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- This program must be run under Win32
- .idata
- .reloc
- P.rsrc
- Boolean
- Integer
- Cardinal
- String
- WideString
- Variant
- TObject
- TObject
- System
- IInterface
- System
- TInterfacedObject
- TDateTime
- YZ]_^[
- YZ]_^[
- _^[YY]
- YZ]_^[
- C<"u1S
- Q<"u8S
- ~KxI[)
- SOFTWARE\Borland\Delphi\RTL
- FPUMaskValue
- _^[YY]
- YZXtm1
- t@h@V@
- kernel32.dll
- GetLongPathNameA
- Software\Borland\Locales
- Software\Borland\Delphi\Locales
- _^[YY]
- TFileName
- Exception
- EHeapException
- EOutOfMemory
- EInOutError
- EExternal
- EExternalException
- EIntError
- EDivByZero
- ERangeError
- EIntOverflow
- EMathError
- EInvalidOp
- EZeroDivide
- EOverflow
- EUnderflow
- EInvalidPointer
- EInvalidCast
- EConvertError
- EAccessViolation
- EPrivilege
- EStackOverflow
- EControlC
- EVariantError
- EAssertionFailed
- EAbstractError
- EIntfCastError
- EOSError
- ESafecallException
- SysUtils
- SysUtils
- TThreadLocalCounter
- $TMultiReadExclusiveWriteSynchronizer
- <*t"<0r=<9w9i
- $*@@@*$@@@$ *@@* $@@($*)@-$*@@$-*@@$*-@@(*$)@-*$@@*-$@@*$-@@-* $@-$ *@* $-@$ *-@$ -*@*- $@($ *)(* $)
- _^[YY]
- _^[YY]
- $YZ_^[
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- $Z]_^[
- _^[YY]
- TErrorRec
- TExceptRec
- YZ]_^[
- m/d/yy
- mmmm d, yyyy
- :mm:ss
- kernel32.dll
- GetDiskFreeSpaceExA
- (Z]_^[
- oleaut32.dll
- VariantChangeTypeEx
- VarNeg
- VarNot
- VarAdd
- VarSub
- VarMul
- VarDiv
- VarIdiv
- VarMod
- VarAnd
- VarXor
- VarCmp
- VarI4FromStr
- VarR4FromStr
- VarR8FromStr
- VarDateFromStr
- VarCyFromStr
- VarBoolFromStr
- VarBstrFromCy
- VarBstrFromDate
- VarBstrFromBool
- TCustomVariantType
- TCustomVariantType
- Variants
- TVarDataArray
- Variants
- TInvokeableVariantType
- EVariantInvalidOpError
- EVariantTypeCastError
- EVariantOverflowError
- EVariantInvalidArgErrorx
- EVariantBadVarTypeError
- EVariantBadIndexError
- EVariantArrayLockedError
- EVariantArrayCreateError
- EVariantNotImplError
- EVariantOutOfMemoryError
- EVariantUnexpectedError@
- EVariantDispatchError
- _^[YY]
- OtOt)
- Mt0MtU
- Smallint
- Integer
- Single
- Double
- Currency
- OleStr
- Dispatch
- Boolean
- Variant
- Unknown
- Decimal
- ShortInt
- LongWord
- String
- Array
- ByRef
- Variants
- _^[YY]
- TStringDesc
- Variants
- _^[YY]
- TNotifyEvent
- Sender
- TObject
- EStreamError
- EFileStreamError
- EFCreateError
- EFOpenError
- EFilerError
- EReadError
- EWriteError
- EClassNotFound
- EListError
- EStringListError
- EComponentError0\A
- TThreadList
- TPersistent
- TPersistent
- Classes
- TCollectionItem
- TCollectionItem
- Classes
- TCollection
- TCollection@^A
- Classes
- TOwnedCollection
- TOwnedCollection
- Classes
- IStringsAdapter
- Classes
- TStrings
- TStrings
- Classes
- TStringItem
- TStringList
- TStringList8aA
- Classes
- TStreamxbA
- TStreamPbA
- Classes
- THandleStream
- TFileStream
- TCustomMemoryStreamLdA
- TMemoryStream
- TStringStreamPeA
- TFiler
- TReader
- EThread
- TThread
- TComponentName
- TComponent
- TComponent
- Classes
- TRegGroup
- TRegGroups
- _^[YY]
- %s[%d]
- Strings
- S$_^[Y]
- _^[YY]
- SdZ]_^[
- $Z]_^[
- TPropFixup
- TPropIntfFixup
- _^[YY]
- _^[YY]
- Classes
- _^[YY]
- _^[YY]
