
This is bullshit

Oct 16th, 2019
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  1. Guest_ttttt292984: Sup
  2. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: hi Kibu
  3. Kibu: Hello.
  4. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: welcome
  5. Keiti: Hello
  6. Guest_Millie350920: Hai
  7. Keiti: well that happened
  8. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: crash?
  9. Keiti: yup
  10. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: weba
  11. Kibu: Ayo, padre.
  12. Ventex: Hey kiddo.
  13. IlILuchiIlI: ouo
  14. IlILuchiIlI: <u> hallo ppls
  15. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: ;3 hi
  16. IlILuchiIlI: how are you all ouo
  17. Kibu: How're you doing? <<<
  18. Kibu: And ayo, good, you?
  19. Ventex: Decent. Yourself?
  20. Kibu: Tired.
  21. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: I got a question
  22. IlILuchiIlI: that's good. im fine ty
  23. IlILuchiIlI: yeah?:o
  24. Ventex: /me wants some affection from his emo-looking son.
  25. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: Why do black ppl think it's ok to shout out they don't like white ppl, followed by "white trash" but it's not ok to call em fuccing Nigger?
  26. Ventex: /me is black, but doesn't do that.
  27. Ventex: but aight.
  28. IlILuchiIlI: o.o
  29. IlILuchiIlI: ooof
  30. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: racist blacks are entitled af
  31. IlILuchiIlI: i'm purple
  32. IlILuchiIlI: ouo
  33. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: lol
  34. Ventex: Yeah, you should have said racist blacks in the beginning. Not just black people.
  35. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: lol
  36. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: I don't think so
  37. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: I see it as a black person issue
  38. IlILuchiIlI: no really tho
  39. IlILuchiIlI: not everyone is the same
  40. IlILuchiIlI: so it sounds bad
  41. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: oh well
  42. Ventex: In some sort, you're being racist yourself by stereotyping all in one.
  43. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: black ppl think it's ok
  44. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: that's not an exageration
  45. Ventex: Do you think for all black people? What did I just say? I said I didn't do that kind of shit and I'm black so I mean yeah, you are being racist and stereotyping.
  46. Kibu: /me Rubs his chin.
  47. Kibu: You sound like a piece of shit.
  48. IlILuchiIlI: i like cake ouo
  49. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: woohoo
  50. Kibu: But that's ~my opinion~ like your own.
  51. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: ty
  52. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: kibu
  53. Kibu: You're welcome.
  54. Kibu: No wonder why Vue hates you.
  55. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: you sound like phaggot
  56. Kibu: I am a terrible, blatant faggot.
  57. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: phaggot
  58. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: I'm not refferring to the gay community
  59. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: phaggot
  60. Kibu: You're pretty happy using racial slurs, why draw the line at the LGBT+ community?
  61. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: nonya
  62. Kibu: Lmao.
  63. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: niggers deserve to die
  64. IlILuchiIlI: wow
  65. Ventex: And that's why people bitch at you and call you white trash.
  66. Ventex: It's just you.
  67. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: lol
  68. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: nigger
  69. Ventex: Yes, because that offends me.
  70. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: good thing Vue hates me
  71. Kibu: Says the one trying to kiss her ass the other day.
  72. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: ya
  73. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: you opened up my eyes
  74. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: I see now
  75. Kibu: Anyway, back to Minecraft.
  76. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: whatever, phaggot
  77. Ventex: And as for myself, Dead by Daylight.
  78. IlILuchiIlI: have fun :o
  79. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: If you're a black person, you would have to be smart enough to avoid getting involved in black racist bs, but I don't think enough blacks can do that to cause me to make a distinction
  80. IlILuchiIlI: you should probably stop now<
  81. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: no
  82. SkylarkMusashi: oh...
  83. IlILuchiIlI: it's kinda disgusting.
  84. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: I don't hate all the blacks, I just recognized that the majority of gang banging racist shit!! is a threat
  85. Keiti: ^
  86. IlILuchiIlI: so you should stop
  87. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: no
  88. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: what you gonna do?
