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- {
- ["actions"] = {
- ["finish"] = {
- ["custom"] = "ObjectiveTrackerFrame:Show()",
- ["do_custom"] = false,
- ["do_message"] = false,
- ["message"] = "",
- ["message_type"] = "SAY",
- },
- ["init"] = {
- ["custom"] = "--[[\\nCode based on by alethasis\\n\\nModified and debugging by Karma#2823 aka Pfirsichnase-Blackmoore\\n\\nThanks to:\\nfuba82 (old KalielsTracker fix)\\nJH0Ni (latest KalielsTracker fix)\\n]]--\\n\\naura_env.hideObjectives = function()\\n if (aura_env.config.optionkey_modules.option_questframe == true) then\\n if aura_env.hasKalielsTracker then\\n KalielsTracker:Toggle(false)\\n else\\n if (aura_env.LAST_STATE == true) then\\n UIFrameFadeIn(aura_env.QTracker, aura_env.config.optionkey_settings.option_fade * (aura_env.QTracker:GetAlpha()), aura_env.QTracker:GetAlpha(), 0)\\n else\\n aura_env.QTracker:Hide()\\n end\\n C_Timer.After(aura_env.config.optionkey_settings.option_fade, function() aura_env.QTracker:Hide() end)\\n end\\n ExpansionLandingPageMinimapButton:Show()\\n end\\n \\n if (aura_env.config.optionkey_modules.option_minimapframe == true) then\\n if (aura_env.LAST_STATE == true) then\\n UIFrameFadeIn(Minimap, aura_env.config.optionkey_settings.option_fade * (Minimap:GetAlpha()), Minimap:GetAlpha(), 0)\\n UIFrameFadeIn(MinimapCluster, aura_env.config.optionkey_settings.option_fade * (MinimapCluster:GetAlpha()), MinimapCluster:GetAlpha(), 0)\\n else\\n Minimap:Hide()\\n MinimapCluster:Hide()\\n end\\n C_Timer.After(aura_env.config.optionkey_settings.option_fade, function() Minimap:Hide() MinimapCluster:Hide() end)\\n ExpansionLandingPageMinimapButton:Hide()\\n end\\nend\\n\\naura_env.showObjectives = function()\\n if (aura_env.config.optionkey_modules.option_questframe == true) then\\n if aura_env.hasKalielsTracker then\\n KalielsTracker:Toggle(true)\\n else\\n UIFrameFadeIn(aura_env.QTracker, aura_env.config.optionkey_settings.option_fade * (1-aura_env.QTracker:GetAlpha()), aura_env.QTracker:GetAlpha(), 1)\\n C_Timer.After(aura_env.config.optionkey_settings.option_fade, function() aura_env.QTracker:Show() end)\\n end\\n end\\n if (aura_env.config.optionkey_modules.option_minimapframe == true) then\\n UIFrameFadeIn(Minimap, aura_env.config.optionkey_settings.option_fade * (1-Minimap:GetAlpha()), Minimap:GetAlpha(), 1)\\n UIFrameFadeIn(MinimapCluster, aura_env.config.optionkey_settings.option_fade * (1-MinimapCluster:GetAlpha()), MinimapCluster:GetAlpha(), 1)\\n C_Timer.After(aura_env.config.optionkey_settings.option_fade, function() Minimap:Show() MinimapCluster:Show() end)\\n end\\n ExpansionLandingPageMinimapButton:Show()\\nend\\n\\naura_env.handleVisibilitySetting = function(setting)\\n if (setting == true) then\\n aura_env.hideObjectives()\\n aura_env.LAST_STATE = false\\n return\\n elseif (setting == false) then\\n aura_env.showObjectives()\\n aura_env.LAST_STATE = true\\n return\\n end\\nend\\n\\naura_env.getInstanceSettings = function(difficultyID, difficultyName, instanceType, maxPlayers)\\n local instanceSettings = {}\\n return instanceSettings\\nend\\n\\naura_env.INIT_UIHIDER = function()\\n aura_env.hasKalielsTracker = C_AddOns.IsAddOnLoaded(\\\"!KalielsTracker\\\")\\n aura_env.QTracker = ObjectiveTrackerFrame\\n aura_env.LAST_STATE = true\\nend\\n\\naura_env.INIT_UIHIDER()",
