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- -Heart Clicker V.3.1.0 (Final Version For Now!)
- -By Eric
- -created on 2/22/2017
- -last updated on 2/22/2017
- -version 0.1
- Settings:
- -prices increase by 115%
- -selling gives back 50%
- -resources are hidden by default
- -clickables are hidden by default
- -buildings are hidden by default
- -upgrades are hidden by default
- -achievements are hidden by default
- -show log
- -custom stylesheet :
- -boxes : main (resources, clickables); store (upgrades, buildings,); stats (achievements
- -fonts : Reklame Script
- Resources :
- *DeviderI
- -displayed as ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────── %a
- -visible
- *Hearts
- -named hearts
- -displayed as %a heart%s
- -visible
- *TotalHearts
- -named Total Hearts|Total Hearts
- -displayed as %a Total Heart%s
- -visible
- *DeviderII
- -displayed as ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────── %a
- -visible
- *DarkHearts
- -named Dark Hearts|Dark Hearts
- -displayed as %a Dark Heart%s
- -visible
- *TotalDarkHearts
- -named Total Dark Hearts|Total Dark Hearts
- -displayed as %a Total Dark Heart%s
- -visible
- *DeviderIII
- -displayed as ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────── %a
- -visible
- *UpgradeAmount
- -displayed as Total Upgrades in the game (Including Dark Heart Upgrades): 107
- -visible
- *UpgradeAmountII
- -displayed as Total Dark Upgrades in the game: 10
- -visible
- *DeviderIV
- -displayed as ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────── %a
- -visible
- *AchievementAmount
- -displayed as Total Achievements in the game (including Dark Hearts Achievements): 204
- -visible
- *MaxBuildingAchievement
- -displayed as Max Building Achievements in the Game: 200
- -visible
- *MaxBuildingAchievementII
- -displayed as Max Grandma Achievements (All 4 Grandmas) in the Game: 550
- -visible
- *DeviderV
- -displayed as ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────── %a
- -visible
- *MaxBuildingAchievementIII
- -displayed as Max Dark Heart Building Achievements in the Game: 150
- -visible
- *MaxBuildingAchievementIV
- -displayed as Max Dark Factory Building Achievements in the Game: 50
- -visible
- *DeviderVI
- -displayed as ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────── %a
- -visible
- *Seconds
- -named Second|Seconds
- -displayed as %a Second%s Played Heart Clicker!
- -visible
- *Minutes
- -named Minutes|Minutes
- -displayed as Minutes Played Heart Clicker: %a
- -visible
- Clickables :
- *MakeHeart
- -gives 1 hearts
- -gives 1 Totalhearts
- -named hearts
- -visible
- -gains 5.0% per Grandma
- -gains 5.0% per GrandmaDevils
- -gains 5.0% per GrandmaGods
- -gains 5.0% per AncientEgyptGrandmaGods
- -picture :
- Buildings :
- // Dark Heart -> Grandma -> Grandma Devils -> Grandma Gods -> Ancient Egypt Grandma Gods -> Garden -> Fishermen -> Factory -> Dark Factory -> Ghost Ship -> Lab -> Mine-> Shipment -> Music -> Storms -> Mysterious Black Holes -> Ancient Egypt -> Underground Paradise
- *timeCounter
- -gives 1 seconds
- -abstract
- -starts at 1
- *TimeCounterII
- -gives 0.016666666666666666666666666666 Minutes
- -abstract
- -starts at 1
- *DarkHeart
- "<font color="#87CEFA">"Base Income 0.005 Hearts"</font> .:. <font color="#FF7F50">"Even hate is turned into hearts! -Grandma"</font> <a href="" style="text-decoration: none"><font color=#F20FE8>(Dark Hearts get 0.01 Per Second)"</font></a>
- -costs 10 hearts
- -gives 0.01 DarkHearts
- -gives 0.01 TotalDarkHearts
- -named "Dark Hearts"
- -unlocks at 25 TotalHearts
- -picture :
- *Grandma
- "<font color="#87CEFA">"Base Income 0.1 Hearts"</font> .:. <font color="#FF7F50">"Your Grandma's must really love you!"</font> <a href="" style="text-decoration: none"><font color=#F20FE8>(Clicking Gains 5% Per Grandma Owned)"</font></a>
- -costs 10 hearts
- -gives 0.1 hearts
- -gives 0.1 TotalHearts
- -named Grandma|Grandma
- -visible
- -picture :
- *GrandmaDevils
- "<font color="#87CEFA">"Base Income 0.1 Hearts"</font> .:. <font color="#FF7F50">"A Grandma who is trying to send you to hell!"</font> .:. <a href="" style="text-decoration: none"><font color=#ff0000>(Warning: Clicking this Grandma Devil will cause hell to be unleashed!)</font> <a href="" style="text-decoration: none"><font color=#F20FE8>(Clicking Gains 5% Per Grandma Devil Owned)"</font></a>
- -costs 10 hearts
- -gives 0.1 hearts
- -gives 0.1 TotalHearts
- -named Grandma Devils|Grandma Devils
- -Visible
- -Picture :
- *GrandmaGods
- "<font color="#87CEFA">"Base Income 0.1 Hearts"</font> .:. <font color="#FF7F50">"A Grandma who is the ruler of everything!"</font> .:. <a href="" style="text-decoration: none"><font color=#F20FE8>(Clicking Gains 5% Per Grandma Gods Owned)"</font></a>
- -costs 10 hearts
- -gives 0.1 hearts
- -gives 0.1 TotalHearts
- -named Grandma Gods|Grandma Gods
- -visible
- -picture :
- *AncientEgyptGrandmaGods
- "<font color="#87CEFA">"Base Income 0.1 Hearts"</font> .:. <font color="#FF7F50">"A Grandma who ruled Ancient Egypt 5,000 Years Ago!"</font> .:. <a href="" style="text-decoration: none"><font color=#F20FE8>(Clicking Gains 5% Per Ancient Egypt Grandma Gods Owned)"</font></a>
- -costs 10 hearts
- -gives 0.1 hearts
- -gives 0.1 TotalHearts
- -named Ancient Egypt Grandma Gods|Ancient Egypt Grandma Gods
- -visible
- -picture :
- *Garden
- "<font color="#87CEFA">"Base Income 1 Hearts"</font> .:. <font color="#FF7F50">"You get your Grandma's to help you garden hearts!"</font>
- -costs 10000 hearts
- -gives 1 hearts
- -gives 1 TotalHearts
- -named Garden|Garden
- -unlocks at 5000 TotalHearts
- -picture :
- *Fisherman
- "<font color="#87CEFA">"Base Income 50 Hearts"</font> .:. <font color="#FF7F50">"They search the Seas in hopes to catch some hearts! Let us just hope they don't eat them too!"</font>
- -costs 50000 hearts
- -gives 50 hearts
- -gives 50 TotalHearts
- -unlocks at 25000 TotalHearts
- -named Fisherman|Fisherman
- -picture :
- *Factory
- "<font color="#87CEFA">"Base Income 100 Hearts"</font> .:. <font color="#FF7F50">"Slaved induce Grandmas work in your factory, making hearts around the clock!"</font>
- -costs 200000 hearts
- -gives 100 hearts
- -gives 100 TotalHearts
- -unlocks at 100000 TotalHearts
- -named Factory|Factory
- -picture :
- *DarkFactory
- "<font color="#87CEFA">"Base Income 1 Dark Hearts"</font> .:. <font color="#FF7F50">"Dark Hearted Criminal Grandmas making Dark Hearts For You!"</font>
- -costs 100 DarkHearts
- -gives 1 DarkHearts
- -gives 1 TotalDarkHearts
- -unlocks at 1000 TotalDarkHearts
- -named Dark Factory
- -picture :
- *Ghostship
- "<font color="#87CEFA">"Base Income 1,000 Hearts"</font> .:. <font color="#FF7F50">"Legends have it they search the Seas for hearts on Fill Moons and are never seen nor spotted!"</font>
- -costs 2000000 hearts
- -gives 1000 hearts
- -gives 1000 TotalHearts
- -named Ghost Ship|Ghost Ship
- -unlocks at 1000000 TotalHearts
- -picture :
- *Labs
- "<font color="#87CEFA">"Base Income 10,000 Hearts"</font> .:. <font color="#FF7F50">"With new Technology on the horizon, labs are now able to clone and reproduce hearts!"</font>
- -costs 20000000 hearts
- -gives 10000 hearts
- -gives 10000 TotalHearts
- -named Lab|Lab
- -unlocks at 10000000 TotalHearts
- -picture :
- *Mine
- "<font color="#87CEFA">"Base Income 20,000 Hearts"</font> .:. <font color="#FF7F50">"Rumors have it kids are forced into mining around the clock!"</font>
- -costs 100000000 hearts
- -gives 20000 hearts
- -gives 20000 TotalHearts
- -named Mine|Mine
- -unlocks at 50000000 TotalHearts
- -picture :
- *Shipment
- "<font color="#87CEFA">"Base Income 100,000 Hearts"</font> .:. <font color="#FF7F50">"After your heart breaking success story of how you make hearts in impossible ways, other countries decided to fund, help, and make them too! After they make a few batches, they send them over to you by shipment!"</font>
- -cost 666666666 hearts
- -gives 100000 hearts
- -gives 100000 TotalHearts
- -named Shipment|Shipment
- -unlocks at 333333333 TotalHearts
- -picture :
- *Music
- "<font color="#87CEFA">"Base Income 1 Million Hearts"</font> .:. <font color="#FF7F50">"I ant listening to this"</font>
- -costs 10000000000 hearts
- -gives 1000000 hearts
- -gives 1000000 TotalHearts
- -named Music|Music
- -unlocks at 5000000000 TotalHearts
- -picture :
- *Storm
- "<font color="#87CEFA">"Base Income 10 Million Hearts"</font> .:. <font color="#FF7F50">"What would you do if you woke up one day and saw hearts falling from the sky during a storm?"</font>
- -cost 100000000000 hearts
- -gives 10000000 hearts
- -gives 10000000 TotalHearts
- -named Storm|Storm
- -unlocks at 50000000000 TotalHearts
- -picture :
- *Timemachine
- "<font color="#87CEFA">"Base Income 500 Million Hearts"</font> .:. <font color="#FF7F50">"Great Scott! Breaking news on 4466 News, Scientists made history, defining how we make hearts! You can now use a time machine to go into the future, using this to manipulate time, thus making more hearts before they where even made!"</font>
- -costs 800000000000 hearts
- -gives 500000000 hearts
- -gives 500000000 TotalHearts
- -named Timemachine|Timemachine
- -unlocks at 400000000000 TotalHearts
- -picture :
- *Santa
- "<font color="#87CEFA">"Base Income 1 Billion Hearts"</font> .:. <font color="#FF7F50">"Using the time machine to also go back in time, we found out there was a Santa, and there wasn't just one, there where many! Who knew Santa's made hearts and are now working for you?"</font>
- -costs 10000000000000 hearts
- -gives 1000000000 hearts
- -gives 1000000000 TotalHearts
- -named Santa|Santa
- -unlocks at 5000000000000 TotalHearts
- -picture :
- *MysteriousBlackHoles
- "<font color="#87CEFA">"Base Income 2 Trillion Hearts"</font> .:. <font color="#FF7F50">"Omg what is that?"</font>
- -costs 80000000000000 hearts
- -gives 2000000000 hearts
- -gives 2000000000 TotalHearts
- -named Mysterious Black Holes|Mysterious Black Holes
- -unlocks at 40000000000000 TotalHearts
- -picture :
- *AncientEgypt
- "<font color="#87CEFA">"Base Income 1 Quadrillion Hearts"</font> .:. <font color="#FF7F50">"The Secrets to the Immortal Grandma Gods"</font>
- -costs 10000000000000000 hearts
- -gives 100000000000 hearts
- -gives 100000000000 TotalHearts
- -named Ancient Egypt|Ancient Egypt
- -unlocks at 5000000000000000 TotalHearts
- -picture :
- *UndergroundParadise
- "<font color="#87CEFA">"Base Income 1 Sextillion Hearts"</font> .:. <font color="#FF7F50">"You're now mine, so get back in line!"</font>
- -costs 10000000000000000000000 hearts
- -gives 500000000000000000000 hearts
- -gives 500000000000000000000 TotalHearts
- -named Underground Paradise|Underground Paradise
- -unlocks at 5000000000000000000000 TotalHearts
- -picture :
- Upgrades:
- *LifelineHeartCookie
- "<font color="#FF7F50">"Did you know Heart Buildings have a Lifeline too? -Grandma"</font> .:. <font color="#F20FE8"> [(Clicking get 0.1% more clicks per Every Building Owned, Not Including Grandmas]" </font>
- -unlocks at 50000000 TotalHearts
- -costs 50000000 Hearts
- -multiplies Efficiency of MakeHeart by 0.1% per Garden
- -multiplies Efficiency of MakeHeart by 0.1% per Fisherman
- -multiplies Efficiency of MakeHeart by 0.1% per Factory
- -multiplies Efficiency of MakeHeart by 0.1% per GhostShip
- -multiplies Efficiency of MakeHeart by 0.1% per Labs
- -multiplies Efficiency of MakeHeart by 0.1% per Mine
- -multiplies Efficiency of MakeHeart by 0.1% per Shipment
- -multiplies Efficiency of MakeHeart by 0.1% per Music
- -multiplies Efficiency of MakeHeart by 0.1% per Storm
- -multiplies Efficiency of MakeHeart by 0.1% per Timemachine
- -multiplies Efficiency of MakeHeart by 0.1% per Santa
- -multiplies Efficiency of MakeHeart by 0.1% per MysteriousBlackHoles
- -multiplies Efficiency of MakeHeart by 0.1% per AncientEgypt
- -multiplies Efficiency of MakeHeart by 0.1% per UndergroundParadise
- -named "Lifeline" [Heart Cookie]"
- -picture :
- *Heartbrakesdddd
- ""When you have enough hate, everything around you turns into negative energy, and everything goes down hill from there!" -Grandma" [(Dark Hearts Efficiently +1,000%)]
- -unlocks at 10 DarkHeart
- -costs 10 DarkHearts
- -multiplies efficiency of DarkHeart By 1000%
- -named "Heart Breaks" [Dark Heart Cookie]"
- -picture :
- *StabbedintheHeart
- ""Someone kicked me out of my mind, I hate these thoughts, I can't deny!" -System of a Down" [(Dark Hearts Efficiently +500%)]
- -unlocks at 25 DarkHeart
- -costs 500 DarkHearts
- -multiplies efficiency of DarkHeart By 500%
- -named "Stabbed in the Heart" [Dark Heart Cookie]"
- -picture :
- *TouchingTheGrandmasHearts
- "<font color="#FF7F50">"You know just how to touch our hearts with your negativity; better shape up you little shit! -Grandma"</font> .:. <font color="#F20FE8"> [(Clicking Gets 1% More Clicks Per All Four Grandmas!)]" </font>
- -unlocks at 100 DarkHeart
- -costs 100000 DarkHearts
- -multiplies Efficiency of MakeHeart by 1% per Grandma
- -multiplies Efficiency of MakeHeart by 1% per GrandmaGods
- -multiplies Efficiency of MakeHeart by 1% per GrandmaDevils
- -multiplies Efficiency of MakeHeart by 1% per AncientEgyptGrandmaGods
- -named "Touching The Grandma's Hearts" [Dark Heart Cookie [Synergy]"
- -picture :
- *TimeHealsABrokenHeart
- ""You will eventually heal, it takes time! -Grandma" [(All Buildings Besides Ancient Egypt & Underground Paradise +666%)]
- -unlocks at 50 DarkHeart
- -costs 5000 DarkHearts
- -Multiplies Efficiency of Garden by 666%
- -Multiplies Efficiency of Fisherman by 666%
- -Multiplies Efficiency of Factory by 666%
- -Multiplies Efficiency of GhostShip by 666%
- -Multiplies Efficiency of Labs by 666%
- -Multiplies Efficiency of Mine by 666%
- -Multiplies Efficiency of Shipment by 666%
- -Multiplies Efficiency of Music by 666%
- -Multiplies Efficiency of Storm by 666%
- -Multiplies Efficiency of Timemachine by 666%
- -Multiplies Efficiency of Santa by 666%
- -Multiplies Efficiency of MysteriousBlackHoles by 666%