  89. IlILuchiIlI: not a thing because it's not worth it for people like you.
  90. SkylarkMusashi: why do you always assu
  91. SkylarkMusashi: assume things about people you don't even know
  92. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: assuming, is something you do
  93. SkylarkMusashi: mmmhmmm
  94. SkylarkMusashi: wb Ventex
  95. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: FO
  96. IlILuchiIlI: welcome back
  97. Keiti: Look I could careless about your veiws but I don't like having to be exposed to such bs comments not all black people are gang bangers so please stop saying the hard R word and kindly keep your veiws to your self if others are uncomfortable by it
  98. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: no
  99. Kibu: It's fine, we'll just get you blocked here and I'll talk to a few other room owners so many people don't have to deal with you at all.
  100. Kibu: ez pz.
  101. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: lmao
  102. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: awww
  103. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: lol
  104. SkylarkMusashi: and as someone who happens to be biracial i hear you say the N word in here again i'm gonna speak to the room owner about you
  105. Keiti: pff gross person you are
  106. Kibu: I already am going to, you shoulda heard 'em earlier. lmao.
  107. SkylarkMusashi: she accused me of bulling her while she was fighting with another person
  108. Keiti: fucking gross all humans should be respected
  109. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: I don't have any control of you personalizing my hate towards racist blacks
  110. SkylarkMusashi: i simply said move on agree that you dont agree with each other
  111. Keiti: skin color doesn't matter
  112. IlILuchiIlI: ^
  113. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: it doesn't
  114. SkylarkMusashi: and this triggered
  115. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: racist blacks exist
  116. SkylarkMusashi: did anyone say they didnt
  117. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: yes
  118. SkylarkMusashi: anyone?
  119. Keiti: ^
  120. SkylarkMusashi: who
  121. SkylarkMusashi: them
  122. SkylarkMusashi: are they here?
  123. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: you all ganging up on me and my different opinions
  124. SkylarkMusashi: oh here we go again
  125. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: yes
  126. SkylarkMusashi: /me takes out a tiny violin
  127. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: it's ok when it's you against me
  128. Keiti: tbh if there is anyone racist its you lol
  129. SkylarkMusashi: victim
  130. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: no
  131. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: I'm not
  132. IlILuchiIlI: the victim card xD
  133. Ventex: Yeah, you are.
  134. Keiti: LOL
  135. SkylarkMusashi: well it is because no one else gives a shit
  136. Kibu: Messaged. Ez clap.
  137. Keiti: Can you like not
  138. SkylarkMusashi: absolutely fed up of this attention seeking crap everytime i come in here
  139. IlILuchiIlI: so petty :o
  140. SkylarkMusashi: and then this
  141. Keiti: like keep your nooby actions away from me
  142. SkylarkMusashi: are you jealous of my mature mind
  143. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: I am sick of racist blacks calling every white person they don't like white trash
  144. SkylarkMusashi: so go tell them
  145. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: if you can't accept that, you're racist
  146. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: not me
  147. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: punk ass, phaggot
  148. IlILuchiIlI: honestly, you're trash yourself so shush now
  149. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: I'm not
  150. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: you're trash
  151. SkylarkMusashi: go tell the racist black people they are racist
  152. IlILuchiIlI: you are.
  153. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: you are
  154. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: TRASH!!
  155. IlILuchiIlI: i know i am but do you know YOU are?lol
  156. Keiti: Itf your not racist that I guess the sky isn't blue its fucking red
  157. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: YOU'RE TRASH!!!
  158. Keiti: LOL
  159. IlILuchiIlI: ouch my feelings?
  160. IlILuchiIlI: xD
  161. Keiti: LOL
  162. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: TRASHY POS
  163. TheHandsomeButcher: its red
  164. SkylarkMusashi: oh no your comitting pixel assault
  165. IlILuchiIlI: am i suppose to be triggered?
  166. TheHandsomeButcher: sunset
  167. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: why are you arguing about teh color of teh sky?
