- new_delay_sec = Val(Right(Cmd(77), Len(Cmd(77)) - 16))
- tempss = ooo '03 January 2005
- For temp1 = 1 To Len(tempss)
- Print Left(tempss, 1);
- tempss = Right(tempss, Len(tempss) - 1)
- GoSub line_30300 '03 January 2005
- Next temp1
- Else
- Print ooo;
- End If '03 January 2005
- tot_print = tot_print + Len(ooo)
- If extract_yes = "YES" Then
- Print #ExtFile, ooo;
- End If
- '24 December 2004 put the timer in here???
- If Left(Cmd(76), 11) = "LINEPAUSE==" Then
- new_delay_sec = Val(Right(Cmd(76), Len(Cmd(76)) - 11))
- GoSub line_30300 '24 December 2004
- End If '24 December 2004
- line_12130:
- If array_prt > 1 Then
- cnt = cnt + 1
- wrap_cnt = wrap_cnt + 1
- End If
- posstring = "" 'december 6 2000
- If showasc = "Y" Then
- II = Len(ooo)
- If II > 10 Then II = 10
- ytemp = Right(ooo, II)
- xtemp = ""
- For III = 1 To II
- xtemp = xtemp + CStr(Asc(Mid(ytemp, III, 1))) + " "
- Next III
- posstring = xtemp + "(" + ytemp + ")"
- End If 'december 11 2000
- If showpos = "Y" Then posstring = "*=" + CStr(tot_print) + " " + CStr(cnt)
- Print ; posstring
- '24 December 2004 put the timer in here???
- If Left(Cmd(76), 11) = "LINEPAUSE==" Then
- new_delay_sec = Val(Right(Cmd(76), Len(Cmd(76)) - 11))
- GoSub line_30300 '24 December 2004
- End If '24 December 2004
- tot_print = 0
- If extract_yes = "YES" Then
- Print #ExtFile,
- End If
- 'check for screen full here 'to be done yet
- 'at this point need to check for screen full and exit out if need be but do later
- line_12135: 'january 21 2001
- If cnt >= MAX_CNT Then
- If array_prt = array_pos Then
- array_prt = 0
- array_pos = 0
- End If
- GoTo line_14222
- End If
- line_12140:
- If array_pos < 1 Then GoTo line_14222
- line_12150:
- array_prt = array_prt + 1
- line_12160:
- If array_prt > array_pos Then
- array_prt = 0
- array_pos = 0
- If endstuff = "YES" Then
- aaa = data_aaa + ""
- ooo = data_ooo + ""
- GoTo line_12053 'january 21 2001
- End If
- GoTo line_14222
- End If
- line_12170:
- aaa = array_aaa(array_prt) + ""
- ooo = array_ooo(array_prt) + ""
- GoTo line_12120
- line_12500:
- s1len = Len(SSS1)
- s2len = Len(SSS2)
- s3len = Len(SSS3)
- s4len = Len(SSS4) '23 june 2002
- s5len = Len(SSS5)
- s6len = Len(SSS6)
- GoSub sub_10000 'check for match in string aaa
- If ss = 0 Then GoTo line_12125
- line_12505:
- If ss > 1 Then
- If Left(UCase(Cmd(77)), 16) = "CHARACTERPAUSE==" Then '03 January 2005
- new_delay_sec = Val(Right(Cmd(77), Len(Cmd(77)) - 16))
- tempss = Left(ooo, ss - 1) '03 January 2005
- For temp1 = 1 To Len(tempss)
- Print Left(tempss, 1);
- tempss = Right(tempss, Len(tempss) - 1)
- GoSub line_30300 '03 January 2005
- Next temp1
- Else
- ' Print ooo;
- Print Left(ooo, ss - 1);
- tot_print = tot_print + ss - 1
- If extract_yes = "YES" Then
- Print #ExtFile, Left(ooo, ss - 1);
- End If
- End If '03 January 2005
- End If
- line_12510:
- II = 0
- If Mid(aaa, ss + sslen - 1, 1) <> " " Then GoTo line_12600
- 'if last chr in match a space check if that is the start of another match? below
- If SSS1 = "" Then GoTo line_12600
- If Mid(aaa, ss + sslen - 1, s1len) = SSS1 Then GoTo line_12550
- If SSS2 = "" Then GoTo line_12600
- If Mid(aaa, ss + sslen - 1, s2len) = SSS2 Then GoTo line_12550
- If SSS3 = "" Then GoTo line_12600
- If Mid(aaa, ss + sslen - 1, s3len) = SSS3 Then GoTo line_12550
- If SSS4 = "" Then GoTo line_12600 '23 june 2002
- If Mid(aaa, ss + sslen - 1, s4len) = SSS4 Then GoTo line_12550
- If SSS5 = "" Then GoTo line_12600
- If Mid(aaa, ss + sslen - 1, s5len) = SSS5 Then GoTo line_12550
- If SSS6 = "" Then GoTo line_12600
- If Mid(aaa, ss + sslen - 1, s6len) = SSS6 Then GoTo line_12550
- GoTo line_12600
- line_12550:
- 'only going to hi-lite up to the next space by reducing count by 1 below
- ' If zzz_cnt > 658 Then
- ' tt1 = InputBox("testing prompt 12550" + CStr(ss + sslen - 1) + "*" + Mid(aaa, ss + sslen - 1, 4) + "*" + SSS1, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- ' If tt1 = "X" Or tt1 = "x" Then
- ' GoTo End_32000
- ' End If 'testing only
- ' End If
- sslen = sslen - 1
- II = 1 'so the match counts below will jive
- line_12600:
- If UCase(Mid(ooo, ss, sslen + II)) = UCase(SSS1) Then tot_s1 = tot_s1 + 1 'january 01 2001
- If UCase(Mid(ooo, ss, sslen + II)) = UCase(SSS2) Then tot_s2 = tot_s2 + 1 'january 01 2001
- If UCase(Mid(ooo, ss, sslen + II)) = UCase(SSS3) Then tot_s3 = tot_s3 + 1 'january 01 2001
- If UCase(Mid(ooo, ss, sslen + II)) = UCase(SSS4) Then tot_s4 = tot_s4 + 1 '23 june 2002
- If UCase(Mid(ooo, ss, sslen + II)) = UCase(SSS5) Then tot_s5 = tot_s5 + 1 '23 june 2002
- If UCase(Mid(ooo, ss, sslen + II)) = UCase(SSS6) Then tot_s6 = tot_s6 + 1 '23 june 2002
- ForeColor = QBColor(Set_Fore) 'set color
- Font.Bold = True
- Font.Underline = True
- '26 March 2003 try the below (seemed to work) Print Mid(ooo, ss, sslen);
- ' If Cmd(56) <> "PHOTO_DETAIL" Then Print Mid(ooo, ss, sslen);
- ' needed the original display for "C" context hi-liting.... put back
- If Left(UCase(Cmd(77)), 16) = "CHARACTERPAUSE==" Then '03 January 2005
- new_delay_sec = Val(Right(Cmd(77), Len(Cmd(77)) - 16))
- tempss = Mid(ooo, ss, sslen) '03 January 2005
- For temp1 = 1 To Len(tempss)
- Print Left(tempss, 1);
- tempss = Right(tempss, Len(tempss) - 1)
- GoSub line_30300 '03 January 2005
- Next temp1
- Else
- ' Print ooo;
- Print Mid(ooo, ss, sslen);
- End If '03 January 2005
- tot_print = tot_print + sslen
- If extract_yes = "YES" Then
- Print #ExtFile, Mid(ooo, ss, sslen);
- End If
- ' If sscreen_saver = "Y" Then
- '26 March 2003 deactivate the following if part of version ver=1.02b fix required
- If sscreen_saver = "Y" And sscreen_saver = "N" Then
- Font.Size = 24
- ForeColor = QBColor(AltColor) 'make a different color here and below screen saver
- ' dsp_cnt = dsp_cnt + 1 'may 09 2001
- '26 March 2003 dump the display count for now (skip the whole routine)
- ' with the dsp_cnt print and all what the hey anyway
- ' Print Mid(ooo, ss, sslen); " "; CStr(dsp_cnt); " "; 'may 09 2001
- Print Mid(ooo, ss, sslen); " "; 'may 09 2001
- Font.Size = Val(Cmd(2))
- End If 'october 24 2000
- ForeColor = QBColor(Def_Fore) 'default color
- Font.Bold = False
- Font.Underline = False
- aaa = Mid(aaa, ss + sslen)
- ooo = Mid(ooo, ss + sslen)
- 'midway2 thru the program appx'==================================================================================
- line_12610:
- If Len(aaa) > 0 Then GoTo line_12500
- GoTo line_12130 'no more data
- GoTo line_14222
- line_13000: 'january 18 2001
- 'below get rid of all trailing spaces
- II = Len(aaa)
- If Right(aaa, 1) = " " Then
- aaa = Left(aaa, II - 1)
- ooo = Left(ooo, II - 1)
- GoTo line_13000
- End If
- line_13010: 'january 19 2001 see imbedded spaces in search string and replace them in xxx string
- xxx = aaa + ""
- ' If zzz_cnt > 20929 Then
- ' tt1 = InputBox("testing prompt 13000c" + CStr(Len(aaa)) + " " + SSS1 + " " + match_flag, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- ' If tt1 = "X" Or tt1 = "x" Then
- ' GoTo End_32000
- ' End If 'testing only
- ' End If
- If match_flag <> "YES" Then GoTo line_13070 'only required if match in line
- If imbedded = "NO" Then GoTo line_13070 'only required if one has a imbedded space
- If s1_imbed = "" Then GoTo line_13020
- II = 1
- line_13012:
- JJ = InStr(II, aaa, SSS1)
- If JJ = 0 Then GoTo line_13020
- xxx = Left(aaa, JJ - 1) + s1_imbed + Mid(aaa, JJ + Len(SSS1) - 1)
- II = JJ + 1
- GoTo line_13012
- line_13020:
- If s2_imbed = "" Then GoTo line_13030
- II = 1
- line_13022:
- JJ = InStr(II, aaa, SSS2)
- If JJ = 0 Then GoTo line_13030
- xxx = Left(aaa, JJ - 1) + s2_imbed + Mid(aaa, JJ + Len(SSS2) - 1)
- II = JJ + 1
- GoTo line_13022
- line_13030:
- If s3_imbed = "" Then GoTo line_13040
- II = 1
- line_13032:
- JJ = InStr(II, aaa, SSS3)
- If JJ = 0 Then GoTo line_13040
- xxx = Left(aaa, JJ - 1) + s3_imbed + Mid(aaa, JJ + Len(SSS3) - 1)
- II = JJ + 1
- GoTo line_13032
- '23 june 2002 add 4 thru 6 below
- line_13040:
- If s4_imbed = "" Then GoTo line_13050
- II = 1
- line_13042:
- JJ = InStr(II, aaa, SSS4)
- If JJ = 0 Then GoTo line_13050
- xxx = Left(aaa, JJ - 1) + s4_imbed + Mid(aaa, JJ + Len(SSS4) - 1)
- II = JJ + 1
- GoTo line_13042
- line_13050:
- If s5_imbed = "" Then GoTo line_13060
- II = 1
- line_13052:
- JJ = InStr(II, aaa, SSS5)
- If JJ = 0 Then GoTo line_13060
- xxx = Left(aaa, JJ - 1) + s5_imbed + Mid(aaa, JJ + Len(SSS5) - 1)
- II = JJ + 1
- GoTo line_13052
- line_13060:
- If s6_imbed = "" Then GoTo line_13070
- II = 1
- line_13062:
- JJ = InStr(II, aaa, SSS6)
- If JJ = 0 Then GoTo line_13070
- xxx = Left(aaa, JJ - 1) + s6_imbed + Mid(aaa, JJ + Len(SSS6) - 1)
- II = JJ + 1
- GoTo line_13062
- line_13070:
- line_13620:
- II = Len(aaa)
- array_pos = array_pos + 1
- If array_pos > 55 Then
- '22 October 2004 xtemp = InputBox("error 13620 line too long=" + CStr(array_pos), "test", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) '
- frmproj2.Caption = "error 13620 line too long (use crop option) " + CStr(Len(aaa)) '22 October 2004
- new_delay_sec = 1 '22 October 2004
- GoSub line_30300 '22 October 2004
- Beep '22 October 2004
- II = 50 '22 October 2004
- aaa = Left(aaa, 50) '22 October 2004
- array_pos = 10 '22 October 2004 keep it from stopping on line too long errors
- GoTo line_13635
- End If
- line_13625:
- If II <= line_len + over_lap Then GoTo line_13630
- line_13626:
- tt = InStr(line_len, xxx, " ")
- 'if a - is going to split a word make sure that there are no nearby spaces below
- line_13627:
- If (tt = 0 Or tt > line_len + over_lap) And Mid(aaa, line_len - 1, 1) = " " Then tt = line_len - 1
- If (tt = 0 Or tt > line_len + over_lap) And Mid(aaa, line_len - 2, 1) = " " Then tt = line_len - 2
- If (tt = 0 Or tt > line_len + over_lap) And Mid(aaa, line_len - 3, 1) = " " Then tt = line_len - 3
- If (tt = 0 Or tt > line_len + over_lap) And Mid(aaa, line_len - 4, 1) = " " Then tt = line_len - 4
- line_13627a:
- If tt = 0 Then GoTo line_13628
- line_13627b:
- If tt > line_len + over_lap Then GoTo line_13628
- line_13627c:
- array_aaa(array_pos) = " " + Left(aaa, tt - 1) + " "
- array_ooo(array_pos) = " " + Left(ooo, tt - 1) + " "
- aaa = Mid(aaa, tt)
- ooo = Mid(ooo, tt)
- xxx = Mid(xxx, tt) 'january 21 2001
- GoTo line_13620
- line_13628:
- new_len = line_len
- If match_flag = "NO" Then GoTo line_13628m
- 'ensure the break does not come in any of the hi-lite items...
- 'for each of the 3 search elements make sure there is no break
- 'in the middle use s1len s2len s3len values and the instr(?)
- 'to check for overlap
- 'if the hi-lite item less than 2 characters the break can never split it.
- ' new_len = line_len
- If s1len < 2 Then GoTo line_13628d
- III = line_len - s1len + 2
- If III < 1 Then GoTo line_13628d 'should never happen
- JJ = InStr(III, aaa, SSS1)
- If JJ = 0 Then GoTo line_13628d 'no match found
- If JJ > line_len Then GoTo line_13628d 'match found after break
- ' If JJ + s1len - 1 = line_len Then GoTo line_13628d '
- ' the above line was used when III above was calculated using II = line_len-s1len+1
- new_len = JJ - 1
- GoTo line_13628m
- line_13628d:
- If s2len < 2 Then GoTo line_13628h
- III = line_len - s2len + 2
- If III < 1 Then GoTo line_13628h 'should never happen
- JJ = InStr(III, aaa, SSS2)
- If JJ = 0 Then GoTo line_13628h 'no match found
- If JJ > line_len Then GoTo line_13628h 'match found after break
- new_len = JJ - 1
- GoTo line_13628m
- line_13628h:
- If s3len < 2 Then GoTo line_13628i
- III = line_len - s3len + 2
- If III < 1 Then GoTo line_13628i 'should never happen
- JJ = InStr(III, aaa, SSS3)
- If JJ = 0 Then GoTo line_13628i 'no match found
- If JJ > line_len Then GoTo line_13628i 'match found after break
- new_len = JJ - 1
- GoTo line_13628m
- '23 june 2002 do 4 thru 6 below
- line_13628i:
- If s4len < 2 Then GoTo line_13628j
- III = line_len - s4len + 2
- If III < 1 Then GoTo line_13628j 'should never happen
- JJ = InStr(III, aaa, SSS4)
- If JJ = 0 Then GoTo line_13628j 'no match found
- If JJ > line_len Then GoTo line_13628j 'match found after break
- new_len = JJ - 1
- GoTo line_13628m
- line_13628j:
- If s5len < 2 Then GoTo line_13628k
- III = line_len - s5len + 2
- If III < 1 Then GoTo line_13628k 'should never happen
- JJ = InStr(III, aaa, SSS5)
- If JJ = 0 Then GoTo line_13628k 'no match found
- If JJ > line_len Then GoTo line_13628k 'match found after break
- new_len = JJ - 1
- GoTo line_13628m
- line_13628k:
- If s6len < 2 Then GoTo line_13628m
- III = line_len - s6len + 2
- If III < 1 Then GoTo line_13628m 'should never happen
- JJ = InStr(III, aaa, SSS6)
- If JJ = 0 Then GoTo line_13628m 'no match found
- If JJ > line_len Then GoTo line_13628m 'match found after break
- new_len = JJ - 1
- line_13628m:
- array_aaa(array_pos) = " " + Left(aaa, new_len) + "-"
- array_ooo(array_pos) = " " + Left(ooo, new_len) + "-"
- aaa = Mid(aaa, new_len + 1)
- ooo = Mid(ooo, new_len + 1)
- xxx = Mid(xxx, new_len + 1)
- '
- ' xtemp = InputBox("testing prompt_=" + aaa + " " + CStr(new_len) + " " + CStr(cnt), "test", , 4400, 4500) '
- ' xtemp = InputBox("testing prompt=" + AllSearch(1) + "*" + ttt + " " + SSS1 + " " + SSS2 + " " + SSS3 + " " + CStr(zzz_cnt), "test", , 4400, 4500) '
- ' If UCase(xtemp) = "X" Then GoTo End_32000
- GoTo line_13620
- 'line_13629:
- ' Print #ExtFile, Left(aaa, line_len); "-"
- ' temp2 = temp2 + 1
- ' aaa = Mid(aaa, line_len + 1)
- ' GoTo line_13620
- line_13630:
- array_aaa(array_pos) = " " + aaa + " "
- array_ooo(array_pos) = " " + ooo + " "
- line_13635:
- If Left(array_aaa(1), 2) = " " Then
- array_aaa(1) = Mid(array_aaa(1), 2) 'remove the extra space line 1 only
- array_ooo(1) = Mid(array_ooo(1), 2) 'as 1 is already added at start
- aaa = array_aaa(1) 'line broken into multiple parts start printing with first part
- ooo = array_ooo(1)
- array_prt = 1
- End If
- line_13640:
- 'back to the logic after 12120 line
- GoTo line_12120
- line_13999:
- line_14222: 'january 15 2001
- Return
- line_14500: 'january 19 2001 check for imbedded spaces in search strings
- s1_imbed = ""
- s2_imbed = ""
- s3_imbed = ""
- s4_imbed = "" '23 june 2002
- s5_imbed = ""
- s6_imbed = ""
- imbedded = "NO"
- If Len(SSS1) < 2 Then GoTo line_14510
- III = 2
- line_14505:
- II = InStr(III, SSS1, " ")
- If II = 0 Or II = Len(SSS1) Then GoTo line_14510
- s1_imbed = Left(SSS1, II - 1) + "x" + Mid(SSS1, II + 1)
- III = II + 1
- GoTo line_14505
- line_14510:
- If Len(SSS2) < 2 Then GoTo line_14520
- III = 2
- line_14515:
- II = InStr(III, SSS2, " ")
- If II = 0 Or II = Len(SSS2) Then GoTo line_14520
- s2_imbed = Left(SSS2, II - 1) + "x" + Mid(SSS2, II + 1)
- III = II + 1
- GoTo line_14515
- line_14520:
- If Len(SSS3) < 2 Then GoTo line_14530
- III = 2
- line_14525:
- II = InStr(III, SSS3, " ")
- If II = 0 Or II = Len(SSS3) Then GoTo line_14530
- s3_imbed = Left(SSS3, II - 1) + "x" + Mid(SSS3, II + 1)
- III = II + 1
- GoTo line_14525
- line_14530:
- If Len(SSS4) < 2 Then GoTo line_14540
- III = 2
- line_14535:
- II = InStr(III, SSS4, " ")
- If II = 0 Or II = Len(SSS4) Then GoTo line_14540
- s4_imbed = Left(SSS4, II - 1) + "x" + Mid(SSS4, II + 1)
- III = II + 1
- GoTo line_14535
- line_14540:
- If Len(SSS5) < 2 Then GoTo line_14550
- III = 2
- line_14545:
- II = InStr(III, SSS5, " ")
- If II = 0 Or II = Len(SSS5) Then GoTo line_14550
- s5_imbed = Left(SSS5, II - 1) + "x" + Mid(SSS5, II + 1)
- III = II + 1
- GoTo line_14545
- line_14550:
- If Len(SSS6) < 2 Then GoTo line_14560
- III = 2
- line_14555:
- II = InStr(III, SSS6, " ")
- If II = 0 Or II = Len(SSS6) Then GoTo line_14560
- s6_imbed = Left(SSS6, II - 1) + "x" + Mid(SSS6, II + 1)
- III = II + 1
- GoTo line_14555
- line_14560:
- If s1_imbed + s2_imbed + s3_imbed + s4_imbed + s5_imbed + s6_imbed > "" Then imbedded = "YES"
- Return
- Last_lines_15000:
- save_line = "15000" 'aug 08/99
- Cls '18 august 2003
- '---------------------------------------------------- part a
- '18 March 2003 ver=1.01 v
- ' If Clear_Context_lines = Context_lines Then
- 'clear the context records here **note the spaces=50 other setting = ""
- If Clear_Context_lines > 0 Then
- ' tt1 = InputBox("testing=" + CStr(Context_cnt) + " " + CStr(Context_lines) + " " + CStr(Context_lines - Clear_Context_lines) + "=", , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- ' For II = 1 To MAX_CNT
- If Context_cnt > Context_lines - 1 Then
- ' For II = 1 To Context_cnt - 1
- For II = 1 To Context_cnt - (Context_lines - Clear_Context_lines)
- Context_text(II) = Space(20)
- Next II
- Else
- For II = 1 To Context_cnt - (Context_lines - Clear_Context_lines)
- Context_text(II) = Space(20)
- Next II 'active testing this logic
- For II = Context_cnt + 1 To MAX_CNT Step 1
- Context_text(II) = Space(20)
- Next II
- End If
- End If
- ' End If
- '18 March 2003 ver=1.01 ^
- 'the above routine is handy when used in conjunction with a control file
- 'command type situation where the font size and clear_context_string cmd(55)
- 'element is used for display of text on top of existing photos
- 'may want a blank line or two right after as program will temporarily be
- 'switched to context display mode and may need to be swapped back???
- '
- 'use the ver=1.01 changes when doing the display of the searched text
- 'on top of the picture on the screen in ver=1.02 "search criteria"
- ' "photo_detail" display on screen large font with own delay etc
- '
- '&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
- If Context_cnt < Context_lines Then
- For temp4 = MAX_CNT - Context_lines + Context_cnt To MAX_CNT
- If Context_text(temp4) = "" Then GoTo line_15115 'january 22 2001
- 'april 10 2001 If InStr(1, Context_text(temp4), "append end") <> 0 Then
- ' If InStr(1, Context_text(temp4), append_end1) <> 0 Then
- If InStr(1, UCase(Context_text(temp4)), UCase(append_end1)) <> 0 Then
- append_end1 = Mid(Context_text(temp4), InStr(1, UCase(Context_text(temp4)), UCase(append_end1)), Len(append_end1))
- tot_s1 = tot_s1 - 1 'january 06 2001
- new1 = SSS1
- new2 = SSS2
- new3 = SSS3
- new4 = SSS4 '23 june 2002
- new5 = SSS5
- new6 = SSS6
- 'april 10 2001 SSS1 = "append end"
- SSS1 = append_end1
- SSS2 = ""
- SSS3 = ""
- SSS4 = "" '23 june 2002
- SSS5 = ""
- SSS6 = ""
- temp_fore = Set_Fore
- Set_Fore = AltColor
- keep_aaa = aaa + ""
- keep_ooo = ooo + ""
- aaa = Context_text(temp4)
- ooo = Context_text(temp4)
- If hilite_hh = "Y" Then
- GoSub hilite_25500
- End If 'april 22 2001
- GoSub sub_12000
- aaa = keep_aaa
- ooo = keep_ooo
- SSS1 = new1
- SSS2 = new2
- SSS3 = new3
- SSS4 = new4 '23 june 2002
- SSS5 = new5
- SSS6 = new6
- Set_Fore = temp_fore
- GoTo line_15110
- End If 'hilite any append lines i put in
- 'april 10 2001 If InStr(1, Context_text(temp4), "append start") <> 0 Then
- ' with the ucase stuff below
- If InStr(1, UCase(Context_text(temp4)), UCase(append_start1)) <> 0 Then
- append_start1 = Mid(Context_text(temp4), InStr(1, UCase(Context_text(temp4)), UCase(append_start1)), Len(append_start1))
- tot_s1 = tot_s1 - 1 'january 06 2001
- new1 = SSS1
- new2 = SSS2
- new3 = SSS3
- new4 = SSS4 '23 june 2002
- new5 = SSS5
- new6 = SSS6
- 'april 10 2001 SSS1 = "append start"
- SSS1 = append_start1
- SSS2 = ""
- SSS3 = ""
- SSS4 = "" '23 june 2002
- SSS5 = ""
- SSS6 = ""
- temp_fore = Set_Fore
- Set_Fore = AltColor
- keep_aaa = aaa + ""
- keep_ooo = ooo + ""
- aaa = Context_text(temp4)
- ooo = Context_text(temp4)
- GoSub sub_12000
- aaa = keep_aaa
- ooo = keep_ooo
- SSS1 = new1
- SSS2 = new2
- SSS3 = new3
- SSS4 = new4
- SSS5 = new5
- SSS6 = new6
- Set_Fore = temp_fore
- GoTo line_15110
- End If 'hilite any append lines i put in
- If InStr(1, Context_text(temp4), hilite_this) <> 0 And _
- (hilite_this <> "" And hilite_this <> " ") Then
- tot_s1 = tot_s1 - 1 'january 06 2001
- new1 = SSS1
- new2 = SSS2
- new3 = SSS3
- new4 = SSS4 '23 june 2002
- new5 = SSS5
- new6 = SSS6
- SSS1 = hilite_this
- SSS2 = ""
- SSS3 = ""
- SSS4 = "" '23 june 2002
- SSS5 = ""
- SSS6 = ""
- temp_fore = Set_Fore
- Set_Fore = AltColor
- keep_aaa = aaa + ""
- keep_ooo = ooo + ""
- aaa = Context_text(temp4)
- ooo = Context_text(temp4)
- If hilite_hh = "Y" Then
- GoSub hilite_25500
- End If 'april 22 2001 this one
- GoSub sub_12000
- aaa = keep_aaa
- ooo = keep_ooo
- SSS1 = new1
- SSS2 = new2
- SSS3 = new3
- SSS4 = new4 '23 june 2002
- SSS5 = new5
- SSS6 = new6
- Set_Fore = temp_fore
- GoTo line_15110
- End If 'hilite any append lines i put in
- line_15100:
- new1 = SSS1
- new2 = SSS2
- new3 = SSS3
- new4 = SSS4 '23 june 2002
- new5 = SSS5
- new6 = SSS6
- SSS1 = ""
- SSS2 = ""
- SSS3 = ""
- SSS4 = "" '23 june 2002
- SSS5 = ""
- SSS6 = ""
- keep_aaa = aaa + ""
- keep_ooo = ooo + ""
- aaa = Context_text(temp4)
- ooo = Context_text(temp4)
- GoSub sub_12000
- aaa = keep_aaa
- ooo = keep_ooo
- SSS1 = new1
- SSS2 = new2
- SSS3 = new3
- SSS4 = new4 '23 june 2002
- SSS5 = new5
- SSS6 = new6
- line_15110:
- cnt = cnt + 1
- line_15115: 'january 22 2001
- Next temp4
- '-------------------------------------------------------
- For temp4 = 1 To Context_cnt
- If Context_text(temp4) = "" Then GoTo line_15525 'january 22 2001
- line_15200:
- 'april 10 2001 If InStr(1, Context_text(temp4), "append end") <> 0 Then
- ' If InStr(1, Context_text(temp4), append_end1) <> 0 Then
- If InStr(1, UCase(Context_text(temp4)), UCase(append_end1)) <> 0 Then
- append_end1 = Mid(Context_text(temp4), InStr(1, UCase(Context_text(temp4)), UCase(append_end1)), Len(append_end1))
- tot_s1 = tot_s1 - 1 'january 06 2001
- new1 = SSS1
- new2 = SSS2
- new3 = SSS3
- new4 = SSS4 '23 june 2002
- new5 = SSS5
- new6 = SSS6
- 'april 10 2001 SSS1 = "append end"
- SSS1 = append_end1
- SSS2 = ""
- SSS3 = ""
- SSS4 = "" '23 june 2002
- SSS5 = ""
- SSS6 = ""
- temp_fore = Set_Fore
- Set_Fore = AltColor
- keep_aaa = aaa + ""
- keep_ooo = ooo + ""
- aaa = Context_text(temp4)
- ooo = Context_text(temp4)
- If hilite_hh = "Y" Then
- GoSub hilite_25500
- End If 'april 22 2001
- GoSub sub_12000
- aaa = keep_aaa
- ooo = keep_ooo
- SSS1 = new1
- SSS2 = new2
- SSS3 = new3
- SSS4 = new4 '23 june 2002
- SSS5 = new5
- SSS6 = new6
- Set_Fore = temp_fore
- GoTo line_15520
- End If 'hilite any append lines i put in
- 'april 10 2001 If InStr(1, Context_text(temp4), "append start") <> 0 Then
- ' If InStr(1, Context_text(temp4), append_start1) <> 0 Then
- If InStr(1, UCase(Context_text(temp4)), UCase(append_start1)) <> 0 Then
- append_start1 = Mid(Context_text(temp4), InStr(1, UCase(Context_text(temp4)), UCase(append_start1)), Len(append_start1))
- tot_s1 = tot_s1 - 1 'january 06 2001
- new1 = SSS1
- new2 = SSS2
- new3 = SSS3
- new4 = SSS4 '23 june 2002
- new5 = SSS5
- new6 = SSS6
- 'april 10 2001 SSS1 = "append start"
- SSS1 = append_start1
- SSS2 = ""
- SSS3 = ""
- SSS4 = ""
- SSS5 = ""
- SSS6 = ""
- temp_fore = Set_Fore
- Set_Fore = AltColor
- keep_aaa = aaa + ""
- keep_ooo = ooo + ""
- aaa = Context_text(temp4)
- ooo = Context_text(temp4)
- GoSub sub_12000
- aaa = keep_aaa
- ooo = keep_ooo
- SSS1 = new1
- SSS2 = new2
- SSS3 = new3
- SSS4 = new4
- SSS5 = new5
- SSS6 = new6
- Set_Fore = temp_fore
- GoTo line_15520
- End If 'hilite any append lines i put in
- If InStr(1, Context_text(temp4), hilite_this) <> 0 And _
- (hilite_this <> "" And hilite_this <> " ") Then
- tot_s1 = tot_s1 - 1 'january 06 2001
- new1 = SSS1
- new2 = SSS2
- new3 = SSS3
- new4 = SSS4 '23 june 2002
- new5 = SSS5
- new6 = SSS6
- SSS1 = hilite_this
- SSS2 = ""
- SSS3 = ""
- SSS4 = "" '23 june 2002
- SSS5 = ""
- SSS6 = ""
- temp_fore = Set_Fore
- Set_Fore = AltColor
- keep_aaa = aaa + ""
- keep_ooo = ooo + ""
- aaa = Context_text(temp4)
- ooo = Context_text(temp4)
- If hilite_hh = "Y" Then
- GoSub hilite_25500
- End If 'april 22 2001 this one
- GoSub sub_12000
- aaa = keep_aaa
- ooo = keep_ooo
- SSS1 = new1
- SSS2 = new2
- SSS3 = new3
- SSS4 = new4 '23 june 2002
- SSS5 = new5
- SSS6 = new6
- Set_Fore = temp_fore
- GoTo line_15520
- End If 'hilite any append lines i put in
- new1 = SSS1
- new2 = SSS2
- new3 = SSS3
- new4 = SSS4 '23 june 2002
- new5 = SSS5
- new6 = SSS6
- SSS1 = ""
- SSS2 = ""
- SSS3 = ""
- SSS4 = "" '23 june 2002
- SSS5 = ""
- SSS6 = ""
- keep_aaa = aaa + ""
- keep_ooo = ooo + ""
- aaa = Context_text(temp4)
- ooo = Context_text(temp4)
- GoSub sub_12000
- aaa = keep_aaa
- ooo = keep_ooo
- SSS1 = new1
- SSS2 = new2
- SSS3 = new3
- SSS4 = new4 '23 june 2002
- SSS5 = new5
- SSS6 = new6
- line_15520:
- cnt = cnt + 1
- line_15525: 'january 22 2001
- Next temp4
- End If
- '&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
- If Context_cnt > Context_lines - 1 Then
- For temp4 = Context_cnt - Context_lines + 1 To Context_cnt
- If Context_text(temp4) = "" Then GoTo line_15553 'january 22 2001
- ' get the context_text stuff to wrap vip
- 'april 10 2001 If InStr(1, Context_text(temp4), "append end") <> 0 Then
- ' If InStr(1, Context_text(temp4), append_end1) <> 0 Then
- If InStr(1, UCase(Context_text(temp4)), UCase(append_end1)) <> 0 Then
- append_end1 = Mid(Context_text(temp4), InStr(1, UCase(Context_text(temp4)), UCase(append_end1)), Len(append_end1))
- tot_s1 = tot_s1 - 1 'january 06 2001
- new1 = SSS1
- new2 = SSS2
- new3 = SSS3
- new4 = SSS4 '23 june 2002
- new5 = SSS5
- new6 = SSS6
- 'april 10 2001 SSS1 = "append end"
- SSS1 = append_end1
- SSS2 = ""
- SSS3 = ""
- SSS4 = "" '23 june 2002
- SSS5 = ""
- SSS6 = ""
- temp_fore = Set_Fore
- Set_Fore = AltColor
- keep_aaa = aaa + ""
- keep_ooo = ooo + ""
- aaa = Context_text(temp4)
- ooo = Context_text(temp4)
- If hilite_hh = "Y" Then
- GoSub hilite_25500
- End If 'april 22 2001
- GoSub sub_12000
- aaa = keep_aaa
- ooo = keep_ooo
- SSS1 = new1
- SSS2 = new2
- SSS3 = new3
- SSS4 = new4 '23 june 2002
- SSS5 = new5
- SSS6 = new6
- Set_Fore = temp_fore
- GoTo line_15550
- End If 'hilite any append lines i put in
- 'april 10 2001 If InStr(1, Context_text(temp4), "append start") <> 0 Then
- ' If InStr(1, Context_text(temp4), append_start1) <> 0 Then
- If InStr(1, UCase(Context_text(temp4)), UCase(append_start1)) <> 0 Then
- append_start1 = Mid(Context_text(temp4), InStr(1, UCase(Context_text(temp4)), UCase(append_start1)), Len(append_start1))
- tot_s1 = tot_s1 - 1 'january 06 2001
- new1 = SSS1
- new2 = SSS2
- new3 = SSS3
- new4 = SSS4 '23 june 2002
- new5 = SSS5
- new6 = SSS6
- 'april 10 2001 SSS1 = "append start"
- SSS1 = append_start1
- SSS2 = ""
- SSS3 = ""
- SSS4 = "" '23 june 2002
- SSS5 = ""
- SSS6 = ""
- temp_fore = Set_Fore
- Set_Fore = AltColor
- keep_aaa = aaa + ""
- keep_ooo = ooo + ""
- aaa = Context_text(temp4)
- ooo = Context_text(temp4)
- GoSub sub_12000
- aaa = keep_aaa
- ooo = keep_ooo
- SSS1 = new1
- SSS2 = new2
- SSS3 = new3
- SSS4 = new4 '23 june 2002
- SSS5 = new5
- SSS6 = new6
- Set_Fore = temp_fore
- GoTo line_15550
- End If 'hilite any append lines i put in
- If InStr(1, Context_text(temp4), hilite_this) <> 0 And _
- (hilite_this <> "" And hilite_this <> " ") Then
- tot_s1 = tot_s1 - 1 'january 06 2001
- new1 = SSS1
- new2 = SSS2
- new3 = SSS3
- new4 = SSS4 '23 june 2002
- new5 = SSS5
- new6 = SSS6
- SSS1 = hilite_this
- SSS2 = ""
- SSS3 = ""
- SSS4 = "" '23 june 2002
- SSS5 = ""
- SSS6 = ""
- temp_fore = Set_Fore
- Set_Fore = AltColor
- keep_aaa = aaa + ""
- keep_ooo = ooo + ""
- aaa = Context_text(temp4)
- ooo = Context_text(temp4)
- If hilite_hh = "Y" Then
- GoSub hilite_25500
- End If 'april 22 2001 this one
- GoSub sub_12000
- aaa = keep_aaa
- ooo = keep_ooo
- SSS1 = new1
- SSS2 = new2
- SSS3 = new3
- SSS4 = new4 '23 june 2002
- SSS5 = new5
- SSS6 = new6
- Set_Fore = temp_fore
- GoTo line_15550
- End If 'hilite any append lines i put in
- line_15500:
- new1 = SSS1
- new2 = SSS2
- new3 = SSS3
- new4 = SSS4 '23 june 2002
- new5 = SSS5
- new6 = SSS6
- SSS1 = ""
- SSS2 = ""
- SSS3 = ""
- SSS4 = "" '23 june 2002
- SSS5 = ""
- SSS6 = ""
- keep_aaa = aaa + ""
- keep_ooo = ooo + ""
- aaa = Context_text(temp4)
- ooo = Context_text(temp4)
- GoSub sub_12000
- aaa = keep_aaa
- ooo = keep_ooo
- SSS1 = new1
- SSS2 = new2
- SSS3 = new3
- SSS4 = new4 '23 june 2002
- SSS5 = new5
- SSS6 = new6
- line_15550:
- cnt = cnt + 1
- line_15553: 'january 22 2001
- Next temp4
- End If 'aug 08/99
- line_15555: 'november 10 2000
- ' Print Context_cnt 'november 10 2000 testing
- Context_cnt = -1 'november 10 2000
- Return
- line_16000: 'november 17 2000
- If Left(UCase(Cmd(71)), 11) = "BATCHFILE==" Then '27 October 2004
- ' xtemp = InputBox("27 october 2004 TESTING 3 " + ttt, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- ' tt1 = "replace.txt" '27 October 2004 testing only reactivate line below
- Line Input #BatchFile, tt1
- ' xtemp = InputBox("27 october 2004 TESTING 3a =" + tt1, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- GoTo skip_file
- End If '27 October 2004
- Test1_str = "File name Prompt" 'april 01 2001
- If filereason <> "" Then Test1_str = filereason 'april 01 2001
- tt1 = InputBox("enter file name", Test1_str, xtemp, xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) 'TESTING ONLY
- skip_file: '27 October 2004
- tt1 = UCase(tt1)
- If tt1 = "" Then
- FileExt = UCase(xtemp)
- Else
- FileExt = tt1
- End If
- If Right(FileExt, 4) <> ".TXT" Then
- GoTo line_16000
- End If
- ' xtemp = InputBox("27 october 2004 TESTING 3b =" + tt1, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- Return
- line_16100: 'january 01 2001
- ' save_line = "16100"
- save_line = "16100"
- Close ExtFile
- ' Kill FileExt 'january 01 2001 january 22 2001
- DoEvents
- ExtFile = FreeFile
- ExtFile = ExtFile + 1 'maybe this will fix the problem?????
