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- --Single Tree-Cutter
- --Version 0.1.0
- --Made by Civilwargeeky, at the request of Mr. Hohenheim
- --Idea, if mod that lets see inv, then check if things are bonemeal/saplings
- --[[
- More ideas:
- If wanting to save progress, you need these:
- slotTypes
- facing
- atHome
- On startup, if not at home, go down until you are level, then back one
- Also on startup, turnTo 0
- ]]
- local insistOnStock = false --Whether or not it will force a certain amount of things to be in inventory
- local facing = 0 --0 is front, 1 is right, 2 is back, 3 is left
- local numCut = 0 --Trees cut
- local numDropped = 0 --Wood/things dropped off
- local slotTypes = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}
- local typeTable = {sapling = 1, bonemeal = 2, wood = 0}
- local numTypes = 2 --Used in assign types function
- local materialsTable = {sapling = "left", bonemeal = "back", wood = "right"}
- local restock = {sapling = 64 * 2, bonemeal = 64*4}
- local keepOpen = 5
- local atHome = true --Whether or not its in its home spot
- --Misc functions
- function getInvTable()
- local toRet = {}
- for i=1, 16 do
- toRet[i] = turtle.getItemCount(i)
- end
- return toRet
- end
- function getChangedSlots(input1, input2)
- local toRet = {}
- for i=1, math.min(#input1, #input2) do
- if input1[i] ~= input2[i] then
- table.insert(toRet,i)
- end
- end
- return toRet
- end
- function countChange(func, num)
- local snapshot, changed = getInvTable(), 0
- func(num)
- local ending = getInvTable()
- for i=1,16 do
- if snapshot[i] ~= ending[i] then
- changed = changed + math.abs(snapshot[i]-ending[i])
- end
- end
- return changed
- end
- function screenSet(x, y)
- x, y = x or 1, y or 1
- term.clear()
- term.setCursorPos(x,y)
- end
- function display()
- screenSet(1,1)
- print("Fuel: ",turtle.getFuelLevel())
- print("I couldn't really think of anything else to put here...")
- end
- --Custom movement related local functions
- function fromBoolean(input) --Like a calculator
- if input then return 1 end
- return 0
- end
- function coterminal(num, limit) --I knew this would come in handy :D TI-83 FTW!
- limit = limit or 4 --This is for facing
- return math.abs((limit*fromBoolean(num < 0))-(math.abs(num)%limit))
- end
- function genericTurn(func, toAdd)
- local toRet = func()
- facing = coterminal(facing + toAdd)
- return toRet
- end
- function right()
- return genericTurn(turtle.turnRight, 1)
- end
- function left()
- return genericTurn(turtle.turnLeft, -1)
- end
- function turnTo(toTurn)
- toTurn = coterminal(toTurn) or facing
- local func = right
- if coterminal(facing-toTurn) == 1 then func = left end --0 - 1 = -3, 1 - 0 = 1, 2 - 1 = 1
- while facing ~= toTurn do --The above is used to smartly turn
- func()
- end
- end
- function turnAround()
- return turnTo(facing + 2) --Works because input is coterminaled
- end
- function genericDig(func, doAdd)
- if func() then
- if doAdd then
- numCut = numCut + 1
- end
- display()
- return true
- end
- return false
- end
- function dig(doAdd) return genericDig(turtle.dig, doAdd) end
- function digUp(doAdd) return genericDig(turtle.digUp, doAdd) end
- function digDown(doAdd) return genericDig(turtle.digDown, doAdd) end
- function genericMove(move, dig, attack, force)
- force = force or true
- while not move() do
- if force then
- if not dig() then
- attack()
- end
- else print("Move Failed"); sleep(1)
- end
- end
- return true
- end
- function forward(force)
- return genericMove(turtle.forward, dig, turtle.attack, force)
- end
- local function returnNil() return nil end --Used in back below
- function back()
- return genericMove(turtle.back, returnNil, returnNil, false)
- end
- function up(force)
- return genericMove(turtle.up, digUp, turtle.attackUp, force)
- end
- function down(force)
- return genericMove(turtle.down, digDown, turtle.attackDown, force)
- end
- --Specific local functions
- function getRep(which, fromBack)
- local first, start, finish, step = false
- if fromBack then
- start, finish, step = 16, 1, -1
- else
- start, finish, step = 1, 16, 1
- end
- for i=start, finish, step do --Goes backward because slots are often taken/dropped off
- --[[if turtle.getItemCount(i) > 0 and not first then --If not a rep, will return first slot with items
- first = i
- end]]
- if slotTypes[i] == which then
- return i
- end
- end
- return first
- end
- function assignTypes(initial) --This gives all items names, if not initial, will not give newTypes
- local currType --Types: 1 = saplings, 2 = bonemeal, >= 3 = other/wood
- if initial then currType = 0 else currType = numTypes end
- for i=1, 16 do
- local compares = false
- for a=1, currType do
- if turtle.compareTo(getRep(a, true) or 1) then --There should always be a representative, unless first slot
- slotTypes[i] = a
- print("Compares to ",a)
- compares = true
- break
- end
- end
- if turtle.getItemCount(i) > 0 and initial and not compares and currType < 2 then --I don't care about the slot if its not a sapling/bonemeal
- currType = currType + 1
- slotTypes[i] = currType
- print("New Item ",currType)
- end
- if not initial and not compares then
- slotTypes[i] = 0
- end
- end
- --types = currType
- end
- function getNumType(which)
- local num = 0
-[which] or which))
- for i=1, 16 do
- if turtle.compareTo(i) then
- num = num + turtle.getItemCount(i)
- end
- end
- return num
- end
- function mineTree()
- local moveDown = 0
- forward()
- atHome = false
- while turtle.detectUp() do
- up()
- moveDown = moveDown + 1
- end
- for i=1, moveDown do
- down()
- end
- back()
- atHome = true
- end
- function placeSapling()
- local currSlot = getRep(typeTable.sapling) or getMaterials("sapling")
- --If no saplings, get some saplings/wait
- if not then
- local k = not(dig(false)) or or print("Cannot place sapling, please fix") --Unexpected symbol crap --Digs without adding tries again, then prints that place failed
- if turtle.getItemCount(currSlot) == 0 then
- slotTypes[currSlot] = 0
- end
- end
- end
- function useBonemeal()
- while true do
- for i=1, 10 do
- local currSlot = getRep(typeTable.bonemeal) or getMaterials("bonemeal")
- if turtle.getItemCount(currSlot) == 0 then
- slotTypes[currSlot] = 0
- end
- end
- return true
- --[[ --This doesn't work because doesn't work with bonemealed saplings
- if not then return true end]]
- end
- end
- local facingTable = {}
- do --This will be so I have all the info I need for dropping and sucking.