  168. IlILuchiIlI: i can act like it if you want ouo
  169. Keiti: I've never seen a red sunset
  170. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: I'm vip
  171. Keiti: tbh
  172. Keiti: i've always seen orange
  173. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: Good to know
  174. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: I would rather know who the trash is
  175. Keiti: you are
  176. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: then make the mistake of friending
  177. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: you
  178. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: you are
  179. Keiti: i hope that helped
  180. Keiti: :)
  181. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: Trash
  182. IlILuchiIlI: ouo
  183. IlILuchiIlI: /me rolls
  184. Keiti: yeah you're right i am trash
  185. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: ty
  186. Keiti: see
  187. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: Throw yourself away
  188. Keiti: oh I will
  189. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: ty
  190. Ventex: You act like a goddamn 13 year old.
  191. Keiti: do you want me to burn in hell as well?
  192. Keiti: LOL
  193. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: hell isn't real
  194. SkylarkMusashi: if keiti is trash ten you're a 12 yr old
  195. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: would be nice tho
  196. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: idc
  197. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: oh no, I'm a 12 yr old
  198. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: lol
  199. TheHandsomeButcher: neat
  200. SkylarkMusashi: oh maybe this is the only way you get attention
  201. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: no
  202. SkylarkMusashi: i think it is..
  203. Ventex: That explains your behavior then.
  204. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: it's how you ignorant fuccs make friends
  205. Keiti: same
  206. SkylarkMusashi: no-one pays attention to your insignificant ass
  207. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: lol
  208. SkylarkMusashi: so you gotta pick fights
  209. SkylarkMusashi: this aint the first time i've seen you pitch a fit
  210. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: coool
  211. SkylarkMusashi: get triggered
  212. Ventex: Petition to just ignore everything she says and ignore her.
  213. SkylarkMusashi: or go full SJW
  214. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: lol
  215. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: Silent J's World
  216. Keiti: they're trying to be an edge lord
  217. Keiti: LOL
  218. SkylarkMusashi: lmao
  219. Kibu: I agree with dad, ignorance is nice.
  220. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: what does that mean?
  221. SkylarkMusashi: /me high fives Keiti
  222. SkylarkMusashi: nice look btw Keiti
  223. Keiti: /me high fives back
  224. Keiti: ty
  225. Keiti: same to you
  226. SkylarkMusashi: oh tyvm
  227. IlILuchiIlI: ouo
  228. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: A black person says, "white trash" and it's ok
  229. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: a white person says, "Nigger" and all the slutten
  230. SkylarkMusashi: ooh Luchi you're adorable too
  231. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: all the slutten, there's a problem
  232. SkylarkMusashi: it's not the word itself
  233. IlILuchiIlI: oh thank you :o
  234. SkylarkMusashi: it's how and when its used
  235. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: it's not ever acceptable
  236. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: "Nigga" is just as bad
  237. SkylarkMusashi: then why are you continuing to fucking say it
  238. SkylarkMusashi: shut up
  239. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: because I know it hurts your feelings
  240. SkylarkMusashi: so you are doing it for a reaction
  241. SkylarkMusashi: thats fucking racism
  242. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: after getting called trash
  243. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: who wouldn't?
  244. TheHandsomeButcher: nigeria is a country
  245. SkylarkMusashi: /me drop the mic
  246. SkylarkMusashi: move on
  247. SkylarkMusashi: did i fucking call you it
  249. SkylarkMusashi: so why are you repeating the Nword knowing i'm biracial
  250. IlILuchiIlI: right?
  251. Kibu: Lmfao.
  252. SkylarkMusashi: i get just as offened if my mom is referred to as white trash
  253. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: you think I know that?
  254. SkylarkMusashi: or my dad the N word
  255. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: Knowing???
  256. SkylarkMusashi: so shut up
  257. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: I don't know shit about you
  258. SkylarkMusashi: please
  259. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: why is it ok for you to make assumptions
  260. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: not me?
