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- --@ And_Another_Random_4%_5.0.1
- -------------SETTINGS-----------------------
- minBet = 0.00000001
- targetBal = 0.001
- maxBet = minBet * 250
- baseMulti = 2
- ---------------------------------------------
- lenthFactor = 1.0
- ---------------------------------------------
- bethigh = true
- hiLoOnWin = false
- seedEachRoll = false
- seedOnWin = false
- seedTracking = true
- ---------------------------------------------
- badSeedLenth = 70
- avgDiv = 0.6
- trackChanceMAX = 0.04
- trackBetX = 1
- lastChanceLenth = 20
- ---------------------------------------------
- hugeStart = true
- hugeStartX = 4
- bigStart = true
- startAfter = 1
- hiLoSwap = true
- ---------------------------------------------
- winLog = true
- wslog = true
- sound = true
- ---------------------------------------------
- pling = 20000
- ---------------------------------------------
- ---------------------------------------------
- ---------------------------------------------
- ---------------------------------------------
- ---------------------------------------------
- ---------------------------------------------
- ---------------------------------------------
- ---------------------------------------------
- baseBet = minBet * baseMulti
- if hugeStart then
- betCalc = baseBet * hugeStartX
- else
- betCalc = baseBet
- end
- nextbet = betCalc
- loseCount = 0
- curBal = balance
- startChance = 0.01
- chanceBase = 4
- chanceMAX = startChance
- chanceCalc = chanceMAX
- chance = chanceCalc
- spent = 0
- runProfit = 0
- missed = 0
- prioHigh = true
- CC = startChance
- targetNumberH = (9999 - (CC * 100))
- targetNumberL = (CC * 100)
- if seedTracking then
- function newSeed()
- print("\n------------")
- print("\nCHANGING SEED")
- print("\n------------\n")
- resetseed()
- seedNew = true
- seedLow = false
- seedHigh = false
- seedLenth = 0
- gapHigh = 0
- gapHigh1 = 0
- gapHigh2 = 0
- gapLow = 0
- gapLow1 = 0
- gapLow2 = 0
- rollsHigh = 0
- rollsLow = 0
- avgSeedGapH = 0
- avgLast2GapH = 0
- avgSeedGapL = 0
- avgLast2GapL = 0
- newSeedAfter = 9999
- changeSoon = false
- badSeedAfter = badSeedLenth
- tries = 0
- chanceCalc = startChance
- loseCount = 0
- end
- newSeed()
- print("\n------------")
- print("\nSEED LIMIT = " .. string.format("%4.0f",badSeedLenth))
- print("\n------------\n")
- end
- l1 = 15 * lenthFactor
- l2 = 14 * lenthFactor
- l3 = 13 * lenthFactor
- l4 = 12 * lenthFactor
- l5 = 25 * lenthFactor
- l6 = 35 * lenthFactor
- l7 = 45 * lenthFactor
- l8 = 55 * lenthFactor
- p1 = l1
- p2 = p1 + l2
- p3 = p2 + l3
- p4 = p3 + l4
- p5 = p4 + l5
- p6 = p5 + l6
- p7 = p6 + l7
- p8 = p7 + l8
- function dobet()
- --------------------------------------------
- if seedEachRoll and !seedTracking then
- resetseed()
- end
- --------------------------------------------
- ------------Last-Roll--------------
- LBA = lastBet.Amount
- LBR = math.floor(lastBet.Roll * 100)
- LBID = lastBet.Id
- LBP = lastBet.Profit
- LBC = lastBet.Chance
- LBN = lastBet.Nonce
- spent += LBA
- curBal = balance
- baseBet = minBet * baseMulti
- -----------------------------------
- if wslog and !win then
- if (bethigh and LBR * 0.01 <= LBC) or (not bethigh and (LBR * 0.01 >= (100 - LBC))) then
- POCC = 99 / LBC
- end
- end
- if win then
- if seedOnWin and !seedTracking then
- resetseed()
- end
