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- players = game:GetService("Players")
- player = players.LocalPlayer
- character = player.Character
- torso = character.torso
- head = character.head
- neck=torso.Neck
- cfn,,
- mr,md = math.random,math.rad
- JointsService = game:GetService("JointsService")
- RS = game:GetService("RunService")
- Tester = game:GetService("TestService")
- Debris = game:GetService("Debris")
- InputService = game:GetService("UserInputService")
- PathService = game:GetService("PathfindingService")
- hum_root=character:FindFirstChild "HumanoidRootPart"
- torw=hum_root:FindFirstChild "RootJoint"
- PI=math.pi
- do --utilities
- function tag(a,b)
- if type(b)=='string'then
- if not getfenv()[b]then
- getfenv()[b]={}
- end
- table.insert(getfenv()[b],a)
- else
- table.insert(b,a)
- end
- end
- c=function(...)
- local args={...}
- if #args > 0 and type(args[1]) == 'number' then
- local x,y,z=args[1],args[2],args[3]
- local rx,ry,rz=args[4],args[5],args[6]
- if x or y or z then
- if rx or ry or rz then
- return or 0,y or 0,z or 0)*CFrame.Angles(
- rx or 0,ry or 0,rz or 0)
- else
- return or 0,y or 0,z or 0)
- end
- end
- else
- return
- end
- end
- a=function(rx,ry,rz)return CFrame.Angles(rx or 0,ry or 0,rz or 0)end
- if not hum_root then
- error("Cant run. Ya dunt have humanoidrootpart")
- elseif not torso then
- error("No torso found")
- end
- torw=hum_root.RootJoint
- function C(what)
- return function(bar)
- local
- for arg,val in pairs(bar) do
- if arg == "_P" then
- obj.Parent = val
- else
- if obj[arg] then
- obj[arg]=val
- end
- end
- end
- return obj
- end
- end
- pcall(function() character.Uniiq:Destroy() end)
- Main.Name="Uniiq"
- m={}
- m.tau=math.tau
- _1,_2,_3=nil,nil,nil ---Buffer
- function l(a1,x,y,z,rx,ry,rz)
- local cf
- if tostring(a1):find(',') == nil then
- cf=a1.CFrame
- else cf=a1 end
- return cf* or 0,y or 0,z or 0)*CFrame.Angles(
- rx or 0,ry or 0,yz or 0)
- end
- set_material=nil
- set_color=nil
- set_anchor=false
- set_collide=false
- set_parent=nil
- Sounds={
- Fire = {2248511,1};
- Steam = 291165237;
- Teleport = 12555594;
- Laser = {156572165;2.15};
- Slash2 = 182707266;
- Grapple = 16211041;
- Grapple_hit = 16211030;
- Spin = 158475221;
- Slash= {'rbxasset://sounds/swordslash.wav',1.25};
- }
- pcall(function()Main.Sounds:Destroy()end)
- soundCont=C'Folder'{_P=Main;Name='Sounds'}
- for i,v in pairs(Sounds)do
- local pitch=1
- if type(v)=='table' and v[2]then
- pitch=v[2]
- end
- local snd=C'Sound'{_P=soundCont;
- Name=i;
- SoundId='rbxassetid://'..tostring((type(v)=='table'and v[1] or v));
- Pitch=pitch
- }
- if type(type(v)=='table'and v[1] or v)=='string'then
- snd.SoundId=type(v)=='table'and v[1] or v
- end
- Sounds[i]=snd
- end
- -- Sounds.Laser.Looped=true
- Sounds.Spin.Looped=true
- function debounce(func)
- local isRunning = false -- Create a local debounce variable
- return function(...) -- Return a new function
- if not isRunning then
- isRunning = true
- func(...) -- Call it with the original arguments
- isRunning = false
- end
- end
- end
- function P(x,y,z,col,tr)
- local part ="Part",set_parent or Main)
- part.Position=torso.Position
- part.Anchored=set_anchor or false
- for i,v in pairs(Enum.NormalId:GetEnumItems()) do
- part[v.Name..'Surface'] = 10
- end
- or set_color or "")
- part.CanCollide=set_collide or false
- part.Material=(set_material or 'SmoothPlastic')
- part.Transparency=tr or 0