  261. IlILuchiIlI: okay let's just ignore her if she's not gonna shush
  262. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: stop doing that
  263. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: stop thinking you can just segregrate me
  264. Keiti: did anyone hear anything ?
  265. IlILuchiIlI: no i don't think i did :o
  266. TheHandsomeButcher: na only whispers
  267. SkylarkMusashi: nope
  268. Keiti: hmm must have bullshit stuck in my ear than
  269. SkylarkMusashi: i heard like fart sounds
  270. IlILuchiIlI: lmfao.
  271. IlILuchiIlI: xD
  272. Kibu: Country roaaadddss.
  273. Kibu: Take me hooooome.
  274. SkylarkMusashi: it said parp poots
  275. Keiti: TO A PLACE
  276. TheHandsomeButcher: fart is natural
  277. SkylarkMusashi: lol
  278. IlILuchiIlI: so how's everyone's day?ouo
  279. Kibu: I bellooooooong
  280. SkylarkMusashi: natures blow torch
  281. Kibu: Pretty decent, how about you?
  282. SkylarkMusashi: not bad thanks
  283. Keiti: WEST VIRGINA
  284. Ventex: /me wraps his arms around Kibu, nuzzling into him.
  285. IlILuchiIlI: can't complain :o
  286. SkylarkMusashi: you are all looking nice btw
  287. Keiti: TY
  288. SkylarkMusashi: you're welcome
  289. Kibu: /me Leans back against him, wrapping his arms as well around his padre with a yawn.
  290. Kibu: You as well/
  291. IlILuchiIlI: c: ty, same to you
  292. Keiti: its so cold in my room
  293. Keiti: x-x
  294. SkylarkMusashi: brb you lovely cuties
  295. Kibu: Bundle up in some blankets?
  296. Keiti: tyt
  297. Kibu: Tyt.
  298. Keiti: I am
  299. Keiti: i have like 4
  300. Keiti: LOL
  301. IlILuchiIlI: ii
  302. IlILuchiIlI: :o
  303. IlILuchiIlI: oo
  304. IlILuchiIlI: like a burrito
  305. Keiti: yes cx
  306. IlILuchiIlI: just roll :D
  307. Keiti: I had chicken tacos for lunch and now i want a burrito
  308. Keiti: LOL
  309. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: mgf
  310. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: mgf
  311. IlILuchiIlI: i recently had my first taco ouo
  312. Keiti: :o
  313. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: mgf
  314. Keiti: first
  315. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: mgf
  316. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: mgf
  317. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: mgf
  318. IlILuchiIlI: ya
  319. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: mgf
  320. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: mgf
  321. Kibu: They're so good tho.
  322. Keiti: yes they are
  323. IlILuchiIlI: it was yummy :D
  324. Keiti: /me Uncle lenny comes to visit >( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  325. IlILuchiIlI: lol
  326. Keiti: cx
  327. Keiti: ˁ˚ᴥ˚ˀ
  328. MiyamotoMusashi: heylo
  329. Keiti: Hello
  330. Kibu: Heya.
  331. MiyamotoMusashi: how goes?
  332. Keiti: Pretty good
  333. Kibu: It goes well, you?
  334. MiyamotoMusashi: been better, been worse
  335. Kibu: Hm.. That's..good? Ish?
  336. MiyamotoMusashi: good enough
  337. Ventex: /me rolls over on Kibu a little and huffs, looking down at him. "Still small."
  338. Kibu: /me Chuckles and shrugs as he gently played with his padre's hair. "Shush, you're just mutant huge."
  339. MiyamotoMusashi: heylo lili o/
  340. Keiti: hello
  341. Lilialilya: Hi
  342. MiyamotoMusashi: how you been?
  343. Lilialilya: Not bad
  344. MiyamotoMusashi: you just missed sky
  345. Lilialilya: Oh
  346. Lilialilya: Okay
  347. MiyamotoMusashi: getting the first real day off tomorrow
  348. Lilialilya: Oh that’s cool
  349. MiyamotoMusashi: talking to the lawyer friday, likely watching the sister saturday.
  350. Ventex: /me groans in satisfaction, closing his eyes gradually as the other's claws went through his locks. "Nope, you just won't grow."