- DoEvents
- ' save_line = "16100a" '18 March 2007
- If oopen <> "APPEND" Then
- Open FileExt For Output Access Write As #ExtFile
- Else
- Open FileExt For Append Access Write As #ExtFile 'september 02 2001
- End If
- ' save_line = "16100b" '18 March 2007
- DoEvents
- line_len = 5000 'on extract do not do any wraps???
- 'see the fix above re the adding of 1 to the file count with this prompt
- Return
- Display_pict_17000:
- ' tt1 = InputBox("doug testing pics1", , , 4400, 4500) 'testing
- save_line = "17000" 'march 31/00
- If pp_entered = "YES" Then
- GoTo line_17045
- End If 'november 6 2000
- Line Input #OutFile, Next_line
- zzz_cnt = zzz_cnt + 1
- Next_line_save = Next_line
- Previous_line_save = Previous_line
- This_line = ooo
- Line_17020:
- ' Print "PICTURE FOUND="; This_line
- ' tt1 = InputBox("testing", , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- ' leave above as example for testing display and prompt
- ' If InStr(UCase(Previous_line + This_line + Next_line), "XXX.")
- If InStr(UCase(Previous_line + Next_line), "XXX.") _
- = 0 Then
- GoTo Line_17090
- End If 'no more xxx. to display
- 'get the next line for searching for XXX.
- 'Next_line_save = Next_line
- 'clear Next_line if XXX. found there
- 'Previous_line_save = Previous_line
- 'clear Previous_line if XXX. found there
- 'do logic that calls up to two paint program displays
- 'here and check at end for Next_line
- 'switched the order here so that only 1 line of text
- 'will work ie photo bla bla bal then xxx.
- 'before it was picking up the one before it
- If InStr(UCase(Next_line), "XXX.") <> 0 Then
- Line_Search = Next_line
- ' tt1 = InputBox("next_line" + SSS1 + Next_line, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- ' tt1 = InputBox("Previous_line" + SSS2 + Previous_line, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- Next_line = "" 'so we don't do it again
- Previous_line = "" 'line added
- GoTo Line_17025 'line added
- End If 'no more xxx. to display
- If InStr(UCase(Previous_line), "XXX.") <> 0 Then
- Line_Search = Previous_line
- Previous_line = "" 'so we don't do it again
- 'goto Line_17025 'line removed
- End If 'no more xxx. to display
- Line_17025:
- String_Position = InStr(UCase(Line_Search), "XXX.")
- If String_Position = 0 Then
- GoTo Line_17090:
- End If
- Pict_file = Right(Line_Search, Len(Line_Search) - String_Position - 3)
- Save_file = Pict_file '15 January 2004
- '30 May 2003 allow for cmd(58) DEFAULT_TO_CD to over-ride path... ver=1.06
- If UCase(Left(Cmd(58), 13)) = "DEFAULT_TO_CD" And Left(App.Path, 3) <> "C:\" Then
- Pict_file = Left(App.Path, 3) + Right(Pict_file, Len(Pict_file) - 3)
- End If 'change any C:\ to D:\ or E:\ etc 30 May 2003 ver=1.06
- If auto_exe = "YES" And Left(App.Path, 3) <> "C:\" Then
- Pict_file = Left(App.Path, 3) + Right(Pict_file, Len(Pict_file) - 3)
- End If 'change any C:\ to D:\ or E:\ etc 07 december 2002
- line_17030:
- tt = InStr(Pict_file, Chr(9)) 'check for tabs
- If tt = 0 Then
- GoTo line_17035
- End If
- 'change any tabs to 4 spaces
- Pict_file = Left(Pict_file, tt - 1) + " " + Right(Pict_file, Len(Pict_file) - tt)
- GoTo line_17030
- line_17035:
- If Left(Pict_file, 1) <> " " Then
- End If
- Pict_file = Right(Pict_file, Len(Pict_file) - 1)
- GoTo line_17035
- line_17040:
- 'check the file exists before going anywhere
- save_line = "17040"
- FileFile = FreeFile
- '13 December 2004 had to comment out the following 2 lines to get the error trap on mcisendstring open to work
- '13 December 2004 Open Pict_file For Input As #FileFile
- '13 December 2004 Close FileFile
- '13 December 2004 maybe check to see what it would take to just check mpg or some such above ***vip*** todo
- DoEvents
- save_line = "17040a" '13 December 2004
- ' tt1 = InputBox("doug testing pics2 " + Line_Search, , , 4400, 4500) 'testing 29 november 2006
- ' aug 08/00
- If InStr(UCase(Line_Search), ".BMP") <> 0 And _
- Test1_str = "P1" Then
- GoTo line_17045
- End If
- avi_file = "NO" '01 february 2003
- mpg_file = "NO" '11 May 2003 ver=1.05
- wav_file = "NO" '10 June 2003 ver=1.07
- mid_file = "NO" '10 June 2003 ver=1.07
- If InStr(UCase(Line_Search), ".AVI") <> 0 Then
- avi_file = "YES"
- GoTo line_17045 '01 february 2003
- End If '01 february 2003
- If Mid(UCase(Line_Search), 5, Len(Line_Search) - 4) = "HTTP:" Then
- ' tt1 = InputBox("doug testing pics2 " + Line_Search, , , 4400, 4500) 'testing 29 november 2006
- GoTo Line_17080 '
- End If '29 November 2006
- '10 June 2003 ver=1.07 If InStr(UCase(Line_Search), ".MPG") <> 0 Then
- '16 August 2004 If InStr(UCase(Line_Search), ".MPG") <> 0 Or InStr(UCase(Line_Search), ".MP3") Then
- If InStr(UCase(Line_Search), ".MPG") <> 0 Or InStr(UCase(Line_Search), ".MP3") Or InStr(UCase(Line_Search), ".WMV") Or InStr(UCase(Line_Search), ".VOB") Then
- mpg_file = "YES"
- GoTo line_17045 '11 May 2003
- End If
- 'ver=1.07
- If InStr(UCase(Line_Search), ".WAV") <> 0 Then
- wav_file = "YES"
- GoTo line_17045 '10 June 2003
- End If
- 'ver=1.07
- If InStr(UCase(Line_Search), ".MID") <> 0 Then
- mid_file = "YES"
- GoTo line_17045 '10 June 2003
- End If
- '28 November 2004 If InStr(UCase(Line_Search), ".JPG") = 0 Then
- If InStr(UCase(Line_Search), ".JPG") = 0 And InStr(UCase(Line_Search), ".GIF") = 0 Then
- GoTo Line_17080
- End If
- line_17045:
- '28 November 2004 gif here too along with the jpg
- ' tt1 = InputBox("doug testing pics2a " + Pict_file, , , 4400, 4500) 'testing
- ' frmproj2.Caption = " testing=" + Pict_file + "=" 'testing
- 'only .JPG files below see line_17080 and gif now 28 november 2004
- LastFile = Pict_file
- 'check the program exists before going anywhere
- save_line = "17041"
- FileFile = FreeFile
- line_17050:
- save_line = "17050"
- Close FileFile
- DoEvents
- ' tt1 = InputBox("doug testing pics2.1", , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- 'january 03 2002 the nt computer at work failed on the following open
- 'why oh why are we doing the open cmd(8) below ***vip*** todo check this out
- 'they should all have explorer anyway...
- If debug_photo Then '12 october 2002
- tt1 = InputBox("testing photo 6b-1", , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- End If
- '09 september 2003 If Left(os_ver, 10) = "Windows 20" And Len(os_ver) > 15 Then
- If Left(os_ver, 10) = "Windows 20" Then
- '09 september 2003 Open Cmd(43) For Input As #FileFile
- '09 september 2003 Else
- '10 September 2003 Open Cmd(8) For Input As #FileFile
- End If '30 november 2002
- '10 September 2003 Close FileFile
- save_line = "17055"
- ' testing below explorer
- 'the P1 option should work for .bmp .jpg and .tif
- ' tt1 = InputBox("doug testing pics2.2", , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- 'iffy 17050
- If (InStr(UCase(Cmd(8)), "EXPLORER") <> 0 Or InStr(UCase(Cmd(8)), "NETSCAPE") <> 0) And Test1_str = "P1" Then
- ' Print "file name="; Pict_file; "="
- ' tt1 = InputBox("continue", , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- 'question? why the reference to explorer only to make
- 'question? the above p1 option work.
- ' tt1 = InputBox("doug testing pics2.3", , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- '20 May 2003 Print Pict_file 'there was no need for this meebee
- ' Heightnew = 10000 'february 16 2001 the new has no effect
- ' Widthnew = 12000 'february 16 2001
- ' Height = 9000 'february 16 2001 this changes the size of the form
- ' Width = 10500 'february 16 2001
- 'demo the above using the p1 option and any picture
- 'february 21 2001 Set Picture = LoadPicture(Pict_file)
- ' P I C T U R E S D I S P L A Y E D B E L O W
- 'most of the picture displays take place right below here with the load picture **vip**
- ' tt1 = InputBox("doug testing pics3", , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- If debug_photo Then '12 october 2002
- tt1 = InputBox("testing photo 6b " + Pict_file, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- End If
- '29 March 2003 ver=1.04
- motion_yn = "NO" '29 March 2003
- '28 february 2003 skip dups if there
- 'handy to see the duplicates if a visual inventory otherwise skip em for most part
- '19 September 2004 do Command== stuff here
- '21 September 2004 might want to check for command== right after the input line.****************
- 'might need to keep the zzz_cnt number and on return read 1 past that count ie reopen...
- '19 November allow for switch of control files...
- '***vip*** todo maybe allow it to change input files here too
- ' to whatever is in the corresponding fields in cmd(46) cmd(47) cmd(48) etc
- eof_entry: '26 November 2004
- ' tt1 = InputBox("testingy " + aaa + " " + Cmd(73) + " " + TheFile, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY 26 NOvember 2004
- III = InStr(UCase(aaa), "CONTROL==") '19 November 2004
- If III <> 0 Then
- ' tt1 = InputBox("testingA " + control_file + " " + aaa + " " + Cmd(73), , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY 26 NOvember 2004
- control_file = Trim(Right(aaa, Len(aaa) - III - 8)) '19 November 2004
- tempdata = Cmd(73) '22 November 2004 the fileswitch info
- ' control_file = "chgfile.txt" '26 November 2004 testing with this
- ' frmproj2.Caption = " testing=" + control_file + "=" '26 November 2004
- GoSub Control_28000 'change the control file from in a *.txt file
- DoEvents
- If Left(UCase(tempdata), 10) = "FILESWITCH" Then
- Close #OutFile '22 November 2004
- DoEvents
- OutFile = FreeFile
- DoEvents
- TheFile = Trim(Cmd(46)) 'Must be a file name here not a number
- ' SSS1 = "A" '26 November 2004 testing this
- ' frmproj2.Caption = " testing=" + TheFile + "=" + SSS1 '26 November 2004
- ' tt1 = InputBox("testingx " + control_file + " " + Cmd(46) + " " + TheFile, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY 26 NOvember 2004
- Open TheFile For Input As #OutFile
- ' tt1 = InputBox("testingx " + control_file + " " + Cmd(46) + " " + TheFile, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY 26 NOvember 2004
- DoEvents
- '===========================
- ' frmproj2.Caption = " testingx=" + TheFile + "=" + Test2_str
- ' tt1 = InputBox("testingX " + control_file + " " + Cmd(47) + " " + TheFile + " " + Cmd(48), , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY 26 NOvember 2004
- tempdata = "CONTROL" '26 November 2004 allow for skip of prompt three with this
- multi_prompt2 = RTrim(Cmd(47)) '26 NOVEMBER 2004
- '18 December 2004 the following line did a fix for the file switching...
- Cmd(73) = "noFILESWITCH" '18 December 2004 if the new file had FILESWITCH set it would go wild
- temptemp = Cmd(48) '26 November 2004 the search string ie "A" or "PHOTO"
- If eofsw = "YES" Then
- eofsw = ""
- ttt = multi_prompt2
- End If
- GoTo Get_no2 '26 November 2004
- '===========================
- End If '22 November 2004
- ' frmproj2.Caption = " testing1x=" + control_file + "=" '26 November 2004
- GoTo input_1000a '19 November 2004 so the pause does not take place etc etc.
- End If '19 November 2004
- If Len(command_line) < 1 Then
- command_line = ""
- III = InStr(UCase(aaa), " COMMAND==")
- If III <> 0 Then
- II = InStr(III + 9, aaa + " ", " ") 'make sure there is a trailing space here
- command_line = Mid(aaa, III + 10, II - III - 10)
- multi_prompt2 = command_line
- hold_zzz = zzz_cnt '21 September 2004
- ' aaa = Left(aaa, III + 1) + Right(aaa, Len(aaa) - II - 1) '21 September 2004
- If SSS1 <> "" Then temptemp = SSS1 '02 January 2005
- If SSS2 <> "" Then temptemp = temptemp + sep + SSS2 '02 January 2005
- If SSS3 <> "" Then temptemp = temptemp + sep + SSS3 '02 January 2005
- If SSS4 <> "" Then temptemp = temptemp + sep + SSS4 '02 January 2005
- If SSS5 <> "" Then temptemp = temptemp + sep + SSS5 '02 January 2005
- If SSS6 <> "" Then temptemp = temptemp + sep + SSS6 '02 January 2005
- ' tempdata = InputBox("02 January 2005 test=" + temptemp + " " + SSS1 + " " + SSS2 + " " + SSS3, CStr(zzz_cnt), , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) '29 February 2004 test
- tempdata = "COMMAND" '26 November 2004 allow for skip of prompt three with this
- '02 January 2005 temptemp = Cmd(48) '26 November 2004
- '01 January 2005 the above line results in the search prompt being "photo" change this to keep the old prompt
- 'ie screen/saver etc etc
- GoTo Get_no2
- End If '19 September 2004
- Else '21 September 2004
- ' command_line = "" '21 September 2004
- End If '21 September 2004
- If Pict_file = last_pict And Cmd(54) <> "SHOWDUPS" Then
- GoTo Line_17055 '28 february 2003
- End If '28 february 2003
- '12 September 2004 check if "backgrd==" in the line here and fire up the background job...
- '12 September 2004
- back_job = ""
- III = InStr(UCase(aaa), " BACKGRD==")
- If III <> 0 Then
- II = InStr(III + 9, aaa + " ", " ") 'make sure there is a trailing space here
- back_job = Mid(aaa, III + 10, II - III - 10)
- ' xtemp = InputBox("12 Sept test=" + App.Path + "\" + back_job, CStr(delay_sec), , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) '29 February 2004 test
- If InStr(1, back_job, ":") = 0 Then
- back_job = App.Path + "\" + back_job
- End If
- '02 October 2004 check the back_job here
- ' frmproj2.Caption = "before test " + back_job '02 October 2004 testing
- ' new_delay_sec = 2 '02 October 2004
- ' GoSub line_30300 '02 October 2004
- MyAppID = Shell(back_job, 3)
- SendKeys "^o", True
- End If '12 September 2004
- '05 march 2003 do a mp3 play
- ' Pict_file = "E:\Dan\mp3_0001.mp3" 'testing only 20 march 2003 commented it out
- '11 June 2003 ver=1.07 If InStr(1, UCase(Pict_file), ".MP3") <> 0 Then
- If InStr(1, UCase(Pict_file), ".MP3") <> 0 And motion_yn = "xxxx" Then '11 June 2003 deactivated this logic for now
- motion_yn = "YES" '29 March 2003
- Last$ = frmproj2.hWnd & " Style " & &H40000000
- ' ToDo$ = "open e:\cottonwood\101-0186_mvi.avi Type avivideo Alias video1 parent " & Last$
- todo$ = "open " + Pict_file + " Type MPEGVideo Alias video1 , vbnullstring, 0& ,0& "
- tt1 = InputBox("testing mp3 " + Pict_file, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- i = mciSendString("close video1", 0&, 0, 0)
- i = mciSendString(todo$, 0&, 0&, 0&)
- ' i = mciSendString("put video1 window at -1 -1 " + Cmd(51) + " " + Cmd(52), 0&, 0, 0)
- ' i = mciSendString("play video1 wait", 0&, 0, 0)
- tt1 = InputBox("testing mp3 a" + Pict_file, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- i = mciSendString("play video1", vbNullString, 0, 0)
- i = mciSendString("close video1", 0&, 0, 0)
- tt1 = InputBox("testing mp3 b" + Pict_file, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- GoTo Line_17055
- End If '05 March 2003
- '19 january 2003 avi file display here
- If avi_file = "YES" Then
- motion_yn = "YES" '29 March 2003
- If videoyn = "SHOWVIDEO" Then '10 february 2003
- Last$ = frmproj2.hWnd & " Style " & &H40000000
- ' ToDo$ = "open e:\cottonwood\101-0186_mvi.avi Type avivideo Alias video1 parent " & Last$
- todo$ = "open " + Pict_file + " Type avivideo Alias video1 parent " & Last$
- i = mciSendString(todo$, 0&, 0, 0)
- ' i = mciSendString("put video1 window at 16 10 124 120", 0&, 0, 0)
- ' i = mciSendString("put video1 window at 16 10 800 600", 0&, 0, 0)
- ' i = mciSendString("put video1 window at 16 10 " + Cmd(51) + " " + Cmd(52), 0&, 0, 0)
- i = mciSendString("put video1 window at -1 -1 " + Cmd(51) + " " + Cmd(52), 0&, 0, 0)
- ' i = mciSendString("put video1 window at 16 10 1084 800", 0&, 0, 0) 'for 17 inch screen
- i = mciSendString("play video1 wait", 0&, 0, 0)
- i = mciSendString("close video1", 0&, 0, 0)
- '19 january 2003 commented out till ready
- End If '10 february 2003
- GoTo Line_17055 '01 february 2003
- End If '01 february 2003 end of avi_file = "YES"
- '11 May 2003 mpg file display here ver=1.05
- If mpg_file = "YES" Then
- motion_yn = "YES"
- slomo = False '08 January 2004
- If videoyn = "SHOWVIDEO" Then
- Last$ = frmproj2.hWnd & " Style " & &H40000000
- ' ToDo$ = "open e:\cottonwood\101-0186_mvi.avi Type avivideo Alias video1 parent " & Last$
- '18 june 2003 re use short name as long ones with spaces cause a problem
- 'might need to use this elsewhere ***vip*** todo
- lresult = getshortpathname(Pict_file, sshortfile, Len(sshortfile))
- long_pict_file = Pict_file + "" '22 November 2006
- Pict_file = Left$(sshortfile, lresult) '18 june 2003 needed the short file name
- If elapse_yn = "YES" Then elapse_start = Timer '13 July 2003
- ' todo$ = "open " + Pict_file + " Type MPEGVideo Alias video1 parent " & Last$
- todo$ = "open " + Pict_file + " Type MPEGVideo Alias video1 wait parent " & Last$
- DoEvents
- '18 March 2004 i = mciSendString("close all", 0&, 0, 0) '17 March 2004 make sure nothing is there.
- '12 December 2004 this does not seem to trap any error but microsoft can check out the open command
- frmproj2.Caption = "(Error Opening Video File)1 " + Save_file '12 December 2004 bad files stop here....
- ' Timer1.Enabled = True '13 December 2004
- ' Timer1.Enabled = False '13 December 2004
- ' Timer1_Timer '13 December 2004 all the timer
- ' i = mciSendString(todo$, 0&, 0, 0) 'open command
- result1 = mciSendString(todo$, returnstring1, 1024, 0) '12 December 2004a
- ' frmproj2.Caption = "check the alias =" + video1 '12 December 2004
- ' new_delay_sec = 2
- ' GoSub line_30300 '13 December 2004
- ' Timer1.Enabled = False '13 December 2004
- ' Timer1.Enabled = True '13 December 2004
- ' On Error GoTo 0 '12 December 2004a
- DoEvents
- '13 December 2004 try and put the following command in a timer
- '13 December 2004 result = mciSendString(todo$, ByVal 0&, 0, 0) '12 December 2004a
- ' xtemp = InputBox("13 December 2004 test erro test=", CStr(delay_sec), , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) '29 February 2004 test
- frmproj2.Caption = "error opening video file2 =" '12 December 2004
- DoEvents
- If Not result1 = 0 Then
- errormsg1 = mciGetErrorString(result1, errorstring1, 1024) '12 December 2004a
- frmproj2.Caption = " err=" + CStr(result1) + " opening video file 3" + Save_file + " " + errorstring1 '12 December 2004
- new_delay_sec = 2
- GoSub line_30300 '13 December 2004
- GoTo input_1000 '12 December 2004
- End If '12 December 2004
- ' On Error GoTo Errors_31000 '12 December 2004a
- frmproj2.Caption = "(Placing Video Image)" '12 December 2004
- i = mciSendString("put video1 window at -1 -1 " + Cmd(51) + " " + Cmd(52), 0&, 0, 0)
- '26 April 2004 try and start getting output data
- ' i = mciSendString("set video2 channels 1 ", 0&, 0, 0) 'new
- 'todo$ = "open new c:\search\outmpg.mpg" + " Type MPEGVideo Alias video2 parent " & Last$
- 'i = mciSendString(todo$, 0&, 0, 0)
- ' i = mciSendString("video2 video record", 0&, 0, 0) '26 February 2004
- '26 April 2004
- '26 February 2004 find the length of the video file here
- '01 April 2004 i = mciSendString("status video1 length", mssg, 255, 0) '26 February 2004
- '19 August 2004 try and mute the video if not full speed
- 'the following mute made no difference.
- 'the slow speed seems to mute it somewhat by itself.
- If slomo = True Then
- i = mciSendString("set video1 audio all off", 0&, 0, 0)
- ' SendKeys "^c" '01 March 2007 check this out more
- ' i = mciSendString("set video1 audio right off", 0&, 0, 0)
- ' i = mciSendString("set video1 audio left off", 0&, 0, 0)
- End If '19 August 2004 try to mute video if slomo
- '12 December 2004 maybe the video stops here...
- frmproj2.Caption = "(Finding Video length)" '12 December 2004
- i = mciSendString("status video1 length wait", mssg, 255, 0) '26 February 2004
- DoEvents
- temp3 = InStr(mssg, Chr$(0)) '26 February 2004
- video_length = Val(Left(mssg, temp3 - 1)) '26 February 2004
- '23 March 2004 do random start point here
- '28 March 2004 some files have bad size data ie demo76_pict6.mpg
- If video_length > 50000000 Then '28 March 2004 ie the value is 19431083 ??
- frmproj2.Caption = "(Bad Video length=" + CStr(video_length) + ")" '28 March 2004
- new_delay_sec = 4
- GoSub line_30300 '28 March 2004
- video_length = 10000 'on a bad number set to 10 seconds long
- End If '28 March 2004
- If rand1 Then
- rand_cnt1 = video_length - (hold_sec * 1000) '23 March 2004
- rand_no1 = Int(rand_cnt1 * Rnd + 1) '23 March 2004
- line_start_point = rand_no1 '23 March 2004
- check_l_s_p: '27 March 2004
- If line_start_point > 300000 Then
- line_start_point = line_start_point - 300000
- GoTo check_l_s_p
- End If '27 March 2004
- '27 March 2004 jumping to the middle of large files takes too line
- 'this limits that to the first 5 minutes and that is plenty.
- End If '23 March 2004
- '29 February 2004 leap year extra day
- '14 March 2004 do not allow the delay to be longer than the file below ie 83/3/7 example
- ' xtemp = InputBox("24 March 2004 test length=" + CStr(video_length) + " " + CStr(line_delay_sec) + " " + CStr(line_start_point), CStr(delay_sec), , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) '29 February 2004 test
- If thumb_nail = "YES" Then line_delay_sec = hold_sec '22 March 2004
- '25 October 2004 remove the link from line_delay_sec below add new command element
- 'so the short small tiny video file length will now display (ie tt.01) FIXES
- 'how did line_start_point below ever go negative ????
- If line_start_point < 0.0001 Then line_start_point = 0 '25 October 2004 this did the fix on the short ones.
- If line_start_point < 9.0001 Then line_start_point = 10 '11 March 2007
- ' xtemp = InputBox("25 oct test video_length=" + CStr(video_length), CStr(line_delay_sec), , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) '29 February 2004 test
- '11 March 2007 If start_point <> 0 And rand1 <> -1 Then
- If start_point <> 10 And rand1 <> -1 Then
- line_start_point = start_point '20 August 2005
- End If
- If line_delay_sec * 1000 + line_start_point > video_length - 100 Then
- '20 August 2005 line_delay_sec = 0 '14 March 2004
- line_start_point = video_length - line_delay_sec * 1000 '20 August 2005
- ' xtemp = InputBox("20 August 2005 line_delay_sec=" + CStr(line_delay_sec) + " " + CStr(line_start_point), CStr(delay_sec), , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) '29 February 2004 test
- End If
- If line_delay_sec < 0.0001 Then
- line_delay_sec = (video_length - line_start_point) / 1000
- ' xtemp = InputBox("25 oct line_delay_sec=" + CStr(line_delay_sec) + " " + CStr(line_start_point), CStr(delay_sec), , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) '29 February 2004 test
- delay_sec = line_delay_sec
- End If '29 February 2004 now that I have the length use it.