- local function newEntry (side, number, dropFunc, suckFunc, detectFunc)
- facingTable[side] = {number = number, drop = dropFunc, suck = suckFunc, detect = detectFunc}
- end
- newEntry("forward", 0, turtle.drop, turtle.suck, turtle.detect)
- newEntry("top", 0, turtle.dropUp, turtle.suckUp, turtle.detectUp)
- newEntry("bottom", 0, turtle.dropDown, turtle.suckDown, turtle.detectDown)
- newEntry("left", 3, turtle.drop, turtle.suck, turtle.detect)
- newEntry("right", 1, turtle.drop, turtle.suck, turtle.detect)
- newEntry("back", 2, turtle.drop, turtle.suck, turtle.detect)
- end
- function getMaterials(what, forceWait) --This function will get materials from a certain place
- --So materials go in in the first available spot
- local toFace, forceWait = facing, forceWait or insistOnStock
- local facingInfo = facingTable[materialsTable[what]] --This table contains direction specific functions, since use is the same
- turnTo(facingInfo.number) --Eg: facingTable[materialsTable["sapling"]].number --> facingTable["left"].number --> 3
- local doWait = false
- while not facingInfo.detect() do
- doWait = true
- screenSet()
- print("Waiting for ",what," chest to be placed on ", materialsTable[what])
- sleep(2)
- end
- if doWait then
- print("Waiting for key press when all materials in chest")
- os.pullEvent("char")
- end
- local snapshot = getInvTable() --Done to compare inventory
- local numObtained = 0
- while numObtained < restock[what] do
- local a = countChange(facingInfo.suck)
- if a ~= 0 then
- numObtained = numObtained + a
- print("Obtained ",numObtained,"/",restock[what]," ",what)
- else
- if forceWait then
- print("Suck failed, no more ",what,"?")
- sleep(4)
- else
- break
- end
- end
- end
- local currType = typeTable[what]
- for a,b in ipairs(getChangedSlots(getInvTable(), snapshot)) do
- slotTypes[b] = currType
- end
- assignTypes(false)
- turnTo(toFace)
- return (getRep(typeTable[what]) or getMaterials(what, true))
- end
- function dropMaterials(what, doAdd)
- local toFace = facing
- doAdd = doAdd or true
- local facingInfo = facingTable[materialsTable[what]] --This table contains direction specific functions, since use is the same
- turnTo(facingInfo.number) --Eg: facingTable[materialsTable["sapling"]].number --> facingTable["left"].number --> 3
- while not facingInfo.detect() do
- screenSet()
- print("Waiting for ",what," chest to be placed on ", materialsTable[what])
- sleep(2)
- end
- for i=1, 16 do
- if slotTypes[i] == typeTable[what] and turtle.getItemCount(i) > 0 then
- local dropped = false
- repeat
- local curr = turtle.getItemCount(i)
- local amount = countChange(facingInfo.drop, curr)
- if doAdd then
- numDropped = numDropped + amount --This is the global
- end
- print("Dropped ",amount," ",what)
- if amount >= curr then
- dropped = true
- else
- screenSet(1,1)
- print("Cannot drop ",what," on ",materialsTable[what], " side")
- sleep(2)
- end
- until dropped
- slotTypes[i] = 0
- end
- end
- turnTo(toFace)
- --Its just nicer
- return true
- end
- function isFull()
- local areFull = 0
- local currInv = getInvTable()
- for i=1, #currInv do
- if currInv[i] > 0 then
- areFull = areFull + 1
- end
- end
- return areFull >= 16-keepOpen
- end
- --Initial
- assignTypes(true) --Initial assign types
- --Main Loop
- while true do
- if turtle.detect() then mineTree() end --Dig out the tree
- placeSapling() --Place a sapling
- useBonemeal() --Use the bonemeal
- if isFull() then --If inventory is full, drop it
- dropMaterials("wood")
- end
- end
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