- ["do_custom"] = true,
- },
- ["start"] = {
- ["custom"] = "ObjectiveTrackerFrame:Hide()",
- ["do_custom"] = false,
- ["do_message"] = false,
- ["message"] = "",
- ["message_type"] = "SAY",
- },
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- ["type"] = "none",
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- ["easeType"] = "none",
- ["type"] = "none",
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- ["start"] = {
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- ["easeType"] = "none",
- ["type"] = "none",
- },
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- ["width"] = 2,
- },
- [3] = {
- ["fontSize"] = "medium",
- ["text"] = "Enable checkbox for locations you don't wanna see the objective quest frame.",
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- ["size"] = 10,
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- [1] = {
- ["default"] = false,
- ["desc"] = "Activate the checkbox to deactivate the objective quest frame when you are in dungeon.",
- ["key"] = "option_dungeons",
- ["name"] = "Dungeon",
- ["type"] = "toggle",
- ["useDesc"] = true,
- ["width"] = 1,
- },
- [2] = {
- ["default"] = false,
- ["desc"] = "Activate the checkbox to deactivate the objective quest frame when you are in raid.",
- ["key"] = "option_raid",
- ["name"] = "Raid",
- ["type"] = "toggle",
- ["useDesc"] = true,
- ["width"] = 1,
- },
- [3] = {
- ["default"] = false,
- ["desc"] = "Activate the checkbox to deactivate the objective quest frame when you are in scenario.",
- ["key"] = "option_scenario",
- ["name"] = "Scenario",
- ["type"] = "toggle",
- ["useDesc"] = true,
- ["width"] = 1,
- },
- [4] = {
- ["default"] = false,
- ["desc"] = "Activate the checkbox to deactivate the objective quest frame when you are in Delves.",
- ["key"] = "option_delves",
- ["name"] = "Delves",
- ["type"] = "toggle",
- ["useDesc"] = true,
- ["width"] = 1,
- },
- [5] = {
- ["default"] = false,
- ["desc"] = "Activate the checkbox to deactivate the objective quest frame when you are in Torghast.",
- ["key"] = "option_torghast",
- ["name"] = "Torghast",
- ["type"] = "toggle",
- ["useDesc"] = true,
- ["width"] = 1,
- },
- [6] = {
- ["default"] = false,
- ["desc"] = "Activate the checkbox to deactivate the objective quest frame when you are in Garrison.",
- ["key"] = "option_garrison",
- ["name"] = "Garrison",
- ["type"] = "toggle",
- ["useDesc"] = true,
- ["width"] = 1,
- },
- },
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- [7] = {
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- ["name"] = "PVP",
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- ["noMerge"] = false,
- ["size"] = 10,
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- [1] = {
- ["default"] = false,
- ["desc"] = "Activate the checkbox to deactivate the objective quest frame when you are in battleground.",
- ["key"] = "option_battleground",
- ["name"] = "Battleground",
- ["type"] = "toggle",
- ["useDesc"] = true,
- ["width"] = 1,
- },
- [2] = {
- ["default"] = false,
- ["desc"] = "Activate the checkbox to deactivate the objective quest frame when you are in arena.",
- ["key"] = "option_arena",
- ["name"] = "Arena",
- ["type"] = "toggle",
- ["useDesc"] = true,
- ["width"] = 1,
- },
- },
- ["type"] = "group",
- ["useCollapse"] = true,
- ["useDesc"] = false,