  351. MiyamotoMusashi: im on paid leave till monday tho
  352. Lilialilya: Oh that’s something
  353. MiyamotoMusashi: got 50 hours vacation time incase anything else comes up
  354. MiyamotoMusashi: wb qt
  355. Keiti: wb
  356. Kibu: I'm tired, gonna try and lay down for a few minutes, Discord's Lord Yung Spookydick#0665 if anyone wants to talk.
  357. IlILuchiIlI: take care
  358. Lilialilya: Okies take care
  359. MiyamotoMusashi: rest well
  360. Lilialilya: Oh I think someone is trying to crash people
  361. MiyamotoMusashi: :o
  362. Keiti: ugh lag
  363. Lilialilya: It’s Sylveon
  364. MiyamotoMusashi: and outfit over 7k will do that
  365. MiyamotoMusashi: an*
  366. Lilialilya: She’s lagging the room with her accessories
  367. Keiti: oh i know who it is
  368. MiyamotoMusashi: 8k nnow
  369. Keiti: they were saying some nasty shit eariler
  370. Lilialilya: So why doesn’t anyone do anything about it
  371. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: Keiti isn't innocent
  372. Keiti: lol
  373. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: you're not
  374. Keiti: I am
  375. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: liear
  376. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: liar
  377. IlILuchiIlI: ouo
  378. Keiti: I wasn't saying the hard R
  379. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: waaa
  380. Keiti: you were
  381. Keiti: I can littery go back and get screen shots
  382. IlILuchiIlI: "waaa"
  383. IlILuchiIlI: z
  384. Keiti: like are you dumb
  385. Keiti: lol
  386. IlILuchiIlI: oml
  387. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: Here you go,
  388. Lilialilya: She’s right you’re dumb
  389. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: lol
  390. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: ty
  391. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: much
  392. Lilialilya: Not her you sylveon
  393. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: ik
  394. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: ty
  395. Lilialilya: Yw
  396. Keiti: who wants a copy of the chat I'll sent it over discord
  397. Keiti: LOL
  398. Lilialilya: Me please
  399. Keiti: ok
  400. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: I posted it
  401. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: too
  402. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: lol
  403. Lilialilya: Good for you ignit
  404. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: aww
  405. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: lol
  406. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: ignit
  407. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: lol
  408. MiyamotoMusashi: i'll take a copy too
  409. Lilialilya: So now no-one can enjoy the chat because you’re triggered right
  410. Lilialilya: You’re gonna lag the room because you feel like you’ve been wronged
  411. MiyamotoMusashi:
  412. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: why should you be here, bringing more hate to me
