
Baldr's Death / Animism

Apr 9th, 2023 (edited)
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  1. Then spoke Gangleri: ‘Have any greater events taken place
  2. among the Æsir? It was a very great exploit that Thor achieved on
  3. this expedition.’
  5. High replied: ‘There are events to be related that would have
  6. been thought more significant by the Æsir. And the beginning of
  7. this story is that Baldr the Good dreamed great dreams boding
  8. peril to his life. And when he told the Æsir the dreams they took
  9. counsel together and it was decided to request immunity for Baldr
  10. from all kinds of danger, and Frigg received solemn promises so
  11. that Baldr should not be harmed by fire and water, iron and all
  12. kinds of metal, stones, the earth, trees, diseases, the animals, the
  13. birds, poison, snakes. And when this was done and confirmed,
  14. then it became an entertainment for Baldr and the Æsir that he
  15. should stand up at assemblies and all the others should either
  16. shoot at him or strike at him or throw stones at him. But whatever
  17. they did he was unharmed, and they all thought this a great glory.
  18. But when Loki Laufeyiarson saw this he was not pleased that
  19. Baldr was unharmed. He went to Fensalir to Frigg and changed
  20. his appearance to that of a woman. Then Frigg asked this woman
  21. if she knew what the Æsir were doing at the assembly. She said
  22. that everyone was shooting at Baldr, and moreover that he was
  23. unharmed. Then said Frigg:
  25. ‘“Weapons and wood will not hurt Baldr. I have received oaths
  26. from them all.”
  28. ‘Then the woman asked: “ Have all things sworn oaths not to
  29. harm Baldr?”
  31. ‘Then Frigg replied: “There grows a shoot of a tree to the west
  32. of Val-hall. It is called mistletoe. It seemed young to me to demand
  33. the oath from.”
  35. ‘Straight away the woman disappeared. And Loki took mistletoe
  36. and plucked it and went to the assembly. Hod was standing at
  37. the edge of the circle of people, for he was blind. Then Loki said to
  38. him:
  40. ‘“Why are you not shooting at Baldr?”
  42. ‘He replied: “Because I cannot see where Baldr is, and secondly
  43. because I have no weapon.”
  45. ‘Then said Loki: “ Follow other people’s example and do Baldr
  46. honour like other people. I will direct you to where he is standing.
  47. Shoot at him this stick.”
  49. ‘Hod took the mistletoe and shot at Baldr at Loki’s direction.
  50. The missile flew through him and he fell dead to the ground, and
  51. this was the unluckiest deed ever done among gods and men.
  52. When Baldr had fallen, then all the Æsir’s tongues failed them, as
  53. did their hands for lifting him up, and they all looked at each other
  54. and were all of one mind towards the one who had done the deed.
  55. But no one could take vengeance, it was a place of such sanctuary.
  56. When the Æsir tried to speak then what happened first was that
  57. weeping came out, so that none could tell another in words of his
  58. grief. But it was Odin who took this injury the hardest in that he
  59. had the best idea what great deprivation and loss the death of
  60. Baldr would cause the Æsir.
  63. - Prose Edda, Gylfaginning
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