
Autistic Bullies

Dec 21st, 2012
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  1. <j> Autistic bullies are taking over all irc and banning everyone, this is an autistic-free no-bullying zone
  2. <j> if you are an autistic bully, gtfo
  3. <b> autistic bullies?
  4. <b> is that related to mad cow disease?
  5. <j> b, by autistic bullies, i mean the disproportionate user ratio of autistic youth that hijack communities on irc by their sheer numbers and pick on others that have different opinions on different matters, or otherwise are more adept at certain aspects regarding the autistic group's specialties regarding knowledge or ability.
  6. <j> for example i purchased a domain for a group once and kept it dns forwarded and synced for 2 years.
  7. <j> then i produce a clone of the entire site which executes simpler scripts thousands of percent faster than the original and offered to hand over the domains if they come up with the amount of cash i used to keep it online in-addition to, at no cost, handing over a cd-rom with the updated clone in it.
  8. <j> they freaked the f out.
  9. <j> apparently none of them realized they didn't control the domain name, and realized i was correct, anything can be cloned.
  10. <j> i didn't even release the clone visible to anyone, except their webmaster and two admins via highly complex key activation
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