- -named "Time Heals a Broken Heart" [Dark Heart Cookie] [Synergy]"
- -picture :
- *MoreDarkGrandmas
- ""We are here to make more Dark Hearts to rid the world of! -Dark Grandma" [(Dark Hearts Efficiently +200%)]
- -costs 500 DarkHearts
- -multiplies efficiency of DarkFactory By 200%
- -unlocks at 1 DarkFactory
- -named "More Dark Grandmas [Dark Hearts]"
- -picture :
- *DarkGrandmasVsGrandmas
- ""<font color="#FF7F50">"We will manipulate the Grandmas to help us! -Dark Grandmas"</font> .:. <font color="#F20FE8"> [(You Make 5% More Dark Hearts Per Factories Owned)]" </font>
- -costs 2222 DarkHearts
- -multiplies Efficiency of DarkFactory by 5% per Factory
- -unlocks at 10 DarkFactory
- -named "Dark Grandmas Vs Grandmas" [Dark Hearts] [Synergy]"
- -picture :
- *DarkGrandmasVsGrandmasII
- ""<font color="#FF7F50">"Us Dark Grandmas will combine with the Dark Hearts, become One and rule the wold in hate! -Dark Grandmas"</font> .:. <font color="#F20FE8"> [(You Make 1% More Dark Hearts Per DarkHeart Owned)]" </font>
- -costs 50000 DarkHearts
- -multiplies Efficiency of DarkFactory by 1% per DarkHeart
- -unlocks at 25 DarkFactory
- -named "Darker Dark Factories" [Dark Hearts] [Synergy]"
- picture :
- *BargainingChip
- ""<font color="#FF7F50">"Sometimes you need to bargain to get what you want! -Dark Grandmas"</font> .:. <font color="#F20FE8"> [(All Non Grandma Buildings Get 1% More Efficient Per Dark Factory Owned!)]" </font>
- -costs 30000 DarkHearts
- -multiplies Efficiency of Garden by 1% per DarkFactory
- -multiplies Efficiency of Fisherman by 1% per DarkFactory
- -multiplies Efficiency of Factory by 1% per DarkFactory
- -multiplies Efficiency of GhostShip by 1% per DarkFactory
- -multiplies Efficiency of Labs by 1% per DarkFactory
- -multiplies Efficiency of Mine by 1% per DarkFactory
- -multiplies Efficiency of Shipment by 015% per DarkFactory
- -multiplies Efficiency of Music by 1% per DarkFactory
- -multiplies Efficiency of Storm by 1% per DarkFactory
- -multiplies Efficiency of Storm by 1% per DarkFactory
- -multiplies Efficiency of Timemachine by 1% per DarkFactory
- -multiplies Efficiency of MysteriousBlackHoles by 1% per DarkFactory
- -multiplies Efficiency of AncientEgypt by 1% per DarkFactory
- -multiplies Efficiency of UndergroundParadise by 1% per DarkFactory
- -unlocks at 20000 TotalDarkHearts
- -named "Bargaining Chip" [Dark Hearts] [Synergy]"
- -picture :
- *DarkClicking
- ""<font color="#FF7F50">"We will make these Clicks Dark, one click at a time!" -Dark Grandmas"</font> .:. <font color="#F20FE8"> [(You Make 15% More Clicks Per Dark Factories Owned)]" </font>
- -costs 1000000 DarkHearts
- -multiplies Efficiency of MakeHeart by 15% per DarkFactory
- -unlocks at 500000 DarkHearts
- -named "Dark Clicking" [Dark Hearts] [Synergy]"
- -picture :
- *DarkerDarkeningDarkFactories
- ""<font color="#FF7F50">"Let us get don and dark! -Dark Grandmas"</font> .:. <font color="#F20FE8"> [(Dark Factories Get 0.05% More Dark Hearts Per All Non Grandma Buildings Owned!)]" </font>
- -costs 500000 DarkHearts
- -multiplies Efficiency of DarkFactory by 0.03% per Garden
- -multiplies Efficiency of DarkFactory by 0.03% per Fisherman
- -multiplies Efficiency of DarkFactory by 0.03% per Factory
- -multiplies Efficiency of DarkFactory by 0.03% per GhostShip
- -multiplies Efficiency of DarkFactory by 0.03% per Labs
- -multiplies Efficiency of DarkFactory by 0.03% per Mine
- -multiplies Efficiency of DarkFactory by 0.03% per Shipment
- -multiplies Efficiency of DarkFactory by 0.03% per Music
- -multiplies Efficiency of DarkFactory by 0.03% per Storm
- -multiplies Efficiency of DarkFactory by 0.03% per Timemachine
- -multiplies Efficiency of DarkFactory by 0.03% per Santa
- -multiplies Efficiency of DarkFactory by 0.03% per MysteriousBlackHoles
- -multiplies Efficiency of DarkFactory by 0.03% per AncientEgypt
- -multiplies Efficiency of DarkFactory by 0.03% per UndergroundParadise
- -unlocks at 70000 TotalDarkHearts
- -named "Darker Darkening Dark Factories" [Dark Hearts] [Synergy]"
- picture :
- *GrandmasSpecialGardenClickers
- "<font color="#FF7F50">"These are my very special Clickers! Don't mess with them you little shit!"</font> .:. <font color="#F20FE8"> [(Clicking get 0.3% more clicks per Grandma/Grandma Gods/Grandma Devils/AEGG Owned)]" </font>
- -cost 1515151 hearts
- -multiplies efficiency of MakeHeart by 0.3% per Grandma
- -multiplies efficiency of MakeHeart by 0.3% per AncientEgyptGrandmaGods
- -multiplies efficiency of MakeHeart by 0.3% per GrandmaGods
- -multiplies efficiency of MakeHeart by 0.3% per GrandmaDevils
- -unlocks at 15 Garden
- -named "Grandma's Special Garden Clickers" [(Clicking)]"
- -picture :
- *FishermansSpearTips
- "<font color="#FF7F50">"Huh.. why are they using the Clickers for Spear Tips? I know the tips are pointy, but I think I got the point" -People on the Docks Watching"</font> .:. <font color="#F20FE8"> [(Clicking get 0.3% more clicks per Grandma/Grandma Gods/Grandma Devils/AEGG Owned)]" </font>
- -cost 6666661 hearts
- -unlocks at 15 Fisherman
- -multiplies efficiency of MakeHeart by 0.3% per Grandma
- -multiplies efficiency of MakeHeart by 0.3% per AncientEgyptGrandmaGods
- -multiplies efficiency of MakeHeart by 0.3% per GrandmaGods
- -multiplies efficiency of MakeHeart by 0.3% per GrandmaDevils
- -named "Fisherman's Clicking Spear Tips?" [(Clicking)]"
- -picture :
- *GrandmasAssBeatingClickers
- "<font color="#FF7F50">"Those little shits, always jabbing those pointy, pointed Clickers on our asses, always thinking it will make us work smarter, not harder!" -Grandmas"</font> .:. <font color="#F20FE8"> [(Clicking get 0.3% more clicks per Grandma/Grandma Gods/Grandma Devils/AEGG Owned)]" </font>
- -cost 18300500 hearts
- -multiplies efficiency of MakeHeart by 0.3% per Grandma
- -multiplies efficiency of MakeHeart by 0.3% per AncientEgyptGrandmaGods
- -multiplies efficiency of MakeHeart by 0.3% per GrandmaGods
- -multiplies efficiency of MakeHeart by 0.3% per GrandmaDevils
- -unlocks at 15 Factory
- -named "Grandma's Ass Beating Clickers" [(Clicking)]"
- -picture :
- *StealthClickers
- "<font color="#FF7F50">"Shhh you have to be quiet when you click, so you can get out in one piece without anyone knowing a thing" -Ghost Ships"</font> .:. <font color="#F20FE8"> [(Clicking get 0.3% more clicks per Grandma/Grandma Gods/Grandma Devils/AEGG Owned)]" </font>
- -costs 164800500 hearts
- -unlocks at 15 GhostShip
- -multiplies efficiency of MakeHeart by 0.3% per Grandma
- -multiplies efficiency of MakeHeart by 0.3% per AncientEgyptGrandmaGods
- -multiplies efficiency of MakeHeart by 0.3% per GrandmaGods
- -multiplies efficiency of MakeHeart by 0.3% per GrandmaDevils
- -named "Stealth Clickers" [(Clicking)]"
- -picture :
- *LabClickers
- "<font color="#FF7F50">"Labs are so advanced, they can make clones of the Clickers"</font> .:. <font color="#F20FE8"> [(Clicking get 0.3% more clicks per Grandma/Grandma Gods/Grandma Devils/AEGG Owned)]" </font>
- -costs 1700500300 hearts
- -unlocks at 15 Labs
- -multiplies efficiency of MakeHeart by 0.3% per Grandma
- -multiplies efficiency of MakeHeart by 0.3% per AncientEgyptGrandmaGods
- -multiplies efficiency of MakeHeart by 0.3% per GrandmaGods
- -multiplies efficiency of MakeHeart by 0.3% per GrandmaDevils
- -named "Lab Clickers" [(Clicking)]"
- -picture :
- *ChildrenClickingGeneration
- "<font color="#FF7F50">"With Business booming, it is time we go savage and slave them more!" -Unknown"</font> .:. <font color="#F20FE8"> [(Clicking get 0.3% more clicks per Grandma/Grandma Gods/Grandma Devils/AEGG Owned)]" </font>
- -costs 8300500999 hearts
- -multiplies efficiency of MakeHeart by 0.3% per Grandma
- -multiplies efficiency of MakeHeart by 0.3% per AncientEgyptGrandmaGods
- -multiplies efficiency of MakeHeart by 0.3% per GrandmaGods
- -multiplies efficiency of MakeHeart by 0.3% per GrandmaDevils
- -unlocks at 15 Mine
- -named "Children Clicking Grneration" [(Clicking)]"
- -picture :
- *ClickScreens
- "<font color="#FF7F50">"With new technology, we found away to use touch screens that touch themselves!" -Presidents of the Countries"</font> .:. <font color="#F20FE8"> [(Clicking get 0.3% more clicks per Grandma/Grandma Gods/Grandma Devils/AEGG Owned)]" </font>
- -costs 54300100500 hearts
- -unlocks at 15 Shipment
- -multiplies efficiency of MakeHeart by 0.3% per Grandma
- -multiplies efficiency of MakeHeart by 0.3% per AncientEgyptGrandmaGods
- -multiplies efficiency of MakeHeart by 0.3% per GrandmaGods
- -multiplies efficiency of MakeHeart by 0.3% per GrandmaDevils
- -named "Click Screens" [(Clicking)]"
- -picture :
- *ClickingClickerClickSounds
- "<font color="#FF7F50">"Don;t you hate it when you hear someone clicking on a mouse?"</font> .:. <font color="#F20FE8"> [(Clicking get 0.3% more clicks per Grandma/Grandma Gods/Grandma Devils/AEGG Owned)]" </font>
- -costs 100000000000 hearts
- -unlocks at 15 Music
- -multiplies efficiency of MakeHeart by 0.3% per Grandma
- -multiplies efficiency of MakeHeart by 0.3% per AncientEgyptGrandmaGods
- -multiplies efficiency of MakeHeart by 0.3% per GrandmaGods
- -multiplies efficiency of MakeHeart by 0.3% per GrandmaDevils
- -named "Clicking Clicker Click Sounds" [(Clicking)]"
- -picture :
- *ThunderClicks
- "<font color="#FF7F50">"Jesus man, every time you Click, I feel like It is the calm before the storm!"</font> .:. <font color="#F20FE8"> [(Clicking get 0.3% more clicks per Grandma/Grandma Gods/Grandma Devils/AEGG Owned)]" </font>
- -costs 8200100666100 hearts
- -multiplies efficiency of MakeHeart by 0.3% per Grandma
- -multiplies efficiency of MakeHeart by 0.3% per AncientEgyptGrandmaGods
- -multiplies efficiency of MakeHeart by 0.3% per GrandmaGods
- -multiplies efficiency of MakeHeart by 0.3% per GrandmaDevils
- -unlocks at 15 Storm
- -named "Thunder Clicks" [(Clicking)]"
- -picture :
- *ClickingBeforeYouEverClicked
- "<font color="#FF7F50">"We're such savage, we can Click before we even Clicked!" -Grandma Gods!"</font> .:. <font color="#F20FE8"> [(Clicking get 0.3% more clicks per Grandma/Grandma Gods/Grandma Devils/AEGG Owned)]" </font>
- -costs 65100500100500 hearts
- -multiplies efficiency of MakeHeart by 0.3% per Grandma
- -multiplies efficiency of MakeHeart by 0.3% per AncientEgyptGrandmaGods
- -multiplies efficiency of MakeHeart by 0.3% per GrandmaGods
- -multiplies efficiency of MakeHeart by 0.3% per GrandmaDevils
- -unlocks at 15 Timemachine
- -named "Clicking Before You Ever Clicked" [(Clicking)]"
- -picture :
- *ToyClickers
- "<font color="#FF7F50">"I remember when Grandma showed us Elves how to make Toy Clickers!" -Elves!"</font> .:. <font color="#F20FE8"> [(Clicking get 0.3% more clicks per Grandma/Grandma Gods/Grandma Devils/AEGG Owned)]" </font>
- -costs 3000000000000000 hearts
- -multiplies efficiency of MakeHeart by 0.3% per Grandma
- -multiplies efficiency of MakeHeart by 0.3% per AncientEgyptGrandmaGods
- -multiplies efficiency of MakeHeart by 0.3% per GrandmaGods
- -multiplies efficiency of MakeHeart by 0.3% per GrandmaDevils
- -unlocks at 15 Santa
- -named "Toy Clickers"
- -picture :
- *MysteriousClickers
- "<font color="#FF7F50">"Mommy, mommy, look at those evil looking clickers in the sky next to that mysterious black holes!" -Some Little Kid!"</font> .:. <font color="#F20FE8"> [(Clicking get 0.3% more clicks per Grandma/Grandma Gods/Grandma Devils/AEGG Owned)]" </font>
- -costs 10000000000000000 hearts
- -multiplies efficiency of MakeHeart by 0.3% per Grandma
- -multiplies efficiency of MakeHeart by 0.3% per AncientEgyptGrandmaGods
- -multiplies efficiency of MakeHeart by 0.3% per GrandmaGods
- -multiplies efficiency of MakeHeart by 0.3% per GrandmaDevils
- -unlocks at 15 MysteriousBlackHoles
- -named "Mysterious Clickers" [(Clicking)]"
- -picture :
- *AncientClickers
- "<font color="#FF7F50">"This is the first Clicker that was ever made!" -Ancient Egypt Grandma Gods!"</font> .:. <font color="#F20FE8"> [(Clicking get 0.3% more clicks per Grandma/Grandma Gods/Grandma Devils/AEGG Owned)]" </font>
- -costs 100000000000000000 hearts
- -multiplies efficiency of MakeHeart by 0.3% per Grandma
- -multiplies efficiency of MakeHeart by 0.3% per AncientEgyptGrandmaGods
- -multiplies efficiency of MakeHeart by 0.3% per GrandmaGods
- -multiplies efficiency of MakeHeart by 0.3% per GrandmaDevils
- -unlocks at 50 AncientEgypt
- -named "Ancient Clickers" [(Clicking)]"
- -picture :
- *HellsClcikers
- "<font color="#FF7F50">"We use these Clickers to cause Hell!" -Grandma Devils!"</font> .:. <font color="#F20FE8"> [(Clicking get 0.3% more clicks per Grandma/Grandma Gods/Grandma Devils/AEGG Owned)]" </font>
- -costs 1000000000000000000000000000 hearts
- -unlocks at 50 UndergroundParadise
- -multiplies efficiency of MakeHeart by 0.3% per Grandma
- -multiplies efficiency of MakeHeart by 0.3% per AncientEgyptGrandmaGods
- -multiplies efficiency of MakeHeart by 0.3% per GrandmaGods
- -multiplies efficiency of MakeHeart by 0.3% per GrandmaDevils
- -named "Hell's Clickers" [(Clicking)]"
- -picture :
- *HelpingGrandma
- ""I'm here to lend a helping hand" -Grandma" [(+200%)]"
- -costs 110 hearts
- -multiplies efficiency of Grandma by 200%
- -unlocks at 1 Grandma
- -named "Helping Grandma" ([Grandma])"
- -picture :
- *ExtraHelpingGrandma
- "<font color="#FF00FF">I got everything under control!"</font> <font color="#228B22">-Grandma"</font> <font color="#708090">[(+200%)]"</font>
- -costs 130 hearts
- -multiplies efficiency of Grandma by 200%
- -unlocks at 2 Grandma
- -named "Extra Helping Grandma" ([Grandma])"
- -picture :
- *LifeAlert
- ""Help, I've fallen and I can't get up!" -Grandma" [(+200%)]"
- -costs 400 hearts
- -multiplies efficiency of Grandma by 200%
- -unlocks at 10 Grandma
- -named "Life Alert" ([Grandma])"
- -picture :
- *GrandmaFeelingGenerous
- ""Grandma is in a very good mood, so she raises herself by 200% and raises Gardens by 200%!""