  413. Lilialilya: /me pouts
  414. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: cock blocking me
  415. IlILuchiIlI: bbl when IT'S gone
  416. Lilialilya: Cock blocking you
  417. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: plss leave
  418. Lilialilya: Lol
  419. Keiti:
  420. Keiti:
  421. MiyamotoMusashi: thank yuh
  422. Lilialilya: Moto send that to sky’s discord
  423. SkylarkMusashi: she's just loading more items
  424. MiyamotoMusashi: quite a lot of hate speech, sylveon
  425. SkylarkMusashi: best bit is where she admits it's because she knows it'll hurt my feelings
  426. MiyamotoMusashi: so she's racist too?
  427. SkylarkMusashi: so it was directed at me with intent
  428. Lilialilya: Why do you gotta be so mean
  429. MiyamotoMusashi: take it the chat has already been reported for the bigotry?
  430. Keiti: If you need any more I can send more
  431. Lilialilya: What did sky do to deserve that
  432. Keiti: I reported it
  433. Keiti: when it started
  434. MiyamotoMusashi: that's much appreciated
  435. SkylarkMusashi: oh and she did the pixel abuse thing too
  436. Lilialilya: Omg
  437. Keiti: lol
  438. Lilialilya: I mean Sky is one of the nicest people I know
  439. MiyamotoMusashi: nice enough that i married her <3
  440. Lilialilya: If danger wasn’t sleeping he’d tell you the same
  441. SkylarkMusashi: Mushy
  442. MiyamotoMusashi: yeh?
  443. SkylarkMusashi: <3
  444. MiyamotoMusashi: <3
  445. SkylarkMusashi: thankies
  446. Keiti: 13kb
  447. Keiti: LOL
  448. SkylarkMusashi: but i'm not holding up a victim card she'll get dealt with by the room owner
  449. MiyamotoMusashi: aye
  450. SkylarkMusashi: ATC!!!
  451. MiyamotoMusashi: gave other lili the heads up as well
  452. Lilialilya: Could use his mod power right about now
  453. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: I'm not a racist
  454. SkylarkMusashi: you said it
  455. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: he called me a peice of shit
  456. SkylarkMusashi: i never called you anything
  457. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: did I call you the N word?
  458. SkylarkMusashi: yes
  459. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: NO!!!
  460. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: Lying Cunt
  461. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: dammit
  462. SkylarkMusashi: i asked you to stop saying it, you said you were going to do it because you knew it hurt my feelings
  463. Keiti: "I'my not a racist" >GoddessSY1V3ONHana:niggers deserve to die
  464. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: niggers, specifically
  465. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: not all blacks are niggers
  466. Lilialilya: You’re doing it now
  467. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: you're the racist for making that distinction
  468. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: you are
  469. Lilialilya: Why are you keeping it going
  470. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: I'm defending the blacks who are not niggers
  471. Lilialilya: No you’re not
  472. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: lol
  473. MiyamotoMusashi: let me flag that for you. imvu staff can decide
  474. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: because you say I am not
  475. IlILuchiIlI: is she dumb
  476. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: lol
  477. Lilialilya: You are saying the word because you know it’s offensive
  478. Keiti: yes
  479. Lilialilya: You’re trying to be edgy
  480. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: you don't get to decide what my intent is
  481. MiyamotoMusashi: she's racist
  482. Lilialilya: You just come off like a spoilt kid
  483. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: idc
  484. Lilialilya: If you are saying it purposefully to cause someone else distress you’re racist
  485. Lilialilya: Or dumb
  486. IlILuchiIlI: still at it?
  487. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: not true
  488. Lilialilya: I can’t decide
  489. MiyamotoMusashi: yup, they still are
  490. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: I was using it on 2 people
  491. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: 2 ppl
  492. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: are not the whole black population
  493. Lilialilya: I don’t care
  494. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: :b
  495. IlILuchiIlI: ventex clearly said that he was black and you literally called him the n word with hard r>
  496. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: no
  497. Lilialilya: My sister is biracial
  498. ShadowDarkrose: Ello everyone
  499. IlILuchiIlI: you did.
  500. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: I caleld his son one
  501. IlILuchiIlI: hi
  502. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: after he called me a pos
  503. Lilialilya: So what
  504. IlILuchiIlI: kibru wasnt in that yet
  505. Lilialilya: Why are you still at it
  506. Lilialilya: Why are you trying to crash the room
  507. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: GoddessSY1V3ONHana: racist blacks are entitled af
  508. ShadowDarkrose: So many giant thinggys going on
  509. Lilialilya: Why are you acting like a child
  510. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: cause I can
  511. IlILuchiIlI: cause she is one
  512. Lilialilya: Did anyone disagree with you
  513. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: Ventex: Yeah, you should have said racist blacks in the beginning. Not just black people.
