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- local basalt = require("basalt")
- local DiscoHook = require("DiscoHook")
- local webhook = DiscoHook.create("")
- local version = 1.003
- if tonumber(http.get("").readAll()) ~= version then
- fs.delete(shell.getRunningProgram())
-"pastebin get d6vviWbb startup.lua")
- print("rebooting, update successful")
- end
- require("stringtools")()
- local main = basalt.createFrame()
- :setSize(26, 20)
- :setTheme(
- {
- BaseFrameBG = colors.gray,
- BaseFrameText = colors.gray,
- FrameBG =,
- FrameText = colors.gray,
- ButtonBG = colors.lightBlue,
- ButtonText = colors.gray,
- CheckboxBG = colors.gray,
- CheckboxText = colors.white,
- InputBG = colors.gray,
- InputText = colors.lightGray,
- TextfieldBG = colors.lightGray,
- TextfieldText = colors.gray,
- ListBG = colors.gray,
- ListText = colors.gray,
- MenubarBG = colors.gray,
- MenubarText = colors.gray,
- DropdownBG = colors.gray,
- DropdownText = colors.gray,
- RadioBG = colors.gray,
- RadioText = colors.gray,
- SelectionBG = colors.gray,
- SelectionText = colors.lightGray,
- GraphicBG =,
- ImageBG = colors.gray,
- PaneBG = colors.gray,
- ProgramBG = colors.gray,
- ProgressbarBG = colors.gray,
- ProgressbarText = colors.gray,
- ProgressbarActiveBG = colors.gray,
- ScrollbarBG = colors.lightGray,
- ScrollbarText =,
- ScrollbarSymbolColor =,
- SliderBG = false,
- SliderText = colors.gray,
- SliderSymbolColor = colors.gray,
- SwitchBG = colors.lightGray,
- SwitchText = colors.gray,
- LabelBG = false,
- LabelText = colors.gray,
- GraphBG = colors.gray,
- GraphText = colors.gray
- }
- )
- local subFrames = {
- mainMenu = main:addFrame()
- :setSize("parent.w", "parent.h - 1")
- :setPosition(1,2)
- :setBackground(colors.lightGray)
- :hide(),
- checklist = main:addFrame()
- :setSize("parent.w", "parent.h - 1")
- :setPosition(1,2)
- :setBackground(colors.lightGray)
- :hide()
- }
- local allChars = {}
- local id = os.getComputerID()
- for i = 0, 255 do
- allChars[i] = string.char(i)
- end
- local function encrypt(message)
- message = string.fracture(textutils.serialise(message))
- local new = ""
- for _, char in pairs(message) do
- for _idx, _char in ipairs(allChars) do
- if char == _char then
- new = new..allChars[(_idx+id)%#allChars]
- end
- end
- end
- return new.."_"
- end
- local function decrypt(message)
- message = string.fracture(message)
- local unlockId = ""
- for i = #message, 1, -1 do
- if message[i] ~= "_" then
- unlockId = unlockId..message[i]
- else
- for j = i, #message do
- message[j] = nil
- end
- break
- end
- end
- ---@diagnostic disable-next-line: cast-local-type
- unlockId = tonumber(string.reverse(unlockId))
- local new = ""
- for _, char in pairs(message) do
- for _idx, _char in ipairs(allChars) do
- if char == _char then
- new = new..allChars[(_idx-unlockId)%#allChars]
- end
- end
- end
- return textutils.unserialise(new)
- end
- --storage
- local temp
- if not fs.exists("./storage.json") then
- temp ="./storage.json", "w")
- temp.write(textutils.serialiseJSON({
- personalChecklist = {},
- lastScreen = "mainMenu"
- }))
- temp.close()
- end
- local storageJson ="./storage.json", "r")
- local storage = textutils.unserialiseJSON(storageJson.readAll())
- subFrames[storage.lastScreen]:show()
- local function saveStorage()
- temp ="storage.json", "w")
- temp.write(textutils.serialiseJSON(storage))
- temp.close()
- end
- local function openSubFrame(index)
- for _, frame in pairs(subFrames) do
- frame:hide()
- end
- subFrames[index]:show()
- storage.lastScreen = index
- saveStorage()
- end
- --main menu placeholder
- subFrames.mainMenu:addLabel()
- :setText("No main menu, have a guide: below is your app bar with a checklist and a return to main menu button, top right is the time, the triangle is the connection status to base, red is disconnected, yellow means no modem is connected and green is connected")
- :setSize(20,15)
- --checklist
- local space_used = 0
- local taskObjects = {}
- local tasks = subFrames.checklist:addFrame()
- :setSize(25,15)
- :setBackground(colors.lightGray)
- subFrames.checklist:addScrollbar()
- :setPosition(26,1)
- :setSize(1,15)
- :setScrollAmount(#storage.personalChecklist*3)
- :onChange(function(_, _, value)
- tasks:setOffset(0, value-1)
- end)
- local input = subFrames.checklist:addFrame()
- :setSize("parent.w", "parent.h")
- :setBackground(colors.lightGray)
- :hide()
- input:addLabel()
- :setText("Create task:")
- local inText = input:addInput()
- :setPosition(2,2)
- :setSize(24,1)
- :setBackground(colors.gray)
- :setForeground(
- :setDefaultText("Clean the dishes")
- input:addButton()
- :setPosition(1,4)
- :setText("Cancel")
- :setSize(6,1)
- :setBackground(
- :setForeground(
- :onClick(function()
- input:hide()
- tasks:show()
- end)
- tasks:setSize(16, space_used+15)
- local function updatePersonalTasks()
- tasks:removeChildren()
- for index, task in pairs(storage.personalChecklist) do