- If line_delay_sec > delay_sec Then
- delay_sec = line_delay_sec
- End If
- last_vs = 0 '25 March 2004
- ' xtemp = InputBox("length=", CStr(video_length), , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) '26 February 2004 test
- ' start_point = 5000 'testing 16 july 2003 see if it works here first
- '16 July 2003 (why just mp3 do both) -deactivated- If InStr(UCase(Line_Search), ".MP3") <> 0 Then
- If InStr(UCase(Line_Search), ".MPx") <> 0 Then
- i = mciSendString("set mp3 time format trnsf", 0&, 0, 0)
- '18 june 2003 testing
- ' i = mciSendString("play " & Pict_file, 0&, 0&, 0&)
- '16 July 2003 i = mciSendString("play video1 to 10000000", 0&, 0&, 0&)
- i = mciSendString("play video1 from " + CStr(start_point), 0&, 0&, 0&)
- 'see about changing the above with start= and end= data
- ' mediaplayer1.Open Pict_file
- ' i = mciSendString("play video1 from 0 to 111111", 0&, 0&, 0&)
- End If '11 june 2003 ver=1.07
- '********************
- '14 July 2003 this is where a wait nowait check needs to be done below (see notify / wait options)
- ' i = mciSendString("play video1 wait", 0&, 0, 0) 'this is where the display happens
- temp_double = start_point '19 July 2003 Ver=1.07T
- ' play_speed = 150 '29 October 2003 (move this later)
- '30 October de-activate the speed command below It seems to work on the laptop
- ' but freezes the other two big screens set it to 500 for half and 1000 for full speed
- ' The search.txt file gets corrupted and needs replacing 30 October 2003
- ' the control.txt file gets corrupted needs some additional spaces? 30 October 2003
- slomo = False '08 January 2004
- ' frmproj2.Caption = program_info + " Video File= " + Save_file '15 January 2004
- ' frmproj2.Caption = program_info + " Video info= " + vvv '16 January 2004
- '20 January 2004 minor changes here
- II = InStr(1, vvv, "PHOTO ")
- temptemp = vvv
- If II <> 0 Then
- temptemp = Left(vvv, II - 1) + Right(vvv, Len(vvv) - (II + 6 - 1)) 'strip off "photo "
- End If
- '
- '16 August 2004 frmproj2.Caption = LCase(temptemp) + " (Replay by Spectate Swamp)" '17 January 2004
- frmproj2.Caption = LCase(temptemp) + " (Replay by Spectate Swamp) length=" + CStr(video_length / 1000) + " seconds" '16 August 2004
- If Left(Cmd(72), 11) = "RESULTS.TXT" Then '08 November 2004
- frmproj2.Caption = LCase(temptemp) + " (Logging to RESULTS.TXT Spectate Swamp) length=" + CStr(video_length / 1000) + " seconds" '16 August 2004
- End If '08 November 2004
- ' frmproj2.Caption = " Line_Search=" + Line_Search '08 November 2004 is the xxx. stuff for output
- If Left(UCase(Cmd(61)), 8) = "SETSPEED" Then
- If play_speed <> 1000 Then
- '08 January 2004 delay_sec = delay_sec * ((1000 / play_speed) + 1) '04 November 2003 if slower make dalay longer
- slomo = True '08 January 2004 14 January 2004 moved 1 line up inside of the if ??
- ' i = mci_setaudio(video1, 0, 0) '29 February 2004
- ' might need a combination of mci_setaudio and mcisendcommand todo ***vip***
- End If 'add the 1 above just to extend the play a bit
- '08 January 2004 set speed slow motion removed i = mciSendString("set video1 speed " & play_speed, 0&, 0, 0) '29 October 2003
- End If '30 October 2003 switch on and off
- '16 November 2003 set play_speed back to command file value
- '14 January 2004 what is with the resetting here maybe too early..
- 'moved down play_speed = save_play_speed '16 November 2003
- '
- '08 November 2004 open access append then immediately close the file. here. results.txt open for output
- 'as well make a change to the heading above re the results.txt file logging info.
- ' frmproj2.Caption = " TheFile=" + TheFile '08 November 2004 testing Just need "xxx." put in front here.
- ' it sort of hangs if the logging is on and i am using it as input. this just makes sure. i did it first time
- If UCase(Left(Cmd(72), 11)) = "RESULTS.TXT" And UCase(Trim(TheFile)) <> "RESULTS.TXT" Then '08 November 2004
- ' frmproj2.Caption = " ooo1=" + ooo '08 November 2004 testing Just need "xxx." put in front here.
- ResultFile = FreeFile '08 November 2004
- Open "RESULTS.TXT" For Append Access Write As #ResultFile '08 November 2004 do this if RESULTS.TXT IN Cmd(72)
- Print #ResultFile, LTrim(ccc) '08 November 2004 this is the PHOTO stuff
- Print #ResultFile, Line_Search '08 November 2004 this is the xxx. stuff
- Close ResultFile '08 November 2004
- 'then do a print / write then a close on that file
- End If '08 November 2004
- '11 March 2007 If line_start_point <> 0 Then temp_double = line_start_point '19 July 2003 Ver=1.07T
- If line_start_point <> 10 Then temp_double = line_start_point '19 July 2003 Ver=1.07T
- '19 July 2003 If Left(UCase(Cmd(59)), 4) <> "WAIT" Or thumb_nail = "YES" Then
- '18 August 2003 If thumb_nail = "YES" Or line_delay_sec > 0 Then
- If thumb_nail = "YES" Or InStr(aaa, "THUMB==") <> 0 Or line_delay_sec > 0 Then
- ' If thumb_nail = "YES" Then
- ' i = mciSendString("close video1", 0&, 0, 0) '14 july 2003 moved from a few lines below
- If temp_double > 1 Then
- '12 december 2004 test only frmproj2.Caption = " Video to Start at " + CStr(temp_double) + " delay=" + CStr(line_delay_sec) '12 December 2004 testing
- 'testing to see what happens on the DVD with no read maybe a wait will fix it.????
- '12 December 2004 i = mciSendString("play video1 from " + CStr(temp_double), 0&, 0, 0) 'this is where the display happens
- If Left(Cmd(75), 9) = "VIDEOSTOP" Then '12 December 2004
- i = mciSendString("play video1 from " + CStr(temp_double), 0&, 0, 0) 'this is where the display happens
- Else
- i = mciSendString("play video1 from " + CStr(temp_double) + " wait", 0&, 0, 0) 'this is where the display happens
- End If '12 December 2004
- Else
- i = mciSendString("play video1", 0&, 0, 0) 'this is where the display happens
- End If
- ' xtemp = InputBox(" 24 March 2004 nowait test", "testing Prompt " + CStr(line_start_point) + " " + CStr(delay_sec) + " " + CStr(line_delay_sec), , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) '14 july 2003 test
- GoSub line_30000 'do a delay test
- Else
- ' xtemp = InputBox(" nowait test", "testing Prompt ", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) '14 july 2003 test
- '18 March 2004 need to trap any errors on the start of videos here
- ' i = mciSendString("close all wait", 0&, 0, 0) '17 March 2004 make sure nothing is there..
- ' i = mciSendString(todo$, 0&, 0, 0)
- On Error GoTo trap2 '18 March 2004
- DoEvents '18 March 2004
- If temp_double > 1 Then
- '16 March 2004 i = mciSendString("play video1 from " + CStr(temp_double) + " wait", 0&, 0, 0) 'this is where the display happens (noWAIT)
- '16 March 2004 This is where the video plays displays shows etc
- i = mciSendString("play video1 from " + CStr(temp_double), 0&, 0, 0) 'this is where the display happens (noWAIT)
- ' i = mciSendString("play video1 from " + CStr(temp_double) + " wait", 0&, 0, 0) 'this is where the display happens (noWAIT)
- End If '18 March 2004
- '14 March 2004 I think the wait change above was a major factor in getting the video playback not to bomb out
- '14 March 2004 i = mciSendString("play video1 from " + CStr(temp_double), 0&, 0, 0) '08 March 2004
- '18 March 2004 Else
- '09 september 2003 windows 2000 service pack 1 / windows xp has problems here
- ' xtemp = InputBox(" test 6bb", "testing Prompt ", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) '09 september 2003 test
- '***the following logic never seems to get executed the start is always 10 or greater
- If temp_double <= 1 Then
- ' i = mciSendString("play video1 wait", 0&, 0, 0) 'this is where the display happens (noWAIT)
- i = mciSendString("play video1", 0&, 0, 0) 'this is where the display happens (noWAIT)
- ' xtemp = InputBox(" test 6bbb", "testing Prompt ", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) '09 september 2003 test
- End If
- GoTo past_trap2 '17 March 2004
- trap2: '17 March 2004
- Resume past_trap2
- xtemp = InputBox("trap2 error", CStr(video_length), , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) '17 March 2004
- new_delay_sec = 5.5
- GoSub line_30300 '18 March 2004
- past_trap2: '18 March 2004
- DoEvents '18 March 2004
- On Error GoTo Errors_31000 '18 March 2004
- DoEvents '18 March 2004
- '18 March 2004
- End If '14 July 2003
- play_speed = save_play_speed '16 November 2003 14 January 2004 moved down to here
- '24 September 2003
- ' GoSub line_30000 '24 September 2003 test this
- '24 September 2003 freeze
- '26 February 2004 for the freeze of a video do not use the line_30000 routine???
- ' because we are doing stops and starts that surely won"t work
- i = mciSendString("pause video1", 0&, 0, 0) '14 March 2004
- DoEvents '14 March 2004
- If Line_freeze_sec <> 0 Then
- new_delay_sec = Line_freeze_sec
- 'need a mcisendstring that will do a stop eg below
- DoEvents '05 March 2004
- '29 February 2004
- '17 March 2004 activate the lines below re the position
- '19 March 2004 get the position anyway
- '20 March 2004
- If slomo = False Then '20 March 2004
- '20 March 2004 If Len(Trim(tempdata)) < 1 Then
- i = mciSendString("status video1 position", vs, 255, 0) '29 February 2004
- temp3 = InStr(vs, Chr$(0)) '19 March 2004
- temp11 = Val(Left(vs, temp3 - 1)) '19 March 2004
- tempdata = CStr(temp11) '19 March 2004
- End If '19 March 2004
- DoEvents '09 March 2004
- '14 March 2004 i = mciSendString("stop video1", 0&, 0, 0) '09 March 2004
- ' i = mciSendString("pause video1", 0&, 0, 0) '05 March 2004
- DoEvents '06 March 2004
- If Len(tempdata) < 1 Then
- frmproj2.Caption = LCase(temptemp) + "(Video length=" + CStr(video_length) + ")" '29 Fe
- Else
- frmproj2.Caption = LCase(temptemp) + "(Freeze at " + tempdata + " of " + CStr(video_length) + ")" '29 February 2004
- End If '17 March 2004
- tempdata = "" '18 March 2004
- '17 March 2004 frmproj2.Caption = LCase(temptemp) + "(Freeze)" '15 March 2004
- '26 February 2004 GoSub line_30000 '24 September 2003
- GoSub line_30300 '26 February
- DoEvents '09 March 2004
- 'dougdoughere maybe comment out below
- '11 March 2004 i = mciSendString("resume video1", 0&, 0, 0) '09 March 2004
- DoEvents '09 March 2004
- GoTo line_17053 '01 October 2003
- End If '24 September 2003
- '01 October 2003
- If freeze_sec <> 0 Then
- new_delay_sec = freeze_sec
- 'need a mcisendstring that will do a stop eg below
- DoEvents '09 March 2004
- '15 March 2004 somehow by removing the position call below seems to eliminate a major crash
- '17 March 2004 activate the position stuff below
- '17 March 2004 temp i = mciSendString("status video1 position", vs, 255, 0) '29 February 2004
- '17 March 2004 temp tempdata = CStr(Val(vs)) '26 February 2004
- '20 March 2004
- If slomo = False Then '20 March 2004
- '20 March 2004 If Len(Trim(tempdata)) < 1 Then
- i = mciSendString("status video1 position", vs, 255, 0) '29 February 2004
- temp3 = InStr(vs, Chr$(0)) '19 March 2004
- temp11 = Val(Left(vs, temp3 - 1)) '19 March 2004
- tempdata = CStr(temp11) '19 March 2004
- End If '19 March 2004
- DoEvents '06 March 2004
- '14 March 2004 i = mciSendString("stop video1", 0&, 0, 0) '09 March 2004
- ' i = mciSendString("pause video1", 0&, 0, 0) '05 March 2004
- If tempdata = "" Then
- frmproj2.Caption = LCase(temptemp) + "(Video length=" + CStr(video_length) + ")" '29 Fe
- Else
- frmproj2.Caption = LCase(temptemp) + "(Freeze at " + tempdata + " of " + CStr(video_length) + ")" '29 February 2004
- End If '17 March 2004
- ' frmproj2.Caption = LCase(temptemp) + "(Freeze)" '15 March 2004
- '26 February 2004 GoSub line_30000 '24 September 2003
- GoSub line_30300 '26 February
- ' xtemp = InputBox(" test freeze= " + Format(Line_freeze_sec, "###0.000"), "testing Prompt ", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2)
- DoEvents '09 March 2004
- ' GoTo line_17053 '01 October 2003
- 'dougdoughere maybe comment out below
- '11 March 2004 i = mciSendString("resume video1", 0&, 0, 0) '09 March 2004
- DoEvents '09 March 2004
- End If '01 October 2003
- line_17053: '01 October 2003
- i = mciSendString("stop all", 0&, 0, 0) '14 March 2004
- DoEvents '14 March 2004
- '01 March 2004 check status here before continuing...
- ' i = mciSendString("status video1 position", vs, 255, 0) '01 March 2004
- ' i = mciSendString("status video1 length", mssg, 255, 0) '01 March 2004
- '06 March 2004 check out the ready status here first..
- DoEvents '06 March 2004
- i = mciSendString("status video1 ready", temps, 12, 0) '06 March 2004
- DoEvents '06 March 2004
- i = mciSendString("status video1 mode", mssg, 255, 0) '01 March 2004
- DoEvents '06 March 2004
- frmproj2.Caption = "hey 2 " + Left(temps, 4) + " " + Left(mssg, 5) '09 March 2004
- DoEvents '06 March 2004
- ' End If
- 'dougheredoughere
- If Left(UCase(mssg), 7) = "STOPPED" Then
- DoEvents '05 March 2004
- frmproj2.Caption = "hey 2a " + Left(temps, 4) + " " + Left(mssg, 5) '09 March 2004
- DoEvents '06 March 2004
- GoTo line_17054 '11 March 2004
- End If '05 March 2004
- If Left(UCase(mssg), 7) = "PLAYING" Then
- DoEvents '05 March 2004
- 'dougheredoughere
- '11 March 2003 i = mciSendString("pause video1", 0&, 0, 0) '05 March 2004
- ' i = mciSendString("stop video1", 0&, 0, 0) '09 March 2004
- DoEvents '05 March 2004
- ' i = mciSendString("close video1", 0&, 0, 0) '14 july 2003 moved from a few lines below
- DoEvents '11 March 2004
- frmproj2.Caption = "hey 3 " + Left(temps, 4) + " " + Left(mssg, 5) '11 March 2004
- DoEvents '11 March 2004
- GoTo line_17054 '11 March 2004
- End If '02 March 2004 added the if statement around the mcisendstring above
- If Left(UCase(mssg), 6) = "PAUSED" Then
- ' i = mciSendString("close video1", 0&, 0, 0) '06 March 2004
- frmproj2.Caption = "hey 4 " + Left(temps, 4) + " " + Left(mssg, 5) '11 March 2004
- DoEvents '11 March 2004
- GoTo line_17054 '11 March 2004
- End If '06 March 2004
- frmproj2.Caption = "hey 5 " + Left(mssg, 5) + " " + Left(temps, 5) '11 March 2004
- GoTo line_17054a '11 March 2004
- line_17054: '11 March 2004
- frmproj2.Caption = "hey 6 " + Left(mssg, 5) + " " + Left(temps, 5) '11 March 2004
- line_17054a: '11 March 2004
- 'dougdoughere uncomment out below
- ' i = mciSendString("close video1", 0&, 0, 0) '09 March 2004
- i = mciSendString("close video1", 0&, 0, 0) '05 April 2004
- '16 March 2004 i = mciSendString("close all wait", 0&, 0, 0) '14 March 2004
- On Error GoTo close_error
- next_close_error: '16 March 2004
- DoEvents
- ' new_delay_sec = 0.1 '18 March 2004
- ' GoSub line_30300 '18 March 2004 maybe the delay will fix the problem
- 'do a pause here 18 March 2004
- '04 April 2004 i = mciSendString("close all", 0&, 0, 0) '14 March 2004
- frmproj2.Caption = "hey 6a " + Left(mssg, 5) + " " + Left(temps, 5) '11 March 2004
- ' new_delay_sec = 0.1 '18 March 2004
- ' GoSub line_30300 '18 March 2004 maybe the delay will fix the problem
- 'do a pause here 18 March 2004
- DoEvents '11 March 2004
- On Error GoTo Errors_31000 '16 March 2004
- ' Set colReminderPages = Nothing 'release memory?? 16 March 2004
- GoTo past_close_error '16 March 2004
- close_error: '16 March 2004
- ' On Error GoTo Errors_31000 '16 March 2004
- ' i = mciSendString("status video1 mode", mssg, 255, 0) '16 March 2004
- Resume close_error_1 '16 March 2004 clear the error raised by the close
- close_error_1:
- DoEvents '16 March 2004
- new_delay_sec = 5.5
- GoSub line_30300 '16 March 2004 maybe the delay will fix the problem
- frmproj2.Caption = LCase(temptemp) + Left(mssg, 4) + " (Close Error)" + CStr(line_start_point + (line_delay_sec * 1000)) + " > " + CStr(vs) '26 February 2004
- new_delay_sec = 5.5
- GoSub line_30300 '16 March 2004 maybe the delay will fix the problem
- 'do a pause here
- GoTo next_close_error '16 March 2004
- past_close_error:
- ' new_delay_sec = 0.1 '16 March 2004 it may still be over-running here and maybe not
- ' '16 March 2004 may want to test without some time.
- ' GoSub line_30300 '16 March 2004 maybe the delay will fix the problem
- DoEvents '11 March 2004
- frmproj2.Caption = "hey 7 " + Left(mssg, 5) + " " + CStr(array_pos) ' + Left(temptemp, 15) '11 March 2004
- ' old_line = temptemp + "" '31 March 2004
- On Error GoTo Errors_31000 '18 March 2004 just to make sure it is set back...
- ' xtemp = InputBox(" 05 March 2004 test ", "testing Prompt ", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2)
- '14 july 2003 i = mciSendString("close video1", 0&, 0, 0)
- If elapse_yn = "YES" Then
- elapse_end = Timer '13 July 2003
- xtemp = InputBox(" elapse= " + Format(elapse_end - elapse_start, "###0.000"), "testing Prompt ", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2)
- End If '13 July 2003
- slomo = False '08 January 2004
- End If
- GoTo Line_17055
- End If '11 May 2003 ver=1.05
- ' **** this is a very long if statement ****
- 'end of if statement "If mpg_file = "YES" Then"
- '10 June 2003 wav file display here ver=1.07
- If wav_file = "YES" Then
- motion_yn = "YES"
- If videoyn = "SHOWVIDEO" Then
- Last$ = frmproj2.hWnd & " Style " & &H40000000
- ' ToDo$ = "open e:\cottonwood\101-0186_mvi.avi Type avivideo Alias video1 parent " & Last$
- todo$ = "open " + Pict_file + " Type waveaudio Alias video1 parent " & Last$
- i = mciSendString(todo$, 0&, 0, 0)
- i = mciSendString("put video1 window at -1 -1 " + Cmd(51) + " " + Cmd(52), 0&, 0, 0)
- i = mciSendString("play video1 wait", 0&, 0, 0)
- i = mciSendString("close video1", 0&, 0, 0)
- End If
- GoTo Line_17055
- End If '10 June 2003 ver=1.05
- '10 June 2003 midi file display here ver=1.07
- If mid_file = "YES" Then
- motion_yn = "YES"
- If videoyn = "SHOWVIDEO" Then
- Last$ = frmproj2.hWnd & " Style " & &H40000000
- ' ToDo$ = "open e:\cottonwood\101-0186_mvi.avi Type avivideo Alias video1 parent " & Last$
- todo$ = "open " + Pict_file + " Type sequencer Alias video1 parent " & Last$
- i = mciSendString(todo$, 0&, 0, 0)
- i = mciSendString("put video1 window at -1 -1 " + Cmd(51) + " " + Cmd(52), 0&, 0, 0)
- i = mciSendString("play video1 wait", 0&, 0, 0)
- i = mciSendString("close video1", 0&, 0, 0)
- End If
- GoTo Line_17055
- End If '10 June 2003 ver=1.05
- ' If Cmd(56) = "PHOTO_DETAIL" Then '22 March 2003 ver=1.02
- ' Cls
- ' End If '22 March 2003 ver=1.02 just clear screen
- '03 August 2003
- ' tt1 = InputBox("doug testing " + aaa, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY 03 August 2003
- line_fit = "" '03 August 2003
- If InStr(1, UCase(aaa), "FIT==") <> 0 Then
- line_fit = "FIT"
- End If '03 August 2003
- If InStr(1, UCase(aaa), "REG==") <> 0 Then
- line_fit = "REG"
- End If '03 August 2003
- '03 August 2003 If img_ctrl = "YES" Then
- ' Set Image1.Picture = LoadPicture(Pict_file) 'Stretch Mode
- ' Else
- ' Set Picture = LoadPicture(Pict_file) 'Normal Mode
- ' End If 'february 21 2001
- ' xtemp = InputBox(" testing doug#77 " + aaa + "*line_fit=" + line_fit + "*img_ctrl=" + img_ctrl, "testing Prompt ", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2)
- If (img_ctrl = "YES" Or line_fit = "FIT") And line_fit <> "REG" Then
- '===========================================================
- '28 November 2004 this trap fixed the problem with the bad .gif files
- ' but it does not trap the problem associated with the "malletc031.jpg" file that I was having.
- ' the sequence would not go to the text display when I was using the control== sequence somehow I will keep the file for later
- On Error GoTo first_problem '28 November 2004
- DoEvents 'march 18 2001
- Set Image1.Picture = LoadPicture(Pict_file) 'Stretch Mode
- On Error GoTo Errors_31000 '28 November 2004
- GoTo frst_17055
- first_problem: '28 November 2004
- frmproj2.Caption = "bad file= " + Pict_file '28 November 2004
- ' xtemp = InputBox("file display problem=" + CStr(Err.Number) + " " + Err.Description, , , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) 'march 18 2001
- On Error GoTo Errors_31000 '28 November 2004
- Resume input_1000 '28 November 2004
- frst_17055: '28 November 2004
- '===========================================================
- '28 November 2004 original was here Set Image1.Picture = LoadPicture(Pict_file) 'Stretch Mode
- line_fit = "FIT" '08 August 2003
- ' xtemp = InputBox(" testing doug#6 " + aaa + "*line_fit=" + line_fit + "*img_ctrl=" + img_ctrl, "testing Prompt ", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2)
- End If 'february 21 2001
- If (img_ctrl <> "YES" And line_fit <> "FIT") Or line_fit = "REG" Then
- ' If img_ctrl <> "YES" And line_fit <> "FIT" Then
- ' save_line = "17055xxy" '28 November 2004 testing for bug
- '===========================================================
- On Error GoTo display_problem '28 November 2004
- DoEvents 'march 18 2001
- Set Picture = LoadPicture(Pict_file) 'Normal Mode
- On Error GoTo Errors_31000 '28 November 2004
- GoTo bef_17055
- display_problem: '28 November 2004
- frmproj2.Caption = "bad file= " + Pict_file '28 November 2004
- ' xtemp = InputBox("file display problem=" + CStr(Err.Number) + " " + Err.Description, , , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) 'march 18 2001
- On Error GoTo Errors_31000 '28 November 2004
- Resume input_1000 '28 November 2004
- bef_17055: '28 November 2004
- '===========================================================
- 'original was here 28 November 2004 Set Picture = LoadPicture(Pict_file) 'Normal Mode
- ' xtemp = InputBox(" testing doug#7 " + aaa + "*line_fit=" + line_fit + "*img_ctrl=" + img_ctrl, "testing Prompt ", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2)
- End If 'february 21 2001
- Line_17055: '01 february 2003
- ' frmproj2.Caption = "hey 7a " + Left(mssg, 5) + " " + CStr(array_pos) ' + Left(temptemp, 15) '01 September 2004
- '20 march 2003 ver=1.02 testing of call to last_lines_15000
- '
- ' See the Logic for post photo text ie day and time at line_2130
- ' xtemp = InputBox(" 08 August 2003 test " + sscreen_saver + " " + Left(Cmd(56), 12), "testing Prompt ", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2)
- '18 November 2004 If UCase(Left(Cmd(56), 12)) = "PHOTO_DETAIL" Then '22 March 2003 ver=1.02
- If detailyn = "PHOTO_DETAIL" Then '18 November 2004
- '21 March 2004 If sscreen_saver = "Y" Then GoSub line_30000 'do a extra pause again on "weekday dd Month" display
- new_delay_sec = Val(Cmd(27)) '03 September 2004
- If sscreen_saver = "Y" And motion_yn <> "YES" Then GoSub line_30300 '21 March 2004 do not do a pause if video
- '03 September 2004 If sscreen_saver = "Y" And mpg_file <> "YES" Then GoSub line_30300 '21 March 2004 do not do a pause if video
- '03 September 2004 If sscreen_saver = "Y" And mpg_file <> "YES" Then GoSub line_30000 '21 March 2004 do not do a pause if video
- If line_fit = "FIT" Then '08 August 2003 testing only
- Set Image1.Picture = LoadPicture() '08 August 2003 testing only
- Set Picture = LoadPicture(Pict_file) 'Normal Mode 08 august 2003
- End If '08 August 2003 testing only
- If stretch_image = "YES" Then
- line_fit = "FIT"
- Else
- line_fit = "REG"
- End If '08 august 2003
- ' GoSub line_30000 'pause for the wait time before text display....
- 'will want to make this optional... or cut the time in half??
- ' maybe resetting the stuff below will allow for hi-liting in the displayed characters
- ' Not needed the values in SSS1 etc were fine?
- ' SSS1 = KEEPS1
- ' SSS2 = KEEPS2
- ' SSS3 = KEEPS3
- ' SSS4 = KEEPS4
- ' SSS5 = KEEPS5
- ' SSS6 = KEEPS6
- ' tt1 = InputBox("testing SSS1...=" + SSS1 + SSS2 + SSS3 + SSS4 + SSS5 + SSS6, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- lll = old_line 'use this one in stead non capitalized ???
- '31 March 2004 ooo = lll '*** make this optional later *** and probably remove "photo " now
- '31 March 2004
- 'only problem so far is that lll is all uppercase (create and use old_line) instead
- '31 March 2004 ooo should be the original data.
- array_pos = 0 '31 March 2004 this one caused a bit of grief
- ooo = lll '31 March 2004
- aaa = UCase(ooo) + "" 'seems aaa needs to have info for prints
- '31 March 2004 if a double quote " found and an end quote with it use just that for display
- II = InStr(1, ooo, Chr$(34)) '31 March 2004 check for info contained in quotes
- If II <> 0 Then
- tt = InStr(II + 1, ooo, Chr$(34))
- If tt <> 0 Then
- ooo = Mid(ooo, II + 1, tt - II - 1)
- GoTo line_17070
- End If
- End If
- '31 March 2004 above logic added
- II = InStr(1, UCase(ooo), "PHOTO ")
- If II <> 0 Then
- ooo = Left(ooo, II - 1) + Right(ooo, Len(ooo) - (II + 6 - 1)) 'strip off "photo "
- End If
- '29 March 2004
- II = InStr(1, UCase(ooo), "START==")
- If II <> 0 Then
- tt = InStr(II + 7, ooo, " ")
- If tt <> 0 Then
- ooo = Left(ooo, II - 1) + Right(ooo, Len(ooo) - tt)
- End If
- End If '29 March 2004
- '29 March 2004
- II = InStr(1, UCase(ooo), "SPEED=")
- If II <> 0 Then
- tt = InStr(II + 6, ooo, " ")
- If tt <> 0 Then
- ooo = Left(ooo, II - 1) + Right(ooo, Len(ooo) - tt)
- End If
- End If '29 March 2004
- '29 March 2004
- II = InStr(1, UCase(ooo), "WAIT=")
- If II <> 0 Then
- tt = InStr(II + 5, ooo, " ")
- If tt <> 0 Then
- ooo = Left(ooo, II - 1) + Right(ooo, Len(ooo) - tt)
- End If
- End If '29 March 2004
- '29 March 2004
- II = InStr(1, UCase(ooo), "FREEZE=")
- If II <> 0 Then
- tt = InStr(II + 7, ooo, " ")
- If tt <> 0 Then
- ooo = Left(ooo, II - 1) + Right(ooo, Len(ooo) - tt)
- End If
- End If '29 March 2004
- '29 March 2004
- II = InStr(1, UCase(ooo), "LENGTH=")
- If II <> 0 Then
- tt = InStr(II + 7, ooo, " ")
- If tt <> 0 Then
- ooo = Left(ooo, II - 1) + Right(ooo, Len(ooo) - tt)
- End If
- End If '29 March 2004
- line_17070: '31 March 2004
- ' aaa = "dummydummydummydummydummydummydummydummy"
- 'over-riding the statement below makes for a better display for now...
- 'should test with the following active just so it can be used ie hi-liting searched string
- 'text where the other when no matches found shows whole line in one color. that is all
- 'it works fine now the logic at has been deactivated.... at line_12600 "screen_saver = "N""
- 'maybe works better than fine.....
- aaa = UCase(ooo) '+ "============================================" 'last change here 26 March 2003 10:00 am
- ' ooo = ccc + "" 'to display full line *** make this optional later ***
- Font.Size = 48
- Font.Bold = True
- ' frmproj2.Caption = "hey 7b " + Left(mssg, 5) + " " + CStr(array_pos) ' + Left(temptemp, 15) '01 September 2004
- ' Font.Italic = True 'jff just for fun
- ' SetFocus
- ' Set Picture = LoadPicture("c:\search\Sparrow.jpg")
- Cls 'just to clear anything
- ' Def_Fore = 14 'make the text yellow
- ' Def_Fore = 10 'make the text lime green instead of yellow???
- '20 May 2003 (use what is in control file) Def_Fore = 13 'make the text light purple pink???
- ' Def_Fore = 7 'try grey
- ForeColor = QBColor(Def_Fore)
- Context_lines = 7 '28 March 2003 change from 7 to 8
- line_len = 30 'have it wrap after 20 characters
- 'a lot of messing around just to set above to 60 for now on display
- '30 March 2004 Clear_Context_lines = Context_lines
- '30 March 2004 Context_cnt = Context_lines 'need a dummy context fields set up here
- '30 March 2004 For II = 1 To Context_cnt
- '30 March 2004 For II = 1 To 40 '30 March 2004
- '30 March 2004 Context_text(II) = Space(20)
- '30 March 2004 Next II
- ' endstuff testing
- ' endstuff = "NO" '27 March 2003 test getting it all out with this...
- ' tt1 = InputBox("testing array_ooo(array_prt)=" + endstuff + CStr(array_pos) + CStr(array_prt) + array_ooo(array_prt), , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- ' If array_pos <> 0 And array_prt > 0 Then
- ' tt1 = InputBox("testing array_ooo(array_prt)=" + endstuff + CStr(array_pos) + CStr(array_prt) + array_ooo(array_prt), , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- ' End If
- ' tt1 = InputBox("testing ooo=" + endstuff + CStr(array_pos) + CStr(array_prt) + ooo, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- ' tt1 = InputBox("testing endstuff data_ooo=" + endstuff + data_ooo, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- ' tt1 = InputBox("testing SSS1=" + SSS1 + SSS2 + SSS3 + SSS4, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- ' tt1 = InputBox("testing keeps1=" + KEEPS1 + KEEPS2 + KEEPS3 + KEEPS4, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- 'the following lines of info should print right on top of the photo but
- 'somehow it is not. see the smg emulation where a bmp file is displayed as a pict
- 'then the text is written and re-written over that image??? langaliers where are you
- '*** note seems that the text can only be displayed if "normal" mode ie see normal above
- ' the "Set Image1.Picture = LoadPicture(Pict_file) from above won't do it... ie image control..
