
My Thoughts About Justin Bourque & Canadian Cops

Jun 17th, 2014
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  1. Fuck yeah, brother! We need more people like you! xD Those corrupt bastards should all be shot and slaughtered! Uhn Huhn! xDDDDDD If only everyone was just like you! If you don't like someone, it's simple! Just fucking slaughter them like Justin Bourque did! Ahhhhhhah!!! xDDDDDD Why the fuck should he go off to jail for killing someone that works for the govs?! Anyone who works for the govs should be slaughtered because they are fuckin' corrupt! Well, all I could say is that you bastards got payback for killing Douglas Minty. A 59 year old who was suffering from mental challenges in his life and you fuckin' shot him to death because he had a fuckin' knife! You obviously were trained by a retard to think that anyone with a knife regardless of their challenges should be pumped with hot burning lead several fuckin' times, instead of stunned, pepper sprayed, hit good with a night-stick in the legs or even shot in the fuckin' leg so he couldn't move and have him arrested and taken to the hospital for psychiatric care?!?! Like, hahaha, hahahah, hahahah!!! WHAT THE FUCK!!!!! FUCK YOU, YOU FAT FUCKING CUNTBAGS!!!! THREE FATASSES AREN'T GOOD ENOUGH FOR US!!!! YOU WILL HAVE AT LEAST 10,000 FATASS DONUT EATING FUCKTARDS SLAUGHTERED INFRONT OF THEIR FAMILIES BY THE YEAR 2020!!!! HOW DO I KNOW SOMETHING LIKE THAT?! Hahaha!!! Maybe you should be asking yourself that. After all, "We are the ones who 'control' you.". xD
  3. No guns or weapons.
  4. No explosives.
  5. No alcohol.
  6. No knives, except for eating purposes.
  7. No illegal substances.
  8. Derp, derp, derp!
  10. Brain-dead retards, please! I can make that shit at school and the teachers would be like "What the fuck is he making?!" xD And I don't need guns, bombs, alcohol, swords / knives to rape the fuck out of retards like you! I can kill you with my fucking mind! xDDDDDD
  12. You think you can fuckin' control me?!?! Bahhhhhhaahahaha!!! Fuckin' sheep!!!! WAKE THE FUCK UP!!!! I CONTROL YOU!!!!! xDDDDDD
  14. Enjoy the fuckin' blood spill that is to come, motherfuckers!!!! xDDDDDD Uhn Huhn! xD
  16. ~Andrew Haxalot
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