

Dec 4th, 2017
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  1. format slot 9 of player with book named "&cHacked Client" with lore "&7Punishment Type: &cBan||&7Ban Duration: &cPermanent||&7Required Rank: &3Mod" to close then run [make player execute command "/hacks %arg-1%"]
  2. format slot 10 of player with book named "&cHacked Client [ScreenShared]" with lore "&7Punishment Type: &cBan||&7Ban Duration: &cPermanent||&7Required Rank: &3Mod" to close then run [make player execute command "/ban %arg-1% Hacked Client [ScreenShared"]
  3. format slot 11 of player with book named "&cHacked Client [Admitted]" with lore "&7Punishment Type: &cBan||&7Ban Duration: &cPermanent||&7Required Rank: &3Mod" to close then run [make player execute command "/ban %arg-1% 14d Hacked Client [Admitted]"]
  4. format slot 12 of player with book named "&cBan Evasion" with lore "&7Punishment Type: &cBan||&7Ban Duration: &cPermanent||&7Required Rank: &3Mod" to close then run [make player execute command "ban %arg-1% Ban Evasion"]
  5. format slot 13 of player with book named "&cBan Evasion [IP Ban]" with lore "&7Punishment Type: &cIPBan||&7Ban Duration: &cPermanent||&7Required Rank: &cAdmin" to close then run [make player execute command "banip %arg-1% Ban Evasion [IP Ban]"]
  6. format slot 14 of player with book named "&cRefusal to ScreenShare" with lore "&7Punishment Type: &cBan||&7Ban Duration: &cPermanent||&7Required Rank: &3Mod" to close then run [make player execute command "ban %arg-1% Refusal to ScreenShare"]
  7. format slot 15 of player with book named "&cDDoS Threats to Server" with lore "&7Punishment Type: &cBan||&7Ban Duration: &cPermanent||&7Required Rank: &3Mod" to close then run [make player execute command "ban %arg-1% DDoS Threats"]
  8. format slot 16 of player with book named "&cDDoS Threats to Players" with lore "&7Punishment Type: &cBan||&7Ban Duration: &c1 Day||&7Required Rank: &3Mod" to close then run [make player execute command "tempban %arg-1% 1d DDoS Threats to Players."]
  9. format slot 17 of player with book named "&cVault Abusing [Kit Mixing] [3rd Offense]" with lore "&7Punishment Type: &cBan||&7Ban Duration: &c3 Days||&7Required Rank: &3Mod" to close then run [make player execute command "tempban %arg-1% 3d Vault Abuse"]
  10. format slot 18 of player with book named "&cAdvertising" with lore "&7Punishment Type: &cBan||&7Ban Duration: &cPermanent||&7Required Rank: &3Mod" to close then run [make player execute command "ban %arg-1% Advertising"]
  11. format slot 20 of player with book named "&cAdvertising [YouTube]" with lore "&7Punishment Type: &cMute||&7Mute Duration: &c3 Days||&7Required Rank: &6Trial Mod" to close then run [make player execute command "tempmute %arg-1% 1h Advertising [YouTube]"]
  12. format slot 19 of player with book named "&cTeaming [3rd Offense]" with lore "&7Punishment Type: &cBan||&7Ban Duration: &c3 Days||&7Required Rank: &3Mod" to close then run [make player execute command "tempban %arg-1% 3d Teaming [3rd Offense]"]
  13. format slot 21 of player with book named "&cSuicide Encouragment" with lore "&7Punishment Type: &cMute||&7Mute Duration: &c2 Hours||&7Required Rank: &6Trial Mod" to close then run [make player execute command "tempmute %arg-1% 2h Suicidal Encouragment"]
  14. format slot 22 of player with book named "&cSpamming" with lore "&7Punishment Type: &cMute||&7Mute Duration: &c10 Minutes||&7Required Rank: &6Trial Mod" to close then run [make player execute command "tempmute %arg-1% 10m Spamming"]
  15. format slot 23 of player with book named "&cToxcity" with lore "&7Punishment Type: &cMute||&7Mute Duration: &c10 Minutes||&7Required Rank: &6Trial Mod" to close then run [make player execute command "tempmute %arg-1% 10m Toxcity"]