- ERegistryException
- TRegistryS
- EConversionError
- TConvTypeInfo$
- TConvTypeInfo
- ConvUtils
- TConvTypeList
- ConvUtils
- TConvFamilyInfo
- TConvFamilyInfo
- ConvUtils
- TConvFamilyList
- ConvUtils
- TConvertVariantTypeU
- EIdException
- EIdSilentException
- EIdConnClosedGracefully
- EIdAlreadyConnected$
- EIdClosedSocket
- EIdReadTimeout
- EIdReadLnMaxLineLengthExceeded
- EIdInvalidServiceName
- EIdProtocolReplyError
- EIdSSLProtocolReplyError
- EIdConnectTimeout
- EIdConnectException@
- EIdSocksError
- EIdSocksRequestFailed
- EIdSocksRequestServerFailedh
- EIdSocksRequestIdentFailed
- EIdSocksUnknownError
- EIdSocksServerRespondError
- EIdSocksAuthMethodError
- EIdSocksAuthError
- EIdSocksServerGeneralError
- EIdSocksServerPermissionError
- !EIdSocksServerNetUnreachableError
- "EIdSocksServerHostUnreachableError
- $EIdSocksServerConnectionRefusedError
- EIdSocksServerTTLExpiredError
- EIdSocksServerCommandError
- EIdSocksServerAddressError
- EIdInvalidSocket
- EIdSocketError
- TSynchroObject
- TCriticalSection
- EIdWS2StubError
- WSACleanup
- accept
- closesocket
- connect
- ioctlsocket
- getpeername
- getsockname
- getsockopt
- inet_addr
- inet_ntoa
- listen
- recvfrom
- select
- sendto
- setsockopt
- shutdown
- socket
- gethostbyaddr
- gethostbyname
- gethostname
- getservbyport
- getservbyname
- getprotobynumber
- getprotobyname
- WSASetLastError
- WSAGetLastError
- WSAIsBlocking
- WSAUnhookBlockingHook
- WSASetBlockingHook
- WSACancelBlockingCall
- WSAAsyncGetServByName
- WSAAsyncGetServByPort
- WSAAsyncGetProtoByName
- WSAAsyncGetProtoByNumber
- WSAAsyncGetHostByName
- WSAAsyncGetHostByAddr
- WSACancelAsyncRequest
- WSAAsyncSelect
- __WSAFDIsSet
- WSAAccept
- WSACloseEvent
- WSAConnect
- WSACreateEvent
- WSADuplicateSocketA
- WSADuplicateSocketW
- WSAEnumNetworkEvents
- WSAEnumProtocolsA
- WSAEnumProtocolsW
- WSAEventSelect
- WSAGetOverlappedResult
- WSAGetQosByName
- WSAHtonl
- WSAHtons
- WSAIoctl
- WSAJoinLeaf
- WSANtohl
- WSANtohs
- WSARecv
- WSARecvDisconnect
- WSARecvFrom
- WSAResetEvent
- WSASend
- WSASendDisconnect
- WSASendTo
- WSASetEvent
- WSASocketA
- WSASocketW
- WSAWaitForMultipleEvents
- WSAAddressToStringA
- WSAAddressToStringW
- WSAStringToAddressA
- WSAStringToAddressW
- WSALookupServiceBeginA
- WSALookupServiceBeginW
- WSALookupServiceNextA
- WSALookupServiceNextW
- WSALookupServiceEnd
- WSAInstallServiceClassA
- WSAInstallServiceClassW
- WSARemoveServiceClass
- WSAGetServiceClassInfoA
- WSAGetServiceClassInfoW
- WSAEnumNameSpaceProvidersA
- WSAEnumNameSpaceProvidersW
- WSAGetServiceClassNameByClassIdA
- WSAGetServiceClassNameByClassIdW
- WSASetServiceA
- WSASetServiceW
- WSAProviderConfigChange
- TransmitFile
- AcceptEx
- GetAcceptExSockaddrs
- WSARecvEx
- WS2_32.DLL
- WS2_32.DLL
- WSAStartup
- TIdSocketList
- TIdStack
- EIdStackError
- EIdStackInitializationFailed
- EIdStackSetSizeExceededj
- TIdSocketListWindows
- TIdStackWindowsU
- S|Z_^[
- IdStackWindows
- EIdURIExceptionSVW
- TIdMaxLineAction
- maException
- maSplit
- IdGlobal4DB
- TIdReadMemoryStream
- EIdFailedToRetreiveTimeZoneInfo
- IdGlobal
- IdGlobal
- HH":"NN":"SS
- %s, %d %s %d %s %s
- Ht1HtAHt3
- %0.2d%0.2d
- TIdHeaderListT\B
- TIdHeaderList
