
Predator Stalking Shadows 30

Dec 11th, 2023
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  1. "The only thing they didn't know was the precise capabilities of their enemy. As the Major had explained in painstaking detail during their many meetings past months, the Hunters came in a variety of shapes and sizes, and possessed not only an impressive array of combat techniques, but also a mind-boggling arsenal of weapons. "The Hunters are as individual as each and every one of us here," he had told them. "They have different skills, different abilities, different approaches and procedures. What they do all have in common is that they're incredibly fast, incredibly strong, and utterly ruthless in combat. They also have a code of honor - they do not kill unarmed innocents. But forget about that, because in your case it will not apply. In terms of equipment, the Hunter will almost certainly have a cloaking device that renders it virtually invisible"pg.212 chpt.9
  3. "Beyond that, you should expect the unexpected. Virtually every time we've come up against one of these bastards, they've been touting something we haven't seen before."pg.213 chpt.9
Tags: Predator
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