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- @echo off
- echo.
- echo IEREREG-8 Version 1.09 for IE8 01.03.2011
- REM added OS detection, doing some stuff only for XP
- REM IEREREG-8 Version 1.07 for IE8 27.03.2009
- echo by Kai Schaetzl
- echo installs and registers (if suitable) all DLLs known to be used by IE8.
- echo should only take a few seconds, but please be patient
- echo.
- REM ******************************
- REM OS detection
- ver | find "Version 5" > nul
- if %ERRORLEVEL% == 0 goto wxp
- ver | find "Version 6.0" > nul
- if %ERRORLEVEL% == 0 goto wvista
- ver | find "Version 6.1" > nul
- if %ERRORLEVEL% == 0 goto w7
- REM Winows XP
- :wxp
- set version=xp
- echo Detected Windows XP
- goto continue
- REM Windows Vista
- :wvista
- set version=vista
- echo Detected Windows Vista
- goto continue
- REM Windows 7 or 2008
- :w7
- set version=w7
- echo Detected Windows 7
- goto continue
- :continue
- REM ******************************
- echo registering IE files
- REM IE files (= part of setup)
- regsvr32 /s /i browseui.dll
- REM regsvr32 /s /i browseui.dll,NI (unnecessary)
- regsvr32 /s corpol.dll
- regsvr32 /s dxtmsft.dll
- regsvr32 /s dxtrans.dll
- REM simple HTML Mail API
- regsvr32 /s "%ProgramFiles%\internet explorer\hmmapi.dll"
- REM group policy snap-in
- regsvr32 /s ieaksie.dll
- REM smart screen
- regsvr32 /s ieapfltr.dll
- REM ieak branding
- regsvr32 /s iedkcs32.dll
- REM dev tools
- regsvr32 /s "%ProgramFiles%\internet explorer\iedvtool.dll"
- regsvr32 /s iepeers.dll
- REM Symptom: IE8 closes immediately on launch, missing from IE7
- regsvr32 /s "%ProgramFiles%\internet explorer\ieproxy.dll"
- REM no install point anymore
- REM regsvr32 /s /i iesetup.dll
- REM no reg point anymore
- REM regsvr32 /s imgutil.dll
- regsvr32 /s /i /n inetcpl.cpl
- REM no install point anymore
- REM regsvr32 /s /i inseng.dll
- regsvr32 /s jscript.dll
- REM license manager
- regsvr32 /s licmgr10.dll
- REM regsvr32 /s msapsspc.dll
- REM regsvr32 /s mshta.exe
- REM VS debugger
- regsvr32 /s msdbg2.dll
- REM no install point anymore
- REM regsvr32 /s /i mshtml.dll
- regsvr32 /s mshtmled.dll
- regsvr32 /s msident.dll
- REM no reg point anymore
- REM regsvr32 /s msrating.dll
- REM multimedia timer
- regsvr32 /s mstime.dll
- REM no install point anymore
- REM regsvr32 /s /i occache.dll
- REM process debug manager
- regsvr32 /s "%ProgramFiles%\internet explorer\pdm.dll"
- REM no reg point anymore
- REM regsvr32 /s pngfilt.dll
- REM regsvr32 /s /i setupwbv.dll (not there anymore!)
- regsvr32 /s tdc.ocx
- regsvr32 /s /i urlmon.dll
- REM regsvr32 /s /i urlmon.dll,NI,HKLM
- regsvr32 /s vbscript.dll
- REM VML renderer
- regsvr32 /s "%CommonProgramFiles%\microsoft shared\vgx\vgx.dll"
- REM no install point anymore
- REM regsvr32 /s /i webcheck.dll
- regsvr32 /s /i /n wininet.dll
- REM ******************************
- echo registering system files
- REM additional system dlls known to be used by IE
- REM added 11.05.2006 Symptom: Add-Ons-Manager menu entry is present but nothing happens
- regsvr32 /s extmgr.dll
- REM added 12.05.2006 Symptom: Javascript links don't work (Robin Walker) .NET hub file
- regsvr32 /s mscoree.dll
- REM added 23.03.2009 Symptom: Find on this page is blank
- regsvr32 /s oleacc.dll
- REM added 24.03.2009 Symptom: Printing problems, open in new window
- regsvr32 /s ole32.dll
- REM mscorier.dll
- REM mscories.dll
- REM Symptom: open in new tab/window not working
- regsvr32 /s actxprxy.dll
- regsvr32 /s asctrls.ocx
- regsvr32 /s cdfview.dll
- regsvr32 /s comcat.dll
- regsvr32 /s /i /n comctl32.dll
- regsvr32 /s cryptdlg.dll
- regsvr32 /s /i /n digest.dll
- regsvr32 /s dispex.dll
- regsvr32 /s hlink.dll
- regsvr32 /s mlang.dll
- regsvr32 /s mobsync.dll
- regsvr32 /s /i msieftp.dll
- REM regsvr32 /s msnsspc.dll #no entry point
- regsvr32 /s msr2c.dll
- regsvr32 /s msxml.dll
- regsvr32 /s oleaut32.dll
- REM regsvr32 /s plugin.ocx #no entry point
- regsvr32 /s proctexe.ocx
- REM plus DllRegisterServerEx ExA ExW ... ?
- regsvr32 /s /i scrobj.dll
- REM shdocvw.dll hasn't been updated for IE7 and IE8, it still registers itself for the Windows Internet Controls, at least on Windows XP
- REM registering shdocvw.dll will fail on Windows 7, anyway, as both entry points were removed
- if %version%==xp regsvr32 /s /i shdocvw.dll
- if %version%==vista regsvr32 /s /i shdocvw.dll
- regsvr32 /s sendmail.dll
- REM ******************************
- REM PKI/crypto functionality
- REM initpki can take very long to run and is rarely a problem
- REM if there are problems with crypto, SSL, certificates
- REM remove the three following REMs from the lines
- REM echo We are almost done except one crypto file
- REM echo but this will take very long, be patient!
- REM regsvr32 /s /i:A initpki.dll
- REM ******************************
- REM tabbed browser, do at the end, why originally with /n ?
- regsvr32 /s /i ieframe.dll
- REM do registry bug correction only on XP
- if %version%==xp (goto regbug1) else goto noregbugs
- REM ******************************
- :regbug1
- echo correcting bugs in the registry
- REM do some corrective work
- REM Symptom: new tabs page cannot display content because it cannot access the controls (added 27. 3.2009)
- REM This is a result of a bug in shdocvw.dll (see above), probably only on Windows XP
- reg add "HKCR\TypeLib\{EAB22AC0-30C1-11CF-A7EB-0000C05BAE0B}\1.1\0\win32" /ve /t REG_SZ /d %systemroot%\system32\ieframe.dll /f
- goto exit
- REM ******************************
- :noregbugs
- echo not necessary to correct bugs in the registry
- goto exit
- REM ******************************
- :exit
- echo all tasks have been finished
- echo.
- pause
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