- IdHeaderList
- TIdBaseComponent
- TIdBaseComponent
- IdBaseComponent
- TIdEncoder
- TIdEncoder
- IdCoder
- TIdDecoder
- TIdDecoder
- IdCoder
- TIdEncoder3to4
- TIdEncoder3to4xiB
- IdCoder3to4
- CodingTable(
- FillChar
- TIdDecoder4to3
- TIdDecoder4to3
- IdCoder3to4
- FillChar
- TIdEncoderMIME
- TIdEncoderMIME
- IdCoderMIME
- ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/
- TIdAuthentication
- TIdAuthentication
- IdAuthentication
- TIdBasicAuthentication
- TIdBasicAuthenticationlrB
- IdAuthentication
- (EIdAlreadyRegisteredAuthenticationMethod
- TAuthListObjectU
- password
- username
- Password
- Username
- Basic
- TIdEntityHeaderInfo
- TIdEntityHeaderInfo
- IdHTTPHeaderInfo
- CacheControl
- Connection
- ContentEncoding
- ContentLanguage<
- ContentLengthh
- ContentRangeEndh
- ContentRangeStart
- ContentType
- ContentVersionP\B
- CustomHeaders
- Expires
- LastModified
- Pragma
- TIdProxyConnectionInfo
- TIdProxyConnectionInfo
- IdHTTPHeaderInfo
- BasicAuthentication
- ProxyPassword<
- ProxyPort
- ProxyServer
- ProxyUsername
- TIdRequestHeaderInfo
- TIdRequestHeaderInfop
- IdHTTPHeaderInfo
- Accept
- AcceptCharSet
- AcceptEncoding
- AcceptLanguage
- BasicAuthentication
- Password
- Referer
- UserAgent
- Username
- ProxyConnectionL
- TIdResponseHeaderInfo
- TIdResponseHeaderInfoL
- IdHTTPHeaderInfo
- Location
- ProxyConnectionP\B
- ProxyAuthenticate
- ServerP\B
- WWWAuthenticateSVW
- text/html
- Connection
- Content-Version
- Content-Encoding
- Content-Language
- Content-Type
- Content-Length
- Last-Modified
- Expires
- Pragma
- Connection
- Content-Version
- Content-Encoding
- Content-Language
- Content-Type
- Content-Length
- Cache-control
- Expires
- Pragma
- Proxy-Authorization
- Username
- Password
- Accept
- Accept-Charset
- Accept-Encoding
- Accept-Language
- Referer
- User-Agent
- text/html, */*
- Mozilla/3.0 (compatible; Indy Library)
- Proxy-Connection
- Accept
- Accept-Charset
- Accept-Encoding
- Accept-Language
- Referer
- User-Agent
- If-Modified-Since
- bytes=
- Authorization
- Username
- Password
- Location
- Server
- Proxy-Connection
- Content-Range
- WWW-Authenticate
- Proxy-Authenticate
- TIdAntiFreezeBase
- TIdAntiFreezeBase
- IdAntiFreezeBase
- Active
- ApplicationHasPriority<
- IdleTimeOut
- OnlyWhenIdle
- TIdStatus
- hsResolving
- hsConnecting
- hsConnected
- hsDisconnecting
- hsDisconnected
- hsStatusText
- ftpTransfer
- ftpReady
- ftpAborted
- IdComponent
- TIdStatusEvent
- ASender
- TObject
- AStatus
- TIdStatus
- AStatusText
- String
- TWorkMode
- wmRead
- wmWrite
- IdComponent
- TWorkBeginEvent
- Sender
- TObject
- AWorkMode
- TWorkMode
- AWorkCountMax
- Integer
- TWorkEndEvent
- Sender
- TObject
- AWorkMode
- TWorkMode
- TWorkEvent
- Sender
- TObject
- AWorkMode
- TWorkMode
- AWorkCount
- Integer
- TIdComponent
- TIdComponent
- IdComponent
- OnStatus
- TIdSocketHandle
- TIdSocketHandle<
- IdSocketHandle
- ClientPortMin<
- ClientPortMax
- EIdSocketHandleError
- EIdCouldNotBindSocket
- EIdCanNotBindPortInRange
- EIdInvalidPortRangeSVW
- C$;C(~=
- libeay32.dll
- ssleay32.dll
- SSL_CTX_set_cipher_list
- SSL_CTX_new
- SSL_CTX_free
- SSL_set_fd
- SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file