- _1=part
- return part
- end
- _3=nil
- function W(part0,part1,c1,c0)
- local w ="Motor6D",part0)
- w.Part0 = part0
- w.Part1 = part1
- if c0 then
- w.C0 = c0
- end
- if c1 then
- w.C1 = c1
- end
- w.MaxVelocity=.1
- _3=w
- return w
- end
- function W2(part0,part1,c1,c0)
- local w ="Weld",part0)
- w.Part0 = part0
- w.Part1 = part1
- if c0 then
- w.C0 = c0
- end
- if c1 then
- w.C1 = c1
- end
- return w
- end
- M_List = {Diamond='9756362';Spikeball='9982590';Table='111868131';
- Egg='1527559';Ring='3270017';Bullet='2697549';Grass='1080954';
- Shark='82821384';Sword='12221720';Crown='10688643';Spike='1033714';
- Leaf='48100239';Fist='65322375';Chakram='19251107';Crown='20329976';Spring='9753878';
- Tree='8564125';Fireball='10587413';DiamondBall='10917418';Hand='32054761'}
- function M(part,mesh_type,x,y,z)
- local aliases={
- c='Cylinder'; b='Brick'; s='Sphere';
- h='Head'; w='Wedge';
- }
- local mesh ="SpecialMesh",part or nil)
- local selec = aliases[mesh_type]
- if selec ~= nil then
- mesh.MeshType = selec
- if selec=="Cylinder"then
- mesh:Destroy()
-"CylinderMesh",part or nil)
- end
- else
- local found=false
- for i,v in pairs((M_List or {})) do
- if mesh_type==i then
- mesh.MeshId="rbxassetid://"..v
- found=true
- break
- end
- end
- if not found then
- mesh.MeshId='rbxassetid://'..tostring(mesh_type)
- end
- end
- or 1,y or 1,z or 1)
- _2=mesh
- return mesh
- end
- function findHum(pos,rad)
- local hums={}
- function check(a)
- local res=false
- for i,ho in pairs(hums)do
- if a==ho then res=true end
- end
- return res
- end
- for i,v in pairs(Workspace:children())do
- if v:IsA'Model' and v:FindFirstChild'muge'==nil and v~=character then
- for i,q in pairs(v:children())do
- if q:IsA'Humanoid' and q.Torso and q.Health > 0 then
- if (q.Torso.Position-pos).magnitude < rad then
- if not check(q)then
- table.insert(hums,q)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- return hums
- end
- function E(foo)
- local tab = {}
- if type(foo) == "table" then
- tab = foo
- elseif type(foo) == "userdata" then
- if foo:IsA'Model'then
- for i,v in pairs(foo:children())do
- table.insert(tab,v)
- end
- else
- table.insert(tab,foo)
- end
- end
- return function(bar)
- for _,obj in pairs(tab) do
- for arg,val in pairs(bar) do
- if arg == '_F'then
- val(obj)
- end
- local succes=pcall(function()return obj[arg]end)
- if succes then
- obj[arg] = val
- end
- end
- end end
- end
- function G(obj,val2)
- local val=(val2 or 'Size')
- return unpack{obj[val].x,obj[val].y,obj[val].z}
- end
- end
- do --animsystem
- desired=nil
- WeldInfo={
- rw = {n_c0=cfn(1,0.5,0),n_c1=cfn(-.5,0.5,0)};
- lw = {n_c0=cfn(-1,0.5,0),n_c1=cfn(0.5,0.5,0)};
- rw2 = {n_c0=cfn(1,-1,0),n_c1=cfn(0.5,1,0)};
- lw2 = {n_c0=cfn(-1,-1,0),n_c1=cfn(-0.5,1,0)};
- torw = {n_c0=cfn(0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,0,1,0,1,-0);
- n_c1=cfn(0,0,0,-1,-0,-0,0,0,1,0,1,0)};
- neck = {n_c0=cfn(0,1,0,-1,-0,-0,0,0,1,0,1,0)};
- hw = {n_c0=cfn()};
- }
- spd={rw=.1;lw=.1;torw=.1;rw2=.1;lw2=.1;neck=.1;hw=.1}
- setmetatable(spd,{__newindex=function(t,i,v)
- if i=='all'then
- for o,q in pairs(spd)do
- t[o]=v
- end
- end
- end})
- Spawn(function()
- while true do
- RS.Stepped:wait()
- if rw then
- rw.C0 = rw.C0:lerp(( or,
- end
- if lw then
- lw.C0 = lw.C0:lerp((WeldInfo.lw.desired or WeldInfo.lw.n_c0),spd.lw)
- end
- if lw2 then
- lw2.C0 = lw2.C0:lerp((WeldInfo.lw2.desired or WeldInfo.lw2.n_c0),spd.lw2)
- end
- if rw2 then