- 'was code here related to 1.02b but was moved
- '29 March 2003 test change for ver=1.04 below
- '03 August 2003
- '03 August 2003 If img_ctrl = "YES" And motion_yn <> "YES" Then
- ' If (img_ctrl = "YES" Or line_fit = "FIT") And motion_yn <> "YES" Then
- ' If img_ctrl = "YES" And motion_yn <> "YES" And line_fit <> "REG" Then
- '03 August 2003 If img_ctrl = "YES" And motion_yn <> "YES" And line_fit <> "FIT" Then
- '03 August 2003 test 1 If img_ctrl <> "xxxx" And motion_yn <> "YES" Then '03 August 2003 just try and override
- If img_ctrl = "xxxx" And motion_yn <> "YES" Then '03 August 2003 just try and override
- ' xtemp = InputBox(" testing doug#8- " + aaa + "*line_fit=" + line_fit + "*img_ctrl=" + img_ctrl, "testing Prompt ", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2)
- Set Image1.Picture = LoadPicture() 'Stretch Mode clear away here
- Set Picture = LoadPicture(Pict_file) 'Normal Mode
- 'dougheredoughere
- '03 August 2003 remove this stay with above Set Picture = LoadPicture() 'Normal Mode lp#6
- ' xtemp = InputBox(" testing doug#8 " + aaa + "*line_fit=" + line_fit + "*img_ctrl=" + img_ctrl, "testing Prompt ", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2)
- End If 'february 21 2001
- '03 August 2003 test 1
- If img_ctrl = "YES" And motion_yn <> "YES" And line_fit = "REG" Then
- Set Picture = LoadPicture(Pict_file)
- End If '03 August 2003 test 1
- If img_ctrl <> "YES" And line_fit = "FIT" Then
- Set Image1.Picture = LoadPicture() 'Stretch Mode clear away here
- End If '03 August 2003 test 1
- ' Set Image1.Picture = LoadPicture() '08 August 2003 testing
- '30 March 2004 GoSub Last_lines_15000
- Cls '30 March 2004
- Print '30 March 2004
- Print '30 March 2004
- Print '30 March 2004
- Print '30 March 2004
- Print '30 March 2004
- Print '30 March 2004
- Print '30 March 2004
- ' tt1 = InputBox("30 March 2004 " + CStr(Context_lines), , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- GoSub sub_12000 'do the bolding and high-liting hi-liting here
- ' tt1 = InputBox("31 March 2004 " + Left(ooo, 20), , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- Font.Size = Val(Cmd(2)) 'reset it back from 48 above
- '13 April 2004 new_delay_sec = Val(Cmd(27)) '30 March 2004
- new_delay_sec = Val(Cmd(60)) '13 April 2004
- '30 March 2004 If mpg_file = "YES" Then GoSub line_30300 '30 March 2004
- GoSub line_30300 '30 March 2004
- End If 'end of PHOTO_DETAIL check pretty well ver=1.02 to here
- ' frmproj2.Caption = "hey 7c " + Left(mssg, 5) + " " + CStr(array_pos) ' + Left(temptemp, 15) '01 September 2004
- ' Print "what the hey" '21 march 2003
- ' tt1 = InputBox("testing b=" + endstuff + "=" + vvv + " tot_print=" + CStr(tot_print), , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- ' tt1 = InputBox("testing b=" + CStr(Clear_Context_lines) + "=", , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- '20 march 2003 ver=1.02 ^
- last_pict = Pict_file '28 february 2003
- dsp_cnt = dsp_cnt + 1 'may 12 2001
- previous_count = previous_count + 1 'october 9 2000
- If previous_count > 100 Then
- previous_count = 1
- End If
- ' previous_picture(previous_count) = 0
- previous_picture(previous_count) = zzz_cnt
- 'save line number of previous picture display
- ' Print "b previous_picture(previous_count)zzz_cnt,previous_count"; previous_picture(previous_count); "="; zzz_cnt, previous_count
- ' tt1 = InputBox("continue", , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- '
- ' MyAppID = Shell(Cmd(8), 3)
- ' AppActivate MyAppID
- 'here try and do a pause or wait as follows
- ' For temp1 = 1 To 100000000
- ' DoEvents
- ' Next temp1
- ' SendKeys "^o", True
- ' SendKeys Pict_file, True
- ' SendKeys "~", True 'FORCE AN "ENTER"
- End If
- 'endiffy 17050
- ' frmproj2.Caption = "hey 7d " + Left(mssg, 5) + " " + CStr(array_pos) ' + Left(temptemp, 15) '01 September 2004
- save_line = "17056"
- If InStr(UCase(Cmd(8)), "EXPLORER") <> 0 And Test1_str = "P2" Then
- MyAppID = Shell(Cmd(8) + " / select, " + Pict_file, 3)
- SendKeys "^o", True
- End If
- save_line = "17057"
- If InStr(UCase(Cmd(8)), "EXPLORER") <> 0 And Test1_str = "P3" Then
- ' MyAppID = Shell(Cmd(8) + " / select, " + Pict_file, 3)
- ' Print "Cmd(8)"; Cmd(8); " Pict_file="; Pict_file
- ' tt1 = InputBox("continue", , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- MyAppID = Shell(" /c " + Cmd(8) + " / select, " + Pict_file, 3)
- ' AppActivate MyAppID
- ' SendKeys Pict_file, True
- ' SendKeys "^v", True
- End If
- save_line = "17058"
- If InStr(UCase(Cmd(8)), "EXPLORER") <> 0 And Test1_str = "P" Then
- MyAppID = Shell(Cmd(8) + " / select, " + Pict_file, 3)
- SendKeys "^o", True
- End If
- 'here testing below netscape.exe
- 'the P1 option should work for .bmp .jpg and .tif
- save_line = "17059"
- If InStr(UCase(Cmd(8)), "NETSCAPE") <> 0 And Test1_str = "P1" Then
- Set Picture = LoadPicture(Pict_file)
- End If
- save_line = "17059a"
- ' Print "Cmd(8)="; Cmd(8); "="; Test1_str
- ' tt1 = InputBox("testing", , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- If InStr(UCase(Cmd(8)), "NETSCAPE") <> 0 And Test1_str = "P" Then
- MyAppID = Shell(Cmd(8) + " " + Pict_file, 3)
- SendKeys "^v", True
- End If
- Line_17080:
- ' AppActivate MyAppID
- ' frmproj2.Caption = "hey 7e " + Left(mssg, 5) + " " + CStr(array_pos) ' + Left(temptemp, 15) '01 September 2004
- ' SendKeys "^F", True
- ' SendKeys Pict_file, True
- ' SendKeys LastFile, True
- ' SendKeys "", True
- 'added the Test1_str check below aug 08/00
- If InStr(UCase(Line_Search), ".BMP") <> 0 And Test1_str = "P" Then
- ' If InStr(UCase(Line_Search), ".BMP") <> 0 Then
- 'check the program exists before going anywhere
- save_line = "17080"
- FileFile = FreeFile
- Close FileFile
- Open Cmd(9) For Input As #FileFile
- Close FileFile
- ' Print "file name="; Pict_file; "="; Test1_str
- ' tt1 = InputBox("continue", , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- MyAppID = Shell(Cmd(9), 1)
- SendKeys "^o", True
- SendKeys Pict_file, True
- SendKeys "~", True 'FORCE AN "ENTER"
- End If
- save_line = "17059b"
- ' Set Picture = LoadPicture() 'clear any picture
- If InStr(UCase(Line_Search), ".TIF") <> 0 Then
- 'check the program exists before going anywhere
- save_line = "17085"
- FileFile = FreeFile
- Close FileFile
- DoEvents
- Open Cmd(16) For Input As #FileFile
- Close FileFile
- LastFile = Pict_file
- MyAppID = Shell(Cmd(16) + " / select, " + Pict_file, 1)
- SendKeys "^o", True
- SendKeys "^v", True
- End If
- Line_17090:
- ' TheFile = ""
- ' frmproj2.Caption = "hey 7f " + Left(mssg, 5) + " " + CStr(array_pos) ' + Left(temptemp, 15) '01 September 2004
- Return 'end of display_pict_17000
- line_17200: 'February 24 2002 do the append of the file here
- 'skip the file if the output file is the same as the one to append....
- If InStr(UCase(Test1_str), UCase(FileExt)) <> 0 Then
- ' tt1 = InputBox("testing merge logic " & Test1_str, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- ' If tt1 = "X" Or tt1 = "x" Then
- ' GoTo End_32000
- ' End If 'testing only
- ' Print "doug testing "; Test1_str, FileExt
- GoTo line_17230
- End If
- f = f + 1
- Print "File merging "; Test1_str, FileExt
- DoEvents
- If f > 20 Then
- f = 1
- Cls
- End If
- save_line = "17200"
- Open Test1_str For Input As FileFile
- line_17210:
- Line Input #FileFile, aaa
- Print #ExtFile, aaa
- GoTo line_17210
- line_17220:
- Print #ExtFile, Test1_str; " append end"
- Close #FileFile
- line_17230:
- Return 'february 24 2002
- Do_Change_18000:
- save_line = "18000"
- 'do not allow changes to valid e-mail files below
- If InStr(1, UCase(TheFile), "\SENT") <> 0 Then
- Print "no changes to file with \SENT*"
- GoTo line_18100
- End If
- If InStr(1, UCase(TheFile), "\INBOX") <> 0 Then
- Print "no changes to file with \INBOX*"
- GoTo line_18100
- End If
- ' Clipboard.SetText Mid(Last_match, 2, 14)
- 'disabled oct 18/2000 when going back and forth it was
- 'nothing but a hassle maybe use elsewhere in another element.
- 'put the last line of match in the clipboard
- 'at the office nt has "service pack 3" as well use the len below
- '29 September 2003 comment out the logic below
- ' If Left(os_ver, 10) = "Windows 20" And Len(os_ver) > 15 Then
- ' MyAppID = Shell(Cmd(44), 3)
- ' Else
- MyAppID = Shell(Cmd(10), 3)
- ' End If '30 november 2002
- '29 September 2003 the above commented out
- ' AppActivate MyAppID
- SendKeys "^o", True
- ' SendKeys TheFile, True 'december 3 2000
- If InStr(1, TheFile, ":") <> 0 Then
- SendKeys TheFile, True
- Else
- SendKeys App.Path + "\" + TheFile, True 'december 3 2000
- End If
- SendKeys "~", True 'FORCE AN "ENTER"
- AppActivate MyAppID 'december 27 2000
- ' SendKeys (DOWN), True 'december 27 2000
- ' SendKeys (Insert), True 'december 27 2000
- ' SendKeys (PGDN), True 'december 27 2000
- ' SendKeys "%{TAB}", True 'december 27 2000
- line_18100:
- Cls 'december 27 2000
- Return
- Do_Append_19000:
- save_line = "19000"
- 'don't allow user to append to any e-mail file below
- If InStr(1, UCase(TheFile), "\SENT") <> 0 Then
- Print "no APPENDS to file with \SENT*"
- GoTo line_19100
- End If
- If InStr(1, UCase(TheFile), "\INBOX") <> 0 Then
- Print "no APPENDS to file with \INBOX*"
- GoTo line_19100
- End If
- Open TheFile For Append As #OutFile
- If Clipboard.GetFormat(vbCFText) Then
- Clip_data = Clipboard.GetText(vbCFText)
- temps = Format(Now, "ddddd ttttt") + " "
- temps = Left(temps, 23) 'all must be 23 long incld space
- Print #OutFile, temps, "-------------append start ---------- "
- line_19005:
- '
- Print #OutFile, Clip_data
- Print #OutFile, temps, "-------------append end ---------- "
- Print Clip_data
- Print "Clipboard data added to "; TheFile
- Print " === append complete ==="
- Close #OutFile
- End If
- line_19100:
- Return
- '********************************************************
- ' * * * E N T E R D A T A * * * N O T E S
- '********************************************************
- ' enter notes data input
- Do_Enter_20000:
- save_line = "20000" 'for error handling
- entered_notes = "NO" 'allow for date exitdateyes
- Enter_Count = 0
- Close #OutFile
- Open TheFile For Append As #OutFile
- ' jj logic for date here next
- More_Notes_22000:
- save_line = "22000" 'for error handling
- ttt = InputBox("enter notes", "Notes Prompt " + TheFile, , xx1 - offset1 - 2000, yy1 - offset2) '
- 'any 2 characters will do a paste function Ctrl/V
- 'vv option will put what is in clipboard
- If InStr(1, UCase(ttt), "VVV") <> 0 Then
- ttt1 = InStr(1, UCase(ttt), "VVV")
- ttt = Left(ttt, ttt1 - 1) + ppaste + Right(ttt, Len(ttt) - (ttt1 + 2))
- End If
- If InStr(1, UCase(ttt), "GGG") <> 0 Then
- ttt1 = InStr(1, UCase(ttt), "GGG")
- ttt = Left(ttt, ttt1 - 1) + gpaste + Right(ttt, Len(ttt) - (ttt1 + 2))
- End If
- 'midway3 thru the program appx'==================================================================================
- If InStr(1, UCase(ttt), "VV") <> 0 Then
- ttt1 = InStr(1, UCase(ttt), "VV")
- ttt = Left(ttt, ttt1 - 1) + Clipboard.GetText(vbCFText) + Right(ttt, Len(ttt) - (ttt1 + 1))
- End If
- If Len(ttt) = 2 And Left(ttt, 1) = Mid(ttt, 2, 1) And UCase(ttt) <> "JJ" Then
- ttt = Clipboard.GetText(vbCFText)
- ' Print ttt 'testing only
- End If
- If ttt = "" And entered_notes = "YES" And _
- Cmd(7) <> "dateyes" And _
- UCase(Cmd(15)) = "EXITDATEYES" Then
- temps = Format(Now, "ddddd ttttt") + " "
- temps = Left(temps, 23) 'all must be 23 long incld space
- Print #OutFile, temps
- Print temps
- End If
- If ttt = "" Then GoTo End_Notes_23000
- entered_notes = "YES"
- Enter_Count = Enter_Count + 1
- 'see programmers guide page 606 for date formats below
- temps = Format(Now, "ddddd ttttt") + " "
- temps = Left(temps, 23) 'all must be 23 long incld space
- If Cmd(7) <> "dateyes" And UCase(Cmd(14)) = "ENTERDATEYES" Then
- Cmd(14) = "" 'only do fore each new entry
- Print #OutFile, temps
- ' include "c:\dummy.txt"
- ' Insert "C:\DUMMY.BAS"
- Print temps
- End If
- If Cmd(7) <> "dateyes" Then temps = ""
- If Cmd(7) <> "dateyes" And UCase(Left(ttt, 2)) = "JJ" Then
- ttt = Right(ttt, Len(ttt) - 2)
- temps = Format(Now, "ddddd ttttt") + " "
- temps = Left(temps, 23) 'all must be 23 long incld space
- End If
- Print #OutFile, temps & ttt
- Print temps & ttt
- GoTo More_Notes_22000
- End_Notes_23000:
- If Enter_Count <> 0 Then
- Print Enter_Count; " Records added to "; TheFile
- End If
- save_line = "23000" 'for error handling
- Close #OutFile
- II = DoEvents 'yield to operating system
- GoTo What_50 'october 26 2000
- ' GoTo End_32000
- InputFile_24000: 'march 20/00
- Cls 'refresh clear screen
- GoSub OpenFile_25000 'open files.txt for selection
- If auto_redraw = "YES" Then frmproj2.AutoRedraw = True 'november 08 2001 Autoredraw pair-1
- save_line = "24000"
- For f = 1 To 20
- ttt = ""
- Line Input #FileFile, FFF
- If f = 1 Then ForeColor = QBColor(Val(Cmd(5)))
- If f = 1 Then ttt = App.EXEName + " -- Version " + vvversion + " -- " + App.Title
- If Len(FFF) > 50 Then
- Print f, "*"; Right(FFF, 50); " "; ttt 'december 22 2000
- Else
- Print f, FFF; " "; ttt
- End If
- If f = 1 Then ForeColor = QBColor(Def_Fore)
- AllFiles(f) = FFF + ""
- Next f
- Close #FileFile
- line_24005:
- '*********************************************************
- 'main file name selection done here
- '*********************************************************
- Print "Enter selection 1-20 e-xit or file name Option Prompt #1"
- tt1 = "" 'december 7 2000
- If screen_capture = "YES" Then
- '03 September 2004 delay_sec = 5 'march 15 2001
- '03 September 2004 GoSub line_30000
- new_delay_sec = 5 '03 September 2004
- GoSub line_30300 '03 September 2004
- End If
- 'test the getformat logic for the clipboard january 27 2002
- ' If Clipboard.GetFormat(vbCFBitmap) Then
- ' tt1 = InputBox("clipboard has a bitmap", , tt1, xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) '
- ' End If
- today_date = Format(Now, "ddddd ttttt") 'february 16 2001
- '12 September 2004 If UCase(App.EXEName) = Trim(UCase(Cmd(45))) And Left(App.Path, 3) <> "C:\" Then
- ' If (UCase(App.EXEName) = Trim(UCase(Cmd(45))) And Left(App.Path, 3) <> "C:\") Or InStr(1, UCase(App.Path + App.EXEName), "BACKGRD") <> 0 Then
- ' frmproj2.Caption = "before test " + tt1 '02 October 2004 testing
- ' new_delay_sec = 2 '02 October 2004
- ' GoSub line_30300 '02 October 2004
- If (UCase(App.EXEName) = Trim(UCase(Cmd(45))) And Left(App.Path, 3) <> "C:\") Or InStr(1, UCase(App.EXEName), "BACKGRD") <> 0 Then
- tt1 = RTrim(Cmd(46)) 'the command file prompt usually 1
- '-------------------------------
- '02 October 2004
- If UCase(Left(Cmd(58), 13)) = "DEFAULT_TO_CD" And Left(App.Path, 3) <> "C:\" And Len(tt1) > 2 And InStr(1, tt1, ":") <> 0 Then
- tt1 = Left(App.Path, 3) + Right(tt1, Len(tt1) - 3)
- End If 'change any C:\ to D:\ or E:\ etc 02 October 2004
- ' frmproj2.Caption = "after test " + tt1 '02 October 2004 testing
- ' new_delay_sec = 2 '02 October 2004
- ' GoSub line_30300 '02 October 2004
- '-------------------------------
- ' xtemp = InputBox(" backgrd test1", " testing Prompt #1* ", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2)
- If debug_photo Then '12 october 2002
- xtemp = InputBox("DOUG TESTING AUTO PROMPTS" + ttt, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- End If
- GoTo auto_p1
- End If '07 december 2002
- If SAVE_ttt = "in" Then tt1 = AllFiles(1) 'december 7 2000
- tt1 = InputBox("File Selection:", "File Prompt #1 " + today_date, tt1, xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) '
- If Len(tt1) > 0 And Len(tt1) < 3 Then '19 December 2004
- xtemp = tt1
- GoSub keypad_27500
- tt1 = xtemp
- End If '19 December 2004
- auto_p1:
- tt1 = UCase(tt1)
- frmproj2.Caption = program_info + stretch_info '25 november 2002
- '22 december 2002
- ' random_info = "" '21 december 2002
- If Cmd(49) = "RANDOM" Then
- ' random_info = " (RANDOM)" '21 december 2002
- frmproj2.Caption = program_info + random_info + stretch_info '09 december 2002
- End If
- If auto_redraw = "YES" Then frmproj2.AutoRedraw = False 'november 08 2001 Autoredraw pair-1
- If tt1 = "X" Or tt1 = "E" Or (tt1 = "" And SAVE_ttt <> "in") Then
- GoTo End_32000
- End If 'exit if x or e entered
- 'the following 2 if statements are left in as example
- If tt1 = "25" Then
- MAX_CNT = 25
- GoTo line_24005
- End If 'internal fix till control file
- If tt1 = "20" Then
- MAX_CNT = 20
- GoTo line_24005
- End If 'internal fix till control file
- 'october 26 2000 the SAVE_ttt below
- If tt1 = "" And SAVE_ttt = "in" Then
- TheFile = AllFiles(1)
- tt1 = TheFile
- GoTo line_24010
- End If 'no entry default to first listed
- If tt1 = "0" Or tt1 = "1" Then
- TheFile = AllFiles(1)
- tt1 = TheFile
- SAVE_ttt = "in" 'november 03 2000 after file selected continue with defaults
- TheSearch = "." 'november 03 2000
- search_prompt = "in" 'november 03 2000
- GoTo line_24010
- End If 'no entry default to first listed
- 'allow for number of characters select file number KKK is 3
- If tt1 = "11" Then GoTo line_24007
- If Len(tt1) = 1 Then GoTo line_24007
- If Len(tt1) = 2 And Left(tt1, 1) <> Mid(tt1, 2, 1) Then GoTo line_24007
- 'need a "dbcs string manipulation function" to do following
- 'same as the num1$ function on the vax numeric to string
- If Left(tt1, 1) = Mid(tt1, 2, 1) Then
- tt1 = CStr(Len(tt1))
- End If
- line_24007:
- If Val(tt1) < 2 Or Val(tt1) > 20 Then
- GoTo line_24010
- End If
- TheFile = AllFiles(Val(tt1))
- tt1 = TheFile
- SAVE_ttt = "in" 'november 03 2000 after file selected continue with defaults
- TheSearch = "." 'november 03 2000
- search_prompt = "in" 'november 03 2000
- line_24010:
- 'check all file existance
- 'they may have been deleted etc
- 'Following line allows update if change made to control
- ' If TheFile = "C:\CONTROL.TXT" Then GoSub Control_28000
- If UCase(TheFile) = "CONTROL.TXT" Then GoSub Control_28000 'december 3 2000
- save_line = "24010"
- TheFile = tt1
- LastFile = TheFile
- FileFile = FreeFile
- Open tt1 For Input As #FileFile
- 'november 3 2000 use to switch between p1 and c depending on file
- xxx_found = "NO"
- line_24015:
- save_line = "24015"
- For f = 1 To 10
- Line Input #FileFile, aaa
- If Left(aaa, 4) = "xxx." Then
- xxx_found = "YES"
- End If
- Next f
- Close FileFile
- line_24020: 'store new file in file.txt
- save_line = "24020"
- FileFound = 0
- For f = 1 To 20
- 'december 8 2000 If TheFile = AllFiles(F) Then
- If UCase(TheFile) = UCase(AllFiles(f)) Then
- FileFound = f 'save location where file is
- End If
- Next f
- If FileFound = 0 Then
- For f = 19 To 1 Step -1
- AllFiles(f + 1) = AllFiles(f)
- Next f
- AllFiles(1) = TheFile
- GoTo line_24050
- End If 'new one add it to top of list
- If FileFound > 1 Then
- For f = FileFound - 1 To 1 Step -1
- AllFiles(f + 1) = AllFiles(f)
- Next f
- AllFiles(1) = TheFile
- GoTo line_24050
- End If
- line_24050:
- '20 july 2002 skip the update below if cmd(40) not in file name
- If auto_exe = "YES" Then GoTo line_24080 '04 September 2004
- If InStr(Cmd(40), Left(App.Path, 3)) = 0 And Trim(Cmd(40)) <> "" Then
- Print " no file update cmd(40)"
- GoTo line_24080 '20 july 2002
- End If
- save_line = "24050"
- Kill Cmd(11) 'list of files last accessed
- FileFile = FreeFile
- Open Cmd(11) For Output As FileFile
- For f = 1 To 20
- Print #FileFile, AllFiles(f)
- Next f
- line_24080:
- Close FileFile
- line_24090: 'return exit line
- If InStr(UCase(TheFile), ".MBX") <> 0 And SAVE_ttt = "in" Then mbxyes = "Y" 'december 17 2000
- Return
- OpenFile_25000: 'march 20/00
- 'files.txt is the last 20 opened files
- 'for display and selection
- save_line = "25000"
- FileFile = FreeFile
- Open Cmd(11) For Input As #FileFile
- Return
- hilite_25500:
- ' xtemp = InputBox(CStr(hilite_cnt) + yyy + hilite_hh + ooo, "Continue Prompt", , 2000, 2000)
- If InStr(1, UCase(ooo), "XXX.") <> 0 Then
- hilite_cnt = hilite_cnt + 1
- cript2(hilite_cnt) = Mid(ooo, InStr(1, UCase(ooo), UCase(hilite_this)) + Len(hilite_this))
- ' tt1 = InputBox("testing prompt" + cript2(hilite_cnt), , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- End If
- Return 'april 22 2001
- Search_26000: 'march 20/00
- ' xtemp = InputBox("(A) testing prompt 02 January 2005" + sscreen_saver_ww + inin, , , 4400, 4500) '02 January 2005
- If tempdata = "COMMAND" Then GoTo line_26002a '02 January 2005
- If sscreen_saver_ww = "YES" And inin <> "" Then GoTo line_26090 '28 april 2002
- Cls 'refresh clear screen
- If auto_redraw = "YES" Then frmproj2.AutoRedraw = True 'november 08 2001 autoredraw pair-3
- Set Picture = LoadPicture() 'clear any picture lp#7
- If debug_photo Then '12 october 2002
- tt1 = InputBox("testing photo 3.3", , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- End If
- GoSub OpenFile_27000 'open search.txt for selection
- save_line = "26000"
- For f = 1 To 20
- Line Input #FileFile, FFF
- If TheSearch = "." Then
- 'december 7 2000 If F = 1 Then ForeColor = QBColor(Val(Cmd(5)))
- 'december 7 2000 If F = 1 Then ForeColor = QBColor(Def_Fore)
- End If
- AllSearch(f) = FFF + ""
- Next f
- Close #FileFile
- If TheSearch <> "." Then
- GoTo line_26020
- End If
- '*************************************************
- ' the search selection 1-20 made here
- '*************************************************
- Print "Enter selection 1-20 e-xit a for all or new search"
- line_26002:
- If ttt = "." Then 'january 05 2001
- ttt = AllSearch(1)
- Else
- ttt = "" 'december 7 2000
- End If 'january 05 2001
- If search_prompt = "in" Then ttt = Cmd(33) 'december 7 2000
- If emailsea = "Y" And search_prompt = "in" Then ttt = "a" 'december 11 2000
- Cmd(33) = "" 'december 7 2000
- If screen_capture = "YES" Then
- '03 September 2004 delay_sec = 5 'march 15 2001
- '03 September 2004 GoSub line_30000
- new_delay_sec = 5 '03 September 2004
- GoSub line_30300 '03 September 2004
- End If
- 'option prompt #3
- '12 September 2004 If UCase(App.EXEName) = Trim(UCase(Cmd(45))) And Left(App.Path, 3) <> "C:\" Then
- ' If (UCase(App.EXEName) = Trim(UCase(Cmd(45))) And Left(App.Path, 3) <> "C:\") Or InStr(1, UCase(App.Path + App.EXEName), "BACKGRD") <> 0 Then
- If (UCase(App.EXEName) = Trim(UCase(Cmd(45))) And Left(App.Path, 3) <> "C:\") Or InStr(1, UCase(App.EXEName), "BACKGRD") <> 0 Then
- ' xtemp = InputBox(" backgrd test3", " testing Prompt #3* ", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2)
- ttt = RTrim(Cmd(48)) 'the search string prompt usually photo
- GoTo auto_p3 'make sure that cd search file does not have "C:\"
- 'it should be "D:\" anything but "C:\" to work
- End If '07 december 2002
- '19 September 2004 command== stuff
- If Len(command_line) > 1 Then
- 'i do not think the file is open here it should be 1 line past the match for now...
- 'maybe skip the multiple reads below if random is on...????
- ' temptemp = InputBox("DOUG TESTING command_linea==" + CStr(zzz_cnt) + " " + aaa, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- command_line = ""
- ' temptemp = InputBox("DOUG TESTING command_lineb==" + command_line, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- multi_prompt2 = "" '20 September 2004
- ' aaa = "" '20 September 2004
- ' GoTo input_1000a '20 September 2004
- For zzz_cnt = 1 To hold_zzz
- Line Input #OutFile, aaa '21 September 2004
- Next zzz_cnt '21 September 2004
- ooo = aaa '21 September 2004
- ' temptemp = InputBox("DOUG TESTING command_lineaa==" + CStr(hold_zzz) + " " + aaa, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- GoTo input_1000b '21 September 2004
- ' ttt = RTrim(Cmd(48)) '20 September 2004 this changed things a bit???
- ' GoTo Line_17055
- ' GoTo auto_p3 '21 September 2004
- End If '19 September 2004
- If debug_photo Then '12 october 2002
- ' xtemp = InputBox("DOUG TESTING auto prompt #3" + ttt, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- End If
- '26 November 2004 skip around this prompt is a control file switch took place last
- ' xtemp = InputBox("DOUG TESTING auto prompt #3 search=" + temptemp + " tempdata=" + tempdata + " " + eofsw, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- If eofsw = "YES" Then
- eofsw = "" '26 November 2004
- ttt = Trim(temptemp)
- GoTo auto_p3
- End If '26 November 2004
- ' xtemp = InputBox("testing 02 January 2005=" + temptemp + " tempdata=" + tempdata + " " + eofsw, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- line_26002a: '02 January 2005
- If tempdata = "CONTROL" Or tempdata = "COMMAND" Then '26 November 2004
- ' xtemp = InputBox("(B) testing 02 January 2005=" + temptemp + " tempdata=" + tempdata + " " + eofsw, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- ttt = Trim(temptemp) '26 November 2004 this will change to something photo or "a" etc
- tempdata = ""
- GoTo auto_p3
- End If '26 November 2004
- ttt = InputBox("<" + UCase(prompt2) + "> Search Selection:", "Search Prompt #3 " + TheFile, ttt, xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) '
- '19 December 2004
- If Len(tt1) > 0 And Len(tt1) < 3 Then '19 December 2004
- xtemp = ttt
- GoSub keypad_27500
- ttt = xtemp
- End If '19 December 2004
- If show_files_yn Then frmproj2.Caption = program_info + random_info + stretch_info '24 december 2002
- auto_p3:
- Cls 'november 10 2001 needed with autoredraw
- ' temptemp = InputBox("DOUG TESTING command_lineb==" + ttt, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- If auto_redraw = "YES" Then frmproj2.AutoRedraw = False 'november 08 2001 autoredraw pair-3
- ' xtemp = InputBox("TESTING DOUG" + ttt + "*" + search_prompt, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- 'november 6 2000
- ' Me.MousePointer = vbHourglass '18 august 2002
- parsez: 'january 12 2001
- If Left(ttt, 2) = " " Then
- ttt = Mid(ttt, 2)
- GoTo parsez
- End If
- i = InStr(ttt, " ")
- If i = 0 Then GoTo noparsez
- ttt = Left(ttt, i - 1) + Mid(ttt, i + 1)
- GoTo parsez
- noparsez:
- Context_cnt = -1 'november 10 2000
- '17 December 2004 add in the V or H prompt for insert
- If UCase(ttt) = "V" Or UCase(ttt) = "H" Then
- If Clipboard.GetFormat(vbCFText) Then
- ttt = Clipboard.GetText(vbCFText)
- End If '17 December 2004
- End If '17 December 2004
- If UCase(ttt) = "F" Then
- prompt2 = "C"
- SAVE_ttt = "F"
- mbxi = 1 'january 31 2001
- GoTo line_26002
- End If 'january 31 2001
- If UCase(ttt) = "Q" Then
- prompt2 = "Q"
- SAVE_ttt = "Q"
- mbxi = 1 'december 17 2000
- GoTo line_26002
- End If 'december 2 2000
- If UCase(ttt) = "C" Then
- prompt2 = "C"
- SAVE_ttt = "C"
- mbxi = 1 'december 29 2000
- GoTo line_26002
- End If 'december 2 2000
- If prompt2 = "Q" And ttt <> "" Then
- qqq = ttt + ""
- End If
- If prompt2 = "Q" And ttt = "" Then
- qqq = ""
- End If 'november 6 2000
- 'november 6 2000
- ' If prompt2 <> "Q" And ttt <> "d" Then
- ' ttt = UCase(ttt) 'november 25 2000
- ' End If
- 'august 27/00
- If ttt = "E" Or ttt = "e" Or ttt = "X" Or ttt = "x" Or ttt = "" Then
- GoTo line_26010
- End If
- If ttt = "" Or ttt = "0" Or ttt = "1" Then
- TheSearch = AllSearch(1)
- ttt = TheSearch
- qqq = TheSearch
- GoTo line_26010
- End If 'no entry default to first listed
- 'november 14 2000 the following stuff moved up to do_search area
- ' If UCase(ttt) = "XXX" Then
- ' extract_yes = "YES" 'november 12 2000
- ' ExtFile = FreeFile
- '' Kill Cmd(19)
- ' DoEvents
- ' Open Cmd(19) For Output Access Write As #ExtFile
- '' Open Cmd(19) For Output As #ExtFile
- '' Print #ExtFile, "testing output"
- ' DoEvents
- ' line_len = 500 'on extract do not do any wraps???