- if hiLoOnWin and !seedTracking then
- bethigh = !bethigh
- end
- if hugeStart then
- betCalc = baseBet * hugeStartX
- else
- betCalc = baseBet
- end
- chanceMAX = startChance
- loseCount = 0
- missed = 0
- x100missed = 0
- plingGG = false
- chanceCalc = startChance
- if curBal >= targetBal then
- stop()
- end
- if seedTracking then
- if bethigh and (!seedHigh or !prioHigh) and !seedNew then
- if seedLow then
- print("\n------------")
- print("\nSWITCHING TO LOW")
- print("\n------------\n")
- bethigh = false
- else
- changeSoon = true
- newSeedAfter = seedLenth + lastChanceLenth
- print("\n------------")
- print("\nCHANGING SEED IN " .. lastChanceLenth .. " ROLLS")
- print("\n------------\n")
- end
- end
- if !bethigh and (!seedLow or prioHigh) and !seedNew then
- if seedHigh then
- print("\n------------")
- print("\nSWITCHING TO HIGH")
- print("\n------------\n")
- bethigh = true
- else
- changeSoon = true
- newSeedAfter = seedLenth + lastChanceLenth
- print("\n------------")
- print("\nCHANGING SEED IN " .. lastChanceLenth .. " ROLLS")
- print("\n------------\n")
- end
- end
- end
- else
- loseCount += 1
- if hugeStart then
- betCalc = baseBet * hugeStartX
- else
- betCalc = baseBet
- end
- end
- if loseCount > 1 then
- chanceCalc += 0.01
- end
- if (loseCount >= 6) then
- betCalc = baseBet * 1
- if bigStart then
- chanceMAX = 0.5
- else
- chanceMAX = 1.5
- end
- end
- if (loseCount >p1) then
- betCalc = baseBet * 1.25
- if bigStart then
- chanceMAX = 1
- else
- chanceMAX = 2.5
- end
- end
- if (loseCount >p2) then
- betCalc = baseBet * 1.5
- if bigStart then
- chanceMAX = 2
- else
- chanceMAX = 3
- end
- end
- if (loseCount >p3) then
- betCalc = baseBet * 2
- if bigStart then
- chanceMAX = 3
- else
- chanceMAX = 3.5
- end
- end
- if (loseCount >p4) then
- incMulti = 1.04
- chanceMAX = 4
- end
- if (loseCount >p5) then
- incMulti = 1.035
- chanceMAX = 3.66
- end
- if (loseCount >p6) then
- incMulti = 1.03
- chanceMAX = 3.33
- end
- if (loseCount >p7) then
- incMulti = 1.025
- chanceMAX = 4
- end
- if (loseCount >p8) then
- incMulti = 1.01
- chanceMAX = 5
- end
- if (loseCount >p4) then
- betCalc = previousbet * incMulti
- end
- if (loseCount >= 6) then
- chanceCalc = math.random(1,chanceMAX * 100) / 100
- end
- if chanceCalc < 0.01 then
- chanceCalc = 0.01
- end
- if chanceCalc > chanceBase then
- chanceCalc = chanceBase
- end
- chance = chanceCalc
- nextbet = betCalc
- ---------------------------------------------
- ---------------------------------------------
- if seedTracking then
- seedLenth += 1
- gapHigh += 1
- gapLow += 1
- if seedLenth > 0 then
- if LBR >= 9900 then
- rollsHigh += 1
- gapHigh2 = gapHigh1
- gapHigh1 = gapHigh
- gapHigh = 0
- if seedNew then
- tries +=1
- if tries == 3 then
- badSeedAfter = seedLenth + 1
- else
- badSeedAfter = seedLenth + badSeedLenth
- end
- print("\n\nBSA = " .. badSeedAfter .. " (" .. tries .. ")\n\n")
- end
- end
- avgSeedGapH = seedLenth / rollsHigh
- avgLast2GapH = (gapHigh2 + gapHigh1) / 2
- if !seedNew and (avgSeedGapH <= badSeedLenth * avgDiv) and (avgLast2GapH <= badSeedLenth) and rollsHigh >= 2 then
- seedHigh = true
- else
- seedHigh = false
- end
- if LBR <= 99 then
- rollsLow += 1
- gapLow2 = gapLow1
- gapLow1 = gapLow
- gapLow = 0
- if seedNew then
- tries +=1
- if tries == 3 then
- badSeedAfter = seedLenth + 1
- else
- badSeedAfter = seedLenth + badSeedLenth
- end