- -cost 1678 hearts
- -multiplies efficiency of Grandma by 200%
- -multiplies efficiency of Garden by 200%
- -unlocks at 20 Grandma
- -named "Grandmas Feeling Generous" ([Synergy])"
- -picture :
- *AcornStairlift
- ""Now I can finally go up stairs to that floor I have never been too!" -Grandma" [(+200%)]"([Grandma])"
- -cost 6620 hearts
- -multiplies efficiency of Grandma by 200%
- -unlocks at 30 Grandma
- -named "Acorn Stairlift" ([Grandma])"
- -picture :
- *GrandmaSexyFisherMan
- ""Whenever I walk down to the Docks, I always pass that handsome young man, James! -Grandma" ([Grandma +200%]) ([Fisherman +200%])"
- -cost 26780 hearts
- -multiplies efficiency of Grandma by 200%
- -Unlocks at 40 Grandma
- -named "Grandma's Cute Fisherman James" ([Synergy])"
- -picture :
- *GrandmasInFactoryTryToFightBack
- ""We are always treated like slaves, but not today!" -Grandma" ([Grandma +150)]" ([Factory +200])"
- -costs 438390 hearts
- -multiplies efficiency of Grandma by 150%
- -multiplies efficiency of Factory by 200%
- -unlocks at 60 Grandma
- -named "Grandmas Try To Fight Back" ([Synergy])"
- -picture :
- *SpikedrollingPins
- ""Great Job my Minions, but best try using Spiked Rolling Pins on there asses! " ([-Grandma Devils +666%])" ([Factory +200%])"
- -costs 3000000000000 hearts
- -multiplies efficiency of GrandmaDevils by 666%
- -multiplies efficiency of Factory by 200%
- -unlocks at 100 Factory
- -named "Spiked Rolling Pins" ([Synergy])"
- -picture :
- *GrandmasGainedKnowledge
- ""Grandma mind got trigged and a tiny flash back came too her! She doesn't know what it means, but she finds the powers to make herself more powerful by 200% and other Buildings by 225%!" (Except Ancient Egypt & Underground Paradise) [(Grandma +200%]) [(Every Other Building +225%])""
- -costs 50 Grandma
- -cost 100000 hearts
- -unlocks at 50 Grandma
- -Multiplies Efficiency of Grandma by 200%
- -Multiplies Efficiency of GrandmaDevils by 200%
- -Multiplies Efficiency of Garden by 225%
- -Multiplies Efficiency of Fisherman by 225%
- -Multiplies Efficiency of Factory by 225%
- -Multiplies Efficiency of GhostShip by 225%
- -Multiplies Efficiency of Labs by 225%
- -Multiplies Efficiency of Mine by 225%
- -Multiplies Efficiency of Shipment by 225%
- -Multiplies Efficiency of Music by 225%
- -Multiplies Efficiency of Storm by 225%
- -Multiplies Efficiency of Timemachine by 225%
- -Multiplies Efficiency of Santa by 225%
- -Multiplies Efficiency of MysteriousBlackHoles by 225%
- -unlocks at 49 Grandma
- -named "Grandmas Gained Knowledge" ([Knowledge])"
- -picture :
- *GrandmasGainedKnowledgeII
- ""Grandmas gain a little more taste of her God Powers by unlocking the knowledge of 100 Grandmas! As a result of this, she raises Grandma by 200% and all other Buildings by 250%!" (Except Ancient Egypt & Underground Paradise)[(Grandma +200%]) [(Every Other Building +250%])""
- -costs 50 Grandma
- -cost 129174474 hearts
- -unlocks at 100 Grandma
- -Multiplies Efficiency of Grandma by 200%
- -Multiplies Efficiency of GrandmaDevils by 200%
- -Multiplies Efficiency of Garden by 250%
- -Multiplies Efficiency of Fisherman by 250%
- -Multiplies Efficiency of Factory by 250%
- -Multiplies Efficiency of GhostShip by 250%
- -Multiplies Efficiency of Labs by 250%
- -Multiplies Efficiency of Mine by 250%
- -Multiplies Efficiency of Shipment by 250%
- -Multiplies Efficiency of Music by 250%
- -Multiplies Efficiency of Storm by 250%
- -Multiplies Efficiency of Timemachine by 250%
- -Multiplies Efficiency of Santa by 250%
- -Multiplies Efficiency of MysteriousBlackHoles by 250%
- -unlocks at 99 Grandma
- -named "Grandmas Gained Knowledge II" ([Knowledge])"
- -picture :
- *GrandmasGainedKnowledgeIII
- ""Grandmas gain tremendous taste of her God Powers by unlocking the knowledge of 150 Grandmas! As a result of this, she raising herself by 200% and every other Building by 275%" (Except Ancient Egypt & Underground Paradise) [(Grandma +200%]) [(Every Other Building +275%])""
- -costs 50 Grandma
- -costs 152706421152 hearts
- -unlocks at 150 Grandma
- -Multiplies Efficiency of Grandma by 200%
- -Multiplies Efficiency of GrandmaDevils by 200%
- -Multiplies Efficiency of Garden by 275%
- -Multiplies Efficiency of Fisherman by 275%
- -Multiplies Efficiency of Factory by 275%
- -Multiplies Efficiency of GhostShip by 275%
- -Multiplies Efficiency of Labs by 275%
- -Multiplies Efficiency of Mine by 275%
- -Multiplies Efficiency of Shipment by 275%
- -Multiplies Efficiency of Music by 275%
- -Multiplies Efficiency of Storm by 275%
- -Multiplies Efficiency of Timemachine by 275%
- -Multiplies Efficiency of Santa by 275%
- -Multiplies Efficiency of MysteriousBlackHoles by 275%
- -unlocks at 149 Grandma
- -named "Grandmas Gained Knowledge III" ([Knowledge])"
- -picture :
- *GrandmasGainedKnowledgeIV
- ""Grandmas gain almost all of her God Powers by unlocking the knowledge of 200 Grandmas! As a result of this, she raises herself by 200% and all other Buildings by 300%!" (Except Ancient Egypt & Underground Paradise) [(Grandma +200%]) [(Every Other Building +300%])""
- -costs 50 Grandma
- -costs 179271570464415 hearts
- -unlocks at 200 Grandma
- -Multiplies Efficiency of Grandma by 200%
- -Multiplies Efficiency of GrandmaDevils by 200%
- -Multiplies Efficiency of Garden by 300%
- -Multiplies Efficiency of Fisherman by 300%
- -Multiplies Efficiency of Factory by 300%
- -Multiplies Efficiency of GhostShip by 300%
- -Multiplies Efficiency of Labs by 300%
- -Multiplies Efficiency of Mine by 300%
- -Multiplies Efficiency of Shipment by 300%
- -Multiplies Efficiency of Music by 300%
- -Multiplies Efficiency of Storm by 300%
- -Multiplies Efficiency of Timemachine by 300%
- -Multiplies Efficiency of Santa by 300%
- -Multiplies Efficiency of MysteriousBlackHoles by 300%
- -unlocks at 199 Grandma
- -named "Grandmas Gained Knowledge IV" ([Knowledge])"
- -picture :
- *GrandmasGainedKnowledgeV
- ""Grandmas gain all of her God Powers by unlocking the knowledge of 250 Grandmas! As a result of this, she raises herself by 200% and all other Buildings by 300%!" (Except Ancient Egypt& Underground Paradise)[(Grandma +200%]) [(Every Other Building +300%])""
- -costs 50 Grandma
- -costs 209212738428850492 hearts
- -unlocks at 250 Grandma
- -Multiplies Efficiency of Grandma by 200%
- -Multiplies Efficiency of GrandmaDevils by 200%
- -Multiplies Efficiency of Garden by 300%
- -Multiplies Efficiency of Fisherman by 300%
- -Multiplies Efficiency of Factory by 300%
- -Multiplies Efficiency of GhostShip by 300%
- -Multiplies Efficiency of Labs by 300%
- -Multiplies Efficiency of Mine by 300%
- -Multiplies Efficiency of Shipment by 300%
- -Multiplies Efficiency of Music by 300%
- -Multiplies Efficiency of Storm by 300%
- -Multiplies Efficiency of Timemachine by 300%
- -Multiplies Efficiency of Santa by 300%
- -Multiplies Efficiency of MysteriousBlackHoles by 300%
- -named "Grandmas Gained Knowledge V" ([Knowledge])"
- -picture :
- *GrandmasGainedKnowledgeVI
- ""Grandmas gain all of her God Powers by unlocking the knowledge of 300 Grandmas! She now remembers how to work the Timemachine and goes back in time 5,000 years ago! As a result of this, she raises herself by 1000% and all other Buildings by 1000%!" (Except Ancient Egypt & Underground Paradise)[(Grandma +1000%]) [(Every Other Building +1000%])""
- -costs 50 Grandma
- -costs 242908865670622200000 hearts
- -unlocks at 300 Grandma
- -Multiplies Efficiency of Grandma by 1000%
- -Multiplies Efficiency of GrandmaDevils by 1000%
- -Multiplies Efficiency of Garden by 1000%
- -Multiplies Efficiency of Fisherman by 1000%
- -Multiplies Efficiency of Factory by 1000%
- -Multiplies Efficiency of GhostShip by 1000%
- -Multiplies Efficiency of Labs by 1000%
- -Multiplies Efficiency of Mine by 1000%
- -Multiplies Efficiency of Shipment by 1000%
- -Multiplies Efficiency of Music by 1000%
- -Multiplies Efficiency of Storm by 1000%
- -Multiplies Efficiency of Timemachine by 1000%
- -Multiplies Efficiency of Santa by 1000%
- -Multiplies Efficiency of MysteriousBlackHoles by 1000%
- -named "Grandmas Gained Knowledge VI" ([Knowledge])"
- -picture :
- *GrandmaGodsGainKnowledgeI
- ""We once had a feeling something happened, and because of it, we almost stopped it!" -Grandma Gods" ([Multiplies Clicking by 0.001% per All Four Grandmas Owned!])""