- ' GoTo line_26002
- ' End If
- 'allow string length to determine search selection
- 'december 28 2000 comment out the 6 following lines
- ' If ttt = "11" Then GoTo line_26007
- ' If Len(ttt) = 1 Then GoTo line_26007
- ' If Len(ttt) = 2 And Left(ttt, 1) <> Mid(ttt, 2, 1) Then GoTo line_26007
- ' If Len(ttt) >= 2 And Left(ttt, 1) = Mid(ttt, 2, 1) And Mid(ttt, 2, 1) = Mid(ttt, 3, 1) Then
- ' ttt = CStr(Len(ttt))
- ' End If
- line_26007:
- save_line = "26007" 'december 28 2000
- If Len(ttt) = 2 And ttt >= "10" And ttt < "21" Then GoTo line_26008
- If Len(ttt) = 1 And ttt > "0" And ttt <= "9" Then GoTo line_26008
- ' ttt = "" 'january 05 2001
- GoTo line_26010 'december 28 2000
- 'did the code above so no numeric error trap would be needed
- line_26008:
- 'december 28 2000 commented out the 3 following lines
- ' If Val(ttt) < 2 Or Val(ttt) > 20 Then
- ' GoTo line_26010
- ' End If
- TheSearch = AllSearch(Val(ttt))
- ttt = TheSearch
- qqq = TheSearch
- line_26010:
- TheSearch = ttt
- '31 august 2002 ucase stuff below
- 'when all are numeric ie shifting cases makes no difference don't use uppercase otherwise do ie "Y"
- do_tab = 0 '05 october 2002 no need to check for tabs if search has no spaces
- If InStr(ttt, " ") > 0 Then do_tab = True '05 october 2002
- If UCase(ttt) = ttt And LCase(ttt) = ttt Then
- uppercase = "N"
- ' temptemp = InputBox("TESTING ucase no" + prompt2 + p2p2 + SAVE_ttt + ttt + "*" + UCase(ttt) + "*" + LCase(ttt), , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- End If
- If UCase(ttt) <> ttt Or LCase(ttt) <> ttt Then
- uppercase = "Y"
- ' temptemp = InputBox("TESTING ucase yes" + prompt2 + p2p2 + SAVE_ttt + ttt + "*" + UCase(ttt) + "*" + LCase(ttt), , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- End If
- '31 august 2002
- line_26020: 'store new search in search.txt
- save_line = "26020"
- FileFound = 0
- For f = 1 To 20
- If TheSearch = AllSearch(f) And Len(TheSearch) > 0 Then
- FileFound = f 'save location where search is
- End If
- Next f
- ' Print "TheSearch="; TheSearch
- ' tt1 = InputBox("continue", , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- If UCase(TheSearch) = "D" Then
- TheSearch = "" 'do not log D day searches
- End If
- If UCase(TheSearch) = "M" Then
- TheSearch = "" 'do not log M month searches
- End If
- If UCase(TheSearch) = "DD" Then
- TheSearch = "" 'do not log DD day searches
- End If
- If UCase(TheSearch) = "MM" Then
- TheSearch = "" 'do not log MM month searches
- End If
- If FileFound = 0 And TheSearch <> "" Then
- For f = 19 To 1 Step -1
- AllSearch(f + 1) = AllSearch(f)
- Next f
- AllSearch(1) = TheSearch
- GoTo line_26050
- End If 'new one add it to top of list
- If FileFound > 1 Then
- For f = FileFound - 1 To 1 Step -1
- AllSearch(f + 1) = AllSearch(f)
- Next f
- AllSearch(1) = TheSearch
- GoTo line_26050
- End If
- line_26050:
- save_line = "26050:"
- If auto_exe = "YES" Then GoTo line_26080 '04 September 2004
- If InStr(Cmd(40), Left(App.Path, 3)) = 0 And Trim(Cmd(40)) <> "" Then
- Print " no search file update cmd(40)"
- ' xtemp = InputBox("app.path" + App.Path + " not found or updated " + Cmd(40), , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- GoTo line_26080
- End If '20 july 2002 must be a writeable device in cmd(40)
- Kill Cmd(12) 'search strings save file
- FileFile = FreeFile
- Open Cmd(12) For Output As FileFile
- For f = 1 To 20
- Print #FileFile, AllSearch(f)
- Next f
- line_26080: '20 july 2002
- Close FileFile
- line_26090: 'return exit line
- TheSearch = ""
- Return
- OpenFile_27000: 'march 20/00
- 'search.txt is the last 20 search strings
- 'for display and selection
- save_line = "27000"
- FileFile = FreeFile
- Open Cmd(12) For Input As #FileFile
- Return
- keypad_27500: '19 December 2004
- xtemp = UCase(xtemp)
- If xtemp = "M" Then xtemp = "1"
- If xtemp = "," Then xtemp = "2"
- If xtemp = "." Then xtemp = "3"
- If xtemp = "J" Then xtemp = "4"
- If xtemp = "K" Then xtemp = "5"
- If xtemp = "L" Then xtemp = "6"
- If xtemp = "U" Then xtemp = "7"
- If xtemp = "I" Then xtemp = "8"
- If xtemp = "O" Then xtemp = "9"
- If xtemp = "M " Then xtemp = "10"
- If xtemp = "MM" Then xtemp = "11"
- If xtemp = "M," Then xtemp = "12"
- If xtemp = "M." Then xtemp = "13"
- If xtemp = "MJ" Then xtemp = "14"
- If xtemp = "MK" Then xtemp = "15"
- If xtemp = "ML" Then xtemp = "16"
- If xtemp = "MU" Then xtemp = "17"
- If xtemp = "MI" Then xtemp = "18"
- If xtemp = "MO" Then xtemp = "19"
- If xtemp = ", " Then xtemp = "20"
- Return '19 December 2004
- 'control.txt control.txt control.txt information read into cmd elements here
- Control_28000: 'april 20/00 update control file info read it in
- save_line = "28000"
- If InStr(UCase(aaa), "CONTROL==") <> 0 Then GoTo line_28005 '19 November 2004
- If InStr(Cmd(40), Left(App.Path, 3)) = 0 And Trim(Cmd(40)) <> "" And SAVE_ttt <> "in" Then
- ' xtemp = InputBox("app.path" + App.Path + " control file not re-read " + Format(delay_sec, "###0.0000") + Cmd(40) + SAVE_ttt, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- ' Print " no control file reread cmd(40)"
- frmproj2.Caption = " no control file reread cmd(40)" '19 November 2004 testing only
- GoTo line_28099
- End If '20 july 2002 must be a writeable device in cmd(40)
- line_28005: '19 November 2004 allow re-read if in control file as it is just switching files
- ' xtemp = InputBox("app.path" + App.Path + " control file not re-read " + Format(delay_sec, "###0.0000") + Cmd(40) + SAVE_ttt, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- ' FileFile = FreeFile
- CtrlFile = FreeFile
- ' Open "C:\control.txt" For Input As #FileFile
- Open control_file For Input As #CtrlFile
- line_28010:
- save_line = "28010"
- For f = 1 To 100
- Line Input #CtrlFile, FFF
- Cmd(f) = FFF
- Next f
- 'all new elements should be read in and set to values here
- 'eventually moving them from the prompt area to here.
- '08 January 2004 slomo_seg
- slomo_seg = 0
- slomo_seg = Val(Cmd(62))
- If slomo_seg = 0 Then
- '21 March 2004 slomo_seg = 0.01667
- slomo_seg = 0.01668
- End If
- '08 January 2004
- pad_time = 0 '21 March 2004
- pad_time = Val(Cmd(64)) '21 March 2004
- If pad_time = 0 Then
- pad_time = 30
- End If '21 March 2004
- '04 November 2003 have play_speed in control file
- play_speed = 1000
- If Left(UCase(Cmd(61)), 8) = "SETSPEED" Then
- f = Len(Cmd(61)) - 8
- play_speed = Val(Right(Cmd(61), f))
- If play_speed = 0 Then
- play_speed = 1000
- End If
- End If '04 November 2003
- save_play_speed = play_speed '16 November 2003
- '18 March 2003 ver=1.01
- If Left(Cmd(55), 2) > "00" And Left(Cmd(55), 2) <= "99" Then
- Clear_Context_lines = Val(Left(Cmd(55), 2))
- Else
- Clear_Context_lines = 0 '18 March 2003 ver=1.01
- End If
- '18 March 2003 ver=1.01
- '22 March 2003 ver=1.02
- If UCase(Cmd(56)) = "PHOTO_DETAIL" Then
- Cmd(56) = "PHOTO_DETAIL" 'just to make sure all capitals
- detailyn = "PHOTO_DETAIL" '18 November 2004
- Else
- detailyn = "noPHOTO_DETAIL" '18 November 2004
- End If
- '22 March 2003 ver=1.02
- If UCase(Cmd(53)) = "SHOWVIDEO" Then
- videoyn = "SHOWVIDEO"
- Else
- videoyn = "NOSHOWVIDEO"
- End If '10 FEBRUARY 2003
- If Left(UCase(Cmd(50)), 9) = "SHOWFILES" Then
- show_files_yn = True '24 december 2002
- ' xtemp = InputBox("DOUG 3 show_files_yn " + Cmd(50), , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- End If
- If Trim(UCase(Cmd(45))) = UCase(App.EXEName) Then auto_exe = "YES" '07 december 2002
- '==============================================================
- random_info = "" '21 december 2002
- If Left(UCase(Cmd(49)), 6) = "RANDOM" Then
- random_info = " (RANDOM)" '21 december 2002
- rand = -1 'when multiples allowed as below remove this line
- '19 august 2003 try skipping the following line... for now
- '19 august 2003 If xxx_found = "NO" And text_pause <> True Then rand = 0 '19 january 2003
- ' xtemp = InputBox("testing douga 19 august 2003 " + Cmd(50), , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- '19 august 2003 If xxx_found = "NO" Then rand = 0 '19 january 2003
- End If '09 december 2002
- '19 August 2003 If Cmd(49) <> "RANDOM" Then rand = 0 '09 december 2002
- If Left(Cmd(49), 6) <> "RANDOM" Then rand = 0 '09 december 2002
- '=============================================================
- rand1 = 0 '23 March 2004
- If Left(UCase(Cmd(65)), 7) = "RANDBEG" Then
- rand1 = -1
- End If '23 March 2004
- thumb_nail = "NO" '14 April 2004
- If Left(UCase(Cmd(67)), 5) = "THUMB" Then
- thumb_nail = "YES"
- End If '14 April 2004
- save_line = "28020"
- Def_Fore = 15 'assign foreground to white
- Def_Fore = Cmd(4)
- Hold_Fore = Def_Fore '27 July 2003
- sep = Cmd(6) 'search string seperator eg "/" or "." etc
- Set_Fore = 12 'assign set to red
- Set_Fore = 14 'try yellow
- Set_Fore = Cmd(5)
- line_len = Val(Cmd(21))
- over_lap = Val(Cmd(13)) 'january 10 2001
- ' xtemp = InputBox("testing prompt overlap=" + CStr(over_lap) + " " + CStr(wrap_cnt) + " " + CStr(cnt), "test", , 4400, 4500) '
- If over_lap < 1 Then over_lap = 10 'january 10 2001
- If Val(line_len) < 10 Then
- line_len = 82
- End If
- Context_lines = Val(Cmd(22))
- If Context_lines > 40 Then Context_lines = 40 'February 04 2001
- If Context_lines < 1 Then
- Context_lines = 10
- End If
- photo_copy = Cmd(23) 'march 17 2001
- If Len(photo_copy) < 7 Then
- photo_copy = "c:\search\tempfold\"
- End If 'march 17 2001
- ppaste = Cmd(24) 'allow for vvv paste in data entry
- gpaste = Cmd(25) 'allow for ggg paste in data entry
- ss_search = Cmd(26)
- If ss_search = "" Then
- ss_search = "PHOTO"
- screensave(1) = "PHOTO"
- End If
- delay_sec = Val(Cmd(27)) 'wait pause timing
- hold_sec = delay_sec '22 March 2004
- 'demo don't allow them the privilege of changing display time
- If ddemo = "YES" Then
- delay_sec = 0
- End If
- If delay_sec < 0 Then
- delay_sec = 4 '08 July 2003 what the heck is this for ***vip*** check it out
- End If
- xx1 = 8000
- yy1 = 6500
- ' If Test1_str = "P1" Then
- xx1 = Val(Cmd(17))
- yy1 = Val(Cmd(18))
- ' End If
- If xx1 < 100 Then
- xx1 = 8000
- End If
- If yy1 < 100 Then
- yy1 = 6500
- End If
- GoSub line_29100 'noshow routine
- GoSub line_29200 'screen saver routine
- ForeColor = QBColor(Def_Fore)
- BackColor = QBColor(3)
- BackColor = QBColor(Val(Cmd(3)))
- ' BackColor = QBColor(Rnd * 20) 'add some color
- 'it randomizes to black and can't see a thing??
- MAX_CNT = Val(Cmd(1))
- Font.Size = 12
- Font.Size = Val(Cmd(2))
- photo_copy = Val(Cmd(23)) 'march 17 2001
- ' If back_cnt < 1 Then
- ' back_cnt = MAX_CNT
- ' End If
- If Cmd(29) = "" Then
- Cmd(29) = "12"
- End If
- If Val(Cmd(29)) < 1 Then
- Cmd(29) = "12"
- End If 'October 27 2000
- AltColor = Val(Cmd(29))
- If Cmd(30) <> "N" Then
- Cmd(30) = "Y"
- End If 'October 27 2000
- 'this was an attempt to get the problem with the Millennium ME software
- ' If UCase(Cmd(30)) <> "Y" Then Cls 'december 8 2000
- ' If UCase(Cmd(30)) <> "Y" Then frmProj2.BorderStyle = 2 'december 8 2000
- ' If UCase(Cmd(30)) <> "Y" Then frmProj2.MaxButton = True 'december 8 2000
- ' If UCase(Cmd(30)) <> "Y" Then frmProj2.Caption = "Millennium" 'december 8 2000
- ' If UCase(Cmd(30)) <> "Y" Then frmProj2.Height = 9005 'december 8 2000
- hilite_this = Cmd(31) ' only hilites data not on matching line
- If Len(Cmd(32)) < 7 Then
- ' Cmd(32) = "c:\cript.txt"
- Cmd(32) = "cript.txt" 'december 3 2000
- End If 'november 20 2000
- cript_file = Cmd(32)
- If Cmd(33) = " " Then Cmd(33) = "" 'december 7 2000
- context_win = Val(Cmd(34)) 'january 01 2001
- If UCase(Cmd(38)) = "STRETCH" Then
- stretch_info = " (STRETCH)" '21 december 2002
- stretch_img = "YES"
- img_ctrl = "YES"
- Else
- stretch_info = " (NORMAL)" '21 december 2002
- stretch_img = "NO"
- img_ctrl = "NO"
- End If 'september 23 2001
- auto_redraw = "NO" 'november 10 2001
- frmproj2.AutoRedraw = False 'november 10 2001 autoredraw
- If UCase(Cmd(39)) = "AUTOREDRAW" Then
- auto_redraw = "YES"
- frmproj2.AutoRedraw = True 'november 10 2001 autoredraw
- End If 'november 10 2001
- adjust_sec = Val(Cmd(59)) '29 September 2003
- freeze_sec = Val(Cmd(60)) '01 October 2003
- ' xtemp = InputBox("DOUG TESTING " + auto_redraw + Cmd(39) + "*", , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- If context_win < 3 Then context_win = 3 'january 01 2001
- If context_win > MAX_CNT Then context_win = MAX_CNT 'january 01 2001
- line_28099: '20 july 2002
- Close CtrlFile
- Return
- replace_29000: 'August 10/00 search / replace sequence
- save_line = "29000"
- Cls 'clear screen
- If encript <> "RRR" Then
- GoTo line_29000a
- End If 'november 20 2000
- criptcnt = 0
- line_29000a:
- xtemp = Cmd(19)
- GoSub line_16000
- ' xtemp = InputBox("27 october 2004 TESTING 5b =" + encript + "=", , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- temp2 = 0
- ' DoEvents '27 October 2004
- ' xtemp = InputBox("27 october 2004 TESTING 5b1 =" + encript + "=", , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- If Left(UCase(Cmd(71)), 11) = "BATCHFILE==" Then '27 October 2004
- OutFile = FreeFile '27 October 2004 this may be a problem for just the RRR function
- End If '27 October 2004 put the if around it just so things do not change
- Open TheFile For Input As #OutFile
- ' xtemp = InputBox("27 october 2004 TESTING 5b2 =" + encript + "=", , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- If encript <> "RRR" Then
- GoTo line_29005
- End If 'november 20 2000
- If Left(UCase(Cmd(71)), 11) = "BATCHFILE==" Then '27 October 2004
- Line Input #BatchFile, case_yes
- ' xtemp = InputBox("27 october 2004 TESTING 5c =" + case_yes + "=", , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- GoTo skip_case
- End If '27 October 2004
- case_yes = UCase(InputBox("Case sensitive change Y/N <Y>", "Case sensitive Prompt", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2))
- skip_case: '27 October 2004
- If case_yes <> "N" Then
- case_yes = "Y"
- End If
- line_29003:
- If case_yes = "Y" Then
- If Left(UCase(Cmd(71)), 11) = "BATCHFILE==" Then '27 October 2004
- ' xtemp = InputBox("27 october 2004 TESTING 6 " + ttt, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- Line Input #BatchFile, in_str
- GoTo skip_in_str
- End If
- in_str = InputBox("String to change", "From string Prompt", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2)
- skip_in_str: '27 October 2004
- End If
- If case_yes <> "Y" Then
- If Left(UCase(Cmd(71)), 11) = "BATCHFILE==" Then '27 October 2004
- ' xtemp = InputBox("27 october 2004 TESTING 7 " + ttt, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- Line Input #BatchFile, in_str
- ' in_str = UCase(in_str)
- GoTo skip_in_str1
- End If
- in_str = UCase(InputBox("String to change", "From string Prompt", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2))
- skip_in_str1: '27 October 2004
- End If
- '30 October 2004 this worked for blank lines comming in in the batch file. Now it does not do much else on blanks
- '30 October 2004 If in_str = "" Or Left(UCase(in_str), 4) = "END*" Then
- '03 November 2004 If Left(UCase(Cmd(71)), 11) = "BATCHFILE==" And in_str = "" Then in_str = " " '30 October 2004
- If Left(UCase(Cmd(71)), 11) = "BATCHFILE==" Then
- temptemp = in_str '03 November 2004
- check_tab: '03 November 2004
- tt = InStr(temptemp, Chr(9)) 'check for tabs
- If tt = 0 Then
- GoTo past_tab
- End If
- in_str = Left(temptemp, tt - 1) + " " + Mid(temptemp, tt + 1) 'replace tab with spaces (consistancy of code too)
- GoTo check_tab
- past_tab: '03 November 2004
- 'temptemp needed here so that tabs elsewhere are not removed (only if tabs and spaces only on line)
- If Trim(in_str) = "" And in_str = temptemp Then
- ' frmproj2.Caption = " trim found " + CStr(criptcnt) '03 November 2004 testing only
- ' new_delay_sec = 5 '03 November 2004 testing only
- ' GoSub line_30300 '03 November 2004 testing only
- GoTo line_29003 '03 November 2004
- End If '03 November 2004
- End If
- If in_str = "" Or Left(UCase(in_str), 4) = "END*" Then
- ' xtemp = InputBox("27 october 2004 TESTING 7a " + in_str, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- GoTo line_29005
- End If
- Print in_str; " ";
- ' ttt1 = Len(in_str)
- If Left(UCase(Cmd(71)), 11) = "BATCHFILE==" Then '27 October 2004
- ' xtemp = InputBox("27 october 2004 TESTING 8 " + ttt, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- ' Line Input #BatchFile, out_str
- '03 November 2004 out_str = "nothing" '27 October 2004 testing only
- out_str = " " '03 November 2004
- GoTo skip_out_str
- End If '27 October 2004
- out_str = InputBox("New string", "To string Prompt", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2)
- skip_out_str: '27 October 2004
- ' xtemp = InputBox("27 october 2004 TESTING 8a *" + out_str + "*", , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- If out_str = "" Or UCase(out_str) = "END*" Then
- ' xtemp = InputBox("27 october 2004 TESTING 8b " + ttt, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- GoTo line_29005
- End If
- Print out_str
- If criptcnt Mod 20 = 0 Then
- frmproj2.Caption = " working- " + CStr(criptcnt) '28 October 2004
- Cls
- End If '27 October 2004 clear the screen only
- criptcnt = criptcnt + 1
- cript1(criptcnt) = in_str
- cript2(criptcnt) = out_str
- cript3(criptcnt) = Len(cript1(criptcnt))
- ' xtemp = InputBox("27 october 2004 TESTING 7aa " + CStr(criptcnt), , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- ' II = Len(out_str)
- ' If Len(Cmd(19)) < 7 Then
- ' Cmd(19) = "c:\replace.txt"
- ' End If
- GoTo line_29003
- line_29005:
- ' xtemp = InputBox("27 october 2004 TESTING 9 " + ttt, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- If criptcnt = 0 Then
- GoTo line_29095
- End If
- save_line = "29005"
- Kill FileExt
- line_29008:
- FileFile = FreeFile
- Open FileExt For Output Access Write As #FileFile
- ' criptcnt = 1 'november 18 2000
- ' cript1(1) = in_str 'november 18 2000
- ' cript2(1) = out_str 'november 18 2000
- dblStart = Timer 'get the start time
- zzz_cnt = 0
- line_29010:
- save_line = "29010"
- Line Input #OutFile, aaa
- line_29015: 'allow for the replacement right here february 10 2001
- If Left(UCase(Cmd(71)), 11) = "BATCHFILE==" Then GoTo line_29020 '27 October 2004
- tt = InStr(aaa, Chr(9)) 'check for tabs
- If tt = 0 Then
- GoTo line_29020
- End If
- 'change any tabs to 4 spaces
- aaa = Left(aaa, tt - 1) + " " + Mid(aaa, tt + 1)
- GoTo line_29015 'february 10 2001 if search and replace done do tabs
- line_29020: 'february 10 2001
- If encript = "RRR" Then
- GoSub line_29300 'do line at a time november 18 2000
- Else
- zzz_cnt = zzz_cnt + 1
- ' If zzz_cnt Mod 10000 = 0 Then
- If zzz_cnt Mod 10000 = 0 Then
- DoEvents 'december 06 2001
- Print "working "; zzz_cnt; Format(Now, "ddddd ttttt")
- End If
- GoSub line_29400 'do line at a time november 18 2000
- End If
- yyy_cnt = yyy_cnt + 1 '28 October 2004
- If yyy_cnt Mod 100 = 0 Then
- frmproj2.Caption = " working at " + CStr(yyy_cnt) + " of " + CStr(criptcnt) '28 October 2004
- End If '27 October 2004
- GoTo line_29010
- line_29090:
- dblEnd = Timer 'get the end time
- Print " elap="; Format(dblEnd - dblStart, "#####0.000")
- Print "rename "; FileExt; " as "; TheFile
- If Left(UCase(Cmd(71)), 11) = "BATCHFILE==" Then '27 October 2004
- frmproj2.Caption = " total matches " + CStr(criptcnt) '27 October 2004
- new_delay_sec = 3 '27 October 2004 testing only
- GoSub line_30300 '27 October 2004 testing only
- tt1 = "N"
- GoTo skip_rename
- End If '27 October 2004
- tt1 = UCase(InputBox("total changes=" + CStr(temp2) + " rename files Y/N <N>", "Rename Prompt", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2)) 'TESTING ONLY
- skip_rename: '27 October 2004
- If tt1 <> "Y" Then
- tt1 = "N"
- End If
- If UCase(tt1) = "N" Then
- Close FileFile, OutFile
- GoTo line_29095
- End If
- Close FileFile, OutFile
- DoEvents
- save_line = "29092"
- ' Kill "c:\oldfile.txt"
- Kill "oldfile.txt" 'december 3 2000
- DoEvents
- line_29093:
- ' tt1 = InputBox("minor pause", , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- DoEvents
- ' Name TheFile As "c:\oldfile.txt"
- Name TheFile As "oldfile.txt" 'december 3 2000
- DoEvents
- Name FileExt As TheFile
- 'rename files here if Y entered
- line_29095:
- DoEvents
- Return
- line_29100: 'noshow elements set up here
- save_line = "29100"
- For II = 1 To 10
- noshow(II) = ""
- Next II
- If Len(Cmd(28)) < 3 Then
- GoTo line_29190
- End If
- nocount = 0
- temps = Cmd(28) + ""
- line_29150:
- save_line = "29150"
- tt = InStr(temps, " ")
- If tt = 1 Then
- temps = Right(temps, Len(temps) - 1)
- GoTo line_29150 'strip out any leading spaces
- End If
- If tt = 0 Then
- If Len(temps) > 2 Then
- nocount = nocount + 1
- noshow(nocount) = temps
- ' Print "noshow(a)="; "*"; noshow(nocount); "*"; aaa, nocount
- ' tt1 = InputBox("testing", , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- End If
- GoTo line_29190
- End If
- nocount = nocount + 1
- noshow(nocount) = Left(temps, tt - 1)
- temps = Right(temps, Len(temps) - tt)
- ' Print "noshow(b)="; "*"; noshow(nocount); "*"; aaa, nocount
- ' tt1 = InputBox("testing", , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- GoTo line_29150
- line_29190:
- save_line = "29190"
- For II = 1 To 10
- If Len(noshow(II)) < 3 Then
- GoTo line_29199
- End If
- temps = noshow(II) + ""
- tt = InStr(1, " ", temps)
- save_line = "29190a"
- If tt > 1 Then
- ttt1 = Len(temps) - tt
- tempss = Left(temps, ttt1)
- noshow(II) = tempss + ""
- 'strip off any trailing spaces
- End If
- line_29199:
- Next II
- For II = 1 To nocount
- ' noshow(II) = " " + UCase(noshow(II)) + " "
- noshow(II) = UCase(noshow(II))
- ' Print "noshow(II)="; "*"; noshow(II); "*"; aaa, II
- ' tt1 = InputBox("testing", , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- 'put 1 space before and 1 after only
- Next II
- Return
- line_29200: 'screen saver logic here
- screencount = 0
- save_line = "29200"
- For II = 1 To 10
- screensave(II) = ""
- Next II
- If Len(Cmd(26)) < 3 Then
- GoTo line_29290
- End If
- ' nocount = 0
- temps = Cmd(26) + ""
- line_29250:
- save_line = "29250"
- tt = InStr(temps, " ")
- If tt = 1 Then
- temps = Right(temps, Len(temps) - 1)
- GoTo line_29250 'strip out any leading spaces
- End If
- If tt = 0 Then
- If Len(temps) > 2 Then
- screencount = screencount + 1
- screensave(screencount) = temps
- ' Print "screensave(a)="; "*"; screensave(screencount); "*"; aaa; screencount
- ' tt1 = InputBox("testing", , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- End If
- GoTo line_29290
- End If
- screencount = screencount + 1
- screensave(screencount) = Left(temps, tt - 1)
- temps = Right(temps, Len(temps) - tt)
- GoTo line_29250
- line_29290:
- save_line = "29290"
- For II = 1 To 10
- If Len(screensave(II)) < 3 Then
- GoTo line_29299
- End If
- temps = screensave(II) + ""
- tt = InStr(1, " ", temps)
- save_line = "29290a"
- If tt > 1 Then
- ttt1 = Len(temps) - tt
- tempss = Left(temps, ttt1)
- screensave(II) = tempss + ""
- 'strip off any trailing spaces
- End If
- line_29299:
- Next II
- For II = 1 To screencount
- ' screensave(II) = " " + UCase(screensave(II)) + " "
- screensave(II) = UCase(screensave(II))
- 'put 1 space before and 1 after only
- Next II
- Return
- line_29300:
- changes = "NO" 'december 2 2000
- For tt = 1 To criptcnt
- ' frmproj2.Caption = " testing 444 *" + cript1(tt) + "*" + CStr(cript3(tt)) + " " + CStr(criptcnt) + " " + CStr(tt) '27 October 2004
- ' new_delay_sec = 0.1 '27 October 2004 testing only
- ' GoSub line_30300 '27 October 2004 testing only
- III = 1
- ' in_str = cript1(tt)
- ' out_str = cript2(tt)
- ' ttt1 = Len(in_str)
- ' II = Len(out_str)
- ' xtemp = Len(cript2(tt))
- JJ = Len(aaa)
- If case_yes = "Y" And Left(UCase(Cmd(71)), 11) = "BATCHFILE==" Then '27 October 2004
- If aaa = cript1(tt) Then
- ' frmproj2.Caption = " testing 444a " + CStr(cript3(tt)) + " " + CStr(criptcnt) '27 October 2004
- ' new_delay_sec = 1 '27 October 2004 testing only
- ' GoSub line_30300 '27 October 2004 testing only
- temp2 = temp2 + 1 'count of changes done
- aaa = " "
- cript1(tt) = "xyxyxyxyxyxyxyxyxy" '27 October 2004 clear it
- GoTo line_29399 '29 October 2004
- End If '27 October 2004
- End If '27 October 2004
- If case_yes = "Y" And InStr(aaa, cript1(tt)) = 0 Then
- ' Print #FileFile, aaa
- GoTo line_29399
- End If
- If case_yes = "N" And Left(UCase(Cmd(71)), 11) = "BATCHFILE==" Then '27 October 2004
- If UCase(aaa) = cript1(tt) Then
- ' frmproj2.Caption = " testing 444aa " + CStr(cript3(tt)) + " " + CStr(criptcnt) '27 October 2004
- ' new_delay_sec = 1 '27 October 2004 testing only
- ' GoSub line_30300 '27 October 2004 testing only
- temp2 = temp2 + 1 'count of changes done
- aaa = " "
- cript1(tt) = "xyxyxyxyxyxyxyxyxy" '27 October 2004 clear it
- GoTo line_29399 '29 October 2004
- End If '27 October 2004
- End If '27 October 2004
- If case_yes = "N" And InStr(UCase(aaa), cript1(tt)) = 0 Then
- ' Print #FileFile, aaa
- GoTo line_29399
- End If
- line_29320:
- If case_yes = "Y" Then
- II = InStr(III, aaa, cript1(tt))
- Else
- II = InStr(III, UCase(aaa), cript1(tt))
- End If
- If II = 0 Then
- ' Print #FileFile, aaa
- GoTo line_29399
- End If
- III = II + 1
- '27 October 2004 here do some checking
- aaa = Left(aaa, II - 1) + cript2(tt) + Right(aaa, JJ + 1 - II - cript3(tt))
- JJ = Len(aaa) 'november 13 2000
- ' Print aaa
- ' Print tt, JJ, cript3(tt), II
- ' tt1 = InputBox("testing", , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- ' If UCase(tt1) = "X" Then
- ' GoTo line_29090
- ' End If
- temp2 = temp2 + 1 'count of changes done
- changes = "YES" 'december 2 2000
- GoTo line_29320
- line_29399:
- Next tt
- If changes = "YES" And crlf = "NO" Then
- Print #FileFile, aaa;
- Else
- If Left(UCase(Cmd(71)), 11) = "BATCHFILE==" Then '03 November 2004
- If Len(Trim(aaa)) < 1 Then
- Else
- Print #FileFile, aaa
- End If '03 November 2004
- Else
- Print #FileFile, aaa
- End If '03 November 2004 keep all the blank lines from being put to output file
- End If 'do not print crlf if sss requested
- 'instead of rrr ie for the From:
- 'change december 2 2000
- Return
- line_29400: 'november 19 2000
- ' For tt = 1 To criptcnt
- ' cript3(tt) = Len(cript1(tt))
- ' Next tt
- ' save_line = "29400"
- tt1 = "" 'the output string after translation
- JJ = Len(aaa)
- line_29410:
- FFF = "" 'indicate if search string found.
- xtemp = Left(aaa, 1)
- For tt = 1 To criptcnt
- ' in_str = cript1(tt)
- ' out_str = cript2(tt)
- ' ttt1 = Len(in_str)
- ' If cript3(tt) > JJ Then 'november 23 2000
- ' GoTo line_29450 'more characters than in string november 23 2000
- ' End If 'november 23 2000
- ' If case_yes = "N" Then GoTo line_29430
- ' If cript3(tt) = 1 And xtemp <> cript1(tt) Then GoTo line_29450 'november 23 2000
- ' If Left(aaa, cript3(tt)) <> cript1(tt) Then november 23 2000 see following line
- ' If Left(aaa, 1) <> cript1(tt) Then
- If xtemp <> cript1(tt) Then
- GoTo line_29450
- End If
- ' GoTo line_29440
- 'line_29430:
- ' If cript3(tt) = 1 And UCase(xtemp) <> UCase(cript1(tt)) Then GoTo line_29450
- ' If UCase(Left(aaa, cript3(tt))) <> UCase(cript1(tt)) Then
- ' GoTo line_29450
- ' End If
- line_29440:
- ' aaa = Right(aaa, JJ - cript3(tt)) 'november 23 2000
- aaa = Right(aaa, JJ - 1)
- FFF = "Y"
- GoTo line_29460
- line_29450:
- Next tt
- line_29460:
- If FFF <> "Y" Then
- tt1 = tt1 + Left(aaa, 1)
- If JJ > 1 Then
- aaa = Right(aaa, JJ - 1)
- Else
- aaa = ""
- End If
- Else
- temp2 = temp2 + 1
- tt1 = tt1 + cript2(tt)
- End If
- ' JJ = Len(aaa) 'november 23 2000
- JJ = JJ - 1
- If JJ > 0 Then
- GoTo line_29410
- End If
- If encript <> "MYSTUF" Then
- Print #FileFile, tt1
- Else
- aaa = tt1
- End If
- Return
- line_29500:
- save_line = "29500"
- FileFile = FreeFile
- Open FileExt For Input As #FileFile
- temp2 = 0
- criptcnt = 0
- save_line = "29510"
- line_29510:
- Line Input #FileFile, aaa
- temp2 = temp2 + 1
- Line Input #FileFile, tt1
- temp2 = temp2 + 1
- criptcnt = criptcnt + 1
- If encript = "CRIPT" Then
- cript1(criptcnt) = aaa
- cript2(criptcnt) = tt1
- Else
- cript1(criptcnt) = tt1
- cript2(criptcnt) = aaa
- End If
- GoTo line_29510
- line_29520:
- save_line = "29520"
- Close #FileFile
- For tt = 1 To criptcnt
- cript3(tt) = Len(cript1(tt))
- Next tt
- ' tempss = InputBox("cript.txt read" + CStr(criptcnt), , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- Return 'november 20 2000 read in the encription file info.