- SSL_CTX_use_certificate_file
- SSL_load_error_strings
- SSL_state_string_long
- SSL_get_peer_certificate
- SSL_CTX_set_verify
- SSL_CTX_set_verify_depth
- SSL_CTX_get_verify_depth
- SSL_CTX_set_default_passwd_cb
- SSL_CTX_set_default_passwd_cb_userdata
- SSL_CTX_check_private_key
- SSL_new
- SSL_free
- SSL_accept
- SSL_connect
- SSL_read
- SSL_peek
- SSL_write
- SSL_get_error
- SSLv2_method
- SSLv2_server_method
- SSLv2_client_method
- SSLv3_method
- SSLv3_server_method
- SSLv3_client_method
- SSLv23_method
- SSLv23_server_method
- SSLv23_client_method
- TLSv1_method
- TLSv1_server_method
- TLSv1_client_method
- SSL_shutdown
- SSL_set_connect_state
- SSL_set_accept_state
- SSL_set_shutdown
- SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations
- SSL_get_session
- SSL_library_init
- SSL_CTX_set_info_callback_indy
- X509_STORE_CTX_get_app_data_indy
- SSL_SESSION_get_id_indy
- SSL_SESSION_get_id_ctx_indy
- SSL_CTX_get_version_indy
- SSL_CTX_set_options_indy
- X509_NAME_oneline
- X509_NAME_hash
- X509_set_issuer_name
- X509_get_issuer_name
- X509_set_subject_name
- X509_get_subject_name
- X509_digest
- EVP_md5
- X509_get_notBefore_indy
- X509_get_notAfter_indy
- X509_STORE_CTX_get_error
- X509_STORE_CTX_set_error
- X509_STORE_CTX_get_error_depth
- X509_STORE_CTX_get_current_cert
- RAND_screen
- des_set_odd_parity
- des_set_key
- des_ecb_encrypt
- SSL_set_ex_data
- SSL_get_ex_data
- SSL_load_client_CA_file
- SSL_CTX_set_client_CA_list
- SSL_CTX_set_default_verify_paths
- SSL_CTX_set_session_id_context
- SSL_CIPHER_description
- SSL_get_current_cipher
- SSL_CIPHER_get_name
- SSL_CIPHER_get_version
- SSL_CIPHER_get_bits
- TIdIOHandler
- TIdIOHandler
- IdIOHandler
- TIdInterceptNotifyEvent
- ASender
- TIdConnectionIntercept
- TIdInterceptStreamEvent
- ASender
- TIdConnectionIntercept
- AStream
- TStream
- TIdConnectionIntercept
- TIdConnectionIntercept
- IdIntercept
- OnConnect
- OnDisconnect
- OnReceive
- OnSendS
- TIdRFCReply
- TIdRFCReply
- IdRFCReply
- NumericCode
- TextCodeSVW
- TSocksVersion
- svNoSocks
- svSocks4
- svSocks4A
- svSocks5
- IdSocks
- TSocksAuthentication
- saNoAuthentication
- saUsernamePassword
- IdSocks
- TIdSocksInfo
- TIdSocksInfoH
- IdSocks
- Authentication
- Password<
- UsernameT
- Version
- TIdIOHandlerSocket
- TIdIOHandlerSocketh
- IdIOHandlerSocket
- SocksInfo
- UseNagle
- TIdConnectThread
- _^[YY]
- TIdSimpleBuffer`
- TIdManagedBuffer
- TIdTCPConnection
- TIdTCPConnection
- IdTCPConnection
- ASCIIFilter,
- Intercept4
- IOHandler<
- MaxLineLength
- MaxLineAction<
- ReadTimeout<
- RecvBufferSize<
- SendBufferSize
- OnDisconnected|
- OnWork
- OnWorkBegin8
- OnWorkEnd
- EIdTCPConnectionError
- EIdNotEnoughDataInBuffer
- EIdIOHandlerPropInvalid
- EIdNoDataToReadX
- EIdNotConnected
- EIdFileNotFoundU
- _^[YY]
- Q$]_^[
- IdTCPConnection
- Gx;w|u
- C$;C |
- +C$_^[
- TIdServerIOHandler
- TIdServerIOHandler(
- IdServerIOHandler
- TIdSSLVersion
- sslvSSLv2
- sslvSSLv23
- sslvSSLv3
- sslvTLSv1
- TIdSSLMode
- sslmUnassigned
- sslmClient
- sslmServer
- sslmBoth
- TIdSSLVerifyMode
- sslvrfPeer
- sslvrfFailIfNoPeerCert
- sslvrfClientOnce
- TIdSSLVerifyModeSet
- TCallbackEvent
- String
- TPasswordEvent