- rw2.C0 = rw2.C0:lerp((WeldInfo.rw2.desired or WeldInfo.rw2.n_c0),spd.rw2)
- end
- if neck then
- neck.C0 = neck.C0:lerp((WeldInfo.neck.desired or WeldInfo.neck.n_c0),spd.neck)
- end
- if torw then
- torw.C0 = torw.C0:lerp(WeldInfo.torw.desired or WeldInfo.torw.n_c0,spd.torw)
- end
- if hw then
- hw.C0 = hw.C0:lerp(WeldInfo.hw.desired or WeldInfo.hw.n_c0,spd.hw)
- end
- end
- end)
- function A(foo)
- return function(bar)
- if WeldInfo[foo] == nil then
- warn("Animfunc didn't find info")
- return
- end
- WeldInfo[foo].desired=WeldInfo[foo].n_c0*bar
- end
- end
- Arms={character['Right Arm'];character['Left Arm']}
- Legs={character['Right Leg'];character['Left Leg']}
- Shoulders={torso['Right Shoulder'];torso['Left Shoulder']}
- Hips={torso['Right Hip'];torso['Left Hip']}
- rw,lw,rw2,lw2=nil,nil,nil,nil
- function L(val)
- if val=='R' then if not rw then
- Shoulders[1].Part1=nil
- rw=W2(torso,Arms[1],,
- -- rw.MaxVelocity=0
- else rw:Destroy()rw=nil Shoulders[1].Part1=Arms[1] end
- elseif val=='L' then if not lw then
- Shoulders[2].Part1=nil
- lw=W2(torso,Arms[2],WeldInfo.lw.n_c1,WeldInfo.lw.n_c0)
- -- rw.MaxVelocity=0
- else lw:Destroy()lw=nil Shoulders[2].Part1=Arms[2] end
- elseif val=='RR' then if not rw2 then
- Hips[1].Part1=nil
- rw2=W2(torso,Legs[1],WeldInfo.rw2.n_c1,WeldInfo.rw2.n_c0)
- -- rw.MaxVelocity=0
- else rw2:Destroy()rw2=nil Hips[1].Part1=Legs[1] end
- elseif val=='LL' then if not lw2 then
- Hips[2].Part1=nil
- lw2=W2(torso,Legs[2],WeldInfo.lw2.n_c1,WeldInfo.lw2.n_c0)
- -- rw.MaxVelocity=0
- else lw2:Destroy()lw2=nil Hips[2].Part1=Legs[2] end
- end
- end
- end
- RS=game:service'RunService'
- mouse=player:GetMouse()
- hdl = P(.25,1,.25)M(hdl,'c')hw=W(hdl,Arms[1],c(0,-1.1,0,-PI/2))
- p=P(.3,.1,.3)W(p,hdl,c(0,-.55))M(p,'c')tip=p
- P(.3,.1,.3,'New Yeller')M(_1,'s',1,.25,1)W(_1,p,c(0,.1)) --yellow sphere
- p2=P(.3,.1,.3,'Black')W(_1,p)M(_1,'c',1.01,.5,1.01) --black rim
- r=P(.1,.1,.1,'New Yeller')M(_1,'Ring',.3,.3,.1)W(_1,p2,a(PI/2))
- for i=0,PI*2,PI*2/6 do
- p2=P(.1,.1,.1,'White')W(_1,p,c(0,-.15,0,0,i),c(0,0,.1,-PI/6))M(_1,'Diamond',.1,.1,.1)
- end
- p2=P(.1,.1,.1,'White')W(_1,p,c(0,-.15))M(_1,'Diamond',.11,.1,.11)
- p2=P(.1,.1,.1,'White')W(_1,p,c(0,-.15))M(_1,'Diamond',.11,.1,.11)
- p2=P(.1,.1,.1,'White')W(_1,p,c(0,-.15/2)*a(0,PI/4))M(_1,'Diamond',.125,.1,.125)
- h=P(.35,.1,.35,'Crimson',.5)M(h,'b',1,.5,1)W(_1,hdl,c(0,.5+0.025)) --hilt
- C'Decal'{_P=h;Texture='rbxassetid://151271428';Face='Top'}
- P(.1,.1,.1,'Crimson',.5)M(_1,'Crown',.5,.1,.5)W(_1,h,c(.15/2/4,.15,-.15/2))
- b=P(.1,3,.25,'Crimson',.5)M(b,'b',.25,1,1)W(b,h,c(0,1.5+.025+.15))b.Material='Neon'
- blade=b
- side=.35
- calc=.1/4/2
- pp=P(side,.1,.1,'Black')M(_1,'b',1.01,.51,.25)W(_1,h,c(0,0,side/2+calc)) --up
- pp=P(side,.1,.1,'Black')M(_1,'b',1.01,.51,.25)W(_1,h,c(0,0,-(side/2+calc) )) --down
- pp=P(.1,.1,side+.075,'Black')M(_1,'b',.25,.51,1.01)W(_1,h,c((side/2+calc) )) --left
- pp=P(.1,.1,side+.075,'Black')M(_1,'b',.25,.51,1.01)W(_1,h,c(-(side/2+calc) )) --right
- --platemail
- set_color='Black'
- p=P(1,1,.1)W(p,torso,c(0,0,-.55)) --front_plate
- --emblem
- d=P(.8,.8,.1,'Bright red')M(d,'b',1,1,1.01)W(d,p)
- d2=P(.5,.1,.5,'New Yeller')M(d2,'c',1,.8,1)W(d2,d,c(0,0,-.125,PI/2))
- center_point=d2
- for i=0,PI*2,PI*2/6 do
- pp=P(.1,.1,.25)W(pp,d,c(0,0,-.125)*a(math.pi/2,i),c(.25))
- end
- an=md'75'
- p2=P(.75,.25,.1)W(p2,p,c(-.5,-.5)*a(0,0,an),c(.25,0,0))
- P(.25,.25,1.35)W(_1,p2,c(-.75/2-.125,0,_1.Size.z/2-.125))
