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- %% Close all figures, clear workspace and console
- close all;
- clear;
- clc;
- %% Application - LDPC CODE
- %l_max = 3;
- %r_max = 6;
- l_optimum = [0.3, 0.5, 0.2];
- r_optimum = [0.2, 0.2, 0.1, 0.1, 0.3, 0.1];
- begin_n = 101;
- end_n = 201;
- step_n = 5;
- n_list = begin_n : step_n : end_n;
- all_n = floor((end_n - begin_n) / step_n) + 1;
- for index = 1:length(n_list)
- n = n_list(index);
- [H, num_variables, num_checks, num_edges, rate_expected, counter_tries, initial_errors, final_errors]= LDPC_simulation_stats_plots(n, l_optimum, r_optimum, "find_appropriate_n");
- if isnan(H)
- n_list(index) = 0;
- end
- end
- %% Our data - stats variables
- n_list = nonzeros(n_list);
- LEN = length(n_list);
- er = 0.1;
- var_num_list = zeros(1, LEN);
- check_num_list = zeros(1, LEN);
- edges_num_list = zeros(1, LEN);
- rates_list = zeros(1, LEN);
- tries_list = zeros(1, LEN);
- initial_list = zeros(1, LEN);
- final_list = zeros(1, LEN);
- % ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- % ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- for INDEX = 1:LEN
- n = n_list(INDEX);
- [H, num_variables, num_checks, num_edges, rate_expected, counter_tries, initial_errors, final_errors]= LDPC_simulation_stats_plots(n, l_optimum, r_optimum, "anakyklwseis");
- %% Implementing the BEC and Graph
- x = zeros(1, n);
- [y, err] = bec(x, er);
- var_nodes = cell(1, num_variables);
- for i = 1:num_variables
- var_nodes{i} = connections(H,i,y);
- end
- check_nodes = cell(1,num_checks);
- for i = 1:num_checks
- check_nodes{i} = var2check(H,i,y,1);
- end
- % Iterations
- limit = 100;
- counter = 0;
- SUM_ALL = Inf;
- while (counter <= limit) && SUM_ALL == Inf
- counter = counter + 1;
- if counter > 1
- for i = 1:num_checks
- check_nodes =...
- var2check_updated(var_nodes,check_nodes,y,i);
- end
- end
- check_to_var = check2var(check_nodes, num_checks);
- var_nodes = edges_values(var_nodes, check_to_var);
- var_rec_sum = var_rec(var_nodes, y);
- SUM_ALL = sum(var_rec_sum);
- end
- var_values = var_rec_sum;
- initial_errors = sum(err);
- final_errors = length(nonzeros(abs(x-var_values)));
- var_num_list(INDEX) = num_variables;
- check_num_list(INDEX) = num_checks;
- edges_num_list(INDEX) = num_edges;
- rates_list(INDEX) = rate_expected;
- tries_list(INDEX) = counter_tries;
- initial_list(INDEX) = initial_errors;
- final_list(INDEX) = final_errors;
- end
- % ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- % ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- % ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- % ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- %% STATS
- display(' ');
- display(' ');
- pretty_display(" Appropriate n list: ", n_list');
- pretty_display("Num of variables nodes list: ", var_num_list);
- pretty_display(" Num of check nodes list: ", check_num_list);
- pretty_display(" Num of edges list: ", edges_num_list);
- pretty_display(" Expected rate list: ", rates_list);
- pretty_display("Tries to find NO RECYCLE list: ", tries_list);
- pretty_display(" Initial errors list: ", initial_list);
- pretty_display(" Final errors list: ", final_list);
- display(' ');
- appropriate_n = length(n_list);
- perc100 = round(100 * appropriate_n / all_n, 2);
- disp("In the interval [" + num2str(begin_n) + ", " + num2str(end_n) + "] with step = " + num2str(step_n) + ": ");
- disp("There are " + num2str(appropriate_n) + "/" + num2str(all_n) + ...
- " values of 'n', that can be used for this LDPC code.");
- disp("Percentage = " + num2str(perc100) + "%");
- %% PLOTS
- figure(1);
- plot(n_list, var_num_list, 'black');
- title("Graph characteristics");
- xlabel("n = message length (variables)");
- ylabel("Var, check, edges");
- hold on
- plot(n_list, check_num_list, 'blue');
- hold on
- plot(n_list, edges_num_list, 'red');
- legend("Variables", "Checks", "Edges");
- figure(2);
- plot(n_list, rates_list, 'black');
- title("Transmission rate 'r'");
- xlabel("n = message length (variables)");
- ylabel("Rate = r = r(n)");
- figure(3);
- plot(n_list, tries_list, 'black');
- title("Tries until perfect graph");
- xlabel("n = message length (variables)");
- ylabel("Tries = Tries(n)");
- figure(4);
- plot(n_list, initial_list, 'black');
- hold on
- plot(n_list, final_list, 'blue');
- title("Initial and final codeword errors");
- xlabel("n = message length (variables)");
- ylabel("Errors in codeword");
- legend("Initial errors", "Final errors");
- % ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- % ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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