  514. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: GoddessSY1V3ONHana: I see it as a black person issue
  515. ShadowDarkrose: O_o;
  516. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: when it's over half the population of blacks
  517. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: it's a black person issue
  518. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: yep
  519. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: yep yep
  520. IlILuchiIlI: do you really read what you're typing?
  521. SkylarkMusashi: proving yourself to be racist
  522. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: but I'm ot
  523. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: not
  524. IlILuchiIlI: ^
  525. IlILuchiIlI: you are
  526. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: no
  527. Lilialilya: Nope
  528. IlILuchiIlI: yes
  529. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: no
  530. IlILuchiIlI: mk
  531. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: I understand statistics
  532. Lilialilya: Has anyone in this room called you a name
  533. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: I don't feel like looking
  534. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: idc
  535. IlILuchiIlI: lool
  536. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: luci
  537. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: called me trash
  538. Lilialilya: Even though you’re acting like an entitled brat
  539. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: who else?
  540. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: you really want me to tell you?
  541. IlILuchiIlI: i did.
  542. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: you yourself Lili, called me dumb
  543. Guest_Eddre1: Hey furry hoes
  544. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: keiti called me trash
  545. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: so, yah
  546. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: lie all you want, and I will still be honest
  547. Guest_Eddre1: I said HEY
  548. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: and take you all on
  549. IlILuchiIlI: lol
  550. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: hi eddre
  551. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: never heard of you before
  552. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: this should be fun
  553. Guest_Eddre1: Hey
  554. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: hru?
  555. Guest_Eddre1: What yall doing
  556. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: having a not so very nice debate
  557. Lilialilya: No you were having it
  558. Guest_Eddre1: Oh what about
  559. MiyamotoMusashi: her being racist
  560. Lilialilya: Everyone else decided to let you be racist
  561. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: I'm not tho
  562. Guest_Eddre1: Oh wooooow
  563. IlILuchiIlI: and pulling victim card
  564. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: I don't indiscriminately hate blacks
  565. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: racists indescriminately do
  566. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: like saying, I don't like white ppl, "white trash"
  567. Guest_Eddre1: Well nice to meet u all im gonna go scam men
  568. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: lol
  569. MiyamotoMusashi: lol tc
  570. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: ok
  571. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: tc
  572. IlILuchiIlI: lel
  573. SkylarkMusashi: you kept it up after i asked you to quit saying the Nword over and over
  574. IlILuchiIlI: bye
  575. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: I kept up the argument against the false accusations
  576. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: and of you
  577. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: all of you
  578. Keiti: lol
  579. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: couldn't help, but bash me
  580. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: like you were trained
  581. IlILuchiIlI: lawd
  582. IlILuchiIlI: something is wrong with your head
  583. IlILuchiIlI: xD
  584. Lilialilya: La la la victim
  585. Keiti: xD
  586. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: you're CIA controller loves you
  587. MiyamotoMusashi: alt-right maybe?
  588. Lilialilya: You’re deliberately trying to crash people
  589. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: yes
  590. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: all of you
  591. SkylarkMusashi: i don't like peope calling white people either
  592. SkylarkMusashi: i don't like racism
  593. Keiti: omg now shes talking like tin foil hat people
  594. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: lol
  595. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: tin foil is the worst radio signal shield
  596. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: it amplifies them
  597. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: lol
  598. Lilialilya: Frequencies set to dumb
  599. Keiti: xD
  600. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: lol
  601. SkylarkMusashi: lol
  602. Lilialilya: I think she’s wearing everything she owns
  603. Keiti: LOL
  604. IlILuchiIlI: xD
  605. Lilialilya: Classy
  606. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: if I did that, it would crash me; too
  607. Lilialilya: Mmmhmm
  608. Lilialilya: I’m not so sure
  609. port: Olo
  610. Lilialilya: Hi Port
  611. port: How’s everyone
  612. Lilialilya: Sorry bout your lag
  613. MiyamotoMusashi: heylo
  614. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: hi port
  615. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: do you know these ppl?
  616. SkylarkMusashi: hiiiiii
  617. GoddessSY1V3ONHana:
  618. port: Do I?
  619. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: we were having such a good time
  620. port: XD
  621. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: yes?
  622. port: I know a few people
  623. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: oh
  624. Keiti: LOL
  625. Lilialilya: You being the victim again
  626. port: Why do you ask?