- Password
- String
- TVerifyPeerEvent
- Certificate
- TIdX509
- Boolean
- TIdSSLOptionst
- TIdSSLOptions$
- RootCertFile
- CertFile
- KeyFile
- Methodh
- VerifyMode<
- VerifyDepth
- VerifyDirs
- CipherList
- TIdSSLContext
- TIdSSLSocket
- TIdSSLIOHandlerSocket
- TIdSSLIOHandlerSocket
- SSLOptionsD
- OnStatusInfol
- OnGetPassword
- OnVerifyPeer
- TIdServerIOHandlerSSL
- TIdServerIOHandlerSSL
- SSLOptionsD
- OnStatusInfol
- OnGetPassword
- OnVerifyPeer
- TIdX509T
- TIdX509D
- TIdSSLCipher
- EIdOpenSSLError|
- EIdOpenSSLLoadError
- EIdOSSLCouldNotLoadSSLLibrary
- EIdOSSLModeNotSet
- EIdOSSLGetMethodError
- EIdOSSLCreatingContextErrort
- EIdOSSLLoadingRootCertError
- EIdOSSLLoadingCertError@
- EIdOSSLLoadingKeyError
- EIdOSSLSettingCipherError
- EIdOSSLDataBindingErrorp
- EIdOSSLAcceptError
- EIdOSSLConnectErrorU
- _^[YY]
- Rt_^[Y]
- Cipher: name =
- description =
- bits =
- version =
- Cipher: name =
- description =
- bits =
- version =
- TIdTCPClient
- TIdTCPClient|%C
- IdTCPClient
- BoundIP<
- BoundPort
- OnConnected<
- TIdCookieList
- TIdCookieList
- IdCookie
- TIdNetscapeCookie
- TIdNetscapeCookie8+C
- IdCookie
- TIdCookieRFC2109
- TIdCookieRFC21094,C
- IdCookie
- IdCookie
- TIdCookieRFC2965
- TIdCookieRFC29654-C
- IdCookie
- TIdCookies
- TIdCookies
- IdCookie
- expires
- domain
- secure
- max-age
- comment
- version
- CommentURL
- Index out of range.
- _^[YY]
- TOnNewCookieEvent
- ASender
- TObject
- ACookie
- TIdCookieRFC2109
- VAccept
- Boolean
- TOnManagerEvent
- ASender
- TObject
- ACookieCollection
- TIdCookies
- TIdCookieManager
- TIdCookieManager
- IdCookieManager
- OnCreate,AC
- OnDestroy
- OnNewCookie
- TIdAuthenticationItem
- TIdAuthenticationItemhIC
- IdAuthenticationManager
- TIdHTTPMethod
- hmHead
- hmPost
- hmOptions
- hmTrace
- hmDelete
- hmConnect
- TIdHTTPOption
- hoInProcessAuth
- hoKeepOrigProtocol
- hoForceEncodeParams
- TIdHTTPOptions
- TIdHTTPProtocolVersion
- TIdHTTPOnRedirectEvent
- Sender
- TObject
- String
- NumRedirect
- Integer
- Handled
- Boolean
- VMethod
- TIdHTTPMethod
- TIdOnSelectAuthorization
- Sender
- TObject
- AuthenticationClass
- TIdAuthenticationClass
- AuthInfo
- TIdHeaderList
- TIdOnAuthorization
- Sender
- TObject
- Authentication
- TIdAuthentication
- Handled
- Boolean
- TIdHTTPResponse
- TIdHTTPResponseDNC
- TIdHTTPRequest
- TIdHTTPRequest
- TIdHTTPProtocol
- TIdCustomHTTP
- TIdCustomHTTP
- AuthRetries
- AllowCookies
- HandleRedirects<LC
- ProtocolVersion<
- RedirectMaximum ~B
- ProxyParams@OC
- Request LC
- HTTPOptionsxLC
- OnRedirect
- OnSelectAuthorization
- OnSelectProxyAuthorization
- OnAuthorization
- OnProxyAuthorization
- CookieManager
- EIdUnknownProtocol
- EIdHTTPProtocolException
- _^[YY]
- Cookie
- _^[YY]
- Transfer-Encoding
- chunked
- This request method is supported in HTTP 1.1
- keep-alive
- no-cache
- HTTP/1.0 200 OK
- Undefined situation
- Set-cookie
- Set-cookie2
- Authorization
- _^[YY]
- exdmhuhla
- 293A0E3358BC89
- dnccsknfe
- ipkllt
- EC361D104D8A8B869BBA2DAA72
- 64C169C31BBC66A373A438998C9B73A8DB
- ffumpbk
- tecrqwrue
- dvpxeo
- cihcxg
- yaaotalpcotyk
- AD86A373F851DA49DB20A1CE47B649CE0640163EF92EBD191931F51DB0*74A167AA11*BC47CB4C85C348C24C1F7ED792C950CEDC75BF4EDD399A3EC682848FC6*AD76B869FF63B056DA33943BED25F112B603*56DB2DE568FE2AEA39EF67E938F33AD476DB30
