
nice meme son

Jan 26th, 2016
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  1. Movie Review
  2. The movie I have chose to write about is Endless Love. I chose that movie cause the movie means a lot to me and my boyfriend. We love the plot of the movie cause the love in the film is strong, just like ours.
  3. Plots:
  4. Jade Butterfield is a 17 year old teenager who donโ€™t had any friends of her four years of high school. Jade hade has nixed a social life in favor of studies, wanting to do well in memory of her eldest brother, Chris, who died from cancer. David Elliot, another graduating senior, has a crush on her, but never ever speek to her.
  5. One day when Jade, with her family stop at an upscale restaurant where David works as a parking valet, she trips over David. He mentions how they were classmates. When Jade ask her parents if she can have a graduation party, they said yes. Jade ask David if he want to came and he said yes.
  6. Bonding that night, Jade and David sneak into a closet where they share a kiss. Hough, her father, tell everybody how proud he is of Jade. When he called for her, Jade sheepishly comes out of the closet followed by David, he toast and then politely asks them all to leave.
  7. The movie plots of just that, he donโ€™t want David and Jade to be together cause David was in the closet with Jade. He hate David, he hate him so much that he donโ€™t even can meet Jade. But David and Jades love is so strong so they sneak out with each other, til one dayโ€ฆ Huge almost killed David. If he touch his daughter again, he notifying him to the police.
  8. But when David and Jade try to fly to a another land, away from Hough, a candle has fallen over in Chris
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