- -costs 50 GrandmaGods
- -costs 100000 hearts
- -unlocks at 50 GrandmaGods
- -multiplies efficiency of MakeHeart by 0.001% per Grandma
- -multiplies efficiency of MakeHeart by 0.001% per GrandmaGods
- -multiplies efficiency of MakeHeart by 0.001% per GrandmaDevils
- -multiplies efficiency of MakeHeart by 0.001% per AncientEgyptGrandmaGods
- -named "Grandma Gods Gain Knowledge" ([God Knowledge])"
- -picture :
- *GrandmaGodsGainKnowledgeII
- ""Now these days we know how to stop things before they happen, and that makes us stronger!" -Grandma Gods" ([Grandma Gods +3,000%])""
- -costs 50 GrandmaGods
- -costs 129174474 hearts
- -unlocks at 100 GrandmaGods
- -Multiplies Efficiency of GrandmaGods by 3,000%
- -named "Grandma Gods Gain Knowledge II"
- -picture :
- *GrandmaGodsGainKnowledgeIII
- ""Do you want to know what the main talk always is in Heaven? Why didn't we stop the Grandma Devils Attack before it even happened? Because we didn't, every so often we power Ancient Egypt, sense they are our companions! -Grandma Gods" (Ancient Egypt +200%)]""
- -costs 50 GrandmaGods
- -costs 152706421152 hearts
- -unlocks at 150 GrandmaGods
- -multiplies efficiency of AncientEgypt by 200%
- -named "Grandma Gods Gain Knowledge III" ([God Knowledge])"
- -picture :
- *GrandmaGodsGainKnowledgeIV
- ""How would you like to get clicking out of buying us?" -Grandma Gods" ([Multiplies Clicking by 0.001 per All Four Grandmas Owned!])""
- -costs 50 GrandmaGods
- -costs 17927157046441 hearts
- -unlocks at 200 GrandmaGods
- -multiplies efficiency of MakeHeart by 0.001% per Grandma
- -multiplies efficiency of MakeHeart by 0.010% per GrandmaGods
- -multiplies efficiency of MakeHeart by 0.001% per GrandmaDevils
- -multiplies efficiency of MakeHeart by 0.001% per AncientEgyptGrandmaGods
- -named "Grandma Gods Gain Knowledge IV" ([God Knowledge])"
- -picture :
- *GrandmaGodsGainKnowledgeV
- ""We talk a lot about ourselves, but today we will just do something different! How about we power clicking by 15%!? Haha just kidding, but we will power all Grandmas by 666%, to make fun of the Grandma Devils!" -Grandma Gods" (Grandma/Grandma Gods/Ancient Egypt Grandma Gods +666%)]""
- -costs 50 GrandmaGods
- -costs 66 GrandmaDevils
- -costs 209212738428850492 hearts
- -unlocks at 250 GrandmaGods
- -multiplies efficiency of Grandma by 666%
- -multiplies efficiency of GrandmaGods by 666%
- -multiplies efficiency of AncientEgyptGrandmaGods by 666%
- -named "Grandma Gods Gain Knowledge V" ([God Knowledge])"
- -picture :
- *GrandmaGodsGainKnowledgeVI
- ""Let us give back to Ancient Egypt One more time! they are always there for us!" -Grandma Gods" (Ancient Egypt +200%)]""
- -costs 50 GrandmaGods
- -costs 242908865670622200000 hearts
- -unlocks at 300 GrandmaGods
- -multiplies efficiency of AncientEgypt by 200%
- -named "Grandma Gods Gain Knowledge VI" ([God Knowledge])"
- -picture :
- *AncentEgyptGrandmaGodGainKnowledgeI
- ""Did you know that one time I made a Grandma Devil look me in the eyes!?" -Ancient Egypt Grandma Gods" ([Multiplies Clicking by 0.001% per All Four Grandmas Owned!])""
- -costs 50 AncientEgyptGrandmaGods
- -costs 100000 hearts
- -unlocks at 50 AncientEgyptGrandmaGods
- -multiplies efficiency of MakeHeart by 0.001% per Grandma
- -multiplies efficiency of MakeHeart by 0.001% per GrandmaGods
- -multiplies efficiency of MakeHeart by 0.001% per GrandmaDevils
- -multiplies efficiency of MakeHeart by 0.001% per AncientEgyptGrandmaGods
- -named "Ancient Egypt Grandma Gods Gain Knowledge " ([Ancient Knowledge])"
- -picture :
- *AncentEgyptGrandmaGodGainKnowledgeII
- "Yea, that Devil screamed as he died a worse fate then death!" -Ancient Egypt Grandma God" ([Every Building (Not All Four Grandmas) +111%])""
- -costs 50 AncientEgyptGrandmaGods
- -costs 129174474 hearts
- -unlocks at 100 AncientEgyptGrandmaGods
- -Multiplies Efficiency of Garden by 111%
- -Multiplies Efficiency of Fisherman by 111%
- -Multiplies Efficiency of Factory by 111%
- -Multiplies Efficiency of GhostShip by 111%
- -Multiplies Efficiency of Labs by 111%
- -Multiplies Efficiency of Mine by 111%
- -Multiplies Efficiency of Shipment by 111%
- -Multiplies Efficiency of Music by 111%
- -Multiplies Efficiency of Storm by 111%
- -Multiplies Efficiency of Timemachine by 111%
- -Multiplies Efficiency of Santa by 111%
- -Multiplies Efficiency of MysteriousBlackHoles by 111%
- -Multiplies Efficiency of AncientEgypt by 111%
- -Multiplies Efficiency of UndergroundParadise by 111%
- -named "Ancient Egypt Grandma Gods Gain Knowledge II" ([Ancient Knowledge])"
- -picture :
- *AncentEgyptGrandmaGodGainKnowledgeIII
- ""The Grandma Devils are tough little shits, but we are pretty tough too!" -Ancient Egypt Grandma God" ([Ancient Egypt Grandma Gods +3,000%])""
- -costs 50 AncientEgyptGrandmaGods
- -costs 152706421152 hearts
- -unlocks at 150 AncientEgyptGrandmaGods
- -Multiplies Efficiency of AncientEgyptGrandmaGods by 3000%
- -named "Ancient Egypt Grandma Gods Gain Knowledge III" ([Ancient Knowledge])"
- -picture :
- *AncentEgyptGrandmaGodGainKnowledgeIV
- ""We are so touch, we found away to get past the Grandma Devils Black Magic, and Black Magic Spells!" -Ancient Egypt Grandma Gods" ([Multiplies Clicking by 0.001% per All Four Grandmas Owned!])""
- -costs 50 AncientEgyptGrandmaGods
- -costs 17927157046441 hearts
- -unlocks at 200 AncientEgyptGrandmaGods
- -multiplies efficiency of MakeHeart by 0.001% per Grandma
- -multiplies efficiency of MakeHeart by 0.001% per GrandmaGods
- -multiplies efficiency of MakeHeart by 0.001% per GrandmaDevils
- -multiplies efficiency of MakeHeart by 0.001% per AncientEgyptGrandmaGods
- -named "Ancient Egypt Grandma Gods Gain Knowledge IV" ([Ancient Knowledge])"
- -picture :
- *AncentEgyptGrandmaGodGainKnowledgeV
- ""Don't you ever wonder what things would be like if us Grandmas and Grandma Devils didn't fight?" -Ancient Egypt Grandma Gods" (Grandma/Grandma Gods/Ancient Egypt Grandma Gods +10,000%)]""
- -costs 50 AncientEgyptGrandmaGods
- -costs 209212738428850492 hearts
- -unlocks at 250 AncientEgyptGrandmaGods
- -multiplies efficiency of Grandma by 10000%
- -multiplies efficiency of GrandmaGods by 10000%
- -multiplies efficiency of AncientEgyptGrandmaGods by 10000%
- -named "Ancient Egypt Grandma Gods Gain Knowledge V" ([Ancient Knowledge])"
- -picture :
- *AncentEgyptGrandmaGodGainKnowledgeVI
- ""If we Ancient Egypt Grandma Gods, and Grandma Gods loose Heaven again, well, let us just say, shit!" -Ancient Egypt Grandma Gods" (Grandma/Grandma Gods/Ancient Egypt Grandma Gods +10,000%)]""
- -costs 50 AncientEgyptGrandmaGods
- -costs 242908865670622200000 hearts
- -unlocks at 300 AncientEgyptGrandmaGods
- -multiplies efficiency of Grandma by 9000%
- -multiplies efficiency of GrandmaGods by 9000%
- -multiplies efficiency of AncientEgyptGrandmaGods by 9000%
- -named "Ancient Egypt Grandma Gods Gain Knowledge VI" ([Ancient Knowledge])"
- -picture :
- *ProtectedHeaen
- ""We have Grandma Gods at every point of possible entry! We won't let anyone in, unless they where nice to there Grandmas on Earth!" [(+400% to Grandma Gods)]" [(Costs 1 Ancient Egypt Grandma God to help us keep Heaven in our grasps!)]""
- -costs 10 hearts
- -costs 1 AncientEgyptGrandmaGods
- -unlocks at 1 GrandmaGods
- -Multiplies Efficiency of GrandmaGods by 400%
- -named "Protected Heaven" ([Synergy])"
- -picture :
- *Alliances
- ""We have formed with the Ancient Egypt Grandma Gods and with both of our powers, Grandma Devils can't even touch Heaven!" [(+800% to Grandma Gods)]" "
- -costs 1000 hearts
- -unlocks at 2 GrandmaGods
- -Multiplies Efficiency of GrandmaGods by 800%
- -named "Alliances"
- -picture :
- *GrandmaGodsPast
- ""We developed from sparks of magic dust, and one day, one of my Ancestors opened their eyes and found out they where God! Also, when a Grandma is treated like shit, and dies, she is also turned into a God too!" [(+400% to Grandma Gods)]""
- -costs 400 hearts
- -costs 2 GrandmaDevils
- -unlocks at 10 GrandmaGods
- -Multiplies Efficiency of GrandmaGods by 400%
- -named "Grandma Gods Past" ([Synergy])"
- -picture :
- *TheSecretsToTheTimeachineBook
- ""Did you really think I would tell you!? Okay, I can give you a clue, the book can touched by anyone, but it can't be opened with out God Powers! The book will know, and if you touch it, and magic dust comes out, the book will open! I think I said too much already..." [(+400% to Grandma Gods)]""
- -costs 1678 hearts
- -unlocks at 20 GrandmaGods
- -Multiplies Efficiency of GrandmaGods by 400%
- -named "The Secrets to the Timeachine Book"
- -picture :
- *HeavensPastHeavens
- "In the past there was a tragic accident where the Grandma Devils got into Heaven! It was so bad, it took 2,000 Earth Years for the Grandma Gods to get them out and to get everything under control! To this day, it hasn't happened again, and if it ever does, we have Ancient Egypt Grandma Gods, who will appear in 2.1 seconds, thus helping take Heaven back over! " [(+400% to Grandma Gods)]""
- -costs 7000 hearts
- -unlocks at 30 GrandmaGods
- -Multiplies Efficiency of GrandmaGods by 400%
- -named "Heavens Past Heavens"
- -picture :
- *Commando
- ""When we see your face around here again Devil Grandma, we will be ready!" -Ancient Egypt Grandma God" [(+333% to AEGG)]"
- -costs 10 hearts
- -costs 1 GrandmaDevils
- -unlocks at 1 AncientEgyptGrandmaGods
- -Multiplies Efficiency of AncientEgyptGrandmaGods by 333%
- -named "Commando" [Synergy]"
- -picture :
- *BlackMagic
- ""Our Dads use to tell us a story about a Devil using Black Magic to take over Ancient Egypt! It worked until our Ancestors found away to stop your use of it, thus we took everything back over!" -Ancient Egypt Grandma God" [(+333% to AEGG)]"
- -costs 400 hearts
- -costs 1 GrandmaDevils
- -unlocks at 2 AncientEgyptGrandmaGods
- -Multiplies Efficiency of AncientEgyptGrandmaGods by 333%
- -named "Black Magic" [Synergy]"
- -picture :
- *BlackMagicRituals
- ""There is a story passed down as far as the Grandma Gods, where at one point, Black Magic Rituals where used along side Black Magic, and the Grandma Devils couldn't be stopped for thousands of years!" -Ancient Egypt Grandma God" [(+333% to AEGG)]"
- -costs 1678 hearts
- -costs 5 GrandmaDevils
- -unlocks at 10 AncientEgyptGrandmaGods
- -Multiplies Efficiency of AncientEgyptGrandmaGods by 333%
- -named "Black Magic Rituals" [Synergy]"
- -picture :
- *BlackMoonRevengeSpell
- ""Our Ancient Egypt History doesn't like to talk about this, but in desperate times, the Grandma Devils used "Revenge" on us, thinking it is our fault for trying to stop them! We ruled first, then they took over for 10's of thousands of years, with there Black Magic, then we took back over and still rule Ancient Egypt with the Grandma Gods by our side, with the help of the Time Machine!" -Ancient Egypt Grandma God" [(+333% to AEGG)]"
- -costs 7000 hearts
- -costs 7 GrandmaDevils
- -unlocks at 20 AncientEgyptGrandmaGods
- -Multiplies Efficiency of AncientEgyptGrandmaGods by 333%
- -named "Black Moon Revenge Spell" [Synergy]"
- -picture :
- *HellsEscape
- ""10,000 after the Grandma Devils used Black Magic and Spells to take over Ancient Egypt, we found out a way to stop them, and just as we do, those cowards flee to hell!" [(+333% to AEGG)]"
- -costs 25000 hearts
- -unlocks at 40 AncientEgyptGrandmaGods
- -Multiplies Efficiency of AncientEgyptGrandmaGods by 333%
- -named "Hells Escape"
- -picture :
- *GrandmasDevilsGainedKnowledgeI
- ""The Grandma Devils popped there heads out of hell to see what was going on! While looking around, they discovered Grandma Gods where up to no good! Grandma Devils powered themselves by 666% to intimidate by sacrificing 1 Grandma Gods to hell!! [(Grandma Devils +666%])""
- -costs 50 GrandmaDevils
- -costs 1 Grandma
- -cost 666666 hearts
- -unlocks at 50 GrandmaDevils
- -Multiplies Efficiency of GrandmaDevils by 666%
- -named "Grandma Devils Gained Knowledge I" ([Hell Knowledge])"
- -picture :
- *GrandmasDevilsGainedKnowledgeII
- ""The Grandma Devils now knowing what is going on, they try to take charge! Grandma Devils powered themselves by 666% to intimidate by sacrificing 50 Grandma Gods to hell!! [(Grandma Devils +666%])""
- -costs 50 GrandmaDevils
- -costs 50 Grandma
- -cost 666666666 hearts
- -unlocks at 100 GrandmaDevils
- -Multiplies Efficiency of GrandmaDevils by 666%
- -named "Grandma Devils Gained Knowledge II" ([Hell Knowledge])"
- -picture :
- *GrandmasDevilsGainedKnowledgeIII
- ""Grandma Gods, I know what you are doing and we have been down this road before! Keep this up and I will send you and your alive grand kid shits to hell too when they die!" -Grandma Devils" Grandma Devils powered themselves by 666% to intimidate by sacrificing 50 Grandma Gods to hell!! [(Grandma Devils +666%])""
- -costs 50 GrandmaDevils
- -costs 50 Grandma
- -cost 152706421152 hearts
- -unlocks at 150 GrandmaDevils