- ["width"] = 1,
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- [9] = {
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- ["key"] = "optionkey_miscellaneous",
- ["limitType"] = "none",
- ["name"] = "Miscellaneous",
- ["nameSource"] = 0,
- ["noMerge"] = false,
- ["size"] = 10,
- ["subOptions"] = {
- [1] = {
- ["default"] = false,
- ["desc"] = "Activate the checkbox to deactivate always the objective quest frame.",
- ["key"] = "settingsEverywhereElse",
- ["name"] = "Always",
- ["type"] = "toggle",
- ["useDesc"] = true,
- ["width"] = 1,
- },
- [2] = {
- ["default"] = false,
- ["desc"] = "Activate the checkbox to deactivate the objective quest frame when you are infight.",
- ["key"] = "option_infight",
- ["name"] = "Infight",
- ["type"] = "toggle",
- ["useDesc"] = true,
- ["width"] = 1,
- },
- [3] = {
- ["default"] = false,
- ["desc"] = "Activate the checkbox to deactivate the objective quest frame on open world.",
- ["key"] = "option_openworld",
- ["name"] = "Open World",
- ["type"] = "toggle",
- ["useDesc"] = true,
- ["width"] = 1,
- },
- [4] = {
- ["default"] = false,
- ["desc"] = "Activate the checkbox to deactivate the objective quest frame when you are on a mount.",
- ["key"] = "option_mount",
- ["name"] = "Mount",
- ["type"] = "toggle",
- ["useDesc"] = true,
- ["width"] = 1,
- },
- },
- ["type"] = "group",
- ["useCollapse"] = true,
- ["useDesc"] = false,
- ["width"] = 1,
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- ["name"] = "Modules",
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- ["noMerge"] = false,
- ["size"] = 10,
- ["subOptions"] = {
- [1] = {
- ["default"] = false,
- ["desc"] = "Activate the checkbox to deactivate the objective quest frame under the conditions above.",
- ["key"] = "option_questframe",
- ["name"] = "Quest Frame",
- ["type"] = "toggle",
- ["useDesc"] = true,
- ["width"] = 1,
- },
- [2] = {
- ["default"] = false,
- ["desc"] = "Activate the checkbox to deactivate the minimap frame under the conditions above.",
- ["key"] = "option_minimapframe",
- ["name"] = "Minimap Frame",
- ["type"] = "toggle",
- ["useDesc"] = true,
- ["width"] = 1,
- },
- },
- ["type"] = "group",
- ["useCollapse"] = true,
- ["useDesc"] = false,
- ["width"] = 1,
- },
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- ["useHeight"] = true,
- ["variableWidth"] = true,
- ["width"] = 2,
- },
- [13] = {
- ["collapse"] = false,
- ["groupType"] = "simple",
- ["hideReorder"] = true,
- ["key"] = "optionkey_settings",
- ["limitType"] = "none",
- ["name"] = "Generel settings",
- ["nameSource"] = 0,
- ["noMerge"] = false,
- ["size"] = 10,
- ["subOptions"] = {
- [1] = {
- ["default"] = 0,
- ["desc"] = "Decide how many seconds it takes for the objective quest frame or minimap frame to disappear or appear.",
- ["key"] = "option_fade",
- ["max"] = 3,
- ["min"] = 0,
- ["name"] = "Fade In/Out",
- ["step"] = 0.05,
- ["type"] = "range",
- ["useDesc"] = true,
- ["width"] = 2,
- },
- },
- ["type"] = "group",
- ["useCollapse"] = true,
- ["useDesc"] = false,
- ["width"] = 1,
- },
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- ["useHeight"] = true,
- ["variableWidth"] = true,
- ["width"] = 2,
- },
- [15] = {
- ["default"] = "/run local cvar=\\\"UI_HideObjectiveFrame_Always_MacroToggle\\\" SetCVar(cvar,1-GetCVar(cvar),cvar)",
- ["desc"] = "",
