
871w > Run-Conf > SSID Conf Mode Troubleshooting

Feb 19th, 2014
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  1. TooterTurtle#show run
  2. Building configuration...
  4. Current configuration : 4592 bytes
  5. !
  6. version 12.4
  7. no service pad
  8. service timestamps debug datetime msec
  9. service timestamps log datetime msec
  10. no service password-encryption
  11. !
  12. hostname TooterTurtle
  13. !
  14. boot-start-marker
  15. boot-end-marker
  16. !
  17. logging buffered 51200 warnings
  18. no logging console
  19. !
  20. aaa new-model
  21. !
  22. !
  23. aaa authentication login default local
  24. aaa authorization exec default local
  25. !
  26. !
  27. aaa session-id common
  28. clock timezone NewYork -5
  29. clock summer-time NewYork date Apr 6 2003 2:00 Oct 26 2003 2:00
  30. !
  31. !
  32. dot11 syslog
  33. !
  34. dot11 ssid TooterTurtle
  35. vlan 2
  36. authentication open
  37. authentication key-management wpa
  38. wpa-psk ascii 0 [My Passphrase]
  39. !
  40. no ip source-route
  41. no ip gratuitous-arps
  42. ip cef
  43. no ip dhcp use vrf connected
  44. ip dhcp excluded-address
  45. ip dhcp excluded-address
  46. !
  47. ip dhcp pool vlan1
  48. import all
  49. network
  50. dns-server
  51. default-router
  52. domain-name Ethernet
  53. !
  54. ip dhcp pool vlan2
  55. import all
  56. network
  57. domain-name WiFi
  58. dns-server
  59. default-router
  60. !
  61. ip dhcp pool MrWizard
  62. host
  63. hardware-address [hwaddress]
  64. client-name MrWizard
  65. !
  66. !
  67. ip auth-proxy max-nodata-conns 3
  68. ip admission max-nodata-conns 3
  69. no ip bootp server
  70. ip domain name [My Domain]
  71. ip ddns update method ccp_ddns1
  72. HTTP
  73. add [some stuff here]
  74. remove [some other stuff here]
  75. !
  76. !
  77. !
  78. !
  79. username admin privilege 15 secret 0 [My admin password]
  80. !
  81. !
  82. archive
  83. log config
  84. hidekeys
  85. !
  86. !
  87. ip ssh version 1
  88. !
  89. bridge irb
  90. !
  91. !
  92. interface FastEthernet0
  93. description AdminInterface
  94. !
  95. interface FastEthernet1
  96. description MrWizard
  97. !
  98. interface FastEthernet2
  99. description Belkin
  100. !
  101. interface FastEthernet3
  102. !
  103. interface FastEthernet4
  104. description ComcastCableModem
  105. ip address dhcp
  106. ip verify unicast source reachable-via rx allow-default 100
  107. no ip redirects
  108. no ip unreachables
  109. no ip proxy-arp
  110. ip nat outside
  111. ip virtual-reassembly
  112. speed auto
  113. full-duplex
  114. !
  115. interface Dot11Radio0
  116. no ip address
  117. no ip redirects
  118. no ip unreachables
  119. no ip proxy-arp
  120. !
  121. encryption vlan 1 mode ciphers tkip
  122. !
  123. encryption vlan 2 mode ciphers tkip
  124. !
  125. ssid TooterTurtle
  126. !
  127. speed basic-1.0 basic-2.0 basic-5.5 basic-6.0 basic-9.0 basic-11.0 basic
  129. -12.0 basic-18.0 basic-24.0 basic-36.0 basic-48.0 basic-54.0
  130. station-role root
  131. !
  132. interface Dot11Radio0.1
  133. description TootersWiFi
  134. encapsulation dot1Q 2
  135. no cdp enable
  136. bridge-group 2
  137. bridge-group 2 subscriber-loop-control
  138. bridge-group 2 spanning-disabled
  139. bridge-group 2 block-unknown-source
  140. no bridge-group 2 source-learning
  141. no bridge-group 2 unicast-flooding
  142. !
  143. interface Vlan1
  144. description EthernetOnly
  145. no ip address
  146. no ip redirects
  147. no ip unreachables
  148. no ip proxy-arp
  149. ip nat inside
  150. ip virtual-reassembly
  151. bridge-group 1
  152. !
  153. interface Vlan2
  154. description WiFiOnly
  155. no ip address
  156. bridge-group 2
  157. !
  158. interface BVI1
  159. description EthernetOnly
  160. ip address
  161. ip nat inside
  162. ip virtual-reassembly
  163. !
  164. interface BVI2
  165. description WiFiOnly
  166. ip address
  167. ip nat inside
  168. ip virtual-reassembly
  169. !
  170. ip forward-protocol nd
  171. ip route FastEthernet4
  172. !
  173. ip http server
  174. ip http authentication local
  175. no ip http secure-server
  176. ip http timeout-policy idle 60 life 86400 requests 10000
  177. ip dns server
  178. ip nat inside source list 101 interface FastEthernet4 overload
  179. ip nat inside source list 102 interface FastEthernet4 overload
  180. ip nat inside source static tcp 80 interface FastEthernet4
  182. 80
  183. !
  184. ip access-list extended vlan1
  185. deny ip any
  186. permit ip any any
  187. !
  188. access-list 100 permit udp any any eq bootpc
  189. access-list 101 permit ip any
  190. access-list 102 permit ip any
  191. no cdp run
  192. !
  193. !
  194. !
  195. control-plane
  196. !
  197. bridge 1 protocol ieee
  198. bridge 1 route ip
  199. bridge 2 protocol ieee
  200. bridge 2 route ip
  201. !
  202. line con 0
  203. no modem enable
  204. line aux 0
  205. line vty 0 4
  206. transport input telnet ssh
  207. transport output telnet ssh
  208. !
  209. scheduler max-task-time 5000
  210. end
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