- -Multiplies Efficiency of GrandmaDevils by 666%
- -named "Grandma Devils Gained Knowledge III" ([Hell Knowledge])"
- -picture :
- *GrandmasDevilsGainedKnowledgeIV
- ""I am sick and tired of your shit Grandma Gods, you do know I ruled Ancient Egypt WAY before you're Ancient Sisters, and I plan to take it back!" -Grandma Devils" Grandma Devils powered themselves by 666% to intimidate by sacrificing 50 Grandma Gods to hell!! [(Grandma Devils +666%])""
- -costs 50 GrandmaDevils
- -costs 50 Grandma
- -cost 179271570464415 hearts
- -unlocks at 200 GrandmaDevils
- -Multiplies Efficiency of GrandmaDevils by 666%
- -named "Grandma Devils Gained Knowledge IV" ([Hell Knowledge])"
- -picture :
- *GrandmasDevilsGainedKnowledgeV
- ""[Grandma God Pinned Against the Wall] Grandma, you will give me the Tinemachine key, you will do it or so help me god, I will make it rain down hell on you and your Gods!" -Grandma Devils" Grandma Devils powered themselves by 666% to intimidate by sacrificing 50 Grandma Gods to hell!! [(Grandma Devils +666%])""
- -costs 50 GrandmaDevils
- -costs 50 Grandma
- -cost 209212738428850492 hearts
- -unlocks at 250 GrandmaDevils
- -Multiplies Efficiency of GrandmaDevils by 666%
- -named "Grandma Devils Gained Knowledge V" ([Hell Knowledge])"
- -picture :
- *GrandmasDevilsGainedKnowledgeVI
- ""[Grandma God still Pinned Against the Wall] So.. you still won't give me the Timemachine Key!? Foolish mistake, time for a war! [Grandma God Picked Up and Thrown to the Ground] Go and tell your gods its time for a war, and believe you me, we Devils will win!" -Grandma Devils" Grandma Devils powered themselves by 66,666% to intimidate by sacrificing 50 Grandma Gods to hell!! [(Grandma Devils +66,666%])""
- -costs 50 GrandmaDevils
- -costs 50 Grandma
- -cost 242908865670622200000 hearts
- -unlocks at 250 GrandmaDevils
- -Multiplies Efficiency of GrandmaDevils by 66666%
- -named "Grandma Devils Gained Knowledge VI" ([Hell Knowledge])"
- -picture :
- *GrandmasGod
- ""We just discovered Grandma is God! She made all the hearts happen, controls time, and will cause you hell if you make her mad!"" [(+2,000,000,000%)]"
- -cost 350 Grandma
- -multiplies efficiency of Grandma by 2000000000%
- -unlocks at 450 Grandma
- -named "Grandmas God" ([Grandma])"
- -picture :
- *DevilGrandmasUsetoRuleAncientEgypt
- ""Believe it or not, but I the Devil ruled Ancient Egypt way, way before the Grandma Gods Did!" -Grandma Devils [(+200% Ancient Egypt])"
- -costs 400 hearts
- -costs 1 Grandma
- -multiplies efficiency of AncientEgypt by 200%
- -unlocks at 1 GrandmaDevils
- -named "Grandma Devils Once Ruled Ancient Egypt ([Synergy])"
- -picture: -
- *GrandmaDevilsCreatedFire
- ""We created fire and every time a fire is lit, we grow stronger" -Grandma Devils" [(+500% Grandma Devils])"
- -costs 500 hearts
- -multiplies efficiency of GrandmaDevils by 500%
- -unlocks at 2 GrandmaDevils
- -named "Grandma Devils Created Fire" ([Grandma Devils])"
- -picture: -
- *Fiasco
- ""We failed to take over Heaven one time before human kind ever existed!" -Grandma Devils" [(+200% Grandma])"
- -costs 400 hearts
- -cost 2 Grandma
- -multiplies efficiency of Grandma by 200%
- -unlocks at 10 GrandmaDevils
- -named "Fiasco" ([Synergy])"
- -picture: -
- *Turmoil
- ""All the screams, pain, and suffering here in Hell only makes me want to torture more souls!" -Grandma Devils" [(+500% Grandma Devils])"
- -costs 2000 hearts
- -multiplies efficiency of GrandmaDevils by 500%
- -unlocks at 20 GrandmaDevils
- -named "Turmoil" ([Grandma Devils])"
- -picture: -
- *Goddamn
- ""Here we have a person who is taking Grandma Gods Name in-vain! Son, your coming with me! " -Grandma Devils" [(+666% Grandma Devils])"
- -costs 666666 hearts
- -cost 30 Grandma
- -multiplies efficiency of GrandmaDevils by 666%
- -unlocks at 30 GrandmaDevils
- -named "God Damn" ([Synergy])"
- -picture: -
- *TheGreatDepression
- ""During the Great Depression I sat and watched the deepest and longest-lasting economic downturn in history! As I watched, I knew some of those people would be mine after they died in other ways then Natural causes, accidents, or anything else besides taking there own lives!" -Grandma Devils" [(+200% Grandma Devils])"
- -costs 26780 hearts
- -multiplies efficiency of GrandmaDevils by 200%
- -unlocks at 40 GrandmaDevils
- -named "The Great Depression" ([Grandma Devils])"
- -picture: -
- *GrandmasGardenBasket
- ""Here's a nice cute basket to place your hearts in!" - Grandma" [(+1000%)]"
- -costs 2000000 hearts
- -multiplies efficiency of Garden by 1000%
- -unlocks at 1 Garden
- -named "Grandma's Garden Basket" ([Garden])"
- -picture :
- *GrandmasSecretGardenBook
- ""Here is the secret book to making a successful Garden Business" -Grandma"[(+1000%)]"
- -costs 5000000 hearts
- -multiplies efficiency of Garden by 1000%
- -unlocks at 15 Garden
- -named "Grandma's Secret Garden Book" ([Garden])"
- -picture :
- *HeartEatingShark
- ""Fish are friends, not food!" -Finding Nemo" [(+500%)]"
- -cost 4000000 hearts
- -multiplies efficiency of Fisherman by 500%
- -unlocks at 1 Fisherman
- -named "Heart Eating Shark" ([Fisherman])"
- -picture :
- *Anchored
- ""You use this to keep your boat still, thus making it easer to collect hearts!" [(+500%)]"
- -cost 40000000 hearts
- -multiplies efficiency of Fisherman by 500%
- -unlocks at 15 Fisherman
- -named Anchored ([Fisherman])"
- -picture :
- *WaterBreaks
- ""Eww.. it tastes like sweat!" -Grandmas" [(+500%)]"
- -cost 2000000 hearts
- -multiplies efficiency of Factory by 500%
- -unlocks at 1 Factory
- -named "Water Breaks" ([Factory])"
- -picture :
- *MoreWhips
- ""When you mouth off, don't drink your sweat, and don't slave over your work, you get the whip! It really hurts -Grandma" [(+500%)]"
- -costs 16300500 hearts
- -multiplies efficiency of Factory by 500%
- -unlocks at 15 Factory
- -named "More Whips " ([Factory])"
- -picture :
- *MoreBeatings
- ""Just when you think it can't get any worse, they bring out the rolling pins! -Grandma" [(+500%)]"
- -costs 65666900 hearts
- -multiplies efficiency of Factory by 500%
- -unlocks at 25 Factory
- -named "Rolling Pin Beatings " ([Factory])"
- -picture :
- *MoreBeatingsII
- ""I'd never thought I'd have more than one hole in my ass! -Grandma" [(+5000%)]"
- -costs 2200400666 hearts
- -multiplies efficiency of Factory by 5000%
- -unlocks at 50 Factory
- -named "Spiked Rolling Pin Beatings " ([Factory])"
- -picture :
- *MoreBeatingsIII
- ""Every time I walk or do something, the camera is right on my ass, thus more beatings! -Grandma" [(+5000%)]"
- -costs 2400666900500 hearts
- -multiplies efficiency of Factory by 5000%
- -unlocks at 100 Factory
- -named "Peeping Toms " ([Factory])"
- -picture :
- *GhostHeartEatingShark
- ""Just because you don't see something, doesn't mean it isn't there!" -Ghost Shark" [(+500%)]"
- -cost 2000000 hearts
- -multiplies efficiency of GhostShip by 500%
- -unlocks at 1 GhostShip
- -named "Ghost Heart Eating Shark" ([Ghost Ship])"
- -picture :
- *MoreFullerMoons
- ""When you expect it less, they will appear more!"" [(+500%)]"
- -costs 162800500 hearts
- -multiplies efficiency of GhostShip by 500%
- -unlocks at 15 GhostShip
- -named "More Fuller Moons" ([Ghost Ship])"
- -picture :
- *MoreWater
- ""No more tears"" [(+500%)]"
- -cost 20000000 hearts
- -multiplies efficiency of Labs by 500%
- -unlocks at 1 Labs
- -named "More Water" ([Labs])"
- -picture :
- *MoreBeakers
- ""You finally can keep making more hearts and experiments without having to worry about needing more beakers!"" [(+500%)]"
- -costs 1700500300 hearts
- -multiplies efficiency of Labs by 500%
- -unlocks at 15 Labs
- -named "More Beakers" ([Labs])"
- -picture :
- *ChildsPlay
- ""Kids working in the Mine now get a 5 minute break every 6 hours" -Unknown" [(+500%)]"
- -cost 100000000 hearts
- -multiplies efficiency of Mine by 500%
- -unlocks at 1 Mine
- -named "Childs Play" ([Mine])"
- -picture :
- *CheapPickaxes
- ""Sense we gave the kids a 5 minute break every 6 hours, we now can't afford to give them good pickaxes! They now get broken cheap ass ones!" -Unknown" [(+500%)]"
- -costs 8300500666 hearts
- -multiplies efficiency of Mine by 500%
- -unlocks at 15 Mine
- -named "Cheap Pickaxes" ([Mine])"
- -picture :
- *ShipmentPowerFlyer9000
- ""All the Presidents of the Countries sat down in a meeting call and came up with this amazing flying Shipment Machine that is 10x faster, 20x lighter, and can hold 30x more hearts per Shipment"" [(+500%)]"
- -costs 666666666 hearts
- -multiplies efficiency of Shipment by 500%
- -unlocks at 1 Shipment
- -named "Shipment Power Flyer 9000" ([Shipment])"
- -Picture :
- *NitroSpeed
- ""All the Presidents of the Countries decided to add Nitro Speed to the Shipment Power Flyer 9000! Now they go very, very fast, reaching there destination 200x faster then before!"" ""Hold on to your asses, your about to go the speed of light!" -Presidents" [(+1000%)]"
- -costs 54300100500 hearts
- -multiplies efficiency of Shipment by 1000%
- -unlocks at 15 Shipment
- -named "Nitro Speed" ([Shipment])"
- -picture :
- *Whistlers
- ""You hear a faint, light sound in the air! First you think its the breeze, then your heart warms up realizing you're hearing the beautiful sound of whistlers, whistling! Just then, something over whelms you, and you start to whistle too!"" [(+500%)]"
- -costs 10000000000 hearts
- -multiplies efficiency of Music by 500%
- -unlocks at 1 Music
- -named "Whistlers" ([Music])"
- -picture :
- *Singers
- ""After you whistle you get shivers down your spine and realize you're hearing the singing of people with golden voices!"" [(+500%)]"
- -costs 813700300900 hearts
- -multiplies efficiency of Music by 500%
- -unlocks at 15 Music
- -named "Singers" ([Music])"
- -picture :
- *TornadosOfHearts
- ""These tornadoes you summoned will do good by helping collecting hearts from the storms! Once the hearts fall to the ground, the tornadoes will scoop them up and fly them to where the hearts need to be! Where's need to be?"" ([+500%)]"
- -costs 100000000000 hearts
- -multiplies efficiency of Storm by 500%
- -unlocks at 1 Storm
- -named "Tornados of Hearts" ([Storms])"
- -picture :
- *ThunderStruck
- ""More lightning means more hearts created, I mean, you know, when the lightning forms and hits, hearts get created from that and then the tornado form and swoop them up!"" ""You thought they fell out of the sky, didn't you?" -Grandma"" ([+500%)]"
- -costs 8200100666100 hearts
- -multiplies efficiency of Storm by 500%
- -unlocks at 15 Storm
- -named "Thunder Stuck"
- -picture :
- *GrandmasTimeKey
- ""If you don't be nice to your Grandma, I'll send you back into yesterday, but you will be back tomorrow!" -Grandma Gods" [(500%)]"
- -cost 800000000000 hearts
- -multiplies efficiency of Storm by 500%
- -unlocks at 1 Timemachine
- -named "Grandma's Time Key" ([Timemmachine])"
- -picture :
- *GrandmasSecretTimeachineBook
- "Here in this Book, only the Grandma Gods have read it!" - Grandma Gods" [(500%)]"
- -cost 65100500100500 hearts
- -multiplies efficiency of Timemachine by 500%
- -unlocks at 15 Timemachine
- -named ""Grandma's Secret Timemachine Book" ([Timemmachine])"
- -picture :
- *SantasLittleHeartHelpers
- ""We will craft the finest hearts the world will ever see!" -Elves" [(+500%)]
- -cost 10000000000000 hearts
- -multiplies efficiency of Santa by 500%
- -unlocks at 1 Santa
- -named "Santa's Little Heart Helpers" ([Santa])"
- -picture :
- *Reindeer
- ""Every Christmas Eve when everyone is sleeping, the reindeer will carry Santa to bring the hearts the Elves made to the location where the hearts are stored!" [(+500%)]"
- -cost 3000000000000000 hearts
- -multiplies efficiency of Santa by 500%
- -unlocks at 15 Santa
- -named "Reindeer" ([Santa])"
- -picture :
- *Spotters
- ""These weird like things help the Mysterious Black Holes spot heart, so it can collect them!"[(+5000%)]!""
- -costs 80000000000000 hearts
- -Multiplies Efficiency of MysteriousBlackHoles by 5000%
- -unlocks at 1 MysteriousBlackHoles
- -named ""Spotters" ([Mysterious Black Holes])"
- -picture :
- *Suckers
- ""The Mysterious Black Holes can now suck up the hearts very, very fast like a vacuum" [(+5000%)]!""
- -cost 3000000000000000 hearts
- -Multiplies Efficiency of MysteriousBlackHoles by 5000%
- -unlocks at 15 MysteriousBlackHoles
- -named ""Suckers"
- -picture :
- *AncientGrandmaGodsAncientLanguage
- ""They say 5,000 years ago, only Ancient Grandma Gods could only read this Language!"" [(+5,000,000%)]!""
- -cost 10000000000000000 hearts
- -Multiplies Efficiency of AncientEGypt by 5000000%
- -unlocks at 10 AncientEgypt
- -named "Ancient Grandma Gods Ancient Language"
- -picture :
- *AncientGrandmaGods
- ""5,000 Years Ago in Ancient Egypt, these how the Grandmas looked! Make sure you don't stare into her eyes, you will go into a place worse then death, rumors have it!"" [(+300000%)]!""