- 'timer subroutine set delay_sec to seconds to hold wait sleep
- line_30000:
- DoEvents
- 'january 23 2002 If delay_sec < 1 Then
- ' tempss = InputBox("testing delay" + Format(delay_sec, "###0.000"), , , 4400, 4500) 'january 23 2002
- '04 february 2003 comment out below want to set WAIT=0 for avi file displays
- ' If delay_sec < 0.0001 Then delay_sec = Val(Cmd(27)) '02 may 2002
- If delay_sec < 0.00001 Then
- GoTo line_30020
- End If
- '29 September 2003 add or subtract amount in cmd() to delay_sec
- If adjust_sec <> 0 Then
- delay_sec = delay_sec + adjust_sec
- End If '29 September 2003
- temp_cnt1 = 0 '12 April 2004
- line_30005:
- '12 April 2004
- If slomo = False And mpg_file = "YES" Then
- i = mciSendString("status video1 position", vs, 255, 0)
- temp3 = InStr(vs, Chr$(0)) '19 March 2004
- temp_cnt = Val(Left(vs, temp3 - 1)) '19 March 2004
- '12 April 2004 If line_start_point + (delay_sec * 1000) >= temp_cnt + 0.01 Then
- '14 April 2004 this is where a problem cropped up (just adding 0.1 fixed it??)
- '14 April 2004 If line_start_point + (delay_sec * 1000) >= temp_cnt + 0.01 And temp_cnt > temp_cnt1 Then
- If line_start_point + (delay_sec * 1000) >= temp_cnt + 0.01 And temp_cnt + 0.1 > temp_cnt1 Then
- '03 September 2004 If line_start_point + (delay_sec * 1000) >= temp_cnt + 0.01 And temp_cnt > temp_cnt1 + 0.001 Then
- DoEvents '10 April 2004 allow for interrupt in full speed video....
- temp_cnt1 = temp_cnt '12 April 2004
- GoTo line_30005
- End If
- i = mciSendString("pause video1", 0&, 0, 0)
- mpg_file = "NO" '24 March 2004
- DoEvents
- ' frmproj2.Caption = "test 24 March 2004 " + CStr(line_start_point) + " " + CStr(delay_sec * 1000) + " " + CStr(temp_cnt) '24 March 2004
- ' tempss = InputBox("testing delay" + Format(delay_sec, "###0.000"), , , 4400, 4500) 'january 23 2002
- GoTo line_30020 '24 March 2004...
- End If
- line_30012:
- ' If slomo <> True Then '08 January 2004 so when enter hit it will be in the pause routine
- ' DoEvents '03 november 2002 turn off when debugging problems etc
- ' DoEvents '23 September 2003 add another just for more sharing...
- ' End If '08 January 2004 just the if statement around the doevents added
- '24 March 2004 2004======================================
- If slomo Then
- line_30012a:
- i = mciSendString("status video1 position", vs, 255, 0)
- DoEvents
- temp3 = InStr(vs, Chr$(0)) '10 April 2004
- temp_cnt = Val(Left(vs, temp3 - 1)) '10 April 2004
- '10 April 2004 temp_cnt = Val(vs)
- If temp_cnt < last_vs + pad_time Then GoTo line_30012a
- tempdata = CStr(temp_cnt)
- last_vs = Val(vs)
- If replay_yn = True Then
- If temp_cnt >= replay_pos Then
- ' tempss = InputBox("testing replay position " + CStr(temp_cnt), , , 4400, 4500) '10 April 2004
- play_speed = hold_speed '10 April 2004
- replay_yn = False '10 April 2004
- End If
- End If '10 April 2004
- If UCase(Left(Cmd(63), 8)) = "SHOWELAP" Then
- DoEvents
- frmproj2.Caption = LCase(temptemp) + " (Replay by Spectate Swamp) " + tempdata + " of " + CStr(video_length) '18 February 2004
- DoEvents
- tempdata = ""
- End If
- i = mciSendString("pause video1", 0&, 0, 0)
- DoEvents
- new_delay_sec = (1000 / play_speed) * (pad_time / 1000)
- ' frmproj2.Caption = "test 24 March 2004 " + CStr(new_delay_sec) '24 February 2004
- motion_in = Timer '01 March 2004 changed from slomo_in etc
- line_30012b:
- 'try and slow the delay for character pause. it would not do less than 1/10 sec or so?
- If new_delay_sec > 0.02 Then '05 February 2008
- DoEvents
- motion_out = Timer
- If motion_out + 43200 < motion_in Then
- motion_in = motion_in - 86400
- End If
- If motion_out - motion_in < new_delay_sec Then
- GoTo line_30012b
- End If
- Else ' 05 February 2008
- temp_cnt1 = Int(new_delay_sec * 100000)
- For temp_cnt = 1 To temp_cnt1
- For II = 1 To 10
- DoEvents
- Next II
- Next temp_cnt
- End If '05 February 2008
- '26 March 2004 try and back it up a bit before resume. that should make it even slower...
- ' i = mciSendString("seek video1 " + CStr(last_vs - pad_time), 0&, 0, 0) '26 March 2004
- i = mciSendString("resume video1", 0&, 0, 0)
- DoEvents
- End If 'end of "If slomo then
- DoEvents '09 March 2004
- ' slomo = True '19 March 2004 just so that full speed ie=1000 will get the elapsed displayed
- ' slomo = True '14 April 2004 testing only
- 'handy for testing too
- If slomo Then
- DoEvents '16 March 2004
- i = mciSendString("status video1 position", vs, 255, 0) '04 March 2004
- temp_double = Val(Trim(vs)) '18 March 2004
- tempdata = CStr(temp_double) '17 March 2004
- If temp_double < 1 Then
- xtemp = InputBox(" test 18 March 2004 " + CStr(line_start_point + (delay_sec * 1000)) + " > " + Trim(vs), , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2)
- End If '18 March 2004
- DoEvents
- '13 April 2004 need to check temp_cnt against video_length here and ship out meebee
- If temp_double >= video_length - 100 Then
- GoTo line_30020
- End If '13 April 2004
- If line_start_point + (delay_sec * 1000) <= Val(vs) + 0.01 Then
- ' xtemp = InputBox(" test 24 March 2004 " + CStr(line_start_point) + " " + CStr((line_delay_sec * 1000)) + " <= " + Trim(vs), , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) 'test
- GoTo line_30020
- Else
- GoTo line_30012
- End If
- End If '04 March 2004
- ' 14 January 2004 test show the play_speed here???
- ' xtemp = InputBox(" test 14 january 2004 " + CStr(play_speed), "testing Prompt ", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) 'test
- GoTo line_30020 'january 23 2002 ie just skip the logic below every time
- line_30018: 'february 08 2002 deactivated as above
- ampm = ""
- temps = Format(Now, "ddddd ttttt") 'start timer time
- ' Print "start timeer="; temps
- temp1 = InStr(2, temps, " ")
- temps = Right(temps, Len(temps) - temp1) 'just the hrs and minutes
- temp1 = InStr(2, temps, "M") 'check if US format
- If temp1 <> 0 Then
- ' Print tt, JJ, ttt1
- ' tt1 = InputBox("PM AM found", , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- temp2 = InStr(2, temps, "PM")
- If temp2 <> 0 Then
- ampm = "PM"
- End If
- If temp2 = 0 Then
- ampm = "AM"
- End If
- temps = Left(temps, Len(temps) - 3) 'strip of AM PM
- End If
- temp1 = InStr(1, temps, ":")
- hhour = Left(temps, temp1 - 1)
- temps = Right(temps, Len(temps) - temp1)
- temp1 = InStr(1, temps, ":")
- mminute = Left(temps, temp1 - 1)
- ssecond = Right(temps, Len(temps) - temp1)
- hhhour = Val(hhour)
- mmminute = Val(mminute)
- sssecond = Val(ssecond)
- If ampm = "PM" Then
- hhhour = hhhour + 12
- End If
- temp11 = hhhour * 3600 + mmminute * 60 + sssecond 'moved from below march 14 2001
- line_30010:
- DoEvents '03 november 2002 turn off when debugging (other jobs on computer ??)
- save_line = "30010"
- ampm = ""
- temps = Format(Now, "ddddd ttttt") 'current time
- temp1 = InStr(2, temps, " ")
- temps = Right(temps, Len(temps) - temp1) 'just the hrs and minutes
- temp1 = InStr(2, temps, "M") 'check if US format
- If temp1 <> 0 Then
- temp2 = InStr(2, temps, "PM")
- If temp2 <> 0 Then
- ampm = "PM"
- End If
- If temp2 = 0 Then
- ampm = "AM"
- End If
- temps = Left(temps, Len(temps) - 3) 'strip of AM PM
- End If
- temp1 = InStr(1, temps, ":")
- hhour = Left(temps, temp1 - 1)
- temps = Right(temps, Len(temps) - temp1)
- temp1 = InStr(1, temps, ":")
- mminute = Left(temps, temp1 - 1)
- ssecond = Right(temps, Len(temps) - temp1)
- chhour = Val(hhour)
- cmminute = Val(mminute)
- cssecond = Val(ssecond)
- If ampm = "PM" Then
- chhour = chhour + 12
- End If
- If chhour < hhhour Then
- chhour = chhour + 23
- End If
- ' If cmminute < mmminute Then
- 'march 14 2001 cmminute = cmminute + 59
- ' End If
- ' If cssecond < sssecond Then
- 'march 14 2001 cssecond = cssecond + 59
- ' End If
- ' temp1 = hhhour * 3600 + mmminute * 60 + sssecond 'could move this out of the loop?
- temp2 = chhour * 3600 + cmminute * 60 + cssecond
- ' If temp2 < temp1 + delay_sec Then 'march 14 2001
- If temp2 < temp11 + delay_sec Then
- GoTo line_30010
- End If
- ' Set Picture = LoadPicture() 'clear any picture
- line_30020:
- '16 August 2004
- If motion_yn <> "YES" Then '16 August 2004
- new_delay_sec = delay_sec '16 August 2004
- GoSub line_30300 '16 August 2004
- End If '16 August 2004
- ' frmproj2.Caption = "delay_sec=" + CStr(delay_sec) '16 August 2004
- last_vs = 0
- delay_sec = Val(Cmd(27)) '25 July 2003
- DoEvents '03 november 2002 deactivate when in debug mode for more control??
- Return
- Return
- line_30300: 'mini timer routine 26 February 2004
- motion_in = Timer '01 March 2004 changed from slomo_in etc
- line_30316:
- 'try and slow the delay for character pause. it would not do less than 1/10 sec or so?
- If new_delay_sec > 0.02 Then '05 February 2008
- DoEvents
- motion_out = Timer
- If motion_out + 43200 < motion_in Then
- motion_in = motion_in - 86400
- End If
- If motion_out - motion_in < new_delay_sec Then
- GoTo line_30316
- End If
- Else ' 05 February 2008
- temp_cnt1 = Int(new_delay_sec * 100000)
- For temp_cnt = 1 To temp_cnt1
- For II = 1 To 10
- DoEvents
- Next II
- Next temp_cnt
- End If '05 February 2008
- Return '26 February 2004
- ' W R I T E C O N T R O L . T X T H E R E
- 'control.txt control control.txt control.txt control.txt control control file here
- 'create control file open for output etc
- 'write to the control file here
- line_30500: 'november 03 2000 control.txt and control1.txt file create print
- save_line = "30500"
- If visual_impared <> "YES" Then
- Print #FileFile, "34" ' lines per page 1
- End If
- If visual_impared = "YES" Then
- Print #FileFile, "11" ' lines per page 1
- End If
- If visual_impared <> "YES" Then
- Print #FileFile, "12" ' font size 2
- End If
- If visual_impared = "YES" Then
- Print #FileFile, "36" ' font size 2
- End If
- If visual_impared <> "YES" Then
- Print #FileFile, "3" ' aqua background color 3
- End If
- If visual_impared = "YES" Then
- Print #FileFile, "6" ' purple 3 background color 6=brown or gold
- End If
- If visual_impared <> "YES" Then
- Print #FileFile, "15" ' white text color 4
- End If
- If visual_impared = "YES" Then
- Print #FileFile, "0" ' black text color 4
- End If
- 'midway4 thru the program appx'==================================================================================
- Print #FileFile, "14" ' Hi-lite color 5
- Print #FileFile, "/" ' seperator chr 6
- Print #FileFile, "dateno" ' or dateyes 7
- Print #FileFile, "c:\windows\explorer.exe" 'jpg 8 most have this file...
- ' Print #FileFile, "c:\winnt\explorer.exe" 'jpg 8
- '17 october 2002 made the change below to prevent system from crashing without explorer
- 'see "photo 6b-1" display
- ' Print #FileFile, "c:\program files\accessories\wordpad.exe" 'jpg 8 17 october 2002
- Print #FileFile, "c:\PROGRAM FILES\ACCESSORIES\MSPAINT.EXE" ' bmp disp 9
- Print #FileFile, "c:\PROGRAM FILES\ACCESSORIES\WORDPAD.EXE" ' text chg 10
- ' Print #FileFile, "c:\PROGRAM FILES\windows nt\ACCESSORIES\WORDPAD.EXE" ' text chg 10
- ' Print #FileFile, "c:\files.txt" ' Files 11
- ' Print #FileFile, "c:\search.txt" ' search 12
- ' Print #FileFile, "c:\temp.txt" 'displayed 13
- Print #FileFile, "files.txt" ' Files 11 december 3 2000
- Print #FileFile, "search.txt" ' search 12 december 3 2000
- Print #FileFile, "10" 'over_lap on line_len january 10 2001 13
- Print #FileFile, "enterdateyes" 'start date on 14
- Print #FileFile, "exitdateyesno" 'end date on 15
- Print #FileFile, "C:\PROGRAM FILES\Microsoft Office\Office\MSPUB.EXE" 'default drive 3 16
- Print #FileFile, "13000" 'xx1 P1 prompt 17
- Print #FileFile, "10700" 'yy1 P1 prompt 18
- ' Print #FileFile, "c:\replace.txt" 'search replace 19
- Print #FileFile, "replace.txt" 'search replace 19 december 3 2000
- Print #FileFile, "P" 'option default 20 see item cmd(42)
- If visual_impared <> "YES" Then
- Print #FileFile, "82" 'wrap line length 21
- End If
- If visual_impared = "YES" Then
- Print #FileFile, "40" 'wrap line length 21
- End If
- If visual_impared <> "YES" Then
- Print #FileFile, "16" 'context lines 22
- End If
- If visual_impared = "YES" Then
- Print #FileFile, "3" 'context lines 22
- End If
- 'when adding new elements to the control.txt file add the detail notes here comment it well
- Print #FileFile, "c:\search\tempfold\" 'photo copy directory 23 march 17 2001
- Print #FileFile, "xxx.c:\family1\scn000" 'vvv paste string on entry 24
- Print #FileFile, " photo 1980 " 'ggg paste string on entry 25
- Print #FileFile, "photo" 'search string for screen saver 26
- Print #FileFile, "4" 'default sleep time for screen saver 27
- Print #FileFile, "noshow mpotj" ' no show element skip pics with these 28
- Print #FileFile, "10" ' 29 secondary display color line green (12 = red)
- Print #FileFile, "Y" ' 30 close out form Y/N
- Print #FileFile, "xxx." ' 31 if this exists hilite it hilite_this
- ' Print #FileFile, "c:\cript.txt" 'encription control file 32
- Print #FileFile, "cript.txt" 'encription control file 32 december 3 2000
- Print #FileFile, "PHOTO" ' default search string on start 33 was "D" before
- Print #FileFile, "5" ' context extract window in lines of display january 01 2001 34
- Print #FileFile, "c:\" ' 35 the input directory for the gf option
- '19 September 2004 Print #FileFile, "ALL" ' 36 jpg bmp tif etc etc
- Print #FileFile, "JPG" ' 36 jpg bmp tif etc etc
- Print #FileFile, "newphotos.txt" ' 37 using gf to get files they are catalogued here
- Print #FileFile, "stretch" ' 38 stretch or normal display p1 or p2
- Print #FileFile, "noautoredraw" ' 39 allows for screen refresh between sessions
- Print #FileFile, "A:\ C:\ " ' 40 Cmd(40) allow for program to run from a non writeable cd (if app.path
- 'not in list then don't update files or search or control files
- '20 july 2002
- Print #FileFile, "WW" '41 cmd(41) if photo file default to this as option prompt#2
- Print #FileFile, "Y" '42 cmd(42) if text file default to this as option prompt #2
- Print #FileFile, "c:\winnt\explorer.exe" '43 see #8 above
- Print #FileFile, "c:\PROGRAM FILES\windows nt\ACCESSORIES\WORDPAD.EXE" ' 44 see #10 above
- Print #FileFile, "1" ' 46 FIRST PROMPT FILE SELECT IE #1 FILE
- Print #FileFile, "WW" ' 47 SEARCH OPTIONS allow for "TT2.5 RAND P2 WW"
- Print #FileFile, "NORANDOM" ' 49 RANDOM OR NORANDOM ON THE PHOTO SEARCH 09 december 2002
- Print #FileFile, "1084" ' 51 avi file size x
- Print #FileFile, "800" ' 52 avi file size y
- Print #FileFile, "SHOWVIDEO" ' 53 set to SHOWVIDEO if avi installed 10 february 2003
- Print #FileFile, "SHOWDUPS" ' 54 28 FEBRUARY 2003
- 'vvversion make changes here to add to the control files...
- Print #FileFile, "00" ' 55 Context Clear line count 18 march 2003 ver=1.01
- Print #FileFile, "PHOTO_DETAIL" ' 56 Display photo detail info on pictures must be normal not stretch ie image control element
- 'ver=1.02 above photo_detail
- Print #FileFile, "noSHOWTIME" ' 57 ver=1.03 time display on off switch
- Print #FileFile, "noDEFAULT_TO_CD" ' 58 ver=1.06 if set then default to cd over-ride drive #
- Print #FileFile, "0.00" ' 59 Adjust wait time by this value
- Print #FileFile, "0.00" ' 60 freeze_sec if set for mpeg files only
- Print #FileFile, "SETSPEED1000" ' 61 to allow for switching set speed option off 30 October 2003 1000 = full speed 500=1/2
- Print #FileFile, "0.01668" ' 62 slow motion segment length (with 0.01667 play for 2 hundredths)
- Print #FileFile, "noSHOWELAP" ' 63 show the elapsed time of a video (slomo only). 11 February 2004
- Print #FileFile, "30" ' 64 21 March 2004 pad / add to elapsed amount 30 50 100 etc
- Print #FileFile, "noRANDBEG" ' 65 23 March 2004 randomly generate a begin point for mpg play
- Print #FileFile, "75" ' 66 10 April 2004 the speed for the replay of a paused video
- Print #FileFile, "noTHUMB" ' 67 14 April 2004 have as a control (handy to run CD's with rand & thumb)
- Print #FileFile, "noEOF_STOP" ' 68 12 September 2004 (WW)allow for backgrd jobs to halt after 1 pass cmd(68)
- Print #FileFile, "noHIT_STOP" ' 69 17 September 2004 (PP)allow for backgrd jobs to halt after first match
- Print #FileFile, "noFOREGROUND" ' 70 17 September 2004 have the second job get focus ie Foreground & hi-lited
- Print #FileFile, "noBATCHFILE==BATCHFILE.TXT" ' 71 27 October 2004 allow for batch input especially for rrr search and replace
- Print #FileFile, "noRESULTS.TXT" ' 72 08 November 2004 save a play list for video, pics, music handy to check previously played segment.
- Print #FileFile, "noFILESWITCH" ' 73 22 November 2004 when control file switches switch the file too?
- Print #FileFile, "noEOFCMD==CHGFILE.TXT" ' 74 26 November 2004 on end of file go to this file instead of loop
- Print #FileFile, "VIDEOSTOP" ' 75 12 December 2004 used for dvd and cds do not allow interrupt use the wait command
- Print #FileFile, "noLINEPAUSE==0.65" ' 76 24 December 2004 on each print line allow for a delay per line (like scrolling text)
- Print #FileFile, "noCHARACTERPAUSE==.0333" ' 77 03 January 2005 allow for characters to be displayed 1 at a time if easy
- Print #FileFile, "HTM, FRM, CLS, ASPX, " ' 78 07 January 2005 allow other text type formats to be merged.
- Print #FileFile, "" ' 79
- Print #FileFile, "" ' 80
- Print #FileFile, "" ' 81
- Print #FileFile, "" ' 82
- Print #FileFile, "" ' 83
- Print #FileFile, "" ' 84
- Print #FileFile, "" ' 85
- Print #FileFile, "" ' 86
- Print #FileFile, "" ' 87
- Print #FileFile, "" ' 88
- Print #FileFile, "" ' 89
- Print #FileFile, "" ' 90
- Print #FileFile, "" ' 91
- Print #FileFile, "" ' 92
- Print #FileFile, "" ' 93
- Print #FileFile, "" ' 94
- Print #FileFile, "" ' 95
- Print #FileFile, "" ' 96
- Print #FileFile, "" ' 97
- Print #FileFile, "" ' 98
- Print #FileFile, "" ' 99
- Print #FileFile, "" ' 100
- Close FileFile
- Return
- line_30600: 'january 09 2001
- 'crop incomming file to 120 or some other line length
- xtemp = Cmd(19)
- GoSub line_16000
- ' save_line = "16100-7" '18 March 2007 testing only only
- GoSub line_16100 'january 09 2001
- crop_len = Val(Cmd(21)) - 2 'the default
- 'the crop_len is reduced by 2 as the display portion of program always loads
- 'a space in front. One wants to do the break 1 space before that so that
- 'display doesn't do another line break january 13 2001
- xtemp = InputBox("crop line length prompt", "test", CStr(crop_len), xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) '
- crop_len = Val(xtemp)
- temp2 = 0
- Open TheFile For Input As #OutFile
- save_line = "30610"
- dblStart = Timer 'get the start time
- line_30610:
- Line Input #OutFile, aaa
- line_30612:
- 'might want to remove other odd ball characters here too todo **vip**
- tt = InStr(aaa, Chr(9)) 'check for tabs
- If tt = 0 Then
- GoTo line_30620
- End If
- 'change any tabs to 4 spaces
- aaa = Left(aaa, tt - 1) + " " + Right(aaa, Len(aaa) - tt)
- GoTo line_30612
- line_30620:
- 'below get rid of all trailing spaces
- II = Len(aaa)
- If Right(data_aaa, 1) = " " Then
- aaa = Left(aaa, II - 1)
- GoTo line_30620
- End If
- line_30625:
- II = Len(aaa)
- tt = 0
- If II <= crop_len + over_lap Then GoTo line_30630
- tt = InStr(crop_len, aaa, " ")
- 'if a - is going to split a word make sure that there are no nearby spaces below
- If (tt = 0 Or tt > crop_len + over_lap) And Mid(aaa, crop_len - 1, 1) = " " Then tt = crop_len - 1
- If (tt = 0 Or tt > crop_len + over_lap) And Mid(aaa, crop_len - 2, 1) = " " Then tt = crop_len - 2
- If (tt = 0 Or tt > crop_len + over_lap) And Mid(aaa, crop_len - 3, 1) = " " Then tt = crop_len - 3
- If (tt = 0 Or tt > crop_len + over_lap) And Mid(aaa, crop_len - 4, 1) = " " Then tt = crop_len - 4
- If tt = 0 Then GoTo line_30628
- If tt > crop_len + over_lap Then GoTo line_30628
- Print #ExtFile, Left(aaa, tt - 1)
- aaa = Mid(aaa, tt + 1)
- GoTo line_30625
- line_30628:
- Print #ExtFile, Left(aaa, crop_len); "-"
- temp2 = temp2 + 1
- aaa = Mid(aaa, crop_len + 1)
- GoTo line_30625
- line_30630:
- Print #ExtFile, aaa
- GoTo line_30610
- line_30640:
- dblEnd = Timer 'get the end time
- Print " elap="; Format(dblEnd - dblStart, "#####0.000")
- Print "rename "; FileExt; " as "; TheFile
- tt1 = UCase(InputBox("total changes=" + CStr(temp2) + " rename files Y/N <N>", "Rename Prompt", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2)) '
- If tt1 <> "Y" Then
- tt1 = "N"
- End If
- If UCase(tt1) = "N" Then
- Close OutFile, ExtFile
- GoTo line_30648
- End If
- Close OutFile, ExtFile
- DoEvents
- save_line = "30640"
- ' Kill "c:\oldfile.txt"
- Kill "oldfile.txt" 'december 3 2000
- DoEvents
- line_30645:
- ' tt1 = InputBox("minor pause", , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- DoEvents
- ' Name TheFile As "c:\oldfile.txt"
- Name TheFile As "oldfile.txt" 'december 3 2000
- DoEvents
- Name FileExt As TheFile
- 'rename files here if Y entered
- line_30648:
- Return 'january 09 2001
- line_30700: 'april 01 2001 get files routine for copy from cd? to disc
- 'prompt for the various options first giving defaults
- 'prompt for the source of the files maybe with sub-directories etc
- Test1_str = InputBox("input directory ", "data source (your input required) ", Cmd(35), xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) 'april 01 2001
- If UCase(Test1_str) = "X" Or UCase(Test1_str) = "E" Then GoTo End_32000
- indir = Test1_str
- If Right(indir, 1) <> "\" Then indir = indir + "\" 'june 17 2001
- If diryes = "DIR" Then GoTo line_30701 'february 20 2002
- If Cmd(35) <> indir Then
- GoSub Control_28000 'october 07 2001
- Cmd(35) = indir 'june 26 2001
- GoSub line_30800 'kill and update the control file
- End If
- line_30701:
- Test1_str = UCase(Test1_str)
- If Test1_str = "C:\*" Then
- indir = Left(indir, 3) 'allow for complete directory of C:\
- GoTo line_30702
- End If 'april 11 2001
- 'ensure that they arn't allowed to find every *.jpg on C drive? Below....
- 'allow them to do a complete directory of any device / drive june 10 2001
- 'june 10 2001 II = InStr(1, Test1_str, "C:\")
- II = 0 'june 10 2001
- If II <> 0 Then
- If InStr(II + 3, Test1_str, "\") = 0 Then
- Test1_str = InputBox("Wouldn't want to do all c:\", "never all of c drive", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) 'april 01 2001
- GoTo line_30700
- End If
- End If
- line_30702:
- 'when one wants just to catalogue them where they reside rather than copying them etc
- If diryes = "DIR" Then GoTo line_30704 'february 18 2002
- Test1_str = InputBox("inplace catalogue ", "no copy (Y/N)<Y>", "Y", xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) 'april 01 2001
- If UCase(Test1_str) = "X" Or UCase(Test1_str) = "E" Then GoTo End_32000
- inplace = UCase(Test1_str)
- outdir = ""
- If inplace = "Y" Then GoTo line_30704
- 'make sure the destination directory is not one of those that are listed for the *.jpg directory
- 'todo **vip** see above
- Test1_str = InputBox("destination directory ", "storage area (input needed here)", Cmd(23), xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) 'april 01 2001
- If UCase(Test1_str) = "X" Or UCase(Test1_str) = "E" Then GoTo End_32000
- outdir = Test1_str
- line_30703:
- 'may 28 2001 Test1_str = InputBox("2 leading characters for file ", "delete to keep file name", "x-", xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) 'april 01 2001
- Test1_str = InputBox(" keep original file name Y/N <Y> (pict for pict01 & pict02 etc)", "Output file name prompt ", "Y", xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2)
- If UCase(Test1_str) = "X" Or UCase(Test1_str) = "E" Then GoTo End_32000
- leaddidg = Test1_str
- delete_file = "N" 'june 30 2001
- If Test1_str = "Y" Then leaddidg = "" 'may 28 2001
- 'may 28 2001
- 'june 30 2001
- Test1_str = InputBox(" DELETE original file Y/N <N> ", "Delete original file ", "N", xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2)
- If UCase(Test1_str) = "X" Or UCase(Test1_str) = "E" Then GoTo End_32000
- delete_file = UCase(Test1_str)
- ' If Len(leaddidg) <> 2 Then GoTo line_30703 'enforce 2 characters april 05 2001
- line_30704:
- '19 September 2004 temps = "ALL, MPG, MP3, JPG, BMP, TXT, WMV, AVI" 'february 23 2002
- 'the merge should also allow frm cls bas files as well ie the vb code merge
- '28 November 2004 temps = "MPG, MP3, JPG, BMP, WMV, AVI (x to exit)" 'february 23 2002
- temps = "MPEG, MPG, MP3, JPG, BMP, WMV, AVI GIF ALL (x to exit)" 'May 25 2008
- ' temps = "MPG, MP3, JPG, BMP, WMV, AVI GIF ALL (x to exit)" 'february 23 2002
- '07 January 2005 allow control file to contain what formats to merge
- '07 January 2005 If Mergem = "YES" Then temps = "TXT, " + temps '19 September 2004
- If diryes = "DIR" Then temps = "ALL, " + temps '20 September 2004
- If Mergem = "YES" Then temps = "TXT, " + Cmd(78) '07 January 2005
- '18 August 2004 If diryes = "DIR" Then temps = temps + " <A> for All" 'february 23 2002
- xtemp = Cmd(36) 'february 23 2002
- If Mergem = "YES" Then xtemp = "TXT" '07 January 2005
- '20 September 2004 If xtemp = "ALL" Then xtemp = "JPG" '19 September 2004 (just because its out there in older versions)
- If xtemp = "ALL" And diryes <> "DIR" Then xtemp = "JPG" '20 September 2004 (just because its out there in older versions)
- '27 may 2002 xtemp = "A" 'february 23 2002
- Test1_str = InputBox("file type / extension ", temps, xtemp, xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) 'april 01 2001
- Test1_str = UCase(Test1_str)
- If Test1_str = "A" Then Test1_str = "ALL" '07 January 2005
- '09 July 2003 over-ride the PHOTO_DETAIL setting
- '09 July 2003 "photo_detail" must be set for the data in the TAG to be used... vip
- If Test1_str = "MP3" Then
- Cmd(56) = "PHOTO_DETAIL" '09 July 2003 needed to get the info out for now anyway
- detailyn = "PHOTO_DETAIL" '18 November 2004
- Cmd(49) = "NORANDOM" 'this seemed to cause some problems too...
- End If '09 July 2003
- If Test1_str = "X" Or Test1_str = "E" Then GoTo End_32000
- If InStr(Cmd(78), Test1_str) <> 0 And Len(Test1_str) = 4 And Mergem = "YES" Then GoTo line_30705 '07 March 2008
- If InStr(Cmd(78), Test1_str) <> 0 And Len(Test1_str) = 3 And Mergem = "YES" Then GoTo line_30705 '07 January 2005
- If InStr(Cmd(78), Test1_str) <> 0 And Len(Test1_str) = 2 And Mergem = "YES" Then GoTo line_30705 '19 November 2006
- If Test1_str = "TXT" And Mergem = "YES" Then GoTo line_30705 '19 September 2004
- '07 January 2005 add logic to have merge of text file types to come from control file ie htm, cls, frm etc
- If Mergem = "YES" Then GoTo line_30704 '07 January 2005 do not merge non text formats ever.
- If Test1_str = "MPEG" Then GoTo line_30705 '25 May 2008
- If Test1_str = "VOB" Then GoTo line_30705 '15 December 2006
- If Test1_str = "MPG" Then GoTo line_30705 '19 September 2004
- If Test1_str = "MP3" Then GoTo line_30705 '19 September 2004
- If Test1_str = "JPG" Then GoTo line_30705 '19 September 2004
- If Test1_str = "BMP" Then GoTo line_30705 '19 September 2004
- If Test1_str = "WMV" Then GoTo line_30705 '19 September 2004
- If Test1_str = "AVI" Then GoTo line_30705 '19 September 2004
- If Test1_str = "GIF" Then GoTo line_30705 '28 November 2004
- If Test1_str = "LOG" Then GoTo line_30705 '27 November 2006
- If Test1_str = "ALL" Then GoTo line_30705 '20 September 2004
- GoTo line_30704 '19 September 2004
- line_30705: '19 September 2004 only allow the ones above
- '19 September 2004 the option "ALL" for dirtype is no longer in use.
- ' it is confusing to allow formats that the program can not display, therefore no more ALL
- '07 January 2005 If Test1_str = "A" Then Test1_str = "ALL" 'february 23 2002
- dirtype = Cmd(36) 'february 23 2002
- If Test1_str = "ALL" Then dirtype = "ALL" 'february 23 2002
- If Test1_str = "ALL" Then
- filetype = "*"
- Else
- filetype = Test1_str
- End If 'february 23 2002
- If Cmd(36) <> dirtype Then
- GoSub Control_28000 'october 07 2001
- Cmd(36) = dirtype 'june 30 2001
- GoSub line_30800 'kill and update the control file
- End If
- If diryes = "DIR" Then
- 'february 23 2002 filetype = "*" 'february 18 2002
- minsize = -1
- maxsize = 99999
- maxsize = 9999999999# '08 june 2003
- autobuild = "Y"
- savepath = "N"
- skipyesno = "N"
- inplace = "Y"
- GoTo line_30706 'february 18 2002
- End If
- 'can use * for filetype above april 11 2001
- 'should probably strip out any . periods????