- 26F45DB81FB74FCB52B5E71EF3121DFF40966CBE4BC30E4DDC3ACF46469874AF*58B578993AAC7CD96FEE61FE0E*D859A167E96CA863C74781C342F109*61C24BCC1348DF33F72F409C6E949A60E6*F132F41BA223ED34FF0154868F*72CF56B93C976FA267B8C90A1DE72ED578*0B38C95C8F37F93CCD4E83DB2AEB4E*
- vtayjys
- ngrtslq
- mvupggobld
- emxelheitxim
- isgbaevv
- ngxoamc
- kcnfptvvwn
- oitrmo
- nhexhtp
- ddvowccwrn
- gguycetf
- frimtompcx
- agxkot
- yykdqsq
- srpkken
- ttclvmj
- wuqctfwhm
- 66CF7CB134B89C98BE6887C342C251B71548D940F42DA93DC937C955AA13E025E92BAD37F91AEE2BA824E54EA07C
- C84DD14A8F35C283D676E951D385C686CBD89F
- 908F9F7490C95FB0B1A2F75DA56FC286D9
- 7C91957BDB72BB98A9A43B9464
- F53BC745B8020213
- 4DC657C8DA39C197
- D180D171
- 7C91957BDB72BB98A9A43B9464
- D955AB70ED56E968DB3D9E31F311E7
- sqbioj
- F73DEF45AB30141036E11DB57C986BAD2FA67EAC67A320B742CF2033B33BF240D63A9E37C043FA13B718E422F323
- 61C759BB12B47D87B66BEA63
- F265F85E4C9D62A077E42073A563A4B7
- 62F44B0E1C4DD33ED2819C8FB95FA0B3
- htmocxbp
- rqadxs
- 819263B4E625F560E62DA420E13DCC82EC73898A9D70EF1027F50B0358B57E8086D5255AFB6AD16E88E6260F3DF077FD5ADA43EC0842C045D73895C858C2
- qwvodt
- C3511CF55488
- 0C4CD535AE
- pcvipnc
- oswqesc
- CE41D6389AE772D76AD23855E96CF958B8D96DD367E568FE17FD3CDA3F4713
- 40C2947A
- 80D822E561FE
- FF1FEE26ACE8391D2FE163E232E57794CE0C2EE733E76CE245D122FD6DA0739363D3
- 83D560F3
- 4117E137
- DC42C8449A39D53FF84FF65AA979848BD30A19FA070541AE9B7D8A80D108080D0A2E953ACB47D78481C481B07CAE23BC47E558EA395BAABC6CC238A48D9282A7D9CA9C77F4564440C3
- 160F1FF02361A9BF50CB73D45CBD56B7E520F76EF81E0C0F4A0104
- Runtime error at 00000000
- 0123456789ABCDEF
- kernel32.dll
- DeleteCriticalSection
- LeaveCriticalSection
- EnterCriticalSection
- InitializeCriticalSection
- VirtualFree
- VirtualAlloc
- LocalFree
- LocalAlloc
- GetTickCount
- QueryPerformanceCounter
- GetVersion
- GetCurrentThreadId
- InterlockedDecrement
- InterlockedIncrement
- VirtualQuery
- WideCharToMultiByte
- MultiByteToWideChar
- lstrlenA
- lstrcpynA
- LoadLibraryExA
- GetThreadLocale
- GetStartupInfoA
- GetProcAddress
- GetModuleHandleA
- GetModuleFileNameA
- GetLocaleInfoA
- GetCommandLineA
- FreeLibrary
- FindFirstFileA
- FindClose
- ExitProcess
- ExitThread
- CreateThread
- WriteFile
- UnhandledExceptionFilter
- RtlUnwind
- RaiseException
- GetStdHandle
- user32.dll
- GetKeyboardType
- LoadStringA
- MessageBoxA
- CharNextA
- advapi32.dll
- RegQueryValueExA
- RegOpenKeyExA
- RegCloseKey
- oleaut32.dll
- SysFreeString
- SysReAllocStringLen
- SysAllocStringLen
- kernel32.dll
- TlsSetValue
- TlsGetValue
- TlsFree
- TlsAlloc
- LocalFree
- LocalAlloc
- advapi32.dll
- RegSetValueExA
- RegQueryValueExA
- RegOpenKeyExA
- RegFlushKey
- RegCreateKeyExA
- RegCloseKey
- kernel32.dll
- WriteFile
- WaitForSingleObject
- VirtualQuery
- SetFilePointer
- SetEvent
- SetEndOfFile
- ResumeThread
- ResetEvent
- ReadFile
- LoadLibraryA
- LeaveCriticalSection
- InitializeCriticalSection
- GlobalUnlock
- GlobalReAlloc
- GlobalHandle
- GlobalLock
- GlobalFree
- GlobalAlloc
- GetVersionExA
- GetTimeZoneInformation
- GetThreadLocale
- GetTempPathA
- GetStringTypeExA