- ["key"] = "option_macro",
- ["length"] = 10,
- ["multiline"] = true,
- ["name"] = "*Experimental* - Macro \\\"Always\\\" execution",
- ["type"] = "input",
- ["useDesc"] = false,
- ["useLength"] = false,
- ["width"] = 2,
- },
- [16] = {
- ["fontSize"] = "medium",
- ["text"] = "This script can be used for example in macros to control the \\\"Always\\\" function without visiting the Weakaura options. \\n\\nUnfortunately, the “Always” function is NOT visual updated (checkbox) in Custom options, when you use this script. \\n\\nThis script is a toggle function. Means the script dont need to be changed for On/Off.",
- ["type"] = "description",
- ["width"] = 2,
- },
- },
- ["automaticWidth"] = "Auto",
- ["color"] = {
- [1] = 1,
- [2] = 1,
- [3] = 1,
- [4] = 1,
- },
- ["conditions"] = {
- },
- ["config"] = {
- ["option_macro"] = "/run local cvar=\\\"UI_HideObjectiveFrame_Always_MacroToggle\\\" SetCVar(cvar,1-GetCVar(cvar),cvar)",
- ["optionkey_miscellaneous"] = {
- ["option_infight"] = false,
- ["option_mount"] = false,
- ["option_openworld"] = false,
- ["settingsEverywhereElse"] = false,
- },
- ["optionkey_modules"] = {
- ["option_minimapframe"] = false,
- ["option_questframe"] = true,
- },
- ["optionkey_pve"] = {
- ["option_delves"] = false,
- ["option_dungeons"] = true,
- ["option_garrison"] = false,
- ["option_raid"] = true,
- ["option_scenario"] = false,
- ["option_torghast"] = false,
- },
- ["optionkey_pvp"] = {
- ["option_arena"] = true,
- ["option_battleground"] = true,
- },
- ["optionkey_settings"] = {
- ["option_fade"] = 0.5,
- },
- },
- ["customTextUpdate"] = "event",
- ["desc"] = "Made with <3 by Pfirsichnase - Blackmoore",
- ["displayText"] = "",
- ["displayText_format_p_format"] = "timed",
- ["displayText_format_p_time_dynamic_threshold"] = 60,
- ["displayText_format_p_time_format"] = 0,
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- ["fixedWidth"] = 200,
- ["font"] = "Friz Quadrata TT",
- ["fontSize"] = 24,
- ["frameStrata"] = 1,
- ["id"] = "UI_HideObjectiveFrame",
- ["information"] = {
- ["forceEvents"] = true,
- ["ignoreOptionsEventErrors"] = true,
- },
- ["internalVersion"] = 83,
- ["justify"] = "LEFT",
- ["load"] = {
- ["class"] = {
- ["multi"] = {
- },
- },
- ["class_and_spec"] = {
- ["multi"] = {
- [62] = true,
- },
- ["single"] = 62,
- },
- ["difficulty"] = {
- ["multi"] = {
- },
- },
- ["instance_type"] = {
- ["multi"] = {
- },
- },
- ["size"] = {
- ["multi"] = {
- ["arena"] = true,
- ["flexible"] = true,
- ["fortyman"] = true,
- ["party"] = true,
- ["pvp"] = true,
- ["ratedarena"] = true,
- ["ratedpvp"] = true,
- ["ten"] = true,
- ["twenty"] = true,
- ["twentyfive"] = true,
- },
- },
- ["spec"] = {
- ["multi"] = {
- },
- },
- ["talent"] = {
- ["multi"] = {
- },
- },
- ["use_namerealm"] = false,
- ["use_never"] = false,
- ["use_zoneIds"] = false,
- ["zoneIds"] = "g440, g275, g279, g245, 733, g236, g182, g443, 2194, c2198, 2579",
- },
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- ["preferToUpdate"] = false,
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- [4] = 1,
- },
- ["shadowXOffset"] = 1,
- ["shadowYOffset"] = -1,
- ["source"] = "import",
- ["subRegions"] = {
- [1] = {
- ["type"] = "subbackground",
- },
- },
- ["tocversion"] = 110005,
- ["triggers"] = {
- [1] = {
- ["trigger"] = {
- ["check"] = "update",