- -costs 100000000000000000 hearts
- -Multiplies Efficiency of AncientEgypt by 30000%
- -unlocks at 50 AncientEgypt
- -named "Ancient Grandma Gods"
- -picture :
- *GrandmaSacrilege
- ""Remember all those poor worthless Grandma Gods you sacrificed so you could power me up by 666% each time? Well take a look and see what you have done!" -Grandma Devils"" [(+66,666%)]
- -costs 1000000000000000000000000 hearts
- -Multiplies Efficiency of UndergroundParadise by 66666%
- -unlocks at 10 UndergroundParadise
- -named "Grandma God Sacrilege"
- -picture :
- *SuchSavage
- ""We are the rulers, we are the rulers, the rulers of the universe, and everything else!!" -Grandma Devils" [(+6,666% Underground Paradise)]"
- -costs 1000000000000000000000000000 hearts
- -cost 100 GrandmaGods
- -costs 100 AncientEgypt
- -multiplies efficiency of UndergroundParadise by 6666%
- -unlocks at 70 UndergroundParadise
- -named "Such Savage" ([Synergy])"
- -picture: :
- *FullPower
- ""Now that we made an example of some Grandma Gods, we will now take over! When people now die, Heaven and Hell now will be forever torment!" -Grandma Devil [(666,666%)]"
- -costs 100000000000000000000000000000 hearts
- -costs 450 Grandma
- -multiplies efficiency of UndergroundParadise by 666666%
- -unlocks at 100 UndergroundParadise
- -named "Full Power" ([Synergy])"
- -picture: :
- *NowTheRulerofEverything
- ""With you sacrificing the rest of the Grandma Gods, there is no one who can stop me! I now own everything and all for all eternity!" -Grandma Devil [(66,666%)]"
- -costs 1000000000000000000000000000000000 hearts
- -costs 10 Grandma
- -multiplies efficiency of UndergroundParadise by 66666%
- -unlocks at 175 UndergroundParadise
- -named "Now the Ruler of Everything" ([Synergy])"
- -picture :
- Achievements :
- *EasyPeasy
- ""Make 10 Total Heart""
- -unlocks at 10 TotalHearts
- -named "Easy Peasy"
- -picture :
- *LemonSqueezy
- ""Make 100 Total Hearts""
- -unlocks at 100 TotalHearts
- -named "Lemon Squeezy"
- -picture :
- *MonkeySeeMonkeyDo
- ""Make 1,000 Total Hearts""
- -unlocks at 1000 TotalHearts
- -named "Monkey See Monkey Do"
- -picture :
- *HeartDonor
- ""Make 10,000 Total Hearts""
- -unlocks at 10000 TotalHearts
- -named "Heart Donor"
- -picture :
- *HeartBreak
- ""Make 100,000 Total Heart""
- -unlocks at 100000 TotalHearts
- -named "Heart Breaker"
- -picture :
- *HeartDestroyer
- ""Make 1 Million Total Hearts""
- -unlocks at 1000000 TotalHearts
- -named "Heart Destroyer"
- -picture :
- *HeartofGold
- ""Make 100 Million Total Hearts""
- -unlocks at 100000000 TotalHearts
- -named "Heart of Gold"
- -picture :
- *Heartless
- ""Make 1 Billion Total Hearts""
- -unlocks at 1000000000 TotalHearts
- -named "Heartless"
- -picture :
- *HeartRacer
- ""Make 1 Trillion Total Hearts""
- -unlocks at 1000000000000 TotalHearts
- -named "Heart Racer"
- -picture :
- *Pacemaker
- ""Make 1 Quadrillion Total Hearts""
- -unlocks at 1000000000000000 TotalHearts
- -named "Pacemaker"
- -picture :
- *HeartAttack
- ""Make 1 Quintillion Total Hearts""
- -unlocks at 1000000000000000000 TotalHearts
- -named "Heart Attack"
- -picture :
- *Resuscitate
- ""Make 1 Sextillion Total Hearts""
- -unlocks at 1000000000000000000000 TotalHearts
- -named "Resuscitate"
- -picture :
- *HeartMonitor
- ""Make Septillion Total Hearts""
- -unlocks at 1000000000000000000000000 TotalHearts
- -named "Heart Monitor"
- -picture :
- *HeartFail
- ""Make 1 Octillion Total Hearts""
- -unlocks at 1000000000000000000000000000 TotalHearts
- -named "Heart Fail"
- -picture :
- *HeartFailddd
- ""Make 1 Nontillion Total Hearts""
- -unlocks at 1000000000000000000000000000000 TotalHearts
- -named "Heart full"
- -picture :
- *GoldenHearteacer
- ""Make 1 Dectillion Total Hearts""
- -unlocks at 1000000000000000000000000000000000 TotalHearts
- -named "Hart Pace Racer Maker"
- -picture :
- *GoldenHeartss
- ""Make 1 Undectillion Total Hearts"" "At times like these people spend countless hours on a game they are addicted too and thus have no life!"
- -unlocks at 1000000000000000000000000000000000000 TotalHearts
- -named "Golden Heart Maker"
- -picture :
- *GrandmasLove
- ""Come here and give your old Grandma a Hug!" -Grandma"
- -unlocks at 1 Grandma
- -named "Grandma's Love" [1]"
- -picture :
- *OldAge
- ""I an't getting any younger" -Grandma"
- -unlocks at 10 Grandma
- -named "Old Age" [10]"
- -picture :
- *RetirementHome
- ""Would you really send me there?" -Grandma"
- -unlocks at 20 Grandma
- -named "Retirement Home" [20]"
- -picture :
- *RetirementHomeBingoGame
- ""B3-A4...I won!" -Grandma"
- -unlocks at 30 Grandma
- -named "Retirement Home Bingo Game" [30]"
- -Picture :
- *HalfPastDead
- ""Honey, Grandma is getting very old, you should come visit me soon!" -Grandma"
- -unlocks at 40 Grandma
- -named "Half Past Dead" [40]"
- -picture :
- *AncientOfAbandonment
- ""I'm feeling like you forgot all about poor old grandma; It has been months sense you last visited" -Grandma"
- -unlocks at 50 Grandma
- -named "Ancient of Abandonment" [50]"
- -picture :
- *AncientOfRealization
- ""K" -Grandma"
- -unlocks at 60 Grandma
- -named "Ancient of Realization" [60]"
- -picture :
- *AncientOfDisgust
- ""You and your sick little games!" -Grandma"
- -unlocks at 70 Grandma
- -named "Ancient of Disgust" [70]"
- -picture :
- *AncientIronFist
- ""Go ahead and keep playing your sick little games, Grandma will eventually have the last laugh!" -Grandma"
- -unlocks at 80 Grandma
- -named "Ancient Iron" Fist [80]"
- -picture :
- *AncientOfHate
- ""Your just someone I use to know" -Grandma"
- -unlocks at 90 Grandma
- -named "Ancient of Hate" [90]"
- -picture :
- *LastChance
- ""This is your last chance to see me and stop your twisted little games!" -Grandma"
- -unlocks at 100 Grandma
- -named "Last Chance" [100]"
- -picture :
- ""I just wanted to call and ask if your happy, because I SURE AM! I'M THE HAPPY-HAPPYEST GRANDMA IN THE WORLD!!" -Angry Grandma"
- -unlocks at 150 Grandma
- -named "ARE YOU HAPPY" [150]"
- -picture :
- *AncientRuler
- ""Grandma here, come get your final hug you piece of shit" -Grandma"
- -unlocks at 200 Grandma
- -named "Ancient Ruler" [200]"
- -picture :
- *AncientRulerofExtinction
- "It has been 20 years sense you visited me last and all I wanted was one more hug; don't think I'll forget about your sick little games in the afterlife!" -Dying Grandma"
- -unlocks at 250 Grandma
- -named "Ancient Ruler of Extinction" [250]"
- -picture :
- *AncientRulerofImmortalTime
- "I may be now dead, but I'm now God! I have the wisdom of 300 Grandmas, Control Time, and now everything runs through me as I'm now the creator!" -Grandma"
- -unlocks at 300 Grandma
- -named "Ancient Ruler of Immortal Time" [300]"
- -picture :
- *AncientRulerofImmortalAncientEgyptTime
- ""Look into my eyes and experience a fate worse then death!"" -Ancient Egypt Grandma Gods"
- -unlocks at 350 Grandma
- -named "Ancient Ruler of Immortal Ancient Egypt Time" [350]"
- -picture :
- *AncientEgyptGrandmaGodsAndGrandmaGodsAreOne
- ""We are one and we own your ass!"" -Grandma Gods & Ancient Egypt Grandma Gods"
- -unlocks at 400 Grandma
- -named "Ancient Egypt Grandma Gods and Grandma Gods Are One" [400]"
- -picture :
- *YouWhereMeanToYourGrandma
- ""Now that your dead and where mean to your Grandma we now own your ass! We Grandma and Ancient Egyptian Gods don't take shit and time to look in my eyes and suffer eternally you piece of shit!"" -Grandma Gods & Ancient Egypt Grandma Gods""
- -unlocks at 450 Grandma
- -named "You Where Mean To Your Grandma" [450]"
- -picture :
- *GrandmasTheGod
- ""Your still going to hell" -Grandma"
- -unlocks at 450 Grandma
- -named "Grandmas God"
- -picture :
- *GrandmaGodsReadTheLettersAndPrepare
- ""Those little shit Devils, they think they can win, don't they?"" -Grandma Gods"
- -unlocks at 500 Grandma
- -named "Grandma Gods Read The Messages and Prepare" [500]"
- -picture :
- *GrandmaGodsFightGrandmaDevilsAndLoose
- ""It is time to fight those little shits who think they even stand a chance! Once they even try, they die!"" -Grandma Gods"
- -unlocks at 550 Grandma
- -named "Grandma Gods Fight Grandma Devils and Loose" [550]"
- -picture :
- *GrandmasHeadsForeverStuckOnTheWall
- ""I still never got that final hug you piece of shit" -Grandma Gods"
- -unlocks at 550 Grandma
- -named "Grandmas Gods Heads Forever Stuck On Hell's Walls"
- -picture :
- *GrandmasApprentice
- "Unlock One Grandma Knowledge"
- -unlocks at 50 Grandma
- -named "Grandma's Apprentice"
- -picture :
- *GrandmasFavorite
- "Unlock Three Grandma Knowledge"
- -unlocks at 150 Grandma
- -named "Grandma's Favorite"
- -picture :
- *GrandmasLoveAndHaterelationship
- "Unlock all Six Grandma Knowledge"
- -unlocks at 300 Grandma
- -named "Grandmas Love And Hate Relationship"
- -picture :
- *Tappers
- "Unlock 1 Clicker Upgrade"
- -Unlocks at 15 Garden
- -named "Tappers"
- -picture :
- *Clickers
- "Unlock 5 Clicker Upgrades"
- -unlocks at 15 Garden
- -unlocks at 15 Fisherman
- -unlocks at 15 Factory
- -unlocks at 15 GhostShip
- -unlocks at 15 Labs
- -named "Clickers"
- -picture :
- *Mashers
- "Unlock 10 Clicker Upgrades"
- -unlocks at 15 Garden
- -unlocks at 15 Fisherman
- -unlocks at 15 Factory
- -unlocks at 15 GhostShip
- -unlocks at 15 Labs
- -unlocks at 15 Mine
- -unlocks at 15 Shipment
- -unlocks at 15 Music
- -unlocks at 15 Storm
- -unlocks at 15 Timemachine
- -named "Mashers"
- -picture :
- *Maniacs
- "Unlock All 14 Clicker Upgrades"
- -unlocks at 15 Garden
- -unlocks at 15 Fisherman
- -unlocks at 15 Factory
- -unlocks at 15 GhostShip
- -unlocks at 15 Labs
- -unlocks at 15 Mine
- -unlocks at 15 Shipment
- -unlocks at 15 Music
- -unlocks at 15 Storm
- -unlocks at 15 Timemachine
- -unlocks at 15 Santa
- -unlocks at 15 MysteriousBlackHoles
- -unlocks at 50 AncientEgypt
- -unlocks at 50 UndergroundParadise
- -named "Maniacs"
- -picture :
- *NightmaresDocomeTrue
- "Unlock One Grandma Devil Hell Knowledge"
- -unlocks at 50 GrandmaDevils
- -named "Nightmares Do Come True"
- -picture :
- *TheOneWhoWillHaveYou
- "Unlock Three Grandma Devil Hell Knowledge"
- -unlocks at 150 GrandmaDevils
- -named "The One Who Will Have You"
- -picture :
- *YourNowMineDontStepOutOfLine
- "Unlock All Six Grandma Devil Hell Knowledge"
- -unlocks at 300 GrandmaDevils
- -named "You're Now Mine, So Don't Step Out of Line"
- -picture :
- *HellRaizer
- ""You're causing too much trouble on earth; you need to come with me!" -Grandma Devil"
- -unlocks at 1 GrandmaDevils
- -named "Hellraiser" [1]"
- -picture :
- *Hellbound
- ""Take my hand and walk with me to the hottest lands of the universe" -Grandma Devil"
- -unlocks at 10 GrandmaDevils
- -named "Hellbound" [10]"
- -picture :
- *HighwaytoHell
- "No more stop signs, speed limits, know one is gonna slow us down" -AC/DC"
- -unlocks at 25 GrandmaDevils
- -named "Highway to Hell" [25]"
- -picture :
- *HellMotel
- ""I see the way you're living and your better off living with me, then in this piece of shit motel you call home! They don't call it Hell Motel For a reason!" -Grandma Devil"
- -unlocks at 50 GrandmaDevils
- -named "Hell Motel" [50]"
- -picture :
- *WhattheHell
- ""I see you being a smart nosed little shit over there and don't think Grandma God can save you now!" -Grandma Devil"
- -unlocks at 100 GrandmaDevils
- -named "What the Hell" [100]"
- -picture :
- *HotterthanHell
- ""They say hell is the hottest place in the universe, but really it's not as hot as your momma" -Grandma Devil"
- -unlocks at 150 GrandmaDevils
- -named "Hotter Than Hell" [150]"
- -picture :
- *WhenHellFreezesOver
- ""People on earth always make jokes about hell freezing over, well jokes on them! When they pass over to me, I'll put them in my freezer for all eternity, so I can watch them in hell while they freeze over!" -Grandma Devil"
- -unlocks at 200 GrandmaDevils
- -named "When Hell Freezes Over" [200]"
- -picture :
- *HellAntTahtBad