- local indent = index * 2 + string.height(table.concat(string.wordWrap(storage.personalChecklist[index-1] and storage.personalChecklist[index-1] or "",16),"\n"))
- local checkBox = tasks:addCheckbox()
- :setSize(1,1)
- :setPosition(2, indent)
- :onChange(function ()
- table.remove(storage.personalChecklist, index)
- updatePersonalTasks()
- saveStorage()
- end)
- local taskLabel = tasks:addLabel()
- taskLabel:setText(task)
- taskLabel:setPosition(4, indent)
- taskLabel:setSize(16, "parent.h")
- space_used = space_used + indent + string.height(task)
- table.insert(taskObjects,{checkBox,taskLabel})
- end
- tasks:addButton()
- :setSize(1,1)
- :setPosition(2, (#storage.personalChecklist+1) * 2 + string.height(table.concat(string.wordWrap(storage.personalChecklist[#storage.personalChecklist-1] and storage.personalChecklist[#storage.personalChecklist-1] or "",25),"\n")))
- :setBackground(
- :setForeground(
- :setText("+")
- :onClick(function()
- tasks:hide()
- input:show()
- end)
- end
- input:addButton()
- :setPosition(20,4)
- :setText("Finish")
- :setSize(6,1)
- :setBackground(
- :setForeground(
- :onClick(function()
- table.insert(storage.personalChecklist, inText:getValue())
- saveStorage()
- input:hide()
- updatePersonalTasks()
- tasks:show()
- end)
- updatePersonalTasks()
- -- stuff that stays on top
- --topBar
- local topBar = main:addFrame():setSize("parent.w",1):setBackground(
- local factionLabel = topBar:addLabel()
- :setText("NSPhone")
- :setForeground(
- local timeLabel = topBar:addLabel()
- :setForeground(
- local connectionSymbol = topBar:addButton()
- :setText("\31")
- :setForeground(
- :setBackground(
- :setSize(1,1)
- local function awaitMessage(channel, timeOut, condition)
- local toReturn = {}
- parallel.waitForAny(function()
- repeat
- os.sleep(1)
- timeOut = timeOut - 1
- until timeOut <= 0
- toReturn = {false}
- end, function()
- while next(toReturn) == nil do
- local received = table.pack(os.pullEvent("modem_message"))
- if received[3] == channel then
- received[5] = decrypt(received[5])
- if condition(received[5]) then
- toReturn = {true, received}
- else
- toReturn = {false}
- end
- end
- end
- end)
- return table.unpack(toReturn)
- end
- local modem, _ = peripheral.find("modem")
- local function attemptConnection()
- modem, _ = peripheral.find("modem")
- if modem ~= nil then
- --[[
- 48084: Receive connection verification
- 48184: Send connection verification
- ]]
- modem.transmit(48184, 48084, encrypt({
- operation = "connect",
- connector = "phone",
- lookingFor = "home"
- }))
- local success, _ = awaitMessage(48084, 10, function(message)
- if == "home" and message.operation == "connect" and message.status == true then
- return true
- else
- return false
- end
- end)
- return success
- else
- return nil
- end
- end
- local connectionThread = main:addThread()
- :start(function()
- while true do
- local connectionStatus = attemptConnection()
- if connectionStatus == nil then
- connectionSymbol:setText("\17")
- :setForeground(colors.yellow)
- elseif connectionStatus then
- connectionSymbol:setText("\30")
- :setForeground(
- else
- connectionSymbol:setText("\31")
- :setForeground(
- end
- os.sleep(1)
- end
- end)
- --local radarThread = main:addThread()
- -- :start(function()
- --
- -- while true do
- -- local _, _, channel, replyChannel, message, _ = os.pullEvent("modem_message")
- -- message = decrypt(message)
- -- if message.lookingForType == "phone" and message.operation == "radarCheck" and message.connector == "pc" then
- -- modem.transmit(replyChannel, channel, encrypt({
- -- operation = "radarResponse",
- -- connector = "phone",
- -- lookingFor = message.sender
- -- }))
- -- end
- -- end
- -- end)
- local clockThread = main:addThread()
- :start(function()
- local time = textutils.formatTime(os.time(),true)
- local position = 26-string.len(time)
- timeLabel:setText(time):setPosition(position)
- while true do
- time = textutils.formatTime(os.time(),true)
- timeLabel:setText(time):setPosition(position)
- connectionSymbol:setPosition(position-2)
- os.sleep(0.5)
- end
- end)
- --appBar
- local appBar = main:addFrame():setSize("parent.w",5):setPosition(1,16):setBackground(colors.gray)
- --checklist button
- appBar:addButton()
- :setText("\140\140\140")
- :setVerticalAlign("top")
- :setBackground(false)
- :setSize(5, 3)
- :setPosition(11,2)
- :onClick(function()
- updatePersonalTasks()
- openSubFrame("checklist")
- end)
- appBar:addPane()
- :setPosition(11,2)
- :setSize(5,3)
- :setBackground(colors.white)
- appBar:addPane()
- :setPosition(12,1)
- :setSize(3,1)
- :setBackground(false, "\95",colors.lightGray)
- appBar:addLabel()
- :setText("\140\140\140\n\140\140\140")
- :setPosition(12,3)
- --main menu button
- appBar:addButton()
- :setText("<")
- :setBackground(colors.white)
- :setSize(5,3)
- :setPosition(2,2)
- :onClick(function()
- openSubFrame("mainMenu")
- end)
- basalt.autoUpdate()
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