- p2=P(.75,.25,.1)W(p2,p,c(.5,-.5)*a(0,0,-an),c(-.25,0,0))
- P(.25,.25,1.35)W(_1,p2,c(.75/2+.125,0,_1.Size.z/2-.125))
- p=P(1,1,.1)W(p,torso,c(0,0,.55)) --back_plate
- --emblem
- d=P(.8,.8,.1,'Bright red')M(d,'b',1,1,1.01)W(d,p)
- d2=P(.5,.1,.5,'New Yeller')M(d2,'c',1,.8,1)W(d2,d,c(0,0,.125,PI/2))
- d2.Material='Neon'
- C'PointLight'{_P=d2}
- for i=0,PI*2,PI*2/6 do
- pp=P(.1,.1,.25)W(pp,d,c(0,0,.125)*a(math.pi/2,i),c(.25))
- end
- p2=P(.75,.25,.1)W(p2,p,c(-.5,-.5)*a(0,0,an),c(.25,0,0))
- p2=P(.75,.25,.1)W(p2,p,c(.5,-.5)*a(0,0,-an),c(-.25,0,0))
- set_color=nil
- function Damage(hit,amount)
- local hum=hit.Parent:FindFirstChild'Humanoid'
- if hum and hum.Parent ~= character then
- hum.Health=hum.Health-amount or 10
- -- local container = hit.Parent:FindFirstChild('Dam_Cont',true)
- if not hit.Parent:FindFirstChild'Head' then return end
- local container = C'BillboardGui'{_P = hit.Parent;
- Adornee = hit.Parent.Head;
- StudsOffset = v3n(0,5,0);
- Name = 'Dam_Cont'
- }
- local splat = C'TextLabel'{_P=container;
- BackgroundTransparency=1;
- Size =,0,1,0);
- Position =,0,1,0);
- -- TextScaled=true;
- TextColor3=bcol'Really red'.Color;
- FontSize=12;
- Text=tostring(amount);
- }
- Spawn(function()
- splat:TweenPosition(,0,0,0),'InOut','Quad',.5,true,
- function(a)container:Destroy()end)
- end)
- end
- end
- function createTra(stcf,encf)
- points={}
- stcf = stcf
- encf = encf
- g = 9.82
- mag = (stcf.p-encf.p).magnitude
- vel = 30
- theta = md'120'
- vx = vel*(math.cos(PI/180*theta))
- vy = vel*(math.sin(PI/180*theta))
- dt = .1
- posx,posy = 1,1
- t = 0
- c2 = c(stcf.p,encf.p).lookVector
- c1 = c(l(torso).p,encf.p).lookVector
- the = math.atan(c1:Dot(c2))
- theta = the
- cf = stcf
- local function trail(p)
- local p0,p1
- while p.Parent ~= nil do
- p0 = p.CFrame.p
- wait()
- p1 = p.CFrame.p
- local mag=(p0-p1).magnitude
- local laz=P(.1,mag,.1,'New Yeller',.5)M(laz,'c')laz.Anchored=true
- laz.Material='Neon'
- laz.CFrame=l(c(p0,p1),0,0,-mag/2,math.pi/2)
- Delay(.25,function()for i=.5,1,.05 do laz.Transparency= i wait() end laz:Destroy()end)
- end
- end
- local ball=P(1,1,1,'Cyan')ball.Anchored=true M(_1,'s')
- ball.CFrame=stcf
- Spawn(function()trail(ball) end)
- -- Spawn(function()
- while (cf.Y > Workspace.Base.CFrame.Y) do
- posx = posx + vx * dt
- posy = posy + vy * dt
- t = t + dt
- vy = vy - (g * dt)
- ball.CFrame=cfn(stcf.p,encf.p)*cfn(0,posy,-posx)
- ball.Anchored=true
- cf = ball.CFrame
- game:service'RunService'.Heartbeat:wait()
- end
- e.DestroyJointRadiusPercent=0
- e.Position=ball.Position
- local bcf=ball.CFrame
- ball:Destroy()ball=nil
- return bcf
- -- end)
- end
- function reset()
- A'rw'(c())A'lw'(c())A'torw'(c())A'rw2'(c())A'lw2'(c())A'neck'(c())A'hw'(c())
- end
- function slash() --slash
- L'R'
- A'rw'(a(md'65',0,md'-50')*a(0,md'110'))
- A'torw'(a(0,0,md'25'))
- wait'.25' Sounds.Slash:Play()
- A'rw'(a(md'110',0,md'130')*a(0,md'90'))
- A'torw'(a(0,0,md'-25'))
- wait'.25'
- A'rw'(a(md'160',0,md'-15')*a(0,md'45'))
- wait'.25' Sounds.Slash:Play()
- A'torw'(a(0,0,md'5'))
- A'rw'(a(md'20',0,md'-75')*a(md'20'))wait'.1'
- A'rw'(a(md'-40',0,md'-10')*a(0,md'45'))wait'.25'
- reset()wait'.35'
- L'R'
- end
- function jump_slash() --jumpslash
- L'R'L'RR'L'LL'L'L'
- cf=torso.CFrame
- bg=C'BodyGyro'{_P=torso;maxTorque=v3n(1,1,1)*11e+14;D=50}
- bv=C'BodyVelocity'{_P=hum_root;velocity=cf.lookVector*40+v3n(0,50,0)}
- Spawn(function()