- ""To all you little shits on earth, Hell an't that bad-well okay, It is kind of bad, but you don't have to be a little bitch about it, god damn!" -Grandma Devil"
- -unlocks at 250 GrandmaDevils
- -named "Hell An't That Bad" [250]"
- -picture :
- *MessageToTheGrandmaGods
- ""To all you Grandma Gods reading this message, we are coming, and when we do, you're asses are gonna pay from that day in Ancient Egypt when Ancient Egypt Grandma Gods took over!" -Grandma Devil"
- -unlocks at 300 GrandmaDevils
- -named "Message to the Grandma Gods" [300]"
- -picture :
- *MessageToTheGrandmaGodsII
- ""The time is sooner then you think you poor pathetic powerless little shits!" -Grandma Devil"
- -unlocks at 350 GrandmaDevils
- -named "Message to the Grandma Gods II" [350]"
- -picture :
- *MessageToTheGrandmaGodsIII
- ""When we rule the universe, everyone, and everything, you all Grandma Gods, will be smelling like shit as your heads are for eternity posted on my walls!" -Grandma Devil"
- -unlocks at 400 GrandmaDevils
- -named "Message to the Grandma Gods III" [400]"
- -picture :
- *MessageToTheGrandmaGodsIV
- ""Who are you gonna call when the reality of you guys loosing hits?" -Grandma Devil"
- -unlocks at 450 GrandmaDevils
- -named "Message to the Grandma Gods IV" [450]"
- -picture :
- *Todayistheday
- ""Today is the day and we will make those Grandma Gods pay! I want them bagging for mercy, heads chopped off, and hung on my wall, so when all this is over, I can sit there and laugh my ass off!" -Grandma Devil"
- -unlocks at 500 GrandmaDevils
- -named "Today Is The Day" [500]"
- -picture :
- *WeWon
- ""Haha we won! Suck it Grandma Gods and enjoy your stay with you're heads on my wall!" -Grandma Devil"
- -unlocks at 550 GrandmaDevils
- -named "We Won" [550]"
- -picture :
- *WeAresummoned
- ""We are here for you, and we will protect, and serve!" -Grandma Gods"
- -unlocks at 1 GrandmaGods
- -named "We Are Summoned" [1]"
- -picture :
- *UnlockTheTimeachine
- ""Alright, time to unlock the Timeachine and get down to business!" -Grandma Gods"
- -unlocks at 10 GrandmaGods
- -named "Unlock The Timeachine" [10]"
- -picture :
- *OpeningTheTimeachineBook
- ""Zonke kagogo Onkulunkulu Rise! Vikela abantu kulomhlaba, njengoba ukuvikela uku ni kusukela kagogo Devils! Vula Book, njengoba ngenanele amandla akho ukuvula umshini isikhathi, isango indlela konkulunkulu Ancient Egypt nogogo, futhi ndawonye thina ngeke ukuvikela!!" -Grandma Gods"
- -unlocks at 25 GrandmaGods
- -named "Opening The Timeachine Book" [25]"
- -picture :
- *TheTimeachineGates
- ""The Book just opened the Timeachine, the gateway to Ancient Egypt!" -Grandma Gods"
- -unlocks at 50 GrandmaGods
- -named "The Timeachine Gates" [50]"
- -picture :
- *JoinedForces
- ""It is time to protect together!" -Grandma Gods"
- -unlocks at 100 GrandmaGods
- -named "Joined Forces" [100]"
- -picture :
- *TimeAwaits
- ""Us Grandma, and Ancient Egypt Grandma Gods sit, and wait every day for all eternity, while we wait for Grandma Devils, to try and take over some day!" -Grandma Gods"
- -unlocks at 200 GrandmaGods
- -named "Time Awaits" [200]"
- -picture :
- *AntGettingThrough
- ""No matter how hard Grandma Devils Try, they can't over power us Grandma and Ancient Egypt Grandma Gods!" -Grandma Gods"
- -unlocks at 300 GrandmaGods
- -named "An't Getting Through" [300]"
- -picture :
- *BreachAleart
- ""I think today is the day Grandma Devils are gonna try and take over!" -Grandma Gods"
- -unlocks at 400 GrandmaGods
- -named "Breach Alert" [400]"
- -picture :
- *NastyDevilLetters
- ""Those little shit Devils!" -Grandma Gods"
- -unlocks at 500 GrandmaGods
- -named "Nasty Devil Letters" [500]"
- -picture :
- *TheFight
- ""I think these Grandma Devils mean business this time; I hope we are victorious" -Grandma Gods"
- -unlocks at 525 GrandmaGods
- -named "The Fight" [525]"
- -picture :
- *TheLoss
- ""I can't believe those little shit Devils beat us Grandma Gods! They where for some reasons stronger then us!" -Grandma Gods"
- -unlocks at 550 GrandmaGods
- -named "The Loss" [550]"
- -picture :
- *IHaveaFeeling
- ""We Ancient Egypt Grandma Gods have a feeling something will happen today!" -Ancient Egypt Grandma Gods"
- -unlocks at 1 AncientEgyptGrandmaGods
- -named "I Have a Feeling" [1]"
- -picture :
- *SomethingWillHappen
- ""When something happends, we will be ready!" -Ancient Egypt Grandma Gods"
- -unlocks at 10 AncientEgyptGrandmaGods
- -named "Something Will Happen" [10]"
- -picture :
- *TheTimeachineOpeninggg
- ""The Timachine is opening and today, we have backup forces!" -Ancient Egypt Grandma Gods"
- -unlocks at 25 AncientEgyptGrandmaGods
- -named "The Timeachine Opened" [25]"
- -picture :
- *Communications
- ""Grandma Gods, I know something will happen today, please keep a look out!" -Ancient Egypt Grandma Gods"
- -unlocks at 50 AncientEgyptGrandmaGods
- -named "Communications" [50]"
- -picture :
- *Flashbacks
- ""Last time we Ancient Egypt Grandma Gods had this kind of feeling, hell was loose for 10's of thousands of years!" -Ancient Egypt Grandma Gods"
- -unlocks at 100 AncientEgyptGrandmaGods
- -named "Flashbacks" [100]"
- -picture :
- *Repeat
- ""Like we said, they used Black Magic last time and if they use them again, we all might be in trouble!" -Ancient Egypt Grandma Gods"
- -unlocks at 200 AncientEgyptGrandmaGods
- -named "Repeat" [200]"
- -picture :
- *GrandmaGodsDevilLetters
- ""We Ancient Egypt Grandma Gods where sent these letters too and we are preparing for battle!" -Ancient Egypt Grandma Gods"
- -unlocks at 300 AncientEgyptGrandmaGods
- -named "Grandma Gods Devil Letters" [300]"
- -picture :
- *MoreBlackMagics
- ""We where right, shit! They are gonna use Black Magic and Black Magic Spells!" -Ancient Egypt Grandma Gods"
- -unlocks at 400 AncientEgyptGrandmaGods
- -named "More Black Magic" [400]"
- -picture :
- *ThereHere
- ""The Devils are here and they have some new type of Black Magic Spells! We can't even get close!" -Ancient Egypt Grandma Gods"
- -unlocks at 500 AncientEgyptGrandmaGods
- -named "There Here" [500]"
- -picture :
- *WeAreSorry
- ""When we win this battle again in another 10 thousand years, us Ancient Egypt Grandma Gods will look these little Shits in the eyes, and have Grandma Gods help too!" -Ancient Egypt Grandma Gods"
- -unlocks at 550 AncientEgyptGrandmaGods
- -named "We're Sorry" [550]"
- -picture :
- *Newcomer
- "Play Heart Clicker for 5 Minutes"
- -unlocks at 300 Seconds
- -unlocks at 5 Minutes
- -named "New Comer"
- -picture :
- *PassTime
- "Play Heart Clicker for 15 Minutes"
- -unlocks at 900 Seconds
- -unlocks at 15 Minutes
- -named "Pass Time"
- -picture :
- *InTime
- "Play Heart Clicker for 30 Minutes"
- -unlocks at 1800 Seconds
- -unlocks at 30 Minutes
- -named "In Time"
- -picture :
- *OldTimer
- "Play Heart Clicker for 60 Minutes"
- -unlocks at 3600 Seconds
- -unlocks at 60 Minutes
- -named "Old Timer"
- -picture :
- *TheGoldenGatesOfHeaven
- "Unlocks at One Grandma God Knowledge"
- -unlocks at 50 GrandmaGods
- -named "The Golden Gates of Heaven"
- -picture :
- *TheGoldenRiverofLove
- "Unlocks at Three Grandma God Knowledge"
- -unlocks at 150 GrandmaGods
- -named "The Golden River of Love"
- -picture :
- *TheGoldenTearsofJoy
- "Unlocks at All Six Grandma God Knowledge"
- -unlocks at 300 GrandmaGods
- -named "The Golden Tears of Love"
- -picture :
- *TheMillenniumPuzzle
- "Unlocks Three Ancient Knowledge"
- -unlocks at 50 AncientEgyptGrandmaGods
- -named "The Millennium Puzzle"
- -picture :
- *TheEgyptianGods
- "Unlock Three Ancient Knowledge"
- -unlocks at 150 AncientEgyptGrandmaGods
- -named "The Egyptian Gods"
- -picture :
- *Atem
- "Unlock at All Six Ancient Knowledge"
- -unlocks at 300 AncientEgyptGrandmaGods
- -named "Atem"
- -picture :
- *DarkSoul
- "Make 5000 Dark Heart"
- -unlocks at 5000 DarkHearts
- -named "Dark Souls"
- -picture :
- *HeatoftheMoment
- "Make 50000 Dark Heart"
- -unlocks at 50000 DarkHearts
- -named "Heat of the Moment"
- -picture :
- *ColdBloodedMurder
- "Make 500000 Dark Heart"
- -unlocks at 500000 DarkHearts
- -named "Cold Blooded Murder"
- -picture :
- *PreMetitation
- "Make 1 Million Dark Heart"
- -unlocks at 1000000 DarkHearts
- -named "Pre Meditation"
- -picture :
- *Gardner
- ""Own Your First Garden""
- -unlocks at 1 Garden
- -named "Gardner"
- -picture :
- *Digger
- ""Own 10 Gardens""
- -unlocks at 10 Garden
- -named "Digger"
- -picture :
- *Planter
- ""Own 25 Gardens""
- -unlocks at 25 Garden
- -named "Planter"
- -picture :
- *TLC
- "Own 50 Gardens"
- -unlocks at 50 Garden
- -named "TLC"
- -picture :
- *Photosynthesis
- ""Own 100 Gardens""
- -unlocks at 100 Garden
- -named "Photosynthesis"
- -picture :
- *Waterer
- ""Own 150 Gardens""
- -unlocks at 150 Garden
- -named "Waterer"
- -picture :
- *Picker
- ""Own 200 Gardens""
- -unlocks at 200 Garden
- -named "Picker"
- -picture :
- *SetOffAtSea
- ""Own Your First Fisherman""
- -unlocks at 1 Fisherman
- -named "Sett Off At Sea"
- -picture :
- *Seasick
- ""Own 10 Fisherman""
- -unlocks at 10 Fisherman
- -named "Sea Sick"
- -picture :
- *Titanic
- ""Own 25 Fisherman""
- -unlocks at 25 Fisherman
- -named "Titanic"
- -picture :
- *WaterHoleOnShip
- ""Own 50 Fisherman""
- -unlocks at 50 Fisherman
- -named "Water On Ship"
- -picture :
- *45DegreeseBelowZero
- ""Own 100 Fisherman""
- -unlocks at 100 Fisherman
- -named "-45 Degrees Below Zero"
- -picture :
- *NoRescue
- ""Own 150 Fisherman""
- -unlocks at 150 Fisherman
- -named "No Rescue"
- -picture :
- *Frozen
- ""Own 200 Fisherman""
- -unlocks at 200 Fisherman
- -named "Frozen"
- -picture :
- *FirstWorkingGrandma
- ""Own 1 Factory""
- -unlocks at 1 Factory
- -named "First Working Grandma"
- -picture :
- *SlavedWorkingGrandmas
- ""Own 10 Factories""
- -unlocks at 10 Factory
- -named "Slaved Working Grandmas"
- -picture :
- *RestlessWorkingGrandma
- ""Own 25 Factories""
- -unlocks at 25 Factory
- -named "Restless Working Grandmas"
- -picture :
- *DeprivedWorkingGrandmas
- ""Own 50 Factories""
- -unlocks at 50 Factory
- -named "Deprived Working Grandmas"
- -picture :
- *RollingPinBeatings
- ""Own 100 Factories" "Every time a rolling pin hits me, it brakes in half like a twig!" -Slaved Restless Deprived Grandmas""
- -unlocks at 100 Factory
- -named "Rolling Pin Beatings"
- -picture :
- *SoreBrokenGrandmas
- ""Own 150 Factories" "We are so sore from the rolling pin beatings!" "Slaved Restless Deprived Sore Grandmas""
- -unlocks at 150 Factory
- -named "Sore Broken Grandams"
- -picture :
- *BodyBag
- ""Own 200 Factories" "We are old and will die soon anyways" "Slaved Restless Deprived Sore Grandmas""
- -unlocks at 200 Factory
- -named "Body Bags (Grandmas Only Way Out)"
- -picture :
- *TheDarkOne
- ""Own 1 Dark Heart""
- -unlocks at 1 DarkHeart
- -named "A Dark Start"
- -picture :
- *TheDarkerYouGo
- ""Own 25 Dark Hearts""
- -unlocks at 25 DarkHeart
- -named "The Darker You Go"
- -picture :
- *TheDarkerItGets
- ""Own 75 Dark Hearts""
- -unlocks at 75 DarkHeart
- -named "The Darker It Gets"
- -picture :
- *TheDarknessConsumedYou
- ""Own 150 Dark Hearts""
- -unlocks at 150 DarkHeart
- -named "The Darkness Consumed You"
- -picture :
- *TheDarkConfect
- ""Own 10 Dark Heart Factory""
- -unlocks at 10 DarkFactory
- -named "The Dark Conflict"
- -picture :
- *WorldWarIII
- ""Own 10 Dark Heart Factory""
- -unlocks at 10 DarkFactory
- -named "World War III"
- -picture :
- *HauntingPresents
- ""Own 25 Dark Heart Factory""
- -unlocks at 25 DarkFactory
- -named "Haunting Presents"
- -picture :
- *DarkReality
- ""Own 50 Dark Heart Factory""
- -unlocks at 50 DarkFactory
- -named "Dark Reality"
- -picture :
- *Ghost
- ""Own 1 GhostShip""
- -unlocks at 1 GhostShip
- -named "Ghost"
- -picture :
- *FullMoon
- ""Own 10 GhostShip""
- -unlocks at 10 GhostShip
- -named "Full Moon"
- -picture :
- *DisappearingHatTrick
- ""Own 25 GhostShips""
- -unlocks at 25 GhostShip
- -named "Disappearing Hat Trick"
- -picture :
- *GoneInOneSecond
- ""Own 50 GhostShips""
- -unlocks at 50 GhostShip
- -named "Gone In One Second"
- -picture :
- *TheSnapofaFinger