- print("\n\nBSA = " .. badSeedAfter .. " (" .. tries .. ")\n\n")
- end
- end
- avgSeedGapL = seedLenth / rollsLow
- avgLast2GapL = (gapLow2 + gapLow1) / 2
- if !seedNew and (avgSeedGapL <= badSeedLenth * avgDiv) and (avgLast2GapL <= badSeedLenth) and rollsLow >= 2 then
- seedLow = true
- else
- seedLow = false
- end
- end
- if avgSeedGapH > avgSeedGapL then
- prioHigh = true
- else
- prioHigh = false
- end
- if LBR >= 9900 or LBR <= 99 then
- print("\n------------")
- print("\nROLLED : " .. LBR)
- print("\nNONCE : " .. seedLenth)
- if seedHigh then
- print("\nPRIO ON HIGH")
- end
- if seedLow then
- print("\nPRIO ON LOW")
- end
- print("\n------------")
- print("\nHIGH ROLLS : " .. rollsHigh)
- if rollsHigh > 0 then
- print("\nAVERAGE HIGH GAP : " .. string.format("%4.0f",avgSeedGapH) .. " (" .. string.format("%4.0f",(badSeedLenth * avgDiv)) .. ")")
- end
- if rollsHigh >= 2 then
- print("\nAVERAGE HIGH GAP L2R: " .. string.format("%4.0f",avgLast2GapH) .. " (" .. string.format("%4.0f",badSeedLenth) .. ")")
- end
- print("\n------------")
- print("\nLOW ROLLS : " .. rollsLow)
- if rollsLow > 0 then
- print("\nAVERAGE LOW GAP : " .. string.format("%4.0f",avgSeedGapL) .. " (" .. string.format("%4.0f",(badSeedLenth * avgDiv)) .. ")")
- end
- if rollsLow >= 2 then
- print("\nAVERAGE LOW GAP L2R: " .. string.format("%4.0f",avgLast2GapL) .. " (" .. string.format("%4.0f",badSeedLenth) .. ")")
- end
- print("\n------------\n")
- end
- if hiLoSwap then
- if bethigh and !seedHigh and seedLow then
- print("\n------------")
- print("\nSWITCHING TO LOW")
- print("\n------------\n")
- bethigh = false
- end
- if !bethigh and seedHigh and !seedLow then
- print("\n------------")
- print("\nSWITCHING TO HIGH")
- print("\n------------\n")
- bethigh = true
- end
- end
- if seedHigh and changeSoon then
- print("\n------------")
- print("\nSTAYING ON SEED")
- print("\nGOING HIGH")
- print("\n------------\n")
- bethigh = true
- changeSoon = false
- end
- if seedLow and changeSoon then
- print("\n------------")
- print("\nSTAYING ON SEED")
- print("\nGOING LOW")
- print("\n------------\n")
- bethigh = false
- changeSoon = false
- end
- if seedLenth > newSeedAfter and changeSoon then
- newSeed()
- end
- if seedNew then
- if hugeStart then
- nextbet = baseBet * hugeStartX
- else
- nextbet = baseBet
- end
- if seedLenth >= 6 then
- nextbet = minBet * trackBetX
- chanceCalc = math.random(100,trackChanceMAX * 10000) / 10000
- if chanceCalc < 0.01 then
- chanceCalc = 0.01
- end
- chance = chanceCalc
- end
- if rollsHigh >= startAfter then
- bethigh = true
- seedHigh = true
- seedLow = false
- seedNew = false
- loseCount = 0
- print("\n------------")
- print("\n||||||| STARTING HUNT |||||||")
- print("\n\n\n\nPRIO ON HIGH")
- print("\n\n\n\n------------\n")
- end
- if rollsLow >= startAfter then
- bethigh = false
- seedHigh = false
- seedNew = false
- seedLow = true
- loseCount = 0
- print("\n------------")
- print("\n||||||| STARTING HUNT |||||||")
- print("\n\n\n\nPRIO ON LOW")
- print("\n\n\n\n------------\n")
- end
- if seedLenth >= badSeedAfter then
- newSeed()
- end
- end
- end
- if nextbet < minBet then
- nextbet = minBet
- end
- if nextbet > curBal then
- nextbet = curBal
- end
- if nextbet >= maxBet then
- nextbet = maxBet
- end
- if nextbet <= 0 then
- stop()
- end
- end
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