- for i=0,1,.1 do
- bg.cframe=bg.cframe:lerp(cf*a(md'45'),.25)
- wait()
- end end)
- -- A'torw'(c(0,0,4)*a(md'-45'))
- A'rw2'(a(md'-45'))
- A'lw2'(a(md'-45'))
- A'rw'(a(md'160'))
- A'lw'(a(md'160',0,md'60'))
- A'neck'(a(md'-50',0,md'25'))
- wait'.5' Sounds.Slash2:Play()
- bv.Velocity=v3n(0,-50,0)
- A'rw'(a(md'25',0,md'-50')*a(0,md'-15'))
- A'lw'(a(md'-25',0,md'-35'))
- Spawn(function()
- for i=0,1,.1 do
- bg.cframe=bg.cframe:lerp(cf*a(md'-35'),.25)
- wait()
- end end)
- -- A'torw'(c(0,0,-.15)*a(md'35'))
- A'rw2'(a(md'65'))A'lw2'(a(md'35'))
- A'neck'(a(md'35'))
- -- hw.C0=a(md'45')
- A'hw'(a(md'45'))
- wait'.45' bg:Destroy() bv:Destroy()
- A'hw'(c())
- -- hw.C0=c()
- reset()wait'.5'
- L'R'L'RR'L'LL'L'L'
- end
- floatforce=236 / 1.2
- function negateGravity(target)
- local total=0
- local gravity = 1
- for i,v in pairs(target:children())do
- if v:IsA'Part'then
- if v.Name=='Handle' then
- total = total + v:GetMass() * floatforce * 1
- else
- total = total + v:GetMass() * floatforce * gravity
- end
- end
- total = total + negateGravity(v)
- end
- return total
- end
- function stab() --stab
- L'RR'L'LL'L'R'L'L'
- A'rw2'(c(0,.45,-.5,md'15'))A'lw2'(a(md'-45'))
- A'torw'(c(0,0,-.35)*a(md'15'))
- A'rw'(a(md'75',0,md'-10')*a(0,md'45'))
- A'hw'(a(md'45'))
- A'lw'(a(md'-75',0,md'45'))
- local w
- local con
- con=blade.Touched:connect(function(hit)
- local hum=hit.Parent:FindFirstChild'Humanoid'
- if hum and hum.Parent~=character then
- local negation=C'BodyForce'{_P=hum.Torso;
- force=v3n(0,negateGravity(hum.Parent),0);
- }
- local cf=blade.CFrame:toObjectSpace(hit.CFrame)
- local w=W(hit,blade,cf,cfn())
- Spawn(function()
- wait'.25'
- negation.force=v3n(0,0,0)
- wait()w:Destroy()negation:Destroy()
- end)
- con:disconnect()
- end
- end)
- bv=C'BodyVelocity'{_P=torso;velocity=l(torso).lookVector*50;}
- wait'.35'
- con:disconnect()
- bv:Destroy()
- if w then w:Destroy() end
- reset()wait'.35'
- L'RR'L'LL'L'R'L'L'
- end
- function spin_sword() ---Spin sword
- L'R'
- spd.hw=.3
- local done=false
- A'rw'(a(md'90'))wait'.15'
- local function beam()
- local p=P(.1,.1,2,'Bright red')p.Material='Neon'p.Anchored=true
- t={-1,1}
- ran=t[math.random(#t)]*(math.random()*b.Size/2)
- p.CFrame=l(b,0,ran,0,0,math.pi/2)
- local con
- con=p.Touched:connect(function(hit)
- Damage(hit,10)p:destroy()
- end)
- Spawn(function()
- local cf=p.CFrame
- local tar=l(cf,0,0,-10)
- for i=0,1,.1 do
- p.CFrame=cf:lerp(tar,i)
- wait()
- end p:Destroy() end)
- end
- Spawn(function()
- local t=tick()
- for i=0,PI*2*10,PI*2/10 do
- A'hw'(c(.45)*a(0,PI/2,i))
- if (tick()-t) > .05 then
- Sounds.Laser:Play()
- beam()
- t=tick()
- end
- wait()
- end done=true
- end)
- while not done do
- A'rw'(a(md'90',0,md'-45'))
- if done then break end
- wait'.5'
- A'rw'(a(md'90',0,md'25'))
- if done then break end
- wait'.5'
- end
- spd.hw=.1
- A'hw'(c())A'rw'(c())wait(.25)L'R'
- end
- -- C'PointLight'{_P=b;Color=b.BrickColor.Color}
- function spin_body() --spin
- L'R'L'L'
- local orig=character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed
- character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed=50
- A'rw'(a(md'90',0,md'-15')*a(0,md'-75'))
- A'lw'(c(.15,0,-.4)*a(md'65',0,md'55'))
- A'hw'(a(md'-15'))
- local con
- con = blade.Touched:connect(debounce(function(hit)
- Damage(hit.Parent,20)wait'.1'
- end))
- rotvel=C'BodyAngularVelocity'{_P=torso;maxTorque=v3n(0,1,0)*9e+008;
- angularvelocity=v3n(0,1,0)*PI*2*3;
- }
