

Mar 19th, 2021
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  1. matteo@turbo:~$ sudo dpdk-testpmd --vdev=net_pcap0,iface=enp1s0f0 --no-huge --no-pci -m 800m
  2. EAL: Detected 8 lcore(s)
  3. EAL: Detected 1 NUMA nodes
  4. EAL: Detected static linkage of DPDK
  5. EAL: Multi-process socket /var/run/dpdk/rte/mp_socket
  6. EAL: Selected IOVA mode 'VA'
  7. EAL: Probing VFIO support...
  8. EAL: No legacy callbacks, legacy socket not created
  9. Failed to set MTU to 1500 for port 0
  10. Warning: NUMA should be configured manually by using --port-numa-config and --ring-numa-config parameters along with --numa.
  11. testpmd: create a new mbuf pool <mb_pool_0>: n=203456, size=2176, socket=0
  12. testpmd: preferred mempool ops selected: ring_mp_mc
  13. EAL: Error - exiting with code: 1
  14. Cause: Creation of mbuf pool for socket 0 failed: Cannot allocate memory
  16. matteo@turbo:~$ sudo dpdk-testpmd --vdev=net_pcap0,iface=enp1s0f0 --no-huge --no-pci -m 1g
  17. EAL: Detected 8 lcore(s)
  18. EAL: Detected 1 NUMA nodes
  19. EAL: Detected static linkage of DPDK
  20. EAL: Multi-process socket /var/run/dpdk/rte/mp_socket
  21. EAL: Selected IOVA mode 'VA'
  22. EAL: Probing VFIO support...
  23. EAL: No legacy callbacks, legacy socket not created
  24. EAL: Error - exiting with code: 1
  25. Cause: rte_zmalloc(32 struct rte_port) failed
  27. matteo@turbo:~$ sudo dpdk-testpmd --vdev=net_pcap0,iface=enp1s0f0 --no-huge --no-pci -m 1000m
  28. EAL: Detected 8 lcore(s)
  29. EAL: Detected 1 NUMA nodes
  30. EAL: Detected static linkage of DPDK
  31. EAL: Multi-process socket /var/run/dpdk/rte/mp_socket
  32. EAL: Selected IOVA mode 'VA'
  33. EAL: Probing VFIO support...
  34. EAL: No legacy callbacks, legacy socket not created
  35. Failed to set MTU to 1500 for port 0
  36. Warning: NUMA should be configured manually by using --port-numa-config and --ring-numa-config parameters along with --numa.
  37. testpmd: create a new mbuf pool <mb_pool_0>: n=203456, size=2176, socket=0
  38. testpmd: preferred mempool ops selected: ring_mp_mc
  40. Warning! port-topology=paired and odd forward ports number, the last port will pair with itself.
  42. Configuring Port 0 (socket 0)
  43. Port 0: 02:70:63:61:70:00
  44. Checking link statuses...
  45. Done
  46. No commandline core given, start packet forwarding
  47. io packet forwarding - ports=1 - cores=1 - streams=1 - NUMA support enabled, MP allocation mode: native
  48. Logical Core 1 (socket 0) forwards packets on 1 streams:
  49. RX P=0/Q=0 (socket 0) -> TX P=0/Q=0 (socket 0) peer=02:00:00:00:00:00
  51. io packet forwarding packets/burst=32
  52. nb forwarding cores=1 - nb forwarding ports=1
  53. port 0: RX queue number: 1 Tx queue number: 1
  54. Rx offloads=0x0 Tx offloads=0x0
  55. RX queue: 0
  56. RX desc=0 - RX free threshold=0
  57. RX threshold registers: pthresh=0 hthresh=0 wthresh=0
  58. RX Offloads=0x0
  59. TX queue: 0
  60. TX desc=0 - TX free threshold=0
  61. TX threshold registers: pthresh=0 hthresh=0 wthresh=0
  62. TX offloads=0x0 - TX RS bit threshold=0
  63. Press enter to exit
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