- ""Own 100 GhostShips" "I'm gone just like that" -What Just Left""
- -unlocks at 100 GhostShip
- -named "In The Snap of a Finger"
- -picture :
- *InaBlinkofanEye
- ""Own 150 GhostShips" "I only can be what you think you saw" -What You Thought You Saw""
- -unlocks at 150 GhostShip
- -named "In a Blink of an Eye"
- -picture :
- *WasNeverThere
- ""Own 200 GhostShips" "You can't prove a thing If you never saw me, thus I was never there" -What You Thought Was There""
- -unlocks at 200 GhostShip
- -named "Was Never There"
- -picture :
- *Breakingbad
- ""Own 1 Lab""
- -unlocks at 1 Labs
- -named "Breaking Bad"
- -picture :
- *Krazy8
- ""Own 10 Labs"
- -unlocks at 10 Labs
- -named "Krazy-8"
- -picture :
- *Tuco
- ""Own 25 Labs""
- -unlocks at 25 Labs
- -named "Tuco"
- -picture :
- *Methylamine
- ""Own 50 Labs""
- -unlocks at 50 Labs
- -named "Methylamine"
- -picture :
- *BlueSky
- ""Own 100 Labs""
- -unlocks at 100 Labs
- -named "Blue Sky"
- -picture :
- *GustavoFring
- ""Own 150 Labs""
- -unlocks at 150 Labs
- -named "Gustavo Fring"
- -picture :
- *97Purity
- ""Own 200 Labs""
- -unlocks at 200 Labs
- -named "99.1% Purity"
- -picture :
- *ChildPlay
- ""Own 1 Mine""
- -unlocks at 1 Mine
- -named "Child Abuse"
- -picture :
- *ChildManipulation
- ""Own 10 Mines" "It's really easy man, just tell them what they want to hear and when th're pulled in, its to late!" -Unknown""
- -unlocks at 10 Mine
- -named "Child Manipulation"
- -picture :
- *ChildSlavery
- ""Own 25 Mines" "We have kid slaves do all the work so we can sit down with our feet up and laugh at them as they work there little asses off for nothing!" -Unknown""
- -unlocks at 25 Mine
- -named "Child Slavery"
- -picture :
- *ChildNeglect
- ""Own 50 Mines" "Oh come on, they still get a choice every 3 days to either (Eat, Sleep, Drink, or Have a Break for 5 Minutes!) They just can't have all 4 choices and get to pick and choose one every 3 days!" -Unknown""
- -unlocks at 50 Mine
- -named "Child Neglect"
- -picture :
- *ChildBeatings
- ""Own 100 Mines" "We only beat them 20 times a day!" -Unknown""
- -unlocks at 100 Mine
- -named "Child Beatings"
- -picture :
- *ChildScars
- ""Own 150 Mines" "Scars remind you of what not to do next time" -Unknown""
- -unlocks at 150 Mine
- -named "Child Scars"
- -picture :
- *ChildSPay
- ""Own 200 Mines" "If they lyin they dyin!" -Unknown""
- -unlocks at 200 Mine
- -named "Child Pay"
- -picture :
- *ItShipsItFits
- ""Own 1 Shipment" "Just pack it full man and don't worry about things getting broken nor damaged!" -Presidents of the Countries""
- -unlocks at 1 Shipment
- -named "If It Fits It Ships"
- -picture :
- *200ThousandPountLimit
- ""Own 10 Shipments" "Remember when we said to pack it full and don't worry? Yea, might want to avoid doing that!" -Presidents of the Countries""
- -unlocks at 10 Shipment
- -named "200,000 Pound Limit"
- -picture :
- *RedesigningTheWholeThing
- ""Own 25 Shipments" "Well with our last statement we are loosing too much time thus less hearts! After we rethink how this shipment is, we can once again shove everything back in ad won't have to worry about the weight limit, thus less time spent, thus more hearts delivered, thus more profit?" -Presidents of the Countries""
- -unlocks at 25 Shipment
- -named "Redesigning The Whole Shipment Blueprint"
- -picture :
- *TheOneWhoThoughtofitAll
- ""Own 50 Shipments" "Boy, come over here and shake this man's hand! He is the mastermind-no-he is the genius behind making the new and improved shipments! They now can hold 666,666,666 more pounds, while keeping everything light weight for more speed!" -Presidents of the Countries""
- -unlocks at 50 Shipment
- -named "The One Who Thought of it All"
- -picture :
- *NewTechnology
- ""Own 100 Shipments" "It is 2017 and technology has given us the tools we need to make the shipment even better! How you ask? Huh..well for starters, it can fly itself and avoid anything while flying at an in-creditable 666,666,666 Miles per hour! Hows that for starters! -Presidents of the Countries""
- -unlocks at 100 Shipment
- -named "New Technology"
- -picture :
- *Artofthedeal
- ""Own 150 Shipments" "We where just offered by some guy saying he wants to help us in return for 6 Quadrillion dollars! It is a good deal as he knows everything about this stuff and he will be a good asset!" -Presidents of the Countries"
- -unlocks at 150 Shipment
- -named "Art of the Deal"
- -picture :
- *ScumoftheEarth
- ""Own 200 Shipments" "The little shit scammed us and we are out 6 Quadrillion dollars! He fled, but don't worry, we put a hit out on his ass! -Presidents of the Countries""
- -unlocks at 200 Shipment
- -named "Scum of the Earth"
- -picture :
- *767269MilesPerHour
- ""Own 1 Music" "Now you know how fast the Speed of Sound is!""
- -unlocks at 1 Music
- -named "767.269 Miles Per Hour"
- -picture :
- *SoundProof
- ""Own 10 Music" "I'm sorry, I can't hear u, can you speak louder?""
- -unlocks at 10 Music
- -named "Sound Proof"
- -picture :
- *SoundWaves
- ""Own 25 Music""
- -unlocks at 25 Music
- -named "Sound Wave"
- -picture :
- *Tinnitus
- ""Own 50 Music""
- -unlocks at 50 Music
- -named "Tinnitus"
- -picture :
- *Deaf
- ""Own 100 Music"" "
- -unlocks at 100 Music
- -named "Deaf"
- -picture :
- *HearingAid
- ""Own 150 Music" "It allows Deaf people to hear too!""
- -unlocks at 150 Music
- -named "Hearing Aid"
- -picture :
- *MovingLips
- ""Own 200 Music" "Might Want to talk slow, so I can read your lips, sir!""
- -unlocks at 200 Music
- -named "Moving Lips"
- -picture :
- *LightUpTheNight
- ""Own 1 Storm" "Oh wow, what was that!?""
- -unlocks at 1 Storm
- -named "Light Up The Night"
- -picture :
- *BigBang2
- ""Own 10 Storm" "That scared the hell out of me!""
- -unlocks at 10 Storm
- -named "Big Bang"
- -picture :
- *ThunderStruck2
- ""Own 25 Storm" "You've been Thunderstruck" -AC/DC""
- -unlocks at 25 Storm
- -named "Thunder Struck"
- -picture :
- *LightningRod
- ""Own 50 Storm" "Benny's got kite 'n key, but you're in for a shock When I strike you with bolts from my lightning rod cock" -Epic Rap Battles of History""
- -unlocks at 50 Storm
- -named "Lightning Rod"
- -picture :
- *121Gigawatts
- ""Own 100 Storm" "I spit it hot then generate way more power than 1.21 Gigawatts" -Epic Rap Battles of History""
- -unlocks at 100 Storm
- -named " 1.21 Gigawatts"
- -picture :
- *LightningNeverStrikesTwice
- ""Own 150 Storm" "They say Lightning never strikes in the same place twice""
- -unlocks at 150 Storm
- -named "Lightning Never Strikes Twice""
- -picture :
- *GoneAsSoonAsItCame
- ""Own 200 Storm" "Lightning will disappear as soon as it arrives!""
- -unlocks at 200 Storm
- -named "Gone As Soon As It Came"
- -picture :
- *AMidnightRide
- ""Own 1 Timemachine" "Time feels like a midnight ride" -System of a Down""
- -unlocks at 1 Timemachine
- -named "A Midnight Ride"
- -picture :
- *5000LongYearsAgo
- ""Own 10 Timemachine" "5,000 years ago Ancient Grandma Gods use to rule the Universe!""
- -unlocks at 10 Timemachine
- -named "5,000 Long Years Ago"
- -picture :
- *TimeControl
- ""Own 25 Timemachine" "Who controls the past now controls the future? Who controls the present now controls the past? " -Rage Against The Machine""
- -unlocks at 25 Timemachine
- -named "Time Control"
- -picture :
- *BacktotheFuture
- ""Own 50 Timemachine" "It only takes 1.21 gigawatts" -Doc Brown""
- -unlocks at 50 Timemachine
- -named "Back to the Future"
- -picture :
- *PutAWatchInTheBankToSaveTime
- ""Own 100 Timemachine" "As I watch the watch save time from years in the bank, I wonder why time isn't flying by faster!""
- -unlocks at 100 Timemachine
- -named "I Put a Watch in the Bank to Save Time"
- -picture :
- *Timeisanillusion
- ""Own 150 Timemachine" "Isn't time an illusion of itself?""
- -unlocks at 150 Timemachine
- -named "Time Is an Illusion"
- -picture :
- *TimeIsGone
- ""Own 200 Timemachine" "When your dead, everything related to the sprite world is related to eternity" -A YouTube Video""
- -unlocks at 200 Timemachine
- -named "Time is Gone"
- -picture :
- *SantasLap
- ""Own 1 Santa" "Come sit on Santa's lap and tell me what you want for Christmas!" -Santa""
- -unlocks at 1 Santa
- -named "Santa's Lap"
- -picture :
- *SantasNaughtyList
- ""Own 10 Santa" "He who is naughty will get shit for Christmas!" -Santa""
- -unlocks at 10 Santa
- -named "Santa's Naughty List"
- -picture :
- *SantasWatching
- ""Own 25 Santa" "I'm watching you and don't think I wont shit in your stocking while your sleeping!" -Santa""
- -unlocks at 25 Santa
- -named "Santa is Watching"
- -picture :
- *Elves
- ""Own 50 Santa" "We make the toys for the good boys and girls!" -Elves""
- -unlocks at 50 Santa
- -named "Elves "
- -picture :
- *Raindeers
- ""Own 100 Santa" "Have you ever tried Reindeer chocolate?" -Santa""
- -unlocks at 100 Santa
- -named "Reindeer"
- -picture :
- *SantaIsNotAMyth
- ""Own 150 Santa" "I'm real and I'm spectacular!" -Santa""
- -unlocks at 150 Santa
- -named "Santa is not a Myth"
- -picture :
- *Christmaseve
- ""Own 200 Santa" "Eww mom, there is shit in my stocking!" -Naughty Kid""
- -unlocks at 200 Santa
- -named "A Shitty Christmas Morning "
- -picture :
- *FirstGlanceInTheSky
- ""Own 1 Mysterious Black Holes""
- -unlocks at 1 MysteriousBlackHoles
- -named "First Glance In The Sky"
- -picture :
- *WhatYouSeeIsWhatYouBlieve
- ""Own 10 Mysterious Black Holes""
- -unlocks at 10 MysteriousBlackHoles
- -named "What You See Is What You Believe"
- -picture :
- *TheBeastInTheSky
- ""Own 25 Mysterious Black Holes""
- -unlocks at 25 MysteriousBlackHoles
- -named "The Beast In The Sky"
- -picture :
- *TheDarknessInSpace
- ""Own 50 Mysterious Black Holes""
- -unlocks at 50 MysteriousBlackHoles
- -named "The Darkness In The Sky"
- -picture :
- *OnlyYouCanSee
- ""Own 100 Mysterious Black Holes""
- -unlocks at 100 MysteriousBlackHoles
- -named "Only You Can See"
- -picture :
- *TheMyth
- ""Own 150 Mysterious Black Holes""
- -unlocks at 150 MysteriousBlackHoles
- -named "The Myth"
- -picture :
- *OfSpaceAndTime
- ""Own 200 Mysterious Black Holes""
- -unlocks at 200 MysteriousBlackHoles
- -named "Of Space and Time"
- -picture :
- *5000YearsAgohh
- ""Own 1 Ancient Egypt""
- -unlocks at 1 AncientEgypt
- -named "5,000 Years Ago"
- -picture :
- *InAncentEgypt
- ""Own 10 Ancient Egypt""
- -unlocks at 10 AncientEgypt
- -named "In Ancient Egypt
- -picture :
- *AncientGrandmas
- ""Own 25 Ancient Egypt""
- -unlocks at 25 AncientEgypt
- -named "Ancient Grandmas"
- -picture :
- *WhereGods
- ""Own 50 Ancient Egypt""
- -unlocks at 50 AncientEgypt
- -named "Where Gods"
- -picture :
- *OfTheUniverse
- ""Own 100 Ancient Egypt""
- -unlocks at 100 AncientEgypt
- -named "Of The Universe"
- -picture :
- *SpaceandTime
- ""Own 150 Ancient Egypt""
- -unlocks at 150 AncientEgypt
- -named "Space and Time"
- -picture :
- *TheyWhereAFateWorseThenDeath
- ""Own 200 Ancient Egypt""
- -unlocks at 200 AncientEgypt
- -named "They Where a Fate Worse then Death"
- -picture :
- *PeakofInterest
- ""Own 1 Underground Paradise""
- -unlocks at 1 UndergroundParadise
- -named "Peak of Interest"
- -picture :
- *Escalates
- ""Own 10 Underground Paradise""
- -unlocks at 10 UndergroundParadise
- -named "Escalates"
- -picture :
- *TheWarBegins
- ""Own 25 Underground Paradise""
- -unlocks at 25 UndergroundParadise
- -named "The War Begins"
- -picture :
- *TheUpperHand
- ""Own 50 Underground Paradise""
- -unlocks at 50 UndergroundParadise
- -named "The Upper Hand"
- -picture :
- *TroubledGrandmaGods
- ""Own 100 Underground Paradise""
- -unlocks at 100 UndergroundParadise
- -named "Troubled Grandma Gods"
- -picture :
- *OverpoweredTheGods
- ""Own 150 Underground Paradise""
- -unlocks at 150 UndergroundParadise
- -named "Overtook the Godss"
- -picture :
- *TheOneWhoRulesEveryThingandAll
- ""Own 200 Underground Paradise""
- -unlocks at 200 UndergroundParadise
- -named "The One Who Rules Everything and Everyone"
- -picture :
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