- holding=true
- aa=0
- Sounds.Spin:Play()
- while holding do wait()
- aa=(aa%100)+2/5
- A'rw'(a(md'90'-math.sin(aa)*.5,0,md'-15')*a(0,md'-75'))
- A'lw'(c(.15,0,-.4)*a(md'65'-math.sin(aa)*.5,0,md'55'))
- end
- Sounds.Spin:Stop()
- con:disconnect()
- character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed=orig
- rotvel:Destroy()
- reset()wait'.5'
- L'R'L'L'
- end
- function ff2()
- holding = true
- while holding do
- tar=mouse.Target
- if tar then
- sx,sy,sz=tar.Size.x,tar.Size.y,tar.Size.z
- p1=P(sx/2,sy,sz/2)
- p2=P(sx/2,sy,sz/2)
- p3=P(sx/2,sy,sz/2)
- p4=P(sx/2,sy,sz/2)
- E{p1,p2,p3,p4}{Anchored=true;CanCollide=true;Color=tar.Color;
- Parent=tar.Parent;Material=tar.Material}
- p1.CFrame=l(tar,sx/2-p1.Size.x/2,0,-sz/2+p1.Size.z/2)
- p2.CFrame=l(tar,sx/2-p1.Size.x/2,0,sz/2-p1.Size.z/2)
- p3.CFrame=l(tar,-sx/2+p1.Size.x/2,0,sz/2-p1.Size.z/2)
- p4.CFrame=l(tar,-sx/2+p1.Size.x/2,0,-sz/2+p1.Size.z/2)
- for i,v in pairs({p1,p2,p3,p4})do
- local mag=(mouse.hit.p-v.Position).magnitude
- if mag<3 then
- v:Destroy()
- end
- end
- tar:Destroy() end wait()
- end
- -- p1.CFrame=l(tar,sx/4/2+sx/2,0,-sz/2+sz/4/2)
- end
- toAnim={}
- Spawn(function() --SecondaryAnimLoop.Handles Dummies animations
- while true do
- RS.Heartbeat:wait()
- for i,v in next,toAnim do
- if v.char then
- v.weld.C0 = v.weld.C0:lerp( * ( or cfn()),v.speed )
- else
- table.remove(toAnim,i)
- end
- end
- end
- end)
- Dummies = {}
- Dummy={}
- Dummy.has_found=false
- Dummy.anim_speed=.1
- Dummy.damage = 20
- Dummy.die_on_hit = true
- = function(cf,name,skin_color)
- local dummy=C'Model'{_P=Workspace;Name=name or 'Dummy'}
- C'BoolValue'{_P=dummy;Name='muge'} --identifier
- set_collide=false
- set_parent=dummy
- set_color=skin_color or "Nougat"
- local tot=P(2,2,1)tot.Name='Torso'
- local hea=P(2,1,1)M(hea,'h',1.25,1.25,1.25)W(hea,tot,cfn(),c(0,-1.5))hea.Name='Head'
- _3.Name='Neck'
- local face=C'Decal'{_P=hea; Name='face'; Texture='rbxassetid://306526364'}
- local angle = a(0,math.pi)
- local arm = P(1,2,1)arm.Name='Left Arm'
- local lw = W(arm,tot,c(1.5,.5,0,0)*angle,c(0,.5,0,0)*angle)
- _3.Name='Left Shoulder'
- local arm = P(1,2,1)arm.Name='Right Arm'
- local rw = W(arm,tot,c(-1.5,.5,0,0)*angle,c(0,.5,0,0)*angle)
- _3.Name='Right Shoulder'
- local leg = P(1,2,1)leg.Name='Left Leg'
- local lw2 = W(leg,tot,c(.5,-1),c(1,1))
- _3.Name='Left Hip'
- local leg = P(1,2,1)leg.Name='Right Leg'
- local rw2 = W(leg,tot,c(-.5,-1),c(-1,1))
- _3.Name='Right Hip'
- set_parent,set_color = nil,nil
- set_collide=false
- local hum=C'Humanoid'{_P=dummy}
- tot.CFrame = cf or l(torso,0,0,-5)
- local winfo = {
- lw={n_c0=c(0,.5,0)*a(0,PI),w=lw};
- rw={n_c0=c(0,.5,0)*a(0,PI),w=rw};
- rw2={n_c0=c(-1,1,0),w=rw2};
- lw2={n_c0=c(1,1,0),w=lw2};
- }
- local D = setmetatable({body = dummy; hum=hum; anim_speed = .1; has_found = false;
- joints=wlds;winfo=winfo;name=name},Dummy)
- for i,v in pairs(D.winfo)do
- local t = {weld=v.w; tab=v; speed=D.anim_speed; name=D.Name; char=D.body}
- table.insert(toAnim,t)
- end
- D.A=function(wut)
- return function(wat)
- if winfo[wut] then
- winfo[wut].desired = wat
- end
- end
- end
- table.insert(Dummies,D)
- return D
- end
- Dummy.__index = Dummy
- function Dummy:destroy()
- for i,v in pairs(toAnim) do --remove from animationlist
- if == Dummy.Name then
- table.remove(toAnim,i)
- break
- end
- end
- self.body:Destroy()
- end
- function Dummy:chase_nearest(radius)