- GetStdHandle
- GetProcAddress
- GetModuleHandleA
- GetModuleFileNameA
- GetLocaleInfoA
- GetLocalTime
- GetLastError
- GetFullPathNameA
- GetFileSize
- GetExitCodeThread
- GetDiskFreeSpaceA
- GetDateFormatA
- GetCurrentThreadId
- GetCurrentProcess
- GetComputerNameA
- GetCPInfo
- GetACP
- InterlockedIncrement
- InterlockedExchange
- InterlockedDecrement
- FreeLibrary
- FormatMessageA
- FindFirstFileA
- FindClose
- FileTimeToLocalFileTime
- FileTimeToDosDateTime
- EnumCalendarInfoA
- EnterCriticalSection
- DeleteFileA
- DeleteCriticalSection
- CreateThread
- CreateFileA
- CreateEventA
- CompareStringA
- CloseHandle
- user32.dll
- PostMessageA
- PeekMessageA
- MsgWaitForMultipleObjects
- MessageBoxA
- LoadStringA
- GetSystemMetrics
- FindWindowA
- CharNextA
- CharUpperBuffA
- CharToOemA
- kernel32.dll
- oleaut32.dll
- SafeArrayPtrOfIndex
- SafeArrayGetUBound
- SafeArrayGetLBound
- SafeArrayCreate
- VariantChangeType
- VariantCopyInd
- VariantCopy
- VariantClear
- VariantInit
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- 8 8$8(8,8084888<8@8D8H8L8P8T8X8\8`8d8h8l8p8t8x8|8
- 9 9$9(9,9094989<9@9D9H9L9P9T9X9\9`9d9h9l9p9t9x9|9
- : :$:(:,:0:4:8:<:@:D:H:L:P:T:X:\:`:d:h:l:p:t:x:|:
- ; ;$;(;,;0;4;8;@;D;H;L;P;T;X;\;`;d;h;l;p;t;x;|;
- = =$=(=,=0=4=8=<=@=D=H=L=P=T=H?L?P?T?X?\?`?d?h?l?p?t?x?|?
- 0 0$0(0,0004080<0@0D0H0L0P0T0X0\0`0d0h0l0p0t0x0|0
- 1 1$1(1,1014181<1@1D1H1L1P1T1X1\1`1d1h1l1p1t1x1|1
- 2 2$2(2,2024282<2@2D2H2L2P2T2X2\2`2d2h2l2p2t2x2|2
- 3 3$3(3,3034383<3@3D3H3L3P3T3X3\3`3d3h3l3p3t3x3|3
- 4 4$4(4,4044484<4@4D4H4L4P4T4X4\4`4d4h4l4p4t4x4|4
- 0IdHTTPHeaderInfo
- System
- SysInit
- ^Classes
- "RTLConsts
- SysConst
- UTypes
- KWindows
- 3Messages
- SysUtils
- CVariants
- $VarUtils
- QTypInfo
- sActiveX
- IdAuthentication
- IdCoderMIME
- uIdGlobal
- IdStackWindows
- IdException
- |IdResourceStrings
- yIdStack
- @IdStackConsts
- )IdWinSock2
- 8Registry
- IniFiles
- SyncObjs
- IdCoder3to4
- IdCoder
- IdBaseComponent
- IdHeaderList
- mIdSocketHandle
- IdAntiFreezeBase
- IdComponent
- eIdSSLOpenSSLHeaders
- BIdIOHandler
- +IdTCPServer
- IdStrings
- IdThreadSafe
- IdTCPConnection
- IdStream
- IdTCPStream
- IdIntercept
- IdRFCReply
- yIdIOHandlerSocket
- jIdSocks
- IdAssignedNumbers
- IdThread
- %IdThreadMgr
- IdThreadMgrDefault
- IdServerIOHandler
- &IdServerIOHandlerSocket
- IdTCPClient
- LIdCookieManager
- ,IdCookie
- IdAuthenticationManager
- IdMultipartFormData
- CConvUtils
- CVarConv
- A1A1A1A
- jjjjjj
- jjjjjjj
- jjjjjjjj
- jjjjjjjj
- Mode has not been set.
- Could not load SSL library.
- SSL status: "%s"
- Uneven size in DecodeToStream.
- Uneven size in Encode.
- Protocol field is empty
- Host field is empty
- "Connection not allowed by ruleset.
- Network unreachable.
- Host unreachable.
- Connection refused.
- TTL expired.
- Command not supported.
- Address type not supported.$Error accepting connection with SSL.
- Error connecting with SSL.
- SetCipher failed.
- Error creating SSL context. Could not load root certificate.
- Could not load certificate.#Could not load key, check password.
- Error geting SSL method.!Error binding data to SSL socket.
- Connection timed out.
- Connection refused."Too many levels of symbolic links.