- 'use FileLen when checking file size
- 'min size handy for skippin thumbnail picts ie those less than 20,000
- Test1_str = InputBox("minimum size ", "smallest file (min =0)", ".5", xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) 'april 01 2001
- If UCase(Test1_str) = "X" Or UCase(Test1_str) = "E" Then GoTo End_32000
- minsize = Val(Test1_str)
- 'max size handy to skip extra large files or for seeing those under 20,000 too
- Test1_str = InputBox("maximum size ", "largest file", "999999999", xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) 'april 01 2001
- If UCase(Test1_str) = "X" Or UCase(Test1_str) = "E" Then GoTo End_32000
- maxsize = Val(Test1_str)
- 'the auto copy is handy for when just a backup and initial file create wanted ie no intereaction
- Test1_str = InputBox("auto build ", "selection prompts (Y/N)<Y>", "Y", xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) 'april 01 2001
- If UCase(Test1_str) = "X" Or UCase(Test1_str) = "E" Then GoTo End_32000
- autobuild = UCase(Test1_str)
- 'no need to save path really if inplace catalogue unless for searching
- Test1_str = InputBox("original path in text line ", "track original (Y/N)<Y>", "Y", xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) 'april 01 2001
- If UCase(Test1_str) = "X" Or UCase(Test1_str) = "E" Then GoTo End_32000
- savepath = UCase(Test1_str)
- Test1_str = InputBox("skip duplicate file sizes ", "skip duplicates (Y/N)<N>", "N", xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) 'june 09 2001
- If UCase(Test1_str) = "X" Or UCase(Test1_str) = "E" Then GoTo End_32000
- skipyesno = UCase(Test1_str)
- 'log the file locations to the search text file replace.txt etc
- ' xtemp = Cmd(19)
- line_30706: 'february 18 2002
- filereason = "Search link text file name"
- xtemp = Cmd(37) 'june 30 2001
- If diryes = "DIR" Then xtemp = "directory.txt" 'february 24 2002
- If Mergem = "YES" Then xtemp = "merge.txt" 'february 24 2002
- GoSub line_16000 'february 24 2002 moved up
- oopen = "WRITE" 'september 02 2001
- 'february 17 2002 add xtemp name below
- oopen = InputBox(" append(A) or write(O) <over-write> " & FileExt, "Append or New Prompt ", "O", xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2)
- oopen = UCase(oopen)
- If oopen <> "O" Then oopen = "APPEND"
- If oopen <> "APPEND" Then
- oopen = "WRITE" 'september 02 2001
- End If
- If diryes = "DIR" Then
- 'february 24 2002 xtemp = "directory.txt"
- 'february 24 2002 FileExt = xtemp
- 'february 25 2002 oopen = "WRITE" 'february 18 2002
- GoTo line_30708
- End If 'february 18 2002
- If Cmd(37) <> FileExt Then
- GoSub Control_28000 'october 07 2001
- Cmd(37) = FileExt 'june 30 2001
- GoSub line_30800 'kill and update the control file
- End If
- line_30708: 'february 18 2002
- 'following lines moved down from above the if february 18 2002
- ' save_line = "16100-8" '18 March 2007 testing only only
- GoSub line_16100 'open the replace.txt for output
- ' save_line = "16100-8a" '18 March 2007 testing only only
- oopen = "write" 'september 02 2001
- dblStart = Timer 'get the start time
- ' If diryes = "DIR" Then
- ' testtest = InputBox("RIGHT AFTER FILE OPEN " + FileExt, "get files ", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) 'april 01 2001
- ' End If
- filereason = ""
- ttt1 = 0
- tt = 1
- temp_cnt = 0 '08 July 2003
- Cls
- cript1(tt) = indir
- line_30710:
- II = ttt1 + 1
- III = tt
- '08 July 2003 see what is happening to Peter tran tap's computer when a dir done
- temp_cnt = tt '08 July 2003 testing only can be removed when done
- Print "testing directory " + CStr(temp_cnt) + " " + CStr(Len(Trim(cript1(tt)))) + " " + cript1(tt) '08 July 2003 testing
- Print "-" '08 July 2003 testing to clear above print line to screen meebee
- new_delay_sec = 1 '18 August 2004
- ' save_line = "16100-8b" '18 March 2007 testing only only
- GoSub line_30300 '18 August 2004
- ' save_line = "16100-8c" '18 March 2007 testing only only
- ' delay_sec = 2
- ' GoSub line_30000 'do a temporary delay sleep wait while testing for now handy
- '25 July 2003 delay_sec = Format(Val(Cmd(27)), "###0.0000")
- delay_sec = Val(Cmd(27))
- If temp_cnt Mod 20 = 0 Then
- Cls
- End If '08 July 2003
- ' save_line = "16100-8d" '18 March 2007 testing only only
- For JJ = II To III
- save_line = "see folder " + CStr(cript1(JJ)) '18 March 2007 testing only only
- '18 March 2007 somehow my favorites are causing this problem just skip em for now
- ' one other place where favorites needs to be skipped
- If InStr(1, UCase(cript1(JJ)), "FAVORITES") <> 0 Then GoTo line_30711 '18 March 2007
- thedir = Dir(cript1(JJ), vbDirectory)
- ' Test1_str = InputBox("In the get folders " + cript1(JJ) + " " + CStr(II) + " " + CStr(III) + " " + CStr(tt), "get files ", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) 'april 01 2001
- ' If Test1_str = "x" Or Test1_str = "e" Then GoTo End_32000
- Do While thedir <> ""
- ' Print "testing directory " + thedir, CStr(temp_cnt) '08 July 2003 testing
- ' Print "testing directory " + CStr(temp_cnt) '08 July 2003 testing
- If thedir <> "." And thedir <> ".." Then
- If (GetAttr(cript1(JJ) & thedir) And vbDirectory) = vbDirectory Then
- ' pp = FileLen("a:\temp.txt") 'testing
- ' Display entry only if it
- DoEvents
- '01 july 2003 activate following line
- ' Test1_str = InputBox("folders testing doug" + cript1(JJ) + "*" + outdir + "*" + thedir + "*" + indir + "*" + photo_dir, "get files ", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) 'april 01 2001
- If cript1(JJ) + thedir + "\" <> outdir Then
- tt = tt + 1
- cript1(tt) = cript1(JJ) + thedir + "\" 'save each folder and subfolder
- '27 june 2003 the few following lines were used to test for directory errors on partitioned disk
- ' i = i + 1
- ' If i Mod 20 = 0 Then
- ' Cls
- ' i = 0
- ' End If
- ' Print "test#1="; CStr(tt); " "; cript1(tt) '27 june 2003
- ' Print " "
- ' Print " " '27 june 2003
- If tt Mod 100 = 0 Then
- Print "working folders="; tt, cript1(JJ)
- End If
- End If 'just in case the outdir is in the same folder???
- 'it would go on and on coping in the same directory
- End If ' it represents a directory.
- End If
- '18 March 2007 If tt > 9999 Then
- If tt > 19999 Then
- Test1_str = InputBox("Max folders of 20000 " + CStr(tt), "needs changing ", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) 'april 01 2001
- GoTo line_30713
- End If 'for now set the max number of folders to 400
- thedir = Dir 'get next directory command
- Loop
- line_30711: '18 March 2007 skip my favorites files from cataloging seems to be a problem
- Next JJ
- ' save_line = "16100-8e" '18 March 2007 testing only only
- ddd = 0 'may 28 2001
- ttt1 = III
- If III <> tt Then GoTo line_30710
- line_30713:
- '25 june 2003 somewhere along the line here disk partitions do not seem to work???
- 'now start looking for the files in each of these directories / folders
- II = 0
- Cls
- For JJ = 1 To tt
- thedir = Dir(cript1(JJ) + "*." + filetype, vbDirectory) 'directory command
- Print "="; cript1(JJ); "=" 'april 11 2001 and 08 July 2003 checks...
- If JJ Mod 20 = 0 Then
- new_delay_sec = 0.1 '18 August 2004
- GoSub line_30300 '18 August 2004
- ' delay_sec = 0.2
- ' GoSub line_30000 'do a temporary delay sleep wait while testing for now handy
- Cls
- '25 July 2003 delay_sec = Format(Val(Cmd(27)), "###0.0000")
- delay_sec = Val(Cmd(27))
- End If '08 July 2003
- Do While thedir <> ""
- ' Do While thedir <> "." And thedir <> ".."
- If thedir = "." Then GoTo line_30720
- If thedir = ".." Then GoTo line_30720
- pp = FileLen(cript1(JJ) + thedir) 'testing
- If pp = last_pp And skipyesno = "Y" Then
- skip_pp = skip_pp + 1
- GoTo line_30720 'ken had a bunch of duplicates
- End If 'may 10 2001
- 'need the file datecreated and modified changed dates april 11 2001
- ' If diryes = "DIR" Then
- ' testtest = InputBox("Testing dir step 1 " + FileExt + Format(pp, "########"), "get files ", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) 'april 01 2001
- ' If testtest = "X" Then GoTo What_50
- ' End If
- If minsize * 1000 > pp Then GoTo line_30720 'skip it too small
- If maxsize * 1000 < pp Then GoTo line_30720 'skip it too big
- tt1 = ""
- If autobuild = "Y" Then GoTo line_30715
- If img_ctrl = "YES" Then
- Set Image1.Picture = LoadPicture(cript1(JJ) + thedir)
- Else
- Set Picture = LoadPicture(cript1(JJ) + thedir)
- End If
- tt1 = InputBox("select picture Y/N <Y> " + cript1(JJ) + thedir + " " + CStr(pp), "Or enter photo description", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2)
- If UCase(tt1) = "N" Then GoTo line_30720 'they didn't want it
- If UCase(tt1) = "E" Or UCase(tt1) = "X" Then GoTo End_32000
- line_30715:
- ' If diryes = "DIR" Then
- ' testtest = InputBox("Testing dir step 2 " + FileExt, "get files ", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) 'april 01 2001
- ' End If
- '18 March 2007 need to skip anything from the favorites file vip
- If InStr(1, UCase(cript1(JJ)), "FAVORITES") <> 0 Then GoTo line_30730 '18 March 2007
- Test1_str = cript1(JJ) + thedir 'save the original path for search and reference
- If savepath <> "Y" Then Test1_str = " "
- newname = Test1_str
- 'may 28 2001 If inplace <> "Y" Then newname = outdir + leaddidg + CStr(JJ) + thedir
- If inplace <> "Y" Then
- ddd = ddd + 1
- newname = outdir + leaddidg + Format(ddd, "0000") + "." + filetype 'may 28 2001
- End If 'may 28 2001
- If inplace <> "Y" And leaddidg = "" Then newname = outdir + thedir 'april 05 2001
- If savepath <> "Y" Then Test1_str = ""
- 'right in here prompt for text description of the picture
- indates = ""
- If (GetAttr(cript1(JJ) & thedir) And vbDirectory) = vbDirectory Then GoTo line_30718
- ' If thedir = "COMMAND.COM" Then GoTo line_30718
- ' If thedir = "SCANDISK.LOG" Then GoTo line_30718
- '03 November 2004 If dirdates = "Y" Then
- If dirdates <> "Yxyxx" Then '03 November 2004 I want it on the gf for "d" display
- Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
- Set f1 = fs.GetFile(cript1(JJ) + thedir)
- 'if the date created below is unknown it fails ie not using it
- ' indates = " create=" & f1.DateCreated & " mod=" & f1.DateLastModified & " acc=" & f1.DateLastAccessed
- indates = " mod=" & f1.DateLastModified & " " + CStr(pp)
- ' Print "testing date="; indates
- End If
- ' Print "testing date="; f1.DateCreated, f1.DateLastModified, f1.DateLastAccessed
- line_30718:
- '24 june 2003
- If InStr(1, UCase(Test1_str), ".MP3") <> 0 Then
- FileFile = FreeFile
- lresult = getshortpathname(Test1_str, sshortfile, Len(sshortfile))
- temptemp = Left$(sshortfile, lresult)
- Open temptemp For Binary Access Read As FileFile '08 july 2003
- ' Open temptemp For Binary As FileFile '08 july 2003 just in case protection is a problem
- ' Print "print one " + Test1_str '08 July 2003 test
- Get FileFile, LOF(1) - 127, temptag
- ' Print "print onea " + temptag.header + temptag.songtitle '08 July 2003 test
- If UCase(temptag.header) = "TAG" Then
- temptemp = Trim(temptag.songtitle) + " " + Trim(temptag.artist) _
- + " " + Trim(temptag.album) + " " + Trim(temptag.year)
- temptemp = temptemp + " " + Trim(temptag.comments) '+ " genre=" + temptag.genre
- If Len(Trim(temptemp)) > 12 Then
- Test1_str = temptemp
- indates = ""
- End If '25 june 2003 if there is not much in the header use directory info instead
- ' Print temptag.header
- ' Print "title " + temptag.songtitle '08 July 2003
- ' Print Test1_str
- End If
- Close FileFile
- ' Print "print two " + Test1_str '08 July 2003 test
- End If '24 june 2003
- 'june 10 2001
- ' If UCase(indir) <> "C:\" And dirdates <> "Y" Then
- If dirdates <> "Y" Then
- '03 November 2004 Print #ExtFile, "photo " + Test1_str + " " + tt1
- Print #ExtFile, "photo " + Test1_str + " " + tt1 + " " + indates
- indates = "" '03 November 2004
- End If
- If inplace = "Y" Then Test1_str = cript1(JJ) + thedir
- If inplace <> "Y" Then Test1_str = newname
- If diryes = "DIR" Then 'february 18 2002
- If Mergem = "YES" Then indates = " append start" 'February 24 2002
- 'need to replace indates above so that later diff program will work on a program level
- 'need to skip the copy logic etc here if the file name same as output name vip
- Print #ExtFile, Test1_str; indates
- '07 January 2005 need to check that it is one of those allowed in Cmd(78) before merging
- If Mergem = "YES" Then GoSub line_17200 'february 24 2002
- ' need to open need to open and read the file here thru a call
- 'then put and append end along with the file name at the end.
- 'should just need to use one file # for the opens and closes...
- Else
- Print #ExtFile, "xxx." + Test1_str; indates
- End If 'february 18 2002 skip the xxx. on print only
- '11 december 2002 II = II + 1 'count of files selected
- EE = EE + 1 '11 december 2002
- If EE Mod 100 = 0 Then
- Print "working pics="; EE; " "; Test1_str; indates; " "; CStr(pp);
- dblEnd = Timer 'get the end time
- Print " elap="; Format(dblEnd - dblStart, "#####0.000")
- 'may 10 2001
- End If
- '11 december 2002 If II Mod 2000 = 0 Then
- If EE Mod 2000 = 0 Then
- Cls 'clear after every 20 lines
- End If 'april 11 2001
- If inplace <> "Y" Then
- DoEvents
- FileCopy cript1(JJ) + thedir, newname 'copy the file
- ' delay_sec = 1 'may 10 2001
- ' GoSub line_30000
- DoEvents
- 'Print "testing doug delete_file="; cript1(JJ) + thedir
- If delete_file = "Y" Then
- Kill cript1(JJ) + thedir
- DoEvents 'june 30 2001
- End If
- End If 'copy file here
- line_30720:
- last_pp = pp
- DoEvents
- thedir = Dir 'get next directory
- Loop
- line_30730:
- Next JJ
- '12 december 2002 Test1_str = InputBox("total folders= " + CStr(III) + " total files= " + CStr(II) + " skip=" + CStr(skip_pp), "session counts " & FileExt, , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) 'april 01 2001
- Test1_str = InputBox("total folders= " + CStr(III) + " total files= " + CStr(EE) + " skip=" + CStr(skip_pp), "session counts " & FileExt, , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) 'april 01 2001
- '22 june 2003 put 10 blank lines at end of file
- For JJ = 1 To 10
- Print #ExtFile, ""
- Next JJ '22 june 2003
- Close #ExtFile
- Return 'april 01 2001
- line_30800: 'update control.txt with changes
- DoEvents
- ' Kill "C:\control.txt"
- If auto_exe = "YES" Then GoTo line_30850 '04 September 2004
- If InStr(Cmd(40), Left(App.Path, 3)) = 0 And Trim(Cmd(40)) <> "" Then
- xtemp = InputBox("app.path" + App.Path + " not found or updated " + Format(delay_sec, "###0.0000") + Cmd(40), , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- Print " no control file update cmd(40)"
- GoTo line_30850
- End If '20 july 2002 must be a writeable device in cmd(40)
- ' Kill "control.txt" 'december 3 2000
- Kill control_file '23 september 2002
- FileFile = FreeFile
- II = DoEvents
- ' Open "C:\control.txt" For Output Access Write As #FileFile
- ' Open "control.txt" For Output Access Write As #FileFile 'december 3 2000
- Open control_file For Output Access Write As #FileFile '23 september 2002
- For f = 1 To 100
- If Len(Cmd(f)) < 1 Then
- Cmd(f) = Space(50)
- End If
- Print #FileFile, Cmd(f)
- Next f
- Close FileFile
- GoSub Control_28000 'october 07 2001
- line_30850: '20 july 2002
- ' ttt = "" ''october 07 2001
- Return
- line_30900: 'the "HELP" routine here october 14 2001
- FileFile = FreeFile
- Open "help.txt" For Output As FileFile
- Print #FileFile, " File Prompt #1"
- Print #FileFile, " Enter a file to use '?.txt' or select one"
- Print #FileFile, " of the previously selected files 1-20"
- Print #FileFile, " Option Prompt #2"
- Print #FileFile, " Display pictures, Enter text, Search text"
- Print #FileFile, " Help, Append text, Screen Saver, Set program"
- Print #FileFile, " control options etc etc etc"
- Print #FileFile, ""
- Print #FileFile, " ***** Prompt #2 Options *****"
- Print #FileFile, " C context search / most common search option"
- Print #FileFile, " CC context search / more speed combination of 'S' and 'C' search"
- Print #FileFile, " E Enter more notes to the end of the current text file"
- Print #FileFile, " F Flash search display option, all lines displayed, stopping on matches"
- Print #FileFile, " Q Single line search matching case sensitive (see 'S')"
- Print #FileFile, " S single line match display Lower & Uppercase sensitive"
- Print #FileFile, " Both Q And S are now the same If search is numeric then no uppercase shift etc"
- Print #FileFile, " Y Display the last screen of data ie Yesterday or Last data"
- Print #FileFile, " CH change to text file (uses wordpad for edits)"
- Print #FileFile, " M Minimize screen (allows start of other desktop processes)"
- Print #FileFile, " X Exit to file name prompt"
- Print #FileFile, " P1 Photo display forces (STRETCH) to fit to screen"
- Print #FileFile, " P2 Photo display without a fit to screen option (NORMAL)"
- Print #FileFile, " P Photo display at the default display (stretch or normal)"
- Print #FileFile, " TT Screen saver timer delay ie 'tt0' 'tt5' 'tt10' 'tt.33"
- Print #FileFile, " SS screen saver display ie SSdog river flower"
- Print #FileFile, " WW screen saver display with search criteria ie flood/oldie/ice "
- Print #FileFile, " MERGE to merge.txt so all files can be searched at once ie frm"
- Print #FileFile, " DIR files directory with date and size to directory.txt"
- Print #FileFile, " DIRDATES use with GF below to list date and size of selected files"
- Print #FileFile, " GF Get File, used to capture un-catalogued pictures (use NORAND for MP3 VIP"
- Print #FileFile, " CP Copy picture option, searches catalogued pictures for copy / export to another device or folder"
- Print #FileFile, " Z Paste / Append contents of clipboard text to end of current file"
- Print #FileFile, " HELP display this help.txt info"
- Print #FileFile, " --------------- some lesser used options below "
- Print #FileFile, " RRR search and replace option for masive text changes"
- Print #FileFile, " RAND / NORAND Random display of picture files in SS WW P1 or P2"
- Print #FileFile, " THUMbnail for preview /sample of video or audio using time setting tt10 tt15 etc"
- Print #FileFile, " ELAP elapsed time to display after each mp3 or mpg file "
- Print #FileFile, " video / novideo turn on and off the option for video display (avi decompressor) must be installed" '10 february 2003
- Print #FileFile, " PAUSE / PA to allow for continual text display pausing for what is in the TT delay"
- Print #FileFile, " NS No Show option ie 'nsx-rated my-ex jerk'"
- Print #FileFile, " CCC change to display options in option1.txt for larger font, color changes etc"
- Print #FileFile, " XXX option to extract all displayed data to an alternate text file"
- Print #FileFile, " SKIP Don't display ie skip lines when match found ie 'skipmy-email'"
- Print #FileFile, " CRIPT Encript current text file using crip.txt as control file"
- Print #FileFile, " DECRIPT Does reversal of the cript option"
- Print #FileFile, " MYSTUFF Allows for on-line de-encription of an encripted text file"
- Print #FileFile, " LL Line length, sets line length before wrap ie 'LL100' 'LL' sets back to original length"
- Print #FileFile, " SHOWPOS Displays the line length at the end of each line"
- Print #FileFile, " SHOWASC Displays ascii value of last 10 characters on line"
- Print #FileFile, " EMAIL Reads e-mail formatted files and skips lots of control info"
- Print #FileFile, " IMPORT Takes e-mails from netscape and outlook files"
- Print #FileFile, " T Same as 'S' except that data also put to an extract file"
- Print #FileFile, " D Same as 'C' except that data also put to an extract file"
- Print #FileFile, " R Same as 'Q' except that data also put to an extract file"
- Print #FileFile, " CROP Creates extract file with line wraps ie 'CROP100'"
- Print #FileFile, " QQQ Similar to RRR used to line-feed carriage-returns from line matches"
- Print #FileFile, " VV Load clipboard with text following 'VVrepetitive data'"
- Print #FileFile, " VVV Loads secondary clipboard with data 'VVVinsert-this'"
- Print #FileFile, " GGG yet another clip area load"
- Print #FileFile, " SC Screen Capture delay (delays prompt box by 5 seconds) so alt/print-screen sequence can capture data"
- Print #FileFile, " PC Picture count (used with 'CP' to assign picture sequence number ie 'PC20' results in pict20.jpg "
- Print #FileFile, " DISC displays username and computer name & OS version"
- Print #FileFile, " HH Sets the hilite_this element (very handy to hi-lite other info CMD(31))"
- Print #FileFile, " " '06 December 2004 see if a blank line fixes the help display
- Print #FileFile, " HL Changes the Append_start element for display"
- Print #FileFile, " HLL Changes the Append_end element for hi-liting"
- Print #FileFile, " DETAIL NODETAIL changes cmd(56) " '18 November 2004
- Print #FileFile, ""
- Print #FileFile, " ***** Search Prompt #3 Options *****"
- Print #FileFile, "V or H will load clipboard data just like Ctrl V" '17 December 2004
- Print #FileFile, "D for todays date to be the search"
- Print #FileFile, "DX for yesterday date for search but no 01 workie"
- Print #FileFile, "otherwise the text search strings seperated by a =" + Cmd(6) '06 December 2004
- Print #FileFile, ""
- Print #FileFile, " ***** End of Screen #4 Prompt Options *****"
- Print #FileFile, " P Previous for previous picture or previous match if text search"
- Print #FileFile, " PP Previous Picture passed to Browser Netscape or Explorer"
- Print #FileFile, " allows for a picture print etc "
- Print #FileFile, " B Back / previous page when in text search display"
- Print #FileFile, " V Same as Back moves one page before current match"
- Print #FileFile, " "
- Print #FileFile, " ***** Detail line options and controls *****"
- Print #FileFile, " WAIT= Over-ride wait time on a line by line basis"
- Print #FileFile, " THUMB== Partial play using time in display seconds"
- Print #FileFile, " DOSHOW Over-ride any noshow"
- Print #FileFile, " START== Set the start point for a Movie or Music file"
- Print #FileFile, " FIT== Set the photo display to fit-to-screen"
- Print #FileFile, " REG== Display the photo without fit-to-screen"
- Print #FileFile, " "
- Print #FileFile, " ***** Command File Control Elements *****"
- Print #FileFile, " CMD(1) Max_cnt lines per screen ==" + Cmd(1)
- Print #FileFile, " CMD(2) Font.size text point size ==" + Cmd(2)
- Print #FileFile, " CMD(3) Backcolor background color '3 for aqua' ==" + Cmd(3)
- Print #FileFile, " CMD(4) Def_fore text color '15 for white' '12 for red' ==" + Cmd(4)
- Print #FileFile, " CMD(5) forecolor hi-lite color '14 for yellow' ==" + Cmd(5)
- Print #FileFile, " CMD(6) seperator '/' forward slash default search seperator ==" + Cmd(6)
- Print #FileFile, " CMD(7) dateno or dateyes for a date on every input line ==" + Cmd(7)
- Print #FileFile, " CMD(8) browser default Explorer / Netscape path ==" + Cmd(8)
- Print #FileFile, " CMD(9) paint program 'mspaint' file path ==" + Cmd(9)
- Print #FileFile, "CMD(10) text editor 'wordpad' is the default 'CH' option ==" + Cmd(10)
- Print #FileFile, "CMD(11) files.txt list of opened files in accessed order ==" + Cmd(11)
- Print #FileFile, "CMD(12) search.txt list of recent search strings in order at search prompt ==" + Cmd(12)
- Print #FileFile, "CMD(13) mspub.exe executable program ?? ==" + Cmd(13)
- Print #FileFile, "CMD(14) enterdateyes date on start of each text entry group 'E' option ==" + Cmd(14)
- Print #FileFile, "CMD(15) enddateyes date on end of each text entry group 'E' option ==" + Cmd(15)
- Print #FileFile, "CMD(16) optional .exe ??? ==" + Cmd(16)
- Print #FileFile, "CMD(17) xoffset for prompt box '11000' photo display semi-hide prompt box ==" + Cmd(17)
- Print #FileFile, "CMD(18) yoffset for prompt box '8500' photo display semi-hide prompt box ==" + Cmd(18)
- Print #FileFile, "CMD(19) replace.txt temporary file for change routines see '37'??? ==" + Cmd(19)
- Print #FileFile, "CMD(20) C/p1/email ??? ==" + Cmd(20)
- Print #FileFile, "CMD(21) line_len characters per line '82' default ==" + Cmd(21)
- Print #FileFile, "CMD(22) context_lines '6' lines displayed before a 'C' context match ==" + Cmd(22)
- Print #FileFile, "CMD(23) copy picture 'CP' default folder 'destination folder for copies' ==" + Cmd(23)
- Print #FileFile, "CMD(24) ppaste allows for vvv to paste string 'xxx.c:\family1\scn000' ==" + Cmd(24)
- Print #FileFile, "CMD(25) gpaste allows for ggg to paste string 'photo family gathering' etc ==" + Cmd(25)
- Print #FileFile, "CMD(26) 'photo' ss default ss_search element ==" + Cmd(26)
- Print #FileFile, "CMD(27) delay_sec for screen saver 'SS' option '4' seconds default ==" + Cmd(27)
- Print #FileFile, "CMD(28) noshow element ie 'creep' 'nfg' 'my-x' etc for photo display skip photos ==" + Cmd(28)
- Print #FileFile, "CMD(29) altcolor '10' default green, see element 31 which is displayed with this color ==" + Cmd(29)
- Print #FileFile, " handy to display critical elements ie xxx. is in 31 for demo how to use this "
- Print #FileFile, "CMD(30) 'Y' unload project option required for Windows ME Y/N option ==" + Cmd(30)
- Print #FileFile, "CMD(31) hilite_this element 'XXX.' if this element exists hilite it with code in element 29 ==" + Cmd(31)
- Print #FileFile, "CMD(32) crip.txt encription file to use when 'mystuff' code ==" + Cmd(32)
- Print #FileFile, "CMD(33) D search default at search prompt entry 'D' for today etc ==" + Cmd(33)
- Print #FileFile, "CMD(34) 5 context window 'before' see element 22 ???? ==" + Cmd(34)
- Print #FileFile, "CMD(35) indir input directory for 'GF' get file load picture option ==" + Cmd(35)
- Print #FileFile, "CMD(36) file extension 'JPG' for 'GF' get file load picture type of picture ==" + Cmd(36)
- Print #FileFile, "CMD(37) temp.txt 'see option 19' ==" + Cmd(37)
- Print #FileFile, "CMD(38) stretch_img 'stretch/normal' 'yes' or 'no' P1 or P2 photo display option ==" + Cmd(38)
- Print #FileFile, "CMD(39) autoredraw allows for screen refresh between sessions (slows down F flash display and others)==" + Cmd(39)
- Print #FileFile, "CMD(40) Allowable write drives ie A:\ C:\ ==" + Cmd(40)
- Print #FileFile, "CMD(41) Option Prompt #2 if photo file default display P1 P2 WW ==" + Cmd(41)
- Print #FileFile, "CMD(42) Option Prompt #2 if text file default display C S Q ==" + Cmd(42)
- Print #FileFile, "CMD(43) browser default Explorer / Netscape path for NT==" + Cmd(43)
- Print #FileFile, "CMD(44) text editor 'wordpad' is the default 'CH' for NT option ==" + Cmd(44)
- Print #FileFile, "CMD(45) auto run program name ie SPECIAL ==" + Cmd(45)
- Print #FileFile, "CMD(46) auto run prompt #1 (file select) ==" + Cmd(46)
- Print #FileFile, "CMD(47) auto run prompt #2 (search options) ==" + Cmd(47)
- Print #FileFile, "CMD(48) auto run prompt #3 (search string)==" + Cmd(48)
- Print #FileFile, "CMD(49) RANDOM NORANDOM on photo search ==" + Cmd(49) '09 december 2002
- Print #FileFile, "CMD(50) Show Merged file names In Caption Area (SHOWFILES) ==" + Cmd(50) '24 december 2002
- Print #FileFile, "CMD(51) avi file size x min (1050)==" + Cmd(51) '01 february 2003
- Print #FileFile, "CMD(52) avi file size y min (775)==" + Cmd(52) '01 february 2003
- Print #FileFile, "CMD(53) video / novideo if avi installed (NOSHOWVIDEO)==" + Cmd(53) '10 february 2003
- Print #FileFile, "CMD(54) If recent files match show the duplicates or not (SHOWDUPS)==" + Cmd(54) '28 february 2003
- Print #FileFile, "CMD(55) number of lines in context file to clear (see Cmd(22)) 00 or ==" + Cmd(55) '18 March 2003 ver=1.01
- Print #FileFile, "CMD(56) display photo detail on pictures (set when GF and MP3) (PHOTO_DETAIL)==" + Cmd(56) '22 March 2003 ver=1.02
- Print #FileFile, "CMD(57) time display on / off switch (SHOWTIME)==" + Cmd(57) '26 March 2003 ver=1.03
- Print #FileFile, "CMD(58) DEFAULT_TO_CD when this set the drive ie c:\ will default to where it is running ie E:\ F:\==" + Cmd(58) '30 May 2003 ver=1.06
- Print #FileFile, "CMD(59) Delay Timing change (should be 0.00) for mpeg movies==" + Cmd(59) '29 September 2003
- Print #FileFile, "CMD(60) Freeze delay time for mpeg movies & Photo_detail info==" + Cmd(60) '01 October 2003
- Print #FileFile, "CMD(61) Allow for set speed of playback==" + Cmd(61) '30 October 2003
- Print #FileFile, "CMD(62) Slow Motion segment duration (ie .01667)==" + Cmd(62) '08 January 2004
- Print #FileFile, "CMD(63) Show Elapsed time of video switch (slow motion only) (ie SHOWELAP)==" + Cmd(63) '11 February 2004
- Print #FileFile, "CMD(64) Pad_time (thousandsands added when in slow motion)==" + Cmd(64) '21 February 2004
- 'the above command put in because some files failed when using the get position
- 'command ie notably the niki and sparrow bird bath some weird bug??
- 'it works in most cases, and is really only needed when cataloguing etc.
- Print #FileFile, "CMD(65) Random begin for video play RANDBEG etc ==" + Cmd(65) '23 March 2004
- Print #FileFile, "CMD(66) Interrupt video replay speed (ie 250) ==" + Cmd(66) '10 April 2004
- Print #FileFile, "CMD(67) Thumbnail on or off ie noTHUMB or THUMB ==" + Cmd(67) '14 April 2004
- Print #FileFile, "CMD(68) Continue at end of file (WW) ie noEOF_STOP ==" + Cmd(68) '12 September 2004 use with background job allows them to stop
- Print #FileFile, "CMD(69) Continue after match found (P) ie noHIT_STOP ==" + Cmd(69) '17 September 2004 use with background job allows them to stop after match found.