- if not self.body or not (self.hum and self.hum.Torso) then return end
- self.has_found=false
- local foundOnes = findHum(self.body.Torso.Position,radius or 10)
- if #foundOnes>0 then
- if foundOnes[1].Torso then
- local path = PathService:ComputeRawPathAsync(self.hum.Torso.Position,
- foundOnes[1].Torso.Position,100)
- local points = path:GetPointCoordinates()
- self.has_found=true
- for i,point in pairs(points) do
- self.hum:MoveTo(point)
- repeat
- dist = (point-self.hum.Torso.Position).magnitude
- wait()
- until dist < 3
- end
- -- self.hum:MoveTo(path:GetPointCoordinates()[1])
- -- self.hum:MoveTo(foundOnes[1].Torso.Position)
- end
- end
- end
- specials={ --on creation, on hit
- Burnadett={
- function(self)
- fire =C'Fire'{_P=self.body.Torso;}
- self.hum.WalkSpeed = 60
- self.damage = 0
- self.die_on_hit = false
- end;
- function(self,hit,hum)
- local f = hum.Torso:FindFirstChild'Scorch'
- if not f then
- f=C'Fire'{_P=hum.Torso;
- Size=10;
- Name='Scorch'
- }
- Spawn(function()
- while f ~= nil and f.Parent ~= nil do
- if hum and hum.Parent and hum.Health > 0 then
- hum.Health = hum.Health - 1
- end
- wait()
- end
- end)
- Debris:AddItem(f,2)
- end
- end;
- }
- }
- NPClist = {
- -- Depp = {Skin = "Brown"; Shirt = 274919324; Pants = 225138096; Face = 123692902;
- -- MeshId = 13640868; MeshTexture = 24261077; };
- -- Jack = {Skin = "Terra Cotta"; Shirt = 242842985; Pants = 319196143; Face = 182636507;
- -- MeshId = 16190497; MeshTexture = 45783424; };
- -- Markovich = {Skin = "Cool yellow"; Shirt = 302817401; Pants = 230102792; Face = 341704522;
- -- MeshId = 1028713; MeshTexture = 59408425; };
- Burnadett = {Skin = "Daisy orange"; Pants = 243602917; MeshId = 13070796; MeshTexture = 50888939;
- MeshOffset = c(0,-.15,0);Face = 266342557};
- -- Christine = {Skin = "Cool yellow"; MeshId = 29713297; MeshTexture = 45106315;
- -- MeshOffset = c(0,-.35,0); Shirt = 424851873; Pants = 416111123; Face = 334655813};
- }
- function arc()
- L'R'
- A'rw'(a(md'145')) wait'.25'
- local dummies={}
- for name, info in next, NPClist do
- local tarcf = createTra(l(blade,0,1.5),mouse.hit)
- local d =,0,4).p, l(torso).p), name, info.Skin or 'White')
- d.speed=50
- d.body.Head.face.Texture = 'rbxassetid://'..(info.Face or '182636507')
- table.insert(dummies,d)
- local Special
- if specials[name] then
- Special = specials[name]
- end
- if Special and Special[1] then Special[1](d) end
- if info.Shirt then
- C'Shirt'{_P=d.body;ShirtTemplate='rbxassetid://'}
- end
- if info.Pants then
- C'Pants'{_P=d.body;PantsTemplate='rbxassetid://'}
- end
- if info.MeshId then
- hat = P(-0,-0,-1) hat.Parent=d.body
- hat_mesh = M(hat,info.MeshId or '', unpack(info.MeshSize or {1,1,1}) )
- hat_mesh.TextureId = 'rbxassetid://'..tostring(info.MeshTexture or '')
- hat_weld = W(hat,d.body.Head,(info.MeshOffset or c(0,.65) ) )
- end
- d.body.Torso.Touched:connect(function(hit) --on Touch, do damage and disappear
- if not hit.Parent then return end
- local hum=hit.Parent:FindFirstChild'Humanoid'
- if hum and not hum.Parent:FindFirstChild'muge' and hum.Parent~=character then
- hum:TakeDamage(d.damage)
- if Special and Special[2] then
- Special[2](d,hit,hum)
- end
- if d.die_on_hit then
- d:destroy()
- end
- end
- end)
- end
- local angle=0
- local p_tick = tick()
- Spawn(function()
- while dummies do
- angle = (angle%100)+2/5
- if (tick()-p_tick) > .5 then --seek someone every half second
- for i,dum in pairs(dummies) do
- dum:chase_nearest(20)