- File name too long.
- Host is down.
- No route to host.
- Directory not empty
- Host not found.
- Request rejected or failed.5Request rejected because SOCKS server cannot connect.QRequest rejected because the client program and identd report different user-ids.
- Unknown socks error.
- Socks server did not respond.$Invalid socks authentication method.%Authentication error to socks server.
- General SOCKS server failure.
- Socket type not supported."Operation not supported on socket.
- Protocol family not supported.0Address family not supported by protocol family.
- Address already in use. Cannot assign requested address.
- Network is down.
- Network is unreachable. Net dropped connection or reset.!Software caused connection abort.
- Connection reset by peer.
- No buffer space available.
- Socket is already connected.
- Socket is not connected..Cannot send or receive after socket is closed.#Too many references, cannot splice.
- Socket Error # %d
- Interrupted system call.
- Bad file number.
- Access denied.
- Bad address.
- Invalid argument.
- Too many open files.
- Operation would block.
- Operation now in progress.
- Operation already in progress.Socket operation on non-socket.
- Destination address required.
- Message too long.Protocol wrong type for socket.
- Bad protocol option.
- Protocol not supported.
- $Can not bind in port range (%d - %d)
- Invalid Port Range (%d - %d)
- Read Timeout
- Max line length exceeded.*Error on call Winsock2 library function %s&Error on loading Winsock2 library (%s)
- Resolving hostname %s.
- Connecting to %s.
- Connected.
- Disconnecting.
- Disconnected.
- Connect timed out.
- Chunk StartedDThis authentication method is already registered with class name %s.
- %s is not a valid service.
- [%s%.8x]
- Illegal type
- Illegal family
- Already connected.
- Cannot allocate socket.
- Connection Closed Gracefully.;Could not bind socket. Address and port are already in use.4Failed attempting to retrieve time zone information.
- Not enough data in buffer.
- Winsock Initialization Error.
- Set Size Exceeded.
- File "%s" not found1Only one TIdAntiFreeze can exist per application.
- IOHandler value is not valid
- Not Connected
- No data to read.
- List count out of bounds (%d)
- List index out of bounds (%d)+Out of memory while expanding memory stream
- Error reading %s%s%s: %s
- Stream read error
- Property is read-only
- Failed to get data for '%s'
- Failed to set data for '%s'
- %s.Seek not implemented$Operation not allowed on sorted list
- Property %s does not exist
- Stream write error
- Thread creation error: %s
- Thread Error: %s (%d)&Incompatible conversion types [%s, %s]
- Unknown conversion type %s
- Saturday
- Ancestor for '%s' not found
- Cannot assign a %s to a %sECheckSynchronize called from thread $%x, which is NOT the main thread
- Class %s not found%List does not allow duplicates ($0%x)#A component named %s already exists%String list does not allow duplicates
- Cannot create file "%s". %s
- Cannot open file "%s". %s$''%s'' is not a valid component name
- Invalid property value
- Invalid property path
- Invalid property value
- Invalid data type for '%s' List capacity out of bounds (%d)
- October
- November
- December
- Sunday
- Monday
- Tuesday
- Wednesday
- Thursday
- Friday
- January
- February
- August
- September
- Operation not supported
- Unexpected variant error
- External exception %x
- Assertion failed
- Interface not supported
- Exception in safecall method
- %s (%s, line %d)
- Abstract Error?Access violation at address %p in module '%s'. %s of address %p
- System Error. Code: %d.
- %sA call to an OS function failed
- Write$Error creating variant or safe array)Variant or safe array index out of boundsVariant or safe array is lockedInvalid variant type conversion
- Invalid variant operation%Invalid variant operation (%s%.8x)
- %s,Custom variant type (%s%.4x) is out of range/Custom variant type (%s%.4x) already used by %s*Custom variant type (%s%.4x) is not usable2Too many custom variant types have been registered5Could not convert variant of type (%s) into type (%s)=Overflow while converting variant of type (%s) into type (%s)
- Variant overflow
- Invalid argument
- Invalid variant type
- Floating point division by zero
- Floating point overflow
- Floating point underflow
- Invalid pointer operation
- Invalid class typecast0Access violation at address %p. %s of address %p
- Access violation
- Stack overflow
- Control-C hit
- Privileged instruction(Exception %s in module %s at %p.
- Application Error1Format '%s' invalid or incompatible with argument
- No argument for format '%s'"Variant method calls not supported
- !'%s' is not a valid integer valueInvalid argument to time encodeInvalid argument to date encode
- Out of memory
- I/O error %d
- File not found
- Invalid filename
- Too many open files
- File access denied
- Read beyond end of file
- Disk full
- Invalid numeric input
- Division by zero
- Range check error
- Integer overflow Invalid floating point operation
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