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- import turtle
- import random
- # Create a screen
- window = turtle.Screen()
- window.title('Moving Block')
- window.bgcolor('black')
- # Set up the screen's attributes, including the border
- window.setup(width=600, height=400) # Set the window size
- window.tracer(0) # Turn off automatic screen updates
- # Create a turtle shape
- shape = turtle.Turtle()
- shape.shape('square')
- shape.color('white')
- shape.penup()
- # List to store obstacle
- obstacles = []
- # Set the boundaries
- border_left = -290
- border_right = 290
- border_top = 190
- border_bottom = -190
- # Function to move the shape forward
- def move_forward():
- new_x = shape.xcor() + 10
- if border_left < new_x < border_right:
- shape.setx(new_x)
- # Function to move the shape backward
- def move_backward():
- new_x = shape.xcor() - 10
- if border_left < new_x < border_right:
- shape.setx(new_x)
- # Function to move shape up
- def move_up():
- new_y = shape.ycor() + 10
- if border_bottom < new_y < border_top:
- shape.sety(new_y)
- # Function to move shape down
- def move_down():
- new_y = shape.ycor() - 10
- if border_bottom < new_y < border_top:
- shape.sety(new_y)
- # Function to create a random obstacle
- def createObstacle():
- obstacle = turtle.Turtle()
- obstacle.shape('circle') # You can change the shape as desired
- obstacle.color('red')
- obstacle.penup()
- obstacle.goto(border_right, random.randint(border_bottom, border_top))
- obstacles.append(obstacle)
- # Function to move obstacles to the left
- def move_obstaclees():
- for obstacle in obstacles:
- obstacle.setx(obstacle.xcor() - 1)
- if obstacle.xcor() < border_left:
- obstacles.remove(obstacle)
- obstacle.hideturtle()
- # Function to check for collisions
- def check_collisions():
- for obstacle in obstacles:
- if shape.distance(obstacle) < 20: # You can adjust the collision threshold as needed
- shape.goto(0, 0) # Reset the shape's position
- died()
- # Bind the key d to forward
- window.onkeypress(move_forward, 'd')
- # Bind key a to backward
- window.onkeypress(move_backward, 'a')
- # Bind key w to up
- window.onkeypress(move_up, 'w')
- # Bind key s to down
- window.onkeypress(move_down, 's')
- # Listen for key events
- window.listen()
- # Function that outputs when you lose
- def died():
- # Write on the screen
- turtle.penup()
- turtle.goto(-50, 100) # Set the position where the text will be written
- turtle.color('white')
- turtle.write('You Died', align='left', font=('comicsans', 20, 'bold'))
- # Continuous movement loop
- while True:
- move_obstaclees()
- check_collisions()
- window.update() # Update the screen
- # Randomly create obstacles
- if random.randint(1, 100) == 1:
- createObstacle()
- # Keep the window open
- turtle.done()
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