- end
- end
- for i,d in pairs(dummies)do
- d.A'rw'(c()) d.A'lw'(c()) d.A'rw2'(c()) d.A'lw2'(c())
- if d.has_found then
- d.A'rw'(a(PI/2+math.sin(angle),0,md'45'))
- d.A'lw'(a(PI/2+math.cos(angle),0,md'-45'))
- d.A'rw2'(a(math.cos(angle)))
- d.A'lw2'(a(-math.sin(angle)))
- end
- end
- wait()
- end
- end)
- A'rw'(c())wait'.5'
- L'R'
- end
- hook = nil
- hook_force = nil
- hook_weld = nil
- bl=nil
- function grapple()
- if not hook then
- -- L'R' A'rw'(a(md'-45',0,md'45'))
- local stpos = l(center_point).p
- local enpos = mouse.hit.p
- local vec = (stpos-enpos)
- stpos = stpos + (vec.unit * -3)
- bl=P(.1,.1,.1)bl.CFrame=cfn(stpos)bl.CanCollide=true
- bl.Velocity = vec.unit*-70
- bv=C'BodyForce'{_P=bl; force=v3n(0,1,0)}
- Sounds.Grapple:Play()
- local hit_snd=Sounds.Grapple_hit:Clone()
- hit_snd.Parent = bl
- hook=blade:Clone() hook.Parent=Main hook.Anchored=true
- hook.Size=v3n(.1,1,.25)
- local hook_mesh=M(hook,'b',1,vec.magnitude)
- hook.CFrame=cfn((stpos+enpos)/2,enpos)*a(PI/2)
- hook_force = C'BodyPosition'{
- maxForce = v3n(1,1,1)*1e+008;
- D = 1e+003;
- P = 1e+004;
- }
- hook_gyro = C'BodyGyro'{
- maxTorque=v3n(1,1,1)*9e+008;
- P=9e+003;
- }
- local cam=Workspace.CurrentCamera
- reel_lenght=5
- Spawn(function()
- while hook~=nil and bl ~= nil do
- stpos=center_point.Position
- enpos = bl.Position
- vec = (stpos-enpos)
- stpos = stpos
- hook.Size=v3n(.1,1,.25)
- hook_mesh.Scale=v3n(1,vec.magnitude,1)
- hook.CFrame=cfn( ((stpos+enpos)/2),enpos)*a(PI/2)
- local dif = enpos.Y-stpos.Y
- hook_gyro.cframe=cfn(stpos,enpos)
- hook_force.position = enpos+(cam.CoordinateFrame*a(0,md'-15')).lookVector*-reel_lenght
- local pressed_keys = InputService:GetKeysPressed()
- for ii,key in next,pressed_keys do
- if key.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.W then
- reel_lenght = reel_lenght-1
- elseif key.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.S then
- reel_lenght = reel_lenght+1
- end
- end
- wait()
- end
- end)
- local con
- con=bl.Touched:connect(function(hit)
- if hit:IsDescendantOf(character) then return end
- con:disconnect()
- hit_snd:Play()
- character.Humanoid.PlatformStand=true
- W(bl,hit,hit.CFrame:toObjectSpace(bl.CFrame),cfn())
- hook_force.Parent=torso
- hook_gyro.Parent=torso
- end)
- else
- character.Humanoid.PlatformStand=false
- bl:Destroy() bl=nil
- hook_force:destroy()
- hook_gyro:destroy()
- hook:destroy()
- hook,hook_force=nil,nil
- end
- end
- function removeDums()
- for i,v in pairs(Dummies)do
- v:destroy()
- end
- local found=Workspace:FindFirstChild('muge',true)
- while found do
- found.Parent:Destroy()
- found=Workspace:FindFirstChild('muge',true)
- end
- end
- KeyBindings={
- q=jump_slash;
- f=slash;
- c=stab;
- v=spin_sword;
- rq=spin_body;
- e=arc;
- t=removeDums;
- g=grapple;
- }
- Doing=false
- holding=false
- Keys={}
- function updateKeys(key)
- if Keys[key]then Keys[key]=nil
- else Keys[key]=1
- end
- end
- mouse.KeyUp:connect(function(k)
- for key,action in pairs(KeyBindings)do
- if k==key:sub(1,1) and key:sub(2,2)=='q' then
- holding=false
- end
- end
- end)
- mouse.KeyDown:connect(function(k)
- if Doing then return end
- for key,action in pairs(KeyBindings)do
- if k==key:sub(1,1) then
- Doing=true
- action(mouse)
- Doing=false
- end
- end
- end)
- script.Parent=Main
- cnt=0
- for i,v in pairs(Main:children())do if v:IsA'Part'then cnt=cnt+1 end end print(cnt)
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