- Print #FileFile, "CMD(70) if FOREGROUND then background job given focus & hi-lited ==" + Cmd(70) '17 September 2004
- Print #FileFile, "CMD(71) Allow for input from batch file ie noBATCHFILE ==" + Cmd(71) '27 October 2004
- Print #FileFile, "CMD(72) Allow for video pictures music play list noRESULTS.TXT ==" + Cmd(72) '08 November 2004 keep a file for a play list
- Print #FileFile, "CMD(73) Switch input file when Control.txt file changes see Cmd(46) noFILESWITCH ==" + Cmd(73) '22 November 2004
- Print #FileFile, "CMD(74) End of file command file switch (re text searches mainly) noEOFCMD ==" + Cmd(74) '26 November 2004
- Print #FileFile, "CMD(75) Do not allow for video interrupt on cd and dvd copies VIDEOSTOP ==" + Cmd(75) '12 December 2004
- Print #FileFile, "CMD(76) Line pause to create scrolling text noLINEPAUSE==1.5 ==" + Cmd(76) '24 December 2004
- Print #FileFile, "CMD(77) Character pause on print text display noCHARACTERPAUSE==.00333 =="; Cmd(77) '03 January 2005
- Print #FileFile, "CMD(78) Text file formats to allow during merge command TXT FRM HTM ==" + Cmd(78) '07 January 2005
- Print #FileFile, "new feature 09 june 2002 allow for 6 search strings up from 3 (hi-lites only 3)"
- Print #FileFile, "new feature 23 june 2002 allow for hi-lites of all 6 search strings"
- Print #FileFile, "new feature 20 july 2002 allow use of non writable cd demo (do not update files)"
- Print #FileFile, "new feature 27 july 2002 at photo continue prompt allow for . to display hidden prompt on screen"
- Print #FileFile, "new feature 10 august 2002 allow for prompt #2 to default "
- Print #FileFile, "new feature 12 august 2002 allow for 'rand' at prompt #2 to randomly select pics in file "
- Print #FileFile, "new feature 25 august 2002 display elapsed time and character count on display"
- Print #FileFile, "new feature 26 august 2002 CC search uses 'S' search then regets with a 'P' previous sequence"
- Print #FileFile, "new feature 31 August 2002 if search data numeric don't do uppercase if alpha switch to uppercase for search"
- Print #FileFile, "new feature 05 October 2002 PAUSE / PA option allow for screen saver type display of text, stopping for TT on each screen"
- Print #FileFile, "new feature 12 October 2002 DEBPHO to debug the photo display on some computers"
- Print #FileFile, "new feature 30 November 2002 DISC now shows os version ie Windows 98 etc"
- Print #FileFile, "option change 05 December 2002 P1 & P2 just change image size P does single photo display"
- Print #FileFile, "new feature 09 December 2002 Cmd(49) RANDOM / NORANDOM store from run to run"
- Print #FileFile, "new feature 24 December 2002 Cmd(50) showfiles / noshowfiles in merged text files show file name where match found"
- Print #FileFile, "option change if program name matches Cmd(45) then change drive # to that of app.path"
- Print #FileFile, "Allow close of window during screen saver to unload form"
- Print #FileFile, "new feature 01 February 2003 allow for *.avi video play cmd(51) cmd(52)"
- Print #FileFile, "new feature 28 February 2003 enable skip if same file listed twice for play or display cmd(54)"
- Print #FileFile, "new feature 20 March 2003 context clear cmd(55) allow for centering of text on screen"
- Print #FileFile, "New Feature 22 March 2003 PHOTO_DETAIL text info along with pics see Cmd(56)"
- Print #FileFile, "New Feature 26 March 2003 version 1.03 & 1.02b switchable time display"
- Print #FileFile, "Hint: In random display mode, to view last 3 pictures add 6 blank lines to file"
- Print #FileFile, "New Feature 11 May 2003 ver=1.05 display *.mpg video files similar to *.avi"
- Print #FileFile, "New Feature 24 June 2003 ver=1.07 play mp3 audio files similar to above"
- Print #FileFile, "New Feature 13 July 2003 ver=1.07a ELAP for elapsed time display after mp3 and mpg files"
- Print #FileFile, "New Feature 19 July 2003 ver=1.07T THUMbnail at prompt #2 to just show or play short clips / previews /samples using tt time"
- Print #FileFile, " Version 2.0 and greater "
- Print #FileFile, " START==10000 at prompt #2 to test various start points in a video or song"
- Print #FileFile, " START==20000 on the search detail line, to change individual file start point"
- Print #FileFile, " use START==????? and WAIT=??? to show / play mini-clips from anywhere in a file"
- Print #FileFile, " ***start==1000 for those video files that just won't play ie.(wavie lines only)"
- Print #FileFile, "26 July 2003 default context display color to value in cmd(29) alternate color"
- Print #FileFile, " minor bug fix related to wait time changing"
- Print #FileFile, "New Feature 03 August 2003 ver=2.2 allow for FIT== And REG== to determine regular or fit to screen similar to WAIT="
- Print #FileFile, "New Feature 18 August 2003 THUMB== on detail line will force a short play based on delay seconds"
- Print #FileFile, " DOSHOW to over-ride any noshow settings (on detail line)"
- Print #FileFile, "Fix 09 September 2003 to allow for service pack 1 systems"
- Print #FileFile, "New Feature 24 September 2003 freeze=5 on a mpg video, after a wait=10 will hold the frame for display for 5 seconds"
- Print #FileFile, "New Feature 29 September 2003 cmd(59) element used to adjust delay time (between systems)"
- Print #FileFile, "New Feature 30 October 2003 cmd(61) element SETSPEED and speed=500 at prompt #2"
- Print #FileFile, "New Feature 16 November 2003 over-ride above speed on a line basis ie speed=250"
- Print #FileFile, "Fix 08 January 2004 replace SET SPEED with PAUSE and RESUME sequences"
- Print #FileFile, "New Feature 16 August 2004 WMV video format now plays"
- Print #FileFile, "Fix 16 August 2004 pause between jpg files fixed"
- Print #FileFile, "Fix 27 August 2004 at interrupt alow for complete play by entering aa"
- Print #FileFile, "New Feature 04 September allow for multiple inputs on prompt #2 seperated by / sep"
- Print #FileFile, "New Feature 12 September 2004 allow for background job backgrd==c:\search\backgrd1\backgrd1.exe "
- Print #FileFile, "New Feature cmd(68) EOF_STOP to allow for background job to stop at eof use with (WW) prompt #2 option"
- Print #FileFile, "New Feature Cmd(69) HIT_STOP to allow for background job to stop at first match/hit use with (P) prompt #2 option"
- Print #FileFile, "New Feature Cmd(70) FOREGROUND causes a background job to be given focus over main job"
- Print #FileFile, "New Feature command==tt8/rand/randa/thumb/ww found on match line will change command settings"
- Print #FileFile, "Fix 25 October 2004 Small video now play"
- Print #FileFile, "27 October 2004 Batch file input option see cmd(71)"
- Print #FileFile, " differences between to files limit of 10000 lines for now"
- Print #FileFile, " differences between to files limit of 20000 lines for now 18-Mar-2007"
- Print #FileFile, "Minor change force directory date out on gf option 03 November 2004"
- Print #FileFile, "08 November 2004 create a results.txt file for video pics music see Cmd(72)"
- Print #FileFile, "18 November 2004 minor New Feature DETAIL, NODETAIL changes cmd(56)"
- Print #FileFile, "19 November 2004 New feature allows for CONTROL==controlx.txt or controly.txt to switch control files"
- Print #FileFile, " ***vip*** change the control files on the fly (very usefull)"
- Print #FileFile, " less use for the command== option now" '19 November 2004
- '20 November 2004 allow for a cr at photo continue prompt to restart screen saver if auto_exe set
- Print #FileFile, "22 November 2004 New feature on CONTROL== if cmd(73) has FILESWITCH then change the input file to element cmd(46)"
- Print #FileFile, " in the new control file. " '22 November 2004
- Print #FileFile, "23 November 2004 New Feature on OPTIONS==OPT=controla.txtOPT=controlb.txtOPT=controlc.txt select 1 2 or 3 ..10 for navigation of presentations"
- Print #FileFile, "28 November 2004 New Feature add GIF files to list of pictures displayed"
- Print #FileFile, "06 December 2004 New Feature enter DX at search prompt for yesterday date but not 01"
- Print #FileFile, "17 December 2004 New Feature enter a V or H at the search prompt will paste in the clipboard just like Ctrl V"
- Print #FileFile, "19 December 2004 New Feature allow for inset keypad at prompt #1 and prompt #3 ie J=4 K=5 L=6 etc"
- Print #FileFile, "24 December 2004 New Feature allow for pause after each print line. Rather than all text displayed at once see Cmd(76)"
- Print #FileFile, "06 January 2005 Minor New Feature, if pause do not display prompt #4 at end of screen add 1 line to max_cnt cmd(1)"
- Print #FileFile, "07 January 2005 New Feature allow for merge of text data files other than .txt ie .htm .for .frm .cls etc..."
- Print #FileFile, "10 January 2005 Minor fix re change 06 January 2005 the F option was not continuing now it does"
- Print #FileFile, "20 August 2005 allow for the last few seconds as a thumbnail using start==299000 and thumb"
- Print #FileFile, "29 November 2006 instead of pictures allow for URL address to be copied and pasted "
- Print #FileFile, "29 January 2007 anything after http: if no / follows keep all except the http: "
- Print #FileFile, "21 February 2007 fix the Start== not working properly - just initialize a couple values?"
- Print #FileFile, "11 March 2007 final fix for the start== bug"
- Print #FileFile, "28 March 2007 remove the favorites from directory it causes me problems"
- Print #FileFile, "05 February 2008 fix timer. to speed up scrolling text display "
- Print #FileFile, "Version = " + vvversion
- Print #FileFile, "contact " + program_info + ""
- Close #FileFile
- DoEvents
- 'check the latest features above
- Return
- line_30920: '18 august 2002
- zzz_cnt = 0
- ' xtemp = InputBox(" testing doug noonerror " + CStr(zzz_cnt), "testing Prompt ", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2)
- On Error GoTo error_line_30920
- OutFile = FreeFile
- Open TheFile For Input As #OutFile
- next_line_30920:
- Line Input #OutFile, aaa
- zzz_cnt = zzz_cnt + 1
- If zzz_cnt >= cnt Then GoTo exit_line_30920
- GoTo next_line_30920
- error_line_30920:
- Resume resume_line_30920
- resume_line_30920:
- On Error GoTo Errors_31000
- exit_line_30920:
- Return '18 august 2002
- Errors_31000:
- 'the following line for debugging only ***vip***
- 'january 09 2001 below 27 june 2003 testing the stuff on tran's computer protection probably
- ' Print " Save-yore error"; Err.Number; " "; save_line; " "; Err.Description; " "; LastFile
- ' tt1 = InputBox("error=" + CStr(Err.Number) + " " + save_line, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING 09 February 2004
- If save_line = "testing" Then
- Resume End_32000
- End If 'december 15 2000
- If save_line = "17200" Then
- Resume line_17220
- End If 'february 24 2002
- If save_line = "30610" Then
- Resume line_30640
- End If 'january 09 2001
- If save_line = "50" Then
- Resume What_50
- End If 'december 6 2000
- If Err.Number = 62 And save_line = "28010" Then
- Close FileFile
- DoEvents
- ' Kill "C:\control.txt"
- Kill "control.txt" 'december 3 2000
- FileFile = FreeFile
- II = DoEvents
- ' Open "C:\control.txt" For Output Access Write As #FileFile
- Open "control.txt" For Output Access Write As #FileFile 'december 3 2000
- For f = 1 To 100
- If Len(Cmd(f)) < 1 Then
- Cmd(f) = Space(50)
- End If
- Print #FileFile, Cmd(f)
- Next f
- Close FileFile
- II = DoEvents
- ' tt1 = InputBox("extending control.txt", , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- Resume line_20
- End If
- '===============================
- If Err.Number = 62 And save_line = "1000" And _
- end_cnt < 10 Then
- end_cnt = end_cnt + 1
- Resume input_1000
- End If 'allow for more than 1 eof marker in file
- If Err.Number = 62 And save_line = "29010" Then
- Resume line_29090
- End If
- If save_line = "29092" Then
- Resume line_29093
- End If
- If Err.Number = 53 And save_line = "29005" Then
- Resume line_29008
- End If
- '"Y" logic below read till end of file then back off a few lines
- ' then simulate a "C" and "A" for all search.
- If Err.Number = 62 And save_line = "65" Then
- Close #OutFile
- DoEvents
- OutFile = FreeFile
- Open TheFile For Input As #OutFile
- DoEvents
- ' tt1 = InputBox("testing only " + TheFile, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- For bbb = 1 To zzz_cnt - MAX_CNT + 2 '2 TO SEE THE LAST 2 STATS LINES
- Line Input #OutFile, aaa
- Next bbb
- Previous_line = aaa
- Line Input #OutFile, aaa
- zzz_cnt = bbb
- search_prompt = "" 'this keeps the next prompt#3 from being "D"
- prompt2 = "C"
- SAVE_ttt = "C"
- inin = "A"
- SSS1 = "A"
- ttt = "C"
- printed_cnt = 0 'this fixes the 2 execution of this function
- 'ie the lines print from the top not midway
- Resume input_1000a
- End If 'december 09 2001
- '05 october 2002 If Err.Number = 62 And save_line = "1000" And sscreen_saver = "Y" Then
- '20 November 2004 maybe the save_line thing is a problem when I return to save_line = 1000a etc
- frmproj2.Caption = " eofsw test=" + CStr(Err.Number) + "=" + save_line + " " + Err.Description + " " + Pict_file '26 November 2004
- If Err.Number = 62 And save_line = "1000" And (sscreen_saver = "Y" Or text_pause) Then
- '=====================================================================================
- If Left(Cmd(74), 8) = "EOFCMD==" Then
- control_file = Trim(Right(Cmd(74), Len(Cmd(74)) - 8)) '26 November 2004
- aaa = "CONTROL==" + Right(Cmd(74), Len(Cmd(74)) - 8)
- ' tempdata = Cmd(73) '22 November 2004
- temptemp = Trim(Cmd(48)) '26 November 2004
- tempdata = "CONTROL" '26 November 2004
- eofsw = "YES" '26 November 2004
- GoSub Control_28000 'change the control file from in a *.txt file
- Resume eof_entry '26 November 2004
- ' GoTo eof_entry '27 November 2004
- End If '26 November 2004
- If Left(UCase(Cmd(68)), 8) = "EOF_STOP" Then GoTo End_32000 '12 September 2004
- '====================================================================================
- Close #OutFile
- Cls '20 August 2003
- Print "at end of file prompt" '04 april 2002
- '16 April 2004 make it so that after the first complete pass that the logic
- ' will switch so that the data is randomly accessed. This is only
- ' for auto-run custom cd's
- '20 November 2004 found this may be a problem ***vip*** todo check this once and a while.
- ' If save_line <> "1000" Then
- If save_line = "1000111" Then
- '===================================
- rand = -1
- Randomize
- rand_cnt = zzz_cnt - 3
- zzz_cnt = 0
- rand_no = Int(rand_cnt * Rnd + 1)
- Cmd(49) = "RANDOM"
- rand1 = -1
- Cmd(65) = "RANDBEG"
- thumb_nail = "YES"
- Cmd(67) = "THUMB"
- play_speed = 250
- save_play_speed = 250
- Cmd(61) = "SETSPEED250"
- '===================================
- End If '16 April 2004 deactivate this code if not a auto-run cd
- Beep
- play_speed = 1000 '13 May 2004 the first one after end of file was playing slomo this fixed
- hold_sec = Val(Cmd(27)) '29 april 2002
- ' Cmd(27) = Format(delay_sec, "###0.0000") '01 may 2002
- '25 March 2004 delay_sec = 1 '04 april 2002
- '25 March 2004 GoSub line_30000 '04 april 2002
- new_delay_sec = 1 '25 March 2004
- ' new_delay_sec = 10 '20 November 2004
- ' frmproj2.Caption = " end of file dougdoug " + interrupt_prompt2 + "*" + SSS1 + "*" + SSS2 '20 November 2004 test
- If interrupt_prompt2 = "WW" Then
- sscreen_saver_ww = "YES" '20 November 2004 test
- sscreen_saver = "Y" '20 November 2004 test
- prompt2 = "WW" 'this one seems to keep it going where before it stopped. now it gets wrong data
- prompt2 = "SS" '20 November 2004
- tt1 = "WW"
- End If '20 November 2004
- GoSub line_30300 '25 March 2004
- Cls
- ' tt1 = InputBox("testing 28 april 2003 zzz_cnt rand_no" + CStr(zzz_cnt) + CStr(rand_no), , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- last_pict = "" '28 february 2003
- delay_sec = Format(Val(Cmd(27)), "###0.0000") '29 april 2002
- ' tt1 = InputBox("testing delay a" + Cmd(27) + Format(hold_sec, "###.000") + Format(delay_sec, "###.000"), , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- DoEvents
- tot_s1 = 0 '05 october 2002 just incase these counts get to over-flowing
- tot_s2 = 0 '05 october 2002
- tot_s3 = 0 '05 october 2002
- tot_s4 = 0 '05 october 2002
- tot_s5 = 0 '05 october 2002
- tot_s6 = 0 '05 october 2002
- ' frmproj2.Caption = " end of file doug two " + interrupt_prompt2 + "*" + sscreen_saver + "*" + SSS1 + SSS2 '20 November 2004 test
- Resume Do_Search_110
- End If
- If Err.Number = 62 And save_line = "1000" Then
- dblEnd = Timer 'get the end time
- If Left(UCase(Cmd(68)), 8) = "EOF_STOP" Then GoTo End_32000 '12 September 2004
- 'should do another read and if successful warn them
- 'that the file has a end of file marker and it should
- 'be removed
- If Picture_Search = "YES" Then
- Set Picture = LoadPicture() 'lp#8
- End If
- ForeColor = QBColor(Val(Cmd(5)))
- If auto_redraw = "YES" Then frmproj2.AutoRedraw = True 'november 10 2001 autoredraw pair-5
- Print "Lines="; zzz_cnt & " Chrs= " & zzz_chrs;
- Print " Displayed = " & tot_disp;
- Print " Elap="; Format(dblEnd - dblStart, "#####0.000");
- Print " Hits="; tot_s1; " "; tot_s2; " "; tot_s3; " "; tot_s4; " "; tot_s5; " "; tot_s6 'january 01 2001
- Print "#5 End of " + TheFile & " "
- tot_s1 = 0 'january 01 2001
- tot_s2 = 0 'january 01 2001
- tot_s3 = 0 'january 01 2001
- tot_s4 = 0 '23 june 2002
- tot_s5 = 0 '23 june 2002
- tot_s6 = 0 '23 june 2002
- mult1 = "" 'january 05 2001
- mult2 = "" 'january 05 2001
- mult3 = "" 'january 05 2001
- mult4 = "" '23 june 2002
- mult5 = "" '23 june 2002
- mult6 = "" '23 june 2002
- array_pos = 0 'january 21 2001
- array_prt = 0
- ForeColor = QBColor(Def_Fore)
- Close #OutFile 'june 13/99
- Close #ExtFile 'november 14 2000
- line_len = Val(Cmd(21)) 'november 14 2000
- mbxi = 0 'december 18 2000
- If prompt2 = "Q" Then mbxi = 1 'december 18 2000
- iimport = "" 'december 24 2000
- emailsea = "" 'december 24 2000
- DoEvents
- If SAVE_ttt = "C" Then 'december 11 2000
- For temp1 = 1 To MAX_CNT
- Context_text(temp1) = ""
- Next temp1
- Context_cnt = 0 'december 11 2000
- End If 'aug 08/99
- II = DoEvents 'june 13/99
- If screen_capture = "YES" Then
- '03 September 2004 delay_sec = 5 'march 15 2001
- '03 September 2004 GoSub line_30000
- new_delay_sec = 5 '03 September 2004
- GoSub line_30300 '03 September 2004
- End If
- yyy = InputBox("Do you want to continue y/n <y>", "Continue Prompt", , 10000, 10000)
- yyy = UCase(yyy) 'june 27/99
- Cls 'november 10 2001 needed with autoredraw
- If auto_redraw = "YES" Then frmproj2.AutoRedraw = False 'november 10 2001 autoredraw pair-5
- dblStart = Timer 'get the start time
- If yyy = "B" Then
- Resume line_3300
- End If
- '19 December 2004 If yyy = "P" Then
- If yyy = "P" Or yyy = "J" Then
- yyy = "P" '19 December 2004
- tt1 = "P"
- If prompt2 = "Q" Then
- prompt2 = "C"
- SAVE_ttt = "C"
- SSS1 = UCase(SSS1)
- SSS2 = UCase(SSS2)
- SSS3 = UCase(SSS3)
- End If
- previous_count = previous_count + 1
- ' Print "prompt2="; prompt2; "="
- ' tt1 = InputBox("testing only", , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- Resume line_3050 'october 22 2000
- End If
- ' xtemp = InputBox("testing prompt=" + prompt2 + extract_yes + CStr(zzz_cnt) + " " + CStr(wrap_cnt) + " " + CStr(cnt), "test", , 4400, 4500) '
- If extract_yes = "YES" Then
- extract_yes = "NO" 'november 14 2000
- Resume What_50 'january 08 2001
- End If
- Resume Do_Search_110 'june 27/99
- End If
- 'create notes.txt on first pass if it does not exist
- If Err.Number = 53 And save_line = "24010" And _
- UCase(TheFile) = "NOTES.TXT" Then
- ' UCase(TheFile) = "C:\NOTES.TXT" Then december 3 200
- temps = Format(Now, "ddddd ttttt") + " "
- temps = Left(temps, 23) 'all must be 23 long incld space
- FileFile = FreeFile
- Open TheFile For Output Access Write As #FileFile
- Print #FileFile, temps + " sample notes file"
- Close #FileFile
- II = DoEvents
- ' FileFile = FreeFile
- ' Open "C:\NOTES1.TXT" For Output Access Write As #FileFile
- ' Open "NOTES1.TXT" For Output Access Write As #FileFile 'december 3 2000
- ' Print #FileFile, temps + " sample notes1 file"
- ' Close #FileFile
- ' II = DoEvents
- ' FileFile = FreeFile
- ' Open "C:\NOTES2.TXT" For Output Access Write As #FileFile
- ' Open "NOTES2.TXT" For Output Access Write As #FileFile 'december 3 2000
- ' Print #FileFile, temps + " sample notes2 file"
- ' Close #FileFile
- ' II = DoEvents
- ' FileFile = FreeFile
- ' Open "C:\NOTES3.TXT" For Output Access Write As #FileFile
- ' Open "NOTES3.TXT" For Output Access Write As #FileFile 'december 3 2000
- ' Print #FileFile, temps + " sample notes3 file"
- ' Close #FileFile
- ' II = DoEvents
- ' Resume line_24010 'december 13 2000
- Resume File_40 'december 13 2000
- End If
- If Err.Number = 53 And save_line = "24010" Then
- If InStr(UCase(TheFile), ".TXT") <> 0 Then
- '12 September 2004 if an auto run or background job create the file and continue automatically
- If (UCase(App.EXEName) = Trim(UCase(Cmd(45))) And Left(App.Path, 3) <> "C:\") Or InStr(1, UCase(App.Path + App.EXEName), "BACKGRD") <> 0 Then
- xtemp = "Y"
- GoTo do_create '12 September 2004
- End If
- xtemp = InputBox("No such file, Create it Y/N <N> " + UCase(TheFile), , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- do_create: '12 September 2004
- If UCase(xtemp) = "Y" Then
- NewFile = FreeFile 'find a free file channel
- Open UCase(TheFile) For Output As NewFile
- DoEvents
- Print #NewFile, "File " + UCase(TheFile) + " created " + Format(Now, "ddddd ttttt") 'january 29 2002
- Print #NewFile, " " 'this forces it to a plain text file not rich text
- Close #NewFile
- DoEvents
- ' Cmd(20) = "E"
- Resume line_24020
- End If
- End If
- Resume File_40 'if it does not exist ask again
- End If
- If Err.Number = 53 And save_line = "17040" Then
- '01 September 2004 Print "no such file="; Pict_file; "="
- '01 September 2004 tt1 = InputBox("no such file", "No such file Prompt", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) 'TESTING ONLY
- frmproj2.Caption = " No such file Prompt #1 " + Pict_file '01 September 2004
- new_delay_sec = 4
- GoSub line_30300 '01 September 2004
- Beep '01 September 2004
- Resume Line_17090
- End If
- If Err.Number = 57 And save_line = "17055" Then
- Cls
- Print "bad file="; Pict_file; "="
- tt1 = InputBox("bad file" + Pict_file, "Bad picture file Prompt", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) 'TESTING ONLY
- Set Picture = LoadPicture() 'lp#9
- Resume input_1000 '
- End If
- If Err.Number = 57 And save_line = "17059" Then
- Cls
- Print "bad file="; Pict_file; "="
- tt1 = InputBox("bad file" + Pict_file, "Bad file name Prompt", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) 'TESTING ONLY
- Set Picture = LoadPicture()
- Resume input_1000 '
- End If
- If Err.Number = 76 And save_line = "17040" Then
- '01 September 2004 Print "no such file="; Pict_file; "="
- '01 September 2004 tt1 = InputBox("no such file", "No such file Prompt", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) 'TESTING ONLY
- frmproj2.Caption = " No such file Prompt #2 " + Pict_file '01 September 2004
- new_delay_sec = 4
- GoSub line_30300 '01 September 2004
- Beep '01 September 2004
- Resume Line_17090 '
- End If
- If Err.Number = 53 And save_line = "17050" Then
- Print "no such Program="; Cmd(8); "="
- tt1 = InputBox("no such Program", , , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) 'TESTING ONLY
- Resume Line_17090 '
- End If
- If Err.Number = 53 And save_line = "17080" Then
- Print "no such Program="; Cmd(9); "="
- tt1 = InputBox("no such Program", , , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) 'TESTING ONLY
- Resume Line_17090 '
- End If
- If Err.Number = 53 And save_line = "17085" Then
- Print "no such Program="; Cmd(16); "="
- tt1 = InputBox("no such Program", , , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) 'TESTING ONLY
- Resume Line_17090 '
- End If
- If Err.Number = 53 And save_line = "25000" Then
- FileFile = FreeFile 'log file of files accessed
- Open Cmd(11) For Output Access Write As #FileFile
- ' Print #FileFile, "a:\notes.txt" 'sample file demo change this to a:\
- ' Print #FileFile, "a:\howto.txt" 'sample file
- Print #FileFile, "NOTES.TXT" 'sample file demo change this to a:\ december 3 2000
- Print #FileFile, "HOWTO.TXT" 'help howto docment file december 3 2000
- Print #FileFile, "democ.txt" 'demo file file
- ' Print #FileFile, "C:\notes2.txt" 'sample file
- Print #FileFile, "CRIPT.TXT" 'sample file december 3 2000
- Print #FileFile, "C:\Program Files\Sympatico\Users\User1\Mail\Sent" 'sent mail
- Print #FileFile, "C:\Program Files\Sympatico\Users\User1\Mail\Inbox" 'inbox mail
- Print #FileFile, "C:\windows\application data\microsoft\outlook express\mail\Inbox.mbx" 'inbox mail
- Print #FileFile, "C:\windows\application data\microsoft\outlook express\mail\Sent Items.mbx" 'Sent mail
- ' Print #FileFile, "c:\control.txt" 'sample file
- Print #FileFile, "CONTROL.TXT" 'sample file december 3 2000
- For f = 1 To 11
- Print #FileFile, Space$(50)
- Next f
- Close #FileFile
- ' Resume InputFile_24000
- 'if the file does not exist then create it above
- ' Print "Creating "; Cmd(11); " file"
- ' Resume InputFile_24000
- Resume line_45 'december 3 2000
- End If
- If Err.Number = 53 And save_line = "27000" Then
- FileFile = FreeFile
- Open Cmd(12) For Output Access Write As #FileFile
- Print #FileFile, "PHOTO"
- Print #FileFile, "xxx."
- For f = 1 To 18
- Print #FileFile, Space$(50)
- Next f
- Close #FileFile
- ' Print "Creating Search.txt file" 'december 3 2000
- ' DoEvents 'december 3 2000
- ' delay_sec = 3 'december 3 2000
- ' GoSub line_30000 'december 3 2000
- ' DoEvents 'december 3 2000
- ' Resume Search_26000 'december 3 2000
- Resume line_500 'december 3 2000
- 'if the file does not exist then create it above
- End If
- line_31500:
- If Err.Number = 53 And save_line = "28000" Then
- FileFile = FreeFile
- ' Open "C:\control.txt" For Output Access Write As #FileFile
- Open "control.txt" For Output Access Write As #FileFile 'december 3 2000
- visual_impared = "NO"
- GoSub line_30500
- visual_impared = "YES"
- Resume line_31510
- ' End If
- line_31510:
- ' Kill "c:\control1.txt"
- FileFile = FreeFile
- ' Open "C:\control1.txt" For Output Access Write As #FileFile
- Open "control1.txt" For Output Access Write As #FileFile 'december 3 2000
- GoSub line_30500
- visual_impared = "NO"
- GoTo line_20 'november 3 2000 testing
- ' Resume Control_28000 'november 3 2000 testing
- End If 'april 20/00
- If Err.Number = 53 And save_line = "110" Then
- Resume File_40
- End If 'file no longer exists
- If Err.Number = 62 And save_line = "24015" Then
- Close FileFile
- Resume What_50
- End If
- If Err.Number = 62 And save_line = "29510" Then
- Resume line_29520
- End If
- Resume line_31990 'november 20 2000
- line_31990:
- Print
- 'december 19 2000 Print " Save-yore error**"; Err.Number; " "; save_line; " "; Err.Description; " "; Pict_file
- Resume End_32010 'december 19 2000
- 'december 19 2000 GoTo line_31999 'december 3 2000
- line_31999: 'december 3 20002
- xtemp = InputBox("log error & enter to exit " + Err.Number + " " + save_line, , , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) 'TESTING ONLY
- End_32000:
- ' Print "prompt2="; line_len; "="; tot_print; "+"; temps
- ' tt1 = InputBox("testing only end_32000", , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY
- ' temp2 = InStr(line_len - tot_print, temps, " ") 'november 3 2000 fix
- 'without the line below I was getting the "Unexpected error; quitting"
- 'sdistuff do not have following line activated in sdi version
- 'GoTo line_32500 'mdistuff new
- On Error GoTo 0 'january 30 2001
- If save_line = "testing" Then
- Print Err.Number, save_line
- tt1 = InputBox("testing only", , , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) 'TESTING ONLY
- End If 'december 15 2000
- Close #OutFile
- Cls
- Print " End Of Search "
- Print " close out window or any key to continue"
- 'make the unload a control file option
- End_32010:
- If UCase(Cmd(30)) = "Y" Or UCase(tt1) = "X" Or UCase(tt1) = "E" Then
- ' Unload proj2 'october 26 2000
- '13 March 2004 make sure things close here for video file play...
- If mpg_file = "YES" Then
- ' tt1 = InputBox("testing only exit search", , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY 13 March 2004
- i = mciSendString("close all", 0&, 0, 0) '13 March 2004
- DoEvents '12 March 2004
- ' new_delay_sec = 2
- ' GoSub line_30300 '13 March 2004 maybe the delay will fix the problem
- End If
- Unload Me 'november 29 2000 didn't seem to make any difference from above line
- 'see programmers guid page 170 re using Me keyword
- Set frmproj2 = Nothing 'sdistuff
- '14 March 2004 Set colReminderPages = Nothing 'release memory??
- ' Set sear1 = Nothing 'mdistuff
- End '14 March 2004 use this after each unload me ???
- End If
- ' End
- line_32500: 'mdistuff new
- End Sub
- Private Sub text2_Change()
- Cls
- Call text2_Chg 'october 26 2000
- End Sub
- Private Sub Form_LinkClose()
- '22 March 2004 tt1 = InputBox("testing only form_linkclose", , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY 03 July 2003
- End Sub
- Private Sub Form_OLECompleteDrag(Effect As Long)
- tt1 = InputBox("testing only OLECompleteDrag", , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY 27 July 2003
- End Sub
- Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
- '18 March 2004 If mpg_file = "YES" Then
- i = mciSendString("close all wait", 0&, 0, 0) '12 March 2004
- DoEvents '12 March 2004
- DoEvents
- '18 March 2004 End If '13 March 2004
- '22 March 2004 tt1 = InputBox("testing only form_unload", , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY 12 March 2004
- Unload Me
- Set frmproj2 = Nothing 'sdistuff
- Set colReminderPages = Nothing 'release memory?? 13 March 2004
- End '29 january 2003
- 'allow for the close form to be used
- 'without the already running showing next
- End Sub
- Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
- ' result = mciSendString(todo$, ByVal 0&, 0, 0) '13 December 2004
- frmproj2.Caption = "(in the timer routine)" + alias '13 December 2004
- 'not using this routine for now...
- 'so the object is not really needed and this code removed
- ' Stop
- End Sub
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