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- # Custom Aliases
- CALL=CALL $* # Call a batch file from another batch file
- CL=cls # Clear the console
- COMBIN=COPY *.$1 CombinFiles.$2 # Combine files with a specific extension into one file
- CON=CONTROL # Open Control Panel
- COP1=COPY $* # Copy a file
- COP2=XCOPY $* # Extended copy of files and directories
- COP3=COPY $1 $2 # Copy a file to a specific destination
- CUT1=SPLIT.exe -b 50K $* # Split a file into smaller parts by size
- CUT2=SPLIT.exe -l 200 $* # Split a file into smaller parts by number of lines
- DIM=DEVMGMT # Open Device Manager
- DL=DIR /S /B /A %CD%\* >> %COMPUTERNAME%-LIST.txt # List all files and directories in the current directory and save to a text file
- DR9=DIR /B /O:E $B FINDSTR /R /I "$1" # Search for files with a specific pattern and order by extension
- DR10=DIR /B /O:N $B FINDSTR /R /I "$1" # Search for files with a specific pattern and order by name
- DR11=DIR /X $* # Display short file names
- DR12=DIR /-b # Display bare format
- DR13=DIR /ah $* # Display hidden files
- DR14=DIR /a /x $* # Display files with attributes
- DR15=DIR /a /x /od $* # Display files sorted by date
- EMPTY=nircmd.exe emptybin # Empty Recycle Bin
- ENG=tesseract "$*" - -l eng # Perform OCR using English language
- ENV=RUNDLL32.EXE sysdm.cpl,EditEnvironmentVariables # Open Environment Variables settings
- ENVIR=SETX PATH "Enter environmental variables Path" # Set environmental variables
- ERASE=del # Delete files
- EX=taskkill /f /im explorer.exe # Terminate File Explorer
- EXO=explorer.exe # Open File Explorer
- EVV=EVENTVWR # Open Event Viewer
- EXT=exit # Exit the Command Prompt
- FILE=TYPE nul > $1 # Create a new empty file
- FILE2=COPY /B NUL $1 # Create a new empty file
- FILE3=CAT > $1 # Create a new empty file
- FINDA=FINDSTR /I /N /S "Serach-Text-Here" %CD%\*.* # Search for text in all files in the current directory
- FINDC=DIR /s /a /b \*.Ext* # Find files with a specific extension in all subdirectories
- FINDT=FOR %G IN (*.txt) do (find /n /i "Serach-Text-Here" "%G") # Search for text in all TXT files in the current directory
- FOL=MD # Create a directory
- GPE=GPEDIT # Open Group Policy Editor
- grep=findstr # Search for text in files
- HCOP=COPY /B $1 $2 # Copy binary files
- HIDE=ATTRIB +H +S +R %CD%\*.* # Hide files and folders
- HIDE2=ATTRIB +H +S +R $* # Hide files and folders
- INFO=SystemInfo # Display system information
- IP1=IPCONFIG # Display IP configuration
- IP2=IPCONFIG /ALL # Display detailed IP configuration
- ls=ls -la # List files and directories in long format
- MAKER=wmic csproduct get vendor # Get computer manufacturer information
- MD=MD "$*" # Create a directory with quotes around the name
- MD2=MKDIR $1 $t cd $1 # Create a directory and change to it
- MDH=MD $* & ATTRIB +H +S $* # Create a directory and set it as hidden and system
- MDD=MKDIR %date:~-4,4%%date:~-10,2%%date:~-7,2% # Create a directory with the current date as its name
- MDT=MKDIR %time:~0,2%.%time:~3,2% # Create a directory with the current time as its name
- MIX=tesseract "$*" - -l eng+urd # Perform OCR using mixed languages
- MOV=MOVE $* # Move a file
- MOV2=MOVE $1 $2 # Move a file to a specific destination
- MP3=youtube-dl -f bestaudio -x --audio-format mp3 --embed-thumbnail $* # Download YouTube video as MP3
- NC=NCPA.CPL # Open Network Connections settings
- netstat=netstat -aon # Display network statistics
- NETS=NETSTAT -a # Display network statistics
- NETS1=NETSTAT -an # Display network statistics
- note=notepad # Open Notepad
- PATCHES=wmic qfe list full /format:htable # List installed patches
- ping=ping -t # Continuous ping
- pingh=ping host # Ping a specific host
- PIP=nslookup # Lookup public IP address
- PLA=ES.exe -a $1 >> List.txt # Search for a specific file extension and append to a list
- PLC=WHERE /R C:\ *.$* >> PLC.txt # Search for files with a specific extension in the C drive and output to PLC.txt
- PLD=WHERE /R D:\ *.$* >> PLD.txt # Search for files with a specific extension in the D drive and output to PLD.txt
- PLE=WHERE /R E:\ *.$* >> PLE.txt # Search for files with a specific extension in the E drive and output to PLE.txt
- PLF=WHERE /R F:\ *.$* >> PLF.txt # Search for files with a specific extension in the F drive and output to PLF.txt
- PLG=WHERE /R G:\ *.$* >> PLG.txt # Search for files with a specific extension in the G drive and output to PLG.txt
- PLM=WHERE /R $*:\ *.mp3 >> C:\CMDER\Media\PLAYM.m3u # Search for MP3 files in a specific drive and output to PLAYM.m3u
- PLV=WHERE /R $*:\ *.mp4 >> C:\CMDER\Media\PLAYV.m3u # Search for MP4 files in a specific drive and output to PLAYV.m3u
- REG=REGEDIT # Open Registry Editor
- RESM=PERFMON /RES # Open Resource Monitor
- restart=shutdown /r /t 0 # Restart the computer
- SCREENG=FFMPEG -f gdigrab -framerate 30 -i desktop
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