  627. MiyamotoMusashi: read through that chat log. it's a doozy
  628. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: when am I not
  629. Lilialilya: Doesn’t work we all got receipts deary
  630. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: lame
  631. SkylarkMusashi: cant talk currently too laggy
  632. port: Ooooo what’s happened
  633. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: I got the whole convo
  634. Lilialilya: So has everyone
  635. port: Well I don’t xD
  636. MiyamotoMusashi: she tried to prove she's not racist by saying racist things
  637. IlILuchiIlI: how does she not understand.
  638. port: Oh okay
  639. IlILuchiIlI: where is her brain
  640. MiyamotoMusashi: kind of amusing
  641. port: Oh it’s her
  642. Keiti: in the trash
  643. Lilialilya: Then when asked to stop she kept going knowing that Sky is biracial
  644. Keiti: she stopped using it
  645. port: Right yeah people talking about her in the discord server
  646. IlILuchiIlI: i think it is
  647. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: I had an opinion about black pp, wether it's the majority or not; is up to interpretation; by the braindead; and I had a problem with them calling all whites, white trash
  648. Lilialilya: Then said she kept saying it because she knew it would hurt her feelings
  649. port: Hun people are just people
  650. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: yah
  651. MiyamotoMusashi: and what did you call those black people?
  652. IlILuchiIlI: then why would you say > GoddessSY1V3ONHana:niggers deserve to die
  653. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: but that shouldn't make everyone gang up on me
  654. Lilialilya: Oh really now
  655. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: you don't know what a NIGGER is
  656. IlILuchiIlI: do you know what it is?
  657. Lilialilya: Do you?
  658. port: You did make racist/offensive comments
  659. MiyamotoMusashi: 10 out of 10. game of the year
  660. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: if you're definition means, black person!! Don't make it mine, too!!!
  661. SkylarkMusashi: will you just fucking stop
  662. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: GoddessSY1V3ONHana: if you're definition means, black person!! Don't make it mine, too!!!
  664. IlILuchiIlI: that word was used for "black people" during slavery days.
  665. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: that's not what it means
  666. SkylarkMusashi: it's always been a derogitory term
  667. IlILuchiIlI: fix it jesus
  669. IlILuchiIlI: you said black people at the start so dont change it now
  670. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: you're brain dead
  671. IlILuchiIlI: lol
  672. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: I used that word to attack him!!
  673. SkylarkMusashi: why you think bandying about like it doesn't matter doesn't make you a better person
  674. IlILuchiIlI: ofc
  675. Lilialilya: Damn right
  676. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: GoddessSY1V3ONHana: I used that word to attack him!!
  677. IlILuchiIlI: then you're racist
  678. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: GoddessSY1V3ONHana: I used that word to attack him!!
  679. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: only him
  680. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: you're racist
  681. Lilialilya: It makes you annoying
  682. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: oh well
  683. Lilialilya: But everyone else hears it sees it
  684. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: you've been trained to hate me
  685. IlILuchiIlI: she's wrong and strong with it
  686. Lilialilya: So it’s not only going to cause offence to one person
  687. IlILuchiIlI: just forge it
  688. Lilialilya: And why are you attacking people using racial slurs anyhow
  689. Keiti:
  690. SkylarkMusashi: it#s not edgy or cool
  691. Keiti: o3o
  692. IlILuchiIlI: kibru already messaged the room owner to deal with it
  693. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: I did too
  694. LilyaLilia: OᴥO what's this?
  695. IlILuchiIlI: <
  696. IlILuchiIlI: THANK YOU
  697. IlILuchiIlI: xD
  698. SkylarkMusashi: then she tried to crash the room by putting on an 8k outfit and some flashing lights
  699. Lilialilya: Not cool
  700. port: That’s rude
  701. Lilialilya: Hey sweetie
  702. SkylarkMusashi: just annoying
  703. LilyaLilia: heya qt bootie <3
  704. Keiti: welcome to the shit show
  705. SkylarkMusashi: lol
  706. Lilialilya: I’m waiting for the victim card to come out
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