- ["custom"] = "function (event, glStr,value)\\n local _, instanceType, difficultyID, difficultyName, maxPlayers = GetInstanceInfo()\\n local settings = aura_env.getInstanceSettings(difficultyID, difficultyName, instanceType, maxPlayers)\\n local instanceSetting = settings[difficultyID]\\n local isChallengeMode = GetDifficultyInfo(difficultyID)\\n \\n -- /run local cvar=\\\"UI_HideObjectiveFrame_Always_MacroToggle\\\" SetCVar(cvar,1-GetCVar(cvar),cvar)\\n local cvar=\\\"UI_HideObjectiveFrame_Always_MacroToggle\\\"\\n if glStr and value and glStr==cvar then\\n if (aura_env.config.optionkey_miscellaneous.settingsEverywhereElse == true) then\\n aura_env.config.optionkey_miscellaneous.settingsEverywhereElse = false\\n else\\n aura_env.config.optionkey_miscellaneous.settingsEverywhereElse = true\\n end\\n elseif not glStr and not value then\\n RegisterCVar(cvar,0)\\n end\\n \\n if (aura_env.config.optionkey_miscellaneous.option_mount == true) then\\n local _, englishClass, _ = UnitClass(\\\"player\\\")\\n if (englishClass == \\\"DRUID\\\") then\\n if (IsMounted() == true or GetShapeshiftForm() == 3) then\\n local visibilitySetting = aura_env.config.optionkey_miscellaneous.option_mount\\n return aura_env.handleVisibilitySetting(visibilitySetting)\\n end\\n else\\n if (IsMounted() == true) then\\n local visibilitySetting = aura_env.config.optionkey_miscellaneous.option_mount\\n return aura_env.handleVisibilitySetting(visibilitySetting)\\n end\\n end\\n \\n if (event == \\\"PLAYER_MOUNT_DISPLAY_CHANGED\\\" or \\\"UPDATE_SHAPESHIFT_FORM\\\") then\\n if (IsMounted() == false or not GetShapeshiftForm() == 3) then\\n if (UnitAffectingCombat(\\\"player\\\") == true and aura_env.config.optionkey_miscellaneous.option_infight == true) then\\n local visibilitySetting = aura_env.config.optionkey_miscellaneous.option_infight\\n return aura_env.handleVisibilitySetting(visibilitySetting)\\n end\\n end\\n end \\n end\\n \\n if (aura_env.config.optionkey_pve.option_dungeons == true) then\\n if (instanceType == \\\"party\\\" or isChallengeMode) then\\n if not (difficultyID == 208) then\\n if not (instanceType == \\\"raid\\\") then\\n if not (instanceType == \\\"scenario\\\") then\\n if not (C_Garrison.IsOnGarrisonMap() or C_Garrison.IsUsingPartyGarrison()) then\\n local visibilitySetting = aura_env.config.optionkey_pve.option_dungeons\\n return aura_env.handleVisibilitySetting(visibilitySetting)\\n end\\n end\\n end\\n end\\n end\\n end\\n \\n if (aura_env.config.optionkey_pve.option_garrison == true) then\\n if (C_Garrison.IsOnGarrisonMap() == true) or (C_Garrison.IsUsingPartyGarrison() == true) then\\n local visibilitySetting = aura_env.config.optionkey_pve.option_garrison\\n return aura_env.handleVisibilitySetting(visibilitySetting)\\n end\\n end\\n \\n if (instanceType == \\\"scenario\\\") then\\n if not (difficultyID == 208) then\\n if not (difficultyID == 167) then\\n if (aura_env.config.optionkey_pve.option_scenario == true) then\\n local visibilitySetting = aura_env.config.optionkey_pve.option_scenario\\n return aura_env.handleVisibilitySetting(visibilitySetting)\\n end\\n end\\n end\\n end\\n \\n if (instanceType == \\\"scenario\\\") then\\n if (difficultyID == 208) then\\n if (aura_env.config.optionkey_pve.option_delves == true) then\\n local visibilitySetting = aura_env.config.optionkey_pve.option_delves\\n return aura_env.handleVisibilitySetting(visibilitySetting)\\n end\\n end\\n if (difficultyID == 167) then\\n if (aura_env.config.optionkey_pve.option_torghast == true) then\\n local visibilitySetting = aura_env.config.optionkey_pve.option_torghast\\n return aura_env.handleVisibilitySetting(visibilitySetting)\\n end\\n end\\n end\\n \\n if (instanceType == \\\"raid\\\") then\\n if (aura_env.config.optionkey_pve.option_raid == true) then\\n local visibilitySetting = aura_env.config.optionkey_pve.option_raid\\n return aura_env.handleVisibilitySetting(visibilitySetting)\\n end\\n end\\n \\n if (instanceType == \\\"pvp\\\") then\\n if (aura_env.config.optionkey_pvp.option_battleground == true) then\\n local visibilitySetting = aura_env.config.optionkey_pvp.option_battleground\\n return aura_env.handleVisibilitySetting(visibilitySetting)\\n end\\n end\\n \\n if (instanceType == \\\"arena\\\") then\\n if (aura_env.config.optionkey_pvp.option_arena == true) then\\n local visibilitySetting = aura_env.config.optionkey_pvp.option_arena\\n return aura_env.handleVisibilitySetting(visibilitySetting)\\n end\\n end\\n \\n if (instanceType == \\\"none\\\") then\\n if (aura_env.config.optionkey_miscellaneous.option_openworld == true) then\\n local visibilitySetting = aura_env.config.optionkey_miscellaneous.option_openworld\\n return aura_env.handleVisibilitySetting(visibilitySetting)\\n end\\n end\\n \\n if (aura_env.config.optionkey_miscellaneous.option_infight == true) then\\n if (event == \\\"PLAYER_REGEN_DISABLED\\\") then\\n local visibilitySetting = aura_env.config.optionkey_miscellaneous.option_infight\\n return aura_env.handleVisibilitySetting(visibilitySetting)\\n end\\n \\n if (event == \\\"PLAYER_REGEN_ENABLED\\\") then\\n if (aura_env.config.optionkey_miscellaneous.settingsEverywhereElse == false) then\\n local visibilitySetting = aura_env.config.optionkey_miscellaneous.settingsEverywhereElse\\n return aura_env.handleVisibilitySetting(visibilitySetting)\\n end\\n end\\n end\\n \\n local visibilitySetting = instanceSetting or aura_env.config.optionkey_miscellaneous.settingsEverywhereElse\\n return aura_env.handleVisibilitySetting(visibilitySetting)\\nend",
- ["custom_hide"] = "custom",
- ["custom_type"] = "event",
- ["debuffType"] = "HELPFUL",
- ["event"] = "Conditions",
- ["genericShowOn"] = "showOnCooldown",
- ["ingroup"] = {
- },
- ["names"] = {
- },
- ["spellIds"] = {
- },
- ["spellName"] = 0,
- ["subeventPrefix"] = "SPELL",
- ["subeventSuffix"] = "_CAST_START",
- ["type"] = "custom",
- ["unit"] = "player",
- ["use_absorbHealMode"] = true,
- ["use_absorbMode"] = true,
- ["use_alwaystrue"] = true,
- ["use_genericShowOn"] = true,
- ["use_spellName"] = true,
- ["use_track"] = true,
- ["use_unit"] = true,
- },
- ["untrigger"] = {
- ["custom"] = "function(event,glStr,value)\\n local cvar=\\\"UI_HideObjectiveFrame_Always_MacroToggle\\\"\\n if glStr and value and glStr==cvar then\\n return tonumber(value)==0\\n end\\nend",
- },
- },
- ["activeTriggerMode"] = -10,
- ["disjunctive"] = "all",
- },
- ["uid"] = "A)OujmdL)9W",
- ["url"] = "",
- ["version"] = 32,
- ["wagoID"] = "tKOoIqhIq",
- ["wordWrap"] = "WordWrap",
- ["xOffset"] = -5000,
- ["yOffset"] = 4800,
- }
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