  16. format slot 24 of player with book named "&cRacism" with lore "&7Punishment Type: &cMute||&7Mute Duration: &c1 Hour||&7Required Rank: &6Trial Mod" to close then run [make player execute command "tempmute %arg-1% 1h Racism"]
  17. format slot 25 of player with book named "&cStaff Disrespect" with lore "&7Punishment Type: &cMute||&7Mute Duration: &c30 Minutes||&7Required Rank: &6Trial Mod" to close then run [make player execute command "tempmute %arg-1% 30m Staff Disrespect"]
  18. format slot 26 of player with book named "&cTeaming [2nd Offense]" with lore "&7Punishment Type: &cKick||&7Required Rank: &6Trial Mod" to close then run [make player execute command "kick %arg-1% Teaming [2nd Offense]"]
  19. format slot 27 of player with book named "&cVault Abuse [Kit Mixing] [2nd Offense]" with lore "&7Punishment Type: &cKick||&7Required Rank: &6Trial Mod" to close then run [make player execute command "kick %arg-1% Vault Abuse [2nd Offense]"]
  20. format slot 28 of player with book named "&cCamping in Safe Room" with lore "&7Punishment Type: &cWarning||&7Required Rank: &6Trial Mod" to close then run [make player execute command "warn %arg-1% Camping in Safe Rooms"]
  21. format slot 29 of player with book named "&cVault Abuse [Kit Mixing] [1st Offense]" with lore "&7Punishment Type: &cWarn||&7Required Rank: &6Trial Mod" to close then run [make player execute command "warn %arg-1% Vault Abuse [1st Offense]"]
  22. format slot 30 of player with book named "&cTeaming [1st Offense]" with lore "&7Punishment Type: &cWarn||&7Required Rank: &6Trial Mod" to close then run [make player execute command "warn %arg-1% Teaming [1st Offense]"]
  23. format slot 31 of player with book named "&cAbusing /report" with lore "&7Punishment Type: &cWarn||&7Required Rank: &6Trial Mod" to close then run [make player execute command "warn %arg-1% Abuse of /report"]
  24. format slot 32 of player with book named "&cOther [Ban]" with lore "&7Punishment Type: &cWarn||&7Required Rank: &3Mod" to close then run [make player execute command "ban %arg-1% %arg-2%"]
  25. format slot 33 of player with book named "&cOther [Mute]" with lore "&7Punishment Type: &cWarn||&7Required Rank: &6Trial Mod" to close then run [make player execute command "mute %arg-1% %arg-2%"]
  26. format slot 34 of player with book named "&cOther [Kick]" with lore "&7Punishment Type: &cWarn||&7Required Rank: &6Trial Mod" to close then run [make player execute command "kick %arg-1% %arg-2%"]
  27. format slot 31 of player with book named "&cOther [Warn]" with lore "&7Punishment Type: &cWarn||&7Required Rank: &6Trial Mod" to close then run [make player execute command "warn %arg-1% %arg-2%"]
  28. format slot 45 of player with book named "&cUnban %arg-1%" with lore "&7Unpunish Type: &cUnban||&7Required Rank: &3Mod" to close then run [make player execute command "unban %arg-1%"]
  29. format slot 46 of player with book named "&cUnmute %arg-1%" with lore "&7Unpunish Type: &cUnmute||&7Required Rank: &3Mod" to close then run [make player execute command "unmute %arg-1%"]
  30. format slot 47 of player with book named "&cUnwarn %arg-1%" with lore "&7Punishment Type: &cUnwarn||&7Required Rank: &3Mod" to close then run [make player execute command "unwarn %arg-1%"]
  31. format slot 52 of player with book named "&cClear &c%arg-1%'s History" with lore "&7Reset History||&7Required Rank: &cAdmin" to close then run [make player execute command "clearhistory %arg-1%"]
  32. format slot 53 of player with book named "&c%arg-1%'s History" with lore "&7Check History||&7Required Rank: &6Trial Mod" to close then run [make player